What to do when meeting with an aggressive person. How to Deal with Difficult (Even Unbearable) People

Conflict situations happen in everyone's life. In order for an aggressive interlocutor not to cause you moral suffering, choose the right tactics. Your invulnerability depends on your behavior.

The aggression with which your interlocutor can lash out is discouraging and often causes negative emotions in return. However, you should remember that your emotions will only provoke your opponent, and he will get another chance to completely piss you off. Never give in to provocations and stick to your chosen tactics.

1. Maintain inner balance. Remember that the more they shout at you, the more cold-blooded you must be. Any response in the spirit of a noisy interlocutor will be an incentive for him to continue the conflict. Stay calm so he doesn't have a chance to "feed" on your emotions.

2. Don't forget that people can make mistakes. Put yourself in the place of your irritated interlocutor and think about how you would behave in his place. Often the cause of aggression is trouble at home and at work, unresolved issues and just a bad mood. If it is in your power to let the interlocutor understand that he is understood, then your unpleasant conversation can be a salvation for him.

3. Don't forget persistence. Speak in an even tone, and do not try to shout down the interlocutor. Seeing that you are confident and calm, he is unlikely to want to continue the conversation in raised tones.

4. Do not succumb to provocations and do not get annoyed in response. In a conflict, there is nothing easier than answering the interlocutor in his own tone. However, this will only add fuel to the fire. In order to negate the screaming and swearing, agree with everything that you are told. The confusion of a noisy opponent will be your best reward.

5. Never allow yourself to stoop to the level of a brawler. Even if you are insulted, this is not a reason for retaliatory aggression. Ask yourself. Are the insults against you true? If not, is it worth giving in to emotions? If you get annoyed, then your interlocutor will understand that you are ready to start an open argument. Use yourself as an example, and calmly respond to an offensive insult that you do not think so.

6. Arguments can be your salvation. Let the interlocutor talk, and then clearly explain your position. If you are confident in your words, then no screams will help the brawler to unbalance you.

7. A spectacular way out of the conflict will be humor. Shock the interlocutor with a cheerful phrase and try to direct his aggression in a peaceful direction. If you get him to smile back, then your argument can be continued in a different, more conversational tone.

Learn to control yourself and the situation so as not to become a hostage to the aggressors. Remember that your success, fixed once, will not cause a desire to argue with you. Avoid conflicts and tune in to positive thinking. Try to exclude from your social circle people who are not able to resolve conflicts peacefully. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

We usually respond to aggression with aggression. So to speak, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. In principle, this is a normal defensive reaction, but it is not the only one.

Aggressive-minded people pounce on you, trying to throw out all their anger and rage with a verbal stream. Their only goal is your self-worth, which they can't wait to trample and destroy.

At this point, their behavior resembles juvenile hooligans. Do not be like this savagery, you are an adult and sane person with self-esteem. Moreover, verbal aggression is usually followed by physical aggression. Why keep the conflict escalating when you're not in the mood to get into a fight with the person?

If someone shows aggression towards you verbally on an ongoing basis, you should not ignore this fact. Don't be idle.

Many cases of domestic violence have been recorded, the source of which was verbal attacks on someone who is weaker. Don't let a potential danger turn into a real threat to your life.

What rules should be followed when dealing with aggressive people?

Don't follow their tone of conversation

Initially, of the two of you, there was only one person who was set up for conflict. As soon as you react to attacks against you in the same rude way, there are two of you.

Congratulations! You did go for this person. One of his goals is achieved - he provoked you into a conflict.

Don't take their words personally.

Your opponent will spray you with their verbal poison, but remember that these are just words. And as long as you do not take them personally, they cannot harm you.

Source: boavidaonline.com

If this verbal outburst offends or upsets you, this is already bad. Ignore all hurtful remarks.

Show him understanding and kindness

In the same way that the medical staff of psychiatric clinics react to unstable patients, try using the following technique:

  • Rate the degree of aggression
  • Find out the reason for this behavior
  • Try to imagine yourself in the place of the aggressor
  • Take a step towards his needs, but only in the small amount that will help calm him.

Listen carefully to what he is trying to say to you, and using the refrain (repetition) technique, try to say the same thing, but in different words.

It will sound something like this: “So, you think that….” or “Yes, I understand you perfectly, it would upset me too.”

Ask him if he sees any way out of this situation.

Let them speak

Sometimes there is no other way than to listen to an aggressive person. Imagine that you are a psychotherapist and let him pour out his soul to you.

Only to begin with, he will have to lower his tone a little and speak in a calmer voice.

Let them calm down

Usually such people can be pissed off by ordinary city noise. Their nervous system cannot withstand so many sounds at the same time, and at one certain moment they simply explode.

Invite them to go to a quiet, calm place, where it will be easier for him to put his thoughts in order. In fact, this aggression may be the result of a sudden panic attack.

Speak with good humor

This will help you defuse the tense atmosphere a little.

don't notice" his reaction;

ü express understanding of his feelings: "I understand that you are offended";

ü switch the attention of a classmate to something, for example, offer to complete a task (play);

ü Describe his behavior in a positive way: "You are angry because you are tired."

Rule 2. Focus on actions (behavior), and not on the personality of a person.

At the moment of aggression, describe the behavior of a classmate using the following verbal options:

ü "You behave aggressively" (statement of fact);

ü "Are you angry?" (stating question);

ü "Do you want to offend me?", "Are you showing me strength?" (disclosure of the aggressor's motives);

ü "I don't like it when people talk to me in this tone", "I tense up when someone screams loudly" (disclosing one's own feelings in relation to undesirable behavior);

ü "You break the rules of conduct" (appeal to the rules).

Rule 3. Control your own negative emotions.

Demonstrating his aggression, a person, as a rule, shows negative emotions: irritation, anger, indignation, fear, helplessness. When communicating with such a person, similar emotions may arise in you.

At the same time, try:

ü do not demonstrate your power: "It will be as I say";

ü do not take aggressive postures and gestures (clenched jaws, fingers into fists);

ü do not laugh at a person, do not mimic him;

ü do not evaluate his personality or his friends;

ü do not use physical force, do not threaten;

Don't make excuses, don't try to defend yourself.

Rule 4. Demonstrate non-aggressive behavior.

As a result of the conflict, both sides lose control. Therefore, the following methods can be used here:

ü pause (listen silently);

ü take a time out (leave the person and

the opportunity to calm down in solitude);

inspire calmness with gestures, facial expressions;

ü joke ("You look cooler than Schwarzenegger now")

How to learn to live without a fight?

If you are drawn into a fight:

1) move away from this person to the side;

2) go to class;

3) tell the offender how you feel:

"I'm angry, but I refuse to fight you"

"I'm outraged by your behavior"

"Get away from me, I don't want to talk to you"

“I see you want to drag me into a fight, am I right?”;

4) do not attack first;

5) turn the conflict into a joke.

If you are angry with the actions of a classmate and you want to hit him :

1) count to 10;

2) wash your face or rinse your hands;

3) direct aggression to an inanimate object: an expander, balls, a pillow if you are at home, a punching bag if you are in the gym.

If you witnessed a fight:

Invite the fighters to continue the analysis of relations at the next break (there is a hope that the guys will forget the offense and reconcile, you can also tell the teacher or psychologist during this time that they will help them in reconciliation).

If the above methods don't help, call a teacher or another trusted adult.

How to control


1. When you feel that something is pissing you off, try to stop your actions and move away from the situation (move away from the person who is annoying on the street, go to another room, etc.).

2. Practice calm presence. How does the surface of the lake react to the outside world? No way. It just reflects, that's all. So you train to perceive what is happening around, and not react to what is happening in any way.

3. And you can learn to translate aggression in another direction, for example, to physical exercises. Make percussive, sharp movements, you can with exclamations. Not bad for karate or any other martial art.

4. If you are angry with someone, try to put yourself mentally in the place of this person. Think about why he behaves this way and what he is right about.

5. Pay no attention to minor irritants. Try to live as if today is the last day of your life.

6. Don't blame others for your troubles. Try to forgive them, because everyone has flaws.

7. https://pandia.ru/text/79/051/images/image007_88.gif" width="289">Try to restrain yourself from raising your voice: take a deep breath when you feel like screaming, and imagine how with the exhalation of anger from you get out.And only then start to communicate.

9. Aggressiveness" href="/text/category/agressivnostmz/" rel="bookmark">aggressiveness. Write them down and the circumstances under which they arose in your head, as well as your actions. Look at your notes several times a week and analyze them. You you can sort them out and find out the cause of the aggressiveness.

12. Smile more often, find something funny in your anger at other people. Break the aggression by remembering anecdotes and jokes.

13. Learn to let go of stress and relax. It can be meditation, sports, auto-training, chatting with friends, relaxation music, etc.

14. Rest. If you sleep little, then self-management is out of the question.

15. Take a look at your life values. You fight and scream not only because you are overwhelmed with emotions, but also because you forgot about respect for other people. When you are ready to yell at a relative, acquaintance or even a stranger, then remember that they also have the right to respect and well-being, just like you.

When people don't like the flow of the conversation or the mood of the speaker, they can just walk away and shield themselves from problems. But it is not always possible to avoid conflict if you are forced to constantly be in the company of an aggressive person. How to behave with hostile personalities and not succumb to provocations? Remember simple tips that help in such a difficult situation.

Start with yourself

If you carefully monitor your own behavior, you can understand that aggression is not always able to unbalance. Being in a good mood, anyone pays less attention to attacks in his direction and is able to endure even the most negative conversation. If you are looking for an answer to the question of why people behave aggressively, try to notice the moments in yourself when you yourself are able to show hostility.

Most often, the reason for this is a bad mood and internal conflicts that you are trying to solve by involving other people in them. Therefore, the main assistant in solving the problem is the achievement of one's own peace of mind.

Never enter into conflicts first and do not show aggression. Develop a sense of joy in yourself and look for pluses in any difficult situation. It will be difficult for a person who is tuned in to positive to piss off and ruin the day, no matter how quick-tempered the interlocutor may be.

Don't be afraid of aggression

When the boss walks through the office with a stern expression on his face or a person close to you begins to look in annoyance in your direction, you already feel uncomfortable and afraid of an impending conflict. The behavior of an aggressive person can infuriate and ruin the whole day. If you are especially sensitive to the attacks of hostile people, you should learn not to be afraid of aggression.

You should not respond to requests that were voiced by a cry. Don't let hostile people control you. When the aggressor sees your fear, he feeds on it and demands more and more attention. This will be difficult at first, but you just need to steadfastly wait for a calm and respectful tone from a person before listening to him.

Do not look for a problem in yourself and do not feel guilty. It is worth realizing that a person is behaving aggressively because of their problems, and not because you are a bad employee or friend. Do not rush to adapt to it, as a hostile person will always look for a reason to be angry.

Try to understand the motives

All people have a unique character, and among them there are really aggressive and quick-tempered ones. But sometimes even the most friendly and calm person becomes quarrelsome and aggressive due to the stresses experienced or misunderstanding.

When it comes to a hostile boss or other outsider, understanding the reason for such behavior will be more difficult. But if you see your friend getting hot-tempered and constantly getting into a verbal fight, it's worth trying to understand him. This will help a conversation in which you gently and tactfully find out the reasons for the behavior of an aggressive person. You should not ask directly, just listen carefully to all his experiences and show due understanding and sympathy.

Looking for the right approach

An aggressive person is often associated with shouting and fighting, but this is not always the case. Hostility can be hidden behind a caustic tone and feigned friendliness. Therefore, the approach to all hostile people should be different.

If a person screams and waves his arms, most likely he is trying to intimidate you and make you weaker. In such a situation, it is important to maintain composure. Treating an aggressive person the way they treat you is the wrong approach. Your composure at first will only anger him more, but he will soon realize that it will not be possible to bring you to emotions, and will retreat.

If a person is sarcastic or acts secretly, do not let him drag you into his plans. He must understand that you see a negative attitude and do not let yourself be deceived, but at the same time you are not going to participate in this game.


If someone is trying to hit you or ruin your life in every possible way, this is a cause for concern. In other cases, negativity can only worsen the mood. Therefore, if you understand that you will not be able to calm an aggressive person, as well as understand him, you should abstract.

Accept the fact that yelling and swearing can in no way worsen your life or health. This means they are not dangerous. When someone tries to get you emotional again, just tell yourself it's none of my business. Insults in your direction are a reflection of the emotional state of the aggressor, and not a sign that you are a bad person. Observe the situation from the outside, as a casual witness of what is happening, and do not look for a problem in yourself.

Fight back

Kind and understanding people are always appreciated in any company and endearing. But sometimes it is worth showing firmness of character in order not to allow yourself to be pushed around with the help of aggression.

If you have to work or communicate with a quick-tempered and despotic person, you should immediately show that you will not tolerate constant nit-picking and abuse. No need to respond with aggression and engage in a skirmish. It is enough not to show that you are offended by rude words and firmly say "no" to all attempts to offend or offend you.

If you're wondering how to deal with an aggressive person, you'll be surprised how easy the solution to the problem is. Develop your sense of humor. This does not mean that you need to make fun of the aggressor in front of everyone. Keep the fun inside and don't take conflicts too seriously. Recall a funny joke or anecdote and think about it at a time when they try to piss you off or unsettle you. Share your positivity with a hostile interlocutor, and you may be able to cheer him up and make him a little softer.

Passive Aggression

Sometimes people who are set up for conflict do not show their desire openly, but resort to hidden aggression. It manifests itself in constant criticism, sarcasm and deliberate provocation of the interlocutor. This behavior is not always immediately noticeable, but the mood after communicating with a passive-aggressive person noticeably deteriorates.

The first step in getting rid of pressure from a hostile person is to recognize his aggression. Do not write off attacks in your direction as dissatisfaction with you or feeling unwell. Recognize that the person wants to bring you into conflict and blow off steam while remaining innocent of the situation.

Avoid being aggressive and be careful what you say. If you are sure that the person is engaging in passive-aggressive communication, prepare arguments to support your opinion. If he constantly criticizes you, do not talk about the whole picture, but remember specific situations and give them as an example. Lack of evidence will make your words unconvincing, and you risk becoming the initiator of a quarrel, which is exactly what a passive-aggressive interlocutor wants from you.

Don't get caught up in anger and negativity. Keep speaking politely, even if you feel provoked. To behave with an aggressive person, as well as with someone who secretly seeks conflict, you need to calmly and respectfully, no matter what.

What to do if there is an aggressor in the family

At work or in a circle of strangers, you can always avoid quarrels and just leave. But when the aggression comes from a family member, the situation becomes more complicated. You can get married, and later notice the negative and evil mood of your soulmate, or experience it from a relative. In this case, it is important to learn not only to avoid conflict situations, but also to solve them or even prevent them in advance.

Do not self-flagellate, but try to analyze your behavior. Perhaps you often ignore the requests of your loved ones or behave inappropriately, and their aggression is just an unsuccessfully chosen way to convey their desires to you. If you are repeatedly pointed to the same errors, try correcting them and see the result. If the nit-picking continues, perhaps the relative was initially set up for conflict and is simply looking for a reason.

Family is the closest people, and it is important to support them. Talk heart to heart with the aggressor, let him know that you see the problem and want to solve it. Coping with the aggressive behavior of an older person or parents can be more difficult, as they have more authority in the family. But this does not mean that you should endure attacks in your direction. Feel free to defend your right to a quiet stay in the house and look for a compromise.

How to deal with a drunken aggressive person

Even the most calm people in a state of intoxication are capable of showing anger and irritability. In such a situation, one should be extremely careful, because under the influence of alcohol a person becomes aggressive and is able to harm both himself and others.

Do not try to reason with the drunk with shouts and accusations. Be calm and benevolent, then he will understand that nothing really threatens him and no one wants to harm him.

Keep the situation under control and do not let him loose his hands, otherwise it may end in a fight. This should not be allowed, as the person will become more inflamed, and the problem will become more global.

If a person shows aggression not because he is upset with something, but because of a large number drunk, do not try to convince him that you are right. Being in a strong intoxication, he does not understand what he is doing, and you need to act as carefully as possible. If you see a real threat, contact the appropriate services for help. When the situation gets out of hand, you can call the police, making sure that the aggressor does not suspect an impending threat. In some cases, this may bring the drunk to reason, but there is a danger that he will become even more angry, so proceed from what you know about the person.

We all deal with passive-aggressive people from time to time. Passive aggression is manifested when a person feels hostility towards us, but does not express it openly. He prefers tricky games or forms an "alternative reality" that does not match what you see with your own eyes. Passive-aggressive behavior is not a personality disorder. As a rule, it is caused by a situation when a person is under stress or feels that a threat hangs over him.

It is difficult to communicate with a passive-aggressive partner or colleague without feeling angry and annoyed. Because your opponent doesn't show anger overtly, you're in a lose-lose situation.

How to recognize passive-aggressive behavior?

1. Negative attitude.

Communicating with you, the passive-aggressive partner perceives your words exclusively negatively. He constantly complains and grumbles, becoming sullen and withdrawn, as soon as it comes to accepted obligations and responsibilities.

2. They remain silent, refuse or interfere.

A passive-aggressive person is silent or refuses to engage in dialogue, which is also a form of manipulation. Sometimes he does not want to talk about certain topics or cuts off the conversation with the words: "You will do it your way anyway."

If you need participation or attention, withholding support is a form of punishment. If you need specific information or assistance from a colleague, he will find ways to avoid helping you. To thwart you, such people will find flaws in any solution you propose.

3. They make excuses, "forget" and procrastinate.

Instead of admitting their inability or unwillingness to complete the task, manipulators resort to the classic excuse: "I forgot." They renege on their promises, even if you previously agreed to act in a certain way.

Passive-aggressive individuals put things on the back burner because they hate schedules, schedules, or goals that are imposed on them from the outside. Not keeping promises or avoiding duties, they make excuses: “It completely flew out of my head” or “I just didn’t have time.” If you go into conflict, it will end with the passive-aggressive partner refusing to even discuss this issue.

4. Hidden disagreement.

Passive-aggressive people prefer to avoid sharp corners. They won't openly argue if they don't agree with you. They are masters of ambiguity and vagueness. They avoid doing what they don't want to - but they never express their disagreement directly.

5. Half done work.

When a passive-aggressive employee does not want to do what they are assigned, they will try to do it in such a way that they need to be corrected and redone. Or the task will take him much longer than planned. The work will be done, but carelessly, inattentively and carelessly. Passive-aggressive workers meet criticism with hostility.

6. False independence.

Passive-aggressive people are unable to assert their independence in a socially acceptable way. They become stubborn and irritable as they try to regain control of their lives. They are not self-confident and do not know how to show determination and express their opinion positively.

How do you deal with a passive-aggressive person?

1. Don't react to manipulative behavior.

Manipulators wait for your reaction to make sure their behavior has an effect. If you get angry with them, you will take on the role of the initiator of the quarrel. Try to become passive-aggressive in response - and things will not get off the ground. Any negative reaction only reinforces passive aggression, inspiring to continue in the same manner. Ignoring and emotionally "disconnecting" is the most difficult part of dealing with a passive-aggressive person.

2. Don't blame or judge.

It's easy to blame and judge a passive-aggressive person when they're just asking for criticism. Do not go along with them by asking rhetorical questions: "You agreed to the new deadlines, why hasn't the work been done yet?". Manipulators will drag you into a swamp of negativity and denial. Don't make passive-aggressive people defensive and they will become more open to your suggestions.

3. Radiate positivity and confidence.

You are focused on specific goals and facts. How can we develop this project? or "Can we find a solution that works for both of us?" Make sure that the other person feels that their opinion is valuable and their interests are important to you.

4. Be specific and show empathy.

Make your proposals as specific as possible. Emphasize how passive-aggressive behavior affects you personally, the performance of the team, or the fate of the project. For example, if you're planning a vacation and your partner can't decide where to go, say, “I really want to spend time with you. It means a lot to me. Which of these two directions do you like more? You might say to a colleague at work, “I'm disappointed that I couldn't do it today. How much time do you need to finish? How about Monday? The implementation team can't wait to move on to the next part of the project."

5. Leave.

If all else fails, regular communication with the manipulator can deprive you of peace of mind. In such cases, it's best to keep the interaction to a minimum, stay focused on the main goal, and be very specific. If a passive-aggressive subordinate cannot or does not want to work, replace him with another employee. If you are in a romantic relationship with a passive-aggressive partner, his behavior is a signal that he is not at all as happy with you as you hoped.

29.09.2018 676 +4