Color value Features of perception by a woman and a man

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Color is something that surrounds each person every day, causes special emotions and sensations. The choice of clothes, interior items, improvised means and much more according to shades and palettes directly speaks of a person’s preferences, his state of mind and inner feelings. Preferences in colors also characterize the temperament and mood regarding the upcoming event.

The meaning of colors in psychology

Choosing the right tone contributes to various effects and can even guarantee success in various endeavors (at work, dating, meeting important people, etc.).
Understanding what certain shades and combinations carry in themselves, it will be easier for each person to navigate and even direct the course of events in the right direction. You can understand your state, see changes in your friends and acquaintances, help improve your mood and much more by choosing and combining certain colors in your style and environment (objects on your desktop, home interior, etc.).

Experts have proven that certain events or memories are directly related to a particular color. Almost everyone associates various holidays and events with bright colors such as red, orange, green, pink, yellow, etc. Sad events always blow in black or gray tones.
Subconsciously, people similarly perceive and react to colors. Since childhood, a person gets used to perceive red as an alarming sign, prohibition and anxiety. Green, on the contrary, allows you to perform the desired actions, confidently move forward without feeling danger. Each of them has its own characteristics, differently affect the perception and psychological state of a person.


Since ancient times, people have shown a special interest in the color red. In many languages, the same word denotes the color red and, in general, everything beautiful, beautiful. Among the Polynesians, the word "red" is synonymous with the word "beloved." In China, a sincere, frank person is said to have a "red heart", while the heart of a bad, treacherous person is black.
Red - exciting, hot, activating, association with danger and aggression. Red is easy to draw attention to any advertisement. The pulse and blood pressure may increase if you look at red for a long time. Red gets tired quickly.
People who prefer red love to be leaders. Almost all of their senses are at their maximum. They are persistent, do not like to put things off. It often happens that those who prefer red are demonstrative and selfish, intolerant, stubborn and cruel. A woman in red, most often, tends to flirt with guys.
Red color also means power, greatness. In Byzantium, only the empress had the right to wear red boots. The Emperor signed in purple ink and sat on a purple throne. For many peoples, red symbolizes the south, flame and heat.

Orange color in psychology

Orange is pretty close to yellow. It has similar features and properties. Cheerfulness, positive attitude, passion, willingness to solve complex problems, joy and spontaneity - all this carries this version of the palette. Orange has a positive effect on a person and takes him out of a depressive state after heavy losses and disappointments. Included in the list of the best colors for psychotherapy.

Lovers of this color have forgiving, easy-going, bright character traits. It is worth considering that their feature is inconstancy and arrogance.

Purple color in psychology

When you combine red and blue, you get purple. Deciphering this shade has certain difficulties and several nuances. Most artists in antiquity painted pregnant girls using this palette shade. This phenomenon is explained by consonance with sensuality.
In the modern world, experts argue about its negative and even depressive effects on a person. Most self-critical, gloomy, dissatisfied personalities prefer to surround themselves with purple objects and clothing. Using it in small amounts can be beneficial, because purple overestimates self-esteem. It should be noted that this color is not used when working with the elderly and young children.


Pink is a soft color that dulls the emotions of anger and aggression. In places where children with antisocial behavior are corrected, pink walls or furniture are often used. If after a hard day you come home angry and aggressive, look at something pink and your aggression will disappear.
Pink can mean goodness, passion, romance, love. Those who prefer pink want to live life to the fullest, desire new experiences, are hardworking and do not like to rest. But sometimes people who prefer pink can be frivolous, childish, who love to show off in front of everyone.
Pink is the color of life, of all living things. He talks about the need to love and be kinder. Those who like him can get excited about the most insignificant thing. In people who are overly pragmatic, this color causes irritation.

Blue color

This shade in psychology symbolizes calmness and contentment. It balances mood swings and other aspects of the human psyche, evens out well-being throughout the day. It is recommended for the design of work areas and offices, when it is necessary to develop discipline, diligence, organization, and leadership qualities among employees.
Blue color develops the ability to find profitable compromises, make cold, balanced decisions. It disposes to the stable functioning of all systems of the human body, including mental processes.
It is used as a balancing lever, which returns the mind and contributes to the rapid rehabilitation of people with neurosis and other mental conditions. The whole psychology of the color of the sea is based on this.

Green color

It is a completely natural and maximally adapted color, which causes only positive feelings in a person's life.
Naturally, many shades of green can cause some discomfort, such as neon. Over time, they irritate the visual analyzer, contributing to fatigue, and worsen well-being. But, besides this, neon shades improve appetite, causing a feeling of hunger. It is often used in rooms that are intended for eating.
Other shades of green are more calm and peaceful. Favorably affect the vision and well-being of a person. A return to the primitive beginning of a person associates green with something natural and native, so it is perceived very easily in any interiors, clothes and household trifles.

Black color - meaning in psychology

Many people believe that everything connected with black has a negative meaning, but in fact it is not.
It embodies authoritarianism, it has been proven that people in black clothes become more weighty, so it is not for long surprising that rich people prefer it.
In some cases, the color value indicates a serious psychological imbalance. If black prevails in the drawings of children, then it is urgent to contact a specialist.
A person who prefers this color is a mystery and, choosing such clothes, he unconsciously tries to attract the attention of others. If dark tones prevail in the wardrobe, then this indicates that such and such important things are missing in life.
Black color in psychology has a connection with sexual attractiveness. People who love him agree to experiments in bed.

The meaning of white in psychology

The lightest representative of the color scheme is the personification of purity, innocence, joy and fidelity.
It means freedom of opportunity and the removal of all existing barriers. White color in psychology is a symbol of equality, because it combines other shades.
A person who prefers white is completely given to any business, wanting to bring it to perfection. He is open to the world and easily senses deceit.
Understanding what colors mean, it is worth noting that this light shade also has an opposite meaning, which is due to the fact that it is able to neutralize other colors, personifying emptiness.

The meaning of gray in psychology

The average neutral value between black and white is occupied by gray, so it does not distract from important matters. According to surveys, there are very few people who prefer it in their wardrobe and life in general.
Gray color in psychology means that the person who likes it puts the mind in the first place, not emotions. For insecure people, clothes of this color give strength.
Consider a mixture of black and white a shade of calm, balance, realism and order.
Doctors and psychologists are sure that people who love gray are on the verge of nervous and emotional exhaustion.


The color of gold, which since ancient times was perceived as a frozen color of the sun. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and withering leaves, but also the color of illness, death, the other world.
In many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often, yellow color served as a hallmark of noble people and upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothing with a red sash.
On the other hand, among some peoples of Asia, yellow is the color of mourning, sorrow, sadness. In Europe, a yellow or yellow-black flag meant quarantine, and a yellow cross meant plague. Among the Slavic peoples, yellow is considered the color of jealousy, betrayal, and in Tibet, jealousy is literally called “yellow eye”. Let's also remember the "yellow press" and the "yellow house"

Blue color - meaning in psychology

If you want to calm down and inspire confidence in another person, it is recommended to use blue. With it, you can earn respect and emphasize your social status.
Blue color in psychology is a symbol of stability. It stimulates and motivates well, so it is recommended to paint the walls in the office with it.
Blue is a symbol of straightness and stability.
In the design of the hospital, this shade is used, since it has been proven that it gives strength to seriously ill people, helping them fight ailments. Athletes, training in the hall with blue walls, achieve the best results in competitions.

The meaning of brown in psychology

If a person prefers things with such a shade in his life, then this indicates his self-confidence. Psychologists recommend that you always use brown in moments of life when many problems arise. He inspires hope in a person that everything will turn out well.
Brown in psychology means that the people who choose it love to work and always tell the truth. When going to an interview, it is recommended to wear brown clothes.
It is associated with common sense, reliability and resilience, but it is also associated with frustration and depression.
Brown combines red, which contains aggression and activity, and yellow, which extinguishes these qualities.
Finding out the meaning of colors, it is worth pointing out that brown fans love life in all its manifestations, but at the same time they are reasonable. In critical situations, they can show composure and rationalism.
As for the sex life, the “brown” person prefers conservatism and traditionalism. For him, in the first place is the emotional state, and then, already physiology.

Burgundy color - meaning in psychology

To form this shade, red and brown are used, so the characteristics inherent in them are transferred to burgundy. In life, he is preferred by strong business people who are conservative, confident and solid.

Burgundy color in psychology personifies power and strength. If you often use it in clothes, you can develop assertiveness, stamina and determination.

It is important to bear in mind that in large quantities, Bordeaux begins to negatively affect the psyche and can cause depression, so psychologists recommend using color in doses.

When analyzing the meaning of colors, it is worth pointing out that people who wear burgundy things are energetic, and they have excellent organizational skills, but at the same time they are stingy with emotions.

Painting - paint, color, it is embedded inside our body. Her outbursts are great and demanding.
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich

rainbow psychology

All of us in childhood rejoiced at the appearance of a rainbow in the sky after the last rain. Everyone tried to memorize the number and sequence of the colors of the rainbow. Who among us does not remember such funny phrases as:
  • To every O hotnik F does W nat, G de With goes F azan
  • To ak O once F ak- W vonar G tin With broke F onar.
  • And other options.
Where the first letters of the words mean the corresponding color name:
  • To each - red;
  • O hotnik - orange;
  • F elaet - yellow;
  • W nat - green;
  • G de - blue;
  • With goes - blue;
  • F azan - purple.

But we did not think at that time that each color affects us, our character and our life to one degree or another.
And, now, having already become adults, we can trace the psychological connection of a certain color we prefer with one or another trait of our character.

People who are annoyed by this color have an inferiority complex, fear of quarrels, a tendency to solitude, stability in relationships. Red color symbolizes excitement, energy. This color is also a symbol of eroticism.

Disgust, ignoring red reflects organic weakness, physical or mental exhaustion.

Prisoners of war, forced to live in life-threatening conditions for years, rejected him especially often.

Red color is most preferred by teenagers.

YellowIt symbolizes calmness, ease in relations with people, intelligence.

When he is loved, it means sociability, curiosity, courage, easy adaptability and enjoyment of the opportunity to please and attract people to him.

When he is unpleasant, then we are talking about a person who is concentrated, pessimistic, with whom it is difficult to make acquaintance. Yellow is obtained by mixing green and red and is the color of energy.

The greatest preference for yellow is given by pregnant women who are expecting a successful outcome of childbirth, as well as people prone to changing places.

Yellow is also interpreted as the color of illumination (halo/aura of Christ or Buddha).

GreenThe color of nature, nature, life itself, spring.

The one who prefers it is afraid of someone else's influence, looking for a way of self-assertion, since this is vitally important for him. Anyone who does not love him is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, in general, all difficulties.

The green color contains hidden potential energy, reflects the degree of volitional tension, so people who prefer green color strive for self-confidence and confidence in general.

Eccentric people, who achieve their goals not with purposeful volitional activity, but through emotions, reject the green color as unsympathetic.

Along with them, the green color is rejected by people who are on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion.

BlueThe color of the sky, peace, relaxation.

If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy; such a person often needs to rest, he quickly gets tired, it is extremely important for him to have a sense of confidence, the benevolence of others.

In the rejection of this color, a person is revealed who wants to give the impression that he can do everything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a well-known frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the mask of courtesy.

In short, the choice of blue as the most preferred color reflects the physiological and psychological need of a person for peace, and the rejection of it means that a person avoids relaxation.

With illness or overwork, the need for blue increases.

BlackThe color of uncertainty, symbolizing a gloomy perception of life.

The one who prefers to dress in black often perceives life in dark colors, is insecure, unhappy, prone to depression, because he has no doubt that his ideals in life are unattainable.

The frequent change of a black suit or dress to another, brighter, catchy one, indicates that pessimistic moods are often dispelled. The constant choice of black indicates the presence of a certain crisis state and characterizes an aggressive rejection of the world or oneself (recall the black banners of anarchists).

Children who are acutely experiencing the lack of care and love often use black shading in the drawing. Normally, black is generally rejected.

Grey The favorite color of reasonable and distrustful natures, who think for a long time before making any decision.

It is also a neutral color that is preferred by those who are afraid to make themselves known too loudly. If you don’t like this color, then this is an indicator of an impulsive, frivolous character.

Often the gray color is also preferred in case of severe overwork as a barrier that separates from the stimuli of the outside world. In situations of psychological testing, this color is used as a means of protection against the penetration of another into the inner world of the test subject.

A study of about 2,000 young men in a situation of competitive examinations for vacant positions showed that 27% of the subjects put gray in the first place instead of the usual 5% in a normal situation.

Video: Color Festival in India


Which of the flowers do you like the most? What color is your favorite?

In the survey below, choose 2-3 options for the colors you like most in life, and then, carefully read in the article what the colors you choose mean in personality psychology.

If your life has lost color, color it yourself! She's worth it.
author unknown

Each color has its own meaning, its own character, which affects our lives and behavior much more than it seems. What is color psychology? How do colors affect our emotions? What does each color mean? What is the symbolism of flowers in different cultures? What is the meaning of colors in psychology? Each tone and shade is associated with certain feelings, thoughts… In this article, we will get acquainted with the basic concepts of color psychology and give you some tips on how you can use the influence of color in everyday life. You will learn how to apply the knowledge of this science in practice.

The psychology of color

The psychology of color: what is it and what is it used for

What is the meaning of colors in psychology? What does each color mean? There is a whole science of color, which includes knowledge about the nature, components, characteristics of color, color contrasts, harmony, etc., called coloring. The psychology of color, in turn, explores How do colors affect us?. Colors may change our perception feelings and even make us worry. With the help of color, you can improve memory and attention, and even convince a person to make a particular decision. Knowing the meanings of colors is the key to understanding human behavior.

Color can completely change our idea of ​​a particular object, subject or element. Imagine for a moment a toy for toddlers. Most likely, you imagined a bright, cheerful rattle or a shiny, contrasting fun toy. Now imagine the same toy, only ... completely black with silver details ... shocking, right?

Test memory, attention and other abilities with

Very likely. Although there is no color code for certain things as such, throughout our lives, we associate everything we see with certain colors. We do it every day and don't even think about it. However, when suddenly we notice, for example, a blue banana, orange eye lenses, or a sparkling yellow tree, it surprises us.

Research in the field of color psychology does not stop. The possession of this knowledge is of key importance for creative people, businesses and companies that plan to bring new products to the market. However, this science is also useful in everyday life: how not to make a mistake with the choice of a gift for a special occasion, how to please your best friend with the right present, how to create comfort in the house - understanding the psychology of color can help us in all this.

Color affects emotions and mental state. The psychology of color: the brain and emotions

Every day we do a huge number of things and are influenced by numerous incentives. Our brains are constantly being challenged. We do not even always have enough time to process all the information received through the senses during the day.

So, the associations we have adopted about shape and color save us a lot of time because they are processed automatically.

The psychology of color: the symbolism of blue

The meaning of green

Green is the most natural color, the color of nature, grass, youth and hope, health, fertility, money. According to the psychology of color, it is also the color of freshness and harmony, peace, tranquility. People who protect nature are also called "greens".

However, this color also has its “dark” side. It is also associated with poison, with that which poisons us, as in the above example - "turned green with envy or anger." However, most of the meanings of this color are positive.


The meaning of brown

Brown is associated with laziness, dirt, vulgarity, vagrancy and ugliness. It may seem outdated, boring. This is one of the most underrated colors.

However, brown is also the color of wood and autumn, warmth and comfort. It is the color of chocolate and tan. This color surrounds us everywhere and evokes a huge variety of associations.

Psychology of color: what brown says

The meaning of gray

In the psychology of color, gray symbolizes mainly old age, modesty and simplicity. It can be dark, boring or bland, and even harbor secrets and mysteries. Hence the expressions - "gray scheme" or "gray salary". On the other hand, this color reminds us of elegance in fashion or the "gray matter" of the brain.

What does black mean

As with white, there is still debate about whether black is actually a color. According to color psychology, black is associated with night, power, and death. It represents mystery, mourning, denial, hatred, cruelty, and the like. Black cats are associated with bad luck and no one wants to experience a “rainy day”.

However... who doesn't have black in their wardrobe? This color surrounds us everywhere, it is useful and functional. A beautiful black dress or suit is always an elegant option for evening wear.

Psychology of color: what does black mean

Eva Geller's book The Psychology of Color goes into detail about the meaning of colors. This book is one of the main sources for this article.

Color symbolism in different cultures

Research has been done as to whether the classification of colors is natural or determined by society. B. Berlin and P. Kay, having studied various cultures, came to the conclusion that among most cultures there are general trends in the categorization of colors. It is generally accepted that there are six primary colors, and all the rest are somehow grouped around them. The concepts of primary colors are the same, and then variations are already possible.

As for the meanings: in Europe it is not customary to dress brightly for a funeral, black or dark colors are preferable. In Asia, mourning is symbolized by the white color, since this color is associated with ideas about reincarnation. However, earlier in Europe, this color was widely used by women in mourning, they covered their heads with large white scarves.

However, within our culture color symbolism is not permanent. Did you know that in Europe, girls began to dress in pink and boys in blue, around 1920? In recent years, this tradition has come under increasing criticism. Over time, we change the meanings of colors and create new traditions that someday will also be forgotten or fashion will dictate its own new rules.

The brand of a company is very important. If we are told about the color red and a drink… no more clues are needed, we understand what kind of company we are talking about. Different companies use certain colors and other visual elements in their logo in a way that conveys their individuality. The role of color is key in marketing strategies, and sciences such as neuromarketing explore the effects of colors on the brain and human consumer behavior.

Imagine that the same restaurant chain will decorate each of its restaurants in completely opposite colors, without observing the corporate style. In this case, our understanding of this brand will be blurred, we may not even remember that this is the same network. As a result, such a restaurant will lose many opportunities to retain and expand the customer base. Of course, the image, logo and corporate style is not everything, but it is important. Especially now, with a high level of development of competition in the market.

We can even see how companies use colors depending on the target audience or current market trends. For example, many people add a green light to their logo, which symbolizes ecology and environmental protection.

Color is important not only for customers and consumers. Employees will also feel better and be more productive if they work in a comfortable office or space. A dark, poorly lit space will have a bad effect on performance and will force workers to spend as little time as possible at the workplace.

And vice versa, if we paint the walls white, add something green, blue and other warm colors to the interior (taking into account the corporate style), the workplace will become cozy.

How colors affect our daily life

Colors play a big role in our daily life. From birth, we are asked what color we like, and here everyone has their own preferences. Almost all items that are sold are available in different colors. Therefore, for sure, when buying a cup, we will choose our favorite color.

For more serious purchases, options are possible. The main thing here is not to make a mistake. Maybe you love the color orange, but when you buy a car, you realize that you don't want to draw undue attention on the road. Therefore, probably, the choice will fall on a car of a different color.

On the other hand, black or blue cars are hard to see on the road at night. White color is very picky about cleanliness, and you might want something "fun". Such doubts are resolved through much thought and advice from family and friends.


1 Your favorite color is not suitable for all occasions

Maybe you love purple, but this color can be dreary if you over-decorate your room with it. However, it is a wonderful color in clothing. You can create unusual, unusual combinations, for example, by combining it with orange. But before you get dressed, always think about whether such an outfit is suitable for this particular occasion.

2 Context plays a key role in choosing a color

We know about the meaning of color in different cultures and circumstances. Showing up for a lawyer interview in a bright green sequined suit doesn't make much sense. In other situations, don't be afraid to experiment.

3 The main thing is to be able to combine colors

Imagine that we need to send an important letter or design a poster, and we have taken into account all the elements of color psychology. However, there is another aspect - how will two colors be combined with each other together? For example, brown combined with golden, yellow or orange is associated with autumn. However, in combination with black or gray, it becomes too conservative and unimpressive.

4 Colors should also be functional

When wearing a white shirt, who hasn't thought about how easy it can get dirty with anything during the day? There are colors that are more resistant to dirt, or those that are more appropriate to wear in the heat, or those that will help us to remain unnoticed when we are not in the mood ...

When writing a letter or creating a poster, it is important that the font color stand out against the background color. As much as we would like to write in light pink on white, black on orange shows up much better. Moreover, this is one of the most contrasting combinations.

5 Use colors to

If you're studying for an exam and can't remember, say, a list or checklist, try associating each item with a specific color. Mnemotechnical techniques increase our learning ability. The same method works if you need to make a presentation. Use color to highlight the most important and associate each color with a specific meaning.

6 Be Consistent

If you have your own business or you are just thinking about it, think carefully about what message you want to convey to your customers. Once you've completed your analysis, determine what your brand needs to do to achieve those goals. It is important that all divisions of the company act in a single corporate style. Choosing the right designer to develop a brand that can take into account all these aspects can be a key condition for the successful launch or development of a business.

Thank you for reading this article. Do you now think about what colors surround you most in everyday life and why? Do you use advice? As always, we will be grateful for questions and comments on the article.

Translation by Anna Inozemtseva

The symbolism of color originates from ancient times. From time immemorial, people have endowed colors with a special semantic meaning, which is reflected in various religious and mystical teachings, myths, folk tales, and legends.

In astrology, for example, the seven primary colors of the spectrum correspond to the 7 planets: blue is the color of Venus, red is associated with Mars (the red planet), green is Saturn, yellow is the color of Mercury, purple is identified with the Moon, and orange with the Sun. In esoteric practice, blue is often used for concentration, meditation, in the process of self-knowledge.

The symbolism of the blue color began to appear already in ancient times. In Egypt, this color had a special meaning. Sacrifices and gifts to the gods were depicted in shades of blue. The same color was used to depict the wigs of gods, pharaohs, queens, in order to emphasize their higher, divine origin. Blue wigs were worn during various ceremonies.

Among the ancient Maya, blue was the color of sacrifice. Objects made of wood and ceramics, wall frescoes, aromatic resins, everything that was associated with ritual sacrifices, were painted and covered with blue paints. Since the Maya sacrificed even people who were doomed before death, they painted them with blue paint.

In the Christian tradition, blue symbolizes the eternity of divine power and the greatest sacraments. At the same time, among many Slavic peoples, blue was the color of sorrows and sorrows, associated with the demonic world. In ancient folk tales, blue and black demons are mentioned.

For many peoples of the world, blue symbolizes the sky, eternity, constancy, fidelity. It is considered the color of stability, tranquility, deep reflection. In heraldry, blue is used to represent chastity, honesty, good reputation, and fidelity.

The inhabitants of the East believe that the blue color scares away evil spirits, protects from negative influences, the evil eye and damage.

The duality of blue

The meaning of blue has both positive and negative aspects:

  • the positive meaning of blue: spirituality, wisdom, patience, truth, tranquility and peace; this color inspires great achievements, purifies the soul, intuition and craving for higher knowledge are associated with blue;
  • negative manifestations of blue shades: weakness, emotional coldness and imbalance, rancor, complacency; blue color can lead to a loss of a sense of reality, drug addiction, depressive states.

Blue color in psychology


As a rule, at a certain point in time, a person prefers one, less often two or three colors that prevail in his environment, environment, clothing, etc. Over time, color preferences may change. But in any case, your favorite color can tell a lot about the features of your character and emotional state.

Psychologists use various color tests for these purposes. The most reliable of them is the Luscher color test, according to which blue color symbolizes calmness and contentment.

The main characteristics of blue in terms of psychology:

  • self-confidence, determination, purposefulness, diplomatic approach to conflict resolution;
  • inflexibility, inner core, the qualities most characteristic of businessmen, people with an analytical mindset;
  • perfectionism, the tendency to idealize everything, is characteristic of philosophers, writers, creative personalities;
  • fortitude, strong-willed leadership qualities - are manifested in politicians, orators;
  • organization and responsibility - blue tones subconsciously help a person to concentrate on important goals, structure the information received;
  • blue color in human psychology speaks of a tendency to intuitive decision-making, calmness and the ability to find reasonable compromises;
  • in the psychology of relationships, blue means loyalty, stability, a sense of duty, adherence to traditions. Character

Blue is a shade of the sky, peace, relaxation. If you like the blue color, then this may mean that a person is characterized by modesty, melancholy, it is very important for him to feel self-confidence, as well as the favor of those around him. The choice of this color speaks of the desire for peace and stability. The greatest need for this color is manifested during periods when a person is sick or offended, with overwork.

If a person does not accept the blue color, this can be a manifestation of a thirst for change and constant movement, a rejection of the routine and monotony of life, an unwillingness to take responsibility and make serious decisions. Such people often dream of easy money and fame.

Color and functionality. The psychology of blue in action

Despite the fact that the color perception of each person is purely individual, scientists are making active attempts to influence the psychological state of a person for commercial and domestic purposes, in advertising, clothing, and interiors.

So, the predominance of a certain color, or their combinations, in the design of office or residential premises creates a special emotional atmosphere. Not all businessmen are aware that the color scheme of the interior can have a significant impact not only on the performance of company employees, but also affect the results of business negotiations.

  • in meeting rooms it is recommended to use light blue tones, as they contribute to the establishment of friendly relations, mutual understanding, better assimilation of information;
  • the abundance of blue in the room, on the contrary, reduces efficiency, can cause depression and unwillingness to work among employees;
  • contemplation of a rich blue color slows down the heartbeat, stabilizes blood pressure, calms nervous tension, but in large quantities blue causes a feeling of depression;
  • natural stones of rich blue tones (sapphire, topaz, lapis lazuli) - help to cope with stress and protect from unnecessary experiences, relieve uncertainty;
  • stress relief technique: pour a glass of water and place it in front of you on a sheet of blue paper; sit back and for 10 minutes just look at the "blue" water; after that, you need to slowly drink some water, so the “charged blue water” has a beneficial effect on our subconscious.

Blue color in clothes

If your wardrobe is dominated by clothes in shades of blue, you are smart and independent enough, you often feel the need for warmth and attention. You are distinguished by patience, endurance, restraint in emotions.

Those who choose blue and cornflower blue shades for their wardrobe are dreamers and romantics, they believe in true love, and in everything they try to prove themselves and be noticed by others. Blue clothes radiate freshness and coolness and are ideal for hot summers.

If you prefer to wear jeans, be aware that denim clothing gives the impression of nobility and quality.

Image makers also advise both business women and businessmen to wear a dark blue suit more often. It not only slims the figure, but emphasizes your reliability as a business partner.

Shades of blue in psychology

Psychology studies not only the influence of primary colors on the psychological state of a person, but also their shades. Hues of primary colors also affect human perception and are often used in NLP techniques as an additional stimulus. The main shades of blue and their meaning:


Looking at it, it is almost impossible to concentrate your attention on a particular object; the color of dreams and dreams, serenity, peace and tranquility; the color of serenity, naivety and purity; reassures, inspires hope for a brighter future.

Indigo (deep blue)

It can lead to a depressed and apathetic state, causes sadness, melancholy, melancholy, deep immersion in one's inner space.

There is such an expression: "gray everyday life", meaning a dull, boring, colorless existence. Precisely colorless, devoid of the colors of life. Color is so important for a person that its long absence, for example, in a late, cloudy autumn, is perceived as an ordeal. In psychology, there is even a term “color hunger” - a painful, depression-like condition experienced by a person who is forced to stay in a colorless or monochrome world for a long time.

Color is of great importance in human life and has an impact not only on the psyche, but also on the body as a whole.

We are so accustomed to the diversity of the world that we do not perceive our color vision as a unique gift. Color for us is just an attribute of a thing, sometimes making it more attractive, and sometimes, on the contrary, causing rejection. And since ancient times, color has been associated precisely with objects; it is not without reason that many shades bear the names of specific objects:

  • brown (tree bark or cinnamon);
  • crimson;
  • orange;
  • green (zel - young shoots);
  • cherry, etc.

But the objects themselves have no color, their surface only reflects the light of the wave. The reflected rays hit the retina of the eye, and then the nerve impulse enters the visual part of the brain, where the sensation of color occurs. And at dusk and at night there is not enough light, so the multicolor of the world disappears, drowns in darkness. We can say that the world around us acquires its colors only thanks to the work of our brain.

Different surfaces reflect light of a certain wavelength and absorb other rays. For example, young grass and leaves reflect light, mainly in the yellow-green part of the spectrum, and absorb red rays. Therefore, if you look at the crown of a tree through red glass, it will seem black, because glass does not transmit light from the green part of the spectrum.

The ability to perceive color in humans is innate, but it does not develop immediately:

  • Studies have shown that the first ones are orange, yellow and red.
  • An adult is able to distinguish more than 120 colors and almost 10 million shades.

Of course, color perception is best developed by professional artists, but the average person also has something to brag about.

Our ability to distinguish an object from the surrounding background is also connected with color perception, it is called the distinction of color spaces. And when the color of the object and the background color match, then the effect of invisibility occurs.

Since the sensation of color is subjective, it is associated with a variety of mental processes, especially with emotions. The impact of colors on a person is studied by a special area of ​​\u200b\u200bpsychological science - the psychology of color perception.

Color and emotions

The connection between colors and the emotional state of a person has been noticed for a long time. In the 19th century, the fundamental work “Teaching about Color” was published, dedicated to the emotional content of various shades. Interestingly, the author of this work was the famous German poet I. Goethe, who considered the book on color to be his main achievement.

In the 20th century, Goethe's brilliant guesses were confirmed by serious psychophysiological studies, which proved that color affects not only emotions, but also the state of the body as a whole, for example, the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

  • increases the level of any excitement: joyful, aggressive, sexual. It is hot, tonic, and at the same time, red overloads our nervous system, so it quickly becomes annoying.
  • , on the contrary, relieves excitation, causes lethargy and "cools the ardor." It is the color of peace, but it lacks joy, and the darker the blue, the darker it is.
  • considered neutral or optimal. This color balances the processes of excitation and inhibition and only slightly increases the tone. Therefore, green, as Goethe said, not only gives rest to the soul, but also increases efficiency.
  • - also hot, invigorating, but not as exciting as red, so it is not so annoying and well stimulates various physiological processes, for example, awakens appetite.
  • - the most cheerful and cheerful of flowers. It even stimulates thinking. But, on the other hand, too bright and cheerful color can quickly tire not only the eyes, but also the psyche.
  • causes a feeling of coldness and rest. It is he who most effectively lowers pressure and reduces excitation in the cerebral cortex. But in large quantities, this color causes a feeling of laziness and apathy.
  • even more passive than blue and blue, and also gloomy. It not only reduces activity and performance, but can cause a feeling of anxiety and oppression, a tendency to mysticism and philosophical reflection.
  • the most stable, conservative. It soothes without oppressing, it evokes a feeling of confidence in the immutability of being. Brown has a beneficial effect on people who are tired of the frantic pace of life and the diversity of the modern city.
  • - the most unusual of flowers. On the one hand, it would seem that this is not a color at all, but its absence. On the other hand, physics tells us that the white color is obtained from a combination of all the colors of the spectrum. One way or another, this color is perceived by a person as a cold emptiness. It can create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness, but its abundance creates a strong need for paint.
  • - a gloomy color, a symbol of denial and rejection of the beauty of the world, and sometimes life. Often this color awakens deep, irrational fears in people.
  • Gray is the most dull and "colorless", it creates an atmosphere of boredom and hopelessness.

Despite the fact that the psycho-emotional component is the main one, it is not worth focusing only on it. Our color perception is influenced by many factors, including a variety of associations and cultural, religious and political symbols accepted in society.

Color associations

Association example. What do you see and feel when you look at the picture?

As already mentioned, colors in our minds are strongly associated with similarly colored objects, so they evoke associations with them:

  • orange is associated with orange;
  • yellow - with lemon;
  • brown - with earth or bread;
  • red - with blood, etc.

These strong, stable connections cause a very interesting effect, called synesthesia in psychology. It manifests itself when, under the influence of one stimulus, in our case color, another sensation arises. For example:

  • lemon yellow color, associated with lemon, in many people gives the impression of a sour taste and even causes increased salivation;
  • snow white causes a feeling of cold;
  • red and orange appear hot due to their association with fire.

Cultural associations are even more diverse, which are sometimes even more significant for people than the psychophysiological effect of colors.

  • So, the black color in European culture is not only a symbol of darkness and death, but also a symbol of elegance and aristocracy. The formation of such a perception was influenced by the decades-long fashion for black tailcoats and frock coats among respectable men.
  • Green symbolizes the rebirth of nature and life, as it is associated with young spring foliage.
  • But the symbolism of yellow in the culture of Europe is completely sad, since for several centuries yellow flags were raised by ships infected with the plague.
  • In Russia, before the revolution, the “yellow ticket” was issued to public women, and the “yellow house” was called a psychiatric hospital.
  • The red color in Russian culture is not only the color of aggression and struggle, but also the color symbol of national identity, which has very ancient roots in Slavic paganism.

Of course, despite the vitality of traditions, the color symbolism is changing, but the fashion for it does not work. After all, the color code is an important part of human culture.

How do we see colors, and how does our color perception differ from animals? Find out from the video.