Biography. Happy moments

Speech at the evening in memory of Yuri Vlodov
in the club "Dacha on Pokrovka"

Mayakovsky has poems: “I am walking handsome, twenty-two years old” ... I met Yuri Vlodov at the age of twenty (twenty-one years old). When I entered the Literary Institute. I came to Moscow from Ryazan, from the provinces. And it seemed to me that all the people who were in Moscow and at the Literary Institute and the hostel were all very good and great people. And I treated everyone I met on my way with great respect. And so I met in the hostel near the elevator, on the stairs, Yuri Vlodov. He lived there with someone illegally... as I now understand. And I thought that he - works at the Literary Institute, a professor of poetry. He stopped me (in front of the guards) and slowly, solidly began to ask me who I was, where I came from. He said: "I am the poet Yuri Vlodov ..."

I thought: “Something I don’t know such a poet. But I do not know all the best poets ... "

He asked me: "Read me your poems." I read something to him. He said, "I can help you get into the Literary Institute." I said: “Yes, I don’t need help. I have already passed the creative competition of 100 people for one place and passed almost all the exams for five. I have only one exam left to pass, and I already scored 20 points without it...” He said: “My wife is the famous Latvian poetess Mara Griezane. I write poetry for her, and therefore she became very famous, published in all the most prestigious newspapers and magazines. I thought: “She is famous, but I don’t know such a poetess. But I don’t know all the best poets.” I said: “I would never agree to someone writing my poetry for me. I want to write my own poems. He said: “Tonight I am here in the hostel, gathering my students, including applicants, in such and such a room. Come there. There everyone will read their poems. And you respect your…”

In the evening I came to that room. There were many boys and girls, students and applicants, they all sat along the walls, on chairs, and in turn, in a circle, read their poems. And I read mine. And Vlodov sat on a chair in the center of the room and broadcast, talked about poetry, and also read his poems, which seemed strange for that time, for the 70s. And in his verses Christ, the Cross, Magdalene, Satan, Judas appeared ... the heroes of the Bible. But we in Russia then had an atheistic state, none of the young people of my generation read the Bible and did not know the way. In addition, Vlodov in his poems gave his own interpretation of the Bible, which seemed blasphemous to me personally ... just like Anya Gedymin, who said that she even quarreled with Vlodov because of this ... He said that Christ drank wine and mingled with harlots...

And then from below, from the first floor, a janitor with a mop burst into the room and shouted: “Ah! That's where you all are! Come on - march all from here! And she turned to me and said: “Ah! And you-s-s are here! - Did she remember me, or what, when Vlodov talked to me on the stairs? I was somehow noticeable ... everyone remembered me very much. I had a short dress, forty centimeters above the knees, and my hair was loose ... And the look was frivolous ...

And so I passed my final exam. And I went to look at the list of applicants who were admitted to the institute. I searched, searched for myself there and did not find my last name. I went to the rector Pimenov Vladimir Fedorovich and asked: “Vladimir Fedorovich, why am I not on the list? I passed a creative competition of one hundred people for a place, and passed all the exams, and scored passing marks ... "- He said:" The typist, when she was typing the list, missed your last name out of absent-mindedness ... And then ... what was there in dorm?" - "What was in the hostel?" - “You were sitting somewhere in some company where everyone drank and smoked ...” - “Yes, we just read poetry ... But I don’t drink or smoke at all and I never drank or smoked.” - “There was also a girl from Irkutsk ... she didn’t enter either ...” - “Yes, I don’t know her ... and I don’t know anyone from that company ...” - “And there was also a boy from Kuzbass ... He didn’t enter either ... ”-“ And I don’t know this boy ... ”- Then it turned out that almost none of those guys and girls who read poetry that evening in Vlodov’s company did not enter the Literary institute. None!

(Lyudmila Osokina (commentary): “Well, yes, Vlodov was on the black list. He was under the supervision of the authorities. And all the people who were next to him, even completely innocent, and completely random, also fell into the black list and under surveillance No wonder you didn't get into the Literary Institute, and those guys and girls didn't either...")

Pimenov told me: "Come to enter the institute in a year." - "Without exams?" - With exams. (Laughter in the audience.) I did not return to Ryazan, but got a job at a bakery, according to the limit, and worked for a whole year at this bakery, at the hardest physical work. And a year later she still entered the Literary Institute. And when I was already finishing it, Vlodov again appeared in the hostel, and again met me on the stairs and said: “A married couple sheltered me here in my room, today I gather my students there, we will arrange an evening of poetry, we will read poetry. Come there, read your poems...” (Laughter in the hall.) I had nothing to be afraid of. I had already graduated from the Literary Institute, Vlodov could not harm me. And I came and read my poems in a circle of students. And Vlodov then told me in front of everyone: “Now new girls have appeared in poetry. They will be famous poetesses: Anna Gedymin, Inna Kabysh and Elena Isaeva (he did not know Lyudmila Osokina then, this was before 1980). But when they become famous, you will already be a classic, Vlodov told me... (Laughter in the hall.) And the main thing is that it, his prophecy... is already coming true... (Laughter in the hall.)

Vlodov wrote:

Poet and God wander the world

No money, no wagons, no luggage...

He himself wandered around the world ... he had neither his own corner, nor money, nor things, nothing ... and he lived, you won’t understand where and with whom.

After graduation, I went back to Ryazan. And when I moved to Moscow, in the 90s, I already came across him in the Yunost magazine, under Viktor Lipatov, and invited me to his poetry evening in the editorial office: “Come here on such and such a date. I will read my poems." Then he called me and said, "Am I a genius?" - "Genius". - "And the wife of a genius should be the queen of poetry?" - "Should". - And his wife was no longer Mara Griezane, but Lyudmila Osokina. - "And a genius's wife should be a member of the Writers' Union?" - "Should". - "Write her a recommendation to the Writers' Union." I sent her a recommendation...

Lyudmila was just reading Vlodov's poems to us, she reads them better than Vlodov himself. And she knows them all by heart! Sometimes we don’t remember all of our poems, but she remembers all his poems! And she reads them as if they were her poems, and she adds something of her own to them with her intonations, her manner and reveals some such hidden meanings in them ... Lyudmila was Vlodov's wife, lived with him for many years .. And she described in her memoirs how she suffered with him, God forbid! He was a hard man, and it was hard for her to live with him. No woman could stand it. But she survived! She does not sink in water (and does not burn in fire), she is unsinkable! Vlodov should erect a monument to her for everything she has done and is doing for him!

Yuri Vlodov has poems:

You must die to be reborn

And live forever.

Only now, when Yury Vlodov's books are published through the efforts and efforts of Lyudmila Osokina, have I begun to truly discover his poetry. He died to be reborn through his Word... And he is reborn and will live...

BBK 84 R7
K 78

Krasnova N.P.
K 78 Selected: poems / Foreword by Valery Zolotukhin. - M.: Publishing house "Book Garden", 2011. - 416 p.

The book of the poetess Nina Krasnova includes the best poems from her books: "Running Run" (1979), "Such Red Flowers" (1984), "The Lost Ring" (1986), "Lament for the Rivers" (1989) and others. “She is so original and peculiar that it is impossible to confuse her with anyone. Her rhyme is always some kind of unexpected, some kind of a revolutionary image, ”Valery Zolotukhin, People’s Artist of Russia, writes about her in the preface.

ISBN 978-5-85676-142-8

Nina Krasnova, 2011


Why modern critics do not see our "gold", which is worthy of attention? Because Russian gold lies outside the travel routes that critics habitually follow. They walk past him. And it is away from them, and the miners look for it and find it somewhere aside and wash and wash and wash.
And in Ryazan, they washed up such a spool as Nina Krasnova. It is impossible to compare her with any of the modern poets, because she is such a master and so masterfully owns different rhythms, different rhymes, different languages, that you are simply amazed! She borrows nothing from anyone. She, in my opinion, did not even read Dahl's dictionary. I'm kidding, of course. She is so original and peculiar that it is impossible to confuse her with anyone. Her rhyme is always some kind of unexpected, some kind of a revolutionary image.
Of course, the view of the poetry of Nina Krasnova may be different. Anyway. Yes. Permissible. And I love her melodiousness and nationality, coming from the depths of the soul.
I learned from Nina Krasnova's essay that she was friends with our amazing, great writer Viktor Astafiev. Her most interesting conversation with Viktor Petrovich was published in Yuri Kuvaldin's magazine Our Street. Nina flew to Krasnoyarsk, to Ovsyanka to see him, and there she interviewed him.
She often thinks of her mother. And so my mother, apparently, rewarded her from the Ryazan land, endowed her with some kind of birthright. I wanted to say - primitive, but this is nonsense, because Nina has both the Literary Institute and deep self-education behind her shoulders. And, of course, reading Krasnova's poems, her essays about poets, writers, Mandelstam, Tinyakov, Voloshin, Tyutchev, Balmont and others, you understand that she is not a pound with raisins, but a raisin with a pound, because it is such a peculiar refraction of the linguistic field, which is possible only in her works.
I am simply proud that I am familiar with Nina Krasnova, that I have the honor to be in her retinue. And that I sometimes read her poems dedicated to me when she attends performances of the Taganka Theater, at Doctor Zhivago. I can open our secret with her. Nina embroidered several Zhivago scarves for me with colored thread. Because in this performance I have to worry, cry, wipe my tears. Well, and, I say that this has its own secret, although I almost revealed it, but, nevertheless, all the same. Nina is the finest soul, the finest lyricist. Although she has such, you know, quirks with a shoe, and so she sometimes hits with a rhyme, and sometimes she hits in such a way that even stand, even fall!
Nina's lines dedicated to her sister, "Farewell, sister, see you in hell..." cannot be read without tears...

Farewell, sister! See you in hell.
When - I do not know - and in what year,
It will be, it will be, yeah
In a coffin, like in an elevator, I will go down there.
I recognize you from the front and back
And then I'll get you out of hell
And I'll take you by the hand to God in paradise.
Farewell, sister! See you in hell.

It is impossible to read all this without tears, and besides, I must say that in all this there is no sentimentality, no tearing, and in general there is no such thing in Nina's poems.
What distinguishes a real artist from a non-artist? Nina Krasnova's art is higher than personal. We sometimes confuse the art of the artist and something else. And she has such a gift, and, by the way, please note that Vladimir Vysotsky also had it, her gift is such that it is above vanity, above our fuss.
I am quite often asked: but in our time, what kind of songs would Vysotsky sing. It is hard to imagine that he would sing, but he certainly would not condemn our rulers. Vysotsky did not have this. Just as Nina Krasnova does not have this either. This is not easy on her part: I avoid, so to speak, the political situation, the political topic. It doesn't matter, it's something else. It's just that Nina's gift is beyond that. In this sense, I simply bow before her.
Well, Yesenin - yes. She is from the homeland of Sergei Yesenin. But this, you know, they say to me: here is Shukshin. He is from Altai. And I am from Altai. Some people call me the tail of Shukshin's comet. This is from a misunderstanding of the nature of talent. Because, firstly, when Vasily Shukshin appeared, I didn’t read it then. I am on my own. And Nina Krasnova herself. By the way, Nina Krasnova also has poems that they tell her that you will not grow up to Yesenin, and she hides somewhere behind a barrel and reads his book.
What does Yesenin have to do with it? Yesenin is Ryazan. So what? Think geographic coincidence. Yes, Yesenin, of course, is a genius. So what? Well, Altai, yes, this is Shukshin. So what? Why am I writing this? I am writing this to the fact that when Nina Krasnova was conceived by her parents, it is unlikely that they read Sergei Yesenin at that time. That is, Yesenin has nothing to do with it. Because genetically a poet in Russia is born miraculously, you will never understand where it came from.
They say she composes ditties! But this is not the main thing for her, although she grew out of folklore, as our literature grew out of Gogol's "Overcoat". It happens that you go on stage at a meeting with the audience, and they say to me: “Valery Sergeevich! Come on, sing“ Oh, frost, frost ... . "But I sing it. So is Krasnova. Sometimes, carried away by ditty popularity, she suddenly wraps something like that. But the phenomenon of Krasnova for me is not that she writes ditties. Here we can draw an analogy with Shukshin. Many represent Shukshin Kerzhachs are Shukshin's characters, but not Shukshin himself. So are ditties and heroes of Krasnova's ditties. These are Krasnova's characters, but not Krasnova herself.
Nina Krasnova is quite smart and intelligent and educated, but although she sometimes plays along with the public under the heroines of her ditties, like me, sometimes, not without pleasure, I play along and play along with the peasant. These are the costs of our production. What is good about Krasnov's road? She never imitates anyone, including Yesenin.
Why is Krasnova dear to me? Now, if there are unmercenaries in Russia, then the poetess Nina Krasnova belongs to them. I sometimes say to her: "Nina, well, let me give you 20 - 30 thousand for your anniversary." And she: "No, no, no! Don't, Valery, don't, no, no, no!"
We sometimes make such a deal with her, you know, I say: "Nina, I'm leaving in three days for the holiday of Peter and Fevronia. Nina, write a poem about Peter and Fevronia." She perceives this as a government order and writes, but writes in such a way that no one can write like she does, for example:

Above them fly not black flocks of crows,
And bright angels with a sparkle of heaven in their eyes.
Let's bow to the two miracle workers - Peter and Fevronia!
Let's glorify earthly love and the family hearth!

She is joking, and I am joking: she "received a government order from Zolotukhin," who desperately needed some exact word about Peter and Fevronia like this, desperately. In this, you know, someone can reproach me for being incomparable, or something, one with the other. But here, let's say, Alexander Pushkin is sitting and writing to "Slanderers of Russia", because the sovereign asked him to write about the events in Poland. And Pushkin wrote a poem that we still can't figure out. Lev Anninsky suddenly asked me: "Why did Alexander Sergeevich write down Lithuania in Slavic women?" Me: "Yes, I don't know, Pushkin knows better."
Pushkin knows better. So Krasnova knows better. Because there are so many legends about Peter and Fevronia, and suddenly such an amazing poem, from my point of view, is not an ode, but is perceived enthusiastically by literally everyone. When we opened the monument to Peter and Fevronia in Arkhangelsk, the children froze at the lines of this poem, it is written so simply, so expressively from the point of view of simple poetry.
I don't know which of the modern poets I can apply to with a state order. I think that, God forgive me, to no one but Nina Krasnova.
I repeat once again, I am proud to know the poetess Nina Krasnova. I love her discussions about Anna Akhmatova and Osip Mandelstam, about the forgotten but brilliant Alexander Tinyakov (Lonely) and Fyodor Kryukov. In her reasoning, she sometimes, like the sea during a storm, can overflow, but that's why she is a poetess!
Without the poetry of Nina Krasnova, it is impossible to imagine Russian literature of the 20th and 11th centuries.

Valery Zolotukhin

Valery Zolotukhin “Original and Peculiar” ......... 3

From the book "Running run" 1979

Takeoff .............................................................. .......................... eight
River................................................. ........................... ten
“Sunny-sunny day...” ............................... 12
“I'm used to January...” .......................................... ..... thirteen
The sun ... drop by drop .............................................. ......... fourteen
"I am a student! I live in the capital...” ........................... 15
“I am digging in yellowed letters...” .............................. 16
“I don’t like this situation...” .............................. 17
And I won't cry.............................................. ....... eighteen
“I can imagine everything...” .................................. 19
“I’ll turn around, I’ll move away from the door...” ....................................... 20
“No, I don’t bite my lips to a groan...” ...................................... .21
“I stumble over roots, branches...” .......................................... 22
“I am burning so much that I can get mad...” ............................... 23
“The park from the leaves is yellow and orange...” ............................... 24
“I will become obedient...” .......................................... ..25
"We are together. But why am I scared...” .............. 26
“In a hurry, somehow put on a coat ...” .............................. 27
“Under the window, the lantern shines congratulatoryly...” .............................. 28
“To see flowers in a dream...” .......................................... ........ 29
“The moon is backing away from the window ...” .............................. 31

From the book "Such Red Flowers" 1984

Dolls................................................. ................................... 32
“I used to love collecting so much...” .................................. 34
“In the field - not in the garden, not in the vegetable garden...” ............................. 35
“I go to the summer forest not so much for mushrooms...” ..................... 36
Meadow flowers growing in a flower garden ................................... 37
“I walked through the forest - I listened to tits ...” .................................... 38
Pinwheel .............................................................. ................... 39
Skiing .............................................................. ........... 40
“Here they are, my earthly blessings...” ....................................... ..41
“I could have been born in the village...” .............................. 42
To my brothers and sister ........................................................ ..... 43
“I was looking for my grandfather's grave...” .......................................... ... 44
Fence ................................................. ......................... 45
A story from a past life .................................................... .46
Lament for Trubezh... .............................................. ............... 49
“We rest not in Yalta, not in Sochi...” .............................................. 51
“Good, warm boots on me...” .............................. 52
“What a winter in Klepiki...” ....................................... ...... 53
Old ladies................................................. ......................... 54
Meshcherskoye village .............................................. ............... 55
“Do not prune, Ryazan, my branches...” .................................. 56
Street cleaner................................................. ........................... 57
Dream about war .............................................. .................... 58
“I used to sincerely regret sometimes...” ............................... 64
Draniki ................................................ ........................... 65
“What a miracle village-town...” ....................................... ...... 67
Song of the former villager.................................................. 68
“Which village you will be with...” .................................. 70
Meeting of two girlfriends for a walk ................................... 71
Lamentation for Lybid ....................................................... ................ 72
“The trees grow older...” .............................. 74
“The forest is not low, it is not high...” ....................................... .75
On the death of Evgeny Markin .............................. 76
Yesenin ................................................. ......................... 79
Landscape Poetry .................................................. .............. 80
“The sun in the half window...” .......................................... ... 83
“We went beyond the threshold and beyond the gate...” .............................................. 84
“Tomorrow I will leave you...” ........................................ .......... 85
Dry................................................................. ......................... 87
“Of all my acquaintances...” .......................................... .... 89
“That's what the prank turned into...” .............................. 90
“Prominent all at a glance...” .......................................... .91
"I want to cry..." ........................................... ............... 92
“Well, now, and survived until the summer ...” .................................. .... 93
“If only the spring would not come…” ............................... 94
“A friend from under Totma wrote a letter...” ....................... 95
“A boat floats on the river...” .......................................... ..... 96

From the book "The Lost Ring" 1986

“My sister is to read Yesenin...” .......................................... 98
From a letter to my sister ............................................... .............. 99
“I’m not going anywhere...” .......................................... ................. 101
To the painting by N. Yaroshenko “In the warm regions” .............................. 102
“These walks, dinners to go with it...” ....................................... 104
“What are you all following me…” ....................................... ... 105
On the street of the evening city .............................................. 106
Hen-party................................................. ....................... 107
“I am walking from the station. There are no fellow travelers...” .............................. 108
Old records .................................................................. ........... 109
“I’m ashamed to even tell anyone...” .............................. 110
“Singing along with the nightingale...” ....................................... ......... 111
To obtain a Ryazan residence permit .............................................. 112
“We are wandering around the city...” .......................................... ............ 113
Trees in our street .............................................. ... 114
“In the yard - without a gate, without a gate...” ....................... 115
Ski track .................................................. .............................. 116
“It’s not cold in the yard, but it’s chilly...” .............................. 118
“Just like you, I hardly know the village, of course...” ............. 119
Glade in the Lukovsky forest .............................................. .. 120
Handkerchief................................................. ....................... 121
To the picture of Fujita “Birthday” .............................. 124
“How unnecessary, mind you...” .............................................. 126
Spas-Klepiki ............................................... .................... 127
Rooster................................................. ............................... 128
“A village of thirteen yards...” .............................. 129
The story of Aunt Dunya about her cow Lysenka .................. 130
First experience................................................ .................... 132
Contemporaries ................................................................ ................. 133
Skopin................................................. ................................... 134
To the paintings by Ilya Glazunov.................................................. 135
“I can’t get rid of the thought...” .............................. 137
“Luli-lyuli, okay...” ........................................ ................. 138
Russian suffering... .............................................. ........... 139
“Above the earthly incandescent ball...” ............................... 140
“Humanity has so much strength...” ....................................... 141
To my contemporaries ................................................................ ...... 142
Bald Mountain .................................................. ...................... 143
“I will go out, I will go out to the sea...” ........................................ ......... 156
“How many stars are in the night sky...” ............................. 157
“You started your acquaintance with a compliment...” ...................... 158
“I lived without fairy tales...” .......................................... ............. 159
Overnight in a new place .................................................................. ......... 160
“I saw eggs in a dream...” ........................................ .......... 161
“"Cucumbers and tomatoes..."...” ........................................ 162
“I repulsed all your attacks...” ........................................ ...... 163
“The plot of our fairy tale is simple...” ....................................... 164
“Go, brown-eyed hero...” .......................................... ...... 165
“Does this comb go...” .......................................... .......... 166
Born under the sign of Pisces - to her beloved ... ....... 167
Let's break up .................................................. .................... 168
Born under the sign of Pisces - to her unloved ... ... 170
“Better than any dream...” .......................................... ......... 171
“Why did your eyes stop glowing...” ....................... 172
“Let's not be like strangers, okay...” ....................................... 173
“I’m sitting in the park - lonely, angry...” .............................. 174
You came................................................ ...................... 175
“Be strong and prosperous to our family...” .................. 176
“Out of habit, we make plans for the future...” .............................. 177
Got bored .................................................. ................. 178
“Sang songs, joked...” .......................................... .......... 179
Memories of a Former Lover .................................. 180
“Nature has faded...” ....................................... ............ 183
“You are not aware of the matter yet…” ....................................... ...... 184
“I didn’t think of myself as anyone...” ........................................ 185
“Well, what have I brought myself to…” ....................................... .... 186
“I, agreeing with myself...” ....................................... ... 187
Born under the sign of Capricorn... .............................. 188
“Fate then sent you to me...” ............................... 190
“In the forest, in a hut with a stove and a chimney...” .............................. 191
“It’s better to suffer now...” ............................... 192
“I accidentally broke a mirror...” .............................................. 193
About the art of looking at pictures .............................. 194
“The weather here is exceptionally fine...” .......................... 196
“Not you, dear, dear...” .............................................. 197

From the book "Lament for the Rivers" 1989

“How the nightingale sings in Lukin...” ........................................ 198
“I walked through life, walked ...” ....................................... .......... 199
"When I was a kid..." ......................................... ... 201
“Man will come into the twenty-first century...” .............................. 202
Proposals for nature protection.............................................. 203
Crying for a sawn tree............................................... 204
Korovino................................................. ...................... 205
Conspiracy to catch a large fish .................................... 206
“There are many fields on the collective farm...” .......................................... ..... 207
Mother and children ............................................... ................. 208
Lamentation for the Unborn Child............................................... 209
Reproach to yourself .............................................................. ............ 213
The lament of an emancipated woman... .............................. 214
“I’ll take pine boards from the sawmill...” .............................. 215
Statement of the red maiden... .................................................. 216
“White field, white sky...” ........................................ .... 218
“Every day, like a white crow...” ............................... 219
“Let's fill the glasses with wine...” .............................. 220
“Walls forge...” .............................................. .......... 221
Farewell without further ado............................................. 223
Then piss off................................................ ......... 224
“Don't be afraid to let go...” .......................................... ... 225
“How much can you have, an idol...” .................................. 226
"Bench. On the bench - me and you...” .............................. 227
Bride and groom............................................... ............ 228
“From the day the moment was created...” .......................................... 229
“It’s not for you that I’m busily spinning on curlers ...” .............. 230
After divorce................................................ .............. 231
“A zaletka writes letters to me...” ....................................... 232

“I had a dream towards Friday...” ............................... 234
“Cute in a white shirt...” .............................................. 235
Bad Romance .................................................................. ......... 233
Conspiracy for healing ................................................... .... 236
“Oh, nightingale, my dear ...” ........................................ ..... 238

From the book "Intimacy" 1995

“I remember a wonderful moment...” .................................... 239
Biblical Motives .................................................................. ..... 240
Ring ................................................. ...................... 243
“In the same little room...” .................................. 244
“I’ll write down our “vetoes” on my forehead...” .............................................. 245
“I will not be faithful to anyone anymore...” .............................. 246
“I'm trying to sing a song...” .............................. 247
“No, I’m not making a nun out of myself...” ....................... 248
“The soul is not a box with gold...” .............................. 249
“The streets are white with snow...” .......................................... 250
“Don’t be offended by me...” .......................................... .... 251
“I was walking in the Garden of Eden...” .................................. 252
“Probably you like me...” .......................................... 253
“I am sitting with you in the Oak Hall...” ............................... 254
“I am not in your Don Juan lists...” ............... 256
“There are such, and there were before...” .................................. 257
Throwing off the covers .............................................................. 258
“I am silent, pulling the corner of the sheet...” .............................. 260
The woman in the mirror ............................................... ...... 261
Moment................................................. .............. 262
“You have a good wife...” .......................................... ..... 263
“My dear Ivanushka...” ....................................... 264
“You inspire me to poetry...” .............................. 265
“My mirror broke...” .............................. 266
“The knight under the black sings the sky...” .................... 267
“I want to sing with you...” ........................................ ...... 268
St. Nina's Day .............................................. ......... 269
“One is inseparable from the other...” .......................................... 271
“I want to sleep together with you...” .............................. 272
“We drink love - together...” ....................................... 273
“I won’t wash my plate...” .......................................... ...... 274
“You are a hero from Greek myth...” .................................. 275

From the book "Four Walls" 2008, and other verses

Alexander Tinyakov.................................................. ...... 276
Peter and Fevronia .............................................. .......... 277
Lamentation for mother, sister and brother....................................... 279
Walks in Moscow ............................................... ...... 294
South Port of Moscow .............................................................. ..... 296
Nonconformist artist Alexander Trifonov............. 298
To receive the book “Tagansky Diary” ...................... 301
Walk around the Petrovsky Castle .............................. 303
Fantasy on the theme of walks .................................... 304
Krutitskoye courtyard .................................................. ..... 305
Monument to Venedikt Erofeev on Struggle Square..... 307
Red Gate .................................................................. ............ 308
“You and I are walking together in a public garden...” ..................... 310
Everything we have with you in the past...................................... 311
Church of Peter and Paul in the Soldier's Settlement .................... 312
Parents day................................................ ...... 313
“I hear the singing of a siskin in the park...” ...................................... 314
“About you, my fatal man...” ............................... 315
“Birds are flying over the balcony...” .................................... 316
Flower in the ravine .............................................. ............. 318
Drake and duck at Chistye Prudy... .......................... 319
“I recently went to Ryazan...” .................................. 320
Platonov ................................................. ...................... 321
Clock with chime .............................................. ............ 322
Yury Kuvaldin .............................................. ............. 323
Dmitry Tugarinov.................................................. ........ 325
An apple from Stalin .............................................. ........ 327
Concert by request .................................................. ........ 328
“One of all, out of the total mass you are...” ....................... 329
“I will write a petition to the Almighty...” .............................. 330
Night Meditations ............................................................... ........ 331
Lamentation for Yuri Kuznetsov....................................... 332
Kirill Kovaldzhi .............................................. ........ 337
Sergei Filatov.................................................................. ............ 338
“I’ll turn around, I’ll move away from the door...” ....................................... 339
“Passers-by, guys...” ........................................ ...... 340
"Evening. Khodikov's knocking is monotonous...” .............................. 341
Vilnius Church .............................................................. ........ 342
Crying for a Broken Flower.............................................. 344
To the teacher ................................................. ......................... 345
“Now it’s not only childhood, mom ...” ...................... 346
“The moon rolls into the bedroom ...” .......................................... 347
“In this bright and tender moonlight...” .......................... 348
Reflections on the Romance Started.................................... 349
“You are beautiful, young Acis...” .................................. 352
“With pallor in the face...” .......................................... ..... 353
“I love you purely platonic...” .............................. 354
From the cycle “Signs of the Zodiac” .............................................. .. 355
“It is clear to me why they avoided...” ...................................... 361
Conclusion ................................................. .............. 362
“I don’t want you at all with my love...” ...................... 363
“You are up to your throat with someone’s caress...” .................. 364
Soul Inventory .................................................................. ... 365
“And I want to be embarrassed...” .......................................... .......... 368
Eugene Rein .............................................. ................. 369
A cup of coffee................................................ ................... 372
“A poetess with a seed of talent...” .............................. 373
“Black room - black gamma...” ................................. 374
“I will forget all the street names...” .................................. 375
“You are not a priceless thing...” .......................................... 376
Prayers against love temptations .............................. 377
“I am a nun or a naiad...” .......................................... .. 378
“The city didn’t seem to be nice to me...” ....................... 379
“For me, the landscape beyond the window...” .......................................... .. 380
“What happened to my enemy...” .................................. 381
“I would like to have a child from you...” ........................ 382
“I woke up in the dark...” .......................................... 383
Tsaritsyno pond with the island of mermaids .......... 384

From the author .................................................. ...................... 385
Books by Nina Krasnova .............................................. ... 392
Celebrities about Nina Krasnova .............................. 401
Content................................................. ................. 405

Nina Petrovna Krasnova



Editor Yuri Kuvaldin
Artist Alexander Trifonov

ISBN 978-5-85676-142-8

LR No. 061544 dated 09/08/99.
Handed over to the set 04/07/11. Signed for publication on 05.05.11.
Format 84x108 1/32. Offset paper.
Headset "OfficinaSansCTT". Offset printing.
Uch.-ed. l. (author's sheets) 12.15 Circulation 1000 copies.

Publishing House "Book Garden"

Ryazan singer

"Favorites" of the poetess Nina Krasnova, published by the publishing house "Knizhny Sad", was among the 50 best books of the year according to the "Nezavisimaya Gazeta"

Elegantly designed volume in a dark green binding, with gold stamping and with a white silk bookmark (lace), 416 pages of poetry. Recently, a presentation of this book took place in Moscow at the Central House of Writers. Poets Sergei Mnatsakanyan, Valentin Reznik, Sergei Karatov, Eduard Grachev, culturologist Pyotr Koblikov, singer and composer Anatoly Shamardin and Nina Krasnova herself, Ryazan songstress, Princess of Poetry "MK" and Queen of Erotic Poetry of Russia, performed at the evening. This modest, almost family event was hosted by the poet Kirill Kovaldzhi. The preface to the book was written by the People's Artist of Russia Valery Zolotukhin.


Nina Krasnova was born on March 15, 1950 in Ryazan in a family of employees. At the age of 17 she began to publish in the newspaper "Ryazan Komsomolets". After graduating from high school, she worked in a pioneer camp as a counselor, leader of a puppet circle. From 1968 to 1971 - a literary collaborator in the regional newspaper "Leninsky Way". In 1971, she came to Moscow “on a limited basis” and worked for a year as an elective baker at the Moscow Bakery No. 6. In 1972, she entered the full-time department of poetry at the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky, who graduated in 1977. She studied at the creative seminar of E. Dolmatovsky and V. Milkov. In 1978, Nina Krasnova returned to Ryazan, where for some time she was the head of the Ryazan Springs literary association, then she worked independently. In 1979 she published her first book of poems - "Running". This was followed by her books “Such Red Flowers”, “The Lost Ring”, “Lament for the Rivers”, etc. Since 1980, she has been a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Published in the magazines "Moscow", "Youth", "New World", "Children of Ra", "October", "Friendship of Peoples", "Zinziver", "Crocodile", "Time and Us", "Student Meridian", " Youth stage”, “Forum”, “Librarian”, “About love and not only”, “Homeland”, “Our street”; in the almanacs "Poetry", "Day of Poetry", "Origins", "Ring A", "Literary Ryazan", "Morning", as well as in newspaper periodicals.

The poems of Nina Petrovna Krasnova were published abroad in translation into English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Romanian, Polish, German, Norwegian, Czech.

Since 1992 lives in Moscow. Member of the Union of Russian Writers, the Union of Moscow Writers and the Union of Writers of the 21st Century.

So wrote about the poetry of the poetess Valery Zolotukhin:


This is an independent, deep poet. She brought into Russian poetry her Ryazan-Meshchera vocabulary, incredible openness, lyricism on the verge of a foul. And at the same time - unheard of purity. Nina Krasnova got an amazing gift. Expressing itself, it expresses the ethnos. This is extremely rare..

Evgeny Stepanov


  1. Nina Krasnova Run: Poems. - M., "Soviet writer", 1979
  2. Nina Krasnova Such red flowers: Poems. - M., "Young Guard", 1984
  3. Nina Krasnova The Lost Ring: Poems. - M., "Soviet writer", 1986
  4. Nina Krasnova Lament on the rivers: Poems. - M., "Contemporary", 1989
  5. Nina Krasnova Intimacy: poems, ditties. - M., RIF "ROY", 1995
  6. Nina Krasnova Family non-idyll: poems, ditties. / Illustrations by N. P. Krasnova. - M., "LOV", 1995
  7. Nina Krasnova Temple of Andrey in the virtual wind: About the work of A. A. Voznesensky. - M., "Moscow Parnassus", 1999
  8. Nina Krasnova Belated Flowers: Prose and Poetry / Foreword by Yu. Kuvaldin. - M .: "Book Garden", 2003.
  9. Nina Krasnova Zaletochka: a collection of author's ditties and couplets, with folk additions. - M., "MIGEK", 2005
  10. Nina Krasnova Poems. Experimental issue of the series: "Library of Poetry of the Moscow St. Petersburg". - M., "Profizdat", 2008
  11. Nina Krasnova Four walls: poems, ditties, poems. / Foreword by R. Kozakova. Afterword by V. Soloukhin, A. Voznesensky. - Ryazan, "Start", 2008
  12. Nina Krasnova In the celestial sphere: poems, essays. / Hood. A. Trifonov. - M., "Book Garden", 2010
  13. Nina Krasnova Name: poems, essays. / Hood. A. Trifonov. - M., "Book Garden", 2010
  14. Nina Krasnova Selected Poems / Foreword by V. Zolotukhin. - M.: "Book Garden", 2011
  15. Nina Krasnova Secret: Poems, ditties, homophones, homograms, anagrams, palindromes. Volume I. - M., West Consulting, 2014
  16. Nina Krasnova Secret: Poems, ditties, homophones, homograms, anagrams, palindromes. Volume II. - M., "West-Consulting", 2014


Nina Krasnova is a famous poet of the "lost generation". Born in Ryazan. He has been writing poetry since the age of seven. Graduated from the Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky (seminar by Evgeny Dolmatovsky). In 1979 she published her first book of poems "Running" (in the "Soviet Writer") and was accepted with her into the Union of Writers of the USSR. Published in the magazines "Youth", "Moscow", "New World", "October", "Friendship of Peoples", "Student Meridian", "Crocodile", "Observer", "Time and Us" (New York - Moscow) , "Our Street", "Day and Night", "Children of Ra", "Zinziver", "Khreshchatyk", "Others", "Foreign Notes", in the almanacs "Poetry", "Day of Poetry", "Moscow Year of Poetry" , "Sources", "Ring A", "LitRos", "Russian Laughter", "Star of the Fields", "Muse", "Aeolian Harp", "Literary Ryazan", "Under the Ryazan Sky", "Circular Bowl", etc. etc., in the newspapers "Literaturnaya Rossiya", "Literaturnaya Gazeta", "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", "Moskovsky Komsomolets", "Book Review", "Day of Literature", "Slovo", "Express Gazeta", "Literaturnye Izvestiya" , "Poetry City", "Literary Living Room", etc., in various collective collections and anthologies, including the anthologies "Poetry. XX century", "Poetry. XXI century", "Genres and stanzas of modern Russian poetry". It was also printed in all countries of the former socialist camp, in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany, as well as in Italy, France, Norway, the USA, Israel, Ethiopia, Algeria, India, China. Author of seventeen books of poetry and essayistic prose. Chief editor of the almanac "Aeolian harp". Member of the editorial board of the magazine "Youth". Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, the Union of Russian Writers, the Union of Writers of Moscow, the Union of Professional Writers, the Union of Writers of the 21st Century, the Russian PEN Club.

My motto: "Sing like a frog, even like a frog!" Poetry is the beauty and harmony of the world around us and the inner world of a person, embodied in the Word, in verses, and affecting our senses, and giving us aesthetic pleasure, and evoking in us high, noble impulses and aspirations. For me, poetry is also a kind of second reality in which I soar with my soul in search of my artistic means of self-expression. The first poet who influenced me during my school years was my great countryman Sergei Yesenin. Then the poets of the 19th century - Tyutchev, Lermontov, Pushkin, Griboedov, Baratynsky, Krylov, Nekrasov, Koltsov, then Mayakovsky, then Blok, the poets of the sixties, Rozhdestvensky, Yevtushenko, Voznesensky, as well as Soloukhin, Gamzatov, Silva Kaputikyan, Yulia Drunina. In my student literary institute time, the poets of the Silver Age Balmont, Gumilyov, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Severyanin, Mandelstam, foreign poets Heine, Beranger, Burns, Whitman, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Villon, later all my older brothers and sisters in pen with whom fate brought me to
the great literary road and who helped me walk along it - Starshinov, Dementiev, Bokov, Tarkovsky, Zhirmunskaya, Kovalzhdi, Yuri Kuznetsov, Kazakova and many others. And the poets of my generation, and then of the younger one. My motto is "Sing your own way, even like a frog!" and "Don't fall under someone's influence, like under a tram", from which the Literary Institute head of the creative seminar Yevgeny Dolmatovsky warned us, his seminarians, from whom I studied and who also had his (not pernicious) influence on me.

Nina Krasnova

When the last hour of nature strikes...
Fedor Tyutchev

When people are punished for their sins,
God will arrange the "last Cataclysm",
They will not be saved, who have reached the edge of everyone,
Neither Orthodoxy nor Catholicism...
But this is how people are punished out of a sense of revenge
For their sins? - He can't.
Religion will perish with them,
And no one will need God.

Sow reasonable, good, eternal...
Nikolai Nekrasov

Under the hymns of the nightingale
Don't be lazy.
Everyone has their own
Unplowed field.
Remember this motto:
The Lord is with you, with us!
Sow your plot
With my seeds
And here everywhere, and here,
Not waiting for your weather.
And the seeds will sprout
Will give such shoots.
peasant labor
Do not be afraid. Like Yesenin!
And maybe then
Your work will be appreciated.
Don't mind fate
Leaving in the shadow, in the darkness:
Your glorious harvest
Your descendants will reap.

Nineteenth century, iron,
Truly a cruel age!
Alexander Blok

In Russia, which centuries are not cruel?
The twentieth is especially terrible, cruel:
He destroyed the origins of past cultures
And gave a pole to climb high
To the coming boor who is from paradise
What did you do? And, not seeing God point-blank
And all not like themselves - despising,
Holy icons thrown under the ax
And he threw the classics of the past into the river.
Spiritual poverty came to power.
But the twenty-first century of the twentieth century
Present, present bills for this,
He is not forgiving brain dullness
Folk, without reducing everything to the individual,
Punish him for his crimes.
And everything will return to normal.


I'm not beautiful anymore...
...I'm not young.
Anna Akhmatova

Porcelain idol, Akhmatova Anna,
You used to be proud of yourself.
What are you not beautiful? Weird.
You are beautiful despite your age.
I rhyme in the light of writing a cross,
Your hair is not counting gray hair.
You will be beautiful even in old age,
More beautiful than their young rivals.

Delmas in Chess

The artist Delmas danced in the estate.
For whom, for whom did you dance - for the masses?
Not for the masses - she danced for Blok
And I almost broke my heel, by the window
Pa making Carmen,
Having made carmine sponges with a bow.
And the heart of Delmas was beating under the blouse,
For the poet it pounded - not for the masses,
And black blood boiled under the skin.
And the poet's love grew like carrots,
Like a tulip, like a reed by the bridge,
And mystic poetry thickened...

Monument to Griboyedov near the metro station "Chistye Prudy"

Russia without betraying or selling
And without drinking and not blowing through the cards,
It stands in Moscow at Chistye Ponds,
I threw off my worries, a hundred pounds,
And looks at passers-by from the pedestal,
Witness of all their dates and meetings,
And knowing the importance of every moment,
It absorbs their language and speech.
Did Griboyedov like to eat mushrooms?
Have you tried Sauvignon in your life?
And did he carry coffins on himself
One's friends? He's not famous for that.
He sends an air greeting to Tehran,
Where did he work as an ambassador
And I did not earn a wound from a tiger
And many wounds. And died. But saved
Its for new, future times,
Fortune was saved by a faithful hand.
And not all of him died. Among the names
Illustrious people entered the ages.
He looks at the mass-printing kiosks
For book spines and bindings:
"What books should I read?" -
He hasn't read for two hundred years.
He could write poetry - volumes!
And he wrote one not thick volume,
One poem - "Woe from Wit".
She's about that grief from the mind
Anyone with talent and intelligence.

Monument of Merkurov to Dostoevsky on the former Bozhedomka

Igor Volgin

In the courtyard of the hospital of the former Mariinsky
He, conceived in the womb,
In the center of the flower bed grew in the form of a sculpture,
Russian genius of world culture.
The eternal convict of the pen, great prose,
In a timid pose, he stands without any pose.
There is something humble, humble,
There's something unsettling about him, too.
And there is humiliated and offended,
And badly scraped off from the dirt of life,
There is something holy and vicious in it,
And so tragic and prophetic,
And such an astonished Ozirayan:
What kind of heavenly place is this?
Himself for the crimes of mankind
Punished, the son of a crazy Fatherland.
Gently folded his hands on his chest
And God's mercy deserving,
He is more pitiful than the sacrifice of Karabakh,
And a strait shirt on him.

Parents day

In memory of my mother

You came to me for Parents' Day,
Fulfilling the maternal duty of guardianship.
You came to me at the Forest School
And I was pleasantly surprised by this.
We walked in the shade under the tree, aspen,
Woodpeckers flocked to look at you from a branch.
You were easily tied with a scarf -
Summer, motley, joyful colors.
You were all forest, you were mischievous,
In a light dress with elasticated sleeves,
And me with delicious strawberries, market
Served from a painted basket.
I seem to you from the heavens of the Most High point? ..
I wave my hand to you and die ...
I was your little daughter
I was and remain yours - her.
I came to you, look, I came to Solotcha,
To your grave, to the edge of the forest, to Lesotcha,
I came to you for Parent's Day,
Funeral, remembrance, sobbing.

Girl in shorts

We will all die someday...
Tatyana Krasnova

On Maslovka, a girl in shorts walks modelly,
Levels his posture and gait and step.
Earrings made of tin hang and shine like a medal,
They hang and shine in this girl's ears.
And the janitor jumps along Maslovka, scares the cats
And he waves a broom and yells stupidly at cats.
And the girl-divine walks so proudly,
Like she'll never, ever die.

You and I

At this commercial tent -
Two lucky people (patch patches on jeans) -
We eat pineapple with you.
God smiles upon us.
I am white, you are swarthy.
I am a cutie, you are a cutie.
We are such an enviable couple
Two such gifts for each other.

I recently went to Ryazan.
I have business in Ryazan:
See your dearest family
(I'm always happy for a day like this)
Children's world gone to visit -
And dedicate a joke to him.
And do not let someone boo you,
And stand next to Yesenin's granite
One plaque of honor
Drowning your longing in Coca-Cola.
And not thinking to annoy someone there,
Build a monument to yourself
His own, miraculous, all from books,
My own, from all my unreleased books
(I don't know how about them).
I recently went to Ryazan.
I have business in Ryazan.

Nina Krasnova- a poet. Born in Ryazan on March 15, 1950, in a large family, she grew up with her mother, brothers and sister, without a father. From the 1st to the 8th grade she studied at the Ryazan boarding school No. 1, then at the secondary school No. 17, after which she worked as a pioneer leader and leader of the puppet circle in the Kometa pioneer camp, as a literary worker in the Leninsky Put newspaper of the Ryazan region , in the department of art, culture and sports, then - a baker-selector at the Moscow bakery No. 6.
From 1972 to 1977 studied at the Literary Institute. Maxim Gorky, at the full-time department of poetry, where she entered on the recommendation of Vladimir Soloukhin, studied at the seminar of Yevgeny Dolmatovsky and worked at the institute as a janitor, storekeeper, alarm attendant, typist in the machine bureau.
In 1978 she returned to Ryazan. She worked there as the head of the Ryazan Springs literary association, was a member of the editorial board of the literary newspaper Ryazan Uzorochye.
In 1979, the publishing house "Soviet Writer" published the first book of poems by Nina Krasnova "Running", with which the poetess was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR, as a participant in the VII All-Union Conference of Young Writers from the seminar from the magazine "Youth", which was led by Andrei Dementiev, Nathan Zlotnikov, Yevgeny Khramov, Armenian poet Gevorg Emin, Belarusian poet Rygor Borodulin.
She writes poetry from the age of seven (and she began to compose them from the age of three).
Published in the magazines "Youth", "Moscow", "New World", "Friendship of Peoples", "October", "Student Meridian", "Crocodile", etc., in the almanacs "Poetry", "Day of Poetry", "Origins", "Literary Ryazan", in the magazines and almanacs of the new time "Time and Us" (New York - Moscow), "Our Street", "Observer", "Moscow Parnassus", "Ring A", "LitRos" , "Muse", "Patron and the World", "Morning", "Under the Ryazan Sky", in the newspapers "Literary Russia", "Literary Gazette", "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", "Moskovsky Komsomolets", "Moskovskaya Pravda", "New newspaper”, “The Day of Literature”, “Slovo”, “Express newspaper”, etc., in various collective collections and anthologies, including “Poetry. XX century”, “Poetry. XXI Century".
In 1992 she moved to Moscow, where she lives to this day.
Member of the Writers' Union of Moscow (and the Admission Committee of this joint venture), a member of the Union of Russian Writers, the Union of Professional Writers, the Union of Writers of the XXI century.
Twice Princess of Poetry "Moskovsky Komsomolets" -1995 and 1996, Queen of love-erotic poetry of Russia.
Laureate of the Seventh Artiad of the peoples of Russia. Laureate of the competition Nikolai Rubtsov "Star of the Fields". Laureate of the Prize. Anna Akhmatova.
From 1998 to 2008 She was a member of the editorial boards of the almanac "Origins" and the magazine "Our Street". Since 2007 - member of the editorial board of the magazine "Youth". Since 2009 - founder and editor-in-chief of the literary almanac "Aeolian harp".
Author of 16 books of poetry and prose "non-fiction" (essay, diary), including "Running Run" (1979), "Such Red Flowers" (1984), "The Lost Ring" (1986), "Lament for the Rivers" (1989), "Intimacy" and "Family non-idyll" (1995), "Andrey's Temple in the virtual wind" (1999), "Dunka in Europe" (Our Street magazine No. 1-12 2000), "Belated Flowers" ( 2003), "Zaletochka" (2005), "Four Walls" (2008), "Library of Poetry of the Moscow Joint Venture" (zero number, 2008), "Our Street" in the reports "(2009)," In the celestial sphere "and" Name "(2010), "Favorites" (2011), etc.
She was published not only in her own country, but also abroad - in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Norway, Italy, France, USA, Israel, India, China, Cuba, Algeria, Syria, Ethiopia, etc. d.
The work of Nina Krasnova was appreciated by Vladimir Soloukhin, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Nikolai Starshinov, Andrey Dementiev, Sergey Polikarpov, Arseny Tarkovsky, Kirill Kovaldzhi, Viktor Bokov, Yulia Drunina, Yuri Kuznetsov, Andrey Voznesensky, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Rimma Kazakova, Tamara Zhirmunskaya, Tatyana Kuzovleva, Evgeny Rein, Viktor Astafiev, Valery Zolotukhin and other famous poets, writers, cultural figures. The parodist Alexander Ivanov composed parodies of the poetess's poems out of love for her poetry.
Head the musical part of the Hermitage Theater, composer Andrey Semyonov wrote "A Little Suite for Voice and Cello" based on six poems by Nina Krasnova, composer Alexei Karelin wrote several comic lyrical songs based on her poems, and singer and composer Anatoly Shamardin, soloist of the Utesov Orchestra of the 70s , - cycles of songs, songs and romances.