Anapa Coast Guard Military School. Coast Guard Institute of the FSB of Russia

Personnel training is carried out:


Appeared quite recently, in the 97th year, it has already managed to gain great popularity among applicants throughout the country. The location in Anapa allowed him to give more opportunities for practice and familiarization with the main criteria for work. Training for officers is a five-year training, for secondary specialized education, a three-year training.

Personnel training is carried out:

· Driving on ships;

· Control systems;

Signalmen and radio operators;

· Information Security;

· Law enforcement officials of the Coast Guard;

· Maintenance of ship's electrical equipment.

About studying at the Coast Guard Institute of the FSB

Particular attention at the institute is paid to obtaining practical knowledge. To do this, all cadets undergo a mandatory production practice, according to the results of which individual points are given. Here they get acquainted with the future work and receive basic knowledge in it. It is very important to gain invaluable experience in this work.

It can also be said about studying at the Coast Guard Institute that separate rooms were created for familiarization with equipment and mechanisms. In these rooms, all students are trained to work with shipping equipment, after which they will have a certain idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe operation of each individual unit.

For the training of radio operators and signalmen, there are rooms with experimental equipment, synchronizers, the latest heterodyne receivers, oscilloscopes and many other equipment. Here they can apply their knowledge in practice and establish the main aspects that affect electromagnetic compatibility.

Reviews of the Coast Guard Institute

It is very important, before making a decision on admission, to read the reviews about the Coast Guard Institute. Here you can find out that the exams and admission criteria are quite strict, which favors the selection of only the most capable students.

Coast Guard Institute rating

To understand how good an educational institution is, you can familiarize yourself with the rating of the Coast Guard Institute. After watching it, you will understand that high scores indicate a good quality of education and the availability of practical training. Also, a large percentage of employed graduates who are quite satisfied with their choice made a great contribution.

  • Specialty - navigation.
    Qualification - engineer (higher professional education)
  • Specialty:
    - maritime navigation
    - automatic control systems
    - automated information processing and control systems
    - radio communication, broadcasting and television
    - operation of transport power plants
    - operation of transport electrical equipment and automation
    Qualification - technician (secondary vocational education)
  • Specialty - law enforcement.
    Qualification - lawyer (secondary vocational education).

Before submitting documents and starting preparations for entering an educational institution, you need to decide for yourself that you are ready to connect your life with this structure.

Unlike civilian universities, they have a narrow prof. direction and after graduation it will be difficult to work in another area.

Admission to a civilian university is a choice of a profession, and admission to a university of the FSB of Russia is immediately a choice of a profession and, one might say, a place of work.

Preparation for admission

This is not to say that there are no difficulties with admission. However, if you have the preparation and desire, you can do it.

It is better to start preparing for admission at the beginning of the graduation class (grade 11). First of all, you should contact the department of the FSB of Russia at the place of residence with a statement of intention to enroll in an educational institution of the FSB, fill out a questionnaire and provide copies of personal documents (birth certificate, passport, military ID and diploma).

Based on the data and documents that the candidate provides, an audit is carried out. All data is carefully checked.

An obstacle to admission to the state. secret and receipt will be: relatives living for a long time abroad; relatives who have been prosecuted; also if the candidate used drugs.

In addition to the check, a conversation is held with an employee of the personnel department of the FSB department, during which it is found out what motivated the candidate to go to the FSB of the Russian Federation. If everything is in order with the interview and verification, the candidate receives a referral for a medical examination (VVK), after which he is required to pass the physical standards. training (running 100 meters, running 3 km, pull-ups), which are evaluated according to the system "pass" and "fail".

Upon passing the test, in early March, you need to write an application to the selected university. In it, the candidate must indicate: the faculty, the direction of training and specialty, the list of subjects for the USE and additional entrance exams, and also sign that he is familiar with the admission rules.

Universities of the FSB of Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 14 educational institutions subordinated to the FSB of Russia.

These are the FSB Institutes in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. FSB Academy in Moscow. Moscow, Golitsyn, Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Kharabovsky border institutes of the FSB. Academy and Border Academy of the FSB in Moscow. Coast Guard Institute in Anapa. Border Academy in Moscow.

Each university has its own list of faculties, some of them take both boys and girls (Faculty of Foreign Languages). Each faculty has its own subjects for which you need to take entrance exams.

You can enroll in full-time education. Without military service from 16 to 22 years and after military service up to 24 years. But part-time education is available only to current security officers.


On the call of the university (in the first days of June), the candidates arrive to take the entrance exams. First, they undergo a second medical examination, after which they are allowed to take entrance exams. General examination for all physical. training and one of the core subjects. According to the results of exams and EGE, the total score is displayed, admission is carried out on a competitive basis.

If a candidate does not pass the competition for higher education, he can go to study in secondary educational programs (training lasts 2.5-3 years, after graduation he is awarded the title of ensign and, if desired, you can complete your studies in absentia at any University of the FSB). If you did not pass the competition, you can try again in a year.

After graduation, the rank of lieutenant is awarded.

Work experience and length of service are counted from the first days of training. The first two courses are considered for a year in the army, after the first contract is signed, and a monetary allowance is issued, approximately 16,000 rubles.

After graduating from the institute, there is a distribution to units for service. Excellent students are given the right to choose the place of service, so there is an incentive to be such. Military personnel are provided with a social package, free honey. service, good pay.

Reviews about the Universities of the FSB

According to the feedback of those who entered, it is difficult to enter the FSB universities without blat, but it is possible. According to the standards, the guys passed 20 pull-ups, a 3 km cross for time and other physical norms. They also talk about polygraph testing, and naturally about the absence of a criminal record in several generations of relatives.

Students enter into a contract under which they must work in the system for a number of years, or return the money that the state will spend on your education. Already during your studies, you run the risk of being banned from traveling abroad, and spend your subsequent vacations maximum in the Crimea.

Outfits, living in the barracks (at least up to the 3rd year), life according to the Charter, enhanced physical training - everything here will remind you in many ways of ordinary military universities.

If you are a girl, then you are dear to the faculty of military translators. At the same time, one must understand that after graduation from an educational institution there will be a mandatory distribution (and you may have to go far from home and from the center of the country).

Also, you will be a restricted worker, both during the service and for 5 years after it. Therefore, there will be no practice with native speakers, you will translate audio recordings and written documents. Going to the faculty of translators, a person may dream of something else.

You will not work abroad. The fact is that the FSB is counterintelligence. And it is designed to work to suppress intelligence and other operations of foreign intelligence services on the territory of their country. And employees of the foreign intelligence service (SVR) go to work abroad.

That is, all these points must be carefully thought out in advance.

Students also note the high quality of education. They rejoice at the upcoming benefits (travel, meals, extended vacation) when applying for a job after graduation. They talk about a stable salary (the last figure I saw on the forums is 36 thousand.

Moreover, if you live somewhere in the Russian outback, then this is quite a worthy payment. But if we proceed from the level of civilian salaries and prices in Moscow and St. Petersburg, then this is a very low allowance. So it all depends on your circumstances, on what drives you.

18 comments on ““Universities of the FSB of the Russian Federation and admission to them””

    My grandson graduated in 2016 from the Stavropol branch of the Golitsinsky Border Institute of the FSB and since that time has been serving at one of the frontier posts of the Dagestan Border Guard. I have a question - can my grandson study at the correspondence department of the Moscow Border Institute or not? If it can - then what is needed for this? Please let me know.

    Retired lieutenant colonel - Alexander Dmitrievich Grafkov.

    Hello! Tell me how to be late handed over the documents to the FSB, everyone passed the polygraph passed on May 24, 2018, they say that the documents do not meet the deadlines at the end of May, they go to Moscow, are there any exceptions?

    Hello. I am 31 years old. There is a higher education in the specialty Applied Informatics "in Economics". I work in the field of information security. Can I enter the FSB university at the faculty related to my professional duties. And is there distance learning? If possible, a list of such universities.

    Good evening. A question of this nature. Can a person be trained if his father is a former police officer (company commander) and was dismissed from the internal affairs bodies for very negative reasons. Those. under articles: abuse of office and extortion from subordinates. Convicted and the court issued a suspended sentence for a year and a half!?

    Good day. Can I enter the Novosibirsk institution of the FSB being a citizen of Kazakhstan of Russian nationality and studying at the Sports School of the Olympic Reserve?

After graduation, graduates are issued state diplomas of vocational education, and are also awarded a military rank: those who have completed training in the program of higher vocational education - "lieutenant"; according to the programs of secondary vocational education - "midshipman".

"The Anapa Coast Guard Institute took over the entire history, starting in 1935. This year, the first maritime school from Odessa came to the territory of Anapa. Therefore, local residents often do not think about calling the Marine Border Lyceum a maritime school. In those years, the school trained private and petty officers composition of maritime border guards.During the Great Patriotic War, all graduates went to the border ships of the Navy.Then 11 graduates on various ships distinguished themselves by exploits and received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, many posthumously.A monument to one of them, Ivan Golubets, was installed on the territory Coast Guard Institute," says Rear Admiral Vladimir Belkov, head of the Coast Guard Institute in Anapa.

The uniqueness of the Coast Guard Institute - the youngest educational institution in the system of the FSB of Russia - is undeniable. Firstly, this is the only educational institution not only in the post-Soviet space, but also in Europe, which trains diversified professionals for the protection of the maritime border area. Secondly, this year, for the first time in the history of the coastal service and maritime units of the country's border troops, graduates, purposefully prepared for the service of protecting the maritime borders of our Motherland, will graduate from the walls of the educational institution. Thirdly, after the decision was made that the units of the state maritime inspection should be staffed with military personnel, it was at the Institute of the Coast Guard that the training of specialists in this profile began.

Unfortunately, the threats to Russia's security on its maritime frontiers have not diminished in recent years. Smuggling, illegal migration, unauthorized border crossing, drug trafficking, theft of biological resources, pollution of coastal waters - the suppression of such threats is the responsibility of the coast guard of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia. The protection of our border today is carried out on a contract basis. Therefore, special attention is paid to the training of true professionals of the border service at the present time. Especially when it comes to seamen-border guards.
“The technical modernization of the coast guard, the optimization of its composition requires us to train not only a highly qualified specialist, but also a person imbued with the spirit of the border guard,” says Rear Admiral Vladimir Belkov, head of the Coast Guard Institute. - It's no secret that most of our pets will have to serve in Spartan conditions and sometimes with a real risk to their lives. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the issue of protecting the maritime state border is not so much a military one as a law enforcement one. If there is a violation on the state border, the coast guard is called upon to act in accordance with the law and international law. And this is the highest responsibility on a personal level. Readiness to quickly make the right decision in a difficult situation is an important professional component of an officer and midshipman serving on the country's maritime border.
Today, the Coast Guard Institute trains seafarers in the specialties of "nautical navigation", "automated information processing and control systems", "automatic control systems", "radio communications, broadcasting and television", "operation of transport power plants", "operation of transport electrical equipment", " law enforcement."
The institute's curriculum provides that current graduates, after almost three years of study, receive a specialized secondary education and the military rank of midshipman. But the level of their training is such that these specialists may well be appointed to officer positions with subsequent assignment of the appropriate military rank. Training has already begun for cadets with higher education in the specialties of "navigation" and "border activity", who will go to the sea border with the rank of lieutenant. In the future, graduates will receive higher education in almost all specialties of the Coast Guard and the State Marine Inspectorate. In this case, the emphasis is on the training of a universal officer. This is one of the indispensable qualities of graduates of the institute, without which it is impossible to successfully master the ship as an effective means of protecting the maritime border.
The prestige of the "midshipman" service in the coast guard is evidenced by the fact that the competition at the institute for the fourth year has not been inferior to the most popular metropolitan universities. Among the cadets there are many graduates of the Nakhimov and Suvorov schools, cadet corps and lyceums. Taking care of the fate of their current graduates, the leadership of the institute and the coast guard intend to organize a correspondence form of higher education in the future.
- The cadet practice of current graduates has shown that they are eagerly awaited on the ships of the border, - Rear Admiral Vladimir Belkov says not without pride. - Specialists of this level are highly demanded by the time. Moreover, we are trying to prepare them, so to speak, with some preemption, according to the criteria of tomorrow.
For the leadership of the institute, the first graduation is like a farewell to the big life of a first-born son. After all, it is the sea border that will impartially evaluate the work of the command and teaching staff of the educational institution. A year later, each graduate will have to receive feedback on becoming in the service. As a result of their close analysis, adjustments to the educational and educational process will be developed.
Among those who train career Coast Guard professionals in special academic subjects and command cadet units, the majority are officers who have undergone severe service at sea. For example, there is something to pass on to their pupils, Captain 2nd Rank Yuri Kurnosov and Captain 3rd Rank Vladimir Vladimirov, whose officer biographies were formed on the most tense sections of the state border. And among the teachers of general education disciplines, there are many holders of academic degrees and titles. Thanks to the efforts of experienced mentors, Candidate of Military Sciences Vitaly Ivanov, Associate Professor Valery Petrov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Alexander Mikhailov, cadets of the Institute are conducting serious research work within their scientific society. Cadets Alexander Igrusha, Oleg Vrublevsky, Viktor Mettonen and others became winners and prize-winners of interuniversity scientific and practical conferences. The educational and material base of the institute is constantly replenished with the most modern electronic teaching aids and simulators of the latest generation.
The selection to the institute in terms of health is close to the requirements of the medical board of the cosmonaut detachment - the sea border does not accept squishy people. Therefore, sports are held in high esteem by cadets. It is not in vain that slender and fit sailors with golden anchors on shoulder straps attract the interested glances of girls on the streets of sunny Anapa, where the Institute is located.
In the formation and development of this unique educational institution, one cannot fail to note the special role of its head. Rear Admiral Vladimir Belkov, after graduating from the naval school, served as a hydroacoustic officer on submarines of the Northern Fleet. Then he was sent to the military counterintelligence. He served in the territorial bodies of the FSB. It is in the preservation and enhancement of the best traditions of the maritime and border services that Vladimir Vasilyevich sees the priority direction of educating his pets.
- The midshipmen in the coast guard have a real prospect of career growth, - he tells the cadets.
And the rear admiral's life and service experience can be trusted.
In the pictures: Rear Admiral Vladimir BELKOV, Head of the Institute; in solemn order; ship practice is an important component of the educational process.

The Institute of the Coast Guard of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) was established in 2007 in the resort city of Anapa in order to train, retrain and improve the skills of specialists for the Coast Guard units of the Federal Security Service.

On full-time training streams, specialists are trained for the crews of border patrol ships and boats that solve the tasks of protecting the state border, protecting the economic and other legitimate interests of Russia in maritime spaces, as well as employees of units for state control in the field of protection of marine biological resources, specialties:

1. Higher education:

"Navigation", qualification - engineer-navigator;

"Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems", qualification - engineer;

"Operation of ship power plants", qualification - mechanical engineer;

"Border activity", qualification - specialist in border activity management.

The term of study is 5 years.

2. Secondary vocational education:

"Navigation", qualification - technician-navigator;

"Automatic control systems", qualification - technician;

"Information systems (by industry)", qualification - information systems technician;

"Operation of ship power plants", qualification - ship mechanic;

"Operation of ship's electrical equipment and automation", qualification - electrical engineer.

The term of study is 2 years 10 months.

"Radio communication, radio broadcasting and television", qualification - technician;

"Law enforcement", qualification - lawyer.

The term of study is 2 years 6 months.

Upon graduation, cadets are issued a state-recognised diploma of vocational education and are awarded the military rank: "lieutenant" - those who have completed higher education programs; "midshipman" - trained in the programs of secondary vocational education.

To organize and conduct training sessions with cadets and students, create the necessary conditions for the work of the scientific and pedagogical staff, the Institute has an appropriate classroom and laboratory fund, office cathedral premises. For physical culture and sports, a modern stadium and a sports complex were built on the territory of the Institute. The educational material and technical base is actively replenished with technical training aids, modern samples of special equipment, laboratory equipment, as well as simulators that allow simulating various situations in ship conditions with a high degree of reliability, while forming practical skills for solving complex problems in future service activities. Students are provided with access to educational resources in the electronic library and the Internet classroom.

Border training boats, motor boats and boats are actively used in the educational process. In the course of practical training on training watercraft, cadets and students acquire and improve the ability to manage small vessels, receive the necessary skills of sea practice.

The Institute organizes ceremonial, cultural, leisure and sports and recreational events dedicated to public holidays, days of military glory of Russia, the most important events in the life of the country and the region, security agencies and the Institute. For cadets and students in their free time, the work of an art library, sports sections, clubs of interest is organized.

The Institute has created the necessary living conditions for students. Students and cadets of senior courses are accommodated in hostels. Living quarters are equipped with split systems, there are rooms for personal services, physical training and leisure activities. Meals for cadets are provided in the canteen free of charge, students have the opportunity to have breakfast and lunch on the territory of the Institute for a fee.