Baranov history is a complete guide to preparation. Universal reference book for the exam in history

The reference book, addressed to graduates and applicants, contains the material of the course "History of Russia", which is checked at the unified state exam. The structure of the book corresponds to the modern codifier of content elements in the subject, on the basis of which the examination tasks are compiled - control measuring materials (KIMs) of the Unified State Examination. The reference book includes three sections: "Antiquity and the Middle Ages", "Modern Time", "Recent History", the content of which is presented in the form of structural-logical diagrams and tables, allowing not only to quickly memorize extensive factual material, but also to understand the relationship between individual events, phenomena and processes. Sample tasks and answers to them, completing each section, as well as a version of the test work in the USE format, will help to assess the level of preparation for the exam. The manual contains a glossary of terms and concepts, the knowledge of which is necessary for the successful passing of the unified state exam.

To which city of North-Eastern Russia did Andrei Bogolyubsky transfer his capital?
1) Tver
2) Rostov
3) Vladimir
4) Moscow
Answer: 3.

Read an excerpt from a work of ancient Russian literature and indicate what year the described event is associated with.
“And the Tatar regiments fled, and the Russians chased after them, beaten and flogged ... Russia under the Moscow banner won the first victory over the Tatars at the confluence of the Nepryadva River with the Don.”
1) 1242
2) 1380
3) 1480
4) 1552
Answer: 2.

Which of the following was one of the reasons for popular uprisings in Russia in the 17th century?
1) the introduction of recruitment duty
2) the introduction of a poll tax
3) the establishment of a single term for the transition of peasants from the landowner
4) the establishment of an indefinite investigation of fugitive peasants Answer: 4.

Preface 9
Section 1. Antiquity and the Middle Ages
1.1. Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia 12
East Slavic tribes and their neighbors 12
Occupations of the Eastern Slavs 13
The social structure of the Eastern Slavs 14
Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs 14
1.2. Russia in IX - early XII in 15
The main prerequisites for the formation of statehood among the Eastern Slavs 15
Stages of formation of statehood among the Eastern Slavs 16
Old Russian princes and their politics 16
Management of the Old Russian state in the X-XII centuries 19
Adoption of Christianity 20
Categories of the population in the Old Russian state 21
"Russian Truth" - a code of laws of the Old Russian state 22
International Relations of Ancient Russia 23
Culture of Ancient Russia 23
1.3. Russian lands and principalities in the XII - mid-XV in 25
Causes of the collapse of the Old Russian state 25
The main centers of political fragmentation in Russia 26
Organization of management in Veliky Novgorod 27
Mongol conquests 28
Formation of the Golden Horde. Russia and the Horde 30
Manifestations of the Horde yoke 31
Relations between Russia and the Golden Horde in the XIII century. 32
Expansion from the West in XIII to 33
Prerequisites for the unification of Russian lands 34
The struggle for political leadership
unification of Russian lands 35
Reasons for the rise of Moscow 35
Moscow princes and their politics 36
Battle of Kulikovo 39
Restoring the economy of Russian lands 40
Russian city 41
Culture of Russia in the XII-XV centuries 42
1.4. The Russian state in the second half of the 15th - early 17th century in 43
Moscow princes and their politics 43
Central authorities
Russian state in the XV - early XVI in 44
Significance of formation of the Russian centralized state 44
Categories of the population of the XV-XVI centuries 45
The beginning of the reign of Ivan IV 47
Reforms of the middle of the XVI century in 48
Oprichnina 49
The formation of serfdom in Russia 52
Foreign policy of Ivan IV 53
Culture of Russia in the XVI-XVII centuries 55
Troubles of the late XVI - early XVII in 58
Stages of the Time of Troubles 59
Social movements at the beginning of the 17th century. 62
Aftermath of Troubles 64
Elimination of the consequences of Troubles 65
The first Romanovs and their politics 66
New phenomena in the economy 69
The highest bodies of state power and administration in the XVII to 70
Local government in the XVII in 71
Legal registration of serfdom 71
Church split 73
Social movements in the XVII to 75
Examples of tasks 77
Section 2. New time 85
2.1. Russia in the 18th - mid-19th century in 86
Transformations of Peter I the Great 86
The highest bodies of state power and administration of the Russian Empire (1725) 94
Absolute power of the monarch 95
Significance of the formation of an absolute monarchy in Russia 95
Northern War (1700-1721) 96
Russia during the period of palace coups 98
"Enlightened Absolutism" 104
The policy of "enlightened absolutism" of Catherine II the Great (1762-1796) 105
Formation of the estate system in the XVIII in 109
Economy of Russia in the XVIII - the first half of the XIX in 110
Russia's foreign policy in the second half of the 18th century in 115
Domestic and foreign policy of Paul I (1796-1801) 117
Culture of Russia in the second half of the 18th - first half of the 19th century 121
Domestic and foreign policy of Alexander II (1801-1825) - 128
Patriotic War of 1812 135
Foreign campaign of the Russian army in 1813-1814. 138
Decembrist movement 140
Domestic policy of Nicholas I (1825-1855) 144
The main directions of social thought in Russia in the second quarter of the 19th century 149
Foreign policy in the second quarter of the 19th century 154
2.2. Russia in the second half of the XIX - early XX in 162
Reforms of 1860-1870s 162
The policy of counter-reforms 172
Capitalist relations in industry and agriculture 176
Social movement in Russia
after the abolition of serfdom 179
Russian culture
in the second half of the XIX - early XX in 194
The highest bodies of state power and administration of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century in 201
Economic development of Russia in 1901-1913 203
Ideological currents in Russia at the turn of the century 205
Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) 207
Revolution of 1905-1907 210
The highest bodies of state power and administration of the Russian Empire in 1905-1914 214
The experience of Russian parliamentarism 215
The main political parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century in 217
Reforms P.A. Stolypin 220
Russia in World War I (1914-1918) 223
The impact of the war on Russian society 227
Job examples 230
Section 3. Recent history 237
3.1. Revolution and Civil War in Russia 238
February Revolution of 1917 238
Dual power 241
Political tactics of the Bolsheviks 244
October armed uprising of 1917 in Petrograd 245
Constituent Assembly 247
Domestic and foreign policy of the Soviet government in 1917-1918 248
Civil war and foreign intervention 253
Chronology of major events 255
The main reasons for the victory of the Bolsheviks in the Civil War 259
The policy of "war communism" 260
Transition to the New Economic Policy 263
3.2. USSR in 1922-1991 266
Education of the USSR 266
Further nation-state construction in the USSR 269
Party discussions on the ways and methods of building socialism in the USSR 269
The cult of personality I.V. Stalin 272
Mass repressions 273
Constitution of the USSR 1936 276
Reasons for curtailing the New Economic Policy 277
Industrialization 278
Collectivization 280
"Cultural Revolution" 283
Foreign policy strategy of the USSR in the 1920-1930s 288
USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War 293
Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 295
Restoration of the economy 319
Cold War 322
Intra-Party Struggle in the Mid-1950s 325
XX Congress of the CPSU and the condemnation of the cult of personality 327
Socio-economic reforms of the 1950-1960s 328
"Stagnation" as a Manifestation of the Crisis of the Soviet Model of Development 332
Economic reforms of 1965 334
Constitution of the USSR 1977 335
Growing Crisis Phenomena in Soviet Society 337
Attempts to modernize the Soviet economy and political system in the 1980s 339
The policy of perestroika and glasnost 340
Socio-economic transformation 341
Foreign policy of the USSR in the second half of the 1950s-1980s 347
The development of Soviet culture in the 1950s-1980s 355
3.3. Russian Federation 361
The collapse of the USSR 361
Political crisis
September 4 - October 1993 364
Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993 367
Transition to a market economy:
reforms and their consequences 369
The Russian Federation in 2000-2013: the main trends in the socio-political development of the country at the present stage 372
The Russian Federation in 2000-2013: the main trends in the socio-economic development of the country at the present stage 376
Modern Russian culture 378
Russia in the system of modern international relations 381
Job examples 386
Dictionary 395
Literature 433
Practice version of the exam paper in history 436
Appendix 1
Continuity of Russian statehood 457
Annex 2
Top leadership of Soviet Russia - USSR (1917-1991) 459
Annex 3
Top leadership of the Russian Federation 460.

The reference book is addressed to graduates and applicants to prepare for the unified state exam in history. The manual contains detailed theoretical material on all topics tested by the exam.

After each section, a practice test of the exam is given. For the final control of knowledge at the end of the handbook, 3 training options are given that correspond to the exam in history, as well as answer forms. All questions are answered.

The publication will be useful for history teachers, tutors and parents, it will help to effectively organize the preparation of students for the unified state exam.

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CONTENT HISTORY. THEORETICAL COURSE WITH TRAINING TESTS Section 1. HISTORY OF RUSSIA FROM ANCIENTITY TO THE EARLY XVII century. 1.1. Eastern Slavs in the second half of the first millennium 6 1.1.1. East Slavic tribes and their neighbors 6 1.1.2. Occupations, social system, beliefs of the Eastern Slavs 9 1.2. The Old Russian state (IX - the first half of the XII century) 12 1.2.1. The emergence of statehood among the Eastern Slavs. Discussion about the origin of the Old Russian state 12 1.2.2. Princes and squad. Veche orders 13 1.2.3. Acceptance of Christianity. The role of the church in the history of ancient Russia 16 1.2.4. Categories of the population. Russkaya Pravda 19 1.2.5. International Relations of Ancient Russia. Influence of Byzantium and the peoples of the Steppe 22 1.2.6. Culture of Ancient Russia. Christian culture and pagan traditions 24 1.3. Russian lands and principalities in the XII - mid-XV in 32 1.3.1. Causes of the collapse of the Old Russian state. Vladimir-Suzdal principality; Novgorod the Great; Galicia-Volyn principality: political system, economic development, culture 32 1.3.2. Mongol conquest and its influence on the history of our country. Expansion from the West and its role in the history of the peoples of Russia and the Baltic states 38 1.3.3. Formation of the Golden Horde. Russia and the Horde 40 1.3.4. Formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Russian lands within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 42 1.3.5. The struggle for political hegemony in North-Eastern Russia. Moscow as the center of the unification of Russian lands. Moscow princes and their policy 47 1.3.6. The role of the church in the consolidation of Russian lands 49 1.3.7. Battle of Kulikovo and its significance. The emergence of national identity 51 1.3.8. Culture of Russia in the XII-XV centuries. Urban culture 53 1.4. The Russian state in the second half of the XV-beginning of the XVII century 60 1.4.1. Completion of the unification of Russian lands and the formation of the Russian state. Formation of central authorities 60 1.4.2. Sudebnik 1497. Forms of land tenure and categories of the population. The beginning of the enslavement of peasants 64 1.4.3. Russia under Ivan IV. Reforms of the middle of the XVI century. Formation of the ideology of autocracy 65 1.4.4. Oprichnina policy 66 1.4.5. Expansion of Russian territory in the 16th century: conquests and colonization processes. Livonian War 70 1.4.6. Culture of Russia in the 16th century 73 1.4.7. Troubles of the late XVI - early XVII century. (causes, essence, consequences). The fight against the Commonwealth and Sweden. Beginning of the Romanov Dynasty 78 Training tests for section 1 84 Section 2. HISTORY OF RUSSIA XVII-XVIII centuries. 2.1. Russia in the 17th century 94 2.1.1. Elimination of the consequences of the Troubles. New phenomena in the economy: the beginning of the formation of the all-Russian market, the formation of manufactories 94 2.1.2. Socio-political structure (autocracy, class structure of society). Council code of 1649. The system of serfdom 97 2.1.3. Expansion of the territory of the Russian state in the XVII century 103 2.1.4. Church split. Old Believers 106 2.1.5. Social movements in the XVII century 109 2.1.6. Culture of Russia in the 17th century. Strengthening secular elements in culture…. 113 2.2. Russia in the first half of the 18th century 118 2.2.1. Transformations of Peter I (socio-economic, state-administrative, military). The assertion of absolutism 118 2.2.2. Foreign policy in the first quarter of the XVIII century. North War. Formation of the Russian Empire 124 2.2.3. Changes in culture and life in the Petrine era 126 2.2.4. Russia in the period of palace coups 128 2.3. Russia in the second half of the 18th century 132 2.3.1. Domestic policy of Catherine II. enlightened absolutism. Letters of grant to the nobility and cities 132 2.3.2. Features of the Russian economy in the second half of the XVIII century. The rise of serfdom 134 2.3.3. Social movements of the second half of the 18th century 137 2.3.4. Russia in the wars of the second half of the 17th century. Accession of new territories 140 2.3.5. Domestic and foreign policy of Paul I 142 2.3.6. The culture of the peoples of Russia and its connection with European and world culture XVIII in 145 Training test tasks for section 2 152 Section 3 RUSSIA In the XIX century. 3.1. Russia in 1801-1860 162 3.1.1. Domestic policy of Alexander I 162 3.1.2. Patriotic War of 1812. Foreign campaign of the Russian army in 1813-1814. 169 3.1.3. Decembrists 172 3.1.4. Domestic policy of Nicholas I (1825-1855) 175 3.1.5. Socio-economic development of pre-reform Russia 179 3.1.6. Social thought in 1830-1850: "protective" direction, Slavophiles and Westernizers, supporters of communal socialism 182 3.1.7. The peoples of Russia in the first half of the XIX century. National policy of autocracy. Caucasian War 185 3.1.8. Foreign policy in the second quarter of the XIX century. Eastern (Crimean) War (1853-1856) 188 3.1.9. The development of culture in the first half of the XIX century 190 3.2. Russia in the 1860s-1890s 194 3.2.1. Domestic policy of Alexander II (1855-1881) Reforms of the 1860s-1870s 194 3.2.2. Domestic policy of Alexander III 200 3.2.3. Socio-economic development in the post-reform period. Completion of the industrial revolution. Emergence of commercial and industrial monopolies 203 3.2.4. Ideological currents, political parties and social movement in 1860-1890. Conservatives, liberals. The evolution of populism. Beginning of the labor movement. Russian Social Democracy 205 3.2.5. The main directions and events of Russia's foreign policy in the 1860-1890s. expansion of the empire. Participation in military alliances 209 3.2.6. The peoples of the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX century. National policy of autocracy 215 3.2.7. Culture and way of life of the peoples of Russia in the second half of the 19th century 4.1. Russia in 1900-1916 232 4.1.1. Russia at the beginning of the 20th century: autocracy and society; class system; economic and political development; modernization problems. Reforms S. Yu. Witte. Russo-Japanese War 232 4.1.2. Ideological currents, political parties and social movements in Russia at the turn of the century. Revolution 1905-1907 Duma monarchy 239 4.1.3. Reforms of P. A. Stolypin 245 4.1.4. Culture at the beginning of XX in 246 4.1.5. Russia in the First World War. The impact of the war on Russian society 249 4.2. Russia in 1917-1920 258 4.2.1. Revolution of 1917 From February to October 258 4.2.2. Proclamation and approval of Soviet power. Constituent Assembly. Domestic and foreign policy of the Soviet government in 1917-1920. 265 4.2.3. Civil war: participants, stages, main fronts. Intervention. "War Communism". Results and consequences of the Civil War 275 4.3. Soviet Russia, USSR in 1920-1930 284 4.3.1. The crisis of the early 1920s Transition to the New Economic Policy 284 4.3.2. Education of the USSR. The Choice of Ways of Unification National Policy in the 1920s-1930s. 287 4.3.3. Political life in 1920-1930. Intraparty struggle. The cult of personality of I. V. Stalin. Mass repression. Constitution of 1936 289 4.3.4. Winding down the New Economic Policy 299 4.3.5. Cultural Revolution” (assertion of a new ideology, liquidation of illiteracy, development of education, science, artistic culture) 304 4.3.6. Foreign policy of the Soviet state in the 1920s-1930s. USSR at the initial stage of World War II 306 4.4. Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 312 4.4.1. The main stages and battles of the Great Patriotic War 312 4.4.2. The heroism of the Soviet people during the war. Rear during the war years. Ideology and culture during the war 319 4.4.3. Fascist "new order" in the occupied territories. Partisan movement 321 4.4.4. Anti-Hitler coalition 323 4.4.5. The end of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. The results of the war 324 4.5. USSR in 1945-1991 326 4.5.1. The USSR in the first post-war decade: the restoration of the economy, the creation of nuclear missile weapons, the ideological campaigns of the late 1940s. "Cold War" And its impact on domestic and foreign policy 326 4.5.2. USSR in the mid-1950s - mid-1960s. 336 4.5.3. USSR in the mid-1960s - mid-1980s. 346 4.5.4. USSR in the second half of the 1980s. The policy of perestroika and glasnost. Attempts to reform the economy and political system. Foreign policy: "new political thinking". Events in 1991. The collapse of the USSR. Education of the CIS 359 4.5.5. The development of Soviet science and culture in the 1950s-1980s. 371 4.6. Russia in 1992-2007 374 4.6.1. Formation of a new Russian statehood. Events in 1993 Adoption of the Constitution in 1993 3747 4.6.2. Transition to a market economy 381 4.6.3. Political, economic, national and cultural development of modern Russia 384 4.6.4. Russia in the system of modern international relations 396 Practice tests for section 4 398 Answers to examples of USE assignments and practice tests 408 TRAINING TESTS Option 1 440 Option 2 461 Option 3 475 Answers 487

Series: Unified State Exam

Publishers: AST, Astrel, VKT, 2009

Hardcover, 320 pages.

The reference book, addressed to graduates and applicants, contains in full the material of the course "History of Russia", which is checked at the unified state exam.

The structure of the book corresponds to the codifier of the content elements in the subject, on the basis of which the examination tasks are compiled - the USE test and measurement materials.

The guide contains the following sections of the course: "History of Russia from antiquity to the beginning of the 17th century", "History of Russia in the 17th-18th centuries", "Russia in the 19th century", "Russia in the 20th - early 21st centuries".

A short form of presentation ensures maximum effectiveness of self-preparation for the exam. Sample tasks and answers to them, completing each topic, will help to objectively assess the level of knowledge.

At the end of the book, a reference chronological table and a dictionary of historical terms and concepts are given in the volume that is necessary for the successful passing of the exam.


Section 1. History of Russia from antiquity to the beginning of the 17th century.

Topic 1. Eastern Slavs in the second half of the first millennium

Topic 2. Old Russian state (IX - first half of the XII century)

Topic 3. Russian lands and principalities in the 12th - mid-15th centuries.

Topic 4. The Russian state in the second half of the 15th - early 17th centuries.

Section 2. History of Russia in the 17th–18th centuries.

Topic 1. Russia in the 17th century.

Topic 2. Russia in the first half of the 18th century.

Topic 3. Russia in the second half of the 18th century. Domestic policy of Catherine II

Section 3. Russia in the 19th century

Topic 1. Russia in 1801–1860 Domestic and foreign policy of Alexander I

Topic 2. Russia in the 1860s-1890s Domestic policy of Alexander II. Reforms of the 1860s–1870s

Section 4. Russia in the XX - early XXI century.

Topic 1. Russia in 1900–1916 Socio-economic and political development of the country in the early twentieth century.

Topic 2. Russia in 1917–1920 Revolution of 1917. From February to October. dual power

Topic 3. Soviet Russia, the USSR in the 1920s-1930s. Transition to the New Economic Policy

Topic 4. The Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 The main stages and battles of the Great Patriotic War

Topic 5. USSR in 1945–1991 USSR in the first post-war decade

Topic 6. Russia in 1992–2008 The formation of a new Russian statehood

Reference chronological table

Dictionary of historical terms and concepts


This handbook is addressed to schoolchildren and applicants. It will allow you to repeat the main content of the school course in the history of Russia and prepare well for the unified state exam in history.

The structure of the book corresponds to the codifier of the content elements in the subject, on the basis of which the examination tasks are compiled - the USE control and measuring materials.

The guide contains the following sections of the course: "History of Russia from antiquity to the beginning of the 17th century", "History of Russia in the 17th-18th centuries", "Russia in the 19th century", "Russia in the 20th - early 21st centuries".

Each topic of the book contains a brief historical background, presented in a concise and accessible form, as well as sample tasks used in the USE test and measurement materials. These are closed tasks with the choice of only one correct answer out of four possible (part 1 (A); tasks to establish the correct correspondence and establish the correct sequence of letters or numbers, open-type tasks with a short answer in the form of one or two words (part 2 (B) ; essay assignments involving the writing of a detailed answer (part 3 (C). All sample assignments are compiled in accordance with the content and structure of the USE test and measurement materials in history.

The answers to the tasks will help to objectively assess the level of knowledge.

At the end of the book, a reference chronological table and a glossary of concepts and terms are given in the amount that is necessary for the successful passing of the exam.

The book will also allow history teachers to organize in the final grades the final repetition of the educational material that is necessary for the successful passing of the exam in the history of Russia.

Tasks with a detailed answer (part C) involve writing a short written work. They allow graduates to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the subject, often beyond basic training. During the examination, the evaluation of the results of this part of the work is carried out by a special expert commission. Focusing on predetermined criteria, the experts make a decision on the evaluation of the work.

The tasks of part C are different in their form and focus. The first three tasks are built on the basis of some historical source and test the ability to analyze a historical document (determine the time, place, circumstances, reasons for creating the source, the position of the author, etc.). For each correct answer to tasks according to a historical source, 1-2 points are given. The maximum score is 6 points.

The tasks of part C are aimed at testing various types of educational activities: 1) characterize, systematize, 2) analyze and argue various historical versions and assessments, 3) the ability to compare historical events, phenomena, processes. It is important to remember that when evaluating the answer to the task of analyzing historical versions and assessments, experts pay attention to the presence of their own attitude to the proposed controversial issue. The maximum score for each of the tasks in Part C is up to 4 points. Thus, the total maximum score for completing tasks in part C is 22 points.

When evaluating answers to tasks with a detailed full answer, the validity of ideas by facts and arguments or generalizations of facts by concepts is taken into account. It is necessary to state only the most significant facts relating only to this particular issue, without going beyond it. If the question contains a historical term, be sure to disclose its meaning in a clear and concise manner. At the same time, the student's answer can be written concisely, in free form or in the form of abstracts, in the proposed or other sequence of tasks.

It is important to remember that answers should not be verbose. As a rule, the answer to each task should not exceed a few sentences. You should not write down light wording that does not reflect the content of the educational material being asked - this will take time, but will not add points to the answer. Work should be built in a certain logic. If there is not enough time, it is necessary to indicate the main thing in a short form, but in such a way that the logic of the answerer is clear to the experts. Abbreviations of words, except for generally accepted ones (RF, USSR, Council of People's Commissars), are best avoided.

When scoring, experts take into account only correctly presented facts, arguments, concepts, etc. For incorrectly indicated elements of the answer (mistakes), 0 points are given, i.e. incorrect answers are not taken into account when setting the final score (they are not subtracted from the total score) . Grammar errors are also not taken into account, but even in conditions of lack of time, one must strive to avoid them.