What can be the climate in the family. "psychological climate of the family as a means of raising children"

The psychological climate of the family

Everything starts with the family.

The formation of a child, his development, the formation of a personality, as you know, largely depends not only on the financial situation, but also on the state of the moral and psychological climate of the family in which he lives. The family is the primary cell of society, one of its most important social institutions. It is in it that the child prepares for life, acquires the first and deepest social ideals, here the character of a person, his habits, worldview is laid, it is there that the foundation of his citizenship is laid. The family traditionally passes on social, cultural and moral values ​​and experience to children, educates them industriousness and spirituality. Here such concepts as paternity and motherhood, family relationships and traditions are learned. Our life is not always stable and calm, sometimes despair and difficulties invade it. Any trials become easier if a person is supported by people close and dear to him.

The psychological climate in the family determines the stability of intra-family relations, has a decisive influence on the development of both children and adults. It is not something fixed, given once and for all. It is created by the members of each family, and it depends on their efforts how it will be, favorable or unfavorable, and how long the marriage will last.

So, for a favorable psychological climate, the following features are characteristic:

1. cohesion,

2. the possibility of all-round development of the personality of each of its members,

3. high benevolent demands of family members to each other,

4. a sense of security and emotional satisfaction, pride in belonging to one's family,

5. responsibility.

In a family with a favorable psychological climate, each of its members treats the others with love, respect and trust, to parents - also with reverence, to a weaker one - with readiness to help at any moment. Important indicators of a favorable psychological climate of the family are the desire of its members to spend their free time in the home circle, talk on topics of interest to everyone, do homework together, emphasize the dignity and good deeds of everyone. Such a climate contributes to harmony, reducing the severity of emerging conflicts, relieving stressful conditions, increasing the assessment of one's own social significance and realizing the personal potential of each family member. The initial basis of a favorable family climate is marital relations. Living together requires the spouses to be ready to compromise, to be able to take into account the needs of a partner, to give in to each other, to develop in themselves such qualities as mutual respect, trust, mutual understanding.

When family members experience anxiety, emotional discomfort, alienation, in this case they speak of an unfavorable psychological climate in the family. All this prevents the family from fulfilling one of its main functions - psychotherapeutic, relieving stress and fatigue, and also leads to depression, quarrels, mental tension, and a deficit in positive emotions. If family members do not strive to change this situation for the better, then the very existence of the family becomes problematic.

Why is it important to talk about family relationships?

First, the development of a child from the first days of life takes place in a family where a psychological climate has already been established or is being established.

Secondly, each family has its own size and composition, which contributes to the versatility, constancy and duration of educational influence.

The connection of generations ensures the creation and development of family traditions, an appeal to the origins of folk culture. It is in the presence of such connections that the social and moral development of the child takes place.

Thirdly, the family creates conditions for the inclusion of children in a variety of intra-family relationships and activities, and the child receives information about himself - the Self-Concept - where he makes the first decision about himself and where his social nature begins to develop.

Fourthly, the interaction between parents, the relationship between parents and children, behavior patterns, activities affect preschoolers' awareness of the rules, the style of communication with other people, and then transferred to their own behavior, and in the future are projected in the family.

D.S. Makarenko, “Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. he wrote. - Do not think that you bring up a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You bring him up at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. How you dress, how you talk to other people and about other people, how you are happy or sad, how you communicate with friends and enemies, how you laugh, read the newspaper - all this is of great importance for a child. The child sees or feels the slightest changes in tone, all turns of your thought reach him in invisible ways, you do not notice them. And if at home you are rude, or boastful, or drunk, and even worse, if you insult the mother, you are already doing great harm to your children, you are already raising them badly, and your unworthy behavior will have the most sad consequences ...

Only a person who makes high demands, first of all to himself, can hope that his demands in relation to others will be perceived as correct and fair. First you need to change your behavior, and then demand it from the other.

Children learn from what surrounds them.

If a child is often criticized, hestudiescondemn;

If a child is often shown hostility, he learns to fight;

If a child is often ridiculed, he learns to be timid;

If a child is often dishonored, he learns to feel guilty;

If a child is often indulgent, he learns to be tolerant;

If a child is often encouraged, he learns self-confidence;

If a child is often praised, he learns to evaluate;

If a child is usually honest, he learns justice;

If a child lives with a sense of security, he learns to believe;

If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels needed, he learns to find love in this world..

Such a concept as the psychological climate in the family is rarely heard. Have you ever wondered why seemingly strong marriages break up? Are you sure that your family is not in danger of breaking up? To find out the answers to these questions, you should understand what the socio-psychological climate in the family is.

This invisible phenomenon has a huge impact on every person. This is especially true for children. The psychological health of future members of society is threatened if there are any discords between relatives, that is, an unfavorable and abnormal relationship reigns in the family.

Psychological climate

Why was such a concept introduced? In fact, the psychological climate is a real factor in personal growth.

The emotional atmosphere is closely related to this concept. A favorable environment has a positive impact on each family member, contributes to its development and strengthening of family relations.

The socio-psychological climate in the family plays an important role in making important life decisions and in making choices.

It is also a mistake to assume that the home environment does not affect physical health. Psychologists around the world unanimously say that psychological problems are the source, the ancestor of most diseases, even the most common ones, such as colds.

This can be explained very simply. The nervous system is the core of the whole organism. If problems begin with it, immunity suffers, that is, the defenses cease to function. The body becomes susceptible to any external negative factor.

It is the moral and psychological climate of the family that ensures the health of the nervous system. From this we can draw a logical conclusion - close people can both save a person and destroy him.

Types of psychological climate

There is nothing complicated in this concept. The psychological climate is of only two types:

  • Favorable.
  • Adverse.

Understanding which of these types of psychological climate concerns your family is very simple. Answer yourself a series of questions. Do you live in harmony, listening to each other? Do you trust your family members? Do you want to spend your free time with your family? You can be calm, a favorable psychological climate in the family is about you.

Such a unit of society is stable. Relations in the family are not tense, everyone listens to each other, joint hobbies and hobbies take place.

If you answered no to each of these questions, you need to urgently take measures to unite and save the marriage. An unfavorable moral and psychological climate in the family is extremely dangerous:

  • Frequent conflicts lead to chronic stress.
  • in such families, rarely have psychological illnesses.
  • and children do not get along, which leads to tension in the house.

These factors, at first glance, are not dangerous. But the psychological climate is the health of the family. This is the core of a full-fledged cell of society. You should think about the future of your family in order to avoid problems with your own morale in the future.

A little about children

As soon as a child is born, all the love and care of parents is directed to him. A new member of society is surrounded by attention. The psychological climate in the family determines how the personality of the baby will develop. The cult values ​​in your home will influence the child in many ways. Here are the factors for favorable development:

  • Praise the baby for his merits, he will be grateful to you.
  • Organize in the family so that the child learns to respect others.
  • You must believe in the baby so that he is confident in himself.
  • In difficult situations for the child, support him so that he does not feel lonely.
  • Emphasize the dignity of the child so that he knows how to value himself.
  • If you are restrained and patient with some of the shortcomings of the baby, he will learn to accept the world around him as he is.
  • Be honest with your family members, then the child will grow up fair.
  • Give the baby love, be friendly with him so that he can find positive things in the whole world.

These are positive factors that will help the child develop in the right direction, be in harmony with himself and the world around him, love life and loved ones. And most importantly, in the future he will be able to build his own family, full of care and love.

But there are also completely opposite factors. On the contrary, they will contribute to the fact that the child will not be able to become a full-fledged personality. So, get acquainted with the manual, which will tell you how not to do it:

  • Criticize the child more often so that he hates people.
  • Reproach the baby for any reason so that he feels guilty all his life.
  • Quarrel with a partner in front of the child, then he will learn to be aggressive.
  • When a child fails to do something, make fun of him to develop in him a sense of isolation and uselessness.

As you can see, the psychological climate in the family plays a fundamental role in shaping the personality of the child. A stable psyche is the basis of harmonious development. How to act and behave is up to you, but first consider the possible consequences of your actions.

Where does gastritis come from?

Of course, an unfavorable psychological climate is not always the culprit of gastritis, but research by scientists shows that digestive diseases are directly related to family relationships. Namely, with the stress that arises against the backdrop of conflicts and discord.

By creating a favorable atmosphere in the house, you will protect yourself not only from psychological diseases, but also from physical ones.

Something about longevity

While cosmetologists and dermatologists are trying to find a miracle cure that can prolong youth, psychologists in the Caucasus have already discovered it and are successfully using it.

The secret of longevity of mountain dwellers is quite simple. They honor traditions, and one of them is a respectful attitude towards parents. This is especially true for older people. An environment is created around them so that they feel their importance.

Here it is no longer possible to say that the psychological climate in the family does not affect physical health.

Psychological climate and its impact on relationships

Based on the foregoing, the unfavorable psychological climate of the family will sooner or later lead to its disintegration. And there may be plenty of reasons for this. When an emotionally tired person accumulates resentment in himself for a long time, he can “explode” and leave the family because of a banal tasteless breakfast, and blaming him for this is stupid.

As you know, to ruin a relationship, it is enough to start sorting it out. Try to show by actions, not words, how important your family and loved ones are to you.

social success

It's no secret that with the appropriate emotional support from family and friends, people have much more reason to strive to grow and become better. Motivation is the key to success. The psychological climate in the family creates the foundation for the future achievements of a person as a person.

Statistically, children who grow up in an unfavorable environment are less successful in life than their happy friends. This is understandable, because a person will not have energy for new achievements if it all goes to anger, resentment and family conflicts.

Can the situation be improved?

Initially, a favorable psychological climate is formed when two mature personalities enter into an alliance, ready to be support and support for each other.

But if the marriage is already concluded, and the situation is spoiled, it is important to work on the mistakes. It is necessary to start a dialogue, during which each family member will express their grievances, claims and misunderstandings. This should be done calmly, listening to each other as much as possible.

Based on such communication, you need to compromise, find a middle ground that will suit all family members.

If in this way it is not possible to reach an agreement, try inviting a psychologist to your home. He will find the problems of your union and eliminate them as gently and unobtrusively as possible. But this should be done only with the consent of all family members.

Instead of output

As you can see, the psychological climate is what determines its value, the importance of these relationships. Only the willingness to accept relatives as they are, with all the weaknesses and shortcomings, will help build a strong alliance.

Do not immediately put an end to the relationship when problems arise. There are many cases when, when overcoming difficulties, the family became even more united. But this requires the desire of each of its members.

The family has been revered for centuries as a great value, especially when a person needed a large team in order to simply survive in the difficult conditions of the struggle for existence.

The family in modern society is becoming a small group.

Firstly, this is a kindred union, which is based on an emotional feeling - love.

Secondly, the most important function of the biological and social reproduction of the population is carried out in the family.

Thirdly, upbringing is carried out in the family, that is, the transfer of experience, certain foundations, and values ​​to new generations. This is all scientific thinking.

It largely depends on the family what the human development index will be in the future, what will be the human capital tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Society should be aware of the importance of the process of spiritual and moral education in families, its significant place in the education of values ​​and love for the motherland. The stronger, more reliable, more stable the family, the stronger our Fatherland.

For a long time in our Fatherland, the opinion was widespread that family education should be replaced by public education. Supporters of this point of view put forward the following arguments: parents, as a rule, do not have pedagogical abilities.

The experience of happy, friendly families clearly shows that sometimes only an affectionate word, a trifling gift, an elementary manifestation of participation in the affairs and concerns of loved ones can significantly weaken the unnaturalness of relations, improve the situation, establish a family, if not an idyll, then at least a certain harmony, for the common good. not only the older members of the family, but, first of all, and mainly the youngest person (both materially, and spiritually, and morally).

Since ancient times, people have said:

A house with children is a bazaar, without children it is a grave.

Children are a special joy in a family. Raising them is a pleasure. Although adults say that you don’t have time to do anything with children, they understand that they cannot live without this “bazaar”.

What is the father, such are the children

Children learn from their parents' examples. Sometimes, looking at a child, you can judge his parents.

The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.

Mom, like the earth, loves her children and tries to do everything for them so that they do not need anything.

The dear child has many names.

Adults like to call their children different affectionate names.

The objectives of this study:

1. Analysis of the social and social characteristics of modern families (based on the creative tasks of 8th grade students);

2. Identification of family values, family traditions and their role in the modern family;

Research objectives:

1. Show the importance of the family in modern society;

2. To reveal the view of children on the family, on its role in their life;

3. Focus on the importance of traditions in the family.

The relevance of research:

The year 2008 was announced by the President of the Russian Federation in Russia as the Year of the Family.

Currently, the institution of the family is in crisis, so it is very important to pay attention to the value of the family for each person. The fact that young people do not like much in the lives of previous generations, their parents, is an obvious fact, but it does not follow from it that the meaning of the activity of each new generation is to raise a rebellion against the established way of life in general and in one's family in particular. In all ages, children want to act in their own way, parents want them to act according to their ideas and concepts.

The most painful question, the stumbling block in any family, is the question of who should do what and when. At the same time, each family member has his own idea of ​​the fairness of the distribution of all the many responsibilities: small and large, daily and one-time. Genuine justice, which does not infringe on the interests of any member of the family team, is based on the equal participation of all family members. This means that everyone should have a full say in the distribution of the household budget and in the distribution of specific household duties for the day, for the week, for the month.

Psychological climate in the family

In a family, as in a small group, each participant in the relationship has its own roles. Moreover, the roles of family members do not always coincide with the group role. Often the role of the leader in the family does not belong to the father, but to the one whose contribution to family well-being is recognized by all family members.

First of all, the psychological climate determines the well-being of a person in the family (mood, comfort). This well-being depends on the relationship between members of the family team, it is the relationship of care, attention, cooperation that makes the family climate warm and pleasant. On the contrary, disrespectful attitudes, indifference make the climate harsh, unpleasant, difficult to exist in it.

The psychological climate of the family is a relatively stable emotional mood. It is the result of a set of moods of family members, their emotional experiences. Relationships to other people, to surrounding events. A favorable climate is characterized by cohesion, benevolent exactingness towards each other, a sense of security, pride in belonging to a family in a family with a favorable climate, love, trust in each other, respect for elders, mutual respect, readiness to understand and help others. An important place in creating a favorable climate belongs to the family way of life, traditions, and common spiritual values. The family, as a special group based on kinship ties, involves a special intra-family communication, in the process of which the family realizes its functions. Communication in a favorable family environment is characterized by naturalness, cordiality, mutual interest.

An unfavorable family climate leads to tension, quarrels, conflicts, and a lack of positive emotions. Especially in such an environment, the younger members of the family suffer. In the most severe cases, such a climate leads to the disintegration of the family.

Students of the 8th grade prepared creative tasks, which addressed the following questions:

What is a family in your understanding;

Tell about your family members, emphasize their role in the family;

Show family traditions and visualize through media presentations.

And here's what happened. Family:

A family is one whole, where relatives take care of each other, help, and most importantly understand, respect and appreciate. All together it's called LOVE

A family is a group of close people who are ready to help each other at any time.

Family is the people closest to you who will support you in difficult moments of life, where mutual understanding reigns, where each other's opinions are respected.

Family is a place where you want to come, where they understand and accept you for who you are.

The family is the place of birth and formation. The family forms and lives the whole set of relationships to man, nature, work, beauty, science, art, society, money, power, the strong, the weak.

The family is a cell of society, which is built on blood and spiritual unity, on love and harmony, on a careful attitude towards each other.

Family is people who are waiting for you, trust you, understand you and support you in any situation.

Each of us needs a place where you don't have to pretend, where you won't be deceived, where you feel calm and well, where you can rest your soul. That place for me is my family.

Family is sacred. Family is something you can't live without.

And here is what they write about their family members:

Mom is a kind and affectionate person.

Mom is a very interesting person, she will always help you figure it out if you get confused.

Mom is a cheerful, stylish, sociable, good hostess.

Mom is a sympathetic and sensitive person. She gives different advice, and helps in a difficult situation. And not just advice, but practical advice. After all, what kind of mother would wish her child bad.

My mother always supports me, although sometimes we argue with her mainly because of how the words are pronounced correctly. Our disputes, in most cases, are resolved by the grandmother. Well, or Ozhegov. Mom - will always help to deal with problems, my mother teaches me independence, love, perseverance, not to hang my nose if something does not work out. I love my mom very much!

I learn the culture of communication from my mother.

I see how tired my mother is, working as a cashier at Maria-Ra, so part of the housework lies with me. I have to take and pick up Nastya from the kindergarten, take care of her while her mother is away. With all the workload, my mother can create coziness and a comfortable environment at home.

Dad is a sensitive and sympathetic father.

Dad is a person you can trust, who will always understand you. But in return it requires order and independence.

I learn from my father the attitude to work, to my duties.

My dad is serious, he is my role model. He teaches me to be strong, attentive and easily endure the difficulties encountered on the path of life.

Dad is an entrepreneur. A strong and serious person. Teaches me to be courageous and strong.

Every child needs a grandmother. After all, someone should indulge and allow everything that parents do not allow. Baba-Lyuba teaches me to respect adults and appreciate what you have. I admire my grandmother, because not every grandmother works at the age of 60, chooses a suit for work every morning (while trying on 3 more), perfumes herself with her favorite perfumes and goes to college with an open mind to teach children Russian, literature and, of course, life.

A polite and sympathetic grandmother who teaches proper communication with others.

As my grandmother says: “the old women have folded their balls, thrown their hooks and calmly ride mopeds around the village.” Indeed, we are so accustomed to the image of a sitting old woman with a ball in her hands.

Sisters and brothers:

Cheerful and interesting girl.

Creates a relaxed atmosphere in the home.

I'm learning patience from my brother.

He considers himself a very important person in this life and keeps himself on a par with adults. Who cares, but she definitely doesn’t have arrogance. Lives under the motto: "Where is the planet without me?"

Brother: he goes to kindergarten "Bee" he brings a lot of joyful moments into my life.

So, sisters and brothers become little people who take and return care and warmth in the same amount in which they receive.

The child learns to

What he sees in his house:

Parents are an example to him

If children see us and hear us,

We are responsible for our deeds

And for the words: easy to push

Children on a bad path.

Keep up your house

So as not to repent later.

(S. Brant)

Every family has values:

Parents are always polite to each other. Respect for elders is the most important value. As well as teaching the rules of behavior in society, and the development of moral qualities.

One of the traditions is to get together on holidays with the whole family, whether it's a birthday or New Year.

Our family is distinguished by mutual assistance, joint problem solving, recreation, discussion of everyday events and actions, an active lifestyle. I am happy in my family.

The two most important people in my life are my sister and my mother. Unfortunately, we do not have a dad, so I, as the only man, have to not give offense to my mother and sister.

I recently realized that "one way" care is "idling". Probably, everything in the family should be divided equally, and care too: children to parents and vice versa. Just participation: thank you, dishes cleaned without a reminder, room cleaning, patience in conversation, a kind word - this is what is most important in a family.

In our family, the main value is communication, because we don’t see each other very often. We also value mutual understanding and freedom of choice.

Our family is creative, we like to listen to foreign, beautiful music. This value was brought to the family by my dad. Also, dad instilled in us a sense of patriotism for the Motherland. And my mother teaches me and my brother to be independent. I, at the age of 10, was left alone with my little brother, not being afraid that something would happen. My mother can completely rely on me. Mom brings a lot of positive emotions to our house.

Students in their works about the family tried to show the positive side of family relations, which indicates the importance of the family in the eyes of the child, pride in their parents.


We are born to live together; our society is a vault of stones that would collapse if one did not support the other. (Seneca)

The social position of a person depends to a decisive extent on himself, but the social conditions in which he has to act, the point from which a person starts, and the family plays an important role, also play an important role. Socialization of a child is one of the main tasks of parents. First of all, it starts in the family. The internal state of the child, his relationships with others, his success in various activities, how he builds his future life, his view of the family depends on the climate in the family. A person carries through his whole life the traditions and values ​​instilled in him in childhood in the family, and tries to build his family on the same principles.

We believe that not only adults can help solve the problem, but children can also contribute to maintaining the psychological climate in the family.

What is meant by the socio-psychological climate of the family? And what indicators influence climate satisfaction in the family?

Socio-psychological family climate- this is the degree of satisfaction of the spouses with the atmosphere in the family. Friendly communication and psychological support of family members are indicators of the psychological climate in the family. Psychological factors are an important component of family relationships.

Also, the climate in the family is affected by sexual compatibility and joint leisure. Numerous studies have revealed the following trend: the longer the length of family life, the higher the satisfaction with psychological support. This is not surprising, since over time, psychological adaptation to partners increases.

If you ask a woman about the socio-psychological climate in her family, it turns out that she is more critical in assessing this issue than her man. This is confirmed by research by psychologists. For a strong marriage, the following indicators are important for women: the absence of domestic problems, family vacations, harmonious sexual relations, communication, friendship, care, psychological atmosphere. For men, the main thing in family relations is common interests with a detocetrist bias.

Practical studies show that if at least one of the spouses is satisfied with the marriage, then this contributes to a favorable climate in the family. The favorable climate in the family is influenced by the number of children in the family: the more children in the family, the more favorable the family climate.

Some sociologists are inclined to believe that the degree of satisfaction with marriage and, accordingly, a favorable climate in the family depends on the person himself, or rather, a person who is able to take responsibility for everything in his life is always satisfied with marriage.

Factors affecting a favorable climate in the family

1) "Socio-demographic and economic characteristics of the family"

Examples of indicators: total family income, number of children, age of husband and wife.

2) "Extra-family sphere of life of spouses"

Examples of indicators: profession of spouses, social environment.

3) "Attitudes and behavior of spouses in the main areas of family life"

Examples of indicators: spouses' views on the distribution of household and economic duties, leisure activities.

4) "Characteristics of intermarital relations"

Examples of indicators: common moral values, attitude to love and fidelity, respect for each other.

How to restore a favorable climate in the family?

Unfortunately, many families unfavorable climate in the family. In these families, everyone lives their own lives. It is not customary in the family to solve problems at the “round” table, everyone solves their problems on their own. Not only problems are solved by each family member independently, but also the joyful moments of family members are left without attention. For example, they do not congratulate each other on their birthday, the first five, and so on.

An unfavorable climate in the family develops not only in dysfunctional families, but also in families leading a healthy lifestyle. What is the reason? The reason for the emergence of a negative family climate is the lack of communication.

To restore a favorable climate in the family, communication must be established. You need to communicate not only with your spouse, but with your children. And you need to talk about everything, do not hold back insults. Topics for conversation should be varied. Talk about anything: the weather, a man who stepped on your foot, a new teacher at school, politics, flowers, or just talk about your day.

Come up with a family tradition, such as having dinner at the same table every night, or turning off the Internet for two hours and playing board games. Get out more often for a joint vacation that would suit all family members.

This advice may seem banal to some, but, without a doubt, it is the most effective for resuming a favorable climate in the family.

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In the scientific literature, synonyms for the concept of "psychological climate of the family" are "psychological atmosphere of the family", "emotional climate of the family", "socio-psychological climate of the family". It should be noted that there is no strict definition of these concepts. For example, O. A. Dobrynina understands the socio-psychological climate of a family as its generalized, integrative characteristic, which reflects the degree of satisfaction of the spouses with the main aspects of family life, the general tone and style of communication.

The psychological climate in the family determines the stability of intra-family relations, has a decisive influence on the development of both children and adults. It is not something fixed, given once and for all. It is created by the members of each family, and it depends on their efforts how it will be, favorable or unfavorable, and how long the marriage will last. So, for a favorable psychological climate, the following features are characteristic: cohesion, the possibility of a comprehensive development of the personality of each of its members, high benevolent exactingness of family members towards each other, a sense of security and emotional satisfaction, pride in belonging to one's family, responsibility. In a family with a favorable psychological climate, each of its members treats the others with love, respect and trust, to parents - also with reverence, to a weaker one - with readiness to help at any moment. Important indicators of a favorable psychological climate of the family are the desire of its members to spend their free time in the home circle, talk on topics of interest to everyone, do homework together, emphasize the dignity and good deeds of everyone. Such a climate contributes to harmony, reducing the severity of emerging conflicts, relieving stressful conditions, increasing the assessment of one's own social significance and realizing the personal potential of each family member. The initial basis of a favorable family climate is marital relations. Living together requires the spouses to be ready to compromise, to be able to take into account the needs of a partner, to give in to each other, to develop in themselves such qualities as mutual respect, trust, mutual understanding.

When family members experience anxiety, emotional discomfort, alienation, in this case they speak of an unfavorable psychological climate in the family. All this prevents the family from fulfilling one of its main functions - psychotherapeutic, relieving stress and fatigue, and also leads to depression, quarrels, mental tension, and a deficit in positive emotions. If family members do not strive to change this situation for the better, then the very existence of the family becomes problematic.

The psychological climate can be defined as a more or less stable emotional mood characteristic of a particular family, which is a consequence of family communication, that is, it arises as a result of the aggregate mood of family members, their emotional experiences and worries, attitudes towards each other, towards other people, towards work, to surrounding events. It should be noted that the emotional atmosphere of the family is an important factor in the effectiveness of the family's vital functions, the state of its health in general, it determines the stability of the marriage.

Many Western researchers believe that in modern society the family is losing its traditional functions, becoming an institution of emotional contact, a kind of "psychological refuge". Domestic scientists also emphasize the growing role of emotional factors in the functioning of the family.

V. S. Torokhtiy speaks about the psychological health of the family and that this “integral indicator of the dynamics of vital functions for it, expressing the qualitative side of the socio-psychological processes taking place in it and, in particular, the ability of the family to resist the undesirable influences of the social environment”, is not identical to the concept of "socio-psychological climate", which is more applicable to groups (including small ones) of a heterogeneous composition, more often uniting their members on the basis of professional activities and the fact that they have wide opportunities to leave the group, etc. For a small a group that has family ties that ensure stable and long-term psychological interdependence, where the closeness of interpersonal intimate experiences is preserved, where the similarity of value orientations is especially significant, where not one, but a number of family-wide goals are simultaneously distinguished, and the flexibility of their priority, targeting is preserved, where the main condition for its existence is whole ness - the term "psychological health of the family" is more acceptable.

Psychological health is a state of mental psychological well-being of a family, which ensures regulation of the behavior and activities of all family members adequate to their living conditions. To the main criteria for the psychological health of the family B.C. Torokhty attributes the similarity of family values, functional-role consistency, social-role adequacy in the family, emotional satisfaction, adaptability in microsocial relations, striving for family longevity. These criteria of the psychological health of the family create a general psychological portrait of the modern family and, above all, characterize the degree of its well-being.