Days of military glory in April. Days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia

Russia has more than one century of feats of arms, which were not easy for her, but the people were always ready to defend their land, even at the cost of their own lives. In order to tell posterity about these glorious victories, and also to show that the country remembers its heroes and pays tribute to the army and navy, in 1995 the Federal Law of Russia was adopted, establishing a list of the most significant dates in the military history of our fatherland, covering the pre-October and Soviet periods of development of Russia.

Naturally, this list cannot be called 100% accurate from the point of view of history, and, of course, it does not include all the events from the military past of our country, but it was these dates that became the days of great joy and great sorrow that determined the course of Russian history. They were written with the blood of millions of our compatriots and should be remembered and known to everyone, paying eternal tribute to the memory of the feat of the heroes, the great heroes of our Fatherland.
The days of military glory of Russia in 2016 will be as follows by months.

27.01. - Day of the end of the Leningrad blockade. This is a special date in the history of our country. During the years of the blockade, more than 1.0 million Leningraders died in the city, and 600.0 thousand inhabitants died of terrible hunger, since it was almost impossible to deliver food to the city besieged by the Nazis, there was only one way - on the ice of Lake Ladoga, which received the eloquent name " The road of life". Hitler, amazed at the resilience of the Leningraders, demanded to destroy the entire city in the bud, but neither the daily bombardments nor the many hours of shelling could break the resilience of the Leningraders, who preferred to die rather than surrender to the enemy.

The battle for Leningrad was the longest in military history and lasted about 3 years - from 1941 to 1944. That is why Leningrad has already ceased to be just a city, but has become a symbol of the victory of the entire Soviet Union. The turning point in the siege of Leningrad was carried out at the end of January 1943. during Operation Iskra, after which the initiative in hostilities passed to the forward detachments of the spacecraft. And on January 27, 1943, Leningraders, hitherto cut off from the world, met the first Red Army soldiers and celebrated the end of the siege, in honor of which a powerful volley of 324 guns was fired.

02.03. - The day of the total defeat of the troops of Nazi Germany at Stalingrad. The fighting in Stalingrad continued not even for every street, but for every house. It was here that Hitler's army lost its fighting spirit, realizing that it was facing a force that neither the power of its guns nor the power of its ideology could resist. The victory at Stalingrad marked the end of the defensive stage of this war and became the beginning of the offensive of the Soviet troops, having a tremendous impact on the further course of the war and its final outcome.

15.02. - Day of Remembrance of the "Afghans", associated with the completion of the withdrawal of internationalist soldiers from the country and the end of the "undeclared war" that lasted 10 years (1979-89).

23.02. - The day of the victory of the soldiers of the newly created Workers 'and Peasants' Army over the troops of imperialist Germany. On this day, the soldiers of the spacecraft managed to stop the German troops in the region of Narva and Pskov, proving their right to exist and their power (1918). This day can be considered the end of the 1st World War, then it was appointed the Day of the Red, and then the Soviet Army, and after the events of 1991 it was renamed the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

April 18 - Day of the victory of the Russian military troops on Lake Peipsi under the auspices of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the knights of the Teutonic Order (the event of 1242 went down in history as the Battle of the Ice). This feat not only liberated the Russian lands from the encroachers of the knights for many years, but also morally strengthened our ancestors, for which the Orthodox Church canonized the 23-year-old Alexander Nevsky and ranked him among the saints after his death.

09.05 - Victory Day of our country in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. For 1418 days, Soviet men and women waged a merciless struggle against the German invaders, and, feeling faith in a just cause, managed to crush them in an inhuman struggle, saving not only their land, but the whole world from the Nazis, because after Germany, they recognized their surrender and Japan.

June 22 (1941) - Day of Sorrow and Memory, associated with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (having treacherously attacked the Soviet Union, German bombers at 04.00 in the morning already bombed Belarusian and Ukrainian cities and villages, sowing fear and hatred in the hearts of Soviet people).

07.07. (1770) - Day of the victory of Russian naval squadrons in the Battle of Chesma over the fleet of the Ottoman Empire.

10.07. (1709) - The victory of the Russian troops led by Peter I over thousands of Swedish troops in the battle of Poltava.

09.08. (1714) - The first victory of Russian weapons in a naval battle in the history of the country. The Russian fleet, led by Peter I, defeated the Swedish ships at Cape Gangut, proving with this victory not only its right to exist, but also the correctness of the entire reform policy that managed to bring Russia to a new level of military development.

23.08. (1943) - The day of the total defeat of the fascist army by Red Army soldiers in the Battle of Kursk. One of the largest and most significant battles in the history of the Great War, which proved the power of the Union tank gun.

09/08/1812 - Battle of Borodino, which has become legendary in the history of military affairs in Russia. At Borodino, the Russian army of many thousands, led by M.I. Kutuzov, withstood the onslaught of the French army of Napoleon Bonaparte. Although this battle cannot be called victorious for Russian weapons, it became victorious for the Russian spirit - they proved the resilience of our soldiers, who forced the hitherto victorious French to capitulate.

September 11 (1790) - A devastating victory for the squadron under the command of General F.F. Ushakov at Cape Tendra over the fleet of the Turkish-Ottoman Empire;

21.09. (1380) - The day of the final victory of the Russian army, led by Prince Dmitry Donskoy, over the Mongol-Tatars under the command of Mamai in the battle on the Kulikovo field. This battle marked the end of the centenary yoke under which the Russian princes were, starting from 1280, strengthened the role of Moscow as the center of the unification of the Slavic states and contributed to the further disintegration of the Golden Horde.

04.11. (1612) - National Unity Day. The date of the liberation of the Kremlin from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders is marked, by the troops of the people's militia, led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the city dweller Kuzma Minin. This victory inspired the country and created all the conditions for the restoration of the institution of statehood in Russia.

07.11 - The day of the solemn parade of military prowess on Red Square in Moscow, which marked the next anniversary of the Revolution.

01.12. (1853) - the day of the victory of the Russian fleet under the leadership of P.S. Nakhimov at Cape Sinop over the squadron of the Turkish-Ottoman Empire.

05.12. (1941) - the day that marked the counteroffensive of the Red Army against the Nazi invaders near Moscow, which thwarted Hitler's offensive plan Barbarossa

24.12. (1790) - The day of the capture of Izmail, which belonged to the Turkish-Ottoman Empire, by Russian troops under the command of commander A.V. Suvorov.

These dates once again prove that the Russian people have always been ready to take up arms, and not because of the desire to conquer countries and states, but because the country had to defend the borders and independence of its country. That is why the blood of our people contains amazing courage, pride and fortitude, which make us remember the feats of arms not only of our fathers and grandfathers, but also of those who lived on this earth hundreds of years ago. We know that in a terrible moment we will be worthy of their glory and we will rise as one to defend our Motherland.

As you already understood from the title, in the article, we will talk about when they will celebrate Days of military glory of Russia in 2016, and these are 18 established historical dates that played a significant role in the life of the Russian state. These are the dates of battles and victories, memorable days of the symbolic payment of tribute to the soldiers who gave their lives for the good and prosperity of the nation. The list of days of military glory of the Russian Federation was approved by the State Duma in 1995, on March 13. According to the order of the government, various events are held in all the Armed Forces and other troops, including ceremonial ones. Below in the table, we have placed in chronological order all dates and memorable days of military glory of Russia in 2016(with last changes as of 1.12.2014):

Important memorable military dates in 2017

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The original name is Red Army Day. The holiday was established in honor of the events of 1918, when a young army under the red banner of the revolution stopped the German attack near Pskov.

April 18 - Battle on the Ice (1242). At the mouth of the Neva River stood 100 Swedish ships with troops on board. Alexander Yaroslavich - The Novgorod prince, who was at the head of a less numerous army, was able to defeat the enemies ... After this victory, the people called the prince Alexander Nevsky. The decisive battle, which completely changed history, was held in April 1242 on Lake Peipus. Due to the heavy armor and ineptitude of the Swedish troops, the enemies suffered a crushing defeat, and after his death, Alexander Nevsky was canonized.

May 9 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War (1945).

July 10 - Victory Day in the Battle of Poltava (1709). The battle near Poltava called into question the power of the Swedish troops. After this victory, the outcome of the Northern War was predetermined.

September 8 - Battle of Borodino (1812). In this battle, the Russian troops, led by the commander-in-chief M.I. Kutuzov, were able to repulse the Napoleonic army.

September 21 - Battle of Kulikovo (1380). During the battle on the Kulikovo field, the power of the Tatar-Mongol yoke was seriously undermined, which for many years terrorized the Russian lands, forcing them to pay tribute. After this event, the Russian principalities united and were able to give a confident rebuff to the golden horde.

November 4 - National Unity Day. The beginning of the seventeenth century brought many troubles and misfortunes to the Russian land. Against the backdrop of three lean years following one after another, which caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people, more serious events appeared: the heirs of the true Russian tsar were killed, and the Polish tsar began to claim their place, whose “immigrant” to the Russian lands was False Dmitry first. For more than 13 years, the Time of Troubles took place on our land, when power passed from one to another. But while the rich shared power, ordinary people died, and their faith along with them. Russia was threatened with complete annihilation, the adoption of Catholicism and the transition under Polish leadership. Minin and Pozharsky, who gathered a militia, came out to defend the Russian lands. Their army marched under the patronage of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. With the help of faith in victory and fortitude, the Russians were able to drive the Polish invaders from the Russian lands. The symbol of the holiday The icon of the Mother of God of Kazan has become the symbol of National Unity Day. This holiday is perhaps the only one in the entire Russian calendar that combines state and religious interests. November 4 is a public holiday in Russia Why was it decided in Russia to make National Unity Day a public holiday? We all know how strong and unshakable the power and will of the Russian people is. Thanks to the spiritual strength, the Russian people were able to raise their beloved Fatherland from their knees. During the Time of Troubles, the most patriotic re-education of Russians took place - people realized that unity and truth could overcome everything. United, the Russians are able to get rid of any enemy, heal themselves and their land. This holiday is dedicated to this - the unification of the entire Russian state, the call to the unshakable will of our man and faith in the purity of true thoughts.

December 5 - Battle of Moscow in 1941. With severe frost and snowstorms, Russian troops were able to push back the onslaught of the Nazis on their native land. Starting from that date, the outcome of hostilities changed its priorities. From now on, the Russian army acquired a military spirit, which helped the entire Soviet army in further battles.

military days

glory of Russia

(to help teachers, class teachers)

Material prepared

teacher of the basics of Orthodox culture, ORKSE

MBOU "Secondary School of Vasilkovo"

Zhakulina L.A.


2015-2016 academic year

The federal law

About the days of military glory of Russia

Article 1 Days of military glory of Russia.

The following days of Russian military glory are established in the Russian Federation:

April 18 - Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipus (Battle on the Ice, 1242);

September 21 - Victory Day of Russian commanders led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol - Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380);

November 7 - Day of the liberation of Moscow by the forces of the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from the Polish invaders (1612);

July 10 - Victory Day of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709);

August 9 - Day of the first naval victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714);

December 24 - Day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790);

September 11 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790);

September 8 - Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812);

December 1 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853);

February 23 - Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany (1918) - Day of Defenders of the Fatherland;

November 7 - Day of the military parade on Red Square in the city of Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941);

December 5 - Day of the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops against the German - fascist troops in the battle of Moscow (1941);

February 2 - Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943);

August 23 - Day of the defeat of the German - fascist troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943);

The procedure for holding the days of military glory of Russia is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1183 of December 4, 1995 "On the procedure for holding days of military glory (victory days) of Russia in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops."

"Be proud of the glory of your ancestors

not only possible, but must;

not respecting it is shameful


A.S. Pushkin.

In all ages, heroism, the courage of the soldiers of Russia, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state. The military history of Russia is a vivid chronicle of the selfless struggle of our people against the invaders. The Russian army has earned itself unfading military glory in the battles for the integrity and independence of its native land. During periods of severe trials, the patriotic self-awareness of people manifested itself with particular acuteness. The spirit of the people had a decisive influence on the combat capability of the defenders of the Fatherland. Peter the Great, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Fyodor Ushakov, Pavel Nakhimov, Georgy Zhukov and many other glorious names will remain forever in people's memory.

The victories of Russian weapons over the enemies of the Fatherland have always been widely celebrated by the Russian public. Back in Tsarist Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church established the so-called vectorial days, on which prayers and other festive events were performed. These were special days when society, honoring the army and navy, paid tribute to the military feat, glory and valor of its defenders, and service people felt more deeply their involvement in the glorious deeds of our ancestors.

In order to revive one of the best Russian military traditions, on March 13, 1995, the State Duma adopted the Law of the Russian Federation “On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia” No. 32 - FZ, which included the most outstanding events in the military history of our Fatherland.

The days of military glory of Russia (and there are only 16 of them) are the days of glorious victories that played a decisive role in the history of Russia and in which Russian troops earned the honor and respect of their contemporaries and the grateful memory of their descendants.

The celebration of the heroic and memorable dates of our military history serves the cause of educating Russians, especially young people, on the glorious feats of arms of the defenders of the Fatherland.

1. April 18 - Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle on the Ice, 1242).

The decisive battle, which finally liberated the Russian land from the German knights of the Livonian Order, took place on April 5, 1242 on the ice-bound Lake Peipus. The enemy army lined up like a pig. The twenty-three-year-old Russian commander placed the Russian army in the following order of battle: in the center of the first line, in front of the "brow", there was an advanced infantry regiment stretched along the front, the first rows of which were archers, reinforced infantry regiments of the right and left hands stood on the flanks, behind them - cavalry divided into two parts. Behind the "chela" Alexander put his small, but heavily armed cavalry squad. Such a formation made it possible not only to fend off a breakthrough in the center of their battle formation, but also to carry out bilateral coverage in order to strike at the flanks and rear of the enemy, to surround and completely destroy the latter.

Surrounded by the Germans, ceasing resistance, threw down their weapons and surrendered. For seven kilometers, up to the opposite bank, the Russians drove the enemy. In a panic, the knights fell on loose ice and drowned in cold water.

The victory on Lake Peipus strengthened the morale of the Russian people, gave hope for the success of the fight against foreign invaders. Alexander Nevsky was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint.

2. September 21 - Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol - Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380).

Terrible disasters brought the Mongol-Tatar yoke to the Russian land. In response to the defeat in the battle on Vozhzha in 1378, the ruler of the Golden Horde, Mamai, in the summer of 1380, began a new campaign against Russia. And again, the Russian army, led by Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, came out to meet the enemy, who decided to defeat the hordes of Mamai before the troops of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello Olgerdovich approached them in order to prevent the enemy from invading deep into the Russian land.

On the night of September 8, 1380, the main forces of the Russian army crossed the Don. Warriors had to either win or die in battle. In the morning, after the fight between the Russian warrior A. Peresvet and the Mongol hero Chelubey, who both fell dead from their horses pierced by spears, a fierce battle broke out. Personally, Dmitry Ivanovich fought in the forefront of his troops.

For three hours, Mamai's army (over 90 - 100 thousand people) unsuccessfully tried to break through the center and the legal wing of the Russian rati (50 - 70 thousand people), which repelled the onslaught of the enemy. Then he attacked the left flank with all his might and began to push the Russian soldiers. Mamai brought his entire reserve into the planned breakthrough. And at that moment, an ambush regiment hit the rear of the enemy cavalry that had broken through. The enemy could not withstand the unexpected blow and began to retreat, and then fled.

Russian squads pursued him for 30-40 kilometers. Army of Mamai. Mamai's army was completely defeated.

The battle on the Kulikovo field seriously undermined the military power of the Golden Horde and accelerated its subsequent collapse. It contributed to the further growth and strengthening of the Russian unified state, raised the role of Moscow as a center for the unification of Russian lands. And Prince Dmitry Ivanovich began to be called Dmitry Donskoy.

Difficult trials befell Russia at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries. The country was torn apart by boyar conspiracies and intrigues. Due to crop failure in 1601-1603. there was a terrible famine. In their cunning plans, the Polish lords used adventurers - impostors False Dmitry I (1605) and False Dmitry II (1608) speaking under the name of the son of Ivan IV - Tsarevich Dmitry. After their failures, open Polish intervention began. Under the leadership of King Segismund III, the Poles crossed the Russian border and in September 1609 besieged Smolensk. On the night of September 21, 1610, the boyar government let Polish troops into the capital, which actually meant the transfer of state power to the enemy. This betrayal cost Moscow and Russia dearly. There were fires and looting.

The threat of losing Russia's national independence caused deep anxiety in the patriotic circles of the nobility and other classes, the entire population. In September 1611, the militia began to form in Nizhny Novgorod under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, which played a decisive role in the liberation of Moscow from the Poles. In August 1612, detachments of the militia defeated the Polish army near the capital. The occupiers have the last refuge left - the Kremlin, which fell into a solid siege. On October 26, 1612, the Polish garrison capitulated.

The news of the liberation of Moscow inspired the whole country. Conditions were created for the restoration of state power in Russia.

This victory showed once again that in a difficult time for the country, patriotic feelings are especially pronounced among Russian people and their best qualities are revealed: selfless love for the Fatherland, the greatest valor and heroism, the ability to endure the most difficult trials and defend their independence. Grateful descendants opened a monument in the capital of Russia. On its granite pedestal, bronze letters are inscribed: "To Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky - grateful Russia, summer 1818."

4. July 10 - Victory Day of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709).

In 1700 - 1721. Russia waged a difficult Northern War with Sweden for the return of the original Russian lands and access to the Baltic Sea. In the spring of 1709, after an unsuccessful winter campaign in Ukraine, the army of the Swedish king Charles XII laid siege to Poltava in order to replenish supplies there and begin to advance in the direction of Kharkov, Belgorod and further to Moscow.

On June 27 (July 8), 1709, on the banks of the Vorskla River, near Poltava, Russian regiments dealt a crushing blow to the famous Swedish army. The enemy lost more than 9 thousand people killed, 19 thousand people captured, including the entire general staff. 137 banners and standards were captured. The Russians lost 1,345 killed and 3,290 wounded. Chasing the defeated Swedish army, Menshikov's cavalry on the Dnieper near the village of Perevolochna forced another 15 thousand Swedes to capitulate. Charles XII, together with the Ukrainian traitor Mazepa and a small guard, fled to Turkey.

The Swedes were expelled from Finland, Poland, the Baltic states. The victory at Poltava predetermined the outcome of the Northern War, victorious for Russia.

5. August 9 - Day of the first naval victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714).

The naval battle at Cape Gangut is a glorious page in the history of the Russian fleet. This was the first naval victory over the then strongest Swedish fleet, which until then had not known defeat.

On August 9, 1714, off the western coast of the Gangut Peninsula (Finnish name - Hanko), Russian galleys discovered and surrounded the Swedish squadron, cutting it off from the main forces. A fierce battle broke out. Skillfully maneuvering under enemy fire, Russian ships rapidly and stubbornly moved forward. Coming close in a boarding battle, the sailors and soldiers of the landing troops broke the resistance of the Swedes. The commander of the rowing fleet F.M. Apraksin noted: "It is truly impossible to describe the courage of the Russian troops ...". 10 Swedish ships were captured. The enemy lost 361 people killed, 350 wounded. 237 people were taken prisoner. Russian losses were 124 killed and 342 wounded.

Petersburg solemnly welcomed the heroes of Gangut. Peter I, promoted to vice admiral, called the victory at Gangut "the second Poltava".

6. September 11 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790).

In the Russian - Turkish war of 1787 - 1791. the Russian ground forces were successfully assisted by the Black Sea Fleet under the command of Rear Admiral F.F. Ushakov. One of the most important events of this war was the victory of the Russian squadron over the Turks at Cape Tendra on August 28 (September 8), 1790.

The Russian squadron (37 ships and other vessels) suddenly attacked the Turkish fleet (45 ships, frigates and other vessels) on the move. The line of Turkish ships was upset, and they began to hastily leave for the Danube. Only the darkness of the night saved the Turkish squadron.

The next day, Ushakov resumed the pursuit. The crews of the Black Sea ships showed great skill, boldly and decisively attacking the enemy, hitting him with well-aimed gunfire. As a result, 7 Turkish ships surrendered, the rest fled. The losses of the Turks exceeded 2 thousand people, the Russians lost 21 people and 25 were wounded.

The brilliant victory of the Russian fleet provided a breakthrough to Izmail by the Dnieper flotilla, which provided great assistance to the land army in capturing the fortress.

7. December 24 - Day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790).

Of particular importance during the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791 was the capture of Izmail, the citadel of Turkish rule on the Danube.

In November 1790, Russian troops began the siege of Izmail. Two attempts to take the fortress ended in failure. And then the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, Field Marshal G.A. Potemkin instructed the capture of the impregnable fortress A.V. Suvorov. Intensified preparations for the assault began.

In an effort to avoid bloodshed, Suvorov sent an ultimatum to the commandant of Ishmael on the surrender of the fortress, to which the answer was: “Rather the sky will fall to the ground and the Danube will flow upward than Ishmael will surrender.” On December 24, 1790, Russian troops moved in nine columns from different sides to storm the fortress. The river flotilla approached the shore and, under the cover of artillery fire, landed troops. The skillful leadership of Suvorov and his associates, the courage of the soldiers and officers decided the success of the battle, which lasted 9 hours. The Turks defended stubbornly, but Ishmael was taken. The enemy lost 26,000 killed and 9,000 captured. 265 guns, 42 ships, 345 banners were captured.

It is noteworthy that Ishmael was taken by an army that was inferior in number to the garrison of the fortress. The case is extremely rare in the history of military art. Catherine II ordered to knock out a medal in honor of A.V. Suvorov for the capture of Ishmael and established an officer's gold cross with the inscription "For excellent courage" to reward for the exploits committed during the assault on Ishmael.

8. September 8 - Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812).

During the Patriotic War of 1812, under pressure from a numerically superior enemy, the Russian armies were forced to withdraw fighting inland. Commander-in-Chief of the United Russian Armies M.I. Kutuzov decided to stop the advance of Napoleon's army to Moscow near the village of Borodino. Here, 120 kilometers from the capital, it was decided to give a general battle.

On August 26 (September 7), after a powerful artillery preparation, the French army (135 thousand people) attacked Bagration's troops, who were defending the Semyonov flushes. By 12 o'clock in the afternoon they were captured by the enemy, but the Russian troops (120 thousand people) did not allow a breakthrough on the left flank.

It seemed that the French were close to victory. It only remained to break the resistance in the center and take control of the Kurgan battery, which was called the Rayevsky battery. But at the critical moment of the battle, Kutuzov sent Cossacks and cavalry to a bypass raid - they hit the left flank of the French. To stop the panic that had arisen, Napoleon canceled the attacks on the center and sent part of his guard to repel the Russian cavalry. Only after the restoration of the situation were the attacks on the center of the battle formation of the Russian troops resumed, which fought bravely.

By evening, the Russian troops had lost no more than 1.5 kilometers to the enemy. Withdrawing to a new position, they were again ready for battle. However, the French did not dare to continue the attack, fearing the transition of the Russian troops to active operations.

“Of all my battles,” said Napoleon, “the most terrible is the one I fought near Moscow. The French in it showed themselves worthy of victory; The Russians have acquired the right to be undefeated."

9. December 1 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853).

The naval battle of Sinop took place at the very beginning of the Crimean War. Starting in October 1853 between Russia and Turkey, it soon developed into an armed clash between Russia and a strong coalition of Turkey, England, France and Sardinia. It was the last major battle of sailing ships and the first to use bomb guns (i.e., those that fired explosive shells).

November 18 (30), 1853 squadron of Vice Admiral P.S. Nakhimova (6 battleships and 2 frigates) in the Sinop Bay launched a preemptive strike on the enemy, unexpectedly attacking the Turkish fleet, which consisted of 16 ships. The color of the Turkish fleet (7 frigates, 3 corvettes and 1 steamship) was burned, coastal batteries were destroyed. The Turks lost about 4 thousand people killed and wounded. About 200 more were taken prisoner. Nakhimov's squadron did not lose a single ship. The brilliant victory of the Russian fleet deprived the Turks of dominance in the Black Sea, did not allow them to land troops on the coast of the Caucasus.

In the Battle of Sinop, the effectiveness of the advanced system of training and education of soldiers - the Black Sea people - was clearly manifested. The high combat skill shown by the sailors was achieved through hard study, training, campaigns, and mastery of all the subtleties of maritime affairs.

Many glorious pages in the annals of the people's feat in their short history were made by the Soviet Armed Forces. Among them are the following major events and significant dates.

After the victory of the socialist revolution in October 1917, along with the demobilization of the old army, the construction of a new one was going on. On January 15, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a Decree on the creation of the Red Army, and on January 29, on the organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet. Across the country, work began on the creation of Red Army detachments.

On February 18, the German army launched an offensive with large forces along the entire Russian-German front, inflicting the main blow on Petrograd. On February 21, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a decree - the appeal "The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger!". All the people rose to his defense. On February 23, the registration of volunteers in the ranks of the Red Army and the formation of its units began.

On February 23, 1918, the young Workers' and Peasants' Red Army halted the advance of German troops near Pskov and Narva. This day began to be considered the birthday of the Red Army, and later - the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.

11. November 7 - The day of the military parade on Red Square in the city of Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941).

The enemy was rushing towards Moscow. By decision of the Soviet government, it was decided to hold a parade on Red Square on November 7, 1941. It took place in conditions when the Soviet troops fought heavy defensive battles with the German - fascist troops, who were 70 - 100 km away. from the capital. The parade was hosted by Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny, was commanded by the commander of the troops of the Moscow Military District, Lieutenant General P.A. Artemiev. Part of the troops from the parade went straight to the front. The military parade, unparalleled in history, had a huge impact on strengthening the moral and political state of the people and their army.

12. December 5 - Day of the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops against the German - fascist troops in the battle of Moscow (1941).

The main efforts of the German - fascist troops in the autumn of 1941 were aimed at capturing the Soviet capital - on September 30, the Battle of Moscow began. The enemy, regardless of the losses, rushed to Moscow.

On October 20, Moscow was declared under a state of siege. By December 5, the German offensive was in crisis. Soviet troops managed to stop a powerful enemy grouping literally at the walls of the capital (12 km from the modern northern border of the city), taming the enemy Typhoon. On December 5-6, the troops of the Kalininsky, Western and South-Western fronts launched a decisive counteroffensive. Despite the stubborn resistance of the enemy, severe frosts and deep snow cover, it developed successfully. By January 7, 1942, Soviet troops advanced 100-250 kilometers to the west.

The battle near Moscow was the beginning of a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War.

In terms of the number of troops, military equipment and weapons, the scope and intensity of hostilities, the battle near Moscow in 1941-1942. was one of the largest in the history of the Second World War, it was a decisive military event in the first year of the Great Patriotic War.

13. February 2 - Day of the defeat of the German - fascist troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943).

The Battle of Stalingrad began on July 17, 1942 and ended on February 2, 1943. According to the nature of the hostilities, it is divided into two periods: defensive, which lasted until November 19, 1942, and offensive, culminating in the defeat of the largest strategic enemy grouping in the interfluve of the Don and Volga.

As a result of unsuccessful battles for our troops in the summer of 1942 in the Kharkov region and in the Crimea, the enemy again seized the strategic initiative and at the end of June launched a general offensive against Stalingrad, an important strategic and largest industrial center.

On September 13, the enemy launched an assault on Stalingrad, intending to throw its defenders into the Volga with a powerful blow. Fierce battles broke out, especially in the area of ​​the station and for Mamaev Kurgan. There was a fight for every street, every block, every big building. The intensity of the fighting is evidenced by the fact that the station changed hands 13 times within two days.

In mid-November, the Germans occupied most of the city, but their offensive capabilities finally dried up. On November 19, 1942, an avalanche of fire and metal fell upon the enemy. Thus began the grandiose strategic offensive operation of the Red Army to encircle and destroy the enemy group near Stalingrad. On February 2, 1943, the encircled fascist troops were completely defeated.

The victory at Stalingrad marked a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War and had a decisive influence on the further course of the entire Second World War.

14. August 23 - Day of the defeat of the German - fascist troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943).

The Battle of Kursk occupies a special place in the Great Patriotic War. It lasted 50 days and nights, from July 5 to August 23, 1943. In its bitterness and stubbornness of the struggle, it has no equal.

The general plan of the German command was to encircle and destroy the troops of the Central and Voronezh fronts defending in the Kursk region. If successful, it was supposed to expand the front of the offensive and return the strategic initiative.

The Soviet command, in order to disrupt the enemy's plan, decided to first bleed the enemy's strike groups in defensive battles, and then go on the counteroffensive.

On July 5, the enemy went on the offensive, but the Soviet troops managed to hold back his onslaught. The offensive impulse of the enemy was shattered by the steadfastness and stubbornness of the Soviet soldier.

On July 12, the second stage of the Battle of Kursk began - the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops. On August 5, Soviet troops liberated the cities of Orel and Belgorod. On the evening of August 5, in honor of this major success, a victorious salute was given in Moscow for the first time in two years of the war. Since that time, artillery salutes have constantly announced the glorious victories of Soviet weapons.

On August 23, Kharkov was liberated. So the battle on the Kursk fiery arch ended victoriously. During it, 30 selected enemy divisions were defeated. German - fascist troops lost about 500 thousand people, 1500 tanks, 3000 guns and 3700 aircraft.

For courage and heroism, over 100 thousand soldiers - participants in the Battle of the Fiery Arc were awarded orders and medals. The Battle of Kursk and the withdrawal of Soviet troops to the Dnieper ended in a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War.

From the first days of the war, one of the strategic directions, according to the plans of the Nazi command, was Leningrad. Leningrad was one of the most important objects scheduled for capture.

The battle for Leningrad, the longest during the entire Great Patriotic War, went from July 10, 1941 to August 9, 1944. During the 900-day defense of Leningrad, Soviet troops pinned down large forces of the German army and the entire Finnish army. This undoubtedly contributed to the victories of the Red Army in other sectors of the Soviet-German front.

Leningrad residents showed examples of steadfastness, endurance and patriotism. Assistance to the blockade was carried out on the ice of Lake Ladoga - the "Road of Life".

On January 12 - 30, 1943, an operation was carried out to break the blockade of Leningrad ("Iskra"). It was a turning point in the battle for Leningrad. The entire southern coast of Lake Ladoga was cleared of the enemy, and the initiative to conduct military operations in this direction was transferred to the Red Army.

During the course of the Leningrad-Novgorod strategic offensive operation from January 14 to March 1, 1944, the enemy Army Group North was severely defeated. On January 27, 1944, Leningraders celebrated the lifting of the blockade.

May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 (1945).

For 1418 days and nights, the Soviet people waged a bloody war against the fascist aggressors and crushed them. The people defended the freedom and independence of their Fatherland, saved world civilization from fascist enslavement.

The final blows of the Soviet Armed Forces in 1945 were inflicted in East Prussia, in Western Poland and Czechoslovakia. The grandiose Berlin strategic offensive operation, carried out from April 16 to May 8, 1945, made it possible to storm the capital of Germany - Berlin.

May 9 is the brightest holiday of the entire Russian people, the unfading day of our unfading military glory.

As you can see, the Days of Military Glory are events of not only national but also international significance. Europe (and then America) gasped, was surprised, respected, feared at times, but always drew conclusions.

In all the battles declared the Days of Military Glory, Russia was saved by the whole world. Next to the fighting squads of Russian princes, regiments of the regular army, there were always people's militias. It has been so in all ages. I think that if necessary, the tradition will be repeated.

The main wealth of Russia is its heroic people. In defending their land, the Russian people never spared themselves and did not bargain with the Motherland. Sacrifice is a characteristic feature of the Russian national character. Maybe the price of victories, therefore, was traditionally high.

All the Days of Military Glory are associated with turning points in the history of the country, when the scales fluctuated, and each time in Russia there were men with a state mind, talent as a commander and recognition of the army and people. They followed and won.

We have something to remember and something to be proud of. The military history of Russia is rich in glorious deeds. The Victory Days of Russia are the foundation of the military-historical memory of the people, they clearly manifested the best features of the Russian national character. Learn from the best. We will remember, we will read, and we will learn!

The list is given in accordance with Federal Law No. 32-FZ of March 13, 1995, with subsequent amendments. Dates of battles that took place before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar are obtained in the Law by adding 13 days to the "old calendar" date. However, the difference between the old and the new style of 13 days accumulated only by the 20th century. And, for example, in the XVII century the difference was 10 days. Therefore, other dates are accepted in historical science than in this law.

The following days of Russian military glory are established in the Russian Federation:

  • January 27, 2016- Day of the complete liberation by the Soviet troops of the city of Leningrad from the blockade of its Nazi troops (1944);
  • February 2, 2016- Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943);
  • February 23, 2016- Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • April 18, 2016 - Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipus (Battle on the Ice, 1242, actually happened on April 12 according to the new style or April 5 according to the old one);
  • May 9, 2016- 71st anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (1945);
  • July 7, 2016- Day of the victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Chesma (1770);
  • July 10, 2016- Victory Day of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709, actually happened on July 8 according to the new style or June 27 according to the old style);
  • August 9, 2016- The day of the first naval victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714, actually happened on August 7);
  • August 23, 2016 - Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943);
  • September 8, 2016- Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812, actually happened on September 7 according to the new style or August 26 but the old style);
  • September 11, 2016- Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (in fact, it happened on September 8-9 according to the new style or August 28-29 according to the old style);
  • September 21, 2016- Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380, actually happened on September 16 according to the new style or September 8 but the old style);
  • November 4, 2016- National Unity Day.
  • November 7, 2016- The day of the military parade on Red Square in the city of Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941);
  • December 1, 2016- Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853, actually happened on November 30 according to the new style or November 18 but the old style);
  • December 5, 2016- The day of the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops against the Nazi-fascist troops in the battle of Moscow (1941);
  • December 24, 2016- The day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790, actually happened on December 22 according to the new style or December 11 according to the old style).