What is the sin of pride and how to deal with it in life? Criminal arrogance is a matter of life and death. Self-confidence comes from childhood

Pride is included in the list of deadly sins and is considered one of the most terrible emotional states. The fact is that it is thanks to this feeling that a person begins to believe in his own exclusivity, superiority over others.

How do Orthodoxy and psychology relate to pride?

Those who carefully read the Holy Scriptures know that pride led to the fall of the bright archangel Lucifer and his transformation into Satan. Therefore, in the Orthodox Church, this emotional state is sharply negative.

Not surprising! Such people are confident that their opinion is the only competent one. It is common for them to defend their own beliefs, regardless of the suffering caused to others.

And this is natural, what significance can someone's tears have in comparison with the perfection of a being of the highest level of development?

At the same time, 2 qualities with a similar name should not be confused. The difference between pride and arrogance is that pride can be experienced not only for one's own achievements, but also for the successes of loved ones, the Motherland, and humanity as a whole.

In addition, the word "pride" has a definition - self-esteem, self-respect, while "pride", perhaps, has Greek roots and means "stupidity" in translation.

Psychologists are sure that pride leads to the degradation of the personality, as it does not allow one to objectively evaluate one's own actions.

There are several main qualities that allow you to recognize this emotional state:

  • high conceit;
  • feeling of superiority over others;
  • belief in one's own uniqueness;
  • thirst for constant praise;
  • intolerance to reproaches;
  • selfishness;
  • frequent manifestations of anger and malice.

A person subject to this feeling often remains alone, as he scares off loved ones with his behavior.

Even realizing that as a result of his own actions he lost his friends, a person endowed with a vicious quality is not able to ask for forgiveness from the “lower ones”. From the point of view of psychiatry, a narrowing of horizons gradually occurs, which makes a person spiritually poor and weak. Experiencing a constant thirst for glory and power, he is nevertheless able to go over the heads in order to achieve his goal. That's just every day the goal is getting further.

Pride can manifest itself in many different ways. For example, lead to the breakup of a family or to a global tragedy, as in the case of Adolf Schicklgruber. Is it possible to fight mortal sin on your own and cleanse your soul from arrogance?

Interest Ask Is it possible to experience pride and seeks to get rid of it? Unfortunately, the opinion of most psychologists is not. A person who is unable to open himself to the world, fully confident in his own superiority, simply cannot comprehend the depths of the fall. It is realistic to get rid of a vicious quality in a single case - with the collapse of hopes and understanding that the fallacy of one's actions led to this. But this already means cleansing from sin.

However, it is possible to carry out a kind of "prevention" in order not to succumb to vice.

To do this, it is worth implementing just a few basic rules:

  • First of all, you need to treat the people around you as equals to yourself. One person is endowed with excellent mathematical abilities, and the other prepares a magnificent borscht. One must learn to find merit in everyone and treat one's own talents with due modesty;
  • One of the qualities that often provoke pride, insecurity, which makes you constantly prove your capabilities, and gradually superiority, first in your own eyes, and then in the eyes of others. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of psychological complexes until they completely take possession of a person and suppress his psyche;
  • Excessive pride is a cause for concern. You should not hide your weaknesses, they are the natural qualities of every person and often determine the personality and even help its further development. Is it possible to be ashamed of such feelings as sincere empathy?
  • It is necessary to learn how to work in a team, listen not only to congratulations on another victory, but also to criticism. Own opinion is a flexible thing, and if it changes over time, this is a sign of growing up, the ability to think broadly and consider the problem from different angles;
  • It is impossible to subject a person to condemnation for a mistake made without having an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis own actions in such a situation. You need to be able to sympathize and empathize and not rush to label;
  • When doing a good deed, one must restrain oneself from thinking about how nobly the great descended to the insignificant. However, this action can be attributed to the point about the equality of all people. By the way, not without reason, a person who wants to do a really good deed, who has provided assistance, usually does not advertise his participation, since he does not feel the need for gratitude and praise.

Knowing the differences between pride and a vicious quality, one should not exaggerate one's principles too much, because it is so easy to step over an invisible barrier. For example, an athlete who is absolutely confident in victory and proud of his results, losing, often feels pride.

Hybris - so pride was called in ancient Greece. Kibr is her name in Islam. In Orthodoxy, pride is one of the 8 sinful passions. In Catholicism, it is one of the seven deadly sins. This human vice, called mortal sin, has a dark gray color. Its vibration is low, metallic. She has the smell of a slashing saber, carrying inevitable death. “Pride hears only itself. Pride is closed in itself, it, as they say, devours itself, lives in its own world, in its prison, ”wrote Father Alexander Men. In pride, a person is blinded and, as if competing with God and fate, self-satisfied and furiously proves that he achieves everything himself.

Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh in "Hearing and Doing" defines pride as "a conscious attitude towards oneself as the final judge, as one over whom there is neither God's nor human judgment."

This acute question has stood and has stood since ancient times both in the secular, and in the monastic and patristic milieu. Let's go back to the origins of the word.

The word pride manifests Old Russian adjectives: grd and ynoy. The word gard was used in the meanings of "proud, important, marvelous, strict, terrible." It is primordial in the Old Russian language, because it is easily read from right to left according to the laws of syllabary writing: grd - darg (to "horn") The word oyny was used in the meaning of "alien, alien" until the 18th century. For example, in the Spiritual Diploma of Ivan the Terrible ( 1572) we read: “And get used to every business, both Divine, and priestly, and monastic, and military, and judicial, Moscow stay, and everyday life, and how the ranks are conducted here and in other states, and the local state with other states what they have, they themselves would know.

In the text of the Ynykh - strangers, others - others. According to the original roots, the word pride is easy to read: the acceptance of someone else's, alien to my worldview, and in the reverse reading - alien is expensive.

The formation of nouns from a combination with the adjective oyna is the oldest word-formation model of the Old Russian language. For example, the names of the archaic characters Gorynya, Dubynya and Usynya are formed in this way - three giant heroes with superhuman strength and violating the natural order of life. In ancient mythology, they embodied the serpent triad: the Fire Serpent, the Serpent of the Depths and the Serpent of the Waters. The root yn (ya) was a sign of hostility, alienation of these images. They were contrasted with the images of three epic snake-fighting heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich, who inherited some features of archaic images.

Over time, the suffix yn (ya) lost its connection with the ancient root, gave rise to several word-formation models. In book titles, he acquired the meaning of an abstract concept (pride, alms, stronghold, goodness, shrine).

Consider the meanings of some words that are often confused with the concept of pride. Let us remember that in Russian one word encodes only one meaning. Let's use the elimination method.

Pride is not arrogance as an expression of petty-bourgeois material superiority.

Pride is not vanity as a desire to gain undeserved (vain) fame.

Pride is not megalomania as a desire to exalt oneself at the expense of others.

Pride is not envy as a desire to equal and get ahead of someone in something.

Pride is not selfishness as an active work of the mind to strengthen one's personal positions.

Pride is not selfishness as the concentration of love on oneself.

Pride is not self-confidence as a defense against the fear of losing positions, supports.

Pride is not self-affirmation as the mind sticking out its qualities in order to make sure of their viability.

The term pride can be used in three senses. Consider them:

1. To determine the leading character trait of a person. Pride is an immoral unbridled passion to always and in everything surpass everyone and everything. It is a sinful, not a creative passion. As a rule, a person behaves this way not from a great mind and not from deep reflections on the purpose of life, its purpose and essence. In the presence of this trait, a person seems to be “wound up” and does not realize that he violates moral norms, does not think about the givenness of life by God, does not realize his responsibility for the consequences, the boundaries of norms dissolve, taking forms alien to natural life. In this case, we can talk about a big sin, but, from our point of view, the situation can still be corrected.

2. To determine the strategy for moving through a person's life. Pride as an engine is a total state of the rational mind (left hemisphere), confirming to itself and to everyone that it is alive, flourishes, that the owner cannot survive without it.

In any case: in a dispute, reflection, planning, analysis, reflection, the proud mind does not seek the truth, but tries to prove its exclusivity. The more the mind is flawed, the more aggressively it defends itself. Pride is always a protective tool of the left hemisphere of the brain, it took away to hide the true face, to be intact, unchanged, it is a frightening mask so that everyone is afraid, it is a marker of protection, a superficial mask behind which a person hides his essence (personality according to G. Jung ).

Thus, the mind acquires a field of uncontrolled independence from the right hemisphere, which is able to intuitively feel and know the truth, see the perspective, design situations, interact with the heart and soul of a person, be in touch with the world information bank and aspire to the Truth of God. In this understanding, pride is a great sin, but one can still work with it: through great labor it is possible to show a person his protective “armor”, his spiritual beacon of faith, point out the “transparency” of his behavior, you can turn to modern means of objective psychology and show a person has other opportunities with the involvement of the right hemisphere and holistic thinking to be different, more successful, not violating the norms of morality, to bring such a person to a conversation with his soul about morality, about non-violation of the norms of life.

3. To determine the purpose of human life. Pride is an immense exaltation of one's own personality and one's achievements, denying morality and God. Speaking about the purpose of life, we are dealing with the chosen principles, beliefs of a person. Pride contains a deep level of negative, unnatural aspirations for an adequate person, and even a person's faith. Here is the sin of pride and it is impossible to correct it. Due to the denial of God and the need for spiritual and moral movement towards Him, pride is recognized in the religions of the World as a mortal sin. Modern science proves this position.

Neurophysiology of pride

The term dominant in relation to stable foci of excitability was introduced in 1923-1924 by the physiologist A.A. Ukhtomsky. The dominant is characterized by constantly increased excitability of the nerve centers, the excitations of which serve to increase excitation in the focus, while the phenomenon of inhibition is widely observed in the rest of the nervous system. This is a special neurophysiological complex that dominates the activity of the human brain. In accordance with this concept, pride is a constantly dominant focus of increased excitability of the cells of the cerebral cortex, with an emphasis on personal superiority and with a dismissive attitude towards other people (according to B.A. Astafiev). In the case we are considering, this is the center of specific activity of the central nervous system with a concentration on the experience of pride. Let's imagine this hearth (Ukhtomsky's dominant) in relation to pride in the form of a diagram.

Scheme No. 1 shows the reflection of an event or life experience of a person in the left (L) and right (R) hemispheres of the brain in the form of a flash symbol. In the case of pride, as established by many thinkers and psychologists (F. Nietzsche, K. Jung, R. Hume, B. Russell, I. Satorin, O. G. Torsunov, M. A. Minakova, S. Balakin), this is an experience humiliation as getting a score below one's own self-esteem of a person means the presence of an internal split in the personality and is the most stable disease state of the psyche. The received low assessment from the people around a person in any form penetrates deeply into the subconscious and causes an internal (verbal or non-verbal) protest as a discrepancy with the vibrations inherent in this person. As established by the doctor of psychological sciences N.V. Antonenko "the psyche of each person at the appropriate stage of his life can progress or regress depending on the choice, ideal and purpose, good will, conscious purposefulness and orientation of human activity towards creation or destruction" . Thus, the experiences of humiliation correspond to the informational regression of the human psyche. What happens next?

Emotional-sensory experience by a person of the humiliation of his personality captures the right lobe of the brain with a strong emotion, accompanied by a powerful energy release. At the same time, negative experiences are accompanied by the release of catecholamines, stress hormones, into the blood. This contributes to the formation of connections between the brain center and the organs of the body that have experienced nervous and hormonal influences. In the left brain center (L), the processes of reflection about the experience are launched, but they, being secondary, are incomparably weaker in energy than the explosive reaction in the right hemisphere.

Compressed by a strong emotion, and over time, an overgrown emotional experience does not allow a person who carries it in himself as a dominant to make decisions without his participation. This hearth becomes a kind of checkpoint for thoughts, decisions, plans of a person. At the same time, the dominant, as if under a magnifying glass, shows any little thing that could be related to the past experience of humiliation. At the same time, a person does not notice a subtle juggling: the dominant is based in the right hemisphere of the brain, and therefore it is emotionally explosive. At the very first moment of the emergence of a question or task, it captures the space of the brain with emotion, not allowing the mind to enter into rational action. The humiliation experienced by a person makes him again and again experience an inferiority complex (worthlessness, "defectiveness", inferiority) and the suffering associated with this. This is the cause of many neuroses. With an unformed adequate self-esteem of a person (especially in childhood: an unloved, humiliated, rejected, abandoned, lonely child), he experiences fear, including the fear of death, and frantically looks for an opportunity to change the situation. This dominant becomes unbearable for a person, he is looking for another experience (another dominant) as salvation, which will compensate for painful experiences. And it should be stronger than the first dominant. Since, in experiencing an inferiority complex and humiliation, a person longs to get rid of self-flagellation, self-abasement, to present himself in his true guise, he often finds a quick way to this in the form of stimulation of approval, praise, admiration from those around him. Unfortunately, this is a false path, and the complex of experienced unfair humiliation is insatiable: more and more confirmations of superiority over everything and everyone are needed. Emotional indomitability and sophistication of the mind grows, inventing more and more "shelters". It is like a dream in which a person runs and hides from a threat, finding more and more shelters. This unquenchable suffering and the search for salvation is so strong because Ukhtomsky's dominant is not the prerogative of the brain alone. This is the general state of the human nervous system: "a certain constellation of centers of increased excitability in various levels of the brain and spinal cord, as well as in autonomous systems." Researches of the doctor of psychological sciences N.V. Antonenko show that such a strong mental experience takes possession of the whole person up to the disruption of self-organization of biochemical homeostasis and can bring him down to the level of a tyrant and even an animal, destroying everything that prevents him from exercising power over people and the World. The proud person becomes the destroyer of the creativity and initiative of other people, because he does not even tolerate the possibility of their superiority in anything.

Origins of pride

According to the apt expression of I. Satorin, "The human psyche is a phenomenon that makes a piece of flesh a person." The formation of the psyche is the most important task of the child-adolescent period of life. The formation of the human psyche is directly related to the ability to give the correct self-esteem. This skill is formed in childhood and adolescence. An important role is played by the ability to find one's ideals as internal moral supports. The main among them are the ideals of health, creativity, friendship and love, self-realization in society and self-identification in the world. Without these supports, it is easy to unsettle a person from the rut of life, that is, it is easy to humiliate for any reason. The ability to correlate oneself with one's ideals at any moment of life is a guarantee against mental anguish, breakdowns, and injuries.

As a rule, the origins of pride come from childhood or adolescence. This is the undeserved, unfair humiliation suffered by the child from others, the gamut of feelings experienced by him, the thirst for compensation and the search for a way out of the state of humiliation. to whom.

Let's give an example: a talented child studies well, causing envy among classmates. They begin to tease him, but he does not react (weakly reacts), which does not bring satisfaction to either side. Classmates decide to “get” an excellent student: they organize a collective and unexpected competition for an “excellent student”, for example, in running, jumping or smoking (there are millions of options), which he loses. This undeserved humiliation, unfair insult to dignity is for him an inexhaustible source of reflection on his ability to fight for his true self and a reason to think that he will “show” them, “take revenge”, etc. From day to day this thought forms his deep psychological dominant. He perceives his life successes as "proof" of his success, even exclusivity. With his offended ego, i.e. personal experience of a heightened sense of injustice, an equally acute desire to constantly prove one's exclusivity is honed. Years and decades will pass. Those offenders have not been around for a long time, but he “carries” them with him always in his memory. These incentives continue to push him to new "feats", because a character trait has already been formed: a painful feeling of his exclusivity. It is she who rules the ball in the character and manifestations of such a person. If a competent and wise adult were next to the child at the moment of experiencing undeserved humiliation, who would help to understand the current situation, the development of the child's character could go according to a different scenario. But since there was no such adult assistant nearby, their own attempts to resolve the situation went along the path of seeking false compensation.

This false self-image can never be satisfied. The lack of understanding of the cause of this dissatisfaction makes a person run in circles, giving rise to intolerance.

The idea of ​​a person about his unsurpassedness (it is proved by successes) in combination with indestructible intolerance form pride. However, the first (exclusivity, unsurpassed) without the second (intolerance) will not become the basis for the birth of pride, because a person logically understands the possibilities and practically (experienced) meets and notices exceptionally talented, unsurpassed in their activities other people: actors, athletes, writers, designers, scientists...

By itself, exceptional talent and even genius are too small a root of pride. But this is what is often noted as its source. But intolerance is the true root of pride. Without it, there would be no thirst for the total exaltation of the proud.

Objective reasons for pride

The objective reasons for the appearance of pride come from a lack of knowledge about oneself, one's role in society and life. The root of this phenomenon lies in the lack of knowledge about the Universal Laws of the World, which in no case should be violated. They became known only a few years ago, and the consequences of their violation are not yet widely analyzed and studied. An illusion is created of the possibility of independent human behavior from the Laws of the World, the General Laws of human society. Violation of the natural Laws of the human psyche leads to the obligatory emergence of negative personality traits. One of them is pride. The lack of knowledge in society about the codes of natural laws is reflected in the school curricula of education and upbringing.

The lack of ethical and psychological knowledge about the norms of reactions to the words and actions of other people stems from ignorance of the General Laws of human society, on the basis of which the ethics and culture of society should be built.

Ignorance of these laws in the absence of a tradition of positive examples in the family, the immediate environment of a person leads to a lack of positive experience, a lack of skill in one's own positive reactions and reflection on one's own behavior, thought-creativity, dreams, plans, ideas.

It would not be necessary to raise questions about codes of laws if people could keep the tradition of moral behavior (according to the norms of natural Laws) in purity, clarity and preservation of the norms of interaction with each other. Let's turn to history.

In the Middle Ages, the opinion was borrowed from translated literature that pride is the highest manifestation of stupidity. It manifests itself in 41 external (behavioral, speech, facial, kinesthetic) signs (we will highlight these manifestations in bold in Table No. 1).

In life, we often meet veiled, hidden, unmanifested pride, sometimes we see its open manifestation in the form of the behavior of an unbridled proud man, undisguised narcissism and self-aggrandizement, or command-demanding and “dumped” into the environment of its manifestation. In the latter case, the proud person furnishes his actions in relation to the people around him by establishing rituals, norms, worship of his own personality, veneration and deification of his person. In this case, the matter is not limited to individual manifestations of pride: it is compressed into a line (character) of behavior. The proud man manifests himself as a tyrant who subjugates his environment or maniacally claims to be a leader, a seer, a saint.

Pride is an exceptional intolerance when comparing other people with oneself, a thirst for total superiority always, everywhere, in everything. When the thirst for superiority is infringed, then, like a genie from a bottle, intolerance, dormant or restrained earlier, breaks out and fills the entire surrounding space. This escaped genie seems to be screaming: “I am the greatest! I am the smartest! I am worthy of worship!"

Pride is a painful presentation of oneself for exclusivity.

Pride is a painful demonstration of a previous defeat in something.

Pride is always a painful manifestation of the source (humiliation in the past) and an experienced thirst for recognition of the exceptional qualities and abilities of a person.

Pride is always a thirst for compensation.

Pride is just information about a person's view of his own self-esteem. Pride is always a demonstration of unsuccessful attempts to get rid of one's own intolerance on one's own.

The proud crown and its roots

Studies of the “proud complex” show a tangle of concepts and characteristics with which it is endowed. It is difficult to figure out where the causes, effects and symptoms are. We propose to consider the "proud man's complex" in the form of a logical and semantic scheme "The crown of the proud man".

Scheme No. 2. Logical and semantic scheme "Crown of the proud".

The logical and semantic scheme of the “Proud Crown” is built on the principle of a hedgehog, the needles of which symbolize certain destructive qualities that the proud person acquires and uses to compensate and “overcome” the experience of humiliation. Imagining his imaginary superiority, he seems to crown himself with a crown, each prong of which, like a needle, grows out of a false understanding of overcoming his own humiliation. So the crown of the proud man turns into a prickly hedgehog, which continues to prick him and remind him of the unworked "roots" - the causes of his pain. Consider these invisible causes of experiences and suffering.

Scheme No. 3. Causes of experiences and suffering

The “root system” of pride, as we see, grows out of humiliation and a person’s experience of a fall in his self-esteem. Here the Ukhtomsky dominant works, and emotions cloud the gaze and will of a person: negative emotions are “switched on”. But destructive emotional assessments are always a sign of a split in the soul, a sign of instability, infirmity of the human frame. This is where the “tug of war” takes place on oneself and the oblivion of the primacy of divine moral standards. Here the commandments of God and the absolute moral principles of life are forgotten. An underestimation of oneself is formed, and this is ingratitude to God.

“It is the fallen man who feels the need for pride, self-exaltation, self-affirmation, the need for them as in a dense smoke screen that hides from other people, and from himself his shortcomings. True goodness, true wisdom, true life do not need pride, because they have nothing to hide, and therefore they are humble.

Signs of the birth and manifestation of pride

"The first sin, according to Scripture, is pride" Presbyter of Jerusalem, Rev. Hesychia

We systematize our studies of the primary signs and manifestations of pride in table No. 1. In bold type, we highlight the manifestation of pride known in medieval culture. We pay attention to the fact that among the signs of pride in medieval culture there was no systematization, which we have given in the table. Therefore, these signs could relate to sensation, and to experience, and to mental activity and its purpose, and to behavior. When creating the table, we would like to draw the reader's attention to the external signs of 1) the emergence and 2) manifestations of already formed pride. Differences between the first and second can be observed in the frequency and strength of the manifestation of this or that act, as well as in the confidence (belief) of a person that this is exactly what he should do.

The table is a sequential explication of a personal feeling that turns into an experience, then the mental activity generated by these experiences with the ultimate goal of finding a way out of an unpleasant state, and, finally, the behavior of a person experiencing a “proud complex”.

Let us pay special attention to the fact that here we are not talking about the normal, natural reactions of a person to an internal state that has arisen, an experience. Our task is to study the pathological reactions of a person, due to ignorance of the special laws of the human psyche, and therefore violating the General Laws of human society and the Universal Laws of the World.

Pride is born at the unconscious level of feelings of humiliation, turning into experiences of injustice and understanding of the goals and possibilities of compensation or, more rarely, establishing the truth. No one is immune from this. But only the fourth column of the table shows the zone that is decisive for the appearance of pride. This is the choice of the target setting of the mental activity of a person, which occurs under the control of his will and morality. Here is the choice of the path of the further trajectory of the experienced state: ascending and therefore harmonizing the personality, or descending and therefore destructive for it. In the case we are considering, the origin and existence of pride is a destructive, inharmonious choice of inadequate self-esteem towards the formation of pride.

Both in antiquity and today, signs of pride must be transformed into 12 positive qualities. 1) humility, 2) kindness 3) sympathy, 4) modesty, 5) trust, respect for people, 6) honesty, 7) honor, 8) love, 9) cooperation, 10) glorification of God as the Creator of all things, 11) love and gratitude to teachers; 12) unconditional acceptance of the World and everything that exists in it.

Is it possible to get rid of the mortal sin of pride?

“There is no person who deserves more pity than the one who thinks that he has nothing to change in himself.” Bhakti Sidhanta Saraswati Thakur

Ukhtomsky's dominant is capable of transforming itself into any psychological state. The trend depends on the personality's choice of the direction of transformations. Pride is motivated by intolerance. The same situation, fortunately, can go along the path of true transformation. It is difficult to get rid of pride, but it is possible if a person wishes. Unfortunately, nowhere is it taught to recognize this information, and only fairly thin people are able to capture and apply it. It seems that this ability to interact with the world information bank will become available to many people in the coming decades.

Psychologists recommend keeping a diary and self-reflection about noticed manifestations of pride, visiting a psychologist, discussing pride in the family or with the participation of relatives and friends. I. Satorin, the author of a number of studies on pride, recommends being uncompromising with yourself: fixing and immediately transforming manifestations of pride. He, referring to the testimony of Castaneda, suggests the method of "situations with petty tyrants": the ability not to react, not to respond to petty tyrants.

1. "Dialogue". Pride is presented as an associative image. A person adjusts himself and conducts a dialogue with the image of pride. During the dialogue, he reveals the highest purpose of pride and associates it with a new image, which agrees to find its place and stay in it to help the practitioner. Having felt a new positive image, the practitioner should feel the new state and the experiences that accompany it, fixing them in his soul. We recommend that you address the mental (mentally represented) image at least three times a day and draw a new image of the “I”.

2. "Jump". Pride is presented as an associative image. In such an explication, it is proposed to make a mental leap, leaving the image of pride behind. Once in a new space without pride, the practitioner must feel the new state and the experiences that accompany it, fixing them in his soul. It is recommended to fix the image by drawing a new image of "I".

3. "Tunnel". Pride is presented as an associative image blocking the path of the practitioner. In such an explication, it is proposed to create a mental tunnel and overcome it, leaving the image of pride behind. Once in a new space without pride, the practitioner must feel the new state and the experiences that accompany it, fixing them in his soul. It is recommended to fix the image by drawing a new image of "I".

Exercise must be accompanied by:

1) the study, recognition and even admiration of the successes of other people through the knowledge of the facts of their biographies and achievements.

2) constant work on "taming" and transformation of external and deep (internal) manifestations of pride in oneself.

In working with pride, a noospheric psychologist who owns the method of “Tracking” negative states and experiences will be a reliable assistant. This is a very gentle method of psychological visualization, living and transformation in the highest potential of situations that led a person to experience personal exclusivity and intolerance. One or more sessions of "tracking" can completely solve the problem. However, there are cases of transmission of pride by inheritance (genetically). In this case, it is necessary to add to the work described above the comprehension of pride in the members of the clan, as well as use the services of a noospheric psychologist who has experience in the "Reliv" technique (reexperiencing and "rewriting" the life of the clan). This is a soft, verbal-visual technique of a psychologist working with the patient's psyche at the deepest levels of the subconscious. It requires more time, effort, experience, but at the same time it brings rich fruits. None of the psychotechniques can compare with it in terms of comprehensive effectiveness.

Genetic transmission of pride- this is the case that is directly related to the psychotypes of a person and the special laws of the human psyche. This problem was systematically studied for the first time in noospheric psychology. This trend in psychology was born at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in the works of I.N. Shvaneva. With the discovery of the periodic system of the laws of the human psyche (N.V. Antonenko), the reasons for the occurrence of negative manifestations in the human psyche as deviations from the natural laws (norms) of human life became clear.

Pride begins to appear only in case of leaving one's own natural path - one's destiny and life program. The wave nature of the functioning of pride in any case (genetically determined or acquired) is one. Let's show this wave mechanism of functioning. The program of the normal (natural) functioning of the personality (according to its own nature, corresponds to the laws of the development of the human psyche) is conditionally presented in diagram No. 4.

We will conditionally show the genetically obtained vibration of pride as a G-program in Scheme No. 5:

If a person has acquired pride (consciously formed or unconsciously imprinted, that is, imprinted it in the course of his life), it is localized in the outer shells of the human biofield. We will conditionally designate it as a P-program in scheme No. 5. In this case, it is somewhat easier to work with it.

We use the word vibration and at the same time program. What does this mean?

It has been scientifically established that wave vibrations are the mechanisms that form any structures of the World. Man is a living self-organizing psychological biosystem. The shown scheme No. 4 conditionally denotes the norm of human wave vibrations. The negative genetic vibration D in Diagram #5 can be called a genetically derived pride program. It exists and vibrates in the larger "Man" system (diagram #5). Since the wave systems always interact, the pride program affects the entire "Human" system and gradually infects it.

In the case of program P (acquired in the course of a person's life), pride has not yet penetrated deeply into the system (diagram No. 5), and it is easier to deal with it.

Sincere psychological work, as a rule, gives an adequate self-assessment, and in the future a person is able to be objective with his emotional experiences. It happens like this. A more powerful force field of a positive mental image is created (shown in diagram No. 6) in the form of an asterisk, accompanied by a deep emotional experience (shown as circles of the wave field of emotions). The expansion of this emotional by human standards, but by the physical essence of the energy field is motivated, which gradually captures the initial negative mental image of pride. By the method of wave resonance of a more powerful image, the negative wave image is absorbed. As a rule, this happens by the method of a quantum jump, i.e., the sudden absorption of a weak wave by a stronger wave of a positive mental image. At the same time, the qualities of the emotion of the original mental image change quantumly. The acquisition by the system of previously unprecedented qualities is commonly called emergence. In the case under consideration, we mean the mental image system that dominates the right hemisphere of the human brain and is the control one. It launches a consistent reflection, the purpose of which is to substantiate and eliminate the dominant pride of the P-program.

In the case of a deep (genetic) G-program, this process will not help. The transformational psychological process "Reliv" is required, in which situations from the life of the family (mother, father, grandparents, etc.) are lived in the highest potential. In some cases, it is possible to transform the deeper programs of the ancestors, up to the 50th generation.

If a person does not seek to get rid of pride, these experiences are deposited at all levels of his system - physical, mental, energy, mental, causal and result in a mental or physical illness.

The manifestation of this suppressed suffering is varied and manifests itself in the form of organ pathology. In the worst case, these are heart attacks or strokes. Such cases are the result of excessive stress.

For many centuries the phenomenon of pride has been discussed in religious treatises. The special work of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov cited above, “Lessons in the Healing of Pride,” examines pride in many ways. Turning to the Lord - a true example of the absence of pride and humility with a prayer for the healing of pride - is not the only useful method recommended by the author. The saint shows the need for true humility before the Lord in careful and sincere work with pride and warns against a false understanding of humility: “False humility loves scenes: by them it deceives and is deceived. The humility of Christ is clothed in a chiton and a robe (John 19:24), in the most artless clothes: covered with this clothes, it is not recognized and is not noticed by people.

“False humility blinds a person so much that it forces him not only to think about himself, to hint to others that he is humble, but to say it openly, to preach loudly.”

“Alas, my soul, God-created temple of truth! “Having accepted the phantom of truth in yourself, bowing to lies instead of Truth, you become a temple!” “In this temple there is a sad abomination of desolation! In this temple, the incense of idol worship is poured, hymns are sung with which hell is amused. There, the thoughts and feelings of the soul eat the forbidden food sacrificed to idols, they get drunk with wine mixed with deadly poison. The temple, the home of idols and all kinds of impurity, is inaccessible not only to Divine grace, to spiritual gifts, but is inaccessible to any true virtue.

Signs of successful treatment of pride:

1) it is impossible to hurt a person either by a word or by an event;

2) energy and forces are released for creative activity;

3) the screen of vision of life and people is cleared from the dominant pride, the consciousness becomes crystal clear, clear and gives a person self-confidence;

4) a person's thinking becomes pure, clear, and actions become more effective.

Sanitation of pride in society

Pride in a favorable habitat for it grows to the extent of tyranny. “Favorable” we call an environment in which an atmosphere of exaltation of a proud person, admiration for him or his talents, virtues, and genius is created. In this environment, in the absence of introspection, healthy logic and criticism, pride flourishes. The people surrounding the proud person are also responsible for the deviation from the norm of healthy communication, violation of the laws of the psyche, the laws of human society, for indulging the proud person.

An external manifestation of pride is a hard or angry look, a demanding tone, pointing gestures, harsh articulation and gesticulation, spectacular posing. A person accompanies all this with incontinence of emotions, offensive, oppressive behavior, pronunciation, harsh facial expressions, public insults to another person, etc. “This is natural. When a person has not yet tasted the highest good, then his own good, defiled by sin, has a price before him. When he partakes of the goodness of the Divine, the spiritual, then his own goodness, combined, mixed with evil, is priceless before him.

It is amazing that this can happen to outstanding, talented and even brilliant people. Examples of dozens of Nobel laureates, known, for example, for discoveries in the field of physics, are described. Inadequately assessing their capabilities, many of them, in the desire for superhuman achievements, gave their strength to destructive military developments. 12 of them took part in the Manhattan project to create an atomic bomb. Their scientific achievements, titles and social authority, "not burdened" with moral standards, contributed to the development of their pride, ready to destroy thousands of innocent people, children, women, the elderly. So, on August 2, 1939, Albert Einstein wrote to US President T. Roosevelt with a proposal to create an atomic bomb that would be capable of destroying an entire city or a large port.

The modern American geneticist of world renown D.K. Venter. Despite numerous warnings from other geneticists, he developed an artificial synthetic bacterium that does not contain DNA, is capable of self-replication and devouring oil. This bacterium was named synthia. At this time, on April 20, 2010, the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico just “arrived in time”, where an oil production platform under construction exploded off the coast of the United States. Cynthia was successfully used to destroy a huge amount of spilled oil. However, then it spread to fish, mollusks, plankton, crustaceans, corals, seals, birds, including land inhabitants of the coastal zone, and also to humans. This disease was given the name "blue plague". As early as 2010, 100,000 people were sick with blue plague in the Gulf of Mexico region. People who bathed in the Gulf of Mexico soon became covered with ulcers and died within a week. Cynthia form their organisms into lenses that migrate in the ocean and devour all animal organisms that come their way. Since they do not contain DNA, it is impossible to create a biological weapon against them, or by creating it, you can additionally infect the Earth's biosphere with new synthetic bacteria. In the Gulf of Mexico, 4 strains of synthia have already formed. The only weapon against them is the protection of the Earth's biosphere by means of cosmic biogenetic means using neutrino information that is probably destructive for synths. Apparently, for this reason, synthia does not spread to other regions. And let's hope that soon they will disappear from the face of the Earth.

The pride of scientists, manifested, for example, in the desire to surpass the Creator in the creation of living systems and the fight against them, for example, by means of pesticides, has already brought great troubles. Few of the physicists, chemists, doctors, geneticists renounced these ideas, comprehended harmful ideas and left highly paid private and public projects. For example, the head of the Manhattan Project, R. Oppenheimer, opposed him and was subjected to obstruction. K.A. Timiryazev in 1911 and other prominent scientists left the Imperial Moscow University in protest. However, these and other examples known to the whole world are not analyzed and do not benefit many contemporaries for understanding.

In the 80-90s. In the 20th century, when psychology and sociology were flourishing, in society, in the humanitarian environment, many examples of a vivid manifestation of pride appeared. The latest knowledge about a person, his psyche, about society and its management gave rise to crowds of scientists and researchers who frankly flaunted their skills, knowledge, and skills previously unknown in society. A significant number of discoveries in the humanitarian environment, in contrast to the low level of knowledge of society in these areas, made it possible to manipulate people and make money on their needs. Such connoisseurs created around themselves groups of fans, clubs to support their activities, deliberately extolling their personality and unusual skills. They dominated the minds of people, inflating their pride beyond measure.

The best result is achieved if the first noticed sprouts of pride (imperious tone of speech, haughty look, inadequate self-esteem, resentment or, conversely, an aggressive reaction in case of underestimation of a person, for example, a child at home, comrades, at school, etc.) are immediately noted environment of a person is voiced and discussed with him. Parents, teachers, friends bring pride to the level of awareness and help a person understand what this or that manifestation of pride means. The help of loved ones is crucial! It becomes clear to a person that others see his pride and do not pass by. By working on this vice of his, a person can cope with it until it has soaked it from head to toe and it has not become the absolute embodiment of the proud.

Distinguishing between pride and arrogance

“Pride shines. Pride stinks” B.A. Astafiev

It is well known that in Russian each word encodes only one meaning. There are synonyms, but there are no repetitions (copies). With regard to the words and concepts of “pride” and “pride”, confusion has been observed for several centuries.

The word axis was formed from the old Russian awn (antennae on spikelets), acquiring the meaning of the central line. And the word ostov was formed from the Old Slavonic leave, a derivative word from the article (stay, leave). There are several meanings here: frame, skeleton, plan. The original Old Russian suffix with an abstract meaning - awn in Russian means axis (frame, rod, bearing base). For example, fidelity, devotion, sincerity, spirituality, falling in love, compassion, responsiveness, penetration, accuracy, poetry, attentiveness, meekness. This series of words can easily be continued. Words encode with the help of the suffix - ost the various basic qualities inherent in a person, that is, the qualities in the skeleton (base) of a person that form his inner axis.

There are quite a lot of words with this suffix that carry negative characteristics: stupidity, callousness, cruelty, rigidity, dominance, loudness, jealousy, narcissism, lack of spirituality, arrogance, abomination, etc. They are formed in a similar way: the skeleton is encoded in the character and external manifestations of a person.

The ancient root gird denotes inner height, something that a person values. We are talking, of course, about the knowledge of moral values ​​and spiritual peaks, where a person should aspire in order to know and fulfill his destiny. They are often compared to mountain peaks.

Pride is expressed in the understanding of one's tasks, goals and the ability to organize the process of solving problems and achieving goals. Pride is an internal assessment of the norm of human self-knowledge and being. We are talking about a person who does his job superbly with joy that he is proud of his work. He always knows the norm of communication, revelations, relationships. He does not cross the line of revelation. A proud person is no stranger to humor and laughter. Pride breeds joy!

Pride may not be bright, not noticeable, quiet. But you will always recognize such a person by the habit of not betraying his dignity, not being envious, respecting worthy people, respecting colleagues, not showing off.

Pride is an assessment of the norm of a person's dignity, his self-sufficiency. At the same time, he is demanding of himself, but not harsh to others. He knows the dignity of people and does not compare them, understanding the diversity of the destinations of each individually. Pride does not boast, does not exalt itself, does not admire itself, does not gloat, does not demand, does not subjugate, does not set conditions for others. There is no self-admiration in pride. In pride there is self-observation, self-control, self-sufficiency, modesty, exactingness to oneself, recognition of norms, boundaries, measures. “The scale has to be right. When the scale is distorted, pride begins ”(father Alexander Men.“ A modest person can achieve everything, a proud person can lose everything: modesty always deals with generosity, pride with envy ”(A. Rivarol).

Do not confuse pride and pride, just as you do not confuse the norm and pathology, health and disease of the body, health and disease of the spirit, your own and others, the true and the imaginary.

Pride is an internal assessment of the state of morality, an assessment or self-assessment of the right path for the development of a person “uphill”, when the axis of a person’s life is the fulfillment of his destiny in accordance with the Laws of the World. Pride is accompanied by states of quiet joy, happiness, enthusiasm, the desire to serve the harmonization of the World. But pride is the highest possible moral self-assessment of activity, the life path of a person, correlated with the trajectory of his movement to achieve his destiny.

Pride is an internal joyful self-esteem of one's own axis (the core of the personality), connected with self-esteem of adequately following it. Under the axis, we understand the moral norms of life, i.e., the norms of human interaction with their own psycho-genetic and physiological systems, as well as with the surrounding nature and society. Metaphorically compare this state with the state of the torchbearer, who was entrusted with carrying the torch of the Olympic flame to the summit. He carries the torch with full awareness of responsibility, knowledge of the purpose of his movement and strains every muscle of his physical and mental-spiritual organism for the beautiful and worthy fulfillment of his task. Can the torchbearer not experience a state of pride at the same time? As soon as he weakens his muscles or mental and spiritual strength for a moment, he is already out of a state of pride. As soon as he loses for a moment a measure of speed, smartness, internal balance of emotions, restraint, and he will cease to correspond to his mission. And the task will not be completed properly. Thus, pride is characterized by the most precise balance (measure of interaction) of the components of the "man" system. Let's list them.

‒ Knowledge of the purpose of life, i.e. own destiny, which should be correlated with the law of personal destiny of the “man” system in society and the World: “The highest goal of a person’s life is the realization of his highest potential in improving the four levels of being: individual, social, planetary, universal” .

‒ Knowledge of the trajectory of movement towards achieving the goal of life, i.e., striving for its realization, which corresponds to the law of embodying the highest potential of the “human” system: “The embodiment of the highest potential capabilities of the “human” system according to its purpose allows it to participate in the creation of the Boundless Common Harmony and gives a feeling of happiness and unity with the world. This is the basic rule of unity with GOD, which is violated and rejected by pride.

- Methods for achieving the goal are implemented by observing the law of self-organization of biochemical homeostasis in the process of development of the human psyche: "In the process of human development, his psyche is structurally and functionally optimally self-organizing at the level of biochemical homeostasis by synchronizing natural biorhythms."

These three basic laws constitute the matrix of human morality, for they determine the axis of the norm of his life in the Divine World. They answer three questions:

What is the purpose of human life?

- what is the path (direction of movement) to the realization of the purpose of human life?

‒ what is the mechanism “built in” by God into the “man” system to achieve the goal of his life?

The answers to these three questions make it possible to determine the fundamental difference between pride as the highest moral assessment of the quality of a person following these standards at any stage of his life and pride as a perverted, pathological self-esteem of a person.

The formation of pride occurs in the presence of serious psychological destruction according to the law of asymmetry of the personal energy information of the “human” system:

“Genetic and creative energy information formed during ontogenesis in the biochemical homeostasis of the human psyche is accompanied by acquired alien and destructive energy information that destroys the choice of the direction of further development of the system” .

Mismatch of oneself with the Divine norms of the World, violation of the measure of even one component of moral development leads all components on the wrong path. In the case of the emergence of pride, this is a component of a violation of human self-esteem. Adequate self-esteem is the designation of a measure in a person's normal self-perception. These are a kind of “scales of mental health” and personal comfort, the measure of which is physical energy, self-organization, evolutionary growth, the concept of the hierarchy of goals and the social value of the individual, about its Highest potential.

The concepts we have considered are components of the periodic systems of the General laws of human society, special laws of mental health, general laws of knowledge and comprehension. Their congruence is shown in Scheme No. 7.

Scheme No. 7

Following these laws, a person realizes the basic trajectory of the norms of life - what is called morality. Thus, awareness of the fulfillment of moral norms gives rise to the experience of pride as compliance with the highest norm of the Laws of the World of the planet Earth, human society, knowledge and comprehension, psyche and healthy development. Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh wrote about this in Silent Prayer: “But only absolute pride can completely destroy vanity.” In absolute pride, there is pride in the greatness of the Father, His deeds and creativity, righteous love for us. Realizing the greatness of God and yourself as His creation, it is unnatural not to love yourself. This means not to love, that is, not to accept unconditionally oneself as a gift from God. Another question is how do you use it? What do you understand by this? How do you justify your God-given gift of life and service to a higher purpose? Is your life a true service in the field of realization of the Creator's plans?

Since the periodic systems of the Universal Laws of the World and the General Laws of human society were not discovered until the beginning of the 21st century, the awareness of the essence of pride outside of these natural systems was not clear to people, the landmarks were lost. and there was a confusion of the concepts of pride and pride. It became more and more difficult to understand the reliance on natural conformity and cultural conformity of human morality, the psychological and semantic connection was lost. It must be openly acknowledged that education and training was not based on the platform of an integral system of natural laws. At the same time, the teacher, the educator was not provided with clarity regarding the purpose and trajectory of a person's life. They were forced to the best of their ideas and abilities to teach children to understand the goals and meaning of life, which they themselves could not always understand and formulate. This is similar to the requirement to count perfectly without knowing the rules of addition, subtraction, without knowledge of the multiplication table, or the requirement to write correctly without knowing the rules of the language, which is, of course, a phenomenon of innate literacy. Innate morality, as well as adherence to the norms of the life of the Creator, unfortunately, were lost. This historical chain of dependencies led to the collapse of the system of education in the family, school, and society.

Pride, generated by harmony with the meaning of human life, is an expression of internal self-esteem for the compliance of his life activity with the highest standards of morality. Pride manifests itself as a quiet light of confidence and understanding of oneself in the world. It is manifested by worthy behavior, joy and efficiency, readiness to participate in important and necessary matters. Pride is friendly in communication, sincere in desires and abilities to understand a person, benevolent manifestation to any phenomena of the growing world and adequate criticism if necessary. Pride allows a person to be an active conductor of the evolutionary growth of goodness and benefit, to confidently defend the offended, offended and all who require protection and help. A person's knowledge about himself, his destiny, about the need for self-improvement has no boundaries, since the pinnacle of morality can never be reached by a person. It is absolute only with God. There must always be forward movement. The achieved level of self-esteem should, going deep into the subconscious of a person, motivate subsequent development.

A proud person is not an upstart, he is attentive to others and enthusiastically learns from them. He never climbs forward where it is not required. He is hardworking, accurate, restrained, because all this stems from his understanding of the measure as a mandatory norm for manifesting himself in society. Pride does not allow a person to envy, criticize, slander, gossip. She does not exalt her qualities, but considers them the norm. And as for the restriction of free will, the choice of other people, humiliation, insult, imposing oneself, one's topics, one's point of view, one's tastes and whatever, tyranny, etc. - these pathological manifestations have nothing to do with pride. Only a person who is confused in concepts can put them on a par with the concept of “pride”.

Pride is the norm of the highest self-esteem of the moral life of a person. She is quiet and calm.

Pride is not pride. “The proud man is rarely a grateful person: he is always convinced that he receives less than he deserves” (G. Beecher). Pride suppresses others, does not give them the right to choose, self-expression, requires them to adapt to the proud. Pride is not a norm, but a pathology of self-sufficiency and self-esteem of a person. Pride is ignorance; those who have little wisdom and experience think too much of themselves; and they rob their neighbor because they have too few virtues of their own (D. Hume). Pride is most often a marker of past humiliation, an individual rebellion breaking out. It is a sign of non-recognition of God, unwillingness to carry out great service to the plans of the Creator.

The proud in society is a cry about the mistakes made by the family, the system of education and upbringing, about the unresolved moral problems of society.

If you were asked to draw a picture on the theme "Pride and pride" what would you depict? Personally, I would draw a happy Man overcoming a high mountain and spreading his arms to the sky and the sun. This is a happy and creative person who is proud of his destiny and worthily embodies it with his movement “uphill”, i.e. in an ascending moral harmonious development. Below and to the side, in order not to spoil the mood of joy, I would draw another person, falling into a swamp and shouting about their merits.

Marina Nikitina

Pride is a complex psychological phenomenon that has no clear definition. She was and is treated in a special way in different cultures and religions. The phenomenon of pride manifests itself in several areas of human life at once. And in each field of knowledge it is defined differently.

Why do people who are possessed by pride walk with their heads held high, but are often unhappy? How to get rid of pride?

Pride and pride

Pride is a sin, which in Orthodoxy is defined as deadly. It is a vice that leads to death. Pride is the opposite of the main Christian virtue - humility. A person who exalts himself above other people and God is waiting for the fall, the overthrow from the heights of excessive arrogance.

The canons of morality cultivated in Orthodoxy are those moral norms that are customary to observe in a civilized society. Even an unbaptized person knows that one must be kind, sympathetic, attentive and caring towards the people around - to love one's neighbor. Religion honors humility, self-sacrifice, altruism. These qualities characterize a person as a spiritual person.

Pride and pride are used in common parlance as synonymous words, people are perceived as identical phenomena. There is a thin line between pride and pride, but even these phenomena are not equivalent.

Pride manifests itself as arrogance, arrogance,. Pride is expressed as a sense of satisfaction, an objective positive assessment of one's actions or abilities, healthy self-esteem, values ​​and honor.

Self-confidence can be excessive or justified. For the psychological well-being of the individual, sufficient faith in strengths and capabilities is necessary.

A person is proud of himself for any reason (achieving a goal, receiving a reward, etc.), pride is causeless. It is based on an overestimated or underestimated conceit.

A proud person inadequately perceives his "I", others and the world around him. He considers himself better than others and behaves arrogantly without even noticing it. His "I", feelings and thoughts are more important than the rest. They say about such a person that he is “the navel of the Earth”.

When an individual is successful and is at the peak of well-being, he is at risk. Pride overtakes the rich, famous, those who have official or informal power over other people. Highly respected and status personalities are often arrogant, enjoying the power and opportunities, imagining themselves to be omnipotent. Such an attitude towards oneself becomes an obstacle to establishing trusting interpersonal relationships, others flatter, secretly hating or openly harming the conceited proud man.

People who live in poverty or poverty, a series of bad luck, endless suffering and revel in misfortune, are also viciously proud. Pride prevents them from becoming happy. Unfortunate proud people choose the path of suffering and brag about it to others, they love it when they are praised for their patience and torment. But suffering, not trying to change something, but expecting that everything will work out by itself, is easier than on yourself and start acting boldly.

Signs and effects of pride

There are people who treat pride as a virtue, feed it and boast of arrogance, arrogance, cynicism. Each person is a unique person, but the uniqueness of one's own "I" is not a basis for arrogance.

Pride is a sin that leads to spiritual devastation. Due to the illusion of grandeur, the individual loses interest in the world around him, nothing interests and cares as much as his own "I".

Pride is a kind of protective mechanism of personality. This desire to hide imperfection and limited possibilities from everyone and from oneself.

Signs of pride:

thoughts about one's own greatness, uniqueness, superiority, infallibility,
, in order to prove superiority,
ignoring their own shortcomings, and focusing on the shortcomings of others,
frequent need for praise, compliments, admiration,
unacceptability of any kind of criticism,
unwillingness to admit mistakes, frequent excuses for oneself,
intolerance and disrespect for others,
derogatory attitude towards people who are weaker or less successful,
irritability, hatred of happy people,
unacceptability of imperfection, perfectionism,
and forgive
private unfounded reproaches and accusations towards others,
transferring responsibility for personal problems to circumstances,
segregation of people according to the principle of status,
loss of values ​​and
the desire to please everyone and everyone, and the like.

Signs of pride are found in a person who is able to control the negative manifestations of his personality. Pride must be overcome before it takes over the personality.

Pride underlies psychological and mental problems, and also leads to the formation of negative qualities and personality traits, such as:

malice, cruelty,
resentment, excessive vulnerability,
personality degradation.

Getting rid of pride, as a source of life's problems, you can achieve harmony and psychological well-being.

How to overcome pride

If a person is wondering how to get rid of pride, then he is able to cope with it. The first step in the fight against vice is to admit that you have it.

The second step: identify manifestations of pride. Observe yourself for one week (this time is enough to identify problems) and write down on a piece of paper one by one the manifestations of pride. Analyze common and habitual signs of pride.

The third step: determine the direction of work on yourself and act.

For example, pride in a person is manifested in the exaltation of oneself as an unsurpassed specialist, whose work is impeccable. In this case, in order to descend “from heaven to earth”, it is enough to replace a colleague for one day in order to understand and appreciate the significance of the work of another employee. Even non-prestigious work is worthy of respect and is important.

Learn humility. Man is capable of many things, but not omnipotent. Not everything depends on effort and effort. There are things to be accepted with humility. You cannot stop the flow of time, relive the past and know with absolute certainty what lies ahead.
Accept other people and life is priceless. Do not neglect someone because he is subjectively worse. Rating is relative. Considering yourself better than others because of your extraordinary mind, beauty or amount of money is unreasonable. These values ​​are not eternal, and for some they are not even a boon.
Be grateful. To say words of gratitude not as on-duty phrases (and some people don’t even know how to say “thank you” at all), but to do it sincerely. If a person has done something while fulfilling a duty, you should thank him for it, because he is not a machine, but a person. If a person tries, it should be noticed and expressed gratitude. Proud people do not know how to thank, because they believe that they should. People of lower status are perceived by them as servants, personal attendants.

Respect the people around you. Respect is shown when a person is interested in others, shows attention and care. Respect implies empathy, the desire to understand the interlocutor and take into account the interests.
See development potential. A person who imagines himself omnipotent believes that he has achieved everything and there is nothing to strive for. This is impossible, there is always something to learn and something to strive for. The world does not stand still, the individual has a huge potential for development.
Listen. An arrogant person does not accept criticism, and if he is also a powerful person, others are afraid to point out his shortcomings. Honest and objective criticism sobers up the proud, becomes a necessary "shock therapy" for him.
Help people. Share knowledge, experience, wealth. By developing generosity in oneself, a person grows above himself. replace the selfish, "greedy" view of the world with a kind and cordial attitude towards others.
Be in love. A person, embraced by pride, wants to be loved by everyone without exception. Such a subject awaits praise, worship and slavish service. But he does not love himself or loves with painful, abnormal love. Pride is a manifestation of dislike for others and for oneself.

Love for another person is capable of curing the soul of vice. In place of pride, a person in love is replaced by a desire to act for the good of a loved one, even to the detriment of himself. A loving person feels the need to take care, make concessions, forgive and agree, be attentive and careful in dealing with a loved one.

April 7, 2014

Pride and Pride are branches of the same root, but the fruits on them are different ...

- unreasonable pride , arrogance, arrogance, selfishness (Explanatory Dictionary)

Pride differs from simple pride in that a person blinded by pride boasts of his qualities before God, forgetting that he received them from Him. This is the arrogance of a person, the belief that he can do everything himself and achieve everything on his own, and not with the help and will of God. The proud man is rarely a grateful person: he is always convinced that he receives less than he deserves. In pride, a person does not thank God for everything that he has (for example, hearing, sight, life) and receives (for example, food, shelter, children).

In other words, pride is when instead of God, who is in the center of the picture of being, I myself become this center. And the whole picture of the world is then distorted, because in the center it's still God, it's only in my imagination somehow different. So it turns out that with my wrong picture of the world, I'm always on something stumble. It seems to me that there should be a passage here, and here is a column, and I will fight against it all the time.

All religions recognize this quality as one of the most serious mortal sins.It underlies or intersects with such vices as greed, envy and anger. For example, the desire for enrichment (Greed) is caused by the fact that a person wants to become not just rich, but richer than other people, he envy (Envy), because he does not allow the thought that someone he lived better than he, he gets irritated and angry (Anger) when the other person does not recognize his superiority, etc. That is why almost all theologians put pride in the first place in the black list of sins.

But, nevertheless, it is sometimes very difficult to discern it in oneself. Because the line of difference between pride and pride is sometimes very thin. As they say "Respecting your self - you may not notice how you spit in the souls of the people around you ... an overly respected ego - this is pride.

"Pride goes before a fall."(English proverb)

So, as they say, you need to know the enemy by sight. And by carefully studying the signs of pride, we can begin to meditate on them and monitor their manifestations in our heart. This will help us a lot develop favorable qualities such as humility, respect, and will help harmonize our relationship with this world and strengthen us on the spiritual path. becauseour pride helps us see the bad in people and prevents us from seeing the good.

"Sleepers dream of their own importance. The awakened ones become conductors of the significance of the universe for those who are still sleeping."

This list of "distinctive" signs of pride was compiled according to the seminar of Sri Jishnu prabhu (Sergey Timchenko) "54 signs of pride."

Pride is:

1. The immutability of the fact that you are always right. Confidence in one's own constant rightness (infallibility).
2. Patronizing attitude towards others, attitude down.
3. Feeling of self-importance.
4. Humiliation of yourself and others.
5. The idea that you are better than others, boasting.
6. Attributing to oneself the works and merits of other people.
7. The ability to put an opponent at a disadvantage, managing people to achieve the desired.
8. Control over the situation, but without taking responsibility for the situation.
9. Haughty attitude, vanity, the desire to often look in the mirror.
10. Displaying wealth, clothes, etc.
11. Refusal to allow others to help themselves and unwillingness to work together with others.
12. Attracting attention to yourself.
13. Talking or talking about your problems.
14. Touchiness.
15. Excessive sensitivity or insensitivity.
16. Excessive preoccupation with one's own person.
17. Thoughts about what others think or say about you.
18. Using words the listener doesn't understand and you're talking about it you know.
19. Feeling worthless.
20. Refusing to change or thinking you shouldn't change.
21. Unforgiving yourself and others.
22. Dividing people into hierarchical levels - who is better or more important,
then behavior according to the hierarchy.
23. The thought that you are more important than others when doing a specific job.
24. Take on overwork.
25. Distrust of people, God, Messengers and Lords.
26. A state of concern about what impression you make on others.
27. The idea that you are above the law and are a special son of God.
28. Creation of an idol from oneself and from others.
29. Work beyond measure, i.e. so much that the physical body is not withstands.
30. Changing the manner of behavior depending on who you are talking to.
31. Ingratitude.
32. Ignoring "small people".
33. Inattention.
34. Unawareness of one's pride and spiritual problems.
35. The presence of an irritable tone.
36. Raising the voice in anger and annoyance.
37. The thought of teaching someone a lesson, or talking about a third person inhumiliating tone.
38. Disobedience to the will of God.
39. Lack of self-respect.
40. "What could you do for me?".
41. Recklessness and folly.
42. The presence of the attitude "my brother is my keeper", the reverse position "I am the keeper of my brother."
43. Dishonesty towards self and others
44. Inability to compromise.
45. Desire to always have the last word.
46. ​​Unwillingness to share their knowledge in order to be able to control.
47. Inattention to the physical body or excessive attention to it. Inattention to your soul.
48. The thought that you have to do it, because. no one else canmake it better.
49. Pointing out the mistakes of another in a tone of condemnation.
50. The thought of the need to save others from their problems (both thought and action).
51. Prejudice towards people depending on appearance, skin color, etc.
52. Pride in position.
53. Excessive self-respect.
54. Sarcasm.

Lately I've been getting a lot of questions related to pride.
Calling this quality an energy funnel, I'm not exaggerating at all, that's exactly what it is.

What is pride, how to recognize and eradicate?

Pride is excessive self-confidence, exaggeration of one's abilities, arrogance, arrogance, selfishness, ingratitude and megalomania, which feed the big Ego with false love.
First of all, pride manifests itself in relation to other people, but it has deep roots - this is a lack of gratitude towards the Creator. When a person forgets that he is only a conductor and begins to think of himself as a "god", pride overcomes him.

Very often pride is disguised under the guise of love for oneself and others; under the guise of kindness and responsiveness they mask pride; pride is masked under the guise of holiness and spirituality. And vice versa - the higher the level of development of a person, his soul, the purer the motives, the freer the personality from pride ...

An enormous amount of energy is spent on internal friction and struggle, which is given for life, love, happiness and creation. For constant proof of one's innocence, another portion of energy goes into the funnel of pride. For mistrust, doubts and rechecking of facts - still take away some of the energy. And what is left for a person in the end? Quite a few! And this small amount of energy also has to be defended, protected, cherished, constantly feeling empty. Pride is the shortest path to loneliness, disease and poverty!

How to recognize the presence of pride that masquerades in you?
I would highlight the most common markers

  • you always divide people into camps - into smart and stupid, educated and ill-bred, cultured and uncultured ... And at the same time you get annoyed when clashes with "not your" camp.
  • criticizing others, you do not notice your own shortcomings.
  • you consider yourself better, cooler, faster than ... and try to demonstrate it in every possible way.
  • you appropriate all the achievements of your life only to yourself, not considering the influence of others, and showing ingratitude to God.
  • you are incapable of genuinely rejoicing in the success of others.
  • generosity is unknown to you. Or another bias - you do charity work, expecting praise and recognition.
  • It is difficult for you to admit your mistakes, to ask for forgiveness for them.
  • you do not love yourself, and by this you justify your hyperdemands to others.
  • you allow yourself manipulation and consumerism, blackmail and intimidation, knowing the weaknesses of others.
  • you shift the responsibility for your failures to others, and you take the rewards only for yourself.
  • you are afraid of betrayal, so you do not trust anyone.
  • You can't forgive yourself or others.
  • your world consists of "fears" and "problems".
  • the lightness, joy and happiness of others irritates you, causes neglect, a sense of superiority.
  • I myself, I know, I can do anything, who are you to give me advice ... - a list of thoughts of a proud man.

You can still continue. These are the main markers, but already reading the list, you realize that, alas, pride is inherent in each of us. We are not saints, we all have flaws. But the way pride does, no other vice complicates or destroys life!

Sometimes clients say to me: “Wait, but there are really a lot of idiots around me! And at work sits a bunch of unworthy of their position staff! Well, why am I worse than Stepanych? I’m smarter, I have two higher educations…!”. I hear comments like this all the time. And I begin to explain the difference between fixing something as a fact and pride! We are not vegetables, we have emotions, dignity and self-esteem. When pride inside a person is under control, then, firstly, there is no criticality, and secondly, there is neither desire nor need to divide people into camps. There is an understanding and fixation of facts! There is integrity! Understanding that if this is what I have, then for some reason I don’t deserve another yet.

Filter - if something infuriates and clings to you - you are under the influence of pride! If you, noticing everything in the world, remain calm and stay in the comfort zone, there is no pride.

Do you have problems? - think about what you deserved them, correct yourself, be healed! Do you have any awards? - thank and share, do not skimp on humanity!

You know, as it happens, what you yourself suffered or suffered from is most striking in those around you. That's how proud I am. Sinful - I repent. Carried about with herself, as with a written bag, dismissively treated those who know less, or think differently. When pride worked out, people lined up, the realization of their merits came, but in the vein of the work of a conductor, who is blessed for action by higher powers; intellectual delusion disappeared and there was a huge gratitude to relatives, to relatives, at least for the fact that for a long time they endured my desire to “do good” to everyone.

Do not dig a hole for yourself, recognize the presence of an "anchor"! The faster you get rid of it, the faster life will sparkle with all the colors of joy and happiness in Love for everything and everyone!

What did I do in the fight against pride?
First, she acknowledged her existence. This is almost the most important step. Until you name the problem by its name, it is impossible to get rid of it. And then there was the path of healing.

There is no truth where there is categoricalness! Multivariance is God's choice; categoricalness is the way of the devil.

Training in condescending attitude towards others was useless until criticality was worked out!
When I hear the phrase: “Yes, I’m even more critical of myself than the others!” Pronounced with pride, I smile, I want to come up, hug and answer: “Dude, how I understand you! But this bullshit, this turd is cured, believe me!
Therefore, I single out simple, but important Ways to deal with pride:

  • love yourself completely and without a trace, if for this you need to forgive a bunch of people from the past and present - do it, forgive and accept! If you don't know how, don't know how - come, we'll teach you!
  • study the laws of karma - this will allow you to understand everything that happened and is happening, get rid of anxiety and empty expectations. Develop spiritually constantly, and not in the form of going to church at Easter and Christmas. Spiritual hygiene is as important as your brushing and shampooing rituals.
  • start a diary of gratitude and write in it everything that you can remember from childhood related to other people - my mother gave birth to me, fed me, raised me, raised me ...; father worked hard, was there, sincerely tried to teach something that he considered right, took it fishing, or did not take it, thank God; grew up in the circle of brother and sister, not alone, learned to play, negotiate, share; or I didn’t have a mom and dad, but there was a circle of like-minded people, orphans, with whom I learned to cooperate, and on New Year’s Eve they served apple pie ... Remember your points and write them down. Believe me, if every day you even mentally fix gratitude to your surroundings, then life is already changing for the better!
  • control your inner critic! If you still find the causes of your problems in other people, then you have not taken responsibility for your life! No circumstances can cause hopeless grief and disappointment in people and in life. None! It is certainly easier to suffer than to be happy. But without the eradication of pride, happiness will not come, believe me!
  • think, feel and act always the same! Sometimes people are selective. Here I am without pride, but with those people I can’t, they are homeless, gypsies, Muslims ... substitute anything. If you declared your honesty, then be kind - prove it with action! I am friends with Vitya soul to soul, because Vityok is also an entrepreneur, and I have nothing to talk about with Vaska, a classmate, he is a security guard, what to take from him! ”(But you can talk with anyone, and there will be a topic, there would be a desire!). Or another option: “I will love and care for you, Dina, if you wear a red dress every day, and if you don’t do this, then don’t expect love” - here there is a convention, about no “both in illness and in good health" can no longer be discussed. Pride makes you customize the environment and the world for yourself!
  • learn to love! Just learn to love and enjoy years, months, days, minutes, seconds, moments… Do not rush about with your dreams in anticipation of happiness, but be here and now in your own reality created by yourself. Learn to love it! It is the Loving Heart that distinguishes a proud person from a non-proud one in a crowd.
  • respect everyone's work, everyone's choice, everyone's path! Do you think it could be better? Do not criticize - but show and teach. Share, don't impose!
  • be generous, give before, expect and want! Give others more than you expect in return. Just stop expecting and being afraid that they will ride you - if you have done everything described above - it is not possible to ride on you! You are the source of love, you are happiness, you are prosperity and abundance, you are a particle of God ... how can you ride God?
  • when you are thanked for something and you are afraid to become proud again, remember that right tomorrow the Creator can take everything away from you! Or right now. And also play snowballs of gratitude! When you are thanked for something, you take this gratitude, mentally make snowballs out of it and scatter it to your teachers and mentors, your loved ones ... Believe me, they will even feel something good “flying” into them.

And one more thing... Pride is actually a bunch of concentrated weakness, vulnerability of the soul, wounded by the experience of past incarnations and this reality. Therefore, sometimes there is a need to work on incarnation memory in order to make life easier.
Do you want to improve the world?! Save him, dear ones, from yourself - from your anger, your laziness, your criticalness, your appetite, your pride...

I wish everyone courage and perseverance in working with their shortcomings!
He who knows the laws of the universe and the Creator does not look at the world through the eyes of a proud man!

Live in joy, live consciously!
With respect and love, Zaveruha Irina.

© Irina Zaveruha. All materials on this site are protected by copyright. Copying and distribution of materials is allowed only with prior agreement with the author and an active link to this site