Institute of Management of the Economic Sphere. Institute of economics and management

The faculty implements a wide range of programs in economics (bachelor's, master's), public administration of economic development, state and municipal administration, financial management of the public sector, and social policy.

Bachelor's programs in the direction 38.03.01 ECONOMICS



Master's programs in the direction 38.04.01 ECONOMICS




Master's programs in the direction 38.04.04 STATE AND MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT


Program features:

  • is aimed at training managers for the state (municipal) sector based on modern management tools that integrate the mechanisms of state and corporate management;
  • focused on the formation of competencies to solve complex problems of interaction between the state, business and society;
  • provides for the choice of specialization (modules):
  • public-private partnership and interaction of civil society institutions;
  • property valuation in the public sector;
  • economics of branch enterprises and organizations.







Program features:

  • is aimed at training managers with a project approach to solving managerial problems based on the methodology of project management in various industries and sectors of the economy;
  • focused on the formation of skills in organizing and implementing a corporate system of project management and development of project teams;
  • the program has accreditation confirming compliance with the requirements of the National Project Management Association "SOVNET" in accordance with the IPMA (International Project Management Association) project management methodology.



Mission of the master's program « » in the direction of "State and municipal management" (SMU) consists in training managers who effectively provide at different levels of activity the development, regulatory, legal and organizational and economic support and implementation of state policy, innovative state, municipal and corporate programs and projects in healthcare, taking into account international and domestic experience.

Forms of education: full-time - 2 years; part-time - 2.5 years.

Master's programs in the direction 38.04.08 FINANCE AND CREDIT


Master's programs in the direction Direction 38.04.09 STATE AUDIT


Master's programs in the direction 38.04.03 HR MANAGEMENT


Master's programs in the direction 41.04.04 POLITICAL SCIENCE


Among the professors are well-known specialists with significant practical experience in the field of economics and management, social policy and state financial control.

This circumstance led to the provision of a unique bachelor's program "Financial Control and State Audit" in the direction of "Economics", master's programs in the direction of "State Audit", "Economics", "Finance and Credit", " Personnel management” and “State and municipal administration”. Dissertation councils on economics and sociology work under the guidance of professors of the GUE faculty.

The introduction of virtual educational environments into the educational process with the help of the Internet and network technologies is a new vector in the educational and methodological activities of the faculty. The use of these technologies contributes to the preparation of a new generation of economists with innovative work skills.

Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute

State University of Management
international title State University of Management
Motto Ars gerendi - Ars vincendi
Year of foundation 1919
Rector A.M. Lyalin
Location Russia Moscow
Legal address 109542, Russia, Moscow, m. Vykhino, Ryazansky prospect, 99

55.714698 , 37.814105 55°42′52.91″ N sh. 37°48′50.77″ E d. /  55.714698 , 37.814105 (G)

State University of Management (GUU)- the leading university in Russia in the field of management education - is a state higher educational institution of federal subordination, has the status of a legal entity. The SUM has the right to carry out educational activities in educational programs of higher and additional professional education and issue documents on education of a state standard to graduates who have confirmed the development of the corresponding educational program at the final state certification.

The main professional and educational programs of higher professional education at the University are implemented in four forms: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time and in the form of an external student.


SUM is the founder of management education in Russia.

From 1885 to 1919 it was the Alexander Commercial School of the Moscow Exchange Society, then the Nikolaev Commercial School, later the Women's Trading School of Emperor Nicholas II and, finally, the Moscow Industrial and Economic Practical College.

On April 30, 1919, by decision of the People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry of the RSFSR, the Moscow Industrial and Economic Practical Institute was established on the basis of the Moscow Industrial and Economic College. The university was designed to provide training for economists for industry and consumer cooperation, financiers, specialists in economics and labor organization.

On July 23, 1930, by a decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Moscow Industrial and Economic Practical Institute was transformed into the Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute. The main task of the institute was the training of engineers-economists of a wide profile for the most important sectors of the national economy: mechanical engineering, chemistry, metallurgy, energy, construction, transport, urban economy, etc.

On March 28, 1975, by order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR, the Moscow Institute of Engineering and Economics was renamed the Moscow Institute of Management. In accordance with the requirements of the economy, the institute was the first among the universities of the country to open the training of specialists in the organization of production management.

On February 5, 1991, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Moscow Institute of Management was transformed into the State Academy of Management. The Academy initiated the opening of new areas of management education in the country, taking into account the needs of a market economy, organizing multidisciplinary training for industrial, social, state and municipal administration.

On August 8, 1998, by order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, based on the results of state certification and accreditation, the State Academy of Management received the status of a university and was renamed the State University of Management.

University courtyard.

University structure


Rector - Alexey Mikhailovich Lyalin
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs - Vasily Mikhailovich Svistunov
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO) - Viktor Ivanovich Zvonnikov
Vice-Rector for Research - Valentin Yakovlevich Afanasiev
Vice-Rector for Business Education and Information Technology - Vladimir Viktorovich Godin
Vice-rector for administrative and economic work - Alexander Ivanovich Asyutin
Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Economics - Dmitry Nikolayevich Zemlyakov


  • Institute of Management in Industry and Energy
  • Institute of Business in Construction and Project Management
  • Institute of Transport and Logistics Management
  • Institute of Public Administration and Law
  • Institute of Management Information Systems
  • Institute of National and World Economy
  • Institute of Sociology and Personnel Management
  • Institute of Financial Management
  • Institute of Migration Management
  • Institute of International Business
  • Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship in the Social Sphere
  • Institute of Tourism and Market Development
  • Institute of Taxes and Tax Management
  • Institute of Marketing
  • Russian-Dutch Faculty of Marketing
  • University of the Foreign languages
  • Faculty of Master's Training
  • Distance Learning Institute
  • Institute for the Training of Scientific, Pedagogical and Scientific Personnel
  • Institute for advanced training of employees of the civil service and sectors of the national economy
  • Faculty of advanced training of teachers
  • Preparatory Faculty
  • Branch of the University - Obninsk
  • Branch of the University - Kaliningrad
  • Training center for pre-university education "AZ"


SUM trains students in 23 specialties.

Speciality The code Awarded qualification
Crisis management 080503 Economist-manager
Accounting, analysis and audit 080109 Economist
State and municipal administration 080504 Manager
Document management and documentation support of management 032001 document manager
Information management 080508 Manager
Logistics 080506 logistician
Marketing 080111 Marketer
Mathematical Methods in Economics 080116 Economist-mathematician
Organisation management 080507 Manager
World economy 080102 Economist
Taxes and taxation 080107 Tax Specialist
National economy 080103 Economist
Applied Informatics in Management 080801 Informatic manager
Applied Mathematics 230401 Mathematical Engineer
nature management 020802 Ecologist-natural user
Advertising 032401 Advertising Specialist
Public relations 030602 Public Relations Specialist
Sociology 040201 Sociologist
Statistics 080601 Economist
Innovation management 220601 Manager Engineer
Personnel Management 080505 Manager
Finance and credit 080105 Economist
Jurisprudence 030501 Lawyer

Notable staff and alumni

  • Zinovy ​​Yakovlevich Beletsky (Soviet philosopher)
  • Mikhail Yurievich Zurabov (Federal Minister of the Russian Federation)
  • Vladimir Borisovich Zotov (Prefect of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow)
  • Evgeny Alexandrovich Chichvarkin (ex-CEO of Euroset)
  • Valery Alekseevich Chudinov (founder and director of the Center for Ancient Slavic Literature and Culture)
  • Boris Igorevich Tarakanov (an outstanding figure of the Russian Musical Internet, founder of the theory of economics and management of choral art, conductor, writer. Professor, academician of the IAFN)
  • Sergei Yurievich Glazyev (Deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Secretary General of the EurAsEC, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Georgy Borisovich Kleiner (Russian economist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)
  • Benzion Zakharovich Milner (full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, chief researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Effective management largely depends on the efficiency of enterprises. Leading cadres are our everything. Where are they prepared? What can future students get from the specialty "Economics and Management at the Enterprise"? What are the job prospects? We will talk about all this in the article.

general information

So, the specialty "Economics and Management at the Enterprise" is a universal specialty, which allows you to master the methods and techniques of efficient organization of production, doing business, achieving maximum results at the expense of the lowest costs, and teaches you how to maintain strategic competitiveness. What profession do people who have completed the training master? They receive the specialty of an economist-manager. In fact, it is an integrator of basic business processes that take place in an enterprise. Although not only that. But first things first.

What are the prospects?

What does "Economics and management at the enterprise" give? Who to work after training? In fact, this is leadership training. During training, a person acquires theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities that will help develop an organization development strategy in market conditions, manage investments and developments, capitalization growth, optimally allocate resources in accordance with the established priority, analyze and assess the financial condition of the enterprise.

Specialists of this profession study the basics of rational production management, social development of companies, taking into account their industry specifics, work technology and economics. This allows you to work at different enterprises, in design organizations, government and local structures, as well as in educational and research institutions. Positions held - from an investment specialist to a wide range of economists, so to speak, for all occasions.

Tasks to be solved

What professional problems can be solved by a person who has studied in the direction of "Economics and Management at the Enterprise"? Higher education will allow you to solve such problems:

  1. Forecast and plan the activities of organizations with different forms of ownership.
  2. Preparation of economic justification for investments and developments.
  3. Managing the activity of the subject.
  4. Develop strategies for the development of the organization.
  5. Evaluation of the results of the work of the structure.
  6. Analysis of the organization's activities.

Particular attention is paid to the rational use of available opportunities. People are being trained to ensure the effective implementation of programs and projects. They are faced with the task of organizing the process of creating an aggregate social product, as well as a national income. Specialists after graduating from the Faculty of Economics and Management at the enterprise will be able to engage in organizational, managerial, design, analytical, financial, foreign economic, entrepreneurial, research and educational activities.

Where can you get it?

Now there is a trend towards the universality of universities, when they provide training in a variety of specialties, some of which are not targeted within the framework of the original doctrine. Therefore, it is advisable to focus on the most prestigious establishments. Of course, in order to enter them, you must have good scores and, more importantly, knowledge. Where can "Economics and Management at the Enterprise" be mastered? Universities offering this service:

  1. Academy MNEPU.
  2. MEPhI.
  3. Bauman State University.
  4. International Academy of Business and Management.

Here is such a small list. Many may have the impression that one can master this specialty only by moving to Moscow. This is not true. Training in this specialty is also provided by many regional higher educational institutions. Of course, many would like to have a prestigious diploma. But the most important thing is knowledge. Teachers will not consider all aspects, and much attention will have to be paid to self-education. This is even provided for in modern curricula. The direction "Economics and enterprise management" is no exception to this. The institute can tell you which direction to move in, but you will have to study on your own. And probably for the rest of your life.

A little about future work

The qualification of the specialty sounds like “economist-manager”. If you translate the meaning into Russian, you get a business manager-manager. Where can the acquired knowledge be used? Conditionally, the following directions can be distinguished:

  1. Entrepreneurship.
  2. A skilled worker involved in the management structure.
  3. Advisor.

Each of these areas has its own specific features. And for a better understanding of the situation, they will be considered separately.


What is the essence of economics and enterprise management? Education within this area allows you to gain basic knowledge about economic processes, the terminology used and a number of other points from which the foundation for confident activity in this area is cemented. If you have an idea of ​​​​how everything works, then you can independently try your hand at the field of entrepreneurial success. And here it is not at all necessary to start everything from scratch and reinvent your wheel. You can take advantage of the developments of other organizations and structures by purchasing a franchise.

The only thing without which it is difficult to start is capital. But if the work is carried out in the service sector, then this is not so critical. Of course, it will be quite difficult to go far on one theory. It is also necessary to have practice and an idea of ​​the real state of affairs. Of course, no one will let you manage the enterprise in this case. But who said that this is exactly what is needed? It is necessary to look for the opportunity to observe the processes in order to get a real picture of the operation of the enterprise. Even if it is possible to just carry important pieces of paper, this is also progress. After all, a really interested person will be able to study them, memorize and evaluate the actions taken, which will allow them to more confidently start working for themselves. Of course, you can do without all this, and, having determined the scope of work, begin to act.

skilled worker

In this case, a person gets a job at an enterprise in order to gain experience and make a career. It is not necessary to think that all life will be spent within one structure. Long gone are the days when people worked for decades at the same enterprise. Therefore, having gained experience, you can try yourself in another enterprise. Initially, it is hardly worth counting on receiving critical assignments where you can significantly prove yourself. A good reputation and experience are waiting for years. Although just hoping that the opportunity to prove oneself will appear from the sky is not necessary. We need to find ways to get to the top. This can be achieved by conscientiously fulfilling one's duties, showing initiative, analyzing the current situation and giving practical advice. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account the existing realities. Perhaps the manager does not want to say goodbye to such a good employee. Such a possibility, alas, also exists. If it is impossible to advance and grow, it is better to take a step back, look around and decide to move to another company.

You can work not only for your own company, but also for another, acting as an investment consultant. In this case, it is necessary to be able to soberly and objectively assess the situation that has developed in another organization, and provide your own recommendations for decision-making. Over time, you can "cross" this occupation with entrepreneurship.

Let's look at a small example. There is such a fairly well-known investor - Warren Buffett. This is one of the richest people in the world. Initially, he also worked as an investment advisor. Gradually, he began to invest part of the money he earned in the same thing that he recommended to his clients. The result of this approach, multiplied by knowledge, is clearly visible to all of us - Warren Buffett is rightfully considered one of the richest people on earth and an extremely successful investor. Of course, it is not given to everyone to repeat his path. But at least it's worth trying. Even if you fail to reach its heights, it is quite possible to become a millionaire, which is not something out of the ordinary and fantastic.


So why choose this specialty? And where to do? Applicants must find answers to these questions on their own. If you need knowledge to organize your own business, if you have talent in working with other people, if you have discipline and a desire to work, then this is certainly a very useful specialty. It is also suitable for people with mathematical and analytical skills. But it should be remembered that you need to go where there is interest, and it is important to study well. This does not mean memorizing the material, but understanding it and understanding why everything is so. It is by understanding the connections, causes and effects that one can act optimally. In addition, a person who can quickly find a problem and describe it in an accessible language for everyone else is clearly a valuable shot.