Read in abbreviation planet people line. The storyline of the essay collection

Each person has his own planet, and he is constantly on it, on it, to be. If a person is stubborn and purposeful, it can be very difficult to bring him down from heaven, from his planet, to earth, to more everyday and earthly issues.

"Planets of people" tells about people, the most various. Everyone has their own problems, their joys and their dreams. The protagonist of the novel is a pilot, a pilot. But while the person is young, and therefore - inexperienced, not yet fully tempered. When he, along with other pilots, as young as he, appeared where their hour of ups and downs had come, he realized that he had imagined himself too much before. Around them turned out to be what they only taught and talked about. And most importantly - people. What kind of people were around them, young and inexperienced - experienced, all significant, much-seen people with age. And the point is not even in the age category, the point is that these people were full of what they did not have yet. These people, pilots and pilots, were experienced, strong and self-possessed. Their silence and calmness spoke for itself. They - were wise, the most important thing they did not have - inexperienced youths.

The main character is a guy who has a dream, and he is definitely going to fulfill it. For him, flying in the sky is beautiful, pleasant and very romantic. This guy understood nature, and she understood him. They were friendly as no one has ever been

That is why he did not understand his friends, who were busy with their own problems, every man for himself. That was their principle. But he didn't want to understand it, he just wanted diyi to enjoy life. And therefore, when he was first given the task as a pilot-pilot, he was incredibly happy and proud of himself, and simply because he really liked his profession and work.

And as he recalled, when they first came, they were afraid of those “old men”, as they were quietly called, since they were experienced and therefore very respected. Our life does not happen without idols or those whom we mentally set ourselves as an example. The narrator, who is the pilot, thought a lot while flying above the ground. In his mind, all our life, like the earth, was divided into heaven and earth. And each person seems to choose for himself where to be - on earth, or in heaven. His first flight was like across the whole of Argentina. A very beautiful view opened to him from the window of the plane.

House lights could be seen. And each of these Lights meant a person's dream, his goal and his little joy.

The novel teaches that everything in the world is important, and that we need to appreciate what is given to us for free, that is, the beauty of nature.

Picture or drawing of Exupery - Planet of people

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

  • Summary No one writes Marquez to the Colonel

    In the early October morning, the colonel brought his wife, who had been tormented by an asthma attack all night, the remnants of coffee. Despite his poor health, he refused the drink and hid that it was his last.

  • Summary of Boris Godunov Pushkin

    Boris Godunov becomes king after the murder of the seven-year-old prince. However, in one monastery there is a rootless Chernorian who decides to declare himself Tsarevich Dimitri. Lithuanians and Poles support him.

  • Summary Priestley's Dangerous Turn

    Beginning of XX century. Closest and dearest friends gathered at the Kaplan family mansion. All of them are connected with the publishing business, they have what and whom to discuss. With them and Miss Mockridge - one of the authors of the publishing house.

  • Summary Bondarev Battalions ask for fire

    Bondarev's story shows the whole horror of war, which is not only in battles, hospitals, hunger ... The difficulty of choice is also terrible, when someone must be sacrificed for the sake of the lives of others. The title suggests that this is the most important phrase

  • Summary of Voltaire Candide, or Optimism

    Voltaire's story tells from the biography of the protagonist, Candide. The life of a guy is full of many different disasters and misfortunes that overtake him while traveling around the world.

The book is written in the first person. Exupery dedicated it to one of his fellow pilots, Henri Guillaume.

Man reveals himself in the struggle with obstacles. The pilot is like a farmer who tills the land and in so doing wrests some of nature's secrets from nature. The work of the pilot is just as fruitful. The first flight over Argentina was unforgettable: the lights flickered below, and each of them spoke about the miracle of human consciousness - about dreams, hopes, love.

Exupery began working on the Toulouse-Dakar line in 1926. Experienced pilots were somewhat aloof, but in their abrupt stories a fairy-tale world of mountain ranges with traps, dips and whirlwinds arose. The "oldies" skillfully maintained admiration, which only increased when one of them did not return from the flight. And then the turn of Exupery came: at night he went to the airfield in an old bus and, like many of his comrades, felt how a ruler was born in him - a man responsible for Spanish and African mail. The officials sitting nearby talked about illnesses, money, petty household chores - these people voluntarily imprisoned themselves in the prison of petty-bourgeois well-being, and a musician, poet or astronomer will never wake up in their hardened souls. The pilot, who will have to enter into a dispute with a thunderstorm, mountains and the ocean, is another matter - no one regretted his choice, although for many this bus became the last earthly shelter.

Of his comrades, Exupery singles out, first of all, Mermoz - one of the founders of the French airline Casablanca - Dakar and the discoverer of the South American line. Mermoz "led reconnaissance" for others and, having mastered the Andes, handed over this site to Guillaume, and he himself took up the domestication of the night. He conquered the sands, mountains and sea, which, in turn, swallowed him more than once - but he always got out of captivity. And now, after twelve years of work, during the next voyage across the South Atlantic, he briefly announced that he was turning off the right rear engine. All radio stations from Paris to Buenos Aires were on a dreary watch, but there was no more news from Mermoz. After resting at the bottom of the ocean, he completed his life's work.

Nobody will replace the dead. And pilots experience the greatest happiness when the one who has already been mentally buried is suddenly resurrected. This happened to Guillaume, who disappeared during a voyage over the Andes. For five days, his comrades unsuccessfully searched for him, and there was no longer any doubt that he had died - either in a fall or from the cold. But Guillaume performed the miracle of his own salvation by passing through the snow and ice. He said later that he endured what no animal could endure - there is nothing nobler than these words, showing the measure of the greatness of man, determining his true place in nature.

The pilot thinks in terms of the universe and rereads history in a new way. Civilization is just fragile gilding. People forget that under their feet there is no deep layer of earth. An insignificant pond, surrounded by houses and trees, is subject to the action of the ebb and flow. Under a thin layer of grass and flowers, amazing transformations take place - only thanks to the plane they can sometimes be seen.

The book, written in the first person, the writer dedicated to his fellow pilot named Henri Guillaume.

It shows the revelation of a person who struggles with obstacles. The pilot is like a peasant who, while working on the land, learns various secrets from it. The work of the pilot is no less fruitful. The first flight over Argentina brought a lot of impressions. The lights flickering below reminded of the miracle of human consciousness, that a person can dream, hope, love. In 1926, Exupery began work on the direction of Toulouse - Dakar.

From excerpts from the stories of experienced pilots, one could understand that in flight they have the opportunity to enter a magical and bewitching world. And then one day it was the turn of Exupery himself. On the way to the airfield, he felt the birth of a ruler within himself - a person who bears great responsibility. The people who were sitting nearby were officials and the topic of their conversations was only illness, money, petty household chores. In the souls of these people, who were voluntarily in the prisons of petty-bourgeois prosperity, it was no longer possible to awaken musicians, poets or astronomers.

The situation was different for the pilot. A battle with a thunderstorm, mountains and the ocean awaited him. Despite this, no pilot has ever regretted his choice.

Among his comrades, Exupery pays special attention to Mermoz. He developed routes for the rest of the pilots, mastered the Andes. After that, he transferred his plot to Guillaume, and he himself began to tame the night. More than once he was swallowed up by sand, mountains and sea, but every time he encouraged them and got out of their power. Once, after working for twelve years, flying once again across the South Atlantic, he transmitted a short message about turning off the right rear engine. All the radio stations from Paris to Buenos Aires stood still waiting for news from Mermoz, but they never heard anything. He ended his life at the bottom of the ocean. Pilots feel great happiness when the mentally buried are resurrected. This situation happened to Guillaume, who disappeared while flying over the Andes. The unsuccessful search continued for five days, no one doubted that he died either during the accident or froze from the cold. But then a miracle happened. Guillaume escaped by overcoming the snow and ice. According to him, he had to endure what no animal could survive. It is these noble words that show the greatness of man and determine his true place in nature. A pilot who thinks big, within the limits of the Universe, rereads history in a new way. Civilization is nothing more than fragile gilding. Mankind has forgotten that there is no deep layer of earth under their feet. A shallow pond, which is located among houses and trees, depends on the influence of the ebb and flow of tides. Incredible transformations take place under a thin layer of grass. All this can only occasionally be seen by plane. Another amazing property of the aircraft is that with its help the pilot can be transported to the core of the miraculous. This is what happened to Exupery in Argentina. Landing on the field, he could not even think that he was in a fairy-tale house, where he would meet with two young fairies who are friends with wild herbs and snakes. Savage princesses get along with the universe.

The desert makes such meetings impossible. Here the pilots fall into the sandy prison. Exupery learned all the difficulties of the desert from the first time. Here his plane had an accident near a fort in West Africa. The rain that falls in Africa is the cause of the great migration, when the tribes go three hundred leagues in search of grass. The Arabs who visited Africa and saw the rain said that the French god is much more generous to the French than the god of the Arabs to the Arabs. This is what caused some barbarians to stop trusting their leaders. Once Exupery met with one of these nomads, a man who defended his hidden world. The Arabs more than once admired the French captain Bonnafus. After his return to France, the desert also lost something. But the Arabs did not stop believing that he would come again.

The Arabs called all slaves by the name of Bark, but one of them did not forget his real name Mohammed and the fact that he was a cattle driver in Marrakech. Exupery was able to redeem him. At first, Bark had no idea what to do now at large. Seeing the smile of a child, he realized his importance on earth, and spent almost all his money on gifts for children. No, he did not get off the amount, he just wanted to feel like an ordinary person. The recalcitrant tribes have disappeared. The sands no longer held secrets. In 1935, Exupery was able to get into the heart of the desert when his plane crashed near the borders of Libya. He was forced to spend three long days among the sands. He almost became a victim of the Sahara. Thirst, loneliness, mirages - these days looked like that. Despite this, the half-dead pilot claimed that he had no regrets - his share was excellent, because he was able to return to the ground. He never stopped loving life. The Bedouin brought salvation to the pilots.

Understanding the truth is not so easy, even when you are very close to it. A special occasion can wake a person from mental hibernation.

While on the Madrid front, Exupery meets a sergeant who had previously worked as an accountant in Barcelona. He joined the army when he felt his calling in this. There is no need to condemn those who take part in the war, because it is the truth of a person that makes him so. In the desert world, a person does not lose the desire to find people with whom he would be connected by a common goal.

What is remembered by readers of the collection of essays "Planet of People", a summary of which will be considered by us in this article?

First of all, the fact that this work is devoted to such important issues for every person as the meaning of life on earth, a sense of honor and duty, the meaning of love, understanding one's destiny.

The work was released in the distant but disturbing year 1939 (recall that this date is tragic for the French, it was in 1939 that the Second World War began, in which France found itself under the yoke of Nazi Germany for several years).

Let us briefly consider the main storylines of this collection of essays, as well as its ideological concept.

The story of one pilot

As we all know, the profession of a pilot appeared at the beginning of the last century. In all countries where aircraft began to appear, it was unusually popular. Courageous and brave young men dreamed of soaring into the sky on their iron birds to make discoveries, overcoming obstacles.

So was the author of a collection of essays, which tells about his travels by plane. The book "Planet of Humans" tells us a generally very simple story about how a pilot, who is also a storyteller, does his job every day - transporting mail from Spain to Africa and back.

The collection of essays is autobiographical in nature, while it can hardly be called an adventure work, rather, we have before us philosophical reflections, clothed in the form of a work of art. Moreover, the author often leaves the external outline of his narrative, paying more attention to the internal reflections of his characters (this technique was generally more characteristic of French literature of that time, Marcel Proust called it the use of a “stream of consciousness” to characterize the emotional experiences of his characters).

However, let us return to the very collection of essays by Exupery "The Planet of the People" (a summary of the chapters of this work will be presented by us below).

The storyline of the essay collection

So, we decided that in the collection of essays the author tells about the fate of the pilot, who, like a peasant, interferes with the laws of nature. But if the farmer conquers the soil and makes it yield a crop, then the lord of heaven tries to overcome space, like birds soaring into the sky.

However, the work of a pilot is very dangerous. Exupery, with sad irony, tells about the adventures that awaited the protagonist both in heaven and on earth. First of all, it concerned aircraft breakdowns, which were inevitable. Such breakdowns often happened in the desert, where there was not a single living soul. The main character himself more than once had to get into situations from which he could not get out alive.

Man's struggle with nature, with himself, with external circumstances - this is the central idea of ​​this work.

The fate of comrades

Getting into the airline, which is engaged in quite dangerous postal transportation, the main character talks about the fate of his comrades. The summary of the “Planet of People” is just the history of each person that the pilot had to meet.

For example, a collection of essays tells of a brave man named Mermoza. He founded a new route between Europe and Africa, and he had to fly over the Sahara desert, which was a great danger.

However, Mermoza showed miracles of fearlessness. He encouraged others by his example. He offered to fly over the desert at night, because the hot sand did not allow this to be done during the day. But one day his radio station went silent forever, most likely, this brave man crashed over the ocean.

And there are many more such examples...

Way of Guillaume

Exupery's "Planet of the People" tells that Guillaume's plane is missing. They searched for him and waited for a long five days. The comrades decided that Guillaume died either during the landing, or unable to withstand the difficult climatic conditions. However, exactly 5 days later the news came that the pilot was able to miraculously survive. He had to go through inhuman trials, but he overcame everything and returned in order to conquer the sky again.

calling and life

In Exupery's "Planet of Humans", quotes from which every French schoolboy knows, there are a lot of reflections on the role of man in the life of the Universe. On the one hand, the author points out that human civilization is incomparably small in comparison with the greatness of the natural world and the infinity of outer space. But on the other hand, the author himself claims that human civilization is like gilding that adorns our Universe. And although often people do not think about why they came to this world, but the world around them is full of secrets, mysteries and majestic inspiration.

History of a slave

Exupery tells a lot about what his readers, the heroes of the "Planet of People" always turn out to be either an example to follow or to be blamed.

The story of the slave whom the protagonist bought from the Arabs is interesting. He was in slavery for a very long time, but he remembered his real name, about his distant family, about the business he once did. When the slave received the long-awaited freedom, he behaved in an unusual way. I bought sweets and gifts and began to give them to the children. So he celebrated his release after many decades of captivity, so this man was able to maintain both his will and his dignity.

The book "Planet of Humans" reveals many more such stories to readers.

Doomed Mozarts

Continuing his reflections, the author turns to another picture, which he happened to see in one of the 3rd class carriages. It was carrying Polish workers who were evicted from France by order of the authorities. These uneducated people, exhausted by heavy physical labor, were similar to each other. To the author, they resembled clods of clay, which a heavy press turns into a kind of lifeless material. The author looked at these workers and thought that in every such person, perhaps, Mozart is hidden, whose talent was not realized because he fell into life circumstances that were completely incompatible with his gift.

Exupery's "Planet of the People" tells many such life stories. In all of them - the fate of people who can either still fight for their right to remain human, or are ready to surrender to the mercy of fate.

History of water

Therefore, the rains were perceived by the natives as a real miracle of God. The author tells with a laugh that some of the indigenous inhabitants of Africa, who happened to be in France, were amazed not by the beauty of its cities, but by the abundance of water sources. Moreover, they were even ready to accept the faith of the French, having naively decided that the God of the French is stronger and more powerful if he gives people so much water.

The author compares the mentality of his compatriots with these seemingly wild peoples. The conclusion that he makes is not comforting for the French: the inhabitants of Africa seem to the main character to be much more reasonable. After all, they are very careful about the natural environment that surrounds them.

"Planet of people" Exupery: reviews of contemporaries

The writer's collection of essays proved to be in demand among his contemporaries. Between the two world wars Europe was shaken by contradictions. The old world order was collapsing before our eyes, a new one was born in the throes and blood of the Second World War.

New writers were needed, new literature, which would offer a clean and uncomplicated view of the events taking place in the country and in the world.

Such a fresh breath of clean air was the collection of essays "Planet of People", a summary of which we reviewed in this article.

It should be noted that even today this collection of essays attracts readers with its simplicity and deep meaning.

Saratov, Volga book publishing house, 1982

Audio book by the French writer, military pilot, participant in the 2nd World War 1939 - 1945, Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900 - 1944) "Planet of People", 1939, translated from French by N. Gal, drawing B. A Diodorova, read by N. Prokma.
The novel "The Planet of the People" was awarded the French Academy Prize. As a special correspondent for the Paris Soir newspaper, Saint-Exupery traveled to the Soviet Union in April 1935. The result of this trip was warm and friendly notes about the life of our capital.
Shortly before the start of the Second World War, Saint-Exupery had a chance to visit Germany. What he saw there deeply alarmed and shocked him: now there was no longer any doubt - fascism was gaining strength everywhere, preparing for a campaign against democracy. "There is no place for me in a world where Hitler would reign," he once declared.
In tense years, breathing with a military storm, the writer is working on his best novel, The Planet of the People, which appeared in 1939, a few months before the Nazis invaded France. In this novel, Saint-Exupery, as it were, sums up what he thought and experienced, trying to penetrate into the origins of the impending tragedy, the coming battle for Man.
One of the critics called the novel "Planet of People" - a collection of reports. Before us is a variant of the so-called "free novel". This type of narration turned out to be the most consonant with the creative personality of Saint-Exupery - a thinker, artist, philosopher. There are 8 chapters in the novel, each of which "strives to be an independent world", having its own theme, its own events and even heroes. All chapters are tightly soldered together by deep connections. The central principle in the "Planet of People" is the personality of the author. "Planet of people" - a lyrical, realistic, philosophical novel. Issues of an ethical and moral nature are brought to the fore. And Saint-Exupery is well aware that the origins of the tragedy go into the social soil: "... In each of these people, perhaps, Mozart was killed." The idea of ​​the unity of all people is the most important in the novel: "We only breathe freely when we are connected with our brothers by a common goal that lies outside of us." The theme of responsibility is perhaps the most important in the "Planet of Humans". After all, "to be a man means to feel that you are responsible for everything."

Audio introduction to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Planet of the Humans. Epigraph: "Henri Guillaume, my friend, I dedicate this book to you." "Henri Guillaume was the only person who gave Saint-Exupéry more than he received from him," said M. Mijo, who knew them both. Describing the friendship of these two people so dissimilar to each other, he wrote: ...

Chapter 1, Line, is about Bury's pilot of the audio novel of the 20th century French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - "Planet of Men". Summary: "It was in 1926. I then entered the airline as a pilot for the Latecoer airline, which, even before Aeropostal and Air France, established a connection between Toulouse and Dakar. Here I studied our ...

Audio novel by Saint-Exupery, "Planet of people", chapter 1, Line, Before the first flight - an unusually poetic chapter, however, like the whole novel. "... And on the eve of a decisive battle, overcome by pride and timidity, I went to Guillaume. My friend Guillaume already knew these routes. He studied all the tricks and tricks ... Confidence emanated from him, as from ...

Audio novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "Planet of Men", Chapter 1, Line, Flying on the Line. Listen to the voice acting, read the summary: "This is how our baptism of fire was performed, and we began to work on the line. Most of the flights went smoothly ... The pilot, flight mechanic and radio operator no longer set off at random, the plane is a laboratory for them ... And per...

The audio novel by Saint-Exupery "The Planet of the People", chapter 2, Comrades, part 1 - is dedicated to the brave French pilot Mermoz. Following Gogol, in the words of his hero Taras Bulba, who sang the Cossack brotherhood, Saint-Exupery sings of comradeship, the brotherhood of like-minded people: "... These are the lessons that Mermoz and our other comrades taught us ....

The audio novel by the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Planet of the People", chapter 2, Comrades, part 2, is dedicated to the pilot Guillaume. The lyrical, philosophical reflection of the author about the meaning of life, about the courage and strength of the human spirit, about the skill and professionalism of the pilot, compare with the work of a carpenter. "... In winter, you went on a flight through the Andes - and disappeared ... On ...

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Audio novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Men", part 1, Spanish fort Cap Juby. Listen online, download, read a short text: "... It was already lonely in the desert, and then there was the neighborhood of recalcitrant tribes. At night in Cap Juby every quarter of an hour ... sentries called to each other from post to post. So the Spanish fort Cap - Juubi, lost among...

Audio novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "Planet of Men", Chapter 6, In the Desert, Part 2 "Fort Nouakchott". Short content: "Already on the first flight, I tasted the taste of the desert. The three of us - Rigel, Guillaume and I - we had an accident near Fort Nouakchott. This small military post in Mauritania was then completely cut off from life ... There lived, like a prisoner, ...

Audio novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "Planet of Humans", part 3 "Port-Étienne". Listen online, download and read the summary: "Port-Etienne, standing on the border of unconquered lands, cannot be called a city. There is only a small fort, a hangar for our aircraft and a wooden barrack for the team. And there is such a dead desert around that ...

Audio novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Men", chapter 6 "In the Desert", part 4 - waterfall in Savoy and rebellious Moors. "In the Sahara, we encountered recalcitrant tribes ... Sometimes ... we took into the air some influential leader and showed him the world from the plane. It did not hurt to knock them down - after all, they killed prisoners not so much ...

Audio novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "Planet of Men", chapter 6, In the desert, part 5, The idea of ​​the warlike Moors and the legendary captain Bonnafu. "... Fate does not send such an excellent enemy as a gift to everyone, such a flattering to kill! .. Muyan ... How this Moor has changed since the hour when he went over to the camp of the recalcitrant! More than ever he is full of consciousness ...

Audio book Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Men", Chapter 6, In the Desert, Part 6, Black Slave of the Moors Bark. Summary: All slaves are called Barks. His real name is Mohamed bin Lausin. His wife and three children probably live in Marrakech to this day. There he drove herds of sheep or bulls. Once he was called by the Moors to the south for cattle, and ...

Audio book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, chapter 6, In the desert, part 7, Hymn to the desert. Listen online and download, read the summary: "This is the desert. The Koran (and these are just the rules of the game) turns its sands into a special, unique world ... The true life of the desert is not that the tribes roam in search of a new pasture, but in this endless...

An audio book by the 20th century French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Men", Chapter 7, In the Heart of the Desert, Part 1, which tells of a difficult flight over the Mediterranean Sea during heavy rain, with zero visibility. Landing in Tunisia. The plane is refueled, then the way to Benghazi. We invite you to read a summary of all ...

Audio book Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Humans", chapter 7, In the Heart of the Desert, Part 2, Ground Impact. Short content: "... The night is coming ... Farewell to the sun. Farewell, golden expanses, where I would find refuge, if there was any breakdown ... Farewell, landmarks that would not let me go astray ... I I enter the night, I go...

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Human Planet audio book, chapter 7, In the heart of the desert, part 3. Listen online and read the summary: "It is incomprehensible how we survived ... We find twisted fragments of metal and torn off sheets of sheathing, they are scattered along the entire path of the car on the sand.In the light of day, we will see that almost tangentially ran into...

Audio book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Humans", Chapter 7, In the Heart of the Desert, Part 4 "I love the Sahara" Summary: "I loved the Sahara very much... We climb the slopes of the mountain hills. The sand is covered with a thin layer of shiny black pebbles ... We walk, dragging our feet along the sand, so that a trace remains - a guiding thread that will then lead us ...

Audio book Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Men", chapter 7, In the Heart of the Desert, Part 5, Mirages of the Sahara. Summary: “At dawn, we collected a little dew from the surviving wing with a rag in half with paint and oil ... About the Libyan desert. Throughout the Sahara, the humidity of the air is kept at 40%, and here it drops to 18. And life disappears like steam .. ..

Audio book Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "Planet of Humans", chapter 7, In the Heart of the Desert, Part 6. Listen online and read the summary: We collected two liters of dew on the sent parachute, squeezed it into the gas tank. The result was a yellow-green vile liquid with a poisonous metallic taste. After one glass of this drink for both pilots...

Audio book Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "Planet of Men", chapter 7, In the Heart of the Desert, Part 7, Salvation. Listen and read the summary: "The west wind is blowing - the same one that dries up a person in 19 hours. The larynx has not yet baked, but it is dry and hurts. It already scratches a little inside ... I myself have become a desert. There is no saliva in my mouth, and not in my heart...

Audio book Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Humans", chapter 8, People, part 1. Listen online, download and read the summary: "... How is it achieved, this inner freedom? Yes, of course, a person is full of contradictions. Otherwise a sure piece of bread is given so that nothing prevents him from creating, and he falls into a dream; the conqueror, having won, ...

Audio book Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of people", chapter 8, People, part 2 - about the search for the meaning of life, about the right to choose one's own path. "... Soon these people will wash themselves - sweat, hops, the dirt that you grow over, waiting for something for a long time - everything will dissolve in the caustic, burning alcohol of the night battle ... And I understood why you went to fight. If in Barcelona that was...

Audio book Saint-Exupery "Planet of people", part 3. Listen online, download and read briefly the main aphorisms of the author's philosophy. "... We know from experience: to love does not mean looking at each other, to love means looking in the same direction. Comrades are only those who, like climbers, climb the same one and the same ...

Audio novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Men", chapter 8, People, part 4, Doomed Mozart. Listen and read the summary: "... There are too many people in the world who have not been helped to wake up. A few years ago, during a long trip by rail, I wanted to explore this state on wheels in which I found myself on ...

Biographical audio article about the work of the outstanding French writer of the XX century Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900 - 1944). From the age of 12, Antoine dreamed of aviation. In 1929, Saint-Exupéry became director of airlines in Argentina. In 1930, pilot Henri Guillaume got caught in a snowstorm over the Cordillera and never returned to base. Exupery himself flew out ...

Audio article "Saint-Exupery and his novel" The Planet of Men "(1939). In this novel, Saint-Exupery, as it were, sums up what he thought and experienced, trying to penetrate into the origins of the impending tragedy and determine his place and role in the coming battle for Man, because fascism threatened first of all Man.The novel "Planet of People" was awarded the "Big Prize ...