Hitler in the USSR during WWII Five mistakes of the German leadership at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Hitler's miscalculations and Stalin's right decisions


The anniversary of the Great Victory is getting closer. I would like to remind you that this is not just a victory - this is the victory of the Soviet people in the struggle for their very existence, because the purpose of this war was the destruction of the Russian and other peoples of the USSR. This is the main thing that the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of those who gave their lives for the Victory should remember.

But after decades of operation of a gigantic ideological machine, what is called the Second World War is associated in the minds of the modern layman in the West and increasingly in Russia itself with the so-called. The "Holocaust" - the genocide of European Jews, the caricature of Hitler, the horrors of Stalinism and D-Day - the opening of the Second Front in Europe. The Great Patriotic War is increasingly presented as one of the episodes, and not even the most significant, of the Second World War. From the modern mass consciousness, any idea of ​​the special, fundamentally different nature of the war of Nazi Germany and its allies against the USSR turned out to be practically erased. Meanwhile, this war was unique in its tasks, methods and consequences for world history. Between 1939 and 1945 there were two wars, partly coinciding in time and intertwined with each other, but, nevertheless, sharply different in nature.

One, from September 1939 to September 1945, was a "normal" "world" war between the major imperialist powers of the world, differing from the first "world" only in greater size and lethality.
The other - from June 22, 1941 to May 1945 - had all the traditional elements of the wars of European imperialism against non-European peoples, from the first crusades of the 11th century to the British conquest of India, the extermination of the peoples of the Western Hemisphere, the opium wars in China, the devastation of the African and Australian continents. The war of German imperialism and its European allies against the USSR absorbed this historical experience of colonialism and developed its methods to the utmost concentrated and brutal expression. But her unique character lay elsewhere.

The Barbarossa plan was not just a "blitzkrieg" military plan to defeat the Red Army and the Soviet state. And not only the plan to conquer Lebensraum - "living space" for the German nation and its colonization. It was a plan for a crusade, an ideological "holy war", which aimed to eradicate "Judeo-Bolshevism", the destruction of the Soviet people, the ideological, state and economic foundations of its existence, primarily the state existence of the Great Russian and other Slavic peoples, who formed the backbone of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union. For the Soviet people, the Great Patriotic War was a struggle for its historical existence - "to be or not to be."

But the genocide of European Jews was "unique" except in the sense that it was a genocide in Europe against Europeans. But the Holocaust was not unique in this respect either. It was preceded by the British genocide of the Irish. The example of the Irish shows that the ideology of European racism originates within the white race and only then begins to spread to non-European peoples, to the “colored”.
White racism is on the rise in Russia right now. It is worth recalling to our champions of white racial solidarity with the whites of the West the authoritative opinion of the famous historian Christopher Hill: “the majority of educated Englishmen belonging to the upper strata of society of the seventeenth century spoke about the Irish in the same vein as, for example, the Nazis about the Slavs or white South Africans about the indigenous population - in all these cases, contempt was an excuse for the need to exploit.
No, if one can speak at all about the uniqueness of any genocide, then, in the sense of its ideological origins and political tasks, such a genocide was the genocide of the Soviet people, with which the Jewish genocide was inextricably linked.

Hitler pointed out the need to learn from the British the art of dominating conquered peoples and exploiting them. The USSR was to become the German "India" - the Nazi laboratory of racial politics, a bottomless source of slave labor and natural resources.

John Toland, famous biographer of Hitler, says:
“Hitler claimed that he owed much of the idea of ​​concentration camps and the practicality of genocide to his study of the history of England and the United States. He admired the Boer prisoner camps in South Africa and the Indian camps in the Wild West, and in his inner circle often praised the effectiveness of destroying the "red savages" in America by starvation and superior military force.

From the Fuehrer's Guide to the Administration of the Eastern Territories:
The Slavs must work for us. If we don't need them, they may die. Therefore, compulsory vaccination and German healthcare are superfluous for them. High Slavic fertility is undesirable. They can use birth control and have abortions to their heart's content. Education is dangerous. Pretty good...if they can count to a hundred. As a last resort, education is permitted if it helps to prepare useful servants for us. Every educated person is our future enemy. We will leave religion to them as a distraction. As far as food is concerned, they should not receive more than the required minimum. We are the owners, we are everything.

The contribution of the Black Hundred and the White Guard movement to the ideology of German Nazism and its practice of genocide remains underestimated. And he was decisive in his own way. It was the White Guard that created and tested the central ideological synthesis of Hitler - the combination of the old European anti-Slavic racism and anti-Semitism with anti-Marxism and anti-Bolshevism.

The decisive link between Hitler and the Black Hundreds was Alfred Rosenberg, a Baltic German from Latvia, and his white emigrant friends, led by staff captain Fyodor Vinberg. In the early 1920s, Vinberg and Rosenberg became the ideologists of a secret organization of Russian and German reactionaries - Aufbau, Reconstruction. It was through the White Guard Vinberg and Rosenberg that Hitler adopted the synthesis of anti-Bolshevism and political anti-Semitism, which formed the ideological basis of Barbarossa.

According to the Fuhrer's explanations before the start of the war, the upcoming campaign will be a struggle between "two worldviews." Hitler described Bolshevism as a "social crime" and communism as "an enormous danger to the future". Therefore, in the East, German soldiers will have to give up their habitual respect for the enemy.

In final instructions dated May 13, Chief of Staff Keitel declared the problems of "appeasement" (a word borrowed from the terminology of the North American genocide) too vast and complex for conventional military tribunals and authorized the troops to "take ruthless action themselves", "eliminate" guerrillas and use "the most extreme methods » against hostile civilians. All officers were instructed to decide on the spot whether or not to shoot those suspected of hostilities behind the front lines, while battalion-level commanders became responsible for taking hostages for collective retribution on the inhabitants of one or another point. The crimes of German soldiers against the civilian population were to be considered by the tribunal only in cases where they threatened military discipline.

At the same time, from February 21, 1941, the propaganda services of the armed forces also prepared leaflets, posters and radio broadcasts addressed to Soviet military personnel and the civilian population. The first and most widespread of these accused Stalin's "Jewish-Communist" government of violating the treaties it had concluded with Germany. The leaflet implored the soldiers and officers of the Red Army not to "shed their blood for the Third International ... for Stalin and his Jewish commissars", whose regime was "hundreds of times worse" than the Tsarist one. German troops were marching to put an end to "the criminal machinations of this Jewish clique that is torturing and exploiting the peoples of the Soviet Union."

One of the most enduring myths created by the Nazi generals and their American masters during the Cold War is that the Wehrmacht was not involved in the genocide in the East. In reality, it was the other way around. The Wehrmacht accepted the program of ideological warfare with such alacrity and set about implementing it with such zeal that it began to threaten the central role of the SS in purging eastern Lebensraum of "Judeo-Bolshevism." The Wehrmacht waged a political war of annihilation, in no way inferior to its "comrades in arms" in black uniforms.

The central role in the development of economic policy within the framework of the Barbarossa Plan was entrusted to a group of scientific experts at the General Staff. Their recommendations, set out at two meetings in May 1941, boiled down to the following plan. The European territory of the USSR will be divided into two zones: 1) the "zone of excess", or "black earth" (Schwarzendezone) in the south, including the Caucasus, and 2) the "zone of hunger" (Hungergebiet) in the north, primarily around Moscow and Leningrad. In the “surplus zone”, the population could hope to receive the minimum amount of food necessary for life. In the "hunger zone" it was doomed to extinction.

So the genocide of "many tens of millions" of Soviet people had to take the form of starvation. And here, too, Hitler's teachers were white settlers and the British in North America and Africa, the British in Ireland, Hindustan, China and Australia.
Such were the historical origins and goals of Operation Barbarossa, which began in the predawn hours of June 22, 1941 along the front from the Baltic to the Black Sea.

Between these goals and their achievement stood only one force - the Red Army.

All of Europe fought against us

The very first strategic counter-offensive of the Soviet troops in the Great Patriotic War revealed a very unpleasant circumstance for the USSR. Among the captured enemy troops near Moscow there were many military units France, Poland, Holland, Finland, Austria, Norway and other countries. The imprint of almost all major European firms was found on captured military equipment and shells. In general, as one could assume and as they thought in the Soviet Union, that the European proletarians would never go up in arms against the state of workers and peasants, that they would sabotage the production of weapons for Hitler.

But exactly the opposite happened. A very characteristic find was made by our soldiers after the liberation of the Moscow region in the area of ​​​​the historical Borodino field - next to the French cemetery of 1812, they discovered fresh graves of Napoleon's descendants. The Soviet 32nd Rifle Division of the Red Banner, Colonel V.I. fought here. Polosukhin, whose fighters could not even imagine that they were being opposed "French allies".

A more or less complete picture of this battle was revealed only after the Victory. Chief of Staff of the 4th German Army G. Blumentritt published a memoir in which he wrote:

“The four battalions of French volunteers operating as part of the 4th Army turned out to be less persistent. At Borodin, Field Marshal von Kluge addressed them with a speech, recalling how, during the time of Napoleon, the French and Germans fought here side by side against a common enemy - Russia. The next day, the French boldly went into battle, but, unfortunately, they could not withstand either the powerful attack of the enemy, or the severe frost and snowstorm. They had never had to endure such trials before. The French legion was defeated, having suffered heavy losses from enemy fire. A few days later he was taken to the rear and sent to the West ... "

Here is an interesting archival document - a list of prisoners of war who surrendered to Soviet troops during the war years. Recall that a prisoner of war is one who fights in uniform with a weapon in his hands.

Hitler takes the parade of the Wehrmacht, 1940 (megabook.ru)

So, Germans – 2 389 560, Hungarians – 513 767, Romanians – 187 370, Austrians – 156 682, Czechs and Slovaks – 69 977, Poles – 60 280, Italians – 48 957, French people – 23 136, Croats – 21 822, Moldovans – 14 129, Jews – 10 173, Dutch – 4 729, Finns – 2 377, Belgians – 2 010, Luxembourgers – 1652, Danes – 457, Spaniards – 452, gypsies – 383, Norse – 101, Swedes – 72.

And these are only those who survived and were captured. In reality, much more Europeans fought against us.

The ancient Roman senator Cato the Elder went down in history by the fact that he always ended any public speech on any topic with the words: "Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam", which literally means: "Otherwise, I believe that Carthage must be destroyed." (Carthage is a city-state hostile to Rome.) I am not ready to completely become like Senator Cato, but I will use any excuse to mention once again: in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the USSR, with an initial strength 190 million. people, fought not with 80 million of the then Germans. The Soviet Union fought practically with all Europe, the number of which (with the exception of England allied to us and partisan Serbia not surrendering to the Germans) was about 400 million. Human.

During the Great Patriotic War, overcoats in the USSR were put on by 34,476.7 thousand people, i.e. 17,8% population. And Germany mobilized into its armed forces already 21% from the population. It would seem that the Germans in their military efforts strained more than the USSR. But women served in the Red Army in large numbers, both voluntarily and by conscription. There were a lot of purely female units and divisions (anti-aircraft, aviation, etc.). During a period of desperate situation, the State Defense Committee decided (remaining, however, on paper) to create women's rifle formations, in which only heavy artillery loaders would be men.

And among the Germans, even at the moment of their agony, women not only did not serve in the army, but there were very few of them in production. Why is that? Because in the USSR one man accounted for three women, and in Germany - on the contrary? No, that's not the point. In order to fight, you need not only soldiers, but also weapons with food. And for their production, men are also needed, who cannot be replaced by women or teenagers. Therefore, the USSR was forced send women to the front instead of men.

The Germans did not have such a problem: they were provided with weapons and food by all of Europe. The French not only handed over all their tanks to the Germans, but also produced a huge amount of military equipment for them - from cars to optical rangefinders.

Czechs with only one firm "Skoda" produced more weapons than all of pre-war Great Britain, built the entire fleet of German armored personnel carriers, a huge number of tanks, aircraft, small arms, artillery and ammunition.

The Poles built airplanes, Polish Jews explosives, synthetic gasoline and rubber were produced in Auschwitz to kill Soviet citizens; the Swedes mined ore and supplied the Germans with components for military equipment (for example, bearings), the Norwegians supplied the Nazis with seafood, the Danes with oil ... In short, all of Europe tried its best.

And she tried not only on the labor front. Only the elite troops of Nazi Germany - the SS troops - accepted into their ranks 400 thousand. "blonde beasts" from other countries, and in total they joined the Nazi army from all over Europe 1800 thousand. volunteers, forming 59 divisions, 23 brigades and several national regiments and legions.

The most elite of these divisions did not have numbers, but their own names indicating their national origin: Wallonia, Galicia, Bohemia and Moravia, Viking, Denemark, Gembez, Langemark, Nordland ”, “Netherlands”, “Charlemagne”, etc.

Europeans served as volunteers not only in the national, but also in the German divisions. So let's say an elite German division "Greater Germany". It would seem that, if only because of the name, it should have been completed only by the Germans. However, the Frenchman who served in it Guy Sayer recalls that on the eve of the Battle of Kursk, there were 9 Germans out of 11 in his infantry unit, and besides him, the Czech also did not understand German well. And all this in addition to the official allies of Germany, whose armies shoulder to shoulder burned and plundered the Soviet Union - Italians, Romanian, Hungarians, Finns, Croats, Slovaks, besides Bulgarians who at that time burned and plundered partisan Serbia. Even officially neutral Spaniards sent their "Blue Division" near Leningrad!

In order to evaluate by national composition all the European bastards who, in the hope of easy prey, climbed up to us to kill Soviet and Russian people, I will give a table of that part of the foreign volunteers who guessed to surrender to us in time:

Germans – 2 389 560, Hungarians – 513 767, Romanians – 187 370, Austrians – 156 682, Czechs and Slovaks – 69 977, Poles – 60 280, Italians – 48 957, French people – 23 136, Croats – 21 822, Moldovans – 14 129, Jews – 10 173, Dutch – 4 729, Finns – 2 377, Belgians – 2 010, Luxembourgers – 1652, Danes – 457, Spaniards – 452, gypsies – 383, Norse – 101, Swedes – 72.

This table, first published at the end of 1990, should be repeated again and for these reasons. After the accession of “democracy” on the territory of the USSR, the table is continuously “improved” in terms of “enlarging lines”. As a result, in “serious” books by “professional historians” on the topic of war, say, in the statistical collection “Russia and the USSR in the Wars of the 20th Century” or in the reference book “The World of Russian History”, the data in this table are distorted. Some nationalities have disappeared from it.

Jews disappeared first., which, as you can see from the original table, served Hitler as many as the Finns and the Dutch combined. And I, for example, do not see why we should throw out Jewish verses from this Hitler song.

By the way, the Poles today are trying to push the Jews away from the position of “the main sufferers of World War II”, and there are more of them on the lists of prisoners than the Italians who officially and actually fought with us.

Why, and the presented table does not reflect the true quantitative and national composition of the prisoners. First of all, it does not represent our domestic scum at all, who, either due to acquired idiocy, or because of cowardice and cowardice, served the Germans - from Bandera to Vlasov.

By the way, they were punished to insultingly easily. It’s good if a Vlasovite fell into the hands of front-line soldiers as prisoners. Then he most often got what he deserved. But after all, traitors contrived to surrender to the rear units, dressed in civilian clothes, pretended to be Germans when they surrendered, etc. In this case, the Soviet court literally patted them on the head.

At one time, domestic anti-Sovietists published collections of their memoirs abroad. One of them describes the judicial “sufferings” of a Vlasovite who defended Berlin: he changed clothes ... to the Soviet soldiers who captured him ... introduced himself as a Frenchman and thus got to the military tribunal. And then reading his boasting is insulting: “They gave me five years of distant camps - and that was lucky. In a hurry, they considered it for the worker-peasant petty. Soldiers captured with weapons and officers were sculpted ten. When escorted to the camp, he fled to the West.

Five years for the murder of Soviet people and treason! What kind of punishment is this?! Well, at least 20, so that the spiritual wounds of widows and orphans heal and it would not be so insulting to look at these vile hari ...

For the same reason, they are not listed as prisoners of war. Crimean Tatars who stormed Sevastopol for Manstein, Kalmyks etc.

Not listed Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians, who had their national divisions as part of the Nazi troops, but were considered Soviet citizens and, therefore, served their meager terms in the GULAG camps, and not in the GUPVI camps. (GULAG - the main department of the camps - was engaged in keeping criminals, and GUPVI - the main department for prisoners of war and internees - prisoners.) Meanwhile, not all prisoners even got into the GUPVI, since this department counted only those who got into its rear camps from frontline transit points.

Estonian legionnaires of the Wehrmacht fought against the USSR with particular fury (ookaboo.com)

But since 1943, national divisions of Poles, Czechs, and Romanians began to form in the USSR to fight the Germans. And the prisoners of these nationalities were not sent to the GUPVI, but immediately to the recruitment points for such formations - they fought together with the Germans, let them fight against them! By the way, there were 600 thousand. Even de Gaulle was sent to his army 1500 French.

Before the start of the war with the USSR Hitler appealed to the Europeans to crusade against Bolshevism. Here is how they responded to it (data for June - October 1941, which do not take into account the huge military contingents Italy, Hungary, Romania and other allies of Hitler). From Spanish volunteers ( 18000 people) in the Wehrmacht, the 250th Infantry Division was formed. In July, the personnel took the oath to Hitler and departed for the Soviet-German front. During September-October 1941, from French volunteers (approx. 3000 people) the 638th Infantry Regiment was formed. In October, the regiment was sent to Smolensk, and then to Moscow. From Belgians in July 1941, the 373rd Walloon Battalion was formed (approximately 850 people), transferred to the 97th Infantry Division of the 17th Army of the Wehrmacht.

From Croatian Volunteers were formed by the 369th Infantry Regiment of the Wehrmacht and the Croatian Legion as part of the Italian troops. About 2000 Swedes signed up as a volunteer in Finland. Of these, approximately 850 people participated in the fighting near Hanko, as part of the Swedish volunteer battalion.

By the end of June 1941 294 Norwegians already served in the SS regiment "Nordland". After the start of the war with the USSR in Norway, the volunteer legion "Norway" was created ( 1200 Human). After taking the oath to Hitler, he was sent to Leningrad. By the end of June 1941, the SS division "Viking" had 216 Danes. After the start of the war with the USSR, the Danish "Volunteer Corps" began to form.

Stand apart in aiding fascism are our Polish comrades. Immediately after the end of the German-Polish war, the idea of ​​​​creating a Polish army fighting on the side of Germany came up with the Polish nationalist Wladislav Gizbert-Studnitsky. He developed a project to build a Polish 12-15 million pro-German state. Gizbert-Studnitsky proposed a plan to send Polish troops to the eastern front. Later the idea of ​​a Polish-German alliance and 35 thousandth Polish army supported by the Sword and Plow organization associated with the Home Army.

In the first months of the war against the USSR, Polish soldiers in the fascist army had the so-called status hi-wi (volunteers). Later, Hitler gave special permission for the Poles to serve in the Wehrmacht. After that, in relation to the Poles, it was categorically forbidden to use the name hi-wi, because the Nazis treated them as full-fledged soldiers. Every Pole aged 16 to 50 could become a volunteer, it was only necessary to pass a preliminary medical examination.

The Poles, along with other European nations, were urged to stand "in defense of Western civilization from Soviet barbarism." Here is a quote from a Nazi leaflet in Polish: “The German armed forces are leading the decisive struggle to defend Europe from Bolshevism. Any honest assistant in this struggle will be welcomed as a comrade-in-arms ... "

The text of the oath of the Polish soldiers read: “I swear before God this sacred oath that in the fight for the future of Europe in the ranks of the German Wehrmacht I will be absolutely obedient to the Supreme Commander Adolf Hitler, and as a brave soldier I am ready at any time to devote my strength to fulfill this oath ... "

It is amazing that even the strictest guardian of the Aryan gene pool Himmler allowed to form units from the Poles SS. The first sign was the Goral Legion of the Waffen-SS. Gorals are an ethnic group within the Polish nation. In 1942, the Nazis convened a Goral Committee in Zakopane. Was appointed "Goralenführer" Vaclav Krzheptovsky.

He and his inner circle made a number of trips to cities and villages, calling them to fight against the worst enemy of civilization - Judeo-Bolshevism. It was decided to create a Goral volunteer legion of the Waffen-SS, adapted for operations in mountainous areas. Krzheptovsky managed to collect 410 highlanders. But after a medical examination in the SS bodies, it remained 300 Human.

Another Polish Legion of the SS was formed in mid-July 1944. It was entered 1500 Polish volunteers. In October, the legion was based in Rzechow, in December near Tomaszow. In January 1945, the legion was divided into two groups (1st Lieutenant Macnik, 2nd Lieutenant Errling) and sent to participate in anti-partisan operations in the Tuchol forests. In February, both groups were destroyed by the Soviet army.

President of the Academy of Military Sciences, General of the Army Mahmut Gareev gave such an assessment of the participation of a number of European countries in the fight against fascism: During the war, all of Europe fought against us. Three hundred and fifty million people, regardless of whether they fought with weapons in their hands, or stood at the machine, producing weapons for the Wehrmacht, did one thing.

During World War II, 20,000 members of the French Resistance died. And 200,000 French fought against us. We also captured 60,000 Poles. 2 million European volunteers fought for Hitler against the USSR.

In this regard, it looks at least strange to invite military personnel from a number of countries NATO take part in the parade on Red Square in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, - says a member of the International Association of Historians of the Second World War, Professor of the Military Humanitarian Academy, Colonel Yuri Rubtsov. - This insults the memory of our defenders of the Fatherland, who died at the hands of numerous "European friends of Hitler".

Helpful Conclusion

During the Second World War against the Soviet Union, which had an initial population of just over 190 million. people fought a European coalition of more than 400 million. people, and when we were not Russians, but Soviet citizens, we defeated this coalition.

All of Europe fought against us a

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In Russia, the loyal action does not cease, who is the greatest patriot. In the forefront of the campaign - the top of Chechnya. Meanwhile, as history shows, with the weakening of Russia, the Chechens go over to the side of the enemy. In 1941-42, almost the entire republic sided with Hitler.

There were several such critical situations with the highlanders in the history of Russia - in the middle of the 19th century, when their environment was stuffed with English agents (the Interpreter's Blog wrote about this); during the Revolution and Civil War 1917-21; finally, during the formation of the statehood of the Russian Federation in the 1990s, when hundreds of thousands of people of other nationalities (primarily Russians) were expelled from Chechnya, and the republic itself turned into a terrorist enclave (thousands of Russian soldiers died during the liquidation of this bandit formation).

The Great Patriotic War is a special example of the betrayal of the representatives of Chechnya. We will touch only on its first period - 1941-42, and present only a small part of the collaborationism of the Chechens.


The first accusation that should be brought against the Chechens following the results of the Great Patriotic War is mass desertion. Here is what was said on this occasion in a memorandum addressed to People's Commissar of Internal Affairs Lavrenty Beria "On the situation in the regions of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic", compiled by Deputy People's Commissar of State Security, Commissar of State Security 2nd rank Bogdan Kobulov based on the results of his trip to Checheno-Ingushetia in October 1943 and dated November 9, 1943:

“The attitude of the Chechens and Ingush towards the Soviet government was clearly expressed in desertion and draft evasion in the Red Army.

During the first mobilization in August 1941, out of 8,000 people to be drafted, 719 deserted. In October 1941, out of 4,733 people, 362 evaded the draft. In January 1942, when completing the national division, only 50% of the personnel were called up.

In March 1942, out of 14,576 people, 13,560 deserted and evaded service (i.e. 93%), who went underground, went to the mountains and joined gangs.

In 1943, out of 3,000 volunteers, the number of deserters was 1,870.

In total, during the three years of the war, 49,362 Chechens and Ingush deserted from the ranks of the Red Army, another 13,389 people evaded the draft, which in total is 62,751 people.

And how many Chechens and Ingush fought at the front? Local historians compose various fables on this score. For example, Doctor of Historical Sciences Hadji-Murat Ibrahimbayli states:

“More than 30,000 Chechens and Ingush fought on the fronts. In the first weeks of the war, more than 12 thousand communists and Komsomol members, Chechens and Ingush, left for the army, most of whom died in battle.”

The reality looks much more modest. While in the ranks of the Red Army, 2.3 thousand Chechens and Ingush died or went missing. Is it a lot or a little? The Buryat people, twice as small in number, which was not threatened by the German occupation, lost 13 thousand people at the front, one and a half times inferior to the Chechens and Ingush Ossetians - 10.7 thousand.

As of March 1949, among the special settlers there were 4248 Chechens and 946 Ingush who had previously served in the Red Army. Contrary to popular belief, a certain number of Chechens and Ingush for military merit were exempted from being sent to the settlement. As a result, we find that no more than 10 thousand Chechens and Ingush served in the ranks of the Red Army, while over 60 thousand of their relatives evaded mobilization or deserted.

Let's say a few words about the notorious 114th Chechen-Ingush cavalry division, about the exploits of which pro-Chechen authors love to talk about. Due to the stubborn reluctance of the indigenous inhabitants of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR to go to the front, its formation was never completed, and the personnel that managed to be called up were sent to spare and training units in March 1942.

Bandit Khasan Israilov

The next accusation is banditry. Starting from July 1941 to 1944, only in the territory of the Chi ASSR, which was later transformed into the Grozny region, 197 gangs were destroyed by state security agencies. At the same time, the total irretrievable losses of the bandits amounted to 4532 people: 657 were killed, 2762 were captured, 1113 turned themselves in. Thus, in the ranks of the gangs that fought against the Red Army, almost twice as many Chechens and Ingush died and were captured than at the front. And this is not counting the losses of the Vainakhs who fought on the side of the Wehrmacht in the so-called "Eastern battalions"!

By that time, the old "cadres" of abreks and local religious authorities, through the efforts of the OGPU, and then the NKVD, were basically knocked out. They were replaced by young gangster growth - Komsomol members and communists who were brought up by the Soviet government and studied in Soviet universities.

Its typical representative was Khasan Israilov, also known under the pseudonym "Terloev", taken by him from the name of his teip. He was born in 1910 in the village of Nachkhoi, Galanchozh region. In 1929 he joined the CPSU (b), in the same year he entered the Komvuz in Rostov-on-Don. In 1933, to continue his studies, Israilov was sent to Moscow, to the Communist University of the Workers of the East. I. V. Stalin. In 1935 he was sentenced to 5 years in labor camps, but already in 1937 he was released. Returning to his homeland, he worked as a lawyer in the Shatoevsky district.

1941 uprising

After the start of the Great Patriotic War, Khasan Israilov, together with his brother Hussein, went underground, developing activities to prepare a general uprising. To this end, he held 41 meetings in various villages, created combat groups in the Galanchozhsky and Itum-Kalinsky districts, as well as in Borzoi, Kharsinoy, Dagi-Borzoi, Achekhna and other settlements. Representatives were also sent to the neighboring Caucasian republics.

Initially, the uprising was scheduled for the autumn of 1941 in order to coincide with the approach of German troops. However, as the Blitzkrieg schedule fell apart, its deadline was moved to January 10, 1942. A single coordinated action did not take place, resulting in scattered premature actions of individual groups.

So, on October 21, 1941, residents of the Khilokhoy farm of the Nachkhoevsky village council of the Galanchozhsky district plundered the collective farm and offered armed resistance to the task force trying to restore order. An operational detachment of 40 people was sent to the area to arrest the instigators. Underestimating the seriousness of the situation, his commander divided his people into two groups, heading for the Khaibakhai and Khilokhoy farms. This turned out to be a fatal mistake. The first of the groups was surrounded by rebels. Having lost four people killed and six wounded in a skirmish, she, as a result of the cowardice of the head of the group, was disarmed and, with the exception of four operatives, was shot. The second, having heard the skirmish, began to retreat and, being surrounded in the village of Galanchozh, was also disarmed. As a result, the performance was suppressed only after the introduction of large forces.

A week later, on October 29, police officers detained Naizulu Dzhangireev in the village of Borzoi, Shatoevsky district, who evaded labor service and incited the population to do so. His brother, Guchik Dzhangireev, called on fellow villagers for help. After Guchik's statement: "There is no Soviet power, you can act" - the gathered crowd disarmed the policemen, defeated the village council and plundered the collective farm cattle. With the rebels from the surrounding villages who joined, the Borzoevites offered armed resistance to the NKVD task force, however, unable to withstand the retaliatory strike, they scattered through the forests and gorges, like the participants in a similar performance that took place a little later in the Bavloevsky village council of the Itum-Kalinsky district.

Here Israilov intervened in the case. He built his organization on the principle of armed detachments, covering with their activities a certain area or group of settlements. The main link was the village committees, or troika-five, which carried out anti-Soviet and insurgent work in the field.

Already on January 28, 1942, Israilov held an illegal meeting in Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz), at which the "Special Party of Caucasian Brothers" (OPKB) was established. As befits a self-respecting party, the OPKB had its own charter, a program providing for "creation in the Caucasus of a free fraternal Federal Republic of the states of the fraternal peoples of the Caucasus under the mandate of the German Empire".

Later, to better please the Germans, Israilov renamed his organization the National Socialist Party of Caucasian Brothers (NSPKB). Its number, according to the NKVD, soon reached 5,000 people.

Uprisings of 1942

Another large anti-Soviet group on the territory of Checheno-Ingushetia was the so-called Chechen-Mountain National Socialist Underground Organization, created in November 1941. Its leader Mairbek Sheripov, like Israilov, was a representative of a new generation. The son of a tsarist officer and younger brother of the famous commander of the so-called "Chechen Red Army" Aslanbek Sheripov, was born in 1905. Just like Israilov, he joined the CPSU (b), was also arrested for anti-Soviet propaganda - in 1938, and released in 1939. However, unlike Israilov, Sheripov had a higher social status, being the chairman of the Forestry Council of the ChI ASSR.

Having gone underground in the autumn of 1941, Mairbek Sheripov united gang leaders, deserters, fugitive criminals hiding in the Shatoevsky, Cheberloevsky and part of the Itum-Kalinsky districts around him, and also established ties with the religious and teip authorities of the villages, trying with their help to persuade population to an armed uprising against the Soviet regime. Sheripov's main base, where he hid and recruited like-minded people, was in the Shatoevsky district. There he had extensive family ties.

Sheripov repeatedly changed the name of his organization: the Society for the Salvation of the Highlanders, the Union of Liberated Highlanders, the Chechen-Ingush Union of Mountain Nationalists, and, finally, the Chechen-Gorsk National Socialist Underground Organization. In the first half of 1942, he wrote the program of the organization, in which he outlined its ideological platform, goals and objectives.

After the front approached the borders of the republic, in August 1942, Sheripov managed to establish contact with the inspirer of several past uprisings, mullah and associate of Imam Gotsinsky, Javotkhan Murtazaliev, who since 1925 had been with his whole family in an illegal position. Taking advantage of his authority, he managed to raise a major uprising in the Itum-Kalinsky and Shatoevsky regions.

The uprising began in the village of Dzumskaya, Itum-Kalinsky District. Having defeated the village council and the board of the collective farm, Sheripov led the bandits rallied around him to the regional center of the Shatoevsky district - the village of Khimoy. On August 17, 1942, Khimoi was taken, the rebels destroyed the party and Soviet institutions, and the local population looted and plundered the property stored there. The capture of the regional center was a success thanks to the betrayal of the head of the department for combating banditry of the NKVD CHI ASSR Ingush Idris Aliyev, who kept in touch with Sheripov. A day before the attack, he prudently withdrew from Himoy a task force and a military unit, which were specially intended to protect the regional center in case of a raid.

After that, about 150 participants in the rebellion, led by Sheripov, set off to capture the Itum-Kale regional center of the district of the same name, joining the rebels and criminals along the way. One and a half thousand rebels surrounded Itum-Kale on August 20. However, they failed to take the village. The small garrison stationed there repelled all attacks, and two companies that approached put the rebels to flight. The defeated Sheripov tried to unite with Israilov, but the state security agencies were finally able to organize a special operation, as a result of which on November 7, 1942, the leader of the Shatoev bandits was killed.

The next uprising was organized in October of the same year by the German non-commissioned officer Reckert, who was abandoned in Chechnya in August at the head of a sabotage group. Having established contact with the gang of Rasul Sakhabov, with the assistance of religious authorities, he recruited up to 400 people and, having supplied them with German weapons dropped from aircraft, managed to raise a number of auls in the Vedensky and Cheberloevsky districts. However, thanks to the operational and military measures taken, this armed uprising was liquidated, Reckert was killed, and the commander of another sabotage group, Dzugaev, who joined him, was arrested. The asset of the rebel formation created by Reckert and Rasul Sakhabov in the amount of 32 people was also arrested, and Sakhabov himself was killed in October 1943 by his bloodline Ramazan Magomadov, who was promised forgiveness for this gangster activity

(Quotes: Igor Pykhalov, "Small Passions in the Chechen Mountains")

The generally accepted opinion that only the staff of these death camps mocked the prisoners of the Nazi concentration camps is in fact not entirely true - the Nazis had accomplices from among the prisoners themselves in the service of the Nazis. They were called "capos".

And often the voluntary assistants of the Nazis committed atrocities no less than their temporary patrons.

And the Jews aspired to the "kapo"

The etymology of this word is still unclear. Translated from Italian, capo means "head" ("chief"), in French caporal - "corporal", "chief". It is only obvious that this generally accepted designation of the status of Nazi accomplices in Nazi concentration camps was pejorative - the "kapo" was despised by both the camp administration staff and the prisoners.

Judging by the archives meticulously preserved by the neat Germans, the administration of the concentration camps was not particularly interested in the nationality or social origin of the "capos" - among these Nazi accomplices were Jews and representatives of other "minor", "non-Nordic" nations.
There is a prejudice that the concentration camps of the Third Reich were only a temporary refuge for the inhabitants of the countries occupied by Nazi Germany prepared for destruction. This is not entirely true - there were kept (of course, in different conditions than Soviet prisoners of war) local criminals and other rabble, captured French, British and representatives of other countries of the anti-Hitler coalition, who were treated relatively milder than other categories of prisoners.

It even happened that the heads of these Nazi concentration camps appointed Jews "kapos" to the barracks, where mostly German soldiers and officers who had been fined were kept - in this way they were joking over the guilty in a peculiar way. Of course, “their own” Germans were not sent to the gas chambers, they were not starved and exhausted. But these prisoners should have been humiliated by the very fact that the overseers of the representatives of the superior Aryan race are the yude.

What was their role

In the "kapo" prisoners most often aspired because of the desire to survive in a concentration camp at any cost. As long as these hangers-on were needed, they existed. "Capos" were the camp asset. In relation to our time, they were a kind of "grandfathers" in the Soviet (Russian) army - informal leaders who rule over the masses of forced labor with the consent and on the direct instructions of the authorities. Only the rights of the "kapo" were determined not by the length of service, but solely by loyalty to the administration of the concentration camp and readiness to carry out his orders. The methods of influencing the "wards" of the "grandfathers" and "capos" were similar. Among the Germans (natives of Germany), the "capos" in the camps most often became criminals.

"Kapos" carried out grassroots control over the prisoners of the barracks, distributed food, and monitored discipline. They were appointed elders or overseers. In return, the “capos” got the opportunity to eat better than their wards (often at their own expense), Nazi accomplices received indulgences in terms of observing the regime and uniforms, and other preferences.

In return, the "kapos" showed absolute readiness for any punitive actions in relation to the prisoners. For example, according to the memoirs of the prisoners of the Mittelbau-Dora camp, the "capos" there were exclusively Jews. They immediately reported any violations of the campers to the concentration camp administration. Often, the "capos" beat their own brothers no less cruelly than the Nazi guards did. Sometimes people were beaten to death. There is evidence that among the Jewish “kapos” there were sodomites who raped prisoners, including minors.

There is an opinion that some of the Jews, prisoners of fascist concentration camps, were saved from inevitable death precisely because they were "capos". The Nazis intended to destroy the representatives of this nation completely, but as long as the contingent of concentration camps from among the yude replenished, the Nazis needed assistants from among those sentenced to death themselves in order to bring their plan to the end.

Resistance at Treblinka

However, in the history of the "kapo" there were examples of covert opposition to the Nazi regime. In particular, the underground organization, which included activists from the Treblinka concentration camp, tried in every possible way to alleviate the plight of the prisoners. Its backbone consisted of the camp staff doctor Yu. Horonzhitsky, the “glavkapo” (senior camp) engineer Galevsky and a member of the Treblinka security sector Z. Bloch.

Khoronzhitsky was preparing an uprising in Treblinka. But it ended in failure. The doctor managed to take the poison before he was captured and executed. Subsequently, his associates made another attempt, but the Nazis shot most of the conspirators.

The Red Army soldier Hitler, during the defense of the 174.5 height of the Tiraspol fortification district, destroyed the enemy with his fire for eight days. As a machine gunner, he supported the advance of his platoon with fire. Being surrounded and wounded, comrade. Hitler fired until he ran out of ammunition, after which, without throwing his weapons, he got out to his own, in total destroying more than a hundred Wehrmacht soldiers. For his feat, Hitler was awarded the medal "For Courage".

On the fields of the Great Patriotic War also fought: Major General of the Red Army Borman, Red Army soldier Goering, Art. technician-lieutenant Hess - and other comrades. It was probably not easy to live and fight with such names. Glory and eternal memory to the heroes!


Surname, name and patronymic ______ Hitler Semyon Konstantinovich

Military rank_____ Red Army soldier

Position, part _____ gunner of the 73OPB machine gun of the Tiraspol UR

Presented for _____ award with a medal for military merit

1. Year of birth_____1922

2. Nationality_____Jew

3. Since when has he been in the Red Army _____ since 1940

4. Party membership _____ member of the Komsomol

5. Participation in battles (where and when) _____ in the Tiraspol fortified. area

6. Does he have injuries and concussions _____

7. What was previously awarded (for what distinctions) _____ was not previously awarded

I. Brief, specific statement of personal military feat or merit

Being a gunner of an easel machine gun comrade. Hitler continuously destroyed hundreds of enemy with his well-aimed fire for 8 days.

When attacking a height of 174.5 comrade. Hitler with his fire Art. the machine gun supported the advance of the platoon’s page, however, the enemy, having come from the rear, surrounded the platoon and dispersed it, comrade. Hitler with his machine gun, already wounded, was left alone among the enemy, but he did not lose his head, but fired until he used up all the cartridges, and then crawled among the enemy at a distance of 10 km ...

II. Conclusion of superiors

Tov. Hitler S.K. being a gunner Art. machine gun showed exceptional composure, stamina and courage in battle when destroying the enemy. Tov. Hitler is a well-trained machine gunner and a staunch fighter. Tov. Hitler deserves the medal "For Courage".

Commander (Chief) ___________

III. Conclusion of the Military Council of the Army

Worthy of the medal "FOR COURAGE"

Commander Primorsk. Army Lieutenant General Safronov

Member of the Military Council Brigadier Commissar Kuznetsov

Note that at the beginning of the war, awards for very serious feats were given rather "modestly" (August 19 - two months of the war had not yet passed, four more difficult years were ahead of the country), rather than later, when the army had already fought more, and people knew "that how much". It is very remarkable that Comrade Hitler destroyed many fascists and retreated to his own, having used up all the ammunition and not abandoning the machine gun, in 1943-44-45. for such a high performance, he would most likely receive an order.

Borman Alexander Vladimirovich, major general. ATRed Army since 1921. He participated in the Great Patriotic War from the very beginning. For the skillful leadership of combat operations, the organization of the combat work of the Air Force of the 40th Army on the South-Western Front, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

"... Comrade BORMANN, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 27, 1942, was awarded the Order of the "RED STAR" for the skillful leadership and organization of the combat work of the Air Force of the 40th Army on the Southwestern Front.

Before the Patriotic War, he was awarded the Order of LENIN. Participates in the Patriotic War from 22.6.1941 in the following positions: Deputy. Commander of the Air Defense Forces, Commander of the Air Force of the 40th Army, Commander of the 220th Air Division, now the 1st Guards Fighter Air Division, Deputy. Commander of the 8th Air Army and from December 1, 1942 Commander of the 216th Aviation Division.

From 18.5. By 4 July 1942, units of the 220th Air Division had shot down 117 and shot down 34 enemy planes in aerial combat. In addition, 5 enemy aircraft were destroyed during the attack on airfields.

From 1.12.42 to 5.4.43 years for the period of command of comrade. BORMAN division and offensive operations to liberate the North Caucasus from the Nazi invaders in parts made 2,610 sorties, with a total flight time of 2,670 hours, of which: 497 sorties for reconnaissance of enemy troops, 736 sorties for escorting attack aircraft, and 736 sorties for covering friendly troops - 477 sorties, to intercept enemy aircraft - 75 sorties, to destroy enemy transport aircraft and clear the air of enemy aircraft - 50 sorties, to attack enemy motorized mechanized troops - 536 sorties, to reconnoiter enemy crossings - 32, zhel. dor. objects - 30, enemy airfields - 10 and for the destruction of enemy floating assets - 13 sorties.

82 air battles were carried out. Shot down in air battles - 9 (?) And 17 enemy aircraft were shot down. In addition, 12 aircraft were destroyed on the ground during attacks on enemy airfields.

By assault actions, parts of the division were destroyed and damaged on the ground: vehicles with troops and cargo - 902, tanks - 45, armored vehicles and armored personnel carriers - 48, gas tankers - 20, artillery pieces - 42, mortars - 25, of which 13 were six-barreled, a supply with cargo and ammunition - 240, horses - 228, ammunition depots - 10 were blown up, 2 locomotives were damaged, 2 railways were damaged. wagons, 1 steamboat, 4 barges, 4 boats. Suppressed 38 ZA, 21 anti-aircraft gun points. Destroyed - 2815 enemy soldiers and officers.

Obtained combat experience on the fronts of the Patriotic War comrade. BORMANN skillfully conveys to the commanders and flight personnel of the regiments. - Skillfully and courageously directs the combat work of the air regiments of the division. Disciplined. Demanding commander and organizer ... "

Goering Shopshil Matveyevich, Red Army soldier, signalman. In the Red Army since 1942

"... Red Army soldier Goering Sh. M., being a telephone operator, during the fighting on the right bank of the Dnieper River to expand and hold the right-bank bridgehead north of Kyiv, showed himself brave, courageous, ready for self-sacrifice in the name of victory over the enemy, knowing very well his job, as a communicator.

Under strong artillery mortar fire of the enemy, he repeatedly laid a connection, from firing positions on obl. paragraph. Only in one day of hostilities on 10/12/43, when the enemy went over to the counterattack Comrade. Goering, under enemy fire, caused 18 breaks in communication lines.

Red Army soldier Goering Sh. M. is worthy of the government award of the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree.

Hess Evgeny Pavlovich, senior technician-lieutenant, in the Red Army since June 1941

"... Comrade Hess has extensive experience in the repair and restoration of combat vehicles, acquired during the defense of Stalingrad. He skillfully applied his combat experience in the repair of combat vehicles in difficult winter conditions. , flexible work of repair teams. Comrade Hess quickly and efficiently restored combat vehicles and they went into battle mercilessly to smash the German invaders. Comrade Hess is proactive, resourceful, has good organizational skills. During the fighting of the regiment, his brigade repaired 8 medium and 10 small tanks."

Goth Nikolai Vyacheslavovich, brig military doctor, in the Red Army from February 1918.

"... GOT Brigadier, Nikolai Vyacheslavovich has been serving in the Red Army since 1918. An active participant in the fronts of the civil war against Yudenich and the White Poles. In E. G. he works as a senior therapist and Chairman of the Hospital Medical Commission. In this work, Comrade Goth showed himself a true enthusiast, a qualified therapist who perfectly understands the challenges facing him.

During his work in E. G. 1171 through the therapeutic departments, led by comrade. Goth passed 4.569 patients; through the Hospital Commission led by him - 1,002 wounded and sick. Counseling all severe therapeutic cases at the Hospital Comrade. Goth, with his qualified conclusions, saved quite a few lives of patients. From day to day, in addition to his great main work Comrade. Goth educates young cadres of military general practitioners, of whom 4 currently hold the positions of Heads of Therapeutic Departments. Comrade Goth introduced a lot of new things into the clinic and the treatment of patients with alimentary malnutrition and scurvy, significantly reducing the mortality of patients ... "

Yuri Sergeevich Manstein, captain, with the Red Army from June 1941

"... In the most critical and difficult areas, Comrade MANSHTEIN personally supervised the evacuation of the materiel from the battlefield and the neutral zone. For example, under his personal leadership, evacuation took place in the Ust-Tosno region, IM IZHORA, STARO-PANOVO, RED BOR and on the left bank of the NEVA river in the area of ​​the last hostilities.

In the period from January 9 to 28, under the leadership of Comrade MANSHTEIN, a joint evacuation group pulled 231 combat vehicles from the battlefield and frontline roads.

(original spelling and punctuation retained)

Source: fishki.net

once with fellow search engines, they visited the “museum of the partisan movement” in a remote village in the Mogilev region. Many curious things were learned about the partisans. In particular, the grandfathers shared about this fact - by the spring of the 42nd, the partisan detachments were conditionally divided into “Polish”, “Jewish” and “ours”. So, quite a considerable number of Germans and Czechs who deserted from the active army served in “ours”, although by the end of the 42nd, the NKVD controlled “our” detachments a little less than completely.

No wonder! The country was international. I don’t know about the Hitlers, but quite a few Bormanns and Mullers lived in the USSR, and the tragedy is that many of them were exiled during the war years to the Kazakh steppes, like a fifth column. Many of them laid down their lives for their homeland, fighting against their compatriots, with whom contact was lost during the time of Peter I, when many Germans left for Russia and found their second homeland here!

“According to the founder of the Jewish Messianic community (the first Jewish-Christian community in Russia) Joseph Rabinovich, the Jewish question can be solved only if they believe in their brother Jesus Christ.”

Nikolas. where are the examples of the fact that the Jews are directly raking the heat with the wrong hands? In addition, the banking business is theirs.

BARON Yes, I agree. Adapted, among other things, to seek opportunities to find cannon fodder instead of her sons in the pursuit of her own interests. The Patriotic War and today's Israeli army are exceptions to the rule, since this is a choice only between life or death and everything has to be put at stake. All-IMXO. More about the Jews, without me.

Nikolas. This suggests that this nation is more beaten, and therefore more adapted to everything. back IMHO

Yes it is!
They are simply forced to be ready for war there, because they live surrounded by enemies
And they really appreciate their soldiers.
The guide told me (when I was on an excursion there) that if a Jew is captured, then he must tell everything, because there is nothing more important than the life of one Jew, they immediately change all their locations.
And in Russia there are hardly any Jews in the army.

BARON, Alina noticed everything correctly. The country of Israel is their country, and even more so surrounded by enemies, which is why they serve there. HERE AND NOW, people of this nationality are generally engaged in more profitable business than any military service. In general, you won’t find their children in the lists of participants in hostilities, and even those who are serving in the army. (But their dads are very fond of talking about patriotism, the Fatherland and duty to the Motherland). In the post-war USSR, and especially in the late Brezhnev-Gorbachev era, exactly the same trend was observed. However, this is a completely different story of modern times, and the blog is not about that. We deviate from the topic.

Alina. apparently the wrong Jews live in the State of Israel. Everyone, absolutely, serves in the army. So it was in the USSR, in those days

Perhaps "very mediocre ideas about the Jews in the war."
Although... I have dealt with Nicholas, and I know that he is very delicate in his statements in dealing with girls.

Today's Jews do not represent the war.
Is that a few, or in the country of Israel.

I liked how the veteran talks about the war.
About our attitude towards women ... and Georgians, for example, in those military conditions.

Andrei A, I will not argue about the numbers and official statistics of the ratio of the number of GSS to the number of those who lived and fought. I think that the Second World War and fascism carried a direct threat to the very existence of the Jews, hence such figures. Wars that do not directly affect their interests and where you can limit yourself to the lives of workers and peasants, but not your own children, do not have such a ratio. In particular, the last two Chechen wars (especially significant) and the same Afghanistan (your example is the exception rather than the rule). By the way, the attitude of front-line soldiers and home front workers during the Great Patriotic War to this topic was also very ambiguous. There were such expressions as “went to the Tashkent front” and “received a medal for the defense of Tashkent” in relation to persons of this nationality.
P.S. “The percentage of losses among Russians is somewhat higher than the percentage of Russians in the population, by 1.14-1.22 times according to various censuses.
For a significant number of nationalities, the percentage of losses and the percentage of the population are close. Including the Jews, if we take the data on the number of Jews in 1939. Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Chuvashs, Buryats are also like that.
So the Jews cannot be attributed to those who “sat out in the rear” and had much fewer losses than the average. Such as the Ingush and Chechens, who account for the share of losses in the Soviet army 10 times less than their share in the population. Or the nationalities of Dagestan, where this share is 4 times less. But the Ossetians neighboring them - their share of losses is 0.6 of their share in the population (and, by the way, the largest number of Heroes of the Soviet Union per 1000 dead of all nationalities of the USSR). iguanodonna.livejournal.com website

Very mediocre ideas about the Jews in the war. The Jews fought for their existence, because. everyone knew about the extermination of them by the Nazis without exception and they did not surrender due to immediate destruction in the event of nationality being clarified, and of the more or less significant nationalities in Russia, they have the highest ratio of the number of Heroes of the Soviet Union to the number of those who fought, and to the number of those living in country at the time too.
From fresh. I personally know a Jew, born in 1958, who was a long-range aviation navigator twice in Afghanistan and has a wound and a shell shock, so that he could not excuse himself from these business trips (the connections and influence of his relatives were quite enough for this). I won’t say anything about Chechnya, I don’t know, it’s not my age.

I never cease to be amazed.
Jews, and in the war?

Yes ... A very eloquent example that a person should be judged by his deeds, and not by his last name, first name, and so on.
I read the blog and immediately remembered for some reason the series “Students” ... In the educational institution where the main characters received their profession, a mathematician worked with only one name that spoke to many people - Adolf. Everyone around this teacher giggled, whispered: "Hitler." But one day this man told his student why he was called that. It turns out that that was the name of his uncle, a violinist, a person with poor eyesight. That Adik went to the front and died there. And the sister, in memory of him, and not of Hitler, named her son Adolf. Like this...

If this was the case, you can give the hero of the USSR.

Ordinary people were not shot, this applied to those who stood close to greater power.

At the height of the war, my grandfather was given a medal for bravery for seeing a group of infiltrators from a telephone pole in the distance.

Alina, judging by the Red Army book, Hitler was a Jew. As for the rest of the surnames, there were quite a lot of Russified Germans in Imperial Russia and its army. Manstein is one of them. In the Drozdov division of Wrangel in civilian life, such a surname is mentioned among senior officers (father and son Manstein were in it). History sometimes gives out such knees that you wonder. It is known that the very first chairman of the Tsaritsyno city Cheka was a certain Alfred Karlovich Borman, from the Latvian shooters.
As for the rest, you need to delve into the sources, but it is unlikely to find anything about the origin of ordinary Red Army soldiers, and even junior and middle-level commanders. Here is something on the topic of Soviet Germans in the Great Patriotic War
In fairness, it is worth noting the reverse examples. Heroes of the Soviet Union in the service of the Luftwaffe

At first I thought it was a joke.
The origin of these Red Army men is interesting.
Find out who their ancestors were?

Yes, Rzhevsky .. You are the original of course in terms of finding non-trivial topics for communication. Well, how can you not put "five" here ?!

Yes, indeed, they were shot, it turns out. not all. *** Mikhalkov in his craft "Burnt by the Sun-2" was forced to admit this.

Alicia, I thought about that too. It is surprising that they did not fall under repression or did not change their surnames.

Thank you for reading with great interest!
It turns out that there were our Hitlers, and Goerings, or rather namesakes.
It's amazing how the NKVD didn't shoot them for such names?

Very interesting information. Yes ... with such surnames it was not easy for the soldiers of the Red Army, but people fought, showed heroism - Eternal memory to them and thanks for the Peaceful Sky! And of course, thanks to all the veterans (and no matter what surnames) who fought and defended our Motherland from fascism!

I have never looked at the soldiers of the Red Army from such a "family" angle of view.
What is called - amazing nearby. Unusual, non-standard and not consonant with the Russian ear, surnames and names often impose certain fetters on their owners, fetter, dictate a model of behavior unusual for them ...

During the fighting in the Second World War, our Hitlers, Goerings, Bormanns ... probably had to prove their patriotism, refute an unsuccessful family affiliation and show double or triple courage in order to escape from the captivity of stereotypes and get away from ridicule ...

Eternal memory to the heroes of the last war! And Russians, and Jews - and Ivanovs, and our Hitlers ...

And here's another interesting fact.
Karl Marx - SS Standartenführer! :))


Thank you Volodya for an interesting blog.