What does Chsv mean in youth. What does an overestimated heart rate mean among young people

Dota 2 is a competitive game where all players have different levels of skill: some play better and some play worse. On the basis of this, conflicts often arise between people in a chat. Users who have demonstrated a good game begin to humiliate and insult less successful participants in the match or boast of "incredible" skill. In fact, they are not much different from the average players. Such smarties are usually said to have an elevated heart rate.

Beginners often do not know what this abbreviation means. It is deciphered as follows: "a sense of self-importance." But to understand the meaning of this phrase, it is worth first considering it in general terms, and then within the framework of Dota 2.

The concept and symptoms of CSF

Self-importance is a popular meme that appeared on the Internet a long time ago and is used to characterize people who like to exaggerate too much and demonstrate their importance to others. It is based on the concept of Carlos Castenda, who believes that hsv negatively affects the personality.

A person with an overestimated sense of his importance, aggression can arise at any words or actions of others. Inside, he considers himself inferior. Obvious signs of HCV include:

  • a constant feeling of resentment against someone, as if he is always offended or humiliated (arises with a wrong perception of the world);
  • not being able to respect or love other people;
  • considers himself the navel of the earth and puts his own interests above all others;
  • it is important for him to be in the center of attention all the time;
  • dependent on someone else's opinion, and gives it too much attention;
  • vain and cannot create good friendships with anyone (this happens due to a lack of trust in people).

As you can see, an extremely unpleasant personality looms. Naturally, there are no people with a 100% sense of their importance, that is, the above symptoms usually appear separately, but there are exceptions.

On the Internet, people with HPS are often found, as they can freely express their thoughts on the Internet, believing that they are in absolute safety. This also happens in multiplayer projects.

Feeling of self-importance in Dota 2

A similar feeling, as a rule, appears in players who play worse than the norm. Sometimes they manage to show a good game and then they immediately begin to stick out their skills on display, humiliating users. Such behavior often causes people only pity and laughter.

It also happens that professional players begin to boast of their ability to play. They perceive themselves as celestials to whom all other users must bow and take their advice with awe. Fortunately, there are very few people with an increased heart rate among professionals, because most people understand that this only leads to irritation.

Feeling of self-importance - (CHSV) a concept used by Carlos Castaneda in his books, described as a feeling of superiority over someone or something, the significance of oneself and one's actions.

A sense of self-importance - its main signs are arrogance, vanity and ambition. CSV has an extremely negative effect on communication, and the person to whom it is inherent is in constant tension from fear. tarnish reputation. Realizing this will allow you to get rid of your own fears and shortcomings in the future.

If you do not have a heart rate, then words and deeds will not be able to hurt you. In this case, the energy will be directed to the fulfillment of important life goals and clear thoughts of far-fetched problems. The lack of a sense of importance will allow you to be more confident in yourself and your abilities, as you will get rid of non-existent images.

People who have familiarized themselves with the theory of CSW do not notice this. To help a person realize shortcomings, it is necessary to point out them unobtrusively, but with extreme caution and sensitivity.

The main signs of inflated self-esteem

  • A constant feeling of resentment against someone - there is a feeling of humiliation, misunderstanding of society. The problem lies in the wrong perception of the world or a certain situation. People with such feelings very rarely relate to others with great appreciation.
  • Increased sense of self-need - a person puts his thoughts and desires above others.
  • Vanity and pride are born in a person.
  • Lack of trust in others - usually an inflated sense of self-importance provokes the emergence of all sorts of fears and distrust.

FSW in most cases is a common manifestation of neurosis, which provokes a person to demonstrate his person in the best colors. In the most difficult situations, you should not suppress your personality.

How to get rid of CHSV?

People can deal with CVD. For this you need to remember:

  1. The simpler your thoughts and actions, the better people treat you.
  2. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself and look stupid to someone. It is impossible for everyone to become a good person.
  3. Raise your level of awareness by reading books on self-development.
  4. Find a mentor with high spiritual qualities.

To get rid of a sense of self-importance, you need to constantly work and make every effort to do this. In any of its manifestations, it should be remembered that it is completely useless. You need to be able to recognize shortcomings and talk about them out loud. If you show excessive pride or pomposity, then you thereby show weakness and insecurity. Many people have learned to cope with these manifestations. If you really want to subdue your own HSF, then do not let selfless fantasies cloud your bright mind.

How to communicate with people with high heart rate?

Relationships of people built on mutual benefit. Each participant in communication wants to receive positive emotions, useful information, a sense of significance, a certain benefit. But if, when communicating with such a person, you do not get the desired return, then this is a big problem that needs to be addressed.

Usually people choose the easiest way - stop communicating. But it may be your close relative or friend with whom you have to intersect.

You will have to put the person in his "place". Initially, you can solve the problem diplomatically and gently hint that, first of all, a person should pay attention to his behavior and find a problem. If he does not listen to comments, tell him openly what does not suit you. Do not bring the matter to a quarrel and mutual insults.

People with CVD just need to be pitied. Perhaps his problem was influenced by childhood trauma or relationships with his parents, or society imposed on him the idea that he was the best in everything. He doesn't have a very easy life. He does not have people who can always support. Such a person does not even trust himself.

More communication with new people.

You can defeat pride and fully realize that there are many people in the world no worse than you, thanks to communication with others. It is necessary to try to get out of the usual, folded social circle more often and get to know new people.

If you've never been to the gym, go. You will see how many people look better, speak smarter, have more life experience and are able to advise something sensible. Such shocks hit hard on self-esteem, but they clearly show the perniciousness of a sense of self-importance. It usually enslaves people who do not have much life experience and worthy acquaintances.

Explore the source.

In order to better fight against FSF, you need to try to trace where the feeling comes from. For example, a person considers himself better than others because he studied well at the institute. But now you need to look at the situation from a different angle: is he smart enough to rise up, could he find a decent well-paid job and realize his mind, did college grades help in later life?

In 99 cases out of 100, the answer will be negative, which means there is no reason to be proud.

Stop arguing over trifles.

Many personal SSFs suffer from a common disease - the desire to win disputes on any topic. What is more useful to eat, how much sleep you need, how to properly raise children, is life possible on Mars. They don’t care about the real state of affairs - they just need to win with convincing chatter in an argument and amuse their pride.

To cut down a sense of self-importance, you need to start controlling yourself and not get involved in empty arguments. When you have to convince another person on any issue, for this you need to use serious and relevant information, and if there is none, then it is better not to argue.

Useful materials

You must have come across the fact that you do not understand all the words, many people use special jargon, expressions and abbreviations, such as IMHO, HZ, TP, SFS and many others. One of these abbreviations is CHSV. What does CHSV mean? when communicating orally and in writing?
Just like "SPS", the abbreviation "ChSV" is one of the most popular on the World Wide Web. I think that each of us has come across people who think a lot about themselves, I mean that they are pompous, conceited, and stick out their importance in society. The abbreviation CHSV stands for " Feeling of self worth"or in a slightly different way" Feeling of greatness". Many people are interested in what CSV means in VK, what CSV Vkontakte means, so we will consider these issues in more detail.

CHSV- these are people who consider themselves irreplaceable, standing above others, they are obsessed with pride, arrogance, conceit. In simple words, these individuals are clearly overrated

This concept was first developed by Carlos Castaneda, who is the author of many books on the mystical theme. However, whether this person was really a magician or a fraudster is not known, although the hype about this has not subsided to this day. He had a character, Don Juan, who allegedly taught him mysterious knowledge, and so, for a long time he tried to explain to that same Castaneda, what does chsv mean.

As a result, summing up everything that Carlos Castaneda, his own book hero, told, we can conclude that people are not born with a feeling of HFW, it is introduced into a person from the outside. The capitalist system is designed in such a way that it constantly provokes a person to buy more things in order to have a high status in the eyes of other people, while his ego and HR are on the rise. The only disadvantage of such a way of life is that such individuals discard as unnecessary everything that does not satisfy its CSF value.

Such a vision of the world can go quite far, because in some cases people resort to suicide, as this becomes their only chance to maintain their CVV. You need to understand that such a feeling has destructive roots and does not carry anything other than an overestimation of one's capabilities.

Unfortunately, on the Internet, the concept of CVW has become more and more often used, which has become one of the most popular memes. There are many images on the web that ridicule the exaggerated importance of individuals and the significance of one's person, both in the face of the whole society and individuals.

Characteristics and symptoms of CSF:

demonstrative behavior;

Exaggeration of one's role and one's talents;

Exceptional selfishness and excessive narcissism.

If you find similar symptoms in your friend, then be sure that he sick with CSF. A striking feature of this state is his conviction that everything around is UG (dull g @ clearly), and he is one d "Artagnan in white. Either everyone around is marginal and lumpen, and he himself is an exceptionally educated and reasonable person, although in fact he clearly not distinguished by great intelligence, reasonableness and progressiveness.

A special "caste" of people with CVD is beautiful girls. Such maramoys feel the views of many men on themselves, and they understand that the vagina will help to earn money without getting out of bed. Since they try to develop only that part of their body that is responsible for appearance, their intelligence does not rise above a five-year-old child. They only know the words "Give", "I want", "I need". Sobering up for these ladies comes only after forty years, when their appearance leaves much to be desired, no matter how much plaster you put on yourself, and they are replaced by new top chans with the same requests. Therefore, these former favorites often come up with thoughts that it is better to get drunk than to vegetate in oblivion.

The abbreviation CHSV is found on Internet forums, in comments, social networks and computer games. The expression quickly became popular and is used as a meme. Find out what is CHSV in youth slang.

What is HRW in youth: decoding

ESW is short for the phrase "sense of self-importance".

The concept was used in his books "Journey to Ixtlan", "The Power of Silence" and other American writer and anthropologist Carlos Castaneda.

Don't know how to translate CHSV? It does not need to be translated, because this is not a foreign word, but an abbreviation of a Russian phrase. The abbreviation comes in two versions:

  • a sense of self-importance;
  • a sense of self-importance.

The last designation refers to overly arrogant, self-exalting people.

To occupy a significant place in society is a natural need of every person. Everyone needs respect, recognition, approval.

CHSV is a person's self-esteem, subjective self-awareness. If the feeling of importance does not coincide with reality, conflicts with others or psychological problems appear.

Low and high heart rate

What is low and high heart rate? Some individuals exaggerate their importance or, on the contrary, underestimate it. In such cases, they are addressed with jokes, reproaches or encouragement such as:

  • "Your HR is exaggerated, get down to earth!"
  • “Increase your heart rate, then you will succeed!”
  • “You think you are a tough guy, but in reality you have nothing but an overestimated heart rate.”

In the Internet space, a lot of people with an overestimated heart rate leave their mark, who deliberately provoke disputes and offend. Agree, in the virtual world it is easy to assert oneself, humiliating and criticizing others. However, there are many people who show superiority over others in real life.

HRV is underestimated, then a person looks at the world sadly and passively. And the so-called hot peppers and peppercorns with excessive CSF just increase self-esteem on such ones. In this case, your favorite business, new interesting activities will help. Remember: each person is significant in his own way, everyone is talented and unique in some way.

Don't turn your nose up to the sky! People with a high heart rate, just like those with a low heart rate, have a hard time in life.

Thus, CHSV is an abbreviation from youth slang. It stands for a sense of self-importance. It is often used in relation to people who put themselves above others. The meme is popular in communities on the topic of humor, demotivators, entertainment.

Which literally means " Feeling of Self-Importance". This term can often be found on various youth Internet forums, social networks and online games such as: DotA», « Counter-Strike: Global Offensive», « League of Legends" etc. In addition, jokes about an overestimated heart rate have become a real viral meme, which can still be found on the Internet.

What is CHSV - decoding in simple words.

In simple words, CVW is the usual abbreviation () of the expression "Sense of Self-Importance", which is used in youth slang to determine the level of one's own perception of a person. As a rule, this term is used in conjunction with the words "overestimated" or "underestimated", which in turn characterizes a person as someone who considers himself too important or underestimates himself.

Examples of the use of the term CSV in speech:

  • —!!! Yes, your heart rate is too high;
  • - Your heart rate is just going through the roof, be simpler;
  • - Stop increasing your heart rate by humiliating others;
  • - Friend, you have an underestimated heart rate. You clearly underestimate yourself.

What is an elevated heart rate.

As it has already become clear from the definition, people with an overestimated heart rate are characters who consider themselves too important personalities. They consider that the people around them are less important and should give them increased attention and loyalty. As a rule, such people are very self-confident and consider their opinion the only important and correct one. Often an inflated Sense of Self-Importance can be accompanied by boorish or immoral behavior. In fact, they have their own and distorted . The only good thing is that such characters are quite rare in real life. Their main habitat is the Internet, where you can insult and humiliate people with absolute impunity by increasing your FPV.

What is a low heart rate.

In contrast to an overestimated one, an underestimated HR characterizes people who are very insecure in themselves, who doubt their abilities, skills, or appearance. As a rule, these are very calm, quiet, modest and lack of initiative people, due to the oppression of which, in fact, those around them assert their HSV.