Azerbaijan is part of the Russian Federation. Interesting facts about Azerbaijan

The official name is the Republic of Azerbaijan. Located in eastern Transcaucasia. The area is 86.6 thousand km2, the population is 8.2 million people. (2002). The state language is Azerbaijani. The capital is Baku (2 million people, 2002). Public holidays: Republic Day on May 28 (since 1918), Independence Day on October 18 (since 1991), Constitution Day on November 12 (since 1995), National Revival Day on November 17. Monetary unit - manat. Member of the CIS, the UN and its specialized organizations, OSCE, Council of Europe, WTO (observer), EBRD, IBRD, IMF, OECD, etc.

Sights of Azerbaijan

Geography of Azerbaijan

Located between 44° and 52° east longitude and 38° and 42° north latitude. It is washed by the Caspian Sea, the length of the coastline is 800 km. Azerbaijan includes three peninsulas: Absheron (2000 km2), Sarah (100 km2) and Kura Spit (76 km2), as well as numerous islands: Artyoma (Pir-Allahi) (14.4 km2), Zhiloy (Chilov) (11 ,5 km2), Bulla (Hera-zire) (3.5 km2), Nargin (Boyuk-zire), Clay (Gilzire), Pork (Senki Mugan), Duvanny (Zembil), Wulf (Dash-zire). In the north, Azerbaijan borders on the Russian Federation, in the northwest on Georgia, in the west on Armenia, in the south on Iran and in the extreme southwest on Turkey.

Azerbaijan combines vast flat lowlands lying below the level of the World Ocean, and mountain peaks, deserts and alpine meadows, salt marshes and subtropical forests. In the north of Azerbaijan rises the Greater Caucasus - the Main and Side Ranges. Highest points: Bazar-Dyuzi (4466 m), Shahdag (4243 m), Tufandag (4191 m), Salavat pass (2895 m). The Lesser Caucasus is located in the southwest of Azerbaijan. Highest points: Kapydzhik (3906 m), Gyamyshdag (3724 m), Bichenek pass (2345 m). Between the ridges and spurs of the Lesser Caucasus lies the Karabakh volcanic highlands, the highest point of which is the Big Ishihly (3552 m). In the southeast of Azerbaijan are the Talysh Mountains, which descend to the Lankaran lowland, the highest points are Kemurköy (2477 m) and Kyzyurda (2438 m).

More than 1/2 of the territory of Azerbaijan is occupied by lowlands. The largest is the Kura-Araks, bordered by sloping plains and low mountains. In addition, on the territory of the republic there are elevated Kusar and Sharuro-Ordubad inclined plains and the Samur-Divichinsky lowland. More than 1000 rivers flow through the territory of Azerbaijan, but only 21 of them have a length of more than 100 km. All rivers belong to the Caspian Sea basin, the largest ones are Kura (1364 km) and Araks (1072 km). The republic has an irrigation system regulated by reservoirs. There are only six of them: Mingachevir, Varvara, Sarsang, Jeyranbatan, Akstafa, Arpachay. The largest Mingachevir, in the middle reaches of the Kura. The main irrigation canals - Upper Karabakh and Upper Shirvan - originate from it. There are 250 lakes in Azerbaijan, 6 of them have an area of ​​more than 10 km2.

The vegetation of Azerbaijan is distinguished by a variety of species (over 4100), among which there are rare and endangered ones. Broad-leaved species are common in forests. There are separate relic massifs of ancient trees. In the deserts and semi-deserts of the plains, wormwood, wormwood-saltwort and semi-shrub vegetation dominate. The plains are inhabited by rodents, reptiles and reptiles, as well as gazelles. Representatives of European forests are common on the slopes of the Greater Caucasus. The world of birds is diverse in the shallow bays of the Caspian Sea.

Azerbaijan has explored large reserves of oil, industrial deposits of gas, magnetic iron ore (Dashkesan), rock salt (Nakhichevan), marble, tuff, pumice. In various regions of the republic, deposits of polymetallic ores containing gold, silver, and copper have been explored. In total, more than 70 oil and gas fields, more than 40 ore and St. 300 non-metallic deposits.

Most of Azerbaijan is located in the subtropical zone. There are several types of climate - from dry and humid subtropical (Lenkoran) to mountain tundra. Soils: from mountain-meadow alpine highlands to gray soils of semi-deserts and yellow soils in the Lankaran subtropics.

Population of Azerbaijan

Birth rate 18.44‰, death rate 9.55‰ (2001). Average life expectancy is 63 years (58.6 years for men and 67.5 years for women). Infant mortality 83.08 pers. per 1000 newborns. It was estimated that in 2001 children and adolescents under the age of 15 accounted for 32%. There are more women in the republic than men (4.4 million and 3.9 million people, respectively). The predominance of the female population is explained by the high mortality among men and their more intensive migratory ability. 51% of the population lives in cities. The dynamics of rural population growth exceeds urban indicators by almost 2 times.

The economically active population is 3.776 million people. (2002). During 1991-2001, approximately 1.5 million people left for Russia to work. The number of pensioners is 1215 thousand people. (late 2001). Retirement age: 62 for men, 57 for women.

The educational level of the population is quite high. 98% of the adult population of the country have secondary education. Azerbaijanis make up 91% of the country's population, Dagestanis 3.2%, Russians 2.5%, others (Ukrainians, Tatars, Tats, Kurds, Avars, Turks, Georgians) 3.3%. Despite the fact that the state language is Azerbaijani, Russian is often used in everyday life. By 2000, the Russian population had decreased by more than 2.5 times, amounting to 150 thousand people in 2002. The number of Armenians living mainly in Nagorno-Karabakh by 2001 was approximately 130 thousand people. The main religion is Islam. Most Muslims are adherents of the Jafarite school (madhhab) in Shiism. Approximately 70% of all Muslims are Shiites, 30% are Sunnis. There are also Orthodox and Jewish communities in Azerbaijan.

History of Azerbaijan

The first states on the territory of Azerbaijan arose at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. and were under Persian rule. Later, the territory of Azerbaijan was part of the Caucasian Albania tribal association, subordinated to the Sasanian Iran, then to the Arab Caliphate. From the 8th c. the process of Turkization began, the Azerbaijani language was formed. In the 15th century the Azerbaijani state of the Shirvanshahs was formed. In the 16-18 centuries. Azerbaijan was a field of confrontation between Turkey and Persia, to the middle. 18th century about 15 khanates were formed on his land. In the 1st third of the 19th century. they were annexed to Russia.

After the October Revolution in Russia, Soviet power was established in Baku on November 15, 1917, but on May 28, 1918, the Azerbaijan National Council proclaimed the Republic of Azerbaijan, which was immediately occupied by Turkey, then by Great Britain, which withdrew its troops only in August 1919.

The Soviet period of Azerbaijan began on April 28, 1920, when the Red Army entered its territory. After the declaration of independence of Azerbaijan on August 30, 1991, Ayaz Mutalibov was elected president, who was forced to resign in March 1992 as a result of military failures in Nagorno-Karabakh. In June 1992, Abulfaz Elchibey, the leader of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan, was elected president, who also suffered military setbacks. In the conditions of the aggravated domestic political situation, the economic situation became more complicated. In June 1993, Elchibey fled Baku in connection with a military rebellion against him. Power passed to Heydar Aliyev, who led the Azerbaijan SSR in 1969-82 as the first secretary of the Central Committee. In October 1993 he was elected president. In October 1998 Aliyev was re-elected as head of state. Heydar Aliyev died in 2003, and his son Ilham Aliyev became president.

State structure and political system of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is a democratic legal state with a republican form of government. The 1995 Constitution is in force.

Administrative division of Azerbaijan: 59 regions, Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic. The issue of Nagorno-Karabakh, around which a long-term conflict continues, has not been resolved. The total number of cities is 69, of which 11 are cities of republican subordination, the largest ones are Baku, Ganja (294.7 thousand people), Sumgayit (279.2 thousand people), Mingechaur, Ali-Bayramli, Nakhichevan, Lankaran .

The highest body of legislative power is the parliament (Milli Mejlis), consisting of 125 deputies and elected for a term of 5 years on the basis of majoritarian and proportional electoral systems and general, equal and direct elections by free, personal and secret ballot. The Parliament of Azerbaijan holds two sessions annually. Spring session - from February 1 to May 31, autumn - from September 30 to December 30.

The highest body of executive power is the cabinet of ministers, appointed by the president and approved by the Milli Majlis.

The head of state is the president, the post of president was introduced in 1991. The president is elected in a general election by secret ballot for a term of 5 years, but no more than two terms.

In 2002 there were more than 30 parties. Since 1995, the New Azerbaijan Party under the leadership of G. Aliyev has become the leading political force. She holds the majority of seats in parliament. The leading opposition force in parliament is the Popular Front of Azerbaijan (the party of former President Elchibey). Of the other opposition parties, Musavat (Equality) and the National Independence Party are represented in parliament. Among the influential political organizations are the Azerbaijan Social Democratic Party and the Azerbaijan People's Party.

Organizations of national minorities stand out among the public organizations of Azerbaijan. The most authoritative organization of the Russian diaspora is the Russian Community, headed by M. Zabelin. The National Council of Youth Organizations operates, in which 46 youth public organizations are represented (among them organizations of volunteers, disabled people, veterans of the Karabakh war, etc.).

The internal policy of the top leadership of Azerbaijan was aimed at ending hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh and eliminating the economic consequences of this war. One of the main tasks was the reconstruction and reform of the national economy, raising the living standards of the population.

The unresolved international issues include the mentioned problem of Nagorno-Karabakh and the unresolved by 2003 issue of the borders between Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran in the Caspian Sea.

There is universal military duty in Azerbaijan. Service life (for 2000) - 17 months - can be slightly increased in the Ground Forces. The armed forces include the Ground Forces (numbering 55.6 thousand people), the Navy (2.2 thousand people), the Air Force and Air Defense Forces (8.1 thousand people) and the border troops, organizationally included in composition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (approximately 5 thousand people) (2000). In order to expand the training of higher national military personnel and specialists in the field of military sciences, the Academy of the Armed Forces has been established in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan's military spending is estimated at 30-40 billion manats. Department of Defense Budget $120 million (1999). Azerbaijan has diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, established on April 3, 1992.

Economy of Azerbaijan

In 2002, GDP (in current prices) amounted to 29.6 trillion. manat, annual growth of 10.6%. Since 2000, the level of GDP has risen steadily. The share of the non-observed economy in the production of GDP, according to statistical services, is 20-22%.

The number of registered unemployed is 51 thousand people (end of 2002). Unemployment is 1.3% (according to unofficial data - much higher). The total number of people employed in the economy is 3726.5 thousand people. The sectoral structure of employment is dominated by the service sector (52.6%), followed by agriculture, forestry, fisheries (32.1%) and industry (15.3%). Outside the public sector, 68% of the total number of employees is employed.

The volume of industrial production is 19,742 billion manats (in current prices, 2002). The metallurgical, chemical, and light industries are developing rapidly. Oil was produced, including the gas industrialized republics of the former USSR, however, after gaining independence, Azerbaijan could not maintain the previous level of industrial production. By 2001, as compared with 1991, industrial production had decreased by 2.7 times. By 1999, output (in constant prices) of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy decreased by 92-94%, chemical, petrochemical and food industries - by 80-83%, light industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking - by 72-73%. As a result, transport, communications and telecommunications turned out to be the most dynamic sectors of the economy, which was due to large investments (especially in the field of communications and communications).

At the beginning of the 21st century, the economy of Azerbaijan is mainly oriented towards raw materials. This applies not only to industry, but also to agriculture, where the area under industrial crops (for example, tobacco, cotton) has significantly decreased. Cotton was one of the oldest crops cultivated in Azerbaijan and occupied up to 90% of the area of ​​all industrial crops. Its cultivation is concentrated in the Kura-Araks lowland and in the western regions of the country. Tobacco is bred in the foothills and mountainous regions. By 2002, the importance of sericulture was practically reduced to zero.

Agricultural products of all categories AZN 6.4 billion (2002, current prices). The area of ​​agricultural land is 4.6 million hectares, including 1.8 million hectares of arable land (2001). The number of farms is 2.6 thousand (end of 2001), the land area assigned to them is 23.4 thousand hectares (end of 2001). In con. 1990s areas under fodder and industrial crops decreased by 50%. In terms of sown area, grain crops occupy the first place, which occupy an average of 550 thousand hectares of land. In the structure of cereals in recent decades, about 70% accounted for durum wheat, part of the area was sown with corn and barley. In 2002, there was an increase in the production of grain, potatoes and vegetables, mainly due to an increase in yields.

Traditionally, viticulture and horticulture have been the most important branches of agriculture in Azerbaijan. Areas under grapes (mainly for wine production) exceeded 230 thousand hectares and were located mainly in the Samur-Divichinsky lowland and on the northeastern slopes of the Greater Caucasus. More than 150,000 hectares are occupied by orchards in Azerbaijan. The number of livestock is 2153 thousand heads (end of 2002). In 2002, compared with 2001, the production of meat increased by 6%, whole milk products by 4%, and vegetable oil by 1.6 times. Livestock and poultry for slaughter (in live weight) produced 224 thousand tons (of which households and farms - 220 thousand tons) (2002). The main producers of milk and eggs were also farms.

Railway network - 2125 km. main tracks (gauge - 1520 mm), of which 815 km are double-track and 1310 km are single-track (260 km are blocked as a result of the war with Armenia). There are 1390 km of station and access roads. The total length of motor roads is 25,000 km, of which 94% are paved roads. The total length of pipelines is 3,000 km, including 1,130 km of oil pipelines, 630 km of oil products pipelines, and 1,240 km of gas pipelines. In 2002, the main pipelines transported 5.3 million tons of gas (102% compared to 2001) and 10 million tons of oil (89%).

Azerbaijan has a seaport in the city of Baku. There are 69 airfields in Azerbaijan (of which 29 have a paved runway). The volume of cargo transportation by transport enterprises is 82.6 million tons. The total volume of cargo transportation by rail (import, export, transit and domestic transportation) increased in 2002 by 13% compared to 2001. The volume of transportation by road increased by 6%. Carriage of goods by the transport and port fleet increased by 11%, cargo turnover of the sea fleet - by 6%.

Azerbaijani airlines transported cargo and mail more by 1.3%. Passenger transportation 893.3 million people. In 2002, Azerbaijan's sea transport transported passengers by 30% more than in 2001, and passenger transportation by rail decreased by 4%. Airlines carried 5% more passengers in 2002 than in 2001.
Retail turnover (through all distribution channels) in 2002 amounted to 13.4 trillion. manats (increased by 9.6% compared to 2001). The share of the informal market in the total retail turnover accounted for 75.5%. Distribution of the number of retail trade enterprises by form of ownership: state property 6.7%, non-state 93.3%, including private 84.8%.

61 insurance companies are represented on the insurance market of the republic, 9 of which are with foreign capital participation. 20 companies operate most stably, accounting for 90% of the volume of all insurance services and more than 80% of the volume of all paid losses. The share of insurance operations in the total GDP is insignificant, but tends to grow. The insurance service of the republic offers about 40 types of insurance services. The indicator of the activity of the population in insurance operations - in Azerbaijan, each person insures himself or his property for 1.8 US dollars per year.

In 2002, investments in fixed capital from all sources of financing amounted to 10.3 trillion. manats (which is 82% more than in 2001). The main share of investments (98%) came from non-budgetary funds, the predominant direction was the oil industry and the electric power industry. Up to 50% of foreign investments go to the development of engineering, communications, the food industry, and the service sector.

By 2000, as a result of reforms in Azerbaijan, a two-tier banking system, adopted in international practice, was created and is functioning. The 1st level is represented by the National Bank of Azerbaijan (NBA), which performs the classical functions of the issuing central bank of the country, regulates and supervises banking activities, determines the monetary and foreign exchange policy of the state, stores free resources and required reserves of other banks, manages centralized credit resources, conducts cash execution of the budget and, if necessary, lends to the state.

The powers of the NBA include the guaranteed placement of state-issued authorized treasury bills. The NBA is a financial institution independent of the government, and the parliament is practically deprived of the opportunity to seriously influence the policy of the NBA. At the beginning In July 1999, the NBA's gold and foreign exchange reserves amounted to 707 million US dollars, which exceeded the volume of the money supply in circulation by 3.2 times. However, the reserves consist of 50-55% stabilization loans from the IMF, which, by agreement with the IMF, are not subject to use in daily activities and can only be used in an emergency. The 2nd level of the banking system of Azerbaijan consists of 73 banks (1999), which directly provide credit, settlement and cash services to individuals and legal entities. In the early years of the transition period, the policy of free lending had a negative impact on the financial system. In 1996, the NBA regained control over money growth and introduced tighter banking rules. Several foreign and mixed banks operate in Azerbaijan, the total number of credit organizations in Azerbaijan (2002) is 93. The refinancing rate of the NBA is 7%.

State budget (January-September 2002, billion manats): revenues 3144.3; expenses 3141.4. Azerbaijan's external debt is over $700 million. 86% of budget revenues are formed from tax revenues. The ratio of total state budget expenditures to GDP is 15.6%. Budget expenditures for the social sphere and the economy 27.3 and 14.2% (2002).

Monetary incomes of the population (trillion manats): 15.1, monetary expenditures 12.5 (January-September 2002). The minimum wage is 27.5 thousand manats, the average monthly nominal wage is 315.2 thousand manats or 64.8 US dollars (2002). The minimum size of an old-age pension is 70,000 manats (2002), the average size of a pension is 73,700 manats (2001). The minimum amount of scholarships in universities is 16.5 thousand manats (2002). Household deposits in savings banks (including commercial ones) AZN 744.1 billion (2002).

Foreign trade (2002, million US dollars): export 1778, import 1496.5. Export to the CIS countries 10.1% of total exports, 1/2 of exports to these countries are oil products, cotton fiber, machinery and equipment, vehicles. 93% of exports to other countries are crude oil and refined products. Import from the CIS countries - 30.8% of total imports. Azerbaijan imports mainly natural gas, mineral and chemical fertilizers, food products, timber, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, cars from these countries. The main articles of A.'s imports from other countries of the world are machinery, equipment, and vehicles.

Science and culture of Azerbaijan

There are more than 50 higher educational institutions in Azerbaijan, where about 100,000 students study. The largest universities in the country: Azerbaijan State University. Rasuzade, Institute of Oil and Chemistry, Azerbaijan Technical University, Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Russian Language and Literature. M.V. Akhundov, Azerbaijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Azerbaijan Medical University. Narimanov, Conservatory. U. Gadzhibekova and others. In recent years, several private and international universities have appeared. Among the latter stands out the Western University (founded in 1991). At the Caucasus University, education is conducted in Turkish. Most universities are located in Baku.

Basic scientific research is carried out at the institutes of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, founded in 1945 (at the Institute of Philosophy and Law, the G. Nizami Institute of History, Language and Literature, the Institute of Economics, and others). The largest library of A. - State Library. M.Akhundov, the largest repository of documents - the National Archives.

A distinctive feature of Azerbaijani literature is the oral poetry of ashugs (folk singer-poets), whose traditions have been preserved to this day. Ancient epics (for example, Kitabi Dede Korkud, 11th century), as well as poetry of a later period (Ganjavi Nizami, c.1141-1209; Muhammad Fuzuli, 1494-1556) are part of the literary heritage shared with the Anatolian Turks. Written Azerbaijani literature emerged after the final incorporation of the country into Russia in the early 19th century. Its founder Mirza Fatali Akhundov (1812-78) is the founder of Azerbaijani drama, which was further developed in the works of Najaf-bek Vazirov (1854-1926) and Abdurrahim Akhverdov (1870-1933). In the beginning. 20th century Jalil Mamekulizadeh (1866-1932), playwright Hussein Javid (1884-1941), poet Muhammad Hadi (1879-1920) worked.

Such Azerbaijani directors as A.M.Sharifzade, A.I.Bek-Nazarov, T.M.Tagizade, A.M.Ibragimov are known. The strength of Azerbaijani cinematography is documentary.

The theater appeared in Azerbaijan only in the middle. 19th century With the advent of Soviet power, theaters were nationalized. In 1920, the Azerbaijan Drama Theater was opened in Baku, and in 1924, the Opera and Ballet Theater.

The Islamic period left a strong imprint on the rich architectural heritage of Azerbaijan. The symbol of Baku, the unique Maiden's Tower, which has an oval shape in plan (12th century), also belongs to Islamic architectural monuments. The classical Azerbaijani applied art used Persian and Islamic styles and techniques, which were reflected, in particular, in the miniatures of the famous Tabriz school. Gasanbek Zardabi (1837-1907) began publishing the first Azerbaijani newspaper "Ekinchi" ("Plowman") in 1875. About 400 newspapers are registered in modern Azerbaijan, but less than 50 are published regularly. The first radio broadcasts took place in Baku in 1926. Television began broadcasting in 1956.

All cities of Azerbaijan

History of Azerbaijan

Life on the territory of Azerbaijan was in full swing, starting from the II century BC. And we are not talking about a handful of disparate tribes, but about completely independent states like Caucasian Albania. In the 8th century, the Arabs came here and began to plant their own culture and religion among the population.

Since the 11th century, the Azerbaijani lands were conquered and reconquered by stronger powers - the Seljuk Empire, the Ildegizid State, as well as the descendants of the Tatar-Mongol ruling dynasties. Subsequently, Turkic nomads were also noted here, who played a significant role in the formation of the Azerbaijani people.

In the 16th century, the territories of Transcaucasia became part of the Safavid state, ruled by the Iranian Shah. The empire did not last long and collapsed in 1722, and then Azerbaijan was divided into small khanates, which gradually joined Russia in the 19th century: partly voluntarily, partly during military operations.

After the October Revolution, Azerbaijan tried to secede from the Land of Soviets, declaring itself a democratic republic. However, attempts to gain independence were suppressed, and in 1920 the state became part of the USSR, which he managed to leave only in 1991, after the collapse of the Union. Another important historical milestone occurred at the end of the 80s. A military conflict broke out in Azerbaijan between the indigenous population and the Armenians, which resulted in the appearance of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic on the political map of the world.

Climate. Best time to travel

Azerbaijan is nine natural zones and gradual transitions from subtropical climate to mountainous tundra. So, when planning a tour of the country, give up hope for the stability of the weather - surprises in the form of temperature changes and precipitation are inevitable. The optimal time for excursions in Azerbaijan is the period from mid-May to mid-October. Moreover, if the purpose of the trip is to get acquainted with the architectural heritage and only, it is more expedient to exclude the summer months from this period. Ideally, it is better to postpone the inspection of historical monuments altogether to September-October, when the scorching heat subsides and walks in the open air cease to be a test of endurance.

Those who come to Azerbaijan to relax on the Caspian Sea, it is recommended to book a hotel for July-August. These are the hottest months in the local year (the thermometer stays at +32...+38 °C), when you can safely splash in the water and improve your diving skills. June in the Republic is also warm, attracting sunbathers and adherents of balneotherapy to the coast. In general, in terms of climate in Azerbaijan, it is most comfortable in the Caspian zone. In the mountainous regions, the weather conditions are no longer so resort-like, and winters are much colder, with strong winds and snowstorms.

Population and language barrier

Most of the indigenous population professes Islam, although other religions are also not oppressed. Moreover, Azerbaijan gives the impression of being the most loyal and tolerant of all Muslim states. As for interaction with local residents, it does not cause difficulties if the traveler does not go for provocations. So feel free to ask passers-by for help and check the names of the streets with the schoolchildren you meet along the way - in 9 cases out of 10 you will be politely answered, or even offered to take you to the desired object.

Well, very persistent hospitality, as well as the desire to show off a little, are essential components of the Azerbaijani mentality, which at first lead to slight bewilderment. Expensive gadgets in hand, jewelry with precious stones the size of a medium-sized cobblestone for local residents is not a luxury, but an urgent need that helps to prove to others their worth.

The state language in the country is Azerbaijani, but mutual understanding with the population is ensured in Baku and other large cities. Representatives of the older generation are still nostalgic for Soviet times and willingly chat in Russian (yes, Azerbaijanis are a terribly talkative people). Advanced youth in the study of the great mighty did not succeed, but almost always speaks in English.

Attractions and entertainment

The first rule of a tourist in Azerbaijan is not to identify the whole country with Baku. The administrative center of the Republic is a cheerful, contrasting city, and, of course, worthy of a separate excursion. However, the real Azerbaijan is still located outside the capital - in small villages and mountain villages.

All sights of Azerbaijan

5 things to do in Azerbaijan

  • Walk around Old Baku and find the street where the creators of the comedy "The Diamond Arm" filmed the iconic scene at the "Istanbul" pharmacy.
  • Listen to the melodies of singing stones in the Gobustan reserve.
  • To visit the descendants of the biblical Noah - the kyats. Representatives of this nationality live in the mountain village of Khanylag, famous for its ascetic life and stone houses hung with satellite dishes.
  • Take a selfie against the backdrop of Baku taxis, which are one to one London cabs, and then surprise your friends with photos from an imaginary trip to England.
  • Ingratiate yourself with local housewives and ask for a secret recipe for pies-kutab, which for Azerbaijanis is the same as pizza for Italians.

Resorts of Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, you can count not only on the healing mountain air and sea bathing, but also on medical programs. The main resort of the country is Naftalan. It is here that guests use the famous Azerbaijani oil, or rather its local variety, which has a unique chemical composition and has proven itself as the main component of body wraps and baths. According to doctors, the oil substance has a beneficial effect on the nervous, immune and endocrine systems, and also actively fights against skin ailments. At the same time, Naftalan's main specialization is disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Proof of this is the Museum of Crutches, all the exhibits in which, according to the guides, were left by healed patients.

Another Azerbaijani resort is located in the place of Galaalti, where seven healing springs come to the surface. The composition of the local mineral water is identical to the one for which those who wish to receive medical treatment go to Truskavets, but with a slight difference: the reserves of healing moisture in the Galaalta deposits will last for several decades, while in the Ukrainian resort some of the sources have already dried up. Treatment in the sanatorium complexes of Galaalti is recommended for people suffering from gastroenterological diseases and urolithiasis. As a visual confirmation - the "board of honor" of one of the resort health resorts, where capsules with kidney stones that left the patient's body after drinking Galaalta mineral water are posted.

The second mineral capital of Azerbaijan is Nakhichevan. This is where you can pacify neglected asthma and taste the local analogues of Borjomi and Narzan. Another healing factor of the resort is the Duzdag salt caves. Mysterious stone halls are located underground, on the territory of the therapeutic center of the same name and are used in the treatment of broncho-pulmonary ailments. Lankaran remains an equally popular resort - the subtropical climate, combined with the proximity of the Caspian Sea, work wonders, healing no worse than oil and mineral water.

beach holiday

To come to Azerbaijan in the summer and not swim means to deprive yourself of a good rest, especially since the situation with the beaches here is more than pleasant. If you need soft sand under your feet and developed infrastructure - welcome to the Absheron Peninsula, to the villages neighboring Baku - Mardakan, Novkhany, Bilgah, Buzovna, Pirshagi and others. The only caveat: during the season, the purity of water in some locations leaves much to be desired (there is nothing to oil rigs), so it is better to travel around the villages to choose the most acceptable option.

But it’s better not to meddle with the once popular beach areas in the Shikhovo, Turkan and Hovsan areas. An inspection carried out by the Ministry of Ecology showed that the percentage of harmful substances in local waters exceeds the permissible limit. Approximately the same situation is in Sumgayit, famous for its twenty fully equipped beaches with shell cover. In 2019, the coastline of the resort town was blacklisted by Azerbaijani environmentalists and it is not known when it will leave it.

Relatively clean and well-maintained shore on the territory of Lankaran. The coating on the city beaches is of an anti-glamorous black and gray hue due to the high content of volcanic ash, but there are not so few people who want to lie on it. The main reason for the popularity of "Gothic" beaches is the healing properties of sand, on which it is strongly recommended to relax resort guests with cardiovascular ailments.

Important point: Lankaran is a city where Muslim traditions are strong like nowhere else in Azerbaijan, so the beaches here are divided into separate areas for women, men and families. Keep this in mind when you are going to sunbathe in urban areas, and do not try to break into areas where people of the opposite sex are relaxing.

Another beach mini-paradise of the country is the resort village of Nabran, built up with camp sites, and the village properties are not limited to the clear sea and convenient approaches to it. Relic forests teeming with various living creatures come close to Nabran. It is also full of swamps and ponds where you can catch and release freshwater turtles.

Ski resorts

Recently in Azerbaijan you can go skiing and snowboarding. Ski tourism in the country began to develop in the 2000s (the first complex opened in 2012), but some heights in this matter have already been reached. About 200 km from Baku is the country's largest ski resort - Shahdag. 17 kilometers of slopes of all difficulty levels, 12 lifts, 160 artificial snow generators - all this can be found on the territory of the complex. In addition, Shahdag has its own ski school, sports equipment rentals, hotels, shops and even restaurants. In the summer, when the skis are stored in the pantry until the next season, the resort is converted into a tourist center. So if you are drawn to picturesque places (the complex is located in a protected area), or just ride horses and ATVs, you will be looked forward to in Shahdag.

The second ski resort of Azerbaijan, called Tufandag, is still actively expanding and being completed, but everyone is allowed to try their luck on its jumps. In total, the complex has 10 pistes, 5 cable cars and enough snow cannons to ensure a decent quality of cover throughout the season. "Tufandag" is located 4 km from the city of Gabala and is ready to receive and simultaneously accommodate up to 3000 guests.

Azerbaijani cuisine

Meat (it is better not to look for pork in a Muslim country) and seasonal vegetables in various variations - this is how the meal of an Azerbaijani faithful to gastronomic traditions looks in general terms. But vegetarians and other healthy lifestyle people will have a hard time - Caucasian culinary specialists season everything that falls into their field of vision with fat tail fat, thanks to which the calorie content of national specialties skyrockets.

Along with the already international kebabs, pilaf and dolma, do not ignore the not so famous, but no less tasty kutabs (flattened pies with meat and vegetable filling), dyushbara (appetizing dumplings in beef broth), saj (roast lamb with vegetables, served on a sizzling skillet). Soups in the cuisine of Azerbaijan also have a place, but often they are an intermediate option between the first and second courses. Mandatory, if not for eating, then for tasting: khash, okroshka ovdukh, bozbash.

The assortment of pastries and desserts is not so outstanding, but if there is an urgent need for simple carbohydrates, baklava, Turkish delight, mutaki and kete cookies, badambur pies, plus a couple of similar desserts are at your disposal. In addition, in Azerbaijan you can discover interesting varieties of jam that you rarely see on the Russian table - from white cherries, peaches, walnuts, watermelons, feijoa. They always drink jam with tea, without which not a single meal in the country can do.

There are enough places in Azerbaijan where you can really dine or just have a snack. It is better for a poor tourist to entrust digestion to small family restaurants, cozy teahouses, as well as fast food kiosks. If the travel budget allows you not to count the spent, you can take a good walk in Chayki or NUR. by Eleven. The menu of both establishments includes dishes of national cuisine, diluted with interesting European improvisations. Fans of Mediterranean and Asian food can wander through the streets of Baku in search of cafes where guests are treated to risotto, paella and sushi - there are many of them here.

Where to stay

Hotels of international chains such as Hilton and Sheraton in Azerbaijan are found only in Baku. The vast majority of five-star hotels are also located here, prices for a double room in which start from 215 AZN (approximately 8000 RUB). A day's stay in the capital's "treshka" is approximately 27-55 AZN, in hostels - from 10 AZN (a bed in a dormitory).

In resort towns like Naftalan and Nakhichevan, sanatoriums and spa resorts remain a popular type of accommodation. Depending on the level of medical services provided, the cost of living in them can range from 48 (full board for one in a small spa hotel) to 255 AZN. By the way, before booking, it is advisable to study the websites of the hotels you like in order to be aware of what additional bonuses are included in the price. For example, some Naftalan sanatoriums operate on an all-inclusive basis, but in some places you will have to pay extra for medical and recreational procedures.

Accommodation on the territory of the ski resorts of Azerbaijan costs a pretty penny, but if you by all means need a hotel within walking distance from the ski slopes, these options can be considered. For example, Shahdag hotels accept only those guests who are not sorry to pay 160 AZN for a double room. If the travel route runs mainly through provincial cities, the private sector will be an excellent accommodation option, where you can rent a room or a whole house for a family. For the money it turns out more profitable than a hotel room.

Cellular and Internet

You can get a local SIM card if you have a passport. The most popular operators promising the best coverage in Azerbaijan are Azercell, Bakcell and Nar. But keep in mind that Azercell has higher rates, while its competitors always have great deals aimed at guests of the country. However, Azercell has another feature that allows it to remain the most demanded operator of the Republic - this is an extensive coverage area and high quality of communication. Therefore, if trips to the provinces are coming, it is more advisable to overpay a little for the reliability of the connection. Otherwise, you run the risk of constantly seeing the inscription “No network” on the smartphone’s display.

You can buy prepaid tariffs for all three in branded communication stores. True, it is better to do this not at the airport and not in the tourist areas of Baku, where the cost of a SIM card can double or even triple. It is more convenient to replenish a mobile account through ATMs, terminals, as well as using express payment cards, which are easy to find at points of sale of a mobile operator.

An alternative to mobile phones is payphones. There are few of them in Azerbaijan, but on the avenues of big cities, as well as at bus stations, you will surely find the coveted retro device. Payphone calls are paid for with special cards, which are sold at supermarket checkouts and in any post office.

Free Wi-Fi in Azerbaijan can be found in city hotels and airports. All access points belonging to cafes, stations, parks are paid. For this reason, it is better to pay a little extra and purchase a local SIM card with an included internet package, since there are always plenty of such options.


All cash payments are made in Azerbaijani manats (AZN). 1 AZN is 38.39 RUB (the current exchange rate for August 2019). As for currency exchange, it can be done at bank branches and official exchange points. The main thing to remember: the farther from the tourist attractions, train stations and airports the institution is located, the more favorable the course is offered. Another life hack for those visiting the country for the first time: it is better to come to Azerbaijan not with rubles, but with dollars or at least euros - they are exchanged at a more pleasant rate.

Finding an ATM in major cities is not a problem. In extreme cases, you can look into any bank and cash out funds there - the machines issue a choice of manats or dollars. A small supply of cash in the wallet for a tourist is an urgent need. Credit cards in Azerbaijan are calculated only in large hotels and shopping centers. Family restaurants, private shops and guesthouses prefer banknotes.

Tips in the country are included in the bill and amount to 5-10% of the order. In some establishments, customers are given the opportunity to thank the staff for the service themselves, but in this case it is not customary to leave less than 10% of the amount in the check. Porters and maids expect from tourists a "compliment for their work" in the amount of 5 AZN. Taxi drivers do without tips, but they are often tricky with the final amount of the trip, so be extremely careful and agree on payment before getting into the car.


Not to say that there is no high-end shopping in Azerbaijan as such - there are enough fashionable boutiques and outlets in Baku. However, the bulk of the tourist mass is bought here not at all by Bulgari and Versace, but by authentic local goods - carpets, herbs, wine. National items of clothing and accessories are in high demand: pointed slippers a la Little Muk (chariks), jorabs (woolen socks), carpet handbags.

As a gift to the beautiful half, you can bring products made of Azerbaijani silk, ranging from colorful kelaghayi scarves to vintage clutches. Copper utensils, pear-shaped glasses of armuda, backgammon, home linen textiles, souvenir bottles of oil - all this colorful variety can be purchased on a tour of the shops and shopping centers of the country. Of the local yummy, black caviar, pomegranate sauce, wine (“Akstafa”, “Gyuzel”, “7 Beauties”), cognac (“Old Baku”, “Babek”, “Ganja”), Azerbaijani tea and jam for it remain in priority , as well as ready-made mixtures of spices.

The most memorable and emotional shopping is obtained in the Baku markets - Teze Bazaar, Yashyl, Nasimi market. You can and should bargain, at the same time you will learn more about the product of interest: “this is how my grandfather made cheese / baklava / jam” is the most compelling argument among local merchants. If you want to walk around the shopping centers, in Baku 28 Mall

Stores that support the Tax free system will help save a little on purchases. To return 18% (this is the VAT rate in Azerbaijan) of the purchase price, his check must be at least 300 AZN. At the same time, it will not be possible to return VAT on food products, excise goods, medicines and auto parts.

It is allowed to export purchases from the territory of Azerbaijan within 90 days. The main thing is to provide unpacked goods at the customs point, your own passport and an invoice issued in the store (if you want to return VAT). After the control has been passed and the appropriate stamp has been received, you can contact bank branches to receive the due Tax free.

Important point: before Tax free is credited to your account, 20% will be deducted from its amount - this is the cost of customer service, which includes operator and bank services.


Nothing threatens a tourist in Azerbaijan. True, there are several nuances that are better taken into account when walking along city and rural streets. In particular, do not take photographs of passers-by without obtaining their permission. Filming of the local subway, government buildings and funiculars is also prohibited. Representatives of the fair half should not forget that they are, albeit in a very tolerant, but still Muslim country, where they react instantly to ultramini and open cleavage. And of course, no shorts and tops when visiting the mosques and mausoleums of Lankaran. It is better for women to cover their heads and wear a closed dress. The religious "dress code" for men is trousers and a shirt.

When communicating with Azerbaijanis, avoid the topic of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, otherwise you risk making serious enemies for yourself. And in general, it is better not to talk about Armenia and Armenians in this country. With local police, you should behave very carefully, keeping your passport ready. Despite the fact that Azerbaijan is the safest of the countries of the Caucasus, it also remains the most corrupt, so do not give law enforcement officers a reason to find fault with your behavior. If one of the locals invites you to visit, the invitation should be accepted according to the rules of good manners. Refusals are not liked here, perceiving them as a personal insult.

Customs and visa information

For a tourist trip to Azerbaijan, you need to take out insurance. But a visa is not required, provided that the period of stay in the country does not exceed 90 days.

Important: There are a lot of horror stories on the Internet about tourists who went to Armenia, as well as the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, who were then not allowed into Azerbaijan. In fact, not everything is so sad. Undoubtedly, people who have a visit to both countries in their documents are checked at the border with more suspicion. However, entry bans are not imposed as often as they are told. However, this is still no reason to demonstrate an enthusiastic attitude towards Armenia and especially towards Nagorno-Karabakh in the presence of Azerbaijani border guards - you run the risk of immediately going to your native land.

The list of goods prohibited for import / export is standard - drugs, pornographic materials, weapons. With purchases from Azerbaijan, they are released without problems, unless it is antiques - for collectible exhibits, you will have to obtain a special permit plus pay a tax. In general, it is better to purchase any goods of artistic value in specialized stores, where a certificate from the Ministry of Culture is issued along with the purchase, exempting the buyer from paying tax. Black caviar, which our compatriots in Azerbaijan are so chasing, can also be exported, but the weight of the delicacy should not exceed 600 g.


Intercity transport in Azerbaijan is represented by trains, electric trains, buses and minibuses. Buses and trains run strictly according to the schedule, but in the case of minibuses, you have to wait until you fill the cabin with passengers. Tourists who book hotels in advance, it is better to immediately clarify the issue with the transfer. Some Azerbaijani hotels send buses and cars for their guests, some do not.

You can move within the cities by buses and minibuses, which run at intervals of 5-10 minutes. Tickets are purchased from the driver of the vehicle. Baku has a subway with three lines, open from 06:00 to midnight. Another option for moving within the city and beyond is a taxi. Cars can be caught on the streets or called by phone. True, you will have to come to terms with the fact that all taxi companies have their own prices.

Helpful information: to less bother with buying tickets for public transport in the Azerbaijani capital, purchase BakıKart. This is a type of rechargeable e-pass, with which you can ride both the metro and Iveco buses owned by Baku Bus. BakıKart are sold in the metro, as well as in terminals at bus stops.

Rent a Car

It makes sense to rent a car in Azerbaijan when you have to inspect peripheral places and protected areas. If the purpose of the trip is the capital of the country, it is better to limit yourself to taxi and public transport services. Considering the peculiarities of national driving (Baku residents love to go wild) and the abundance of narrow streets in the old districts, it will be calmer this way. By the way, the farther from Baku, the lower the quality of the road surface, so do not be surprised by pits and potholes. This is common in the provinces.

On the other hand, there are no toll roads in the Republic, and things are not bad with free parking - there are parking lots with hourly payment only in the capital, as well as traffic jams. Going to get acquainted with the national color in remote villages and villages, be prepared to meet pets. Sheep flocks and cow herds moving through the asphalt are a common thing in the countryside. In mountainous areas, light ice on the roads can also be a surprise.

There are both international and local rental offices in the country. Prices in both the first and second differ, but, as a rule, slightly. On average, you can rent an economy class car for 80 AZN per day, but the longer the rental period, the lower the rate. Often there are profitable offers within 50-60 AZN per day, provided that the vehicle will be operated by the client for a week. Consider the fact that some companies do not rent a car to foreigners for less than two days.

Requirements for tourists renting a car: age from 23 years old (in some places - from 25 years old), a year of driving experience, as well as an international driving license and a passport. Some companies impose restrictions on the maximum age of the driver and do not cooperate with citizens over 75 years old. A prerequisite for car rental in Azerbaijan is a refundable deposit, which in reputable companies is blocked on a credit / debit card, and in simpler offices it is charged in cash.

How to get there

Derbent to the Azerbaijani border.

Azerbaijan is a state in Asia, in the southeastern part of Transcaucasia. The official name of the country is the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Territory of Azerbaijan: The area of ​​the state of the Republic of Azerbaijan is 86,600 km².

Population of Azerbaijan: The total population of Azerbaijan is 9,780,780 (2015). Men make up 49% of the population of Azerbaijan, women - 51%. The urban population is 51%, while the rural population is 49%.

Ethnic groups of Azerbaijan: 90.6% are Azerbaijanis, 2.2% Lezgins, 1.8% Russians, 0.6% Avars, 0.2% Tsakhurs, as well as Ukrainians, Armenians, Udins, Ingiloys, Kryzys, Budugs, Khynalygs, Tatars, Meskhetians Turks, Kurds, etc.

Average life expectancy in Azerbaijan: The average life expectancy in Azerbaijan is 72.2 years (men 69.19 years, women 75.54 years).

Capital of Azerbaijan: Baku.

Major cities of Azerbaijan: Baku - 2181800 people, Ganja (former Kirovabad) - 278000 people, Sumgayit - 235000 people.

State language of Azerbaijan: Azerbaijani. Russian and Turkish languages ​​are widespread.

Religion in Azerbaijan: The main part of the population of Azerbaijan professes Islam (mostly Shiite Muslims - 93.4%), various forms of Orthodoxy are professed by the Georgian, Russian and Armenian minorities.

Geographical position of Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan borders on Russia in the north, Georgia in the northwest, Armenia in the west, Iran in the south, Turkey in the extreme southwest, and the Caspian Sea in the east.

More than half of the territory of Azerbaijan is occupied by mountains. The mountains belong to the system of the Greater Caucasus in the north (the ridges of the Greater Caucasus with the peak of Bazarduzu, 4480 m, and the Side with the peak of Shahdag, 4250 m) and the Lesser Caucasus in the west and southwest. The highlands of the Greater Caucasus are characterized by glaciers and turbulent mountain rivers; the middle mountains are strongly dissected by deep gorges. From west to east, the mountains of the Greater Caucasus first gradually, and then sharply lower and are replaced by a system of low ridges. The mountains of the Lesser Caucasus are less high, they consist of numerous ridges and the volcanic Karabakh highlands with cones of extinct volcanoes. In the extreme southeast are the Lankaran Mountains, which consist of three parallel ridges. The main peak of the highest Talysh ridge Kyomyurkoy reaches 2477 m. The mountains of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus are separated by the vast Kura-Araks lowland.

To the northeast of the Greater Caucasus lies the Kusar Plain. The northwestern and northern part of the Kura-Araks lowland is a system of hills, low ridges and valleys; in the center and in the east there are alluvial plains, near the sea coast - a low delta of the river. Hens. The low-lying Apsheron Peninsula and the Kura Spit jut deep into the Caspian Sea.

The main river of Azerbaijan is the Kura, the largest river in Transcaucasia, which crosses the territory of Azerbaijan from northwest to southeast and flows into the Caspian Sea. The main tributary of the Kura is the Araks. Most of the rivers of Azerbaijan belong to the Kura basin. More than 1000 rivers flow through the territory of Azerbaijan, but only 21 of them have a length of more than 100 km.

Administrative-territorial division of Azerbaijan: Territorially, Azerbaijan is divided into 59 regions, 11 cities and 1 autonomous republic - the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic. The autonomy of Nagorno-Karabakh was officially liquidated in 1991. In fact, the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh is not under the control of the central government of Azerbaijan.

State structure of Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan is a presidential republic. The head of state is the president, elected by popular vote for a five-year term. The head of state has broad legislative and executive powers. The apparatus of the presidential administration operates under the president. The legislature is the unicameral National Assembly (Milli Mejlis), elected for 5 years. Of the 125 deputies of parliament, 100 are elected from single-mandate constituencies, and 25 - according to the proportional system (according to party lists). The right to vote is granted to citizens of the country, starting from the age of 18. The highest body of executive power, the Cabinet of Ministers, is appointed by the President and approved by the Milli Majlis. The head of the cabinet is the prime minister.

Judicial proceedings are carried out by local courts and the Supreme Court, which includes chambers for criminal and civil cases. The Supreme Court is elected by Parliament for a five-year term. There is a Constitutional Court.

Azerbaijan since the beginning of the 19th century. until 1918 it was part of the Russian Empire, from 1918 to 1920. was an independent state, from 1922 to 1991. was part of the USSR. On August 30, 1991, the state independence of Azerbaijan was proclaimed (the official date of establishing independence is October 18, 1991).

Sunny Azerbaijan has a lot of attractions that tourists will be interested in seeing. First of all, these are numerous museums, galleries and their branches. There are also unique ancient mausoleums on the territory of the country. Noteworthy are traces of the past in the form of rock paintings, fortresses in the rocks, tombstones and monuments, sites of ancient people. The architecture of the ancient cities of the state, monuments of culture and religion are interesting. Unusually colorful folk holidays. Republican reserves are rich in flora and fauna. The largest settlements will delight you with fancy fountains, wide squares, ancient administrative buildings, religious buildings, noisy markets and cultural institutions.


Square: almost 87 thousand sq. km.
Status: since August 30, 1991 - an independent Transcaucasian state, since the end of 2003 a presidential republic.
Coastline length: 955 km.
Population: according to the latest data (2015 census), there are more than 9.5 million people in the country. 54.1% live in cities, the rest live in towns, villages and villages. There are about 1039 women for every 1000 men. The main population is Azerbaijanis (91.6%), followed by Lezgins (2%), Russians, Armenians, Talyshs - 1% each, representatives of other nationalities are slightly present. There is also a small diaspora of Afghan refugees.
Language: the state language here is Azerbaijani, which belongs to the Turkic; writing is based on the Latin script.
Money: Azerbaijani manat, consisting of 100 qepiks, the last currency denomination took place in 2006. Dollars, euros and rubles can be changed at any bank in the country. It is advisable to keep the documents on the exchange until the very departure from Azerbaijan. Exchange with private persons is considered illegal.
Administrative-territorial division: the country is divided into 66 districts, 11 cities of republican significance are also distinguished. It consists of one autonomous republic - Nakhichevan. All districts are divided into municipal associations - there are 2698 of them in total. Each has its own system of government. Two small parts of Azerbaijan are subordinated to Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia.
Religion: The main religion in the country is Islam, it is practiced by 99.2% of the population. Among them, more than 85% are followers of the Shiite branch of Islam, while only 15% are Sunni Muslims. The residence of Muslims is located in Baku. There are also Christians (Ukrainians, Georgians, Russians), Jews (three Jewish communities), Catholics and Protestants. The country's constitution defines it as a secular state with different religious movements among representatives of the ethnic group.
Geographical position: the state is located in Western Asia. In the north it borders with Russia (Republic of Dagestan), Georgia, in the west - with Armenia, and in the south - with Iran. The eastern border runs along the coast of the Caspian Sea. Some of the districts belong territorially to Eastern Europe.

Landscape and climate of Azerbaijan

Almost half of the country's territory is mountains, the Caucasus (Big and Small) and Talysh. The average height in the state relative to the World Ocean is about 400 m. The highest point is 4466 m (the peak of Bazarduzu near the border with the Russian Federation), the lowest is -26.5 m. Glaciers, mountain rivers and gorges can be seen in the mountains. Extinct volcanoes are also located in the Lesser Caucasus. In the southeastern part of the country, uplands form parallel ridges. The Absheron peninsula goes far into the Caspian Sea. Soils in Azerbaijan are mostly gray earth. The vegetation is different: from representatives of the steppes to alpine and broad-leaved forests. There are two lowlands - Kura-Arak and Lankaran. Comfortable subtropics and snow-capped peaks are presented. There are many rivers rich in energy resources. Among them stands out Kura, the most famous river in the country. There are reservoirs and irrigation systems: the Upper Karabakh and Upper Shirvan canals, the Mingechevir reservoir.
Various types of climate are widely represented, which are influenced by the location of the country, the features of the relief and the waters of the Caspian Sea. Of the 11 possible, 9 can be observed here, which is reflected in the weather conditions. This is expressed in average temperatures throughout the country: in July in the highlands +5 °C, and in the plains +27 °C (maximum +40 °C); in January -10 °C in the mountains, +4 °C in the lowlands. The difference in precipitation is great: 200 mm/year in the highlands and 1200-1700 mm/year in the plains. In autumn, strong winds often blow.

Animal and plant world

The flora of the republic is diverse and represented by rare species. Here you can find unique representatives of the Aronnikova line, growing in the tropics and subtropics, in the forests of Asia, China and the Far East. Diversity is expressed in almost 500 varieties of plants. Of these, 125 orders and 240 endemic species growing only here. There are many blooming flowers here, so the country is rich in natural colors. Vegetation varies depending on the relief. Here you can find desert, semi-desert, subtropical, steppe and subalpine vegetation. Trees of different species are widely represented in the mountains - along with oak, chestnut, ash, alder and acacia are visible. Rare plants include iron tree, foxtail, erianthus, etc.
The fauna is also diverse: more than 12 thousand species are represented in total. This is due to the presence of different ecosystems - forests and mountains, seas and rivers, coastal waters, swamps and lowlands. Among the inhabitants: mammals - more than 100 species (hares, roe deer, bears, deer, lynx, etc.); birds - more than 350 varieties (ducks, pheasants, pelicans, flamingos, partridges, etc.); reptiles - about 50 species (snakes, lizards, etc.); fish - about 100 varieties (perch, pike, etc.). A lot of insects also live here, among them the ants Aulacopone relicta, which live only here, stand out. Among other representatives of the fauna, more than 100 species are listed in the Red Book of the country. This diversity is explained by the fact that the territory of Azerbaijan includes several zoogeographic regions, depending on the vegetation cover and the position of water bodies.


Azerbaijan can offer many interesting entertainments and unexpected surprises to young tourists. They will surely remember the boat ride through the intricate labyrinth of canals. They will not be indifferent to master classes in baking cakes, making pottery and blacksmithing in the open-air museum called "Gala". The entertainment attractions of the Megafon Center and the Gabaland Park will certainly be remembered. A lot of impressions await them on the Tufandag cable car. Bright encounters with rare animals will take place at the Baku Zoo. Interesting performances will be staged for them by actors from the capital's Puppet Theater and the Theater for Young Spectators.
The tourism business has been developing rapidly in Azerbaijan lately. All conditions are created for a comfortable stay for visitors. Guests are welcomed by modern hotels of different star categories. 5-star hotel complexes are being built especially actively, capable of satisfying the needs of the most demanding tourists. Almost every one of them has a private beach - well maintained and clean, offering comfort and the opportunity to enjoy your holiday. No less pleasant will be spending time in modern cottage settlements with developed infrastructure, where tourists will be provided with separate houses. The private sector will also offer excellent comfortable housing.
Anyone who has been on vacation in Azerbaijan at least once calls it a "paradise" for tourists, full of sights and natural beauties. Fans of fishing, hunting and travel in the wild will find something to do. Here you can not only have a good rest, but also take care of your health. Numerous sanatoriums and boarding houses offer their health promotion services. The mild climate with clean air, mineral waters, mud baths, gentle sun will definitely contribute to healing. There is also a great opportunity to treat yourself to fresh fruits and vegetables.
Due to the mild subtropical climate, this Transcaucasian state has recently become very popular with tourists coming here from all over the world. Here the weather is good all year round: warm, short winters and hot, rather long summers. From May to September you can sunbathe and swim in the Caspian Sea. For this, beach excursions to the coastal cities of the country are provided. Travelers are also attracted by the richest natural resources: hydrotherapy and climatic resorts, numerous reserves. Mud volcanoes are interesting: in terms of their number, Azerbaijan ranks first in the world. The history of the first electric train, which was invented and launched here, is interesting. The unusual plant of air conditioners, the only one operating in Soviet times, also attracts attention.

How to get to Azerbaijan?

By plane
The country's largest air airport in Baku makes regular flights to the settlements of the Russian Federation, and international communication has been established. "Moscow-Baku" is a daily three-hour flight to the Azerbaijani capital.
By train
Rail transport carries out a large share of passenger transportation. The railway to Iran passes through the territory of Azerbaijan. The train from Moscow to Baku goes three times a week, the travel time is a little more than two days. There are also trains from other major Russian cities.
By car
Three major automobile routes pass through the country - E60, E119, E002.
On a steamship
Baku port accepts railway ferries from Krasnovodsk, Karabogaz and Aktau. The Azerbaijani shipping company Kaspar, along with cargo transportation, is engaged in the transportation of passengers from Turkmenbashi, Aktau and Astrakhan. In total, in addition to the capital, the state has three ports - Astara, Lankaran and Sumgayit.

Movement around the country

There are many sights on the territory of Azerbaijan. It is easy to visit them using different modes of transport. So, you can use buses, taxis (including fixed-route), metro and railway. Some parts of the country can only be reached by air. Motor transport is best developed in the country: in total, more than 59 thousand km of roads have been laid, about 30 thousand of them have an asphalt surface. Highways tend to run alongside major railroads. A well-equipped route runs along the coast of the Caspian Sea - this is a direct route from Russia to Iran. Another major highway leads to Georgia, a branch departs from it to Nagorno-Karabakh.
Public transport
Buses and fixed-route taxis run in big cities. There is also regular intercity communication, there are many routes, buses depart from bus stations. You can also get there by rail. Tourists can independently choose for themselves a tour of the country.
In 1967, two metro lines were opened in Baku with a total length of more than 33 km with 22 stations. This transport carries out a large volume of passenger transportation.
This service is very common in every large settlement. Travel around the city costs up to $ 10, but it is better to check the cost before the trip.
Car rental
It is possible if you have the relevant documents and money, while you must carefully read the contract. It is recommended to rent a car from well-known companies that provide such services.
Developed internal aviation communication. In total, there are 32 airports in the country. The largest international flights are in Baku and Lankaran, Zatala and Ganja, Nakhichevan and Gabala.

Azerbaijan gives travelers an unforgettable vacation. Thanks to its climate and numerous historical monuments, it attracts visitors from all over the world. People come here to see architecture, touch folk traditions, visit oriental bazaars, improve their health with thermal waters, listen to ancient legends, swim in the warm sea and relax on the beach. It is no less interesting for athletes: lovers of rock climbing and conquerors of mountain rivers are waiting for unexplored places. And the rock paintings and walls of ancient fortresses will reveal their secrets to history buffs. Linking East and West, being one of the stations of the Great Silk Road, Azerbaijan will always attract the attention of tourists.

Azerbaijan is an abundance of ancient fortresses and palaces, high-quality and inexpensive holidays on the Caspian Sea and oil treatment in Naftalan. Hospitable Baku and the cities of the Great Silk Road - everything about Azerbaijan from the Subtleties of tourism: photos, videos, maps and news.

  • Hot tours all over the world

Is Azerbaijan still Europe or is it already Asia? If the question is relevant to you, feel free to assume that you have not yet been to this country. Travelers who have already seen Azerbaijan do not ask them anymore - not because they found the answer, they just have completely different priorities. For example, how to go here once or twice and where else to visit here.

But still, still: Europe or Asia? The orthodox geographer's answer: "Anterior Asia" is as accurate as it is useless. In fact, Azerbaijan is Azerbaijan. This is Old Baku, where all the Turkish scenes of the “Diamond Hand” were filmed (it is still the same, for sure - Istanbul), and pictures of the streets of New Baku, especially in the evening, can easily be mistaken for Central European ones. These are perfectly preserved Zoroastrian temples that are older than many world religions. These are 40 recipes for authentic Azerbaijani pilaf, which we rightfully put in one paragraph with history and culture: firstly, this is also history and culture, and what else, and, secondly, how delicious it is here!

And, of course, Azerbaijan is oil. Lots of oil. And not only the one that is “per barrel”, but also the famous healing one, to which people have been going to Naftalan for the third century in a row.

History of Azerbaijan

The statehood of Azerbaijan is almost 5000 years old. From the end of the 4th century BC. e. various national formations began to appear on this territory. For example, such strong states as Atropatena and Caucasian Albania were located here. They played a significant role in the formation of a single people. Later, in the 2nd century A.D. e., Azerbaijan was occupied by the Iranian Sassanids, then moved to the Arab Caliphate. Thus, many Arabs and Iranians appeared in the country.

The turning point in the history of Azerbaijan was the adoption of Islam in the 7th century AD. e. Religion actually began to unite peoples, form one language, create new customs and traditions. The subsequent political rise of Azerbaijan is associated with the appearance on the territory of several states: Shirvanshahs, Ravvadids, Sajids, Salarids and Sheddadids. Historians call this time the Renaissance.

Approximately 500 years ago, the gradual unification of the lands of Azerbaijan began. Shah Ismail Khatai connected the southern and northern lands, as a result of which the Safavid state was formed - one of the strongest empires in the Middle East.

His work was continued by Nadir Shah, who expanded the territory by capturing Northern India. But after his death, the empire began to disintegrate - into khanates and sultanates. At the end of the 18th century, the Ghajars, a well-known Azerbaijani dynasty, came to power in Iran. They wanted to return all the lands that were subordinate to Nadir Shah and establish a centralized government. However, they met fierce resistance from Russia, which wanted to capture the South Caucasus. As a result, after many years of wars, the parties agreed on the division of lands: Russia received Northern Azerbaijan, and Iran received Southern Azerbaijan. During the Soviet era, Azerbaijan became a socialist republic and existed in this status until 1991, when it left the USSR and declared independence.

Regions and resorts of Azerbaijan

If Azerbaijan is a motley tangle of ancient traditions and earthly riches of the third millennium, then Baku is the core of this intricacies. I would like to touch the origins - welcome to the Old City of Icheri Sheher. Its recognized symbol is the Maiden's Tower, perched on a rock. Even more impressive is the Palace of the Shirvanshahs - a monumental complex with a mosque, a mausoleum, a bathhouse and other medieval buildings. It is better to return from the distant past gradually, starting from the areas of Soviet development (Sabunchu railway station and Government House deserve attention) and ending in a modern center with Flame Towers shining in the night, reminiscent of Dubai skyscrapers.

Another large Azerbaijani city is Lankaran, leading its history from the 10th century BC. e. She was clearly lucky with her location: the picturesque coast of the Caspian Sea with black sand, dense forests, thermal springs are ideal conditions for a recreational holiday.

The cultural program should definitely include a tour of the Lankaran fortress of the 18th century and the ancient khanega - a Muslim religious complex.

In search of oriental treasures, we recommend that you go to Ganja. Moreover, as the legend says, a lone traveler has already managed to find a real treasure here: cauldrons full of gold and precious stones. Modern travelers are more likely to expect riches of a different kind: incredible architecture, souvenir shops, cozy cafes. The heart of Ganja is the ensemble of Sheikh Bahauddin: here is the Juma mosque made of red brick, and the Chekyak-hamam bath, and the caravanserai, where a museum is open today.

There are also new cities in the country that are gradually gaining the attention of tourists. For example, Sumgayit is attractive due to its nature: the climate here is mild, and the beaches are not the usual sandy and pebbly ones, but covered with a small scattering of snow-white shells. For ancient monuments, you will have to go to the surrounding villages of Jorat and Salari. And Naftalan, as you might guess from the name, is famous for its oil: it is healing here, healing skin, nervous, gynecological and cardiovascular diseases. Look for a complete list of Azerbaijani cities and resorts on our page.

Time difference with Moscow

1 hour

  • with Kaliningrad
  • with Samara
  • with Yekaterinburg
  • with Omsk
  • with Krasnoyarsk
  • with Irkutsk
  • with Yakutsk
  • with Vladivostok
  • with Severo-Kurilsk
  • with Kamchatka


The territory of the country is heterogeneous in terms of weather conditions due to altitudinal zonation (there are 8 climatic zones out of 11 existing in the world). The average temperature in July ranges from +5 °C in the highlands to +27 °C in the lowlands. January, respectively, from −10 °C to +3 °C. The maximum summer temperature can reach +45 °C, while in winter the thermometer in mountainous areas often drops to -40 °C at night. Strong northern winds are characteristic, mainly in autumn. The best time to visit the country is from April to October.

Azerbaijan maps

Visa and customs

Citizens of the Russian Federation and most countries of the former CIS who enter Azerbaijan for a period not exceeding 90 days do not need a visa. But it’s still worthwhile to arrange travel insurance for the entire duration of the trip in advance.

Import and export of currency is not limited, a declaration is required. It is allowed to import duty-free: up to 1000 cigarettes or 1 kg of tobacco products, up to 1.5 liters of strong alcoholic beverages and 2 liters of wine, perfumes (for personal use, in reasonable quantities), as well as other goods in the amount of not more than 10,000 USD. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

It is allowed to export your personal belongings, handicrafts and goods bought in the country from Azerbaijan. The export of any antiques (including precious stones, coins, manuscripts and other works of art) without the permission of the relevant authorities is prohibited. Also prohibited is the transit of narcotic substances, weapons and ammunition (with the exception of hunting, for which you need to obtain permission), literature and video materials that offend the morality and political system of the country.

No more than 600 g of black caviar can be taken out of the country. Any carpet or handicrafts produced before 1960 are automatically considered antiques and are taxed. Exempts from tax only the corresponding certificate of the Ministry of Culture, which is issued with the purchase in official art salons or stores. Goods purchased in the markets or in private stores usually do not have such a certificate.

tax free

The Tax free system was introduced in Azerbaijan in 2016. Now tourists can get back 18% VAT (minus 20% of the total tax on all purchases as payment for the service) by making purchases in stores with the appropriate stickers. The cost of a one-time purchase must exceed 300 AZN, the system does not apply to medicines, food, raw precious stones, vehicles, spare parts and a number of other goods. It is possible to export purchases outside of Azerbaijan within 90 days. For a tax refund, you will need to provide unpacked goods at customs, a passport and an invoice filled out in a store, get a stamp, and then - in any authorized bank - the amount due in cash or on a card.

How to get to Azerbaijan

Airplane is the most convenient way to get to Azerbaijan. Aeroflot flies daily from Moscow to Baku - from Sheremetyevo (terminal E), as well as Azerbaijan Airlines and Es Seven - from Domodedovo and Vnukovo. Flight time - 3 hours. Airplanes also fly to Baku from other cities of Russia: Nizhny Novgorod (via Moscow), St. Petersburg (without transfers), Novosibirsk (directly).

The Moscow-Baku train departs from the Kursk railway station, travel time is about 60 hours, tickets - from 115 USD in a reserved seat to 270 USD in a luxury compartment. There are also trains to Baku from St. Petersburg, Rostov, Yekaterinburg, Makhachkala, Kyiv and Kharkov.

You can get to Baku by car through Makhachkala (Dagestan). The distance between the Russian and Azerbaijani capitals is approximately 2300 km, on the road - about 33 hours, excluding stops. Nakhichevan can also be reached by land transport through Iran, but this will require an Iranian visa.

Find flights to Azerbaijan


You can travel between the cities of Azerbaijan by trains, buses, minibuses or taxis. Railway trains in the country are old and untidy, but travel is cheap. Electric trains run between most cities, more comfortable high-speed express trains go to large settlements, passenger trains are delivered to remote regions. A trip from Baku to Ganja will cost, for example, 10 AZN.

Bus service is better developed, bus stations are usually located next to city markets. Buses run on schedule, and minibuses depart as they fill up. The fare is approximately the same everywhere and depends on the distance (3-15 AZN). In addition, the old Soviet tradition has not died in Azerbaijan to send a bus from each hotel to the station or airport for their vacationers - this must be specified in advance when booking accommodation.

Public transport within cities

Public transport - city buses and minibuses, in the capital - the subway. Bus tickets are sold from drivers or conductors, the fare in the cities varies. On average, a trip within the settlement costs 0.20 AZN, and you can get to the suburbs for 0.80 AZN. The Baku metro works until 0:00 and consists of 3 lines, the fare is paid with plastic cards purchased at the stations for 2 AZN (the cost of one trip is 0.20 AZN).

All signs at stops are in Azerbaijani, so you will have to navigate on your own.

Taxis in Baku are not only fast and comfortable, but also beautiful: black and purple retro cars are reminiscent of London cabs. But in the provinces, things are different: there passengers are transported by Zhiguli and budget foreign cars. You can call a car by phone or catch it on the street, there are parking lots at all bus stations and metro stations. Each carrier sets its own tariffs, on average, landing costs 1 AZN, each km - from 0.70 AZN. Transfer from the airport to the center costs 15-30 AZN. It is better to bargain with taxi drivers before long-distance trips.

Rent a Car

It is more convenient to see the beauties of Baku and other large Azerbaijani cities on your own car: the roads here are not bad, there are traffic jams only at rush hour. Driving in the countryside is a much more extreme adventure, but with enough patience and vigilance, potholes and gravel roads are unlikely to become a serious hindrance. Both international (Avis) and local (AzCar, Aznur, etc.) rental offices operate in Azerbaijan. Renting a small car will cost from 65 AZN, a standard model - from 80 AZN, an SUV - from 150 AZN per day. The cost of gasoline is 0.80-1 AZN per 1 liter.

To rent a car, you will need a passport (driver's age - from 23 years old) and international rights (driving experience - from 1 year). In addition to paying for the rental, most often a deposit is required (from half to the full cost), which is returned upon delivery of the car. There are no toll roads in Azerbaijan, most parking lots are free, with the exception of some parking lots in the center of Baku (1 AZN per hour).

Communication and Wi-Fi

The top three mobile operators in Azerbaijan are Azercell, Bakcell and Nar. The average cost of SIM cards is 5-10 AZN, you need a passport for registration. You can connect in the official communication stores, they also sell cards for replenishing the balance with a face value of 1-50 AZN. Money is also deposited into the account through ATMs and terminals.

The tariff for calls to Russia from Azercell is 0.30 AZN per minute, discounts of 25% are provided on weekends around the clock and on weekdays at night.

There are payphones on the central streets of big cities, in some shops and at bus stations. Calls are paid for using cards sold at post offices, supermarkets and newsstands. The cost of the card is from 5 AZN, a call to your homeland will cost 1-2 AZN per minute.

Wireless Internet access can be found only in large cities. Wi-Fi points are equipped at airports, some cafes and hotels. In public places - parks, train stations and metro stations - the Internet is paid and is available only for Bakcell subscribers. It is most profitable to buy SIM cards with prepaid traffic (from 0.20 AZN per day).

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Ambulance: 103, firefighters: 101, police: 102, time service: 106, city information office: 109.

Telephone codes of some cities: Baku - 12, Ganja - 22, Imishli - 154, Ismayilli - 178, Nakhichevan - 136, Naftalan - 255.

Azerbaijan beaches

Nestled on the shores of the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan is a great place for beach relaxation. You can have a great rest even in the capital, more precisely, in the surrounding villages that are part of the Baku agglomeration. The coast here is sandy, the entrance to the water is safe, without sharp fluctuations in depth. Fashionable beaches are scattered throughout the Absheron Peninsula, the most popular ones are in Novkhani: Palma Beach, Barbados Beach, Sahil Beach and Crescent Beach have showers, toilets, umbrellas, changing cabins and a whole palette of entertainment for any taste.

Entrance to most Baku beaches is paid: from 15 AZN.

Excellent beaches are also found in Lankaran: the coastal zone is covered with fine black sand, which has healing properties. There are many sanatoriums that use water from the surrounding thermal springs in their programs, as well as a string of cafes, clubs and bars for lovers of noisy parties. In Sumgayit, there are 20 beaches at once, covered with small shells, burnt white in the sun. The infrastructure is well developed: there will be no problems with changing cabins, sunbeds, umbrellas and water activities.


Alpine skiing has been actively developing in Azerbaijan recently. The first resort that opened its doors to conquerors of snow-capped peaks is the Shahdag complex, at the foot of the mountain of the same name in the vicinity of the city of Gusar. The main wealth of these places is amazingly beautiful nature with untouched flora and fauna. Shahdag has several modern hotels, a ski school with a team of experienced instructors and a children's club. The infrastructure of the resort is 12 lifts (chairlifts, ski lifts, gondola lifts), freestyle areas, equipment rental points, as well as green, red and blue trails for athletes with any training, equipped with artificial snow generators (they are used infrequently: winters are snowy here, with optimal temperatures for skiing).

Another ski complex, "Tufan", was built in the picturesque district center of Gabala. 4 cable cars, 5 slopes of different difficulty levels, equipment rental and sale points, a ski school, hotels and cafes - all this is already in the young resort, and construction has not yet been completed. In the foreseeable future, new tracks and a full-fledged sports and entertainment center will open.

Treatment in Azerbaijan

The main wealth of Azerbaijan is oil, which is used not only as a fuel, but also as a unique natural cure for many ailments. The main balneological resort of the country is Naftalan, where "black gold" or "blood of the earth" is mined - as soon as this substance is not called. Another thing is important: it can be used to heal about 70 serious diseases, including neurological, muscular, gynecological, cardiovascular and urological disorders. Patients come to Naftalan with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, thrombophlebitis, sciatica and other diseases that inevitably recede before the forces of nature. In addition to naftalan baths and body wraps, doctors use massage, treatment with paraffin and iodine-bromine compounds, hardware technologies and physiotherapy exercises.

In Naftalan, a museum of crutches left by cured patients of sanatoriums as unnecessary has been opened. Visual Proof: Therapy Works!

Another famous Azerbaijani resort is Nakhichevan with healing mineral springs. With the help of water rich in useful substances, it is possible to cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and dermatological ailments, and the symptoms of bronchitis and asthma go away in the salt caves of Duzdag. In the sanatoriums of Lankaran, they treat with thermal water from hot springs, and on the coast of Lake Masazir - silt mud, comparable in effectiveness to the mud of the Dead Sea.


Diving off the coast of Azerbaijan was actively carried out back in Soviet times: the local underwater world is rich in treasures. Today the fashion for diving is returning: schools and clubs are gradually opening, organizing expeditions to the bottom of the Caspian Sea and high mountain lakes. Diving center Dolphin Baku (off. site) even entered the NDL National Dive League, which indicates the first-class training of its instructors.

Diving to sunken ships is especially popular: there are about 60 of them only near the Absheron Peninsula. The Caspian Sea is an ancient trade route, in the depths of which to this day you can find ceramics, weapons, anchors and other curiosities, whose age often exceeds a couple of centuries. Diving in fresh lakes with crystal water, formed high in the mountains as a result of earthquakes, also brings vivid impressions. It is better to dive with experienced instructors: they will show noteworthy points, help you choose equipment and teach you all the intricacies of interesting and safe trips through the underwater world.

5 things to do in Azerbaijan

  1. Take the Baku Acropolis by storm and climb the Maiden Tower, which is associated with a romantic legend.
  2. Ask for a visit to a local grandmother and try real Azerbaijani home-cooked cuisine - after all, Azerbaijanis are so famous for their hospitality!
  3. Buy a traditional oriental carpet in the Baku market, made in the best traditions of Azerbaijani carpet weaving, without forgetting to bargain for the best price.
  4. Plunge into a naftalan bath and feel like a reborn.
  5. Leave your mark on one of the cobbled streets of Ganja, along which Katran Tabrizi, Abul-Ula, Feleki, Khagani, Mehseti and other "stars" of the Azerbaijani renaissance walked.


In the center of Baku, shops are open from 9:00 to late in the evening, on the outskirts - mainly until 19:00-20:00. The lowest prices - in the markets and fairs. Local silk, ceramics and other handicrafts can be bought at Sharg Bazary (modern closed market), as well as on the famous Torgovaya Street and in the Old City of Baku. Prices are negotiable, so you can and should bargain.

Some stores accept US dollars. Given the problem with paying by credit cards, you should always carry cash with you. Basically, cash payments are everywhere. Many goods sold in Azerbaijani stores are of Turkish origin.

Luxury brand boutiques are concentrated on Neftchilar Avenue and other streets of the modern center. The largest shopping complexes are "Ganjlik Mall" near the metro station of the same name, "Port Baku Mall" on the coast and "28 Mall" near the railway station. The most colorful market is "Teze Bazaar", fresh vegetables and fruits can always be found on the shelves of "Yashyl" and "Nasiminsky". In the vicinity of the capital there are outlets with solid discounts on goods of famous brands.

High-quality and inexpensive carpets are sold at the Carpet Weaving Center in the Baku suburb of Nardaran, and expensive masterpieces are sold in specialized stores in the capital. In addition, it is worth bringing backgammon from Azerbaijan (this is practically a national game in which both old and young are “cut” in the country) and the famous “airfield” caps. Of the dishes, armuds are good - traditional pear-shaped glasses that keep drinks hot for a long time. The decoration of any kitchen will be tablecloths embroidered with gold threads. From edible souvenirs - black caviar (which you can’t buy much in Russia now), Baku baklava, spices and aromatic herbs, and also original white cherry jam.

The best photos of Azerbaijan

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Cuisine and restaurants of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani cuisine is notable for the abundance of all kinds of meat, fish and vegetable dishes, complemented by fragrant herbs and a great variety of spices. Some national dishes replace both the "first" and the "second". Another characteristic feature of Azerbaijani liquid dishes is the use of fat tail fat in their manufacture, which, as a rule, is put in food in finely chopped form. Flour first courses made from fresh and sour milk or katyk are widespread.

Second courses are prepared mainly from lamb, as well as from poultry, game, vegetables and rice. One of the most common dishes in Azerbaijan is plov, for which more than 40 recipes are known. Of the second courses, kebabs stand out, the famous kebab and dolma from grape leaves also belong there. It is also worth trying grilled lamb ribs, “gutaby” pies with greens and cottage cheese or meat, and “saj” - pieces of lamb in assorted vegetables cooked in a flat frying pan over charcoal.

There are not so many sweet dishes in Azerbaijani cuisine. These are mainly baklava, gozinaki, halva, Turkish delight (with various additives), jellied figs and sherbet (the most common dessert drink in the country).

The order of serving dishes is peculiar: at the beginning, according to tradition, there is tea, mostly black long leaf tea, then main courses. Often after dinner (especially after pilaf) they serve dovga - a soup made from sour milk and herbs.

The sign "teahouse" can be found in Azerbaijan on every corner. Tea is served in small, pear-shaped Armudi glass cups. And to it - Baku baklava, jam from white cherries, figs, cherries and dogwoods, walnuts and watermelons.

The cheapest, but no less delicious Azerbaijani food is sold in street stalls, of which there are many. Famous donuts for 0.10 AZN, all kinds of buns from 0.20 AZN, the ubiquitous shawarma from 1.50 AZN - you definitely won't be able to lose weight on such a diet. Fast food establishments, gelateria with ice cream, pastry shops and other places where you can have a bite to eat on the go are open on the embankments. Traditional treats are better to try in family restaurants with a warm atmosphere and a simple but hearty menu. Connoisseurs of the exotic will like establishments in Turkish, Japanese and Mediterranean styles, and those who miss their homeland will find snack bars stylized as old Russian huts.

A business lunch in an inexpensive cafe will cost 6-8 AZN per person. For dinner in a restaurant, you will have to pay from 50 AZN for two.


During Soviet times, Azerbaijan earned more from viticulture than from oil. This fact clearly shows how important the wine industry was for the republic. Which is not surprising - the country has always been famous for its excellent wine.

Archaeological excavations show that wine production began in Azerbaijan as early as the 3rd century BC. e. However, Muslims persecuted connoisseurs of this drink, and winemaking quickly fell into decay. Wild grapes helped local residents - they quickly adapted it to their needs. As a result, Azerbaijan received excellent grape varieties, which gave a rich harvest.

Another blow was the anti-alcohol campaign that unfolded in the USSR in the 80s. last century. Because of it, huge vineyards were cut down. It seemed that Azerbaijani wines would never return to their former glory. But it was not there.

Today, the country has relied on expensive grape varieties for the production of fine drinks. Surely many of us have tried varieties such as Shemakha, Agdam, Kara-Chanakh, Kurdamir, Madrasa, Chinara, Baku Lights. Azerbaijani wines, even after decades, still remain piece goods. Previously, they were supplied mainly to the tables of the elite of the republic and the country, today they exclusively go abroad. A small number of vineyards also played a role in this. But despite the fact that Azerbaijani wine is difficult to find on store shelves, this drink remains one of the most democratic in terms of its cost. And for this price you will definitely get world-class quality.

Guides in Azerbaijan

Entertainment and attractions

Azerbaijan is a link between Western and Eastern civilizations. First of all, Azerbaijan is interesting as a unique collection of archaeological monuments, some of which are several thousand years old. There are over 130 museums, galleries and their branches, theatres, mausoleums, mosques, fortresses and other unique cultural objects in Azerbaijan.