How charity affects a person. Charitable Foundation for Helping Children

Charity or philanthropy, love for people is the activity of an individual or a group of people, through which resources are voluntarily and free of charge transferred to needy people.

Charity is aimed both at a specific person, solving a personal problem that concerns everyone, and at society in the narrow and broad sense of the word.


Charitable activities contribute to solving the problems of society and improving the conditions of social life.

A person who does charity does it voluntarily. He himself chooses the time, the place of help and the resource that he will share disinterestedly.

Charity resources include:

  • cash, finance,
  • material resources,
  • abilities, skills,
  • knowledge, intellectual and moral resources,
  • work for good, services,
  • other support.

Charity is sometimes associated with almsgiving, but these are different phenomena. The main difference between charity and charity is that it is organized and planned.

Giving alms, a person helps one specific individual and does not know how he uses the help received as a gift.

A person engaged in charity is aware of the social significance of the goal of his activity.

Charity is organized according to a plan or program. The goals of assistance go beyond the family or friends of the benefactor, are not forced upon him, are disinterested, without malicious intent.

Money for charity goes to shelters, boarding schools, canteens, hospitals, and other social state and non-state institutions.

Charity forms

It is difficult to determine the forms of charity; there is no clear classification. There is humanitarian, social assistance, volunteering. There is help "pro bono" - free services of a professional, a qualified specialist.

Charity finds expression in the form:

  1. personal participation of a citizen,
  2. help institutions, companies,
  3. activities of a public organization, a relief fund,
  4. church assistance based on the dogmas of one or another religion.
  5. Government support (for example, benefits).

The charity of wealthy people is more often expressed in the creation of organizations that carry out charitable activities on their behalf. This is a popular form of helping society in our time. Sometimes it is criticized and ridiculed, questioned unreasonably. Sometimes he really convicts "philanthropists" and "philanthropists" of dishonesty, of linking charity to politics, advertising, business, and so on.

A charitable organization is a non-profit, non-state structure designed to provide assistance, charity through activities in the interests of society or certain categories of citizens.

Foundations receive money for charity in the form of:

  • donations from individuals and legal entities,
  • grants, targeted funding from other funds,
  • investments from investments, deposits,
  • profits from permissible, legally regulated commercial activities.

Charity is designed not only to eliminate negative social phenomena and trends, but also to develop positive ones.

Funds are being created to support young artists, writers, scientists and other talented people.

There are prizes and awards that people of art and culture receive in order to be able to develop and move civilization forward, to ensure the progress of mankind.

Reasons for giving

Selfless help and charity is carried out because a person has:

  • The desire to help people, to contribute to the development of society. Human, compassion, . By doing good, he feels happy. A true philanthropist makes life more harmonious, restores justice and order.
  • Internal installation, the principle of helping those who need it. This is an attitude instilled from childhood. Such an inner willingness to help speaks of the culture and morality of a person. He is used to helping people, he considers this the norm of behavior.
  • Due to the position, status, position, the duty to help. The powerful of this world at all times receive the glory of a benefactor. From the height of their own greatness, they help others to become even higher in the eyes of society.

  • The desire to gain respect and approval, authority in the eyes of the environment. In charity, a person is looking for an opportunity to acquire importance and significance as a person, to assert himself.
  • Imitation of others. The involvement of people around in charity acts as an infectious, "fashionable" trend. As soon as the fashion for generosity and philanthropy leaves or you do not boast of it, a person will lose interest in charity.
  • Wine for well-being. In this case, charity is a way to solve internal psychological problems. Charity of rich people, conditional - a way to make amends for past mistakes related to the failure to provide assistance to a person in need or to compensate for excessive greed, stinginess.
  • Compensation for psychological trauma. A person wants to help another individual if he has been in the same difficult life situation. People who have experienced misfortune or grief are more likely to help a person in a difficult situation than those who have not known misfortunes. Helping another, a person copes with his mental trauma.

The world seems cruel and cynical, but there are many kind and generous people in every country and culture. Helping another, a person helps everyone on Earth.

Why is charity needed?

Have you ever wondered why charity is needed? A tribute to fashion, or is charity really necessary for the harmonious existence of a person?

Remember, have you recently provided charity: monetary, spiritual support to acquaintances or strangers? What can be attributed to charity?

Meanwhile, charity is truly one of the most powerful tools of a person to create his own good, because it is not for nothing that the term contains two components “good” and “create”.

Let's take a look at why charity is needed.
In order to create his own good, a person in the modern world, not possessing secret knowledge, necessarily begins to make efforts for this.

For example, if the question concerns the material component, then the time of work increases. But you know that everything in this world is like on a scale, and if one bowl begins to outweigh, then the other one suffers. (Read also)

If we spend a lot of time at work, then there is correspondingly little time for personal life and personal happiness, health, relationships with family or friends suffer.

Have you noticed that most millionaires from all over the world donate money to charity? If not themselves, then their wives or children organize charitable foundations.
Because there is a law: share with others, and you will receive a larger share.

By the way, wealthy people have long understood this phenomenon of charity, and if they cannot explain this phenomenon to you on paper and with numbers, then they feel it inside themselves, in other words, with their souls.

Unfortunately, the purse of the poor is empty for charity in monetary terms, but help and support can be provided not only financially. You can do good with a word, help, support. (Read also)

If you feel that your life has gone downhill, then urgently pay attention to your social significance among people. Urgently look around, perhaps a colleague needs your supportive word or your girlfriend needs your sympathy. (read also)

Only the old woman Shapoklyak sang “You can’t become famous for good deeds”, but even in that distant childhood we understood that she sang this song because of her harmfulness and, of course, we all witnessed her misadventures.

There are many needy people in the world, people with disabilities, people with disabilities and just people who find themselves in a difficult life circumstance at the current moment. Give them a helping hand: physical, moral or financial. Who knows, maybe your 100 rubles, transferred today to the account of assistance to the disabled, tomorrow will help someone from people who have almost lost hope to become a little happier.

And remember that according to the law of life, a person returns what he gives to others in a larger volume. Isn't this fact a huge incentive to do good?

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In this article we will consider the topic: “Why do we need charity?” What does it give a person? What feelings does it reveal?

Do we often think that the spiritual strength of society, its economic and cultural development depend on the spiritual and intellectual development of each of us?

How often do we meet happy people on the street? The answer is obvious - basically people are in a hurry somewhere, they criticize someone. We live in a society that is quite prosperous materially, which cannot be said about its spiritual component. In spiritual terms, we are divided and poor, everyone experiences a lack of friendship, sincerity, love: not only poor people, but also those who are more financially secure among us.

“It is not the census of the population, not the size of the cities, not the harvested crops that really tell the level of civilization - no, it is said by the quality of a person to do good deeds” (R. W. Emerson).

Of course, we are responsible for our lives, but can our well-being be higher than the needs of our neighbors? Can our success, or our problems, be more important than the true manifestations of our hearts?

To be sensitive and merciful, attentive, generous to others, and therefore grateful for one's fate - this is human nature.

“Happy are those who are generous at all times” (Psalms 106:3)

Charity, its power makes it possible to get away from selfishness and loneliness and, as a result, depression.

Charity is one of the simple and effective ways to feel that you are needed in this world, that your contribution brings joy and benefit to many people. But the most important thing is the state of happiness that you yourself experience: strength, lightness, satisfaction, the desire to act and share what you have been given.

How to make charity work become a good tradition for every person?

The cultivation of charity towards others must begin with the family. And then our loved ones will delight us with their kind attitude, desire to help, and there will be no place for selfishness in the family.

Charitable assistance can become a good tradition in schools, bringing together teenagers from 10-16 years old for good, creative deeds, and the implementation of youth projects. And then the statistics: 241 murders among young people in 2011 on the basis of conflicts, drinking, drug addiction, unrequited love will not be so sad.

It is also possible for enterprises to cultivate charity as a tradition, sponsoring significant social projects or taking patronage over a children's institution, thereby contributing to the success of the enterprise and team cohesion.

"Charity enriches us not only materially, in the financial aspect - it enriches our mind and heart a thousandfold."

In conclusion, I would like to say that when forming your beliefs and values ​​on the basis of interest and desire to do something meaningful for other people, you must always remember that you are part of society and are responsible for your contribution to its development.

Now on the recording of the "School of Scandal" he was completely cut down by Avdotya ("Dunya") Smirnova. Efficiency is beyond praise, I received aesthetic satisfaction from the cleanliness of the work.

The last time this happened in the army - while flying, I still managed to admire how the dude had a beautiful reception before breaking the closet.

The essence of the matter: having probed with all sorts of meaningless questions and hysteria (this is to Tolstaya, however, who is an anti-Soviet in the style of Novodvorskaya, though without the latter’s grounds) - and, probably, having made internal diagnoses, she ended the program with a childish question: why am I not doing charity work?
In my words and in my terms: why am I not personally engaged in senseless, but on a limited scale, socially useful activity, obviously doomed, but heroically trying to correct at least something from the consequences of the destructive activities of the state?
Why don't I pay Navalny? Why don't I take money from my children for medicines for children dying from health care reform and Kudrin's stinginess? Why do I dare to work instead of volunteering to put out Forest Code fires? Why do I give unnecessary things to poor acquaintances, and not to unknown children from the orphanage and the homeless? Why am I not participating in the obviously meaningless standing on Triumfalnaya? (the latter is political, but still charity).

The question, for all its outward absurdity, is actually a serious one: a person responsible to society must pay social tax - not in money, but with his responsibility. In England before Thatcher, a gentleman considered it his duty to work for free (or almost) for a year or more in one of the former impoverished colonies.

The argument "there is no time" is nonsense: let's say that many people (like Khamatova and Dr. Liza) work no less than me. The main thing is that he is not true: when I am in grief, I can sleep for 3 hours instead of 5.5 - but I never burn with charity.

The argument “I spend my energy on work that I do well, and with charity I will bring less benefit than with work” is not good: charity is not for the sake of efficiency (it is usually zero, or even negative, as people get used to it), but at the call of the heart . This also includes the argument that charity cannot solve a single problem: if it cannot be solved, one must at least try to mitigate it.

The argument “I have nothing to pay off my conscience for” is ridiculous, because I personally know philanthropists who have nothing to pay off for.

The argument "this is stupid fashion" is also heresy: if stupid fashion alleviates suffering a little, it is right. Such an argument cannot be justified before someone who knows what pain is, the unwillingness to alleviate it - and I know.

It is strange that instead of the conclusion that suggests itself and is self-evident under the conditions of such a knockout about my complete heartlessness, deceit, hypocrisy and fixation-on-myself-great, Avdotya Smirnova suddenly made a completely neutral one (let me remind you - the point of the program is to trample on the guest and present him at least moral ugliness) a conclusion about my fear of failure, the dirt of life and reality in general, and in the end - about the desire to hide from life.
Well, if she knew what the work of an analyst is, they would laugh together, and laughing into the void like that is like drinking with a mirror. In general, this humanism remained incomprehensible to me (perhaps, by the way, she really didn’t understand something in me and sincerely tried to understand - she is an internally whole person and seems to be sincere inside herself; although in this case she managed to understand this as well how Tolstoy succeeded in understanding the Soviet Union).

But it's not about them, it's about me. I really did not understand until the very end of the program why I do not do charity work.

And I realized it only on the way back from the studio.

Everything turned out to be very simple: I do charity work, I just never call it that inside myself - I call it work, because it’s more worthy.

But in essence, this is charity: earning money for myself and my family takes me an average of two hours a day. Everything else - six times more - is occupied by the work of normalizing the consciousness of society and getting money for it.

For a quarter of a century (and I have been doing this for so long), I have felt the limits of the possible well. This does not bring money (and other opportunities), but takes them away. It does not give influence and power (especially now, when wag your tail - and a golden stream will ring, otherwise you check every comma with the Criminal Code). Self-esteem does not flatter - for you see too well the futility of efforts. It does not give hope - for the future is approximately clear - and, moreover, does not allow rational escape, as the mind requires. It is not a pleasant form of self-expression - other forms are much more pleasant to me (at least those in which they carry the muzzle on the table in one form or another more than once a week, but less often).

In general, from the point of view of logic, this is a solid “not”.

Because it is charity: the same social tax.
It's just that he is paid at the workplace - in his place in this life, and not in someone else's, which they tried to push me into.

But the fact that I did not have time to realize and even more so to express all this on the air, presenting myself as a completely asocial type - this is just a manifestation of the professionalism of Avdotya Smirnova.


Which, like any professionalism, causes me aesthetic delight, respect and thirst for a thorough study of technology.

Thanks for the lesson - go to study.

No matter how rosy the reports of the governors sound, in real life the budgets of many regions are in deficit, and money is spent only on vital things. In this case, there is not much, if any, left for development. For comparison: the revenue part of the Moscow budget Law on the budget of the city of Moscow for 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020 at almost 24 On the regional budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020 times more than in the Saratov region, 20 "On Amendments to the Law of the Primorsky Territory "On the Regional Budget for 2018 and the Planning Period of 2019 and 2020"- than in Primorsky Krai, at 9 On amendments to the Law of the Sverdlovsk Region "On the regional budget for 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020"- than in the Sverdlovsk region.

Business is interested in the development of regions not only for altruistic reasons. By helping, he provides himself with a more comfortable environment for work.

Anastasia Lozhkina

Director of the department for development and attraction of funds of the charitable foundation "Arithmetic of Good".

Sustainable development of the regions of presence is important for business. By investing in the education and socialization of orphans, business forms future personnel, helps to reduce the crime situation and boost the economy in the region.

In addition, when a business claims to be involved in a social issue, it creates the status of a socially responsible brand. Accordingly, a deeper emotional interaction with the consumer is formed.

Finally, the involvement of employees in solving a social problem develops the ability to share, and not only money, but also skills, and promotes team cohesion. As a successful case, we can cite the “Move” project of PepsiCO and the Arithmetic of Good Foundation. Employees go in for sports, the time of their training is converted into funds that go to the development of sports sections and an educational program in regional orphanages.

2. Build an HR brand

Despite the fact that in most cases the market is owned by the employer, who chooses from several applicants, now it is also not a bastard. They evaluate the reputation of the company, read reviews about it, watch how its representatives behave on the Internet. Talented, capable employees can afford to choose from several offers. And there are reasons to believe that they will choose a company with a good reputation.

Participation in charity shows that the top management of the company cares. He sees people as people, not just consumables that help make money, and is willing to share resources to help.

Anna Leonova

Internal communications specialist at ICL Services.

Charity can solve several business problems. First of all, it is work with corporate culture. Competitive advantage in terms of employer branding also plays a role.

The younger generation wants to take on new roles of volunteers, curators and event project managers. They increasingly choose stable companies with an active social position, which show that they are ready to implement their initiatives. It has been proven that the higher the involvement of employees not only in the work process, but also in the social life of the company, the higher the productivity and financial performance of the company. And lower fluidity.

This is the work of good internal communications in action. It also reduces the indirect costs of hiring staff. If the employer brand is positive, it is much easier to get more referrals from outside when applying for a job.

3. Demonstrate stability and reliability

If Maslow's pyramid existed for companies, philanthropy would be very close to its top. It is difficult to do it if the basic needs are not satisfied: there is no stable income, a problem with personnel or partners.

Participation in charity says that the organization is doing well, and its employees have the time and resources to think about how to help someone else and not feel left out.

Valeria Belentsova

Project manager of the Charitable Foundation "Fulcrum".

Social responsibility demonstrates the stability and reliability of the organization. An employee of a company that cares about society is more loyal to the employer: the participation of the team in charity events can cause not only emotional attachment, but also “addiction”. One of the top managers of partner companies once admitted to us that it is important for them that employees understand that they work in an organization that not only receives, but also gives.

The charitable foundation in support of the Paralympians "Fulcrum" now has four ready-made tools for the development of corporate social responsibility of any business, including the purchase of charitable souvenirs as a corporate gift, for example, T-shirts with the quote "Did your hands drop? Raise the bar", plates with a print "Have you had a good meal? 40 times” and others, or refusal to buy corporate souvenirs for the holiday in favor of Paralympic victories.

4. Develop a trusting relationship with the audience

Business can build audience loyalty in many ways, and charity is one of them. Current and potential customers understand that the company sees the problems that exist in society and is ready to help solve them.

Elena Bershadskaya

Public Relations Manager of EGIS-RUS LLC.

The activities of our pharmaceutical company in the field of charity contribute to the development of trusting relationships with our audiences - healthcare professionals, patients, society as a whole. For many years, EGIS has been the organizer and sponsor of educational programs for doctors and patients, and more recently, it has also been the initiator of partner charitable projects and volunteer events.

One of our charitable projects is the All-Russian campaign "Buy for good", which has been implemented in partnership with the Katren KBF since 2015. It is aimed at improving the quality of life of children from orphanages. This year, within its framework, an educational initiative was implemented: in 19 children's institutions, gynecologists gave lectures to girls of puberty on personal hygiene.

5. Build a corporate culture

Social responsibility is an important part of corporate culture. A common useful cause can effectively rally a team, as it causes a strong emotional response.

Yana Kotukhova

Director for work with public authorities and external communications for the EAEU countries of the Servier company.

The pharmaceutical business, which is directly related to the life and health of people, initially implies an increased level of responsibility to society and additional moral and ethical obligations. Therefore, the company "Servier" is involved in various patronage projects.

So, this year we became partners of the T-shirt Gives Life international charity fund, the main idea of ​​which is that famous champion athletes give sick children a kind of “charge for victory”, teach them to fight and never give up.

The participation of employees in charitable and social projects is not only an important and effective tool for developing and strengthening intra-corporate relations, but also a kind of moral and ethical tuning fork that allows building and maintaining the corporate culture of the organization at the required high level.

6. Consistently communicate your mission to the audience

The solvent audience is increasingly leaning towards responsible consumption. Sometimes one unsuccessful one is enough to cause network scandals and a series of promises never to use the services of the "fine" again.

At the other extreme are companies that do not just talk about their values, but also prove by deed that they believe in them, and not just ride the hype wave. This strengthens the loyalty of the consumer, who is more likely to choose an organization that he remembers not only through aggressive advertising.

Piotr Mlatechek

General Director of NIVEA in Russia.

Implementing social projects, companies seek to tell the audience about their values. So, the main mission of NIVEA is care. It is on it that the action "Vote for your skating rink!" is based, in which the brand restores ice rinks unsuitable for recreation. This is an opportunity to show concern for the welfare of hundreds of families.

Competitive selection for the reconstruction of ice rinks is based on the applications of the participants. Updated hockey and skating rinks have already appeared in 12 cities instead of abandoned “boxes”. This year, NIVEA received 327 applications from 130 cities.

7. Help with the audience

The social responsibility of business is not only to help themselves, but also to motivate the audience to do so. Many people would like to participate in charity, but do not know how. The company they trust can give them the tools to do so.

Grigory Melikov

Head of jewelry studio GM Jewel.

I got acquainted with the idea of ​​charity a couple of years ago, when friends of my friends had a son who needed constant medical care. The guys collected money for operations for the child, and it helped. I realized how a few drops make water full and how one modest translation starts a chain of kindness and support.

Then came the idea of ​​a month of good deeds in my jewelry studio. Once a year, I sent my regular customers an exclusive offer: any product at a discount, and in addition to this, I sent funds to help children from each jewelry I created. If you knew how many customers wanted to be involved in this!

In the summer of 2018, I started creating jewelry, from the sale of which a fixed part of the funds goes to the Children's Hospice "House with a Lighthouse". There are only two parameters in the price of products: the cost of production and the fixed part, which will be transferred to the fund. Manual processing is my gift to customers. Anticipating questions, I will say: the Doma s Beacon souvenir shop has no right to sell jewelry, so the implementation and logistics are the task of my studio employees and my personal responsibility.

Whatever problems business solves with the help of charity, its most obvious effect is to help those who need it. When charity is not episodic, but is built into the corporate culture of the company, it allows you to systematically solve acute problems.