Higher Olympiad criteria qualifying stage. Registration for the Olympiad "Highest Standard" is announced, which is held by the leading universities of the country

Guide to the HSE Olympiad: how to participate, what subjects to choose and what you get for winning and prizes

Passed the exam in literature for 100

The Olympiad is hosted by the Higher School of Economics. Schoolchildren of 7-11 grades from all over Russia and neighboring countries take part in it. The popularity of the Olympiad is growing: in 2018, 82 thousand people came to the qualifying stage. And this is not surprising - the first three places allow you to apply with benefits both to HSE itself and to other universities in the country.

But people come to competitions not only for the sake of victory. Participants love the Olympiad for interesting tasks and development of abilities.

What is the Olympics

profiles."The highest test" is carried out in 22 profiles

7th grade

foreign languages


Russian language


8th grade

foreign languages


Russian language


social science


9-11 grades

oriental studies

oriental languages

Computer Engineering


foreign languages


history of world civilizations


social science

business fundamentals

political science


Russian language






New. In 2018, Financial Literacy and Business Fundamentals were added to the standard set of subjects. You can get an idea of ​​what these disciplines are from courses in social science, mathematics, and from the HSE website. Unfortunately, the first places in these Olympiads do not yet allow entering a university without exams. But winners and runners-up can get additional points to their USE scores upon admission to HSE. By the way, we already wrote about how else you can.


Registration. In October-November, everyone registers on the site and chooses profiles for which they want to complete tasks. You can choose several at once - the main thing is that the dates of the competitions do not coincide.

Qualifying stage. Held remotely in November-December. Participants do not need to go anywhere: on the appointed day they pass a special online test. The exception is for designers. Instead of a test, they post their creative work in their personal account.

The final stage. Passes or takes place internally in February and proceeds some days. Those who have received an invitation to the second stage participate in it - usually about 20% of those who took the online test. Then the participants choose the nearest regional site to them. They often go to other regions - in 2018, sites were opened in 42 cities.

Here the tasks are already more difficult and interesting. For example, on Journalism, it was necessary to write an essay and a news item based on a photograph. And in the "Financial Literacy" competition - to compare microloans and consumer loans.

Results. As a rule, the names of winners and prize-winners are announced in early April. The results are valid for four years, but some universities enroll only winners of 11 classes.

Also, universities themselves determine on what conditions to accept winners and prize-winners: without exams or according to the maximum USE score. It depends on the prize place and the level of the Olympiad. There are only three levels: the higher it is, the more likely it is to enter a prestigious institution, bypassing the general competition.

For example, the winners of the "Highest standard" in mathematics (level I) are accepted to the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, MEPhI, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and other universities. And the winners of the Olympiad "Step into the Future" in mathematics (III level) can be enrolled without exams only in a few universities, among which, however, are RUDN and PRUE. Plekhanov.

How to prepare

Materials. To prepare for the competition, look at the materials from last year's Olympiads. Understand the topics, the structure of tasks and solve everything that comes to hand. It is not known which of these will be useful on day X.

Also read the reviews of other participants or better ask them personally. "Been in Combat" can give you useful tips.

Time. You have to prepare not only for tasks, but also for the fact that you will have little time for them. In order not to panic and not to add answers in the last seconds, distribute your forces in advance:

🚀 Find out how much time is given to solve tasks. At the final stage, depending on the class and profile of the Olympiad, it is 120-240 minutes.

🚀 Take on immediately those tasks in which you feel confident.

🚀 Do not lean on the draft, but do only calculations and short notes in it, otherwise there will not be enough time for a clean draft. The exception is olympiads in mathematics, physics and design. There, a draft can be applied to work.

🚀 Still, take the last 15 minutes to copy the answers into a clean copy.

What gives victory and prizes

1. Great satisfaction and pride in the work done.

2. Benefits for admission to the HSE and other universities. But in order to confirm the Olympiad, you will have to pass the USE in a specialized subject with at least 75 points.

For 10th and 11th grade students, benefits can be in the form of enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points in the Unified State Examination. For the rest - invitations immediately to the final stage next year. Also, winners and prize-winners can count on a grant from the President of the Russian Federation.

Each university sets its own benefits. For example, here are the profiles of the "Highest standard" that allow the winners and prize-winners to enter the HSE in 2018:

Premium profile HSE educational program Olympiad level Class Privileges
Physics Physics III 11 Diploma of 1 and 2 degrees - enrollment without entrance examinations. 3rd degree diploma - maximum score in physics
Maths Physics I 11 Diplomas 1, 2, 3 degrees - the maximum score in mathematics
I 11 Diploma of the 1st degree - enrollment without entrance examinations. Diplomas of 2 and 3 degrees - the maximum score in mathematics
Informatics Applied Mathematics and Computer Science II 11 Diploma of the 1st degree - enrollment without entrance examinations. 2nd and 3rd degree diplomas - maximum score in computer science
Economy Economy I 11 Diplomas of 1st and 2nd degree - enrollment without entrance examinations. Diplomas of the 3rd degree - the maximum score in social studies
Economics and statistics
World economy
Marketing and market analytics I 11 Diplomas of 1, 2, and 3 degrees - enrollment without entrance examinations
Business management
Story International relationships I 11
Oriental studies I 11 Diplomas of 1st and 2nd degree - enrollment without entrance examinations. 3rd degree diplomas - maximum score in history
Social science Advertising and public relations I 11 Diploma of the 1st degree - enrollment without entrance examinations. Diplomas of 2 and 3 degrees - the maximum score in social science
Philology Philology II 11 Diploma of the 1st degree - enrollment without entrance examinations. Diplomas of 2 and 3 degrees - the maximum score in literature
Foreign language Foreign languages ​​and intercultural communication I 11 Diploma of the 1st degree - enrollment without entrance examinations. Diplomas of 2 and 3 degrees - the maximum score in a foreign language
Languages ​​and Literatures of India II 10
II 11
Language and Literature of Iran II 10 Diplomas of 1, 2, 3 degrees - the maximum score in a foreign language
II 11 Diplomas of 1st and 2nd degree - enrollment without entrance examinations
Biblical Studies and History of Ancient Israel II 10 Diplomas of 1, 2, 3 degrees - the maximum score in a foreign language
II 11 Diplomas of 1st and 2nd degree - enrollment without entrance examinations
Design Design I 11 Diplomas of the 1st degree - enrollment without entrance examinations
Table with benefits for the winners and prize-winners of the "Highest standard"

In order to participate in olympiads and competitions, it is necessary.

Registration deadlines for the Olympiad "Highest standard": October 1 - November 13, 2018 .

Registration is carried out individually by each student and includes two steps, the implementation of which is mandatory: obtaining a login and password and directly selecting profiles.

If you are the winner / prize-winner of the last year, then you have the right to take part immediately in the final stage, bypassing the qualifying round, but you need to register within the specified time.

Step 1. Getting a login and password.

  1. Go to your personal account page: and check out.
  2. Select an item "Get username and password", indicate your full name, date of birth, contacts. Full name is written Russian letters(the first letter is capital, the rest are lowercase; if your document does not have a middle name, indicate "-"). We recommend that you familiarize yourself with common mistakes.
  3. The moderator will consider the application and send a letter to the e-mail address you specified with a login and password to enter the system (applications are considered at least 1 time per day on weekdays).

If you did not receive a response from the moderator, please check your spam folder.no need to re-fill the form.

If you have made an error in your personal data,
correct them yourself in your personal account before the end of the registration period. To do this, click the white pencil icon in the upper right corner of your personal account.

If you made a mistake in your email address, write about the problem on or use the "Send a message to a moderator" link on the login page of your personal account. Be sure to enter the wrong email address and full name.

If you have already registered on the portal in previous years, you can use the login and password you received earlier (find the letter sent from the address [email protected]) or request a new password by selecting "Change password". If you encounter any problems, please see the solving technical problems section.

Step 2. Selecting profiles.

  1. Go to the personal account page:.
  2. Enter the sent username and password and go to your personal account.
  3. Fill in all the fields of the application for participation in the Olympiad, select the profiles you want to participate in. Upload a scan of consent to the processing of personal data and the publication of works in PDF format.
  4. Confirm the correctness of the entered data and send the application. You will be able to make changes to your personal data or to the list of selected Olympiads before the end of the registration period.
  5. note: only after receiving a letter with a registration number and a list of selected profiles to the e-mail address you specified, registration can be considered successfully completed.
  6. Additionally, you can see the lists of registered participants, which are updated 3 times a day.

If you have made changes to the list of profiles, you will receive an email notification. Carefully check the final list of profiles!

Only participants who have successfully completed registration (step 2) within the specified time limits will be allowed to participate in the Olympiad.

The history of Olympiads for schoolchildren is slightly less than the history of HSE itself. The university first opened its doors for holding intellectual competitions of students in 1998. Since 2010, the Olympiad has been held in close cooperation with leading Russian universities. In 2012, the Olympiad received a new name - the Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Highest standard". The words "highest standard" in the title refer, of course, to the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad. The fact that we have them of the “highest standard” is evidenced by the data of the Interuniversity study “Achievement of first-year students of higher educational institutions in Russia”, conducted under the auspices of the Russian Council of School Olympiads. According to these data, the Higher School of Economics is annually included in the TOP-10 universities with the highest academic performance of the Olympiad diplomats. Since 2019, the Olympiad has become All-Russian.

Participants represent more than 83 subjects of Russia. A wide geographical coverage - from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad - allows us to rightfully call the Olympiad of our university All-Russian. Along with Russian schoolchildren, almost 4,000 schoolchildren from the CIS and Baltic countries “fight” for victory in the Olympiad competitions.

Schoolchildren of 7-11 grades from Russia and neighboring countries are invited to participate in the Olympiad. In the last year, 82713 participants tried their hand at the Olympiad "Highest Standard".

Participation in the Olympiad is free. The Olympiad is held in two stages. In order to take part, schoolchildren must complete the online registration procedure on the website within the established time limits. The qualifying stage is held in absentia in the online testing mode. You can participate in it from any computer with Internet access. The final stage is held in person in more than 30 cities of the Russian Federation, CIS and Baltic countries.

Almost all subjects of the Olympiad "Highest Standard" were included in the Draft List of School Olympiads for the 2019/20 academic year, approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. School graduates who became winners and prize-winners in the year of graduation receive benefits when entering higher educational institutions in Russia:

  • enrollment without entrance exams for training programs corresponding to the profile subject of the Olympiad;
  • maximum USE score in the subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.

Winners and prize-winners from non-graduation classes in the next academic year are entitled to take part immediately in the final stage.

The university occupies the top lines in the ranking of universities in terms of the number of winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads admitted to the first year. Every year, about a thousand capable and talented students who successfully compete at Olympiads become students of various HSE faculties.

In both paragraphs, we state the same things: the boys fed the iguana, a gift from their parents. However, in the first case there is a dry presentation, and in the second - lively. This is achieved by mentioning that they fed the iguana fresh salad, that she loved it very much, that they had to go to the local market for it, that they did it together, because they were used to sharing everything.

Details set the mood and are extremely important for the short story format. However, they should not be abused either. If there are too many details, then you risk going beyond the vocabulary limit, as well as tiring the reader and turning an interesting narrative into a boring one. In general, it is not necessary to describe everything in detail. Instead, you should choose only the brightest and most eye-catching.

If possible, in the process of writing we try to show off the vocabulary. Ideally, if the vocabulary is on the topic that we have chosen. In this case, it's a hobby.

(picture K) We did lots of things together: biking, playing computer games, swimming, skiing, to mention just a few. I keep some photos in my album which remind me of those happy days when we were free to do whatever we wanted. It was then that we promised each other that every year we would spend a holiday together, no matter what. And we kept this promise.

Having listed what the heroes of the story did, we demonstrate the vocabulary corresponding to the topic. As with details, there is no need to overdo it. Even if you know three dozen names of different hobbies, this is not a reason to write them all. Choose the most, in your opinion, advanced.

Introduction and conclusion

So, we have made four paragraphs that are attached to the pictures. But that's not all. First, on behalf of us introduction and conclusion required. Secondly, the story itself has not yet acquired completeness. At the moment, he consistently describes someone's memories. It is difficult to imagine that this can arouse the interest of the reader. To attract attention, you need to make the plot livelier. Let's use the introduction to do this.

"Come on, Jake, hold it!" he cried. I stretched my arm as far as I could, but the rope escaped me. I didn't dare look down, where the abyss was patiently waiting for my arrival. Mountaineering, this latest hobby of ours, had all the chances of being my last.

With this introduction, we kill two birds with one stone: we arouse the interest of the reader (who now wants to know whether the hero will fall or hold on) and mention the topic of the story (hobby).

The conclusion remains. In it, we must tell the reader, who has patiently mastered the previous four paragraphs, how the matter ended.

In a frantic, desperate move I grasped the end of the rope, and soon I was back to the top of the rock from where I had slipped. "You know what, Luke" I said, trying to catch my breath, "I"m kind of tired of climbing. Why don't we make a nice snowman instead?

Penza State University is a co-organizer of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren"Highest standard" , which included in the List of School Olympiads of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the 2019-2020 academic year. These Olympiads give the right to its winners and prize-winners to apply for one of the benefits when entering Russian universities ( admission without entrance examinations or 100 points in the core subject of the USE). The benefit must be confirmed upon admission by passing the exam according to the profile of the Olympiad, not less than 75 points. The Olympiad is held in two rounds (correspondence and full-time).

Olympics« Highest standard » conducted in general education subjects:biology, oriental studies, oriental languages, design, journalism, foreign languages, computer science, history, history of world civilizations, cultural studies, mathematics, social studies, business fundamentals, political science, law, psychology, Russian language, sociology, physics, philology, philosophy, financial literacy , chemistry, economics, electronics and computer technology.

Participation in the Olympiad is free. The Olympiad is held in two stages. In order to take part, schoolchildren must complete the online registration procedure on the website within the established time limits. The qualifying stage is held in absentia in the online testing mode. You can participate in it from any computer with Internet access. The final stage is held in person in more than 30 cities of the Russian Federation, CIS and Baltic countries.