How to find the military unit number. How to find colleagues in the army

And in other troops (border, internal, railway, civil defense) of the USSR as well as the states of the former USSR.

Purpose of the conditional name

The conditional name is the official name, has legal force in the maintenance of official documentation. It is used in relations between military units and institutions, in relations with civilian departments, organizations, enterprises and individual citizens, as well as for addressing and forwarding all types of correspondence, telegrams and military cargo.

The system of conditional digital names has been introduced into the USSR Armed Forces since 1932.

Limitations in the use of symbols

Conditional digital names are not assigned to the following categories deployed on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • local military authorities;
  • bodies and institutions of military communications;
  • commercial and household and industrial enterprises;
  • sports, medical and garrison institutions;
  • military educational institutions.

Also, conditional names are not assigned to units that are part of military units (formations), as well as service and support units. To send correspondence to such units, they use the conditional names of those military units and institutions of which they are part with the addition of Cyrillic letters (for example, 71184-A).

Form of recording conditional names

According to the practice adopted since the Soviet period, military units and institutions stationed on the territory of the Russian Federation have the conditional abbreviated name “V. h." Stationed outside the Russian Federation: “V. h. - field mail "( pp), with the addition of a digital designation (numbering).

Examples of the full names of some military units and directorates of formations of the USSR Armed Forces and their conditional names for 1988
Conventional digital name
(Military Unit)
Full name of the military unit The deployment of the military unit
V.h. PP 52388 7th Special Motor Rifle Brigade Havana, Cuba
V.h. 06017 336th Separate Guards Bialystok, Orders of Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky Marine Brigade Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region
V.h. pp 89933 860th separate motorized rifle Pskov Red Banner Regiment Faizabad city, Republic of Afghanistan
V.h. 3111 Separate Red Banner, orders of Lenin and the October Revolution
motorized rifle division of special purpose named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR
Balashikha, Moscow region
V.h. pp 03333 112th Guards Rocket Novorossiysk Order of Lenin, twice Red Banner,
orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Alexander Nevsky brigade
Genzrode, GDR
V.h. 2144 7th Carpathian, orders of the Red Star of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky border detachment Lvov, Ukrainian SSR

Conventional names in other states



  • Military units of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine have a four-digit numbering with the letter "A" (military unit A0998).
  • The military units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine (disbanded on 01.01.2006) had a four-digit numbering with the letter "D" (military unit D0050, D0990, D3728, etc.).



In Germany, to identify a military unit during the Second World War, to maintain secrecy, the field mail number (German: Feldpostnummer) was used - the identification number of the post office used for postal service to military units.

By the end of 1939, the numbers of the field mail offices had a five-digit numbering for the ground forces (Wehrmacht) and with the addition of the letters "L" and "M" before the number, respectively, belonging to the aviation (Luftwaffe) and navy (Kriegsmarine). The breakdown by military units was carried out by adding letters after the number of post offices, up to the letter "E".

For example, the 100th engineer battalion of the 100th Wehrmacht infantry division had the following field mail number 31795.

see also


  1. The team of authors.// Soviet military encyclopedia in 8 volumes (2nd edition) / Ed. Ogarkov N. V. . - M.: Military Publishing House, 1978. - S. 328. - 654 p. - 105,000 copies.
  2. The team of authors. Volume 2, article "Military unit"// Military Encyclopedia / Ed. P.V. Grachev. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1994. - S. 257. - 544 p. - 10,000 copies. - ISBN 5-203-00299-1.
  3. Zakharov V. M. “Military construction in the states of the post-Soviet space”. - 300 copies. - ISBN 978-5-7893-0118-0.
  4. The team of authors. article "Military unit"// Military Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. Akhromeeva S. F. . - M.: Military Publishing House, 1986. - S. 154-155. - 863 p. - 150,000 copies.
  5. On March 21, 1989, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR (along with the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Railway Troops) were withdrawn from the Armed Forces of the USSR
  6. Feskov V.I., Golikov V.I., Kalashnikov K.A., Slugin S.A. Lists of compositions of military districts and groups of troops// “The Armed Forces of the USSR after the Second World War: from the Red Army to the Soviet. Part 1: Ground Forces. - Tomsk: Tomsk University Publishing House, 2013. - S. 379-597. - 640 p. - 500 copies. - ISBN 978-5-89503-530-6.

Today we will tell how to find fellow soldiers and colleagues from one or another military unit (military unit). Why do people look for their colleagues? More often to congratulate on one of the army holidays, for example, on the day of the ground forces or on the day of the navy. Less often happy birthday colleague (for those who remember).

A few simple ways to find colleagues in the army via the Internet

But mostly, just to talk and remember those fun or not always fun days that I spent with this person together. There was a period in our army when the term of service was 3 years (in the navy 4 years), then 2 years (navy - 3 years), now all categories of conscripts have a term of service of 12 months. But this does not mean that in a year of service it is impossible to find a real army comrade.

Looking for colleagues

It is with this phrase that the messages of those who are looking for their former colleagues with whom they once served in military service begin side by side.

Search for colleagues via the Internet

If earlier, in order to find a fellow soldier, one had to spend not only a lot of time and effort, but sometimes finances. Now, in the era of the Internet, the search for colleagues has become much easier. Let's analyze just a few options on how you can easily find your colleague.

It is worth noting that here we do not take options when you know the phone numbers or home addresses of those with whom you served and whom you want to find. Everything is clear here.

Find colleagues by the number of the military unit

The first and easiest option is by the number of the military unit in which you served together.

We all remember in which military unit we served. If not, then there is always the opportunity to look at your military ID or, in extreme cases, go to your military enlistment office, where you are registered with the military.

Further, currently popular social networks come to our aid, for example, such a social network as Vkontakte. In order to find a colleague by military unit number, you need to go to the “Search” tab and enter the number of the military unit there, for example: military unit 50661, old military unit name 42984 or otherwise “Regional Training Center for Missile Forces and Artillery”

It will look like this:

An easy way to find colleagues by military unit number

As a rule, almost every military unit on this social network has a group where both former colleagues and those who currently serve there communicate.

Another way to find Vkontakte the one with whom he served by the number of the military unit is to drive in the unit number when searching for people. But here it is important that your brother-soldier sets on his page the duty station for exactly the military unit for which you are looking. If this is not done, then a colleague cannot be found.

Colleagues GSVG YUGV

Separately, it is worth noting those who are looking for colleagues from the group of Soviet troops in Germany (GSVG) and the southern group of troops (YUGV). For you, on the Internet, there are several very popular sites where everyone who is in any way connected with the service in Eastern and Western Europe communicates. And recently, not only those who served in the GSVG and YUGV, but also were born or studied there, are already communicating and exchanging information there.

Photos of colleagues

Search engines will help you find photos of colleagues, for example, our Russian search engine Yandex. In order to find old photos of those with whom you once served, you need to enter the unit number (or its letter name) in the search box, select the "Pictures" tab and click the "Find" button. Immediately you will see a lot of photos of all those who in any way relate to this or that military unit

Find a colleague thanks to a photo from a search engine

and here we see the result

We are looking for colleagues for free and without any registration

As you can see, not only potential colleagues were displayed here, but also photographs from the military unit in which you served.

Although it is the 21st century in the yard today, and almost every schoolchild is fluent in computer literacy, one should not forget that there are still older people. For many of them, the computer, and the Internet even more so, seems like a dense forest. This is where the difficulties arise in finding colleagues via the Internet.

Almost all Internet portals offer find colleagues with registration on their forum or website. To facilitate the task, we suggest you search for colleagues without registering on our website.

You can do this right now - for this you need to write us a request for the person you want to find in the comments form, and we will publish this message.

In order not to wait, you have the opportunity to instantly publish your application for finding a colleague through the comment form from the VKontakte social network below in the text. Just write a message and click send

On this topic, how easy it is to find a colleague via the Internet, we finish. How do you find someone you love? Send us your tips and we'll share them with everyone.

Good luck in your search for a colleague, we hope that thanks to us find colleagues will become much easier!

  • NATO countries
  • Cash allowance
  • Food supply
  • Clothing provision
  • Medical support
  • Daily outfit
  • Duty (orderly) for the company
  • Selection and training of guards11
  • § 4. Actual and conditional names of military units and the procedure for their use in economic activities

    The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have an Instruction on the procedure for determining, organizing and keeping records of the actual and conditional names of military command and control bodies, associations, formations, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2001. This Instruction it is forbidden to use in open office work, including in correspondence on issues related to economic activity, the actual names of military units. Their use is allowed only in secret office work in cases established by the specified Instruction.

    § 5. Military unit as a legal entity

    It makes sense to talk about military organizations as a variety of legal entities that perform functions in the field of defense and in which military service is provided for. All military units are military organizations, but not all military organizations are military units. Thus, military organizations include military educational institutions, research institutes, military state farms and factories that are not combat units in their essence.

    Prior to the entry into force of the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" dated August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ, tax registration of military units did not cause any special problems. However, after the entry into force of this document, a legal gap arose, which was eliminated by the adoption of a “not quite legal” document - a letter from the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Dues “On registration in the tax authorities of military units that are not legal entities” dated September 22, 2003 No. MM-6-09/986. In accordance with the said letter, the TIN was assigned to military units and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, regardless of their legal status, which allows us to conclude that state bodies (in particular, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties) actually recognized military units as legal entities, not officially registered as a legal entity.

    However, subsequently, in connection with a change in legislation, a letter from the Federal Tax Service was issued “On registration with the tax authorities of military units that are not legal entities” dated December 28, 2004 No. 09-0-10 / This letter stated that the tax authorities do not have the opportunity to register newly created military units that are not legal entities, with the assignment of a TIN in the manner established for legal entities, however, military units that were assigned a TIN regardless of their legal status, remain registered with the tax authorities with maintaining the assigned TIN. The same letter states that the letter of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties dated September 22, 2003 No. ММ-6-09/ does not apply.

    At present, one should be guided by the order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Dues "On approval of the Procedure and conditions for assigning, applying, as well as changing the taxpayer identification number and forms of documents used when registering, deregistering legal entities and individuals" dated March 3 2004 No. BG-3-09/178.

    There are no grounds for recognizing military units as branches (representative offices) of a legal entity - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In accordance with clause 13 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2004 No. 1082, “The Russian Ministry of Defense is a legal entity, has an estimate, seals, stamps and letterheads depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name, other seals, stamps and forms of the established form, current, settlement, currency and other accounts in banks and other credit institutions, personal accounts in the federal treasury, opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, representative offices and branches must be indicated in the constituent documents of the legal entity that created them. The Regulation on the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which is the main constituent document of the Ministry of Defense as a legal entity, does not contain a provision on the inclusion of military units in its composition. Neither federal laws nor regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation contain such a norm. In accordance with paragraph 1 of the said Regulations, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is a body of military command and control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and consists of services of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and their equal units, central military command bodies that are not included in the services and their equal units, and other units .

  • § 6. Armament systems of Russia and NATO countries Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  • NATO countries
  • § 7. The activities of commanders aimed at maintaining established stocks, preserving weapons and military equipment, materiel
  • Chapter 2
  • § 1. Daily routine. Working time regulations. Accounting for service time of military personnel
  • Daily routine of military unit 00000 for _______ training period 200_
  • Service time regulations for military personnel of military unit 00000, who are doing military service under a contract, for __________ training period 200___
  • § 2. Orders for the combat unit. Orders on incentives, penalties (requirements for their preparation). installation order
  • § 3. Administrative (service) investigation. Inquiry
  • Administrative investigation into __________________________________
  • Conclusion on the results of the investigation into the loss of an identity card by major wrestler Alexander Vladimirovich
  • Peculiarities of conducting an administrative investigation in individual cases
  • Conclusion No. _____ on the results of the investigation into the fact of injury to a soldier
  • Inquiry in military organizations
  • § 4. Write-off of property. inspection certificate. The powers of the inventory commission in the framework of conducting inspections of the presence of property
  • § 5. The work of commanders in the consideration and resolution of complaints, statements and proposals
  • § 6. Activities of commanders in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources
  • § 7. Activities of the command to organize the provision of military personnel with all types of allowances
  • Cash allowance
  • Food supply
  • Clothing provision
  • Medical support
  • § 8. The activities of the commander to ensure the security of military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  • § 9. Accommodation of conscripted military personnel in barracks. Maintenance and operation of the barracks and housing stock, fire protection
  • Chapter 3. Organization of internal, guard, garrison and combat services
  • § 1. Organization of internal service
  • The work of the commander and headquarters of the military unit to monitor the state of the internal service
  • Maintenance of the assigned territory
  • Daily outfit
  • Checkpoint equipment (checkpoint)
  • Duty (orderly) for the company
  • Organization of personnel washing
  • Accounting for personnel in a military unit, subdivision
  • § 2. Organization of guard duty
  • Selection and training of guards11
  • Features of the equipment of the guardroom, posts
  • Internal order in the guards15
  • Ensuring the safety of weapons and ammunition on guard
  • Features of the protection of the Battle Banner of the military unit
  • Guard service with the use of technical means of protection
  • Protection of objects by guard dogs
  • Features of the organization and performance of guard duty for the protection and escort of transports with military cargo
  • Organization of protection and escort of military cargo
  • Welfare and medical support
  • Control over the organization and performance of guard duty
  • § 3. Organization of combat duty (combat service)36
  • Training of personnel for combat duty
  • Combat duty (combat service)38
  • § 4. Organization of garrison service
  • Features of the organization of preparation and performance of garrison service
  • Military automobile inspection of the garrison
  • Chapter 4
  • § 1. General preparation for leadership
  • Advantages and disadvantages of various types of organizational structures
  • § 2. Managerial communication of the commander
  • Some general principles for dealing with "difficult" people
  • § 3. Prevention and resolution of conflicts
  • § 4. The essence and content of the managerial activities of the commander
  • § 5. Organization of management in a unit (subdivision)
  • § 6. Management of the activities of subordinates
  • § 7. The content of planning in part Requirements for the organization of planning in part
  • Combat training plan documents
  • Planning in the battalion and company
  • Chapter 5. Powers of commanders in personnel activities
  • § 1. Activities of commanders when concluding contracts for military service
  • Organization of attracting citizens and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription for military service under the contract
  • Contract signing activities
  • § 2. A set of actions for commanders in the appointment of military personnel to positions, dismissal, transfer to a new place of military service
  • General conditions for the appointment of military personnel to positions
  • § 3. Actions of the commander upon dismissal of military personnel and their exclusion from the list of military units
  • § 4. Powers of commanders for conferring military ranks on servicemen
  • § 5. Features of the acquisition of military units by civilian personnel
  • Chapter 6. Organization of educational work and moral and psychological support
  • § 1. The essence and content of educational work and moral and psychological support
  • § 2. Planning and organization of educational work in part
  • § 3. Organization of public-state training in the unit (subdivision)
  • § 4. Maintenance of military discipline in the unit (unit) and its analysis
  • § 5. Actions of the command to organize the search for those who left the unit without permission
  • Chapter 7. Legal basis for the financial and economic activities of commanders
  • § 1. Basic normative documents regulating the economic activity of military units Orders of the Minister of Defense
  • Directives of the Minister of Defense and the General Staff
  • Orders of the Chief of Logistics of the Armed Forces
  • § 2. Procedure and legal consequences of the disbandment (liquidation) of a military unit
  • § 3. Permitted activities of military units aimed at making a profit
  • § 4. Actual and conditional names of military units and the procedure for their use in economic activities
  • § 5. Military unit as a legal entity
  • § 6. Powers of the commander of a military unit in the field of economic activity. The rights of the commander to conclude contracts
  • § 7. The powers of the commander to dispose of the income of the military unit. Features of the activities of subsidiary farms of military units and the distribution of income from their activities
  • § 8. Responsibility of the commander of a military unit for violations in the field of economic activity
  • § 9. Financial activities in the military unit. Settlement systems that military units are entitled to use
  • § 10. Powers of individual commanders (chiefs) in the field of economic activity
  • § 4. Actual and conditional names of military units and the procedure for their use in economic activities

    The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have an Instruction on the procedure for determining, organizing and keeping records of the actual and conditional names of military command and control bodies, associations, formations, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2001. This Instruction it is forbidden to use in open office work, including in correspondence on issues related to economic activity, the actual names of military units. Their use is allowed only in secret office work in cases established by the specified Instruction.

    In addition, in accordance with sub. "and" clause 11 of the Instructions for office work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 1999 No. 170, commanders (chiefs) of military units are required to ensure the correct use of the actual and conditional names of military units in the manufacture and shipment official documents, paying special attention to the correctness of correspondence with civil institutions and organizations.

    In accordance with clause 60 of the said Instruction, it is prohibited to indicate in non-secret service documents the actual names of military units that have been assigned conditional names.

    Full valid names of military units, including honorary titles and state awards, are written only in the addresses of official documents, when it is necessary for the content of the document.

    Headquarters, departments, directions, departments and services of the central bodies of military control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, districts, groups of troops, fleets, which were assigned conditional names, in correspondence with military units, with civilian institutions, enterprises and organizations and military representations at industrial enterprises, all official documents are compiled and addressed by conventional names.

    § 5. Military unit as a legal entity

    There is no legitimate (i.e. contained in regulatory legal acts) definition of the term “military unit”. The Military Encyclopedic Dictionary (M., 1983) gives the following definition: “a military unit is an organizational and independent combat and administrative unit in all types of the Armed Forces. Military units include all regiments, ships of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranks, separate battalions (divisions, squadrons) that are not part of the regiments, as well as separate companies that are not part of the battalions and regiments.

    There is also a scientific (doctrinal) interpretation of the concept of a military unit: “military units can be defined as military units that are financed by the state federal budget of Russia, which are tactically and administratively and economically independent organizational units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the daily activities of which are regulated by specific military administrative acts - general military and special charters” 52 .

    It makes sense to talk about military organizations as a variety of legal entities that perform functions in the field of defense and in which military service is provided. All military units are military organizations, but not all military organizations are military units. Thus, military organizations include military educational institutions, research institutes, military state farms and factories that are not combat units in their essence.

    The fact that a military unit has the status of a legal entity is primarily of legal importance for the participation of the unit in tax legal relations, since in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 11, art. 19 and 84 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taxpayers who are assigned a taxpayer identification number (TIN) can only be legal entities or individuals.

    Prior to the entry into force of the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" dated August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ, tax registration of military units did not cause any special problems. However, after the entry into force of this document, a legal gap arose, which was eliminated by the adoption of a “not quite legal” document - a letter from the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Dues “On registration in the tax authorities of military units that are not legal entities” dated September 22, 2003 No. MM-6-09/986. In accordance with the said letter, the TIN was assigned to military units and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, regardless of their legal status, which allows us to conclude that state bodies (in particular, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties) actually recognized military units as legal entities, not officially registered as a legal entity.

    However, subsequently, in connection with a change in legislation, a letter from the Federal Tax Service was issued “On registration with the tax authorities of military units that are not legal entities” dated December 28, 2004 No. 09-0-10 / This letter stated that the tax authorities do not have the opportunity to register newly created military units that are not legal entities, with the assignment of a TIN in the manner established for legal entities, however, military units that were assigned a TIN regardless of their legal status remain registered with the tax authorities with maintaining the assigned TIN. The same letter states that the letter of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties dated September 22, 2003 No. ММ-6-09/ does not apply.

    At present, one should be guided by the order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties “On approval of the Procedure and conditions for assigning, applying, as well as changing the taxpayer identification number and forms of documents used when registering, deregistering legal entities and individuals” dated March 3 2004 No. BG-3-09/178.

    From the analysis of par. 3 p. 2 art. 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it can be concluded that military units, enterprises and institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as legal entities can be created and exist in one of 3 organizational and legal forms: a federal state enterprise; federal state enterprise; state institution. At the same time, non-profit organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which include military units, can be created and exist only in the form of a state institution 53 .

    There are no grounds for recognizing military units as branches (representative offices) of a legal entity - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In accordance with clause 13 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2004 No. 1082, “The Russian Ministry of Defense is a legal entity, has an estimate, seals, stamps and letterheads depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name, other seals, stamps and forms of the established form, current, settlement, currency and other accounts in banks and other credit institutions, personal accounts in the federal treasury, opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, representative offices and branches must be indicated in the constituent documents of the legal entity that created them. The Regulation on the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which is the main constituent document of the Ministry of Defense as a legal entity, does not contain a provision on the inclusion of military units in its composition. Neither federal laws nor regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation contain such a norm. In accordance with paragraph 1 of the said Regulations, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is a body of military command and control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and consists of services of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and their equal units, central military command bodies that are not included in the services and their equal units, and other units .

    In addition, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation differentiates the legal regulation of the economic activities of military units and organizations registered as legal entities, and military units and organizations not registered as such (in particular, the Temporary Instruction on the Procedure for Making, Recording and Keeping Seals and stamps and their use in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation establishes various forms of mastic seals for military units - legal entities and for other military units, as well as various cases of their use in documents related to economic activity).

    Military organizations (with the exception of federal state enterprises and state-owned enterprises) have military legal personality from the moment they are formed as organizational structures of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies and included in the established order in the composition of these troops, formations and bodies. From this moment, in accordance with the competence defined by military legislation, military organizations are given the legal opportunity to enter into military legal relations and participate in them. Federal state enterprises and state-owned enterprises have military legal personality from the moment of creation in the specified organizational and legal forms of a legal entity and inclusion in the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies. In modern conditions, the situation is not ruled out when, in the same manner as enterprises, federal state institutions that did not previously exist as subjects of law, including military law, will be endowed with military legal personality 54 .

    Separate military command and control bodies, in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation "On the establishment of federal state institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" dated January 26, 2004 No. 30, must be registered as legal entities. In addition, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for issuing, recording and monitoring the use of powers of attorney issued for contract work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" dated August 18, 2005 No. 350 by the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation , commanders of troops of military districts, fleets (except for the Black Sea Fleet), commanders of military branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are ordered to conclude agreements on behalf of legal entities created in accordance with Order No. 324 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2003, except when, in accordance with with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation must act as a party to the agreement.

    Conditional four-digit military unit numbers that existed until the fall of 1939

    Source - RGVA: f. 4, op. 15, d. 20, ll. 261-266rev.

    ORDER of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

    CONTENTS: No. 0127. On putting into effect: a) instructions for encrypting the actual names with conditional numbers, b) a list of measures to keep secret information about the deployment of the Red Army and c) instructions on how to familiarize yourself with the summary information of the deployment of the Red Army and use them.
    No. 0127. July 8, 1938. Moscow.
    1. To put into effect the announced at the same time:
    a) Instructions for encoding the actual names of military units with conditional numbers and on the procedure for using them.
    b) A list of measures to keep secret dislocation information about parts of the Red Army.
    c) Instructions on the procedure for familiarizing with the summary information of the deployment of the Red Army and using them.
    2. All military units, departments and institutions that have received conditional numbers, have seals and stamps according to the conditional name (military unit No. ....).
    I categorically forbid keeping seals and stamps according to their real name in the safes of military commissars and using them in peacetime.
    3. The production of seals and stamps with a conditional number should be carried out at the location of the district headquarters at the expense of funds specially allocated by the financial department of the NPO for this purpose.
    Seals and stamps are ordered by the district headquarters and, upon receipt, are transferred to units through specially called receivers.
    Seals and stamps with the actual name of the units and formations should be made in a centralized order and sequence established by the head of the AMU of the Red Army.
    4. With the introduction of the “Instructions for Encryption”, replace the double addressing system (for a mailbox and for a conditional number) of a single addressing system - with a conditional part number.
    5. NPO order No. 044 of April 27, 1937 - cancel.
    6. Temporary instruction "On measures to preserve military secrets" (Order of NPO No. 008 dated February 11, 1935) to be revised on the basis of the provisions of this "Instruction" and the "List of Measures".

    1. Instructions for encryption.
    2. A list of measures to keep secret dislocation information about parts of the Red Army.
    3. Instructions on the procedure for familiarizing with the summary information of the deployment of the Red Army and using them.
    People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR.


    Marshal of the Soviet Union K. Voroshilov
    July 8, 1938


    1. Encryption, i.e. the assignment of conditional numbers to military units and formations of the most important importance is aimed at keeping the real name of these military units and formations secret.
    2. The assignment and change of conditional numbers is carried out in a centralized manner, i.e. only by special order of the General Staff of the Red Army (for the 4th department).
    3. Conditional numbers are assigned:
    a) military units of all types of troops that are part of military formations (corps, divisions, brigades, regiments);
    b) separate military units of all military branches (separate regiments, battalions, companies, squadrons, detachments);
    c) directorates (headquarters) of all military formations of all branches of service;
    d) institutions that are part of military formations;
    e) institutions, although not part of military formations, but requiring encryption due to special secrecy.
    4. Conditional numbers are not assigned:
    a) all departments, departments and various institutions of the central and district apparatus (including training grounds, research institutes, houses of the Red Army, etc.);
    b) bodies of local military administration (military registration and enlistment offices);
    c) all military educational institutions (academies, colleges, schools, advanced training courses, etc.);
    d) medical institutions that are not part of military formations (mobile and stationary hospitals, laboratories, etc.);
    e) local rifle troops (separate local battalions, companies and platoons);
    f) construction units (separate construction battalions);
    g) parts of a special railway corps.
    All these departments, institutions and establishments in all cases use their real name.
    Conditional numbers are also not assigned to warehouses and departments of military construction works, which, for the purpose of classifying, use their serial number without mentioning words that reveal the nature or significance of the warehouse (for example, "art warehouse No. 212" should be called "warehouse No. 212").
    Conditional numbers are not assigned to prosecutor's offices and military tribunals, since they receive their serial numbers with a certain connection, for example, "military prosecutor's office of the 3rd corps" will be called "47 military prosecutor's office."
    5. The code name "military unit No. ....", apply in military units, departments and institutions that have received conditional numbers in the following cases:
    a) in all personal relations (business, financial, purchasing, settlement, etc.) with civil institutions;
    b) in all correspondence (both unclassified and any degree of secrecy) with civilian institutions;
    c) in all documents issued to military personnel for presentation to civilian institutions (various certificates, powers of attorney, certificates), transportation documents, vouchers to sanatoriums and rest homes, leave notes for privates, travel orders and travel certificates, certificates for the families of Red Army soldiers, etc .;
    d) in all unclassified and secret correspondence and documents along the military line, except for the correspondence of owls. secret and special importance, where the real name is affixed on the stamp under the code name personally by the hand of the paper executor.
    Putting a real name on envelopes, regardless of the nature of the content of the document (Soviet secret or special importance) is strictly prohibited;
    e) when applying stencils to baggage and clothing items, stamps on the library fund and club property, in the manufacture of dismissal marks for the rank and file, etc .;
    e) in all orders in parts and formations;
    g) when sending goods by rail to the address of the units that received conditional numbers;
    h) at registration with military units (having conditional numbers) of people, horses, mechanized transport.
    6. To ensure this order of relations, military units, departments and institutions that have received conditional numbers from the General Staff (through the headquarters of the districts) are supplied by the headquarters of the districts with a second set of stamps and seals with the name "military unit No. ....", which includes:
    a) a round official mastic seal (4 cm in diameter) for attesting documents (except for internal economic documents);
    b) a round official wax seal for sealing packages;
    c) round mastic seal "for packages" - for unclassified packages;
    d) a round mastic seal with the inscription “for internal economic documents” - for economic documents drawn up within this part and not presented anywhere (nomenclature cards, main accounting and property cards, internal invoices, etc.);
    e) one or more round wax seals with the inscription "for storage";
    f) a set of corner stamps and stencils with a conditional number.
    7. For the uninterrupted receipt of all kinds of correspondence and cargo sent to the address of encrypted units, departments and institutions with a conditional number, as well as to ensure all kinds of relationships under an encrypted name, these parts (departments, institutions) must comply with the following rules:
    a) register the received code name (military unit No. ....) and the exact detailed address of the unit (cantonment point, street, house number), as well as the telephone number of the duty officer of the unit or the headquarters of the unit:
    at the nearest local NKVD field communications department;
    at the nearest local institution of the People's Commissariat of Communications (by post and telegraph);
    at the military commandant of the nearest railroad. station (and where it is not, then the head of the railway station);
    at the commandant of the city (where such is laid down by the state);
    at the heads of the garrison;
    at the nearest military registration and enlistment office;
    at the nearest branch of the State Bank;
    in the nearest Soviet of Working People's Deputies;
    at the nearest police station.
    Note. When registering, the real name cannot be communicated to anyone.
    b) when changing the conditional number, promptly report the new conditional number instead of the previous one, indicating the date for putting the new conditional number into effect;
    c) in case of a temporary change in the place of quartering (when entering the camps), report to the headquarters of the district and inform the heads of the institutions named in paragraph "a" from what time and through which post and telegraph office and to which new railway station the correspondence should be delivered;
    d) in especially secret cases, as well as in cases where the new address must be kept secret, one should require the redirection of correspondence and cargo to the headquarters of the district or, at the direction of the headquarters of the district, entrust the receipt of all kinds of correspondence and cargo that continues to arrive to one of the parts of the garrison. Subsequently, incoming correspondence and cargo should be sent to the actual addressee in additional envelope or packaging at the new place of quartering of the departed part.
    8. When addressing envelopes, clearly follow the basic rules for general addressing of correspondence:
    a) when sending correspondence to a city point, indicate the name of the city and the number of the post office;
    b) when sending correspondence to a village point, indicate the name of this village point with the obligatory addition of the name of the region (or territory) and district. If the post office is not located at the cantonment point of the unit, then the point where the post office is located is written first, indicating the region (or territory) and district, and then the cantonment point is added.
    9. When writing on envelopes, do not allow words that could reveal the organization and type of troops of the unit.
    Therefore, when writing on packages, if possible, be limited to the name "military unit No. ...". You can supplement the address (when necessary) only with the words “unit commander”, “military commissar of the unit”, “chief of staff of the unit” or indicate only the last name, first name and patronymic of the recipient (sender). In the absence of these instructions, the package is handed over to the unit commander.
    Do not mention military ranks on the packages in order to avoid deciphering the significance of units in the system of military organization. If it is necessary to send packages to the address of a specific official, whose position title to some extent deciphers the type of troops or the special organizational structure of the unit, wrap the letter in two envelopes. Inscribe the specific name of the official on the inner envelope, and only the surname on the outer envelope, taking care that the contents of this address do not show through the outer envelope.
    10. All units that have received conditional numbers, when sending requests, relations, etc. to other units or institutions, in order to ensure a response, should be indicated (best of all using a special signet):
    a) your postal address (quartering point with the addition of the post office number, street and house number for cities, and the names of the region or region and district for rural areas);
    b) your freight address (the name of the nearest railway station with the addition of the name of the railway).
    11. In the units and institutions where these requests and relations are received, it is prohibited to create summary address directories on this basis.
    12. The conditional number is given by the General Staff only for units that have an independent economy. A non-separate battalion, company, squadron, batteries, separate platoons, and other subunits are encrypted by order of the unit commander by assigning each subunit a single or two-digit number (military unit No. 2435, subdivision No. 5, military unit 1419, subunit 51).

    July 8, 1938


    1. Organize the shipment of goods as follows:
    a) as a rule, send goods to district warehouses and bases, indicating only the number of the warehouse, omitting the words indicating the purpose of the warehouse, with the subsequent distribution of goods by the supply departments of the districts to consumers;
    b) if the direction of the cargo to the address of the warehouse or base will cause economically unprofitable counter transportation or a delay in time for individual parts, then an exception should be made from the general rule and the cargo should be sent directly to this part according to its conditional number;
    c) resolve the issue in the same way when giving an order to defense industry enterprises to send manufactured products (with the address indicated by a conditional number);
    d) food cargo - seasonal products (vegetables, hay, straw, etc.), as well as perishable products (meat, fish, dairy products) and bread must be shipped by suppliers directly to military units (by their conditional number) without delivery to NPO food warehouses.
    Orders for the supply of products must be given by the chiefs of the food departments of the districts and the chiefs of the military chemical forces of divisions (combinations) indicating the cargo addresses on the conditional number. For some cargoes, allow shipment on the direct instructions of the head of the Red Army Supply Department (not for all parts);
    e) send fuel for units of the Red Army Air Force directly from the fields to the appropriate districts, where distribution points should be formed;
    f) send fuel loads for barracks and other buildings to the address of the warehouse of the housing maintenance department of the district or to the address of the warehouse of the housing maintenance department of the garrison (KECH) according to the order of the housing maintenance department of the district;
    g) construction cargo for military construction should be sent to the Office of Military Construction (UVSP No. ....) according to the order of the military construction department of the district.
    2. Current accounts in institutions of the State Bank (savings banks) should be opened by military units that have received conditional numbers, using their conditional numbers, and not by their actual name.
    3. The procedure for collecting non-ferrous metal scrap by agents of the stock property department of NCOs should be reorganized and carried out not through unit commanders, but through garrison commanders.
    4. Official publications of the central departments of NCOs and UBP (charters, bulletins, etc.) should be sent through the headquarters of the districts according to the total final layouts. These layouts for each district should be drawn up at the General Staff (in the 4th department) on the basis of the data of the General Staff on the number and on the basis of the supply standards proposed by the relevant departments. Distribution to be carried out by the apparatus of the relevant departments.
    5. In the same way, carry out the distribution of cartridges and projectiles for firing, training credits and training aids of the Combat Training Directorate.
    6. The political education of the PU of the Red Army should be sent either through Puokry, or directly to the unit by conditional number.
    The same mailing methods should be applied to literature (books, magazines) distributed according to the layouts of the RKKA PU.
    7. Distribution of NCO orders by the Department of Affairs to be carried out according to the previously existing procedure, but according to conditional numbers, on the basis of application lists received from district headquarters. The deadline for introducing a new procedure for sending orders is October 1 this year. city ​​(with the transition of parts to winter apartments).
    8. Departure of command personnel to a new place of service during transfers or upon graduation from schools should be carried out only if or upon receipt of data on the deployment of the unit and its conditional name.
    For this:
    a) for single appointments, in addition to an extract from the order of appointment, report the location and conditional number of the unit where the transferred person of the command staff is to be sent;
    b) when graduating from schools, supply schools with specially compiled top secret lists of addresses with the return of these lists to the department that issued the order, upon completion of the order;
    c) in the absence of an application from the headquarters of the district or data on shortages in positions for specific units and formations, the direction of the command staff of the middle link should be made through the headquarters of the corresponding district.
    9. Plans for the inspection of units by the chiefs of the armed forces and inspections for periods of training to make owls. secret and in the instructions to the inspectors to report only the conditional names of the parts (and not their actual names).
    10. It is strictly forbidden to disclose the actual name of the unit to persons arriving to inspect the unit and to any kind of commissions.
    11. Cards of regular and list accounting should be transferred to conditional names.
    12. Orders on personnel should be issued only in secret order according to the actual names of the units.
    Service records must indicate the actual name of the unit and transfer them to the category of secret documents.
    13. Make the states of all parts of peacetime and wartime secret, and in parts of the special purpose of owls. secret. In this regard, keep the full name in them, and, if necessary, encrypt it by lettering.
    Distribution of states to be carried out by the apparatus of the 2nd department of the AMU through the headquarters of the districts according to the deployment of the 4th department of the General Staff.
    14. In documents assigned to the stock (in mobilization orders), continue to put down the conditional part number, and not the actual name.
    15. Personally, the district military commissars must know not only the conditional, but also the actual name of those units and institutions that are deployed in the territory they serve. However, in the replenishment plans for military units reported by the district military districts to the district military registration and enlistment offices during regular calls, the actual names should not be mentioned, but should instead indicate the conditional number and type of troops of the unit (for example, rifle military unit No. .... or artillery military unit No. ....). The draft commissions should receive from the district military commissariats only data on the need, indicating the conditional number of the unit and its type of troops.
    16. The call of assignees to the training camp is to be carried out according to the conditional names of the parts.
    17. On maneuvers and tactical exercises in orders, orders and reports, units are named according to the name specially developed for the exercises, avoiding the use of conditional numbers and, moreover, the actual name of the unit.
    18. By way of amendment to Art. 148 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Red Army, on a personal sign and a dismissal note, put down not a valid, but a conventional name.
    19. It is allowed to have signs on the buildings of headquarters, departments and units - “military unit No. ..”.

    People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR
    Marshal of the Soviet Union K. Voroshilov
    July 8, 1938


    1. To summarize information about the deployment of parts of the Red Army as a whole, by districts and by branches of the military, allow a narrowly limited circle of people.
    2. Summarize the deployment data in separate brochures for each district and publish them in such a way that the deployment for each branch of the military begins from a new sheet.
    3. In the central office, the general deployment of the Red Army should be only in the General Staff, in the PURKKA, in the Directorate for Command Staff and in the Administrative and Mobilization Directorate.
    The Central Directorates for the branches of the military should have collections only for individual units of their kind of troops (not included in the combined arms formations) subordinate to them in the line of their specialty.
    The central supply departments should have collections only for their special warehouses and bases, and conduct correspondence mainly through the relevant departments of the districts.
    4. At the headquarters of districts - to have collections only for units and institutions located on the territory of this district.
    In the departments of buildings (and their respective ones) - for the parts that make up the body.
    In the management of the division - for all parts of the corps, of which they are part.
    In the shelves - for all parts of the compounds in which they are included.
    In mobile districts and military registration and enlistment offices for all the units they serve.
    In the departments of the district apparatus - like the departments of the central apparatus.
    5. To ensure the daily work of the supply departments in the district apparatus, it is necessary to provide them with special garrison collections with conditional names and numbers of the states for which this part exists by order of the headquarters of the districts.
    These collections should be kept in the personal safes of the chiefs of the supply departments and combat arms.
    6. The General Staff of the Red Army to provide, as necessary, the same information to the central supply departments.