What to read on the road to a woman. best novels to read on the train

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Summer is the time for holidays and travel. If new cities and countries promise only positive emotions, then travel time can spoil your mood. But there is one easy way to pass the time - books to read on the road. These are interesting stories, reading which you will forget that you are on the road.

Not everyone likes to constantly sit and look out the window while driving. It's pretty monotonous and boring. If you are one of those who like to spend every minute usefully, then you can download or read online the best books on the road to the sea.

As you know, it is the children who endure the road worst of all. It is unlikely that the baby will sit quietly in his seat on the train and patiently wait for the end of the trip. He needs something to keep him busy, and children's books are perfect for this purpose. Together with your child, you can immerse yourself in the most exciting adventure of heroes, visit a fairy tale, figure out where is good and where is evil, and defeat the villain together. On the road, you can even in a playful way help your child learn letters, explore the world and understand such concepts as friendship, love, betrayal, loyalty.

What book to read on the road? You might like detective stories where the plot is usually very dynamic and you have to constantly think about who the culprit is. Or maybe you are a fan of novels where the main characters are going through a lot of pain because of unrequited love, where they have to face serious life difficulties for the sake of their soulmate. If you like to reflect on the frailty of being, there will also be works for you, after reading which you will discover new horizons of possibilities for yourself.

Whatever book you choose - for children, for yourself - you can download it for free on our website. We have selected the best works that are perfect for those who go on a trip. So your vacation will be filled not only with vivid impressions of the places you have seen, but also with new knowledge.

Science, religion, history, and even a detective are involved here. The story is partly based on real events, but there is also some fiction. In any case, you will definitely not be bored on the road.

Would you like to know about the life of a man who never told the truth about himself? The main character will not only have to write a biography of a strange woman, meet terrifying twins, but also deal with the secret of the thirteenth tale.

This is a story about a boy who managed to survive. The world of magic, the world of good and evil wizards - what could be better? This trip will make your vacation fabulous and unforgettable.

The protagonist discovers an unusual gift in himself - people are very attached to him. The ability to control others - a gift or a punishment?

The story about the mafia American clan - the house of Carlione. An unusual family that keeps ill-wishers at bay, but at the same time has a legal business and helps those in need.

This book is about a trip to France. Taking her on vacation, you can visit the most romantic country on our planet. You will also learn about life in Provence, about the locals and their traditions.

The main characters, together with the dog, go on a journey along the Pumice River. On their way, situations constantly arise that will make you sincerely laugh.

The most famous vampire of all time is on the hunt! This is an amazing and creepy story about a vampire and his life.

A book with a French atmosphere. A story about a writer who lost his muse, but thanks to blackberry wine he remembered his childhood and a true friend who gave him not only a lot of warm memories, but also taught him how to live.

A story about a floating library and an unusual doctor. Do you believe that any mental illness can be cured with a book? After reading, you will see for yourself.

Summer is in full swing, and you need to spend time with benefits not only for the soul and body, but also for the brain. The best food for thought is books. Only, chur, real - paper! Take them with you to the beach, open them in summer cafes in the evenings, read in bed to the sound of rain and don't forget to put them in your suitcase when you go on a trip. Reading will become not only fashionable for you, but also a truly healthy habit, if you use our list of 11 books that you absolutely must read this summer!

Robin Sharma, "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

We have all heard stories about how a successful and successful entrepreneur or employee would give up everything, sell his property and go to some distant country in search of spiritual truth. The work of Robin Sharma, which has been recognized as a bestseller more than once, just tells about one of these characters: a very wealthy lawyer who is experiencing a spiritual crisis leaves his former life for the sake of immersing himself in ancient culture in order to awaken his soul and overcome the melancholy that has settled in it thanks to Eastern wisdom. . Let's see what he can learn!

Alice Munro, Dearer than Life Itself

The Canadian writer, who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013, is considered the successor of the traditions of A.P. Chekhov for simplicity, purity and, of course, brevity. “More than life itself” is literally Munro’s last work: according to the writer, she does not plan to continue her literary works. The book is a collection of short stories that tell about the life stories and fates of the characters. If you like descriptions of the subtle inner world of characters, this book is definitely for you!

Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine

This summer for someone will not do without a magnificent book by the famous writer, which makes you think about the transience of time, kindness, fleeting moments of happiness that need to be noticed. Soaked through with warm and sunny memories, this work will help you enjoy the nostalgia for childhood and feel every moment associated with the most beautiful time of the year. If you haven't read this book yet, now is the time to fix it!

Marcus Buckingham, Kurt Coffman, "First Break All the Rules"

If your summer is spent in the stuffy walls of the office, it's time to give yourself a break and get distracted by a rather interesting book that will convince you that "the best managers in the world do things differently." Tens of thousands of interviews that the authors conducted with the most effective managers of our time reveal the secrets of success and effectiveness: it turns out that sometimes you just have to break the rules. Try!

Gregory David Roberts, Shantaram

One of the best books for the holidays - fascinating, exciting, does not leave a single reader indifferent. The novel, which broke many sales records, is the confessional tale of a hero who was forced to hide from the law for years. This book has everything that normal people would rather never encounter in their lives, but which is so interesting to read from your cozy and safe nest. Divorce, termination of parental rights, drug addiction, robbery, sentence - 19 years in a maximum security prison, escape, counterfeiters, smugglers, Indian mafia, struggle for love ... In a word, everything that will not let you get bored this summer!

Anna Gavalda, "35 kilos of hope"

Another story by a French writer, this time written from the perspective of a 13-year-old boy who stubbornly hates school. But do not think that the book is intended for the younger generation - it absolutely surprisingly resonates in the hearts of both older children and adults themselves. And if you have already acquired offspring, then this book is simply a must-read: thanks to it, you will remember your youth and learn to better understand growing up children. “35 kilos of hope” is a reminder of how to be the right parents, as well as the importance of not giving up and believing. Reading will take you no more than one or two hours, and we can say with confidence: the time will not be spent in vain!

Eckhart Tolle, Live Now!

This book will become your little friend and real salvation if suddenly on a rainy summer evening you feel lonely, sad and perhaps a little anxious, if you enter a new period of your life - by choice or by chance. A great connoisseur of wounded human souls, Eckhart Tolle will reveal to you the true state of affairs in your life, give you consolation, tell you how to find spiritual harmony and perspective, help you return to the “assembly point” and pave the path of your own path so that in the morning you can again enjoy a new day !

Jojo Moyes, One Plus One

Touching and incredibly gripping to the last page is the story of Jess, a single mother who works two jobs while trying to guide her two children on the right path. Unexpectedly for the heroine, but expected for us, a man appears in her life, who wakes up with a desire to help Jess and her children. Modern and unbanal, full of irony and positivity, this story ends as it should be in romance novels!

Jennifer L. Scott, Madame Chic Lessons: 20 Style Secrets I Learned While Living in Paris

If you want to learn the traditions of French families, as well as the secrets of French women about how to look not just beautiful, but elegant in any situation, how to instill good habits in yourself, how not to deny yourself your favorite dishes and at the same time not get better, as in everything accelerating rhythm of life to preserve not only beauty, but also health, then this book is for you! The story is told on behalf of the author - a purebred American who got into a French family on an exchange program and, willy-nilly, was forced to learn something ...

Peter Meil, France. A year in Provence

You can travel while sitting, without leaving the premises: right in the office or at home, cozying up between sofa cushions. This book will take you to the sun-drenched province of Provence, which seems rather eccentric to any visitor. The protagonist of the novel buys himself an old farmhouse to start a new life here, tries to accept the local way of life and merge into the environment. When you look from the window of your house at traffic jams and concrete walls of high-rise buildings, what is happening in the novel seems to be some kind of unknown miracle, which is far away in a parallel universe. And after reading the book, you begin to understand where you want to spend your next vacation ...

Daphne Du Maurier, "Rebecca"

If you like a book not only to tremble in your heart, but also to excite your nerves, Rebecca is definitely for you! The novel, written in the first half of the last century, was included in the list of 110 best works according to the BBC. Four directors did not disdain to film it, each in his own time, among which A. Hitchcock himself. This is a work that came out largely from Jane Eyre and continued in the novels of Hesse and King. According to the plot of the novel, a young woman meets an aristocrat who is much higher than her in position, and even the owner of the luxurious Manderly estate. After an imminent wedding, the main character moves to her husband in his possessions, where his former wife Rebecca, now deceased, previously hosted. Very soon, the new young wife begins to suffer from the fact that she cannot outshine her predecessor, who, it seems, continues to be the mistress of the situation even after her death. Or doesn't it seem?.. "Rebecca" will certainly become an adornment of your library and will remain in your memory for a long time. The story is so captivating that it is said that reading this book is like hypnosis. Definitely a must read!

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Many people who love to travel know that you cannot take any book on the road. If you choose a book carefully - even a detective story, even a love story, even a short story - then the journey will become colorful and bring even more impressions. And vice versa, if you grab the first book that comes across from the shelf, your trip may be ruined. We bring to your attention 10 books that will definitely please you on a trip.

1. "Three Men in a Boat, Not Counting the Dog" by Jerome K. Jerome

Time moves on, but readers are still in awe of the amazing story of three English gentlemen who decide to travel the Thames with the Montmorency fox terrier. There are many comical situations in the book, funny misunderstandings from which the heroes have to get out without losing a sense of personal dignity. This story will surprise you today with an original plot and wonderful humor.

2. A Year in Provence by Peter Meil

The main character Peter and his wife decided to create something that others can only dream of: they bought an old abandoned house in Provence and lived in it from scratch. Life in the Luberon began with a true Provencal lunch, and this year has also seen many different joys and adventures.

There were many trials on their way, they had to learn the local dialect and make repairs for almost a year. In addition to all this, they learned to play boules, also managed to visit the goat races and experience all the joys of being in the southern province.

3. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway created a real masterpiece. The story teaches us that even in a loss a person must remain courageous, steadfast and worthily get out of the prevailing difficulties. The picture, which depicts a fight with a huge fish, and then devouring sharks, very successfully creates a contrast between reflections on the past and the present world.

4. Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne

This story is about Phileas Fogg and Passepartout, who was his servant, about their incredible journey around the world, which is full of various adventures.
All this journey takes place on a dare and describes various adventures to us. In many fictional journeys, all actions are performed on fictional means of transport, but not here. Perhaps this is the story that captivates us.

5. Shouting Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon

One day, the heroine finds out that she is becoming the main property of all the property owned by the Californian tycoon, who had previously been her lover. Soon the revelations begin to frighten and only increase, and the words and symbols demonstrate a secret organization that was created in medieval Europe.

6. "Dubliners" James Joyce

Dubliners is a series of witty stories. All stories are written in an unusual manner for a famous writer. All stories will help you to see the workers and petty-bourgeois areas of the capital of Ireland in the twentieth century.

7. Cosmopolis by Don DeLillo

Eric Packer is 28 years old and this story is about a day in his life. The protagonist is a multimillionaire who travels through Manhattan to the hairdresser in his limousine. His path turns into an incredible adventure, in which there are various accidents and many meetings with people who demonstrate the modern world.

8. Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

The story tells us about Marco Polo and his real journey through China, and becomes a journey through an imaginary world in which cities have female names. This book can be called a game, since the reader himself decides in what order to study the novels and can build a picture of this magical world himself.

9. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

In this book you will learn the story of the young brahmin Siddhartha and his friend Govinde. Siddharth gave his whole life in search of Atman, the One, present in any person.

10. "Suspicious Passengers on Your Night Trains" by Yoko Tawada

The story tells us about a dancer who is touring Europe by train. Each chapter tells about a new city, about her adventure, dream and dream. Life is a journey on the bottom shelf and this train cannot be left... A journey to a city that does not exist.

Summer is in full swing, and many are waiting for a vacation, a trip to the sea or a vacation in the country. Some novels seem to have been specially written to be read in the wild mountains, on a hot beach, in a cozy European cafe or in a shady garden. What books to take with you on the road to have a great time, read in the selection of RIAMO.

The Last Romantic by Elizabeth Gilbert

A real story about a man who ran away from his parents and began to live in a wigwam, earning his living by hunting, without using any of the benefits of civilization. And Eustace Conway did not stop there: he decided to set up a camp reserve, where anyone can feel like a kind of "Robinson". Elizabeth Gilbert's book is not just a biography, but almost a textbook on psychology. Childhood trauma, complexes, inability to build relationships, an idea bordering on fanaticism - all this awaits readers on the pages of The Last Romantic.

"Blackberry Wine" by Joanne Harris

Dedicated to all lovers of homemade wine and gardening. A novel that spreads warm bliss throughout the body, an atmospheric story that touches the soul. Childhood memories, old mistakes, family secrets, path choices - Joanne Harris couldn't be any different. Those who read "Chocolate" will be glad to meet old acquaintances and take a walk around the town of Lansquenet-sous-Tannes again.

"Lavender Room" Nina Gheorghe

Nina Gheorghe is a first-class psychologist, a connoisseur of souls. Each character is written so well that in a short time it becomes native. These are not impeccable romantic characters who set off on a boat trip on the Seine, but ordinary people who at some point lost themselves. People with their fears, resentments, self-doubt, anger, despondency, shame. It is impossible not to feel sympathy for the protagonist Jean Egaret - a literary pharmacist who prescribes books as medicines for emotional experiences. The scenery of events is the beautiful landscapes of Provence - another argument in favor of the book.

Tuareg by Alberto Vazquez Figueroa

If you plan to fly to hot countries with hot deserts, be sure to take the Tuareg with you. The measured, lingering narration takes you to those lands where there is no place for an ordinary person - these are the possessions of proud and great Imohag warriors. Revenge should be feared by strangers who have violated the main commandment of the Tuareg: your guest is under your protection. A man of honor, the Tuareg Gasel Sayah, will not leave such blasphemy unpunished. And the reader can only follow him, feeling the ubiquitous sand and the heat of the desert on his body.

"Medea and her children" Ludmila Ulitskaya

Genre: family saga

Together with tickets to the Crimea, this book should be issued - it is so saturated with the atmosphere of the peninsula. Easily and unobtrusively, the plot revolves around the Crimean Greek woman Medea Sinopli and her numerous relatives. In the hot summer, her house comes to life and is filled with stories and resort passions, which are pleasant to follow page after page under the sound of the surf.

"Who would have thought! How the brain makes us do stupid things" Asya Kazantseva

Asya Kazantseva has written an excellent non-fiction book that aims to popularize medicine and psychology. There are no boring quotes and incomprehensible figures, all issues are covered extremely simply, clearly and with a healthy dose of humor. An excellent option for reading on vacation, which allows you to "in a relaxed mode" get acquainted with the features of our main organ - the brain.

"Possess" by Antonia Byatt

If long reading is the number one item on your vacation to-do list, then this voluminous volume will come in handy. At the center of the novel are two lines: the first is the story of two fictional poets of the Victorian era, Randolph Henry and Christabel LaMotte, the second is the story of contemporary scientists and literary scholars Roland Mitchell and Maud Bailey. This amazing book intertwines different worlds, genres and characters. Imagine a mixture of a detective story, a female gothic novel, a poetry collection of love and a chivalrous ballad - it's all about "Possess".

"House of Lost Dreams" by Graham Joyce

Genre: magical realism

On a small Greek island, where the most beautiful sunsets and the warmest and cleanest sea, unusual events begin to happen to a young English couple. The island seems to be talking to them, telling a story, reviving the myths of Ancient Greece, and witnessing modern secrets. Magical realism against the backdrop of a paradise landscape - this book is not just a pleasure to read, you want to settle in it.

"Garden Enchantment" Sarah Addison Allen

Genre: family saga

The plot of a strange family and their home is not new, but it's still nice to read about the magic in everyday life. Sisters Cindy and Claire not only successfully arrange their personal lives, but also find each other, restore warm relations from scratch. And although in reality a cupcake with candied pansies will not help solve problems, but we really want to believe that our happiness is in our hands. This stylish and light book leaves a pleasant aftertaste.

"Italy. Wine, Food, Love Michael Tucker

Genre: travel notes

A very appetizing book in the literal sense of the word, it is contraindicated on an empty stomach. Former actor Michael Tucker tells how he managed to buy a house in Umbria. This turned out to be a real miracle for him: together with his wife, they fell in love with this region, with its leisurely inhabitants, with an atmosphere of peace and contentment, with incredibly delicious Italian food. It is recommended to read sitting in a wicker chair and with a glass of wine in hand.

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Going on a trip, everyone takes only the most necessary things. But if the road is long, then you can spend time usefully by immersing yourself in reading. And some travel books are perfect!

So, we offer 10 best books for the road:

  1. "Secret", Rhonda Byrne. If you want to spend time usefully and reflect a little on philosophical topics (and traveling to such thoughts is very conducive), then by all means put this book in your travel suitcase. What is the world? This is a big secret. And its fragments can be found literally everywhere: in philosophical and religious movements, in works of literature, in folk art, and so on. And the book has all the pieces of the Secret. By reuniting them together, the reader will be able to understand how to live. The book became a real sensation and the first of its kind, because it will teach you how to use the Secret in literally every area of ​​your life: in your career, in relationships, in your studies, and so on. You will discover unique opportunities that will definitely make you happier and freer. And the journey will seem even more exciting.
  2. "", Milorad Pavic. This book includes collections of short stories such as "Inside Out Glove" and "Russian Greyhound". The actions of the described stories, more like fictional fables, unfold against the backdrop of culture and mythology. And all this allows readers to immerse themselves in a unique and mysterious world invented by the writer. An extraordinary atmosphere awaits you, and the journey will become even more enjoyable.
  3. "", Peter Mail. This is a light and readable work almost in one breath. The main characters of the book decided on an act that many people cannot decide because of fears. They dropped everything, left their native country and bought a small old farmhouse in Provence. The first year of a new life began with a real French lunch full of culinary delights. But life is not limited to gastronomic pleasures alone, so the heroes have to overcome many difficulties and get into the most curious situations. They will try to learn the local language, go to a goat race, learn an interesting game and spend a year trying to complete the renovation.
  4. "Invisible Cities" by Italo Calvino. This book is based on the imaginary conversations of the traveler Marco Polo and Khan Kublai about unseen countries, worlds and cities. The writer turned Polo's very real journey into a grandiose study of a non-existent world in which all cities bear female names. There are 50 chapters in the book, each of which is a short story written according to the rules of divination on Tarot cards. Readers can explore the cities in any order and thus choose their own rules and their own interpretation of a virtual journey through a world that seems absurd and ridiculous, but at the same time so similar to ordinary real large metropolitan areas.
  5. "", Nina Heimets. This book itself is almost an invitation to an exciting journey. And it is not at all necessary to go to distant countries in order to get a lot of new pleasant sensations. The author interprets the journey as a kind of difference between the well-known and the new, the unknown and the yet unfamiliar. Even your hometown and the most ordinary things can seem unusual and interesting if you look at them differently. It is enough just to get rid of stereotypes, learn to peer, notice the little things and see something new in everything. After reading this book, you will definitely make the trip unforgettable and exciting.
  6. "", Jerome K. Jerome. This is a fun, interesting and laid-back story about three friends who discuss their illnesses over dinner and decide to take a break during their trip. They went on a trip down the Thames and decided to stop for the night for the night. During this voyage, the characters find themselves in unusual and sometimes curious situations, which are described by the author with humor and ease. By the way, initially the work was conceived as a guide, so the author described in detail some of the sights in it. Therefore, readers will be able not only to have fun, but also to learn a lot of new things.
  7. "", Slava Se. This book will not only help pass the time on the road, but also save you from bad thoughts and just cheer you up. In general, what you need for travel. The author of the book maintains one of the most popular blogs, so his creation, consisting of separate small humorous stories, turned out to be very easy and light. The protagonist is a well-built man who works as a plumber in the Baltic States, plays in the academic theater, grows onions in the window, and from time to time takes a great interest in sad women. The stories collected here are sometimes so funny and at the same time ridiculous that it is very difficult not to laugh out loud. Be sure to take this collection with you on the road!
  8. Hector's Journey, or the Quest for Happiness by Francois Lelord is the author's most successful book, which has been translated into several dozen languages ​​and won the hearts of millions. Francois is not only a writer, but also a psychiatrist, so he is excellent at conveying characters, atmosphere and his thoughts in a form that is most convenient and enjoyable for the reader. This is a book about a young psychiatrist, Hector, who decides to travel around the world to find his place in the world and happiness. He travels to different countries, meets a variety of people, finds friends and enemies, falls in love, risks his life and even manages to be captured. He began such an unusual expedition with the aim of revealing happiness to all people, and he gladly shares his thoughts and judgments with all readers. After reading this book, you will probably find real happiness in the journey.
  9. "", Anna Gavalda. If you want to relax, unwind and make your trip exciting and fun, this book will definitely help you. In fact, this is a story about a few completely ordinary people who had a great weekend. It tells about the long-awaited meeting of sisters and brother, about their trips and adventures, about escaping from an important family celebration, about other interesting moments, as well as about love, creativity, mutual understanding and simple and accessible to all joys of life. These people, even in adulthood, have not lost their spontaneity and thirst for adventure, which will infect all readers.
  10. "", Lauren Weisberg. This book will definitely please the female half of humanity. The main character is a young girl who came from the village to conquer New York and build a career as a reporter. She gets into a fashion magazine and realizes that what she dreamed of all her life turns out to be a nightmare. The boss is a real bitch. You have to work almost around the clock. And promotion on the career ladder, it seems, does not shine. But everything can change if you pull yourself together and believe in yourself.

Be sure to take one of these books with you on your trip.