Oleg Roy is everything. Biography of Oleg Roy

Oleg Roy is one of the most sought-after Russian science fiction writers of our time. Oleg's books are read with interest not only in his native Russia, but also in other countries. Thanks to such amazing popularity, Oleg occupies the first lines in various lists of the most "read" and "sold" authors. However, the joy that Oleg gives people is not limited to books: the writer is seriously involved in charity work, believing that those in need of help should be heard.

Oleg Rezepkin - this is the writer's passport name - was born on October 12, 1965. The writer is from Magnitogorsk. After graduating from school, Oleg entered the Pedagogical Institute, choosing the specialty of a teacher-psychologist. For several years, the future writer worked as the director of a boarding school. Then Oleg decided to leave Russia and went to Switzerland. There, the man fulfilled his old dream - he began to write books.


The first work of Oleg Roy was a novel called "Mirror", published in 2008. In Russian, this book appeared as "Amalgam of Happiness". The mystical and exciting story of the girl Dasha, who inherited a seemingly ordinary mirror, appealed to lovers of science fiction books. The mirror, of course, turned out to be not at all ordinary, and the life of the heroine changed in an unpredictable way.

Immediately after the success of The Mirror, Oleg Roy published a number of novels that had already been written and, as it turned out, were just waiting for happy hour. The writer's books began to be published in several languages ​​and instantly fell in love with Russian and foreign readers. The name of Oleg Roy became recognizable, and the writer's novels took pride of place on store shelves and fans' tables. Almost every work became a bestseller in Russia, England, Germany, Switzerland and other countries.

A separate line in the list of Oleg Roy's works are books for children. By his own admission, the writer has long dreamed of writing for a young audience. Little readers loved the books "Leshik's Adventures on the Island of Dreams", "The Tale of Leshik" and other works about this brave boy, who constantly gets into exciting stories, each of which flows into an exciting adventure.

The list of the writer's early novels also includes the book "Black Cat's Smile", which became the first screened work of Oleg Roy. The series based on this book was called "The Hindu, or the Smile of a Black Cat." The director of the project was Alexander Kasatkin, and the heroes of Roy were played by actors and other talented actors.

The plot of this fantastic story revolves around a talented doctor who is on the verge of a medical discovery. It will help save thousands of lives. However, suddenly the project is threatened with closure, and the doctor must find a way to continue the work on his own.

In 2009, another film based on the novel by Oleg Roy appeared. The picture was called "House without an exit." Here, the focus of the audience is the seemingly prosperous life of a married couple (played by actors and).

A cozy home, a beloved career, two children - it seems that such happiness can only be envied. However, clouds are gradually gathering around this family. Will the spouses be able to withstand the test - this question keeps the audience in suspense until the last frame of the film.

Meanwhile, the writer returned to his homeland, having lived in Switzerland for 10 years. In Russia, Oleg Roy began to cooperate with the popular Eksmo publishing house and quickly became one of the most popular authors of this publishing house. Diligence and boundless imagination helped Oleg to release several works a year, leaving no time for readers and fans to miss the idol's books.

In 2009, the books "Edelweiss for Eve", "Barcelona Gallery", "Stolen Happiness", "A Ridiculous Habit of Living" were published. The latter caused a huge number of positive reviews from both readers and strict literary critics. Roy's popularity grew steadily. A year later, readers got acquainted with the novels Stepchildren of Fate, Bankruptcy of Imaginary Values, another children's book called The Angel's Trail, and Maxim Gallery. The last story also hit the screens.

The most popular works of Oleg Roy, without a doubt, were "Game without Rules", "Lady Cat", "The Man Behind the Closet", "Fantasy Patrol", "Far from Paradise".

The industriousness of Oleg Roy is admirable: the writer's books continue to be published with an enviable frequency, while the author manages to keep the narrative alive and exciting stories that never repeat. Only one theme can be called a key one in many of Oleg Roy's books: the theme of a man who has lost everything and is forced to start from scratch. Perhaps this topic is close to Oleg himself, in whose biography, in addition to success and reader love, there were also black stripes.

Personal life

Oleg Roy married twice. In the first marriage, the writer had a son, Eugene. And in 2008, a tragedy happened to Zhenya: the boy fell out of the window. Oleg did not go into the details of his son's death in any interview, it is only known that the boy helped the family that day to decorate the house and the Christmas tree for Christmas.

The second wife gave Oleg a daughter and a son, who, after the divorce of their parents, remained to live with their mother. However, Oleg, by his own admission, tries to devote every free minute to children.

The terrible tragedy that befell Oleg Roy hardened his character. In addition, this event made the writer think about how many people are nearby who are also having a hard time. In order to forget about his own grief at least for a while, the writer began to do charity work and help families of disabled children.

Oleg Roy now

Now Oleg Roy continues to write novels, constantly delighting readers with novelties. In 2018, several works have already been published that did not disappoint Oleg's regular readers at all.

Fans can find out about the release of new novels, as well as upcoming film adaptations of the writer's books, on Roy's official website or in "Instagram" and other social networks.


  • 2008 - "Amalgam of Happiness"
  • 2008 - "Promise of tenderness"
  • 2008 - "Trap of marital freedom"
  • 2009 - "A Ridiculous Habit to Live"
  • 2009 - "Reflection"
  • 2010 - "The man in the window opposite"
  • 2010 - "Bankruptcy of Imaginary Values"
  • 2010 - "In the nets of intrigue"
  • 2013 - "Junk Girl"
  • 2014 - "The Man Behind the Closet"
  • 2016 - "Masquerade for seven people"
  • 2017 - "Writer and ballerina"

Oleg Yurievich Roy is an extremely popular writer. His novels became famous in the mid-1990s. Many Russian readers read them, not knowing anything about the author who wrote the creations. Only after some time did Russian critics become interested in his work, who began to speak positively about the works written by Oleg Roy. In parallel with this, readers from other European countries became interested in his work. His novels were published in millions of copies, and critics responded positively and presented the most prestigious awards in the field of literature.

Many people consider the popular writer a darling of fate. He doesn't even consider himself remotely happy.

Height, weight, age. How old is Oleg Roy

Over the past 20 years, this young, smiling man has attracted many people not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries of the world with his creative work. But for a long time the image of the author was a mystery to all readers of his novels. They did not know anything about him, including what height, weight, age. How old Oleg Roy was also unknown.

Only a few years after the release of his first novel, it became known that the popular author has an average height, it is 177 cm. Oleg Roy weighs 85 kg. Soon he will be 52 years old.

A popular writer has been thinking about the meaning of life in recent years. He, after the death of his beloved son who survived a stroke, managed to recover thanks to a healthy diet, which he has been adhering to for 10 years now. Oleg Roy goes in for sports. In the mornings, he does exercises every day, and also walks after it without fail about 2 kilometers.

Biography and personal life of Oleg Roy

The childhood and youth of the future famous screenwriter and writer passed in Magnitogorsk. But no one knows the details. After school, Oleg Roy enters the Pedagogical Institute. After that, he is sent to the position of director in one of the boarding schools, where he worked for several years. After this, the future writer decided to leave for Zurich (Switzerland), with which the biography and personal life of Oleg Roy developed for almost 15 years. The first novel, called "Mirror", was also published there. The public and critics appreciated it. After that, several dozen novels were published, which were enthusiastically received by readers not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other European countries.

At this time, Oleg Roy became interested in black and white photography and writing fairy tales and short stories for children. Soon the writer decided to return to Russia. He is fruitful and works hard, despite the fact that he recently had health problems. Some of his books have been filmed. Oleg Roy has several prestigious literary awards not only in Russia, but also in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France, England.

The writer is actively involved in charitable activities. He patronizes families in which children with severe ailments are brought up. Among other things, Oleg Roy works in the Russian Union of the Disabled.

Family and children of Oleg Roy

The popular writer was married twice. But both times, after 11 years, Oleg Roy parted with his spouses. But he remained on friendly terms with his ex-wives. After the death of Zhenya's eldest son, Oleg Roy supported his former first wife, talked to her, and took her to the cemetery. Despite everything, the writer believes that his family is happy, and the children of Oleg Roy make him happy every day he lives.

Currently, the popular writer does not have a permanent life partner. He met with several girls after the last divorce, but then parted with them. As the famous novelist assures, he manages to be truly creatively active only when he remains alone.

The son of Oleg Roy - Evgeny Roy

The first-born of a popular writer appeared in his first marriage, when the family lived in Switzerland. After moving to Russia, the son of Oleg Roy, Evgeny Roy, decided to live not with his mother, but with his father. He looked very much like Oleg. A close bond developed between them.

At the age of 20, Eugene tragically died on New Year's Eve, falling out of the window of the apartment in which he lived. But the young man died not from a fall from a height, but as a result of severe frostbite, after lying on the snow for about 5 hours.

Oleg Roy took the death of his son hard. He had a stroke. But he found the strength to carry on. In the cemetery next to the grave of Eugene, a popular writer erected a monument for himself. According to his will, he will be buried here after his death.

The son of Oleg Roy - Viktor Roy

The popular writer has another son, who was named Victor. The boy received his name in honor of his maternal grandfather. He is now in his teens. Although he was born in Switzerland, the son of Oleg Roy, Viktor Roy, considers Russia to be his real homeland. He often comes here to visit his father, as well as his mother's parents (his grandparents).

The young man demonstrates good success in various fields. He studies several foreign languages, plays basketball. Oleg Roy believes that his son will either become a good journalist or become a diplomat.

Daughter of Oleg Roy - Lyolya Roy

The daughter of Oleg Roy - Lelya Roy was born in Berlin. At this time, Oleg and his wife were there on vacation. The girl was born 2 weeks ahead of schedule, but this did not affect her health in any way. The popular writer is very proud of his daughter. Recently, the girl turned 17 years old. She is at a crossroads, not knowing which profession she should choose.

Lyolya studied at one of the best Swiss schools. She often comes to Moscow, believing that when she gets an education, she will live in Russia. The girl loves to travel, learn the culture of the visited countries and customs.

Oleg Roy the death of his son photo

A few years ago, the eldest son of a popular writer tragically died, as Oleg Roy himself wrote about. The death of his son, whose photo the novelist posted on his Instagram page, was a big blow to Roy and his family. It turned out that the young man was going to celebrate the New Year with friends. He reached out to hang the ball on the Christmas tree, lost his balance and fell sharply. The son of Oleg Roy, whose name was Evgeny, broke the glass with his body weight and, flying 5 floors, fell. But the young man did not die from a fall from a height. He froze on New Year's Eve. People passed by, but none of them approached the guy. When Yevgeny was found and sent to the hospital, the doctors could not do anything. Without regaining consciousness, Roy's son died. Why none of Yevgeny's friends caught on about the disappearance of a friend is also unknown.

During the funeral, there were a large number of people at the cemetery who expressed their condolences to the popular writer and his family members.

The ex-wife of Oleg Roy - Marina

Oleg met Marina at school. According to him, it was not love at first sight. After Oleg moved to Switzerland, he sometimes came to Magnitogorsk, where he met again with Marina. Correspondence began between the two countries. After some time, Oleg invited the girl to come to visit him. She agreed. After romantic walks in the moonlight, the young man made a proposal to his beloved to move to him. She agreed. After some time, the young people got married. In marriage, their son Zhenechka was born.

But 11 years later, Oleg fell in love with another. He didn't hide. He came and spoke honestly about everything. The ex-wife of Oleg Roy - Marina did not make scenes. She just let him go. Until now, the former spouses communicate. They supported each other after the disaster.

The ex-wife of Oleg Roy - Olga Rashnikova

The meeting of the future spouses took place on Bannoye Lake, which is located near Magnitogorsk. Olga asked Oleg to teach her how to water ski. He spent the whole day with a girl, after which he realized that he fell in love. He came home and told his then wife Marina that he had fallen in love. Shortly after the divorce, Oleg invited Olga to become his wife. She agreed. The marriage produced two children. But after 11 years, the couple broke up.

The ex-wife of Oleg Roy, Olga Rashnikova, after a divorce, married Ilya Melnikova, from whom she gave birth to a daughter. But in 2011, this marriage also broke up. Now she heads the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. In addition, the ex-wife is engaged in the bread business with her sister.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Roy

The popular writer is registered in many social networks. But most of all they visit the page on Instagram. And Wikipedia of Oleg Roy is actively maintained by him, but in comparison with Instagram, here you can find out only the smallest data about a popular writer.

Several million users are subscribed to the Instagram page, not only from Russia, but also from other countries. Here you can see pictures of Oleg Roy, his family and friends. Among other things, Oleg posted several works in his favorite black and white color on the page.

Oleg Rezepkin (pseudonym - Oleg Roy), the future famous screenwriter and writer, was born in 1965, on October 12, in the Russian Federation in the city of Magnitogorsk. After graduating from the Pedagogical Institute, he worked as a director at a boarding school for several years. Then I decided to move to Switzerland.

The start of Oleg Roy's creative career in Switzerland

Oleg Roy lived outside of Russia for a little over a decade. It was at this time that the beginning of his creative career as a writer falls.

The title of the debut novel was The Mirror. But for post-Soviet readers, it was presented as an "Amalgam of Happiness" in 2008. After this book, he became famous in book circles.

In the period up to 2007, the writer wrote a number of novels. In the same period, they began to publish them in translations thanks to the Berlin Book House. Some of them subsequently became bestsellers in such countries as Switzerland, England, France, Germany, Italy.

While living in Switzerland, Oleg, in addition to writing books, was also engaged in a long-standing hobby - black and white photography. It was there that 2 books with this kind of creativity of his were published.

2004 was marked by the release of his first works for a children's audience. Then Leshik's Adventures on the Island of Dreams, as well as Leshik's Adventures on the Island of Fear, were published. In 2005, "The Tale of Leshik" appeared as their continuation.

The rise of Oleg Roy's career

Since 2007, starting his novels began to come out very often. The first book on this list is The World Above the Abyss, followed by Husband, Wife, Mistress. A little later, a bestseller was released, filmed by the RWS film company in the form of an eight-episode film, Black Cat Smile. The year 2008 was marked by the appearance of his books The Trap of Spousal Freedom and The House Without Exit. According to the second in 2009, Felix Gerchikov shot a four-episode film. Oleg Roy - "All around lies"

Since 2009, Oleg Roy's books have been published one after another. During that period, "A Ridiculous Habit of Living" was published, according to which the shooting of a new film is now underway. Also saw the release of the book "Reflection" (the second name - "Hug to survive"), "Barcelona Gallery", "Stolen Happiness" and "Edelweiss for Eva".

2010 was the year of the opening of such works by Oleg Roy as "Bankruptcy of Imaginary Values", "The Man in the Window Opposite", "Stepchildren of Fate", "Maxim Gallery", "In the Networks of Intrigues" and "Script of Own Mistakes". The Maksim Gallery is currently filming a new eight-episode series. In addition, there was also a work for a children's audience - "Trace of an Angel".

Return to Russia, Oleg Roy today

In 2008, Oleg Roy decided to return to Russia. He lived in Switzerland for just over 10 years, and it was there that he gradually became a writer.

After his arrival, the writer began to live in the capital. Almost immediately, he managed to break into the leading writers of the Eksmo publishing house, where the publication of his novels continued.

Oleg Roy on the relationship between writers and publishers

In 2011, his books such as "Web of Lies", "Far from Paradise" and co-authored with Diana Mashkova "He & She" saw the light of day. Also released was the "Trap" dilogy, consisting of "Trap for Lovers" and "Trap for the Master of Destinies", and 2 books from his series of advice on family happiness. In addition, Oleg continued to create for a children's audience. This time, the Watchmen trilogy appeared, which included The Lord of the Books, as well as Mysteries of Atlantis and Dragon Catchers.

In 2012, such novels appeared in print as "The Game without Rules", "Atonement", "Mystery", "Shawl" and the collection "The Slithering Wanderer". Also in the "Jingliki" series, the work "Second Floor" was released.

2013 was also marked by a number of new books. Came out "Lady Cat", "Trace of an Angel", "Junk Girl" and "The One Who Stands Behind the Shoulder."

Charitable activities of Oleg Roy

The writer has been involved in charity work for many years. He has under his patronage 3 families with seriously ill children. Oleg Roy was also elected vice-president of the Union of the Disabled of Russia.

Oleg Roy's awards

Today, Oleg Yuryevich has several literary awards. But the most valuable of them can be called the "Golden Knight's Cross of Valor and Honor" for the contribution already made to charity and literature.

Personal life of Oleg Roy

Today, Oleg Yuryevich is twice divorced. By both wives he had three children. But the eldest of them, Zhenya, died in an accident in 2008.

Oleg Roy is one of the most successful Russian writers today. It is unlikely that many more can say about joining not only the Writers' Union of Russia, but also a similar European organization. He is in the top 10 best-selling writers in Russia and in the top 100 best European contemporary writers.

But even basking in fame, he remained a simple Russian person who is not at all alien to compassion and who sees problems in the world around him, his participation in charity is the best indicator in today's world, where such activities in Russia are not yet very popular compared to the West.

Is it easy to be a writer? Fill this world and the hearts of readers with new heroes, events, experiences? One of the most popular and highly paid authors in Russia is Oleg Roy. Roy's biography tells fans that being a writer is interesting and useful for society.

Oleg Roy is not only a writer of modern prose, he is a very versatile work, his work is impressive and deserves respect...

From childhood to becoming a creator

On October 12, 1965, a boy was born in the city, which became widely known thanks to the Rezepkin family. The upbringing of the baby was fully engaged in grandfather and grandmother, whom he loved very much. Years passed, young Rezepkin entered the Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute. After graduation, the future writer got a job at a boarding school in his hometown. Compatriots remember Rezepkin as the director of the children's department of the Magnitogorsk boarding school.

A little later, Rezepkin left for Switzerland, from where his work originated. By the way, European book lovers know the author by his real name - Rezepkin. One of the first novels, "Mirror", caused a great public outcry in European society. Journalists in Switzerland dubbed the young author as a writer from Russia calling on young people to commit suicide. Of course, Oleg Yuryevich was very surprised by such a statement, but, by the way, it was it that made the book and the author popular. All subsequent works by Rezepkin were also in demand by readers.

Returning to his homeland, Oleg Yuryevich Rezepkin began to publish his works under the pseudonym Oleg Roy. The biography of the author, known under this pseudonym, begins at home.

Oleg Roy. Homecoming

For ten years the writer lived and worked in a foreign land, and when he returned, he became a different person. According to the author, he came to Russia to be different, to start his career here "almost" from scratch. Here he is the writer Oleg Roy. His biography is replenished with new works, achievements and ... a name.

Few know where the pseudonym Roy came from. The author took the first letters of his real data - Oleg Yuryevich Rezepkin - and replaced the letter Yu with Y for consistency. So a new hero appeared in the cultural world - Oleg Roy. The biography of the writer is replete with unexpected facts that reveal his attitude to his homeland.

Kind heart - male deeds

Roy is known to a wide circle of readers as a writer of popular novels. But besides his writing, Oleg Yuryevich devotes time to charity. He took under his care several families in which the children were given terrible diagnoses. Oleg Roy also received the post of vice-president of the Union of Disabled People of Russia. His biography is only replenished, as well as life experience, creative ideas.

The writer's contribution to literature and charity was awarded the Golden Knight's Cross of Valor and Honor. Roy's most significant awards include membership in the Writers' Union of Russia and Europe.

Oleg Roy. Biography: son, daughter and wife

The works of Oleg Roy diverge in huge circulations and are in incredible demand. Such a figure as Oleg Roy, his biography, his personal life are of great interest to readers.

Now the author spends most of his time in the Russian capital, in his huge apartment on the 56th floor. Very often flies abroad, where he also owns real estate. Today Oleg is single, but he has two marriages behind him.

In his first marriage, Oleg had one child. Oleg Roy experienced great fatherly grief. Biography (son Zhenya tragically died at the age of twenty-one) was replenished with such terrible events and experiences. The guy fell out of the window on Christmas holidays, decorating the Christmas tree.

The second marriage twice brought him the joy of becoming a father. A daughter and a son live with his ex-wife. Oleg often visits children and takes an active part in their upbringing. By the way, he remarried and became a mother again.

Oleg Roy claims that he maintains friendly relations with his ex-wives, and speaks of them very warmly and respectfully. It is not easy to live with a creative person, but for a creator to go into family life means to perish.

Roy's work

To date, Oleg Roy has published more than 30 books. He writes not only adult psychological novels, but also children's books, teenage fantasy.

The heroes of Roy's novels are always faced with a choice, they have to fight, strive. The reader rests behind his works, only the last chapters plunge him into his own reflections. Roy's books, plots and heroes come to mind more than once after reading the book.

Roy's longtime passion for photography is now taking on a new lease of life. He is especially fascinated by black and white photographs, some of his books contain photocells of the author's works.

The friendship between Oleg Roy and cinema is getting closer and closer. In addition to the fact that he hosts the TV show "Hobbies History", he writes scripts for films and participates in their creation. The first screened novel was the work of Roy "The Nanny", the film was released by the American film studio Miramax.

Oleg leads several of his own projects, writes books, scripts, articles on various topics and songs. Popular wisdom correctly says: "A talented person is talented in everything."

Future plans

In the future, Oleg Roy does not intend to stop there. There are several unfinished novels waiting in his desk drawer. The Eksmo publishing house, which his talent successfully helps to develop, is eager for new works. Readers are waiting for new stories and new characters.

Without a doubt, Oleg Roy is a bright, creative person who benefits his country.

A new novel by Oleg Roy, The One Who Stands Behind the Shoulder, has been released at Eksmo.

Becoming a slave to his desires, a person, as a rule, does not think about the consequences, but life forces him to do so. Nikolai, Olga and their son Sasha find themselves in a difficult situation when the death of a family friend turns everything upside down. An overwhelming sense of guilt almost destroyed the father of the family, and strange and frightening events begin to occur in the lives of the heroes.

The new work of the famous writer combines elements of family drama, psychological thriller and social novel. A tense plot makes it impossible to predict the behavior of characters in dangerous and morally difficult situations.

Read completely

The protagonist of the novel "Junk Girl" - once a successful businessman - by the will of circumstances found himself at the bottom, having lost all the attributes of a luxurious life. But he did not lose his business acumen at all. Having met a strange woman who calls herself the archaic word "junk dealer", he does not get lost and starts selling his own pleasant memories for his own benefit.

The results of the amazing trade, the plans that the old woman is hatching, and the possibility of a happy ending can only be learned by reaching the end of this creepy story. Having emptied his memory, the hero changes beyond recognition. But for the better or not - time will tell.

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At the end of winter, the Eksmo publishing house publishes a new book in the Jingliks series - Honey Cake Without Honey.

Charming jinglics and mischievous animals arouse sympathy not only among children, but also among their parents. In one of the interviews, the creator of the jingle world, the writer Oleg Roy, admitted that he fully felt the responsibility to young readers and stressed that these books were very dear to him. Children are the most demanding, but at the same time, the most grateful readers. And jinglics really hope that they can win their hearts.

Jinglic people, ringing like bells, live together in their magical land, help each other, go to visit and arrange holidays. But the peaceful course of life periodically turns out to be disturbed by the cheerful pranks of cunning animals - the closest neighbors of the jinglics. Oleg Roy's new book "Honey cake without honey" was not without such surprises. An ordinary campaign for honey for a cake turned into a real epic adventure!

Each book in the Jingliks series is a separate story, on the example of which children will learn not to lose their presence of mind, not to let their friends down, to be responsible for their actions, and also to find a way out of difficult situations. But at the same time, there is no hint of moralizing in the books.

The cozy fairy-tale world in which the characters live was created with the help of talented illustrators, thanks to whom the books turned out to be very colorful, and the characters gained individuality. Currently, work is underway to create an animated series and a computer game based on the adventures of jinglics.

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Is a person responsible for the evil that is done in his name? Can he turn a blind eye to the means that allow him to achieve his goal? Are there mistakes that cannot be redeemed and that never expire? Will a child, whose fate was crippled for the sake of profit, be able to find the strength to understand and forgive? ..