How to get into a top university on a budget. How to get on the budget? Is it possible to enter the budget

If one of the graduates of this year wants to get an education completely free of charge, you need to take care of submitting relevant applications to universities that have an order from the ministry for budget places. True, we should not forget that the number of such places is limited, and even having managed to submit an introductory application on time, you can not pass the selection due to the presence of more gifted children. Therefore, most of the universities of the capital, which have “in reserve” budget places, are trying to inform future applicants in advance about the passing score for a particular specialty, as well as other rules for admission and admission.

Main information

At the moment, I want to know the latest information about which universities in Moscow will be able to enter on the budget of 2017-2018, the passing scores in which are not too strict. All that graduates and their parents need to know is that this year the number of state-funded places has significantly decreased (by approximately 40%). Nevertheless, every high school graduate, as before, has every right to continue his own education. In order not to get into an unexpected situation, experts strongly recommend that applicants apply to several suitable universities at once for the desired specialty, having found out on the eve of such a step the exact information regarding the composition of the selection committee or the number of budget places.

In order to make life a little easier for schoolchildren already overwhelmed with studies, let's consider the situation in the most popular universities of the capital.

List of universities in Moscow

1. Lomonosov Moscow State University. The minimum passing score is 265, the lowest cost of a year of education is equal to 8 thousand rubles, and the number of budget places this year is 4893.

2. Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. In 2017, the university received only 197 budget places, while the minimum score for admission is 263. The lowest annual tuition fee is 160 thousand rubles.

3. Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after. S. G. Stroganov. With a minimum passing score of 161, the number of places for budgetary education is limited to 186. For one year of study, each student will have to pay at least 76 thousand rubles.

4. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. The minimum passability threshold is 155 points, and the number of budget places is slightly more than 1300. Payment for one year of study is almost 100 thousand rubles.

5. Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture by Ilya Glazunov. For admission, you should count on a passability threshold of 276 points, while for a year of study you will have to pay at least 97 thousand rubles. In 2017, the number of budget places is only 63.

6. Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov. The passing score is 199, while the annual tuition fee starts at 26 thousand rubles. The number of places paid by the state in 2017 is 127.

7. Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman. The minimum score is 263, the lowest annual payment is 187 thousand rubles, the number of free places of study is 3536.

8. Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. V. Ya. Kikotya. Information on the announced institution will be available to applicants only on the day of their direct admission.

9. Moscow Architectural Institute.
The situation is similar to the previous point.

10. School-studio them. Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov. For admission, you should count on a passability threshold of 276 points, while the number of paid places allocated by the state is only 45. Annual payment starts at 78 thousand rubles.

11. Moscow State Academy of Choreography. There are only 35 free places this year, and applicants who fall within the threshold of 30 points can count on them. Annual training costs at least 95 thousand rubles.

12. Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D. I. Mendeleev. The passing score is 177, the minimum cost of education is 63.4 thousand rubles, the number of state order places is 1028.

13. Russian State University for the Humanities. With a minimum tuition fee of 82 thousand rubles, the number of budget places is only 902. True, you can use it only if you have a passing score of 175.

14. Moscow State University of Culture and Art. Payment - 75 thousand rubles per year, the number of places paid at the expense of the treasury of the Russian Federation - 1017, the minimum passing score - 160.

15. Moscow State Institute of Music. A. G. Schnittke. Information is told to applicants during direct admission to an educational institution.

16. Russian State University of Oil and Gas. I. M. Gubkin. The minimum passing score is 160, the number of budget places this year is 611, while the cost of education starts at 78 thousand rubles.

17. Russian International Tourist Academy.
Such an institution does not provide for the availability of budget places, while studying at the academy costs at least 73 thousand rubles.

18. Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. M. A. Litovchina. The state order for 2017 has not yet been set, and the minimum passing score is unclear. Payment for training starts at 74 thousand rubles.

19. Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics. With an admission score of 156, only 70 applicants can enter the institution on a budgetary basis. At the same time, the annual cost of training is 57 thousand rubles.

20. Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism. Budget places in 2017 - 183, the minimum passing score - 129, the annual tuition fee - 96 thousand rubles.

21. State Classical Academy. Maimonides. The passing score is 124, while the number of places under the state order is 255. For a year of study in this place, students will have to pay at least 115 thousand rubles.

22. Moscow City Pedagogical University. The passing score is only 60, and therefore the number of budget places reaches as much as 2059. Annual payment with such indicators starts from 107 thousand rubles.

23. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. This year, 1366 budget places are provided, with a passing ball of 146. At the same time, payment for a year of study at a university starts at 35 thousand rubles.

24. All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. The passability threshold for admission is 253 points, with a maximum amount of budget funds of 270. For a year of stay within the walls of the academy, you will have to pay at least 160 thousand rubles.

25. Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. The number of budget places is 617, the minimum passability score is 141, and the annual payment is estimated at 62 thousand rubles.

Even from such a small list of the most popular educational institutions in the capital, it becomes clear that the number of budget places in many of them is very limited. Therefore, in order to still manage to enter the desired specialization, it is necessary to take care of good scores when passing the exam.

On the budget in 2018 - another test. There is a lot of information on the Internet on this issue, it is on the websites of universities and other official sources. To help you understand, we have collected all the data in one article. Here is a step-by-step instruction that will help you assess your chances of getting free education.

Step 1. Studying how many free places there are

Each state university is obliged to allocate places on a budgetary basis. The number of places in the free department depends on the popularity of the faculty and specialty. And you can get a budgetary higher education not only in Moscow universities. In some places, the number of free places reaches 1.5-2 thousand. For example, in Belgorod, Voronezh, Volgograd, Kirov, Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk and other Russian cities.

In Russia, the state pays for about 50% of places in universities

Step 2. Understanding the terms

Consider the concepts without which it is difficult to assess your chances of admission:

  • the minimum threshold for USE scores;
  • the minimum number of points for admission;
  • passing score in universities.

What is a threshold score?

To get a certificate, you need to score a certain number of points in each subject. Here's how it was in 2017:

  • Russian language - 36 points;
  • mathematics - 27 points;
  • social science - 42 points;
  • computer science - 40 points;
  • foreign language - 22 points.

For example, you have chosen a foreign language for passing the exam, then you need to score 36 points in Russian, 27 in mathematics and 22 in a foreign language - a total of 85 points. In theory, this is enough to apply to the university. But in practice, this is very little to enroll in a free department.

What is the minimum score?

Each university sets its own minimum number of USE scores for admission. Many technical schools are not ready to accept those who scored less than 50 points in mathematics. Humanitarian - put forward increased requirements for languages.

What is a passing score

The passing score depends on the results of the USE with which applicants were enrolled last year. Especially important is the result of the last lucky person who entered the budget with a minimum number of points.

Example. 200 people wanted to enter, and there were 50 state-funded places. The student with the lowest result is considered to be passing. For example, with 150 points, while the rest had a higher score.

The average USE score in 2017 is 68.2

Step 3. Choose a university by passing score

If you can figure out what score you will get on the USE, then it's time to choose the right university. By the way, trial exams help to assess your chances well.

All universities with free places, they are also called budgetary institutions of higher education, for convenience, we will divide into three categories:

  • the most popular, or top;
  • medium;
  • unpopular.

Typically, top universities put forward increased requirements, while the rest lower the bar to attract applicants. Let's look at the passing scores of universities in all three categories in 2017.

If your GPA is above 85: passing scores in popular universities

Conclusion. To enter top universities, the average USE score must be above 80-85. It’s hard to get into the number of such excellent students, do you agree? If you are unsure of good results, consider schools with less stringent requirements.

If your GPA is between 65 and 80 points: passing scores in secondary universities

Conclusion. With an average USE score of 65-80 in 2017, it was possible to enter budgetary and leading regional universities.

If your GPA is 55-65 points: passing scores in unpopular universities

Conclusion.If you score below 65 points, don't panic. Passing scores in many regional universities are below this bar. And today you can get a good higher education not only in the capitals.

Step 4. Evaluate your chances by the number of points

280-300 points- the best universities in the country, any specialty.

200-250 points- popular universities, specialties: linguistics, foreign language, law, economics, management, health care, mathematics, physics.

200 points- secondary universities, specialties: computer science and computer technology, pedagogy, chemistry and biotechnology, automation and control, electrical engineering, energy. Or leading regional universities, any specialty.

150-200 points- secondary universities, specialties: geology, ecology, vehicles, agriculture and fisheries. Or unpopular universities, any specialty.

Less than 150 points- unpopular universities, some specialties.

Sometimes, even with a high score, you can not get into the cherished twenty, and with a low one, by a lucky chance, you can enter the desired university. The main thing is to use all the chances and do not forget about fallback options.

It's time for university entrance exams. Naturally, many of yesterday's schoolchildren would like not just to enter the university, but to get into the budgetary department, and even into one of the leading universities in Russia. We invite you to familiarize yourself with those who can apply for a budget place, how to prepare for admission and what documents you need to submit to the selection committee.

There comes a time university entrance exams. Naturally, many of yesterday's schoolchildren would like not just to enter the university, but to get into the budgetary department, and even into one of the leading universities in Russia.

We emphasize right away that if the results of the exam are not encouraging with high scores, then you will most likely have to forget about entering a prestigious university (even a commercial department). If you are confident in your abilities or do not apply for a place at a leading university, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with who can apply for a budget place, how to prepare for admission and what documents you need to submit to the admissions committee.

Who can apply for a budget place in a university

To receive special advantages for admission to the budgetary department, the applicant must meet at least one of the three criteria below.

High USE results

The result of passing the exam plays a decisive role in admission. By choosing the right subjects (according to the chosen profession), you need to earn the maximum number of points, which guarantees successful passage to the budget.

In order for the USE score to be high, you need to start preparing in advance. If with choosing a university the issue was resolved long before the exam, then you can take preparatory courses for passing the state exam at the chosen university. This method will help not only to improve knowledge, but also to prove oneself to future teachers in advance.

A good way to prepare for the exam is to contact a tutor. Thanks to an individual approach, the tutor will help fill in exactly the knowledge gap that is necessary to succeed in the exam. Some students may need the help of both additional courses and a tutor.

Both types of training will require a lot of money from parents. However, if you take into account the cost of studying at a university on a commercial basis, then you can understand that paying for a tutor or additional courses is a profitable investment.

Olympiad winners and prize-winners

Some students even in the primary grades show certain abilities in some subjects. They take an active part in olympiads of various levels (Internet olympiads, international, regional and regional competitions). These students may also apply for budget place in the university. At the same time, since the universities themselves are interested in the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads enrolling in them, they are given the right to enroll without entrance exams.

However, it is important to understand that the winners and prize-winners of the Olympics can count on benefits only if they enter the profile direction. If the award was received for participation in the Olympiad in another direction, then the applicant is enrolled on a general basis.

Special category

  • disabled children;
  • children with disabilities;
  • low-income families;
  • military personnel;
  • orphans;
  • Chernobyl.

Despite the compliance with the preferential category, passing state exam mandatory for them. Having a high score also plays a role. If necessary, such applicants are given the opportunity to take preparatory courses at an educational institution free of charge.

The following tips will help parents not to waste time and help their children prepare as much as possible for the upcoming exams and, accordingly, get an advantage when entering the budget department:

  • Clearly plan the student's daily routine.
  • Don't let your child's learning take its course. At the same time, devote morning hours to complex subjects and approach the issue several times.
  • Provide your child with active rest, walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition.
  • Take the exam as a way to show the accumulated knowledge.
  • Conduct regular exam training and carry out a joint analysis of errors.
  • Remember that the calmness of the parents is the key to the balance of the child.
  • Ensure proper sleep before the exam.

To increase your chances of getting into budget department The prospective student needs:

  • start preparation for studying at a university at least 2 years before admission (provided that the direction of training has already been chosen);
  • decide in advance on educational institutions and the number of exams;
  • take an active part in all mass events related to specialized subjects;
  • use all methods to improve the quality of knowledge (additional literature, tutoring, additional courses);
  • send documents to at least two educational institutions;
  • choose a related specialty, with fewer people per place (with the possibility of further transfer).

Advantages and pitfalls of the budget department

The very name "budgetary department" suggests that you can count on free education, which allows even the poorest category of our compatriots to get a higher education. At the same time, a good help for students of the free department is the availability of a monthly scholarship (subject to good grades for the semesters).

It is also worth noting that students budget forms of education who have to achieve everything with their own work, as a rule, become highly professional specialists, ambitious and in demand in the modern labor market.

Those students who were lucky enough to enroll in free education should remember that they will be under the close attention of the teaching staff of the university. If the behavior does not meet the norms, and academic performance is low, the expulsion documents will not be long in coming, and will quickly end up on the rector's desk.

Documents required for admission to the budget department

List of documents required for receipts to the budget department, actually does not differ from the package that is submitted by an applicant entering the commercial department:

  • a document certifying the receipt of a complete general education (certificate) or secondary vocational education (diploma of a technical school or college);
  • application for enrollment (accepted without blots and corrections);
  • certificate of passing the exam (for the required examination subjects);
  • passport or any other document confirming the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • medical certificate form 026-U (086-U);
  • black and white photographs (6 pcs.);
  • documents confirming belonging to a preferential category (if any);
  • prize documents for olympiads and other events.

From all the above documents, you must make several photocopies of good quality in advance. It is better if there is an extra copy than to rush about in search of the necessary copy.

If necessary, written submission of documents to the university, it is best to send documents in advance by registered mail with notification.

Some educational institutions add additional items to the main list of documents, which can be found on the website or at the university admissions office.

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Budget receipts are always a holiday

We recently sat down here with my students, who did not do their homework very actively, and calculated how much it costs to study in a more or less decent (not to mentiontop!) university. On average 200-300 thousand per year. For 4 years of study, the family will spend about a million rubles - horror! It motivates you to urgently do the DZ and prepare for the exam more diligently, right?

Everyone wants a budget. But there are many more applicants than budget places, so,Alas, enough not to everyone. HoweverI must admit that absolutely for every student the budget is still available: 80+ in all subjects -and you're on a budgetdecentohmuniversitye. And this is a matter of hard work at school and preparation for the examon the maximum possible points.

At first glance, there are a lot of competitors: hundreds of thousands annually. But, to be honest, they are not such competitors:in factaverage score in the Russian language in the campis68-70, in mathematics - 48-50, in social studies - 54-56, while, how 80+ in mathematics gets only 3%, and in social studies - 4%of the total number of applicants.

Of course, even these minimum percentageshigh scorersenough to arrange a fierce battle for budgetary places in the rating lists, and here additional points for individual achievements come to the rescue (final essay, gold medal, TRP badge, etc.)

A few tips on how to increase your chances of enrolling in the budget:

  1. Apply to 5 universities for 3 directions. Look in advance at the passing score for the past year at these universities in order to have a rough idea of ​​​​your chances in advance.
  2. See what the university gives extra points for.
  3. Keep an eye on the situation in the rating lists! Remember: if you didn't make it to the first wave, you can go to the second one! Don't give up prematurely.
  4. Get ready for the exam in a proven place. Of course, it can be very attractive to "work outmath with my daughtergirlfriends" and save a little, but remember the calculations that we made at the very beginning of the article.
  5. remember, that USE preparation courses at the university do not give you additional privileges upon admission(no certificates are taken into account, additional points are not credited!), and the quality of training in such courses is under a big question mark.
  6. Participate in the Olympics! This is a real chance to enter without the exam! More:
  7. Learn more about budget targeting:

Alina Kosova

Recent publications

Modern teenagers have become so advanced that already at the age of 15-17 they can often say what they want from life. If just five years ago mothers came to our training center (sometimes even without children!) And enrolled them in courses, now the situation has changed dramatically.

Increasingly, I hear “talk to the child, we do not decide!” and this makes me very happy: high school students have taken control of fate into their own hands. They decide where to go, who to be and how to prepare. They take a more responsible approach to the choice of subjects, directions, universities. Why? Perhaps they saw the sad experience of their predecessors, for whom everything was decided by their parents. Perhaps they heard the advice of those people who shared their experience of successful and unsuccessful preparation for the exam. Or maybe this is due to the fact that in the modern world, teenagers feel much more confident than many adults: they know how to find the information they need, to distinguish between useful and useless.
Indeed, now you can find everything on the Internet: learn about professions and universities, and even apply!
Is it possible to prepare for the exam online without leaving home? Or still give preference to the good old system of tutoring at home? What will be more efficient?

The list of which is given below, occupy a leading position in the field of domestic higher education. Metropolitan institutes and universities have advantages due to the better preparedness of the teaching staff and the choice of directions. Let's take a closer look at these establishments.

The main budget universities in Moscow

The list of educational institutions is presented below:

  • The Lomonosov University.
  • State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).
  • Politechnical University.
  • State Institute of Culture.
  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • University of Railway Transport.
  • Humanitarian University.
  • Academy of National Economy.
  • City Pedagogical University.
  • Social University.
  • Higher educational institutions of oil and gas (named after Gubkin), technology and management (named after Razumovsky), art and industrial academy (named after Stroganov).
  • High School of Economics.
  • State University of Management.
  • Physical-Technical University and some others.


Moscow universities, the list of which is presented above, have a number of significant advantages. These include:

  • Stability. There are significantly fewer options for closing a state institution than similar private branches.
  • Availability of a special license.
  • Providing a range of benefits for students and teachers.
  • Obtaining a state diploma.

The authority of higher education in such universities is valued by employers due to the fact that the education received in them allows you to master various skills, cope with difficult situations and implement the acquired knowledge to the maximum.


Moscow universities, the list of which is presented above, have one minus. It is due, paradoxically, to the advantages of educational institutions. Due to the large number of applicants for budgetary education, the competition for a place becomes almost huge. On the one hand, this allows you to select the best applicants, on the other hand, it deprives people who cannot pay for paid branches and faculties. Next, we will consider in more detail the indicated universities in Moscow with state-funded places (2017), the list of which is quite extensive.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

This educational institution is ranked among the oldest Russian universities. The university was founded in 1755 and is one of the leaders in the field of national education, science and culture. Following the best traditions, the institution provides advanced training, promotes humanistic ideals of goodness, freedom and justice.

No wonder the university tops the list of Moscow universities with state-funded places. There are two ways to apply for free. The most common is the result of the exam. The more points an applicant gains, the higher his chances of admission. Grades objectively show the level of knowledge of each of the applicants. The second way is much more difficult. You need to become the winner of several Olympiads, according to the results of which the applicant can be enrolled automatically or with a 100% USE score.

Bauman Technical University

For a long time, Baumanka has been systematically working to create and develop wide opportunities for preliminary training of future students. Special schools, lyceums, preparatory courses have been created. In addition, various olympiads and youth programs "Cosmonautics", "Step into the Future" are organized.

Moscow universities with state-funded places (2017), the list of which we have presented to you, have similar options for admission to free education. For example, you can enter Bauman University based on the results of passing the Unified State Examination, which is used by most applicants. It is worth noting that the conditions for passing a single exam are the same for everyone, and the result shows the level of knowledge of the applicant. By registering for participation in one of the Olympiads in specialized subjects or by showing yourself worthy at the All-Russian competition, you can enter the university automatically or with the maximum advantage.

Architectural Academy

The list of universities in Moscow (2017) is continued by the Moscow Institute of Architecture (Academy). The institution has a history of a quarter of a century and is considered the country's leading architectural institution. The university trains excellent specialists for Russia and the post-Soviet countries. MARCHI cooperates with foreign art and construction schools, accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects.

On a budgetary basis, applicants who have passed the USE better than other applicants can enter the university. In this case, the education is paid by the state. More detailed information is available in the applicant's calendar. The second way to enter a free course is good performance at all-Russian and internal olympiads, which gives the right, if not for automatic admission, then to receive a high percentage based on the results of a single exam.

REU them. G.V. Plekhanov

State universities of Moscow (2017), the list of which is quite extensive, is complemented by the Plekhanov University of Economics. The federal budgetary institution provides the following types of education:

  • First higher.
  • Undergraduate.
  • Specialty.
  • Master's degree.
  • Additional opportunities and advanced training.

The university uses full-time, part-time and mixed forms of education. There is also the use of modern technologies (distance learning). To enter a budget vacancy, an applicant must score from 200 to 360 points, depending on the chosen specialty and the number of contestants.

Capital University of Culture and Arts

The list of state universities in Moscow continues with the University of Arts and Culture. The institution is one of the largest centers that train specialists in the field of mass media, media resources, choreography, theater and directing activities, as well as in the field of socio-cultural format.

For the budget, the minimum passing score is 120 points (according to the results of the USE). You can also enter a university by performing adequately at specialized Olympiads of regional and all-Russian significance. The most accessible specialty on a free basis is archival and document science.

Linguistic University

State universities in Moscow with state-funded places, the list of which is supplemented by a linguistic university, are popular among citizens of the whole country. The institution in question cooperates with 93 leading institutions from more than 30 countries of the world. In addition, MSLU supports the following projects:

  • UNESCO educational program.
  • A similar form of the Council of Europe.
  • European Center for the Teaching and Development of Modern Languages.
  • International associations of teachers of Spanish, German.
  • International Federation of Translators.
  • Russian International Affairs Council and some other equally large-scale events.

Admission to budget vacancies is made according to the results of the Unified State Examination or achievements in specialized Olympiads.


What other universities of Moscow should be noted? The list, passing scores in some of them are presented above. Next, consider the features of admission to the Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development (VAVT).

This institution produces well-trained economists, lawyers and managers who are involved in foreign economic activity. The teaching of subjects is focused on strong economic preparation and in-depth study of foreign languages. Many teachers are graduates of no less reputable MSLU universities in the past. During the period of study, students can take tests for special linguistic certificates. Some faculties, in parallel with the standard diploma, issue an identical document from a foreign partner institution. Certain disciplines are taught in English. The minimum passing score is 253.


The Moscow Institute of International Relations is among the top ten among domestic universities. It trains professionals in 12 educational programs. Among them:

  • Public administration.
  • Journalism and public relations.
  • Regional and international law.

Established a higher educational institution in 1944, it has six separate representations and eight faculties. It is worth noting that MGIMO is famous for its diverse student organizations, which makes it possible to preserve vivid memories of the years of study. In addition, for the first time, the Institute of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Obudsman) was organized in this university. It regulates issues that arise between students, graduate students, administration and teachers. This practice is actively used in foreign universities.

RUDN University

This institution of higher education was founded back in 1960. Now representatives of more than 450 nationalities from 150 countries of the world study at its courses and faculties. This university can be called unique, because students study in joint groups, support the essence of international friendship, exchange knowledge, traditions and experience. The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia was created as an accessible educational institution for low-income segments of the population from all over the world.

Its prevailing purpose is the possibility of obtaining a decent education for people from young and independent states. Initially, admission to the university was carried out with the participation of charitable international foundations and the USSR embassy. The modern RUDN University is an actively developing university, where new faculties have been opened, the task of which is to produce qualified and in-demand engineers, as well as to improve the skills of existing specialists.

Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas

Moscow universities, the list of which is impressive, train workers and managers of various professions. For example, the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas is a leader among domestic technical institutes. This institution is of strategic importance for the state, as it trains professionals in the leading sectors of the country's economy (gas and oil industry).

The university actively participates in various international projects, cooperates with foreign partners. Such tactics enable students to feel not just students, but accomplished specialists.