5 largest states by area. Leaders in natural population growth

Empire- when one person (monarch) has power over a vast territory inhabited by numerous peoples of different nationalities. This ranking is based on the influence, longevity and power of various empires. The list is based on the assumption that an empire should, most of the time, be ruled by an emperor or king, this excludes the modern so-called empires of the United States and the Soviet Union. Below is a ranking of the ten greatest empires in the world.

At the height of its power (XVI-XVII), the Ottoman Empire was located on three continents at once, controlling most of Southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. It consisted of 29 provinces and numerous vassal states, some of which were later absorbed into the empire. The Ottoman Empire has been at the center of interaction between the Eastern and Western worlds for six centuries. In 1922, the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist.

The Umayyad Caliphate was the second of the four Islamic Caliphates (system of government) established after the death of Muhammad. The empire under the rule of the Umayyad dynasty covered more than five million square kilometers, making it one of the largest in the world, as well as the largest Arab-Muslim empire ever established in history.

Persian Empire (Achaemenid)

The Persian Empire basically unified all of Central Asia, which consisted of many different cultures, kingdoms, empires and tribes. It was the largest empire in ancient history. At the peak of its power, the empire covered about 8 million square kilometers.

The Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire was part of the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages. The permanent capital and civilizational center of the Byzantine Empire was Constantinople. During its existence (more than a thousand years), the empire remained one of the most powerful economic, cultural and military forces in Europe despite setbacks and loss of territory, especially during the Roman-Persian and Byzantine-Arab wars. The Empire received a mortal blow in 1204 on the Fourth Crusade.

The Han Dynasty is considered a golden age in Chinese history in terms of scientific advancement, technological progress, economic, cultural and political stability. Even to this day, most Chinese call themselves the Han people. Today, the Han people are considered the largest ethnic group in the world. The dynasty ruled China for nearly 400 years.

The British Empire covered more than 13 million square kilometers, which is about a quarter of the earth's landmass of our planet. The population of the empire was approximately 480 million people (approximately one-fourth of humanity). The British Empire is by far one of the most powerful empires that has ever existed in human history.

In the Middle Ages, the Holy Roman Empire was considered the "superpower" of its time. It consisted of eastern France, all of Germany, northern Italy, and part of western Poland. It was officially dissolved on August 6, 1806, after which there appeared: Switzerland, Holland, the Austrian Empire, Belgium, the Prussian Empire, the Principalities of Liechtenstein, the Confederation of the Rhine and the first French Empire.

The Russian Empire existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution in 1917. She was the heir to the kingdom of Russia, and the forerunner of the Soviet Union. The Russian Empire was the third largest of the ever-existing states, second only to the British and Mongolian empires.

It all started when Temujin (later known as Genghis Khan, considered one of the most brutal rulers in history) vowed in his youth to bring the world to its knees. The Mongol Empire was the largest adjacent empire in human history. The capital of the state was the city of Karakoram. The Mongols were fearless and ruthless warriors, but they had little experience in managing such a vast territory, which caused the Mongol Empire to quickly fall.

Ancient Rome made a great contribution to the development of law, art, literature, architecture, technology, religion and language in the Western world. In fact, many historians consider the Roman Empire to be the "ideal empire" because it was powerful, fair, long-lived, large, well-defended, and economically advanced. The calculation showed that from its foundation to the fall, a whopping 2214 years passed. It follows from this that the Roman Empire is the greatest empire of the ancient world.

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As much as 70% of the surface of our planet is occupied by water, the remaining 30% is land, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 149 million km 2. Half of this territory is occupied by only 10 countries, while there are at least 206 different states on the planet. It is these giants in terms of area and population that make up the list 10 largest countries in the world.

The largest state on the territory of the African continent and the first on our list is the Algerian People's Democratic Republic. It occupies 2.381 million km 2 and the Sahara Desert, which is part of the country, contributes to this to a greater extent. Algeria produces oil and gas in large volumes, but at the same time 17% of the country's inhabitants live in poverty, which indicates not the most conscientious government. In summer, the temperature exceeds +50 degrees, but snow is possible in winter. It has an ink lake within its borders - there is nothing else like it in the world.

9. Kazakhstan

Among the 10 largest countries in the world in terms of territory is Kazakhstan, a country that has an incredible flavor. Its inhabitants still diligently preserve the traditions of past years and are celebrated with enviable hospitality. As in the expanses of Algeria, they are engaged in the extraction of gas and oil. State area: 2.724 million km 2. Among other giant countries, Kazakhstan is the only one that has no access to the sea, but has its own inland Aral Sea, as well as the inexplicable Lake BalKhash, the first half of which consists of fresh water, and the second of salt.

8. Argentina

Occupying 2.766 million km 2, Argentina is famous throughout the world primarily for two legendary football players - Maradona and Messi, both of whom at one time became the owners of the Golden Ball. It was named after the metal - silver, but in the end it turned out to be not very much in its depths. It is a recognized fact that it is here that the longest street in the world is located, the numbering of houses exceeds twenty thousand. Argentina is elongated from north to south, so it lies in several climatic zones at once. And if its northern part is subtropics, then the southern part is deserts with incredibly cold weather indicators.

With a population of 1.2 billion, India immediately ranks among the 10 largest countries in the world. It occupies an area of ​​3.287 million km 2, but in terms of the economy it is still sagging. However, it is considered the most promising in the development in the future. Before the arrival of the British, who made India their colony, the country was listed as one of the richest in the world. It was in her that Columbus wanted to get, but swam to America. Named after the Indus River, it is universally home to spices, Buddhism and tea.

6. Australia

It is a whole continent, occupying 7.686 million km 2. Most of the land is uninhabited and uninhabitable, and the population is correspondingly low. But at the same time, the mainland is home to many unusual species of animals and plants that are found only here. Australia also includes many nearby islands, the capital is Canberra - the most populated city. Among the key problems is a small number of fresh water sources, because the majority of water bodies are salty.

5. Brazil

In the list of the 10 largest countries in the world in terms of area, one cannot do without the leader of South America in territorial terms. Hot Brazil is famous for football, carnivals and huge plantations of coffee trees. Part of the country is occupied by a huge jungle, as well as the largest river in the world - the Amazon. The state, due to its location, managed to border on all the countries that are on the mainland. Due to the close connection with Portugal, Catholicism prevails here, which makes Brazil the country with the largest number of Catholic populations.

Statistics show that at the moment, every sixth inhabitant on the planet is a Chinese, because the number of people in the country will soon exceed the mark of 1.4 billion. In this regard, China is the largest country in the world in terms of population. It attracts with a peculiar culture, and also impresses with its achievements, and in all areas. Economy, innovations, sports - this is the state everywhere in the leading positions. Its territory is 9.640 million km 2. China itself consists of four key cities, 22 provinces, and also wins in size at the expense of five more autonomous regions. It has access to the Pacific Ocean and borders immediately with 14 countries on the Eurasian continent.

An area of ​​9.826 million km 2 puts the United States of America in third place, despite the endless desire to be a leader in everything. The economy of this country is considered one of the most significant in the world. Baseball and fast food were invented here, but, unfortunately, it is in the United States that the largest number of tornadoes occur in a year, which constantly cause significant damage. It includes 50 states, each of which has its own unusual flavor or lifestyle. It borders only three countries, Mexico and Canada, and also, thanks to a small part separated from the country in the very north, also Russia.

From the previous country, which is its neighbor, Canada in terms of area has not gone so far, it occupies 9.976 million km 2. At the same time, it would never have made it to the top 10 largest countries in the world in terms of population, because it wins only by its territory, but not by the number of people, of whom only 34 million live here. A very low figure, but it does not affect the development of the country. Canada is rightly called the land of lakes, there are an incredible number of them here and many of them are in the top 10 largest around the world. Among them, Medvezhye and Upper are the largest among fresh waters.

The undoubted leader - 17.075 million km 2 is occupied by this country, which is almost twice as much as that of the closest pursuer. Russia is rich in various fossils and resources, neighbors with 18 countries and has the largest length, because while on one side of it people go to bed, on the other they already get up to work. In its expanses, it has more than a hundred different rivers, and the number of reservoirs exceeds the 2 millionth mark. It is also famous for Baikle, which is the deepest lake on the planet. The highest point in the country is Mount Elbrus, its height is 5.5 km.

There are many different countries on the map of our planet. Some of them are small, which does not prevent them from being interesting places for travelers.

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Other tourists visit large countries where you can see more beautiful and interesting places. Consider the largest countries by area in the world.

State classification

According to the area classification, giant countries are distinguished as large, large, medium, small, small countries and micro states.

Giant countries have an area of ​​​​more than 3 million km2 There are 7 in the world
Large countries have an area of ​​​​1 million to 3 million km2 This is 21 countries
Significant countries - from 500 thousand to 1 million km2 21 countries
Medium - from 100 to 500 thousand km2 56 countries
Small - from 10 to 100 thousand km2 56 countries
Small - from 1 to 10 thousand km2 8 countries
Micro states - less than 1 thousand km2 24 countries

Top 10

  • The Russian Federation;
  • Canada;
  • China;
  • Brazil;
  • Australia;
  • India;
  • Argentina;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Algeria.

If you look at the territories of countries, you can immediately see that Russia is in first place. Almost two times less - Canada, USA, China and Brazil.

The area of ​​each state is very large, which can exceed the volume of the entire continent of Australia.


This state has the official name of the Russian Federation. The abbreviation RF is also often used.

Russia has a large territory of 17,098,242 km, and is located on the Eurasian continent. The capital of the Russian Federation is the city of Moscow.

In terms of its territory, the Russian Federation is beyond competition with the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. Our state is located in Europe and Asia at the same time.

Only the territory of the area of ​​Europe of this state significantly exceeds the size of the territory of any of the European countries.

Russia occupies approximately 12.5% ​​of the land of our planet where people live. Our country is distinguished by a large number of natural resources. The population of the Russian Federation is more than 146 million people.

The collapse of the Soviet Union did not affect the situation, Russia remained in a leading position, occupying 11.5% of the entire land mass.

A significant part of its area is located on the Asian part of the continent, where people cannot live. In the western part is the East European Plain, which is separated from the Asian part by the Ural Mountains.

The country is rich in resources in the world. Russia is the longest country that spans 11 time zones.

The number of neighboring states is also large - the Russian Federation shares a border with 18 other states. The total length of the border is almost 61,000 km, of which 38 pass by sea.


This country is in second place with an area of ​​9,984,670 km2. Everywhere, except for the extreme southern territories, taiga prevails in this country.

There are glaciers in the Arctic part of the state and coastal mountains. On the steppe plains of Canada, you can favorably engage in agriculture.

A significant part of the country's population lives in the southeast of the plains, where the St. Lawrence River is located. The center of Canada is Ottawa, which occupies 42% of the continent.

Canada holds the record for the area of ​​borders due to the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean. A significant part of the territory is not suitable for life, so the density of inhabitants is not large, one of the smallest on the entire planet.

34 million people live in the country - the same number lives in Tokyo. This has its positive aspects - clean ecology makes it a desirable place for many people to visit and live.


The full name of the country is the People's Republic of China. It is sometimes referred to as China. China is located in East Asia and is considered the second largest country on this continent.

This state is in third place in the world, and has an area of ​​9598962 km2. On the territory of this country, different forms of relief coexist - mountains, desert plateaus and large flat areas.

The nature in China is very different, and traveling around this country, you can visit cold deserts, subtropical forests, and plains.

The climate in different parts of China is also different - in the southeast there are possessions of a subtropical climate, in the northwest - sharply continental (arid), and on the southern coast of the country monsoons prevail.

Shanghai is considered the most populated among all large cities. China is the most populous state in the world, the Chinese make up one sixth of the world's population, in the future this ratio will lean even more towards China.

At the same time, the country's population occupies 10% of its area - cities and villages are located along rivers and the seashore. In recent years, the country has occupied a leading position in the global economy and industry.


The United States of America (USA) is also called simply America. The area of ​​this state is 9519431 km2.

On the territory of the country, such landforms as plains, lowlands, plateaus and mountains are combined. The main metropolis of the USA is Washington.

This state has the most technologically advanced army, a large level of income and occupies a leading position in the global economy.

A large area is located between two oceans, and a significant part of it is occupied by plains, which are surrounded by mountains in the west, forests and swamps in the east. In the north of the state there is a large system of lakes.

In addition to part of the continent, the state includes various islands in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Near the border with Canada is Niagara Falls.


The full official name of this country is the Federative Republic of Brazil. The territory of the state is 8,514,877 km2, thanks to which it is in first place in South America.

In the north of the country is the Amazonian Lowland - a large valley that surrounds the Amazon River. Also, this state is one of the most populated in the world.

The relief of the country is heterogeneous. The lowland in the Amazon Basin occupies most of northern Brazil.

This area is the largest lowland in the world and the least populated area on the planet.

The south and east of the country is a highland - a large Brazilian and separated from the main massif by the channel of the Amazon Guiana.

The narrow Atlantic Plain at the junction with the ocean forms beaches, lagoons and natural harbors. The main attraction of the country is the Amazon and the tropical jungle, which is decreasing due to deforestation.

The country is famous for its carnivals in Rio de Janeiro and sporting achievements, and is home to a large number of world football stars.

Organized on a federal basis, the country comprises 26 states plus the capital district. Each of the administrative units of the state is endowed with broad powers in different areas. In addition, there is a division into regions, of which there are five.


The official name of the country is the Commonwealth of Australia. The territory of this country is 7692024 km2. A significant part of the state is desert and low-lying areas.

Australia has its own continent. It is the largest country in Oceania. In terms of quality of life, this state is in second place in the world.

The capital of Australia is Canberra, an artificially created city. Thanks to a well-thought-out layout that takes into account the peculiarities of the landscape, the city is a model of urban planning. 380 thousand people live in the capital of Australia, you can see the city in a day.


The official name of the country is the Republic of India. The area of ​​the state is 3,287,263 km2. India is in second place in the world in terms of the number of inhabitants.

More than 1.3 billion people live on the territory of the country, and according to statistics it continues to grow There are 357 people per km2 in India.

Different parts of this state are dominated by different climates - tropical dry, tropical humid, subtropical monsoon and alpine.


The full name of the country is the Argentine Republic. The area of ​​this state is 2780400 km2.

The nature of the state has a huge variety, because this country has a large extent from north to south and there are different reliefs on its territory.

Plains are located in the northern and eastern parts of the state, and hills are located in the western and southern parts.


The official name of this state is the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also, the abbreviated version of the Republic of Kazakhstan is sometimes used as the name of this country.

The state has an area of ​​2,724,902 km2. 36% of its area is desert. 35% of the state is the steppe.

Semi-desert is located on 18% of the area of ​​Kazakhstan. Forests are located on 5.9% of the state's territory.


The full name of this state is the Algerian People's Democratic Republic or ANDR.

Video: important aspects

The area of ​​this country is 2381740 km2. 80% of the area of ​​this country is occupied by the Sahara desert, which consists of separate rocky and sandy deserts.

At the time of the highest prosperity of the Roman Empire, its dominion extended to vast territories - their total area was about 2.51 million square kilometers. However, in the list of the largest empires in history, the Roman one occupies only the nineteenth place.

What do you think, which one is the first one?





Qing Empire

Turkic Khaganate

Japanese empire

Arab Caliphate

Macedonian Empire

Now we will find out the correct answer ...-

Millennia of human existence passed under the sign of wars and expansions. Great states arose, grew and collapsed, which changed (and some continue to change) the face of the modern world.
An empire is the most powerful type of state, where various countries and peoples are united under the rule of a single monarch (emperor). Let's take a look at the ten biggest empires that have ever appeared on the world stage. Oddly enough, but in our list you will not find either the Roman, or the Ottoman, or even the empire of Alexander the Great - history has seen more.

10. Arab Caliphate

Population: -

State area: - 6.7

Capital: 630-656 Medina / 656 - 661 Mecca / 661 - 754 Damascus / 754 - 762 Al-Kufa / 762 - 836 Baghdad / 836 - 892 Samarra / 892 - 1258 Baghdad

Beginning of domination: 632 g

Fall of the empire: 1258

The existence of this empire marked the so-called. The "golden era of Islam" - the period from the 7th to the 13th century AD. e. The caliphate was founded immediately after the death of the founder of the Muslim faith, Muhammad, in 632, and the Medina community founded by the prophet became its core. Centuries of Arab conquests increased the area of ​​the empire to 13 million square meters. km, covering territories in all three parts of the Old World. By the middle of the 13th century, the Caliphate, torn apart by internal conflicts, was so weakened that it was easily captured first by the Mongols, and then by the Ottomans, the founders of another great Persian empire.

9. Japanese Empire

Population: 97,770,000

State area: 7.4 million km2

Capital: Tokyo

Beginning of reign: 1868

Fall of an empire: 1947

Japan is the only empire on the modern political map. Now this status is rather formal, but 70 years ago it was Tokyo that was the main center of imperialism in Asia. Japan - an ally of the Third Reich and fascist Italy - then tried to establish control over the western coast of the Pacific Ocean, sharing a vast front with the Americans. At this time, the peak of the territorial scope of the empire came, which controlled almost the entire maritime space and 7.4 million square meters. km of land from Sakhalin to New Guinea.

8. Portuguese Empire

Population: 50 million (480 BC) / 35 million (330 BC)

State area: - 10.4 million km2

Capital: Coimbra, Lisbon

Fall of the Empire: October 5, 1910
Since the 16th century, the Portuguese have been looking for ways to break through the Spanish isolation in the Iberian Peninsula. In 1497, they opened a sea route to India, which marked the beginning of the growth of the Portuguese colonial empire. Three years earlier, the Tordesillas Treaty was concluded between the “sworn neighbors”, which actually divided the world known at that time between the two countries, on unfavorable last conditions for the Portuguese. But this did not stop them from collecting more than 10 million square meters. km of land, most of which was occupied by Brazil. The handover of Macau to the Chinese in 1999 ended Portugal's colonial history.

7. Turkic Khaganate

Area - 13 million km2

one of the largest ancient states in the history of mankind in Asia, created by a tribal union of the Turks (Turkuts) headed by rulers from the Ashina clan. During the period of greatest expansion (the end of the 6th century), it controlled the territories of China (Manchuria), Mongolia, Altai, East Turkestan, West Turkestan (Central Asia), Kazakhstan and the North Caucasus. In addition, Sasanian Iran, the Chinese states of Northern Zhou, Northern Qi were tributaries of the Kaganate since 576, and from the same year the Turkic Kaganate seized the North Caucasus and Crimea from Byzantium.

6. French Empire

Population: -

State area: 13.5 million square meters km

Capital: Paris

Beginning of reign: 1546

Fall of an empire: 1940

France became the third European power (after Spain and Portugal) to become interested in overseas territories. Starting from 1546 - the time of the founding of New France (now Quebec, Canada) - the formation of Francophonie in the world begins. Having lost the American opposition to the Anglo-Saxons, and also inspired by the conquests of Napoleon, the French occupied almost all of West Africa. In the middle of the twentieth century, the area of ​​the empire reached 13.5 million square meters. km, more than 110 million people lived in it. By 1962, most of the French colonies had become independent states.
Chinese Empire

5. Chinese Empire (Qing Empire)

Population: 383,100,000

State area: 14.7 million km2

Capital: Mukden (1636–1644), Beijing (1644–1912)

Beginning of reign: 1616

Fall of the empire: 1912

The most ancient empire of Asia, the cradle of oriental culture. The first Chinese dynasties ruled from the 2nd millennium BC. e., but a single empire was created only in 221 BC. e. During the reign of Qing - the last monarchical dynasty of the Middle Kingdom - the empire occupied a record area of ​​14.7 million square meters. km. This is 1.5 times more than that of the modern Chinese state, mainly due to Mongolia, now independent. In 1911, the Xinhai Revolution broke out, putting an end to the monarchy in China, turning the empire into a republic.

4. Spanish Empire

Population: 60 million

State area: 20,000,000 km2

Capital: Toledo (1492-1561) / Madrid (1561-1601) / Valladolid (1601-1606) / Madrid (1606-1898)

Fall of the empire: 1898

The period of Spain's world domination began with the voyages of Columbus, who opened up new horizons for Catholic missionary work and territorial expansion. In the 16th century, almost the entire Western Hemisphere was "at the feet" of the Spanish king with his "invincible armada". It was at this time that Spain was called “the country where the sun never sets”, because its possessions covered the seventh part of the land (about 20 million sq. Km) and almost half of the sea routes in all corners of the planet. The greatest empires of the Incas and Aztecs fell to the conquistadors, and in their place a predominantly Hispanic Latin America was formed.

3. Russian Empire

Population: 60 million

Population: 181.5 million (1916)

State area: 23,700,000 km2

Capital: St. Petersburg, Moscow

Fall of the empire: 1917

The largest continental monarchy in human history. Its roots reach the times of the Moscow principality, then the kingdom. In 1721, Peter I proclaimed the imperial status of Russia, which owned vast territories from Finland to Chukotka. At the end of the 19th century, the state reached its geographical peak: 24.5 million square meters. km, about 130 million inhabitants, over 100 ethnic groups and nationalities. At one time, Russian possessions were the lands of Alaska (until it was sold by the Americans in 1867), as well as part of California.

2. Mongol Empire

Population: more than 110,000,000 people (1279)

State area: 38,000,000 km2 (1279)

Capital: Karakorum, Khanbalik

Beginning of reign: 1206

Fall of the empire: 1368

The greatest empire of all times and peoples, whose meaning of existence was one - war. The great Mongolian state was formed in 1206 under the leadership of Genghis Khan, having grown over several decades to 38 million square meters. km, from the Baltic Sea to Vietnam, and at the same time killing every tenth inhabitant of the Earth. By the end of the 13th century, its uluses covered a quarter of the land and a third of the world's population, which then numbered almost half a billion people. The ethno-political framework of modern Eurasia was formed on the fragments of the empire.

1. British Empire

Population: 458,000,000 (approximately 24% of the world's population in 1922)

State area: 42.75 km2 (1922)

Capital London

Beginning of reign: 1497

Empire Fall: 1949 (1997)

The British Empire is the largest ever existing state in the history of mankind with colonies on all inhabited continents.
For 400 years of its formation, it has withstood the competition for world domination with other "colonial titans": France, Holland, Spain, Portugal. During its heyday, London controlled a quarter of the world's land (over 34 million square kilometers) on all inhabited continents, as well as vast expanses of the ocean. Formally, it still exists in the form of the Commonwealth, while countries such as Canada and Australia actually remain subject to the British crown.
The international status of the English language is the main legacy of Pax Britannica. and


  • Square: 2,381,740 km2
  • Population: 38 087 812
  • Form of government: parliamentary republic
  • The president: Abdel Aziz Bouteflika
  • Capital:

And lies in the north of Africa and has access to the Mediterranean Sea. This country was a French colony for a long time and gained independence only in 1962. Algeria borders Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya and Tunisia. The population of Algeria is approximately 38 million people.


  • Square: 2,724,902 km2
  • Population: 18 014 200
  • Form of government: presidential republic
  • The president: Nursultan Nazarbaev
  • Capital: Astana

Kazakhstan is located in the center of Asia and occupies a vast territory from the Caspian Sea in the west and almost to Mongolia in the east. Kazakhstan is a former Soviet republic, in many ways very similar to Russia, both politically and economically.


  • Square: 2,780,400 km2
  • Population: 43 417 000
  • Form of government:
  • The president: Mauricio Macri
  • Capital: Buenos Aires

And Argentina is located in the southern part of South America and is the second largest state on the continent after Brazil. Argentina is a Spanish-speaking country that is famous for its tango and is an excellent football player. In the post-war period, Argentina earned itself a notorious sanctuary for all sorts of war criminals.


  • Square: 3,287,590 km2
  • Population: 1 309 823 000
  • Form of government: federal Republic
  • The president: Pranab Kumar Mukherjee
  • Capital: New Delhi

India is located in southern Asia and occupies the entire vast Hindustan Peninsula, as well as adjacent territories, up to the Himalayas and Kashmir. India is one of the most unusual and culturally attractive countries, as well as one of the most populated in the world (second place after China).


  • Square: 7,686,850 km2
  • Population: 24 067 700
  • Form of government: a constitutional monarchy
  • The president: Malcolm Turnbull
  • Capital: Canberra

And Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere and is one of the six continents on our beautiful planet, as well as an independent English-speaking state, one of the most developed and wealthy in the world. Australia is washed by the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans.


  • Square: 8,514,877 km2
  • Population: 205 737 996
  • Form of government: federal presidential republic
  • The president: Michel Temer
  • Capital: Brasilia

Brazil is located in South America and is the largest state of this continent, both in terms of area and population. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese.


  • Square: 9,519,431 km2
  • Population: 325 309 164
  • Form of government: federal presidential republic
  • The president: Donald Trump
  • Capital: Washington

The United States of America was formed in 1776 by the amalgamation of thirteen British colonies that declared their independence. The United States is a highly developed country, having the first economy in the world in terms of nominal GDP and the second in terms of GDP (PPP). Although the country's population is only 4.3% of the world's, Americans own about 40% of the world's total wealth.


  • Square: 9,598,962 km2
  • Population: 1 380 083 000
  • Form of government: one-party parliamentary republic
  • The president: Xi Jinping
  • Capital: Beijing

The People's Republic of China is a state in East Asia. The largest country in the world by population. It ranks third in the world in terms of territory, behind Russia and Canada. Since the proclamation of the PRC in 1949, the Communist Party of China has been the ruling party.


  • Square: 9,984,670 km2
  • Population: 36 048 521
  • Form of government: parliamentary monarchy
  • The president: Justin Trudeau
  • Capital: Ottawa

Canada is a state in North America, it ranks second in the world in terms of area. It is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans, borders the United States in the south and northwest, and also has maritime borders with Denmark (Greenland) in the northeast and France (Saint Pierre and Miquelon) in the east. The Canada-US border is the longest common border in the world.


  • Square: 17,125,191 km2
  • Population: 146 804 372
  • Form of government: presidential-parliamentary republic
  • The president: Vladimir Putin
  • Capital: Moscow

The Russian Federation is a state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. It ranks first in the world in terms of territory, sixth in terms of GDP PPP and ninth in terms of population. Russia borders on eighteen states (the largest number in the world), including two partially recognized and two unrecognized. Russia has the largest reserve of natural resources on Earth.