What is worth reading from psychology. The best books on psychology

The best books on psychology, and at the same time popular in 2016, what are they called? For you, we have compiled a list of 10 books that, in our opinion, reveal the work of the human psyche in different life situations.

Psychology of influence. Persuade. Act. defend yourself

Author of the book: Robert Cialdini

Genre: Psychology of influence

The book "The Psychology of Influence" is recommended as the best textbook on psychology, management, conflicts. These are the recommendations of both Western and our psychologists. The book “Psychology of influence. Persuade. Act. Defend yourself ”by Robert Cialdini exceeded the circulation of 1,500,000 copies. She really captivates her readers with such an easy and interesting style combined with an effective delivery. In addition, his works are a serious project of a scientific level, where a thorough analysis of the mechanisms of motivation, understanding of information and, finally, the ability to make decisions is carried out.

Book Author: Stephen Covey

Genre: psychology of personal growth

Stephen Covey, an expert in the psychology of personal growth, believed that a person is always free to choose how to respond to a particular situation. Even, it would seem, in a hopeless situation, we always have the freedom of choice. The author singled out seven main skills, among which are: the ability to correctly prioritize and be active, to be ready for creative interaction, and many others. The book will help you understand yourself and increase your own efficiency as a result.

Author of the book: V. Shapar

Genre: Psychology of manipulation

standard situation. You are constantly immersed in your work and you chronically do not have enough time, neither for yourself, nor for loved ones, or in general ... familiar? If yes, then this book is for you!

But the whole problem is that you say "Yes" too often! Thanks to the book, you will understand that this is not right and begin to understand that friends and relatives, a kind boss, nice colleagues, reliable relatives are simply manipulating you. You look differently at all the people around you. The psychological techniques obtained during the reading of the book can be safely implemented.

Author of the book: Sigmund Freud

Genre: psychology of sexuality

Sigmund Freud (Freud) in "Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality" explores sexual relations between men and women, as well as the phenomenon of bisexuality. In addition, he tries to explain the nature of perversions, deviations, narcissism and the taboo of virginity. Once upon a time, the first edition of Freud's book caused an uproar from the Puritan public. Dozens of years have passed, and his judgments do not seem scandalous to anyone, moreover, they remain relevant to this day.

Author of the book: D. Givens

Genre: Relationship psychology

There are five phases of courtship. 1: Get attention. 2: Shine in your eyes. 3: Communication. 4: Touch. 5: Intimacy and love.

What and how others are attracted to your face. What and how strangers are attracted to your body. Non-verbal communication. The skill of seduction.

The art of flirting. All this and a lot of other useful discoveries of human psychology can be found in this book.

Author of the book: Kroeger Otto

Genre: Psychology of relationships in a team with staff

Otto Kroeger's book will be useful for developing your business skills. You will understand how to manage personnel more effectively from the point of view of human psychology. There are many personalities in the team, and it is necessary to work fruitfully with all of them.

Mental traps at work

Book Author: Mark Goulston

Mark Goulston is a practicing psychiatrist and psychologist. He trains negotiators for the FBI. His book talks about the principles of an effective behavioral line at work. This book will teach you how to manage your career successfully.

Are you frustrated by the indifference of leaders to your efforts and results? Worried about staying in the same position for a very long time? Are you afraid that you will not cope with the new task and you will be fired? Mark Goulston talks about how to overcome the psychological traps that we ourselves create.

This book will teach you to look at things soberly. Learn to change yourself - without changing yourself.

Book Author: Eric Berne

Genre: relationship psychology

Eric Berne in The Games People Play. People who play games" developed a system of transactional analysis, which is based on the idea of ​​human consciousness as a fusion of three states of "I": Parent (similar to the image and behavior of parents), Adult (an independent objective assessment of the situation and a balanced decision) and Child (source of joy, emotions, creativity and spontaneous impulses). In fact, these are two separate books that describe detailed classic scenarios for analyzing many situations from life. This is such a collection of solutions for all occasions, it is universal, it has become the alphabet for solving problems for millions of people.

Book Author: Dale Carnegie

Genre: relationship psychology

Dale Carnegie, a classic of the genre. The book is not about the present, it is about the beginning of the 21st century. Then there was a stormy, complex, bright and problematic beginning of the last century, in which it was necessary to remain human and at the same time survive. How to stop worrying and start living?

The American psychologist Carnegie gives answers to the most important life questions in his book, revealing the complex formulas of human relationships.

Haven't each of us dreamed at least once in our lives about a magic wand, at the wave of which all conflicts will be resolved and goals will be achieved? Since such magic does not exist in real life, you have to learn, learn from the experience of others and deal with your desires and problems on your own. And this is where books come in. A good read that falls into your hands at the right time has an undoubted magic. Books worth reading in psychology for anyone who intends to use the power of knowledge for their own benefit are divided into areas.

In order for the time to be spent with benefit, and what you read to be remembered and put into practice, you need to choose the right reading material. Books that are worth reading on psychology, each determines for himself, based on their preferences. But there are a few tips to help you make your choice:

    To begin with, decide on the purpose of studying It is on what knowledge the reader needs that the list of books will envy.

    Find out about directions and schools whose teachings are close to you. For any reader, interesting books on psychology are those that he understands and subconsciously accepts.

    Filter information. Discard the superfluous, remember the important, write it down, return to it.

  • It's good to consult about the book with like-minded people. Perhaps there is someone in your circle of acquaintances who has read the work and is ready to give a review about it. The style of writing, the views of the author and his personal experience are very important points in books on psychology.

Knowing the secrets of the human consciousness, subconscious and relationships is not only interesting, but useful. Even if you have not studied this science before, there will be for you who will give answers to many life questions.

Age-related psychology

A person goes through several age stages, each of which, in addition to pleasant moments, is fraught with a lot of problems. It is believed that over the years, the experience of past years and events, a person becomes wiser. But this does not save him from age-related crises. In addition, often help is needed for loved ones who cannot cope with the change of ages on their own. These difficulties affect the attitude of a person to himself and the world around him.

    "Secret support. Attachment in the life of a child ”(Petranovskaya L.V.).

    “The older the better. New possibilities of age ”(Pamela Blair).

    "Psychology of children with disorders and deviations of psychological development" (Mikadze Yu. V.).

    "Ladder of Joy" (Khuhlaeva O.V.).

    "Age psychology" (Darvish Olesya).

These are books that are intended both for teachers, educators, and for people who are not related to pedagogical activity.


Family in the life of every person is the most important and valuable. But it is so difficult to create and maintain it! Family relationships between spouses, children and parents, brothers and sisters, matchmakers and other relatives are such subtle and complex substances ... Each family member should be able not only to love, but also to endure, give in, insist, forgive. in psychology cannot absolutely guarantee peace and harmony in the family if the knowledge gained remains only in theory.

Family psychology bestsellers:

    "Why Men Lie and Women Roar" (Alan and Barbara Pease).

    “A matrimonial shootout with a FLYING ending. How to save a relationship and is it worth it” (Tseluiko V. M.).

    "Female. A textbook for men "(Novoselov O.).

    "Live easy!" (Matthews E).

This short list contains the most psychological relationships in the family. They are written in an accessible language and are not intended to be studied as part of a university course in psychology (although this is not prohibited), but for people who are looking for solutions to their own problems and questions.

Psychology of communication

Since we live in a society, it is impossible to do without communication. Communication "traps" us everywhere: at home, on the landing, in transport, at school, at work, in the store, and so on. If there is no access to personal communication, a person uses telephones, mail, the Internet.

And although communication is an "innate" ability and an integral part of a person's life, there are people for whom it is a burden. The most psychologically different authors on the topic of communication give advice:

    "The Language of Conversation" (Piz Alan and Barbara).

    "25 ways to win the favor of people" (Maskwell D.).

    "The Art of Verbal Attack" (Carsten B.).

    “I am listening to you ...” (Atvater. I.).

    "The Art of Easy Conversation" (K. Topf).

    “Labyrinths of communication, or how to learn to get along with people” (Egides A.P.).

    Communication is a physiological human need. Learn to enjoy and benefit from it.

    The psychology of persuasion

    Each of us affects another person, and at the same time is affected by himself. Skills of influencing people, persuasion, manipulation can be developed and successfully applied. But it is important not to forget to develop protection against other manipulators.

    Books worth reading in psychology for those who intend to master:

      “The psychology of persuasion. 50 proven ways to be persuasive” (Holstein N.).

      Orator's arsenal. Full ammunition” (Kovalev A., Morev B.).

      "Protection from manipulators of all stripes" (Vlasova N.M.).

      "Manipulations in communication" (Ustinov D.).

      “Psychology of manipulation. From puppet to puppeteer” (Shapar V.).

      "Negotiations in three dimensions" (Laks D., Sebenius D.).

      "How to achieve yes, or negotiations without defeat" (Fischer R., Uri W. Paton B.)

      They will be useful to everyone, and not only to people whose conviction is the basis of their profession. A good book on psychology for novice businessmen or salespeople is an indispensable tool in their work.

      Psychology of conflict

      Minor misunderstandings and large-scale conflicts are constant companions of communication. Turn to psychology to resolve or prevent a quarrel. Choose which book to read on psychology to learn how to "resolve" conflicts.

      Having valuable information will not eliminate conflicts, but you will be able to tame their destructive power and benefit from them:

        "Anthology on conflictology".

        "Everyone can win" (Cornelius H., Fair S.).

        “Conflicts at work. How to recognize, resolve, prevent them ”(Felau E. G.).

        "101 tips for getting out of the conflict" (A. Peshekhonov).

        "Conflict resolution. From conflict to cooperation” (Levin S.).

      Psychology of personal growth and self-development

      What to hide, psychology today is a very fashionable science. People love psychology for its ease of perception and practicality of application. One of the most sought-after areas of education is personal development. A distinctive feature of good self-development material is positive, inspiration and an inner impulse to act after reading.

      Books worth reading on psychology for the development of personal motivation and self-development of the individual:

        "The monk who sold his Ferrari" (Sharma R.).

        "Time Drive" (Arkhangelsky G.).

        Delivering Happiness (Shane T.).

        "The habit of being happy" (Baihou A.).

        “Get out of your comfort zone. Change your life. 21 Methods for Improving Personal Efficiency” (Tracey B.).

        "Number 1. How to be the best at what you do" (Mann I.).

        “To hell with everything, get on and do it” (Branson R.).

        "The subconscious can do everything" (Keho D.).

      This is just a small selection of self-development books to start your lifelong journey with. There is no doubt that it will begin, because you have already come to the conclusion that it is time to move on.

      Great Books on Psychology

      We understand that psychology affects all areas of human life (communication, thinking, development, etc.). Today, there are various methods, seminars, recommendations for the application of the "knowledge" of the human soul and thoughts.

      The manuals on the market are written in an accessible language. But do not forget the works of great scientists and the works that are the basis of all current knowledge. If you intend to seriously understand the problem and a book on psychology for beginners has long been unsatisfactory for you, refer to the works of the guru:

Labkovsky is cool, and despite my erudition, he read it with pleasure - and this is the main reason why I recommend it. The book is saturated with experience and examples from life and practice.

The book “I want and I will” is actually a squeeze out of a pile of radio broadcasts by Mikhail. There are no discoveries and novelties in it. After reading 50+ books on psychology and listening to about 50 of his broadcasts, I was still interested in reading every page - this is a rarity.

The book is ideal for developing a taste for reading books on psychology. Definitely worth a read for beginners.

Labkovsky's method for almost any problem comes down to: listen to yourself, do what you want and don't do what you don't like.

Simple, easy to read. It is important to take from it only useful. Labkovsky advises people briefly, breaking their stereotypes with other stereotypes. Many inaccuracies and simplifications are a minus. But thanks to this, the book reads like a living dialogue.

A country rich in people with the psychology of the victim quickly adopted Labkovsky's simple rules of conduct. The purpose of the rules is to rebuild an unhealthy psyche, to learn to understand your desires.

There are many vultures around the victim, following these rules will help you not to peck at the bait and learn to recognize when you are being vampires.

To learn how to apply these rules in life, you need to restructure your habitual reactions and behavior. It will take at least six months to restructure psychology and attitude to life.

And for starters, understand how to apply them in real life, in everyday situations.

Check out the best alternative book review.

If you know nothing about psychology, if you are a psychological virgin, lose it with this book. Victoria Isaeva

To start reading books on psychology, you need to instill in yourself a taste for reading psychological books. To do this, you should start reading popular books from popular psychologists. One of the best psychotherapists in his field - Mikhail Labkovsky.

Mikhail is a family psychologist with 30 years of experience. For more than 20 years he has been advising live on the radio.

The highest paid psychologist in Russia. The cost of a personal consultation is $830 for a 45-minute session.

I am convinced that you need to live in such a way that it is pleasant.

Psychology Books Everyone Should Read

A book on the psychology of meaning. Logotherapy

The best book on the meaning of life. Frankl survived in concentration camps after 3 years. As a psychotherapist, he observed the secret of survival in the wild. As soon as the prisoner lost his purpose in the future, he died in one or two days.

The meaning should be in a person who is waiting for a meeting with you or a business that you want to do after returning. For survival, a goal in the future is more important than a patty for dinner.

Frankl laid the foundation for Maslow's hierarchy of needs by adding the main level "need for meaning".

Frankl makes many references to research. A must read for any psychotherapist.

Any attempt to restore the inner strength of the prisoner assumes as the most important condition for success the search for some goal in the future.
Every sick person wants first of all to become healthy someday, and every poor person wants to get some money someday. However, it is equally true that both strive for this only in order to be able to lead such a life as they consider meaningful, to realize the meaning of their lives!
A person should not ask what is the meaning of his life, but rather should realize that he himself is the one to whom the question is addressed.

Viktor Frankl (1905 - 1997) - psychiatrist, psychologist, former concentration camp visitor.

He created logotherapy - a method of finding the meaning of life in case of its loss: closing a business, illness, death of a loved one, old age.

Psychology of decision making. Popular book in sociology

The game is heads or tails, the probability is not 50/50. The book will help you make the right decisions about the future and not be an intellectual idiot.

The main idea is that we cannot predict anomalies (when an edge falls on the dice) and all our calculations go to hell.

Businessmen and economists overestimate their ability and ability to analyze statistics and underestimate the impact of unexplained randomness in these statistics.

The book is not really about how to live happily, but about how to make decisions in the face of uncertainty. It will affect thinking. Interestingly written, lots of examples, fun to read. Very cool!

An important idea about mediocre and extremistan. In Mediocristan, everything predictable and single value does not deviate much from the norm. An example of mediocre is the value of a person's height.

In extreme stan - one meaning, it can deviate gigantically from the norm. An example is the income of a billionaire compared to most people.

A black swan is an important accident, an unpredictable event that has enormous consequences. The black swan only happens in extreme stan.

Nassim Taleb is an economic practitioner who makes money on his ability to predict the future of financial markets. Opponent of stupid scientists and theorists who believe in probability theory.

Mankind is unable to make successful predictions of its future.

The book has fresh and not obvious ideas, hard to hear. Better read.

Audiobook duration: 13:55.

The psychology of choosing a goal in life

To leave your mark on history, you do not need to be an intellectual genius with an IQ of 160. You need completely different qualities: diligence, courage, focus on results and a worthy goal. It is a big goal that makes an ordinary person big.

Each of those who read this work is capable of becoming a Genius. To do this, you first need to do just one step: choose a worthy Goal. Then - the second step: to draw up a correct PROGRAM to achieve the goal. Then the third step is to back up the program with a lot of WORK.
You can not sit and wait until the goal itself "falls from the sky." Sometimes it happens, but very rarely. The target must be sought. Not excused by the fact that there are no abilities. Because no special abilities are needed. You need a desire, a desire to achieve worthy goals. And skills and abilities come in the process of work. Skill and abilities are the result of work, and not a necessary condition for its beginning.
You should not complain about a difficult fate or hope for the best if a goal of the second or third type is chosen: fate is naturally dramatic. You should not complain about the insignificance of the results of life if the goal of the first type is chosen as a goal for life: the results are naturally insignificant, but life is lived, for the most part, calmly and happily. Unless, of course, a quiet life can be called happy.
Throughout history, no two identical snowflakes have fallen to the surface of the Earth - they all differ from each other in size, shape, pattern and number of water molecules. But they are all wonderful. Wilson Bentley devoted his life to studying and photographing snowflakes. He began his work in 1885 and 50 years later published his observations with 2,000 photographs attached. His book is still the main source of knowledge about snowflakes. What special abilities did Bentley need - the ability to photograph? ... The goal is clear enough, you don't need to be a genius to see it: you don't need to be a genius to achieve it. You need patience, willingness to "work hard" throughout life.
But everyone starts out as non-professionals - after all, you have to start at some point! A non-sailor Bombar swims across the ocean alone, a non-writer Bombar writes a book, a non-rescue Bombar saves thousands of people, a non-administrator Bombar seeks changes in maritime regulations (which are as immovable as English traditions), an unlearned Bombar goes into the study of the seas and oceans ...

A book about the psychology of experience at work

The book is not practical "take it and do it", but educational, closer to philosophy. I recommend it to all psychologists and intellectuals, for life strategists.

Useful for people who rarely stay in the flow. It will help you understand the conditions for entering this interesting state, when time flows smoothly and work is in full swing. How to work in a positive flow state when you are fully involved in the process.

By paying attention and making efforts to solve the problem within 15 minutes or more, we move into a state of flow. This joyful emotional state arising in work on a rather difficult task is already a reward for work.

It is difficult to be happy in life without experiencing this state at least once a day. The joy of work in its purest form.

For a flow state to occur, a goal is needed. The task should be moderately difficult, the complexity should correspond to your ability to solve it.

Thousands of do-it-yourself publications fill bookstore shelves today, explaining how to get rich, find love, or lose weight. These books, like cookbooks, tell you how to solve a single, narrow problem. Even if the recipes given there work, what will happen to a person who has incredibly managed to lose weight, get rich and become attractive? He usually finds himself back in the starting position with a new wish list just as unsatisfied. Neither the weight lost nor the wealth gained will lead to satisfaction - the problem is in the general attitude towards one's life. In the search for happiness, partial solutions do not bring success. Chapter 1
The optimal state of consciousness is internal order. Such a state occurs when our mental energy (attention) is directed towards solving a specific realistic task and when our skills meet the requirements of this task. The process of achieving the goal streamlines consciousness, since a person is forced to concentrate his attention on the implementation of the current task, cutting off everything that is not relevant. Moments of overcoming difficulties and struggle with them give rise to experiences that give a person the greatest joy. Chapter 1
Those who learn to enjoy their professional activities and not waste their free time (passive entertainment) will feel that their life, in general, has become significantly more fulfilling. Chapter 7
Flow studies have repeatedly confirmed that two factors have the greatest influence on quality of life: attitudes towards work and relationships with other people. Chapter 8
The goal itself is usually not very important - it should only serve as an object for the concentration of the individual and involve him in an exciting and interesting activity. Chapter 10

Money will not make us happy. One must seek daily pleasure and happiness in work.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a top researcher and authority in the world of positive psychology, the author of the "flow" theory. Most cited author in psychological literature.

Popular Economic Psychology Books‎

Psychology of money

The simplest book on financial thinking. Written in the style of an autobiography and very addictive. I advise you to read to those who do not understand the difference between an asset and a liability.

To be financially independent, it is enough to have an income of $4,000 per month. You don't have to be a millionaire to live happily and not think too much about making money.

The author teaches correct thinking, which is important at the beginning of the path of an entrepreneur. The difference in the psychology of a rich person and a poor one is shown. The rich are financially literate, take risks, develop their strengths, focus on results. The poor believe that the only way to increase income is to work harder.

Review of a book about the difference in the psychology of a rich and poor person: Review

An overview of the CASHFLOW Quadrant book that will take you from poverty to wealth: Review

  1. The amount of money in the wallet depends on our psychology.
  2. Most of all, the cash flow is influenced by our unconscious beliefs acquired from our parents.
  3. The rich don't work for money, they make money work for them.
  4. Minimize liabilities, increase the share of assets. Asset - generates income - business, real estate for rent. Passive - generates an expense - your house, car.
  5. Choose a job and develop in such a way as to turn the acquired skills into an asset.
  6. If the job does not lead you to financial ease - look for another.
  7. Adjust your psychology to the belief "Risk is a plus." The risk must be disproportionate. You invest $1000, in case of no luck, you lose money and gain experience. If successful, you get $10,000 and experience.
To spend your whole life in fear, without realizing a single dream - that's what is cruel. Working hard for money and thinking that they will let you buy things that will make you happy is what is scary.
Wealthy people acquire assets. The poor and the middle class acquire a liability that they consider an asset.
One father recommended: study more so that you can find a good company to work for. Another father recommended: study more so that you can find a good company and buy it.

Robert Kiyosaki is the most famous businessman in the book business of the Psychology of Money and Financial Thinking genres. It seems that Robert did not get rich before writing the book, but after it was published. In his work, he claims the opposite.

Psychology of attitude to money

The simplest book about money. I recommend reading to those who are always short of money. The most primitive recommendations about finances are given, which poor people do not follow. Don't spend all your money, control your expenses, don't borrow money, increase your income.

Invest where you are strong. If you want to make money, and you are offered to organize a tile printing business - they will teach you everything and sell equipment - then you are the end client of their business. They know that you can’t make money on the tiles, but you can on the sale of equipment and training.

Wealth that comes quickly, also goes away quickly. Wealth, which brings real joy and satisfaction to its owner, comes gradually, and is based on strong knowledge and hard work.

Interesting books on the psychology of relationships

Psychology of relations between a man and a woman

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

Men and women need different things in relationships and they perceive the world differently - the whole book is about that. A man needs to feel his strength, and a woman needs it.

John simply states his views on relationships, pointing out the reasons for such and such reactions of a man based on stereotypical views of a man. And stereotypical views are usually formed on the example of mentally weak men, because there are simply more of them in the world.

Healthy men and women often behave differently than described in the book, they have different reactions and needs. But that's why they are healthy, so as not to fit into a book about unhealthy relationships.

We mistakenly assume that if our partner loves us, they will act the same way we do when we love someone.
To turn a man into the only source of support and love is to place too much burden on him.
Giving without expecting anything in return, being there when you are truly needed: that is true love.
Men need trust, women need care.
In a man, two needs automatically alternate: either intimacy or independence.
Giving a man unsolicited advice is like questioning his ability to decide and act for himself. That is why they perceive intervention so painfully: it is very important for them to realize that they can always and with everything cope on their own.

Books on the psychology of happiness

Simple, but it will definitely help to become a little happier - for this it is worth straining and reading as many as 50 pages! Abstracts.

The best books on the subconscious

"Manual of the Master of Life", "Recipes of Fate"

Both are worth reading. How to stop being a victim and take responsibility for your life. A man staring at the reader like Jesus is scary, but don't be afraid.

If you are dissatisfied with life, offended, angry, waiting for something - read on! If you are happy and everything is cool - read it too!

The book is very cool, there are a lot of topics and are revealed briefly. Suitable for diagnosing personal life: if you touched the lesson you read, write down the topic for study.

More about the work of the subconscious. Like the first one, it is good for diagnostics. I don't reread books, but I will reread these in a couple of years.

I liked the idea: we get sick because our sick worldview. Our model of the world does not match the real world. The model of the world is in the head and it is worth rebuilding it, and not treating the world.

A book about the subconscious

I listened to an audiobook, all knowledge flew by, it needs to be read. But for me, this is an indicator, if I didn’t hear anything that would hurt - not mine. Read it or not - decide for yourself. Review.

The book was remembered for this - visualize desires, believe in yourself and everything will be super. If you doubt that "everything is possible" - read this book on the psychology of the subconscious.

List of books on human psychology

Worth reading for women first book. Outwardly, it seems that the book is for the affected grannies, but it is cool. Briefly.

I went nuts - how many fears I have: while reading, I collected 50 - these are only the strongest. Even after 4 years of active work, I’ll write out 150-200 pieces per hour - they don’t show up very much, but just give them the right opportunity - they will immediately come out. And about 90% of fears are social. Not a fear of heights, but, for example, a fear of making a mistake.

The best book for realizing how many fears in life turn on every day - hundreds! If you don’t believe me, read it, just don’t forget to turn on honesty with yourself.

It gives one technique of work - with all the fears. I've been working on it for a couple of weeks, every day. According to her method, even after several years, at least once a week, I let go of some kind of fear.

Books intended for psychologists

Recommend for psychologists. Complex and incomprehensible - scientific work. Requires serious study and analysis of life situations in order to understand the underlying concepts. Briefly.

The main book on scenarios laid down in childhood, but without additional help - you will understand and work through FIG on your own. Cool concept of inner personalities: Parent, Adult, Child - I use it all the time.

It is difficult to read, thoughts in the style of "Deprivation is not yet frustration." Only for advanced. Lots of interesting ideas and comments.

Book for psychology beginners. Clearly written, well structured, main ideas highlighted. Helps to work with fears, guilt, and other heavy burdens. The concept of idealization.

The only one who writes about idealizations in detail and clearly. There are as many idealizations in an ordinary person as there are fears. Dissatisfaction with life - because of the idealization of the world, internal non-acceptance of what a person sees. And he says to himself “it shouldn’t be like this, but it should be like this”, he is dissatisfied, angry - he spoils his life. If this is about you, be sure to read it, stop torturing yourself.

The book is about 5 types of mental trauma, everyone wears at least a part of these traumas. Reading and thinking “Woah, this is definitely about me. Now I know what to do…” and you won't know. A reference book for diagnosing injuries, but this book alone makes it difficult to treat yourself.

According to reviews, the next book, Healing the Five Injuries, provides both a diagnosis and a healing tool. But I didn't read. Decide for yourself.

Structural description of all types of human consciousness. I read with feeling "Wow! Class, wow! And a year later, I can't remember anything. After the chapters, exercises are given - it was they who caused the “wow”. Reading it and not doing the exercises makes no sense.

I set a goal for myself for the year - to complete all the exercises, and failed. The very first exercise “find a coin” fell on India, I was looking for 10 hours! Didn't find any coins! After 3 months, in Karelia, I repeated it, I already found 3 coins at once. It strongly depended on the environment. Abandoned.

It's kind of like restoring your sight. But I remember it as an appeal to the losers and idlers. I read with pleasure.

Didn't encourage me to exercise. I didn’t remember anything, except for a passage about laziness. Although her task is to restore vision, I am fine with it. He beautifully sends lazy people into three letters.

Books on the psychology of manipulation

Boring, but worth reading. Some methods of manipulation are explained, with examples from life. It's easier to avoid injury when you're familiar with the attacker's weapon. Squeeze.

After reading, you will notice much more often when they are being manipulated. I see this done to me every day. Advertising, prices, sales - all influence my choice.

Some of the ideas from his previous books, and so full of questions and empty fields to fill in the answers to: "Where do you see yourself at 30-31-32-35 years old?". I tried to answer, at least somehow squeeze out the money invested in the book, it didn’t work. Trash.

“The games played by the “I” are complex, incomprehensible. I liked a couple of thoughts, but the rest passed me by. All I remember is that there were vague thoughts about: "I", not "I"; sects; ways of development. The world has not become clearer.

Harmful psychological literature

Slag. And I believe without proof that it is harmful. The author imposes a vision of the world, but not a constructive one. Anti-propaganda.

I've been practicing a couple of "protocols" for clearing mental debris. But I felt like a strange type who, instead of solving problems, programs himself "not to see them." Instead of cleaning the room, the technician sweeps all the trash under the sofa. From where it is even more difficult to remove, but it stinks no less. Like everything “fast and efficient”, it only hangs blinders.

Later I learned that there are also paid "protocols" for cleaning garbage. Imagine if Jesus was a coach, half a phrase for free: “Love your neighbor as<купить за 50$>».

Psychological literature not worth reading

Not OK. Again led to the title and authors. The book is a dialogue between two psychologists talking about emotions. It looks like they wrote it for themselves, not for people.

Read books on psychology and understand yourself! Be sure to complete at least one exercise from each book.

P.S. Write in the comments a book on psychology, which is not here, but should be.

You won’t surprise anyone with going to a psychologist, but many people are still afraid to admit to themselves that some issues are difficult to solve on their own. If you are still not ready to consult a specialist, ELLE offers a list of books on psychology that will help you solve the most common problems related to personal life, career and self-development.

"Alpina Publisher"

Do you feel that it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to cope with external circumstances, you are hurt by the criticism of others and you are ready to do anything to reduce your contact with the outside world? If all this is about you, then it is worth replenishing your shelf of "Books on Psychology" with the work of Ilse Sand on hypersensitive people. The author promises to teach his readers not only to cope with emotions, but also to accept themselves with all their shortcomings.

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The book is the author of one of the most popular Runet blogs, who, in addition to an army of thousands of fans, also has 20 years of experience as a practicing psychologist. In the book "Love: the secrets of defrosting", Marina Komissarova reveals the secrets of the so-called "psychoalchemy", a new direction in psychology that combines the experience of modern scientists and the secrets of ancient alchemists who had their own approach to the science of love. In this book, you will find answers to age-old questions about how to revitalize your relationship and where to draw vital energy.

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"Alpina Publisher"

Have you been asking yourself for a long time what happened to today's men and why they often behave like infantile teenagers? Then replenish your collection of the best books on psychology with the volume "Men in isolation". On its pages you will learn why modern representatives of the stronger sex prefer virtual communication to real and for what reason men began to be afraid to take responsibility.

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"Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

This book contains inspiring stories of people who proved by their own example that there are no hopeless situations. The author of 100 Ways to Change Life, Larisa Parfentyeva, once fell into the trap of her own prejudices herself: “A few years ago, I found myself in a deep dead end in life: an unloved (albeit prestigious) job, 30 kilograms of excess weight, a lot of bad habits, a rented apartment, loans, eternally unsuccessful relationships and a feeling of complete nonsense. How the writer managed to cope with her problems and start living anew, you can learn from this book, which is rightfully considered one of the best books on psychology published in recent times.

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If we talk about the best books on psychology, one cannot fail to mention Julia Cameron's practical course "The Way of the Artist". The program for cultivating a creative personality in oneself is designed for 12 weeks, each of which has a certain set of tasks for working out emotional blocks. In addition, during all three months you will be asked to maintain daily "morning pages" aimed at working with your subconscious, as well as go on weekly "creative dates" - time that you will have to spend alone with yourself and your "inner child". ". It is worth noting that Julia Cameron herself, by the way, the former wife of director Martin Scorsese, through these simple exercises, was able to cope with alcohol addiction and start writing successful scripts again.

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Kelly McGonigal "Good Stress as a Way to Get Stronger and Better"

"Alpina Publisher"

The section "The best books on psychology and self-development" also includes the work of Kelly McGonigal on how to use stress for your own good, and not for harm, as we are used to. The author, a practicing psychologist and professor at Stanford University, argues that you need to stop fighting critical states, because you can get extremely positive experiences from them. How? Find out by reading the book.

These world bestsellers will give answers to many questions, help you understand yourself and build relationships with loved ones. A useful selection for those who want to learn more about human psychology and learn the secret of happiness.

1. “Games that people play. People who play games, Eric Byrne

A cult book on the psychology of human relationships. The system developed by Bern is designed to save a person from the influence of life attitudes that program his behavior.

By the way, it was with the publication of this international bestseller that a psychological boom began in our country, when millions of people suddenly realized that psychology can be incredibly interesting and with its help you can understand a lot about yourself and those around you.

2. "You Know Nothing About Men" by Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey is a destroyer of women's myths and a merciless critic of men's fears. Common sense and personal experience (three marriages and two divorces) - that's what he is guided by. And this is enough for unexpected (for women) discoveries. For example, it turns out that men ... have no one to talk to about sex.

“A man can’t go to his father for advice because what he can talk about happened to his mother, and a good son doesn’t want to think about his mother in that way.”

Friends also cannot become a source of information: "starting detailed inquiries is the same as admitting one's own inability." This kind of reporting “from the other side” made the books of journalist Steve Harvey a bestseller in many countries.

"I have four daughters, says the author, and I want them to take a sober look at the relationship and understand where it will lead them.”.

3. Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality, Sigmund Freud

A classic in all its glory. In Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality, Freud explores the relationship between a man and a woman in all their manifestations, and also studies the nature of sexual deviations.

Photo: pixabay.com

The first edition of the book caused an uproar from the Puritan public. A century later, the theses from Freud's Essays no longer seem so scandalous, but still retain their relevance.

4. “Formation of personality. A look at psychotherapy, Carl Rogers

Carl Rogers believed that every person deserves attention, respect and acceptance. These principles of Rogers became the basis of his therapy, his "person-centered approach" in general.

For his work based on these seemingly extremely simple ideas, Rogers was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987.

“I would formulate my main discovery as follows: I realized the enormous value of allowing myself to understand another person”.

The first reaction to people is the desire to evaluate them. Very rarely do we allow ourselves to understand what the words, feelings, beliefs of another person mean for him. But it is this attitude that changes us. This is especially important in relationships with loved ones: positive acceptance and non-judgmental empathy become decisive.

Our memory stores moments of acute, almost physically palpable joy. We talk about it: "butterflies in the stomach." At such moments, the level of “hormones of happiness” in the body rises - endorphin, dopamine and serotonin. What do you do when there aren't enough?

5. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

The book will help you understand yourself and understand how to increase your own efficiency. For a highly effective life, the author identified seven basic skills, including the ability to properly prioritize and be proactive, readiness for creative interaction, and other useful qualities.

One of Covey's interesting tricks is to mentally start from the end. To begin strategic work on dreams, you need to be clear about what you want to achieve.

Photo: pixabay.com

Goals should create some tension, but not be too easy. However, they should not be divorced from reality, otherwise they will be impossible to achieve. Imagine a rubber band. There is no tension in the slack tape. Tape that is pulled too tight may break. It is important to set a goal that will not be easy, but achievable. It motivates you to work.

6. “I am alone at home, or Vasilisa’s Spindle”, Ekaterina Mikhailova

The book is based on the stories of women who participated in group trainings. Behind each plot is a family story and the image of a mother. Her high expectations or suffocating love, addiction that lasts a lifetime ...

And you have to deal not so much with your real mother, but with the “mother in yourself”, with the attitudes and behaviors learned from her. Only by feeling how huge is its share in our inner world, you can "replay" this story and try to build relationships on a new level.

7. "Before Your Baby Drives You Crazy" by Nigel Latta

Practicing psychologist Nigel Latta brings up two sons, so he deals with child education issues 24/7. Over the years of work, he has repeatedly encountered the most hopeless cases of "neglect" of children and the despair of parents.

His books are always a success, including because of the easy style and sense of humor of the author. Reading his works, it is easier to understand and accept yourself as a parent. And how nice it is to realize that your family case is not yet the most "blatant".

Up to a certain age, we feel desirable and happily flirt with men. And then it all suddenly ends. How to return the joy of communication with the opposite sex?

8. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks

This is a deep and wise book in which everyone will find something of their own. A neuropsychologist describes cases from his practice and reveals the secrets of how the brain does different tricks with a person.

Photo: pixabay.com

The book talks about the extreme manifestations of various diseases, but they also shed light on some casual and everyday delusions of quite healthy people. The book has a rich "dramatic" fate. Several performances and even an opera have been staged based on it!

9. To have or to be, Erich Fromm

Each new book by Fromm became an event in the intellectual life of the Western world. “To have or to be” is one of his most famous books, in which he diagnoses society: the desire for possession has replaced the desire for being in it.

A person is too preoccupied with momentary things that are not related to the art of living, and therefore needs to revise his values ​​- otherwise he is doomed to total lack of freedom and loneliness.

10. “A book about who parents are, where they come from and why they make you eat vegetables and do many other unnecessary things”, Francoise Boucher

Actually, this book is not for you, but for your children, if they are already 9-13 years old. The author helps to look at it from the perspective of a teenager, explaining to young readers why "adults are so clingy" and "how to tell by the look of a mother's face that you can get more pocket money."