Urban settlement of Zelenoborsky, Kandalaksha district. Zelenoborsky urban settlement of the Kandalaksha district Zelenoborsky VKontakte

Adopted by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the Zelenoborsky urban settlement of the city of Kandalaksha with a subordinate territory of December 28, 2005 No. 15, with amendments and additions of March 27, 2006 No. 53, of May 24, 2006 No. 61.
Registered by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Northwestern Federal District on May 31, 2006 No. RU515031022006001.

The new Charter of the urban settlement of Zelenoborsky, Kandalaksha district, was adopted by the decision of the Council of Deputies of December 11, 2012 No. 309, registered by the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Murmansk Region on January 14, 2013, No. RU 515031022013001.

Official symbols

The municipality has a coat of arms not officially approved.

LSG leadership

The representative body of local self-government is the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Zelenoborsky, Kandalaksha district. Elected on September 08, 2019 in the municipal elections for 5 years. The established number of deputies is 10 people.

Head of the Municipal Formation of the Urban Settlement Zelenoborsky - Samarina Irina Nikolaevna. Elected on 09/16/2019 from the Council of Deputies, she acts as the Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Zelenoborsky urban settlement.

The executive and administrative body of LSG is the administration of the Zelenoborsky urban settlement.

And about. heads of administration Kaibkhanov Ruslan Tariverdievich

general characteristics

Administrative center: p.g.t. Zelenoborsky.
Distance from the administrative center to Kandalaksha: 50 km, to Murmansk: 281 km
Territory area: 2,054 sq. km.
Population: 5,468 people.
Number of administrative-territorial units: 7 settlements:
– p.g.t. Zelenoborsky
- with. Prince Guba
– n.p. Lesozavodsky
– n.p. Poyaconda
- with. Kovda
- railway station Kovda
- railway station Pearl

The village of Zelenoborsky is located 56 km south of the town of Kandalaksha. The federal highway St. Petersburg - Murmansk and the Oktyabrskaya railway St. Petersburg - Murmansk pass through the village.
The most remote settlement Poyakonda is located 40 km south of Zelenoborsky.
The settlement was founded in 1951 in connection with the construction of the Knyazhegubskaya hydroelectric power station. The status of an urban-type settlement has been established since 1952.

Zelenoborsky settlement, Kandalaksha district

The village of Zelenoborsky was founded in 1951 in connection with the construction of the Knyazhegubskaya hydroelectric power station. Now it is part of the Kandalaksha district of the Murmansk region, located on the eastern bank of Kovdozero, not far from the Knyazhaya railway station. The federal highway St. Petersburg - Murmansk and the Oktyabrskaya railway St. Petersburg - Murmansk pass through the village.

The structure of the municipality, the urban settlement of Zelenoborsky with its subordinate territory, includes:

  • village of Zelenoborsky (including the village of Knyazhaya Guba) -7800 people
  • settlement Lesozavodsky - 661 people
  • Poyaconda - 133 people
  • with. Kovda - 22 people
  • railway Art. Kovda - 68 people
  • railway Art. Pearl - 2 persons

    Total - 8686 people

    The main businesses in the village are:

  • Knyazhegubskaya HPP, with. Prince Guba, tel. (815-33) 66 - 9 - 09
  • Kovdozersky forestry, st. Srednyaya, d. 15, tel. (815-33) 66 - 1 - 05
  • Woodworking plant. Entered service in 1960. It produces boards for various purposes, window and door blocks, particle boards, skirting boards, platbands and other products.
  • Knyazhegubsky fish hatchery, st. Fish farm, tel. (815-33) 65 - 4 - 35

    All the necessary social and cultural conditions have been created in the village, there are:

  • dispensary, st. Magistralnaya, 30, tel. (815-33) 64 - 5 - 53
  • polyclinic, st. Magistralnaya, 30, tel. (815-33) 66 - 2 - 16
  • school number 6, st. Energy, tel. (815-33) 66 - 2 - 31
  • school number 18, st. Yuzhnaya, d. 6-a, tel. (815-33) 64 - 5 - 80
  • House of Culture, tel. (815-33) 66 - 2 - 25

    You can get to Zelenoborsky village by train to the railway station. Knyazhaya station or by bus from Kandalaksha

  • Zelenoborsky- an urban-type settlement in the south of the Murmansk region, located 50 kilometers from the regional center - the city of Kandalaksha. The village is located at the mouth of the Knyazhaya River, which forms the Knyazhaya Bay in the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea. To the west of the village are the Knyazhegubskoe reservoir and lakes Dolgoye and Kovdozero.

    Zelenoborsky crosses the St. Petersburg - Murmansk federal highway, and nearby is the Knyazhaya railway station on the Belomorsk - Murmansk branch. The settlement is the center of a vast urban settlement, which also unites 6 small settlements.


    Zelenoborsky arose in 1951 during the construction of the Knyazhegubskaya hydroelectric power station, which is part of the cascade of the Nivsky hydroelectric power stations. The very next year, the settlement of builders and power engineers became an urban-type settlement. In 1956, the hydroelectric power station was completed. In addition to it, the forest industry developed in the village. In the 1970s, the maximum population was recorded in the village - more than 10 thousand inhabitants. During that period, housing construction peaked. After the collapse of the USSR, Zelenoborsky is experiencing a demographic crisis - the population of the village has almost halved.

    Coat of arms of Zelenoborsk

    The country Russia
    Subject of the federation Murmansk region
    Municipal area Kandalaksha district
    Population ▼ 6561 people (2010)
    Founded 1951
    Telephone code +7 81533
    Center height 73 m
    OKATO code 47 408 558
    Coordinates Coordinates: 66°50′42″ s. sh. 32°21′43″ E  / 66.845° N sh. 32.361944° E d. (G) (O) (I) 66 ° 50′42 ″ s. sh. 32°21′43″ E  / 66.845° N sh. 32.361944° E d. (G) (O) (I)
    Postcode 184020
    PGT with 1952
    Timezone UTC+4
    car code 51

    Zelenoborsky is an urban-type settlement in the Kandalaksha district of the Murmansk region. The administrative center of the urban settlement of the same name.

    Population - 6561 inhabitants (2010 census).


    The federal highway St. Petersburg - Murmansk and the Oktyabrskaya railway St. Petersburg - Murmansk pass through the village. The railway station Knyazhaya is located a few kilometers to the west.


    The settlement was founded in 1951 in connection with the construction of the Knyazhegubskaya hydroelectric power station. The status of an urban-type settlement has been since 1952. The woodworking plant went into operation in 1960. It produces boards for various purposes, window and door blocks, particle boards, skirting boards, platbands and other products. In 1970, there were 10 thousand inhabitants.


    The village is located 30 km south of Kandalaksha, on the shore of the Knyazhaya (Knyazhya) bay of the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea and is part of the Kandalaksha district of the Murmansk region. The Knyazhaya River flows through the village of Lesobirzha.

    The environs of Zelenoborsky are rich in natural resources. Pike, whitefish, perch, and char are found in the Knyazhegubsky reservoir. Flounder, herring, cod, salmon, and trout are found in the Prince's Bay. There are seals and fur seals. Many different birds nest and breed on the sandy shores. The nearby forests are famous for cloudberries, blueberries, lingonberries and mushrooms. On the shores of the bay there are often outcrops of blue clay, both kiln and cosmetic.

    Urban Settlement Zelenoborsky

    The structure of the municipality, the urban settlement of Zelenoborsky with its subordinate territory, includes:



    1959 1970 1979 1989 2002 2010
    9000 10 224 10 122 9643 7640 6561

    The address: 184020, Russia, Murmansk region, Kandalaksha district, Zelenoborsky village, Magistralnaya street, 95

    Phone(s): (815-33) 66-394

    Boss: Colonel of the internal service Tarasov Dmitry Viktorovich

    Attention! This map is for illustrative purposes only, as Yandex service is not yet able to accurately determine the position on the map in all cases. In more or less large settlements, as a rule, the location is determined correctly, but in rural areas and in remote areas errors are possible.

    Extended information

    Federal State Institution "Correctional Colony No. 20 of the Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Murmansk Region"

    Postal address: 184020, Russia, Murmansk region, Kandalaksha district, Zelenoborsky village, Magistralnaya street, 95.

    Contact phone numbers:

    Duty department: 8 (815-33) 66-394

    Reception: 8 (815-33) 64-102

    Fax: 8 (815-33) 64-114

    Accounting: 8 (815-33) 64-108

    Personnel group: 8 (815-33) 64-115

    Department of special accounting: 8 (815-33) 64-116

    Helpline: 8 (815-33) 64-120

    Head of the institution: Tarasov Dmitry Viktorovich, colonel of the internal service

    FKU IK-20 UFSIN of Russia in the Murmansk region (Zelenoborsky settlement) penal colony of general regime.

    Schedule of reception of citizens on personal issues by management

    Chief of the colony

    Colonel of the Internal Service

    Tarasov Dmitry Viktorovich

    daily 10.00-11.00

    except weekends

    Doronin Anatoly Viktorovich

    Wednesday 15.00-17.00

    Deputy head of the colony

    major of internal service

    Leontiev Egor Gennadievich

    Wednesday 15.00-17.00

    Acting Deputy Head of the Colony for Personnel and Educational Work with Convicts

    major of internal service

    Nosov Konstantin Alexandrovich

    Wednesday 15.00-17.00

    Deputy head of the colony - head of the security department

    lieutenant colonel of internal service

    Shatalo Andrey Mikhailovich

    Wednesday 15.00-17.00

    Deputy head of the colony - head of the center

    lieutenant colonel of internal service

    Vlasov Nikolai Konstantinovich

    Wednesday 15.00-17.00

    Pre-registration by phone: 8 (815-33) 64-102

    The work schedule of the inspector for the issuance of parcels, transfers, parcels, long and short-term visits


    Reception of transmissions

    Issuance of parcels, transfers

    Reception of transmissions

    Issuance of parcels, transfers

    Going on long dates

    Conducting short dates

    Reception of transmissions

    Issuance of parcels, transfers

    Going on long dates

    Conducting short dates

    Reception of transmissions

    Issuance of parcels, transfers

    Going on long dates

    Conducting short dates

    Reception of transmissions

    Issuance of parcels, transfers

    Going on long dates

    Conducting short dates

    Day off


    Day off


    Processing of documents, applications, parcels, transfers


    We warn about the danger of providing intermediary services for the transfer of food and various items from strangers to convicts and those under investigation. You cannot be sure that these transfers do not contain narcotic substances or other items prohibited for use and storage on the territory of colonies and pre-trial detention centers. Despite the fact that you did not know about the presence of prohibited substances and items in the transfer or parcel, it is you who will be responsible in accordance with applicable law.

    History reference

    Correctional colony of general regime No. 20, located in the south of the Murmansk region, on the border with the Republic of Karelia, was founded in 1951 in connection with the creation of a camp department at Knyazhaya station.

    Until 1960, it remained the camp department No. 15 of the Knyazhaya station, and then it became an independent section No. 1 of the OMZ ATC of the Murmansk Regional Executive Committee.

    The village of Zelenoborsky was built mainly by the hands of convicts. For the construction of the Knyazhegubskaya HPP under an agreement in 1952, the department of corrective labor colonies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Murmansk Regional Executive Committee allocated 2,000 people who mainly performed heavy land work. They also built a hospital complex, a school, houses, roads in the village.

    In the colony in those years, mostly those convicted of economic crimes and the so-called "enemies of the people" served their sentences. The convicts and the civilian staff worked together, occupying administrative positions as equals. In 1960, they began to build workshops and set up the production of furniture and brush products.

    The heyday of the production activity of the institution fell on the 70-80s, when about 1380 convicts were kept in the ITK-20 OITU of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Murmansk Regional Executive Committee, who actively participated in the implementation of the state order for the production of consumer goods.

    The Twentieth Colony in those years was very famous for the quality and exclusivity of the products that were produced in it. People signed up in a queue to purchase kitchen sets produced in the institution.

    In the 1990s, which were difficult for the entire penitentiary system of the country, the situation changed dramatically. In 1989, it was decided to create a medical and labor dispensary on the basis of the colony. In this regard, production was actually curtailed. And a little later, the decision to create an LTP was canceled, and the employees of the institution had to start everything almost from scratch.

    The ITK-20 OID of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Murmansk region of general regime was re-formed with a filling limit of 800 people.

    Today, the regime for the establishment of FKU IK-20 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Murmansk Region has not changed. Filling limit - 1255 people.

    On the territory of the correctional institution there is a medical unit, which provides high-quality emergency, outpatient and inpatient medical care, medical examinations, clinical examination, a set of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures.

    An evening (shift) school, a vocational educational institution, two sports halls and a library operate for convicts in the colony.

    Enterprise IK-20 has been transformed into a labor adaptation center for convicts, the main areas of work of which are woodworking, sewing, animal husbandry (pigs, chickens, geese and rabbits are bred in the institution).

    Much attention in the institution is paid to educational work and spiritual and moral education of convicts, for which the potential of the Russian Orthodox Church and other religious denominations is used. There is an Orthodox chapel in IK-20 where Orthodox ceremonies are regularly held.

    Currently, together with the authorities, the issue of large-scale development of agricultural production in the colony is being actively discussed, since this is facilitated by the geographical location in the south of the region and the area of ​​​​the institution. This will allow attracting a large number of convicts to work, will give them the opportunity to acquire professional and labor skills and specialties necessary for their further adaptation in society after their release from places of deprivation of liberty.


    Where should relatives go in the event of the death of a convicted person?

    If this happens, the administration of the penitentiary must inform the relatives by telegram within 24 hours after the death of the convict.

    The burial of persons who died while serving a sentence is carried out taking into account their will.

    If the relatives decide to carry out the burial of the deceased, then it is necessary to arrive at the penitentiary, where the convict was serving his sentence, and pick up the body. To do this, a relative of the deceased writes a statement addressed to the head of the correctional facility and provides an identity document.

    If the relatives did not claim the body of the deceased, then the burial is carried out by the administration of the penitentiary in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations. At the burial place, a plaque with the last name, first name, patronymic, dates of birth and death is installed. The number of the grave is entered in the archival file of the convict.

    In the future, the relatives of the deceased, at their discretion, can come to the place of burial and install a tombstone on the grave in accordance with their religion.

    (Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 8-FZ “On Burial and Funeral Affairs”; Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia of June 23, 2005 No. 93 “On Approval of the Instruction on the Procedure for the Burial of Persons Who Died While Serving a Criminal Sentence and Detention in FPS Institutions Russia").