What role does nature play in Taras Bulba. What role do N.V play in the story

Topic: "Pictures of nature in the story of N.V. Gogol" Taras Bulba "

Type of lesson: lesson-journey.

Target: educational: Show the role of landscape in conveying feelings, emotional

the psychological state of the heroes of the story; to fix

knowledge of students about images - symbols.

developing: Develop logical thinking, oral speech.

educational: To instill love for the father's home, native land.

During the classes

1. The word of the teacher about the objectives of the lesson. Earth is the most beautiful of the planets. The ability to see and perceive the beauty of nature gives a person great joy. Unlike works of art, nature is natural and mobile. Pictures of nature are always fresh and natural, they have a lot of shades that are constantly changing depending on the time of year, day, weather. At every moment in the world around us there is something beautiful, unforgettable. At one time, nature can make a person joyful, cheerful, elated; in another - thoughtfulness, sadness. Nature ennobles the feelings of a person, affects his entire spiritual appearance. Today in the lesson we will follow how the great artist of the word N. V. Gogol in the story "Taras Bulba" reveals the beauty of nature in the description of the steppe, notice the changes that occur in it and see how the steppe affects the mood of the heroes of the story: Taras, Ostap, Andria.

2. Work on the text of the story.

The class is divided into groups of 5 people: A, B, C, D.

Task for group A :

With what moods do all three riders go on a long journey?

(The riders fell silent, rode silently, "... hanging their heads and downcast eyes ...".

Sadness was reflected on the faces, and tears glistened in the eyes.)

Find in the passage such combinations of words that express the state of mind

heroes? What are these word combinations called? Choose synonyms for them.

hanging his head - to be sad, to lose heart, to despair, to be upset;

downcast eyes - lower your eyes, be sad.

Task for group B :

What was Taras thinking about?

(“Old Taras thought about the past: before him passed his youth, his summers, his past years, about which the Cossack always cries, wishing that his whole life was youth. He thought about whom he would meet in the Sich from his former comrades "He figured out which ones had already died, which ones were still alive. A tear quietly rounded on his eye. And his graying head drooped dejectedly").

What phrase does the author convey the state of Taras's soul?

to bow one's head - to lower one's head dejectedly

Assignment to group B :

Why did Ostap lower his head thoughtfully?

(He was spiritually touched by the tears of his poor mother, and this alone only embarrassed him.

and made me bow my head thoughtfully).

Assignment to group D :

Why did Andriy lower his head thoughtfully?

(Andriy thought about the daughter of the Kovno governor, whom he had seen several times.

And one day he climbed through the palisade into the garden, climbed a tree, climbed from a tree to

roof and through the chimney made his way into the bedroom of the beauty ... That's what I thought

Andriy, hanging his head and lowering his eyes into the horse's mane).

Teacher: - And here the description of the steppe appears for the first time. Read this description.

(“Meanwhile, the steppe has long since accepted them all into its green embrace, and

tall grass, surrounding them, hid them, and only black Cossack hats

flashed between her ears")

    How did the steppe meet the riders?

(she took them into her arms)

Think about the words "the steppe has long accepted them into its arms."

What figurative and expressive means of artistic speech does the author use?


What image comes up with these words?

(The image of the mother. In chapter 1, before the departure of the sons to the Sich, “the mother hugged them”, further

"I hugged one of my sons." And the steppe, like a mother, "took everyone into its arms" and.

mother, hid them in her arms.

What dispelled the sad thoughts of the riders?

(All the same steppe: “The sun looked out for a long time and with its life-giving decaying light

doused the steppe. Everything that was vague and sleepy in the soul of the Cossacks flew away in an instant: their hearts fluttered like birds.

What, besides space, is the steppe for heroes?

(This is the path from home to the Zaporizhzhya Sich. The steppe is an endless space, like an ocean,

Which connects two worlds: domestic and Cossack, the world of the Zaporozhian Sich).

The second meaning of the steppe appears. Which? (The steppe is a symbol of the house).

Lexical work: give a lexical meaning to a wordsymbol.

And here is the description of the steppe, which is of the greatest importance.

(Teacher reading the passage “The steppe further, the more beautiful ...”)

And now, guys, let's turn to Kibrik's illustration.

What is an illustration?

In your opinion, did the artist succeed in depicting what N.V. Gogol?

What time of day is shown here?

Let's look at the drawings of your classmates.

Group work.

- BUT . What was the steppe before? (space, desert, looked like a forest)

- B . Why are such comparisons introduced? (The steppe was as dead as a desert, there was no life in it, never "never did a plow pass over the immeasurable waves of plants").

- AT . What did the horsemen imagine the steppe to be? ("Green - golden ocean").

D. Why the ocean? (Just as in the ocean, life existed in the steppe. The steppe was filled with different colors and sounds).

Into how many parts and into what parts can the passage be divided?

(In two parts: 1 "... millions of different colors splashed ...".

2 "... The air was filled with a thousand different whistles...").

Music by P. Tchaikovsky. "The Seasons" ("Barcarolle").

A. - What do we see?

B. - What do we hear?

Q. - With the help of what words can we see the steppe? (with the help of artistic characteristics - epithets: green, wild, gold, thin, tall, blue, motley, white, purple, yellow, black);

Verbs: splashed, passed through, jumped out, flashed, flashes, turned over)

G. - How many colors can depict the steppe?

3. Work on an excerpt from the work. “In the evening, the whole steppe completely changed.”

Expressive reading of the passage by the teacher.

Questions session.

How has the steppe changed in the evening?

(If during the day visual images prevailed, then the evening steppe is filled with auditory images: “... the gophers announced the steppe with a whistle”, “the crackling of the grasshoppers became more audible”, “sometimes the cry of a swan was heard”, “the Cossacks heard with their ears the whole meaningless world of insects: crackling, whistling, chirping". And the steppe was filled with different smells: "every flower, every grass emitted ambergris", "the whole steppe smoked with incense", the freshest, seductive, like sea waves, the breeze barely touched the cheeks").

How does the steppe affect the mood of the characters day and night?

A. - in the morning;

B. - at noon;

V. - in the evening.

(The riders set off very early, when the red stripes of the beginning dawn flashed in the sky. “The day was gray; the green sparkled brightly; the birds chirped somehow in discord.”

The horsemen had such a mood: gray, gloomy, like the morning steppe.

The sun rose high and bathed the steppe with its light. “Everything that was vague and sleepy in the soul of the Cossacks flew off in an instant; their hearts fluttered like birds."

In the evening the steppe became dark green, the sky blue-dark.

The Cossacks went to bed. They heard the whole countless world of insects ... - all this resounded loudly in the middle of the night, cleared in the fresh air and lulled the slumbering ear").

4. Appeal to the illustration by E.A. Kibrika.

5. The guys prepared drawings (it was homework) for the work "Taras Bulba": "Steppe in the morning ...", "Steppe at noon ...", "Steppe in the evening ...".

6. Reading an excerpt from the work of A.P. Chekhov’s “Steppe” (from the words “... The sun has already peeked out from behind the city and quietly, without hassle, set to work. to ... Tanned hills, brown-green, lilac in the distance, with their calm, like a shadow, tones, a plain with foggy distance and the sky overturned above them, which in the steppe, where there are no forests and high mountains, seems terribly deep and transparent, now seemed endless, numb with longing ... ").

7. Using the Euler-Venn diagram (circles) technology, compare two passages describing the steppe of the great classics: N.V. Gogol (the work "Taras Bulba") and

A.P. Chekhov ("Steppe").

A.P. Chekhov N.V. Gogol

"Steppe" "Taras Bulba"

8. -What is common in the description of the steppe?

What is the difference?

(Answers of students).

8. Conversation.

What is the steppe? Space? Ocean? Dead desert?

(The steppe is not only a part of nature, it left behind a mother, a house, a farm, the tops of trees,

On the branches of which Ostap and Andriy climbed, the meadow where they rolled on the dewy grass, the well, childhood, games - and everything, everything. The steppe is not a dead desert, but a living ocean that breathes, feels: “the breeze touched the cheeks”, “the night stars looked”,

“everything lulled the slumbering ear”).

Mother, house, trees around the house, meadows, flowers...

What is the name of all this in one word?

How do you understand the words "small motherland"?

Why does the description of the steppe play such an important role in the work?

What is the steppe a symbol of?

Mother House

these concepts merge into a single whole


9. Conversation about the native land.

What is the main idea of ​​the story?

10. Reflection.


Learn by heart part of the passage "Description of the steppe" (From the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba");

Write a letter to Andriy;

Prepare illustrations for your favorite episodes;

Analysis of the image of Ostap, Taras, Andriy.

The story "Taras Bulba" is one of the most beautiful poetic creations of Russian fiction. In the center of the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Taras Bulba" is the heroic image of the people who are fighting for justice and their independence from the invaders. Never before has Russian literature reflected so fully and vividly the scope of folk life. Each hero of the story is original, individual and is an integral part of the life of the people.

In his work, Gogol shows the people not as bonded and submissive, but free and proud, merciless towards the enemies of the Motherland and the people, traitors and traitors. Heroes are endowed with self-esteem, intelligence, nobility, love of freedom, able to endure any torment in the name of the Fatherland.

The image of Taras is imbued with the harsh and tender poetry of fatherhood. He is a father not only for his sons, but also for the Cossacks who entrusted him with command. The image of Taras is one of the most tragic images in world literature. His heroic death confirms the greatness of the struggle for the freedom of the people.

In his story, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol not only talks about fearless warriors, but also gives detailed pictures of the lush and beautiful nature. The characteristic features of Gogol's skill are expressed in landscape sketches. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol painted nature magnificently. “The steppe, the farther, the more beautiful it became. Then the whole south, the whole space that makes up the current Novorossia, right up to the Black Sea, was a green virgin desert ... Nothing in nature could be better. The entire surface of the earth seems to be a green-gold ocean, over which millions of different colors splashed ... "

The image of the steppe for the writer is the image of the Motherland, strong, powerful and beautiful. In the description of the steppe, and first of all, Gogol's ardent love for his native land, faith in its strength and power, admiration for its beauty and endless expanses, had an effect. Free, boundless steppes help to understand the character of the Cossacks, the origins of their heroism. Only courageous people, proud, strong, courageous, endowed with a breadth of soul and generosity of heart, can live in such a steppe. The steppe is the birthplace of heroes, Cossack warriors.

The landscape of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is very lyrical, imbued with a sense of admiration and striking in the richness of colors. Nature helps the reader to better understand the inner world of the characters. When the sons of Taras, having said goodbye to their saddened mother, leave their native farm, Gogol, instead of showing the oppressed mood of the travelers, confines himself to the phrase: “The day was gray, the greenery sparkled brightly, the birds chirped somehow in discord.” The inner world and the state of the soul of the characters are instantly revealed. People are upset, they cannot concentrate, everything around them seems to them devoid of unity and harmony.

Nature lives in Gogol the same intense and multifaceted life as his heroes.

When describing the siege of the city of Dubno before the meeting of Andriy with the maid of the beautiful lady, there is also a landscape sketch. “Some stuffiness in the heart,” which the young man feels, is compared by Gogol with the picture of the July night. However, there is no admiration for her beauties, but there is a feeling of anxiety. Along with the description of the starry sky, there is a view of the Cossack camp falling asleep, and “something majestic and formidable”, which turned out to be “a glow in the distance of the burning environs”, as it were, warns of impending terrible events.

The landscape in N. V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" plays an important role, sparingly, but very accurately describing the scene and the mood of the characters.

    • The story is a favorite genre of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The image of the protagonist of the story "Taras Bulba" was created on the basis of the images of prominent figures of the national liberation movement of the Ukrainian people - Nalivaiko, Taras Tryasylo, Loboda, Gunya, Ostranitsa and others. In the story "Taras Bulba" the writer created the image of a simple freedom-loving Ukrainian people. The fate of Taras Bulba is described against the backdrop of the struggle of the Cossacks against Turkish and Tatar rule. In the image of Taras, two elements of the narrative merge - the usual […]
    • The work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Taras Bulba" allows the reader to travel back to a long time ago, when ordinary people fought for their happy, cloudless life. They fought for their freedom to quietly raise children, grow crops and be independent. It was believed that fighting enemies and protecting your family is the sacred duty of every man. Therefore, from childhood, boys were taught to be independent, make decisions and, of course, fight and defend themselves. The protagonist of the story, Taras Bulba, […]
    • The protagonist of Gogol's story of the same name, Taras Bulba, embodies the best qualities of the Ukrainian people, forged by them in the struggle for their freedom from Polish oppression. He is generous and broad-minded, sincerely and ardently hates enemies and also sincerely and ardently loves his people, his fellow Cossacks. There is no pettiness and selfishness in his character, he gives himself entirely to his homeland and the struggle for her happiness. He does not like to bask and does not want wealth for himself, because his whole life is in battles. All he needs is an open field and a good […]
    • Ostap Andriy Main qualities An impeccable fighter, a reliable friend. Sensual to beauty and has a delicate taste. Character Stone. Refined, flexible. Character Traits Silent, reasonable, calm, courageous, straightforward, loyal, courageous. Brave, courageous. Attitude to traditions Follows traditions. Adopts ideals from elders implicitly. He wants to fight for his own, not for traditions. Morality Never wavers in the choice of duty and feelings. Feelings for […]
    • The story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Taras Bulba" is dedicated to the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people against foreigners. The image of Taras Bulba is epic and large-scale, the main source for creating this image was folklore. These are Ukrainian folk songs, epics, fairy tales about heroes. His fate is shown against the background of the struggle against Turkish and Tatar rule. This is a positive hero, he is an integral part of the Cossack brotherhood. He fights and dies in the name of the interests of the Russian land and the Orthodox faith. Portrait […]
    • Very brightly and authentically, N.V. Gogol presented the reader with the image of one of the main characters of the story "Taras Bulba", the youngest son of Taras, Andriy. His personality is well described in completely different situations - at home with his family and friends, at war, with enemies, as well as with his beloved Polish woman. Andriy is a windy, passionate nature. With ease and madness, he surrendered himself to the passionate feelings that the beautiful Polish woman kindled in him. And having betrayed the convictions of his family and his people, he abandoned everything and went over to the side of his opponents. […]
    • The story "Taras Bulba" is one of the most perfect creations of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The work is dedicated to the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people for national liberation, freedom and equality. Much attention in the story is given to the Zaporizhian Sich. This is a free republic where everyone is free and equal, where the interests of the people, freedom and independence are above everything in the world, where strong and courageous characters are brought up. The image of the main character, Taras Bulba, is remarkable. Severe and adamant Taras leads […]
    • The legendary Zaporizhzhya Sich is the ideal republic that N. Gogol dreamed of. Only in such an environment, according to the writer, mighty characters, courageous natures, real friendship and nobility could be formed. Acquaintance with Taras Bulba takes place in a peaceful home environment. His sons, Ostap and Andriy, have just returned from school. They are a special pride of Taras. Bulba believes that the spiritual education that his sons received is only a small part of what a young man needs. "It's all rubbish, what they stuff […]
    • At the lesson of literature, we got acquainted with the work of N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". This poem has become very popular. The work was repeatedly filmed both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia. Also, the names of the main characters became symbolic: Plyushkin - a symbol of stinginess and storage of unnecessary things, Sobakevich - an uncouth person, Manilovism - immersion in dreams that have no connection with reality. Some phrases have become catchphrases. The main character of the poem is Chichikov. […]
    • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol noted that the main theme of "Dead Souls" was contemporary Russia. The author believed that "it is impossible otherwise to direct society or even the whole generation towards the beautiful, until you show the full depth of its real abomination." That is why the poem presents a satire on the local nobility, bureaucracy and other social groups. The composition of the work is subordinated to this task of the author. The image of Chichikov, traveling around the country in search of the necessary connections and wealth, allows N. V. Gogol […]
    • Gogol was always attracted by everything eternal and unshakable. By analogy with Dante's "Divine Comedy", he decides to create a work in three volumes, where it would be possible to show the past, present and future of Russia. Even the author designates the genre of the work in an unusual way - a poem, since different fragments of life are collected in one artistic whole. The composition of the poem, which is built on the principle of concentric circles, allows Gogol to trace the movement of Chichikov through the provincial town of N, the estates of landowners and all of Russia. Already with […]
    • The work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol fell on the dark era of Nicholas I. These were the 30s. XIX century, when in Russia, after the suppression of the uprising of the Decembrists, reaction reigned, all dissidents were persecuted, the best people were persecuted. Describing the reality of his day, N.V. Gogol creates the poem “Dead Souls”, brilliant in depth of reflection of life. The basis of "Dead Souls" is that the book is a reflection not of individual features of reality and characters, but of the reality of Russia as a whole. Myself […]
    • French traveler, author of the famous book "Russia in 1839" Marquis de Kestin wrote: “Russia is ruled by a class of officials who occupy administrative positions right from the school bench ... each of these gentlemen becomes a nobleman, having received a cross in his buttonhole ... Upstarts in the circle of those in power, they use their power, as befits upstarts. " The tsar himself admitted with bewilderment that it was not he, the autocrat of all Russia, who governed his empire, but the clerk appointed by him. The provincial city […]
    • N. V. Gogol wrote about the concept of his comedy: “In The Government Inspector, I decided to collect in one measure all the bad things in Russia that I knew then, all the injustices that are done in those places and those cases where the most is required from a person justice, and at once laugh at everything. This determined the genre of the work ─ socio-political comedy. It deals not with love affairs, not with the events of private life, but with the phenomena of the social order. The plot of the work is based on a commotion among officials, […]
    • N.V. Gogol built his comedy "The Inspector General" on the plot basis of an everyday anecdote, where, due to imposture or an accidental misunderstanding, one person is mistaken for another. This plot was of interest to A. S. Pushkin, but he himself did not use it, losing it to Gogol. Working diligently and for a long time (from 1834 to 1842) on The Inspector General, reworking and rearranging, inserting some scenes and throwing out others, the writer developed the traditional plot with remarkable skill into an integral and coherent, psychologically convincing and […]
    • Explaining the meaning of The Inspector General, N.V. Gogol pointed to the role of laughter: “I am sorry that no one noticed the honest face that was in my play. Yes, there was one honest, noble face that acted in it throughout its entire duration. That honest, noble face was laughter. A close friend of N.V. Gogol, wrote that modern Russian life does not provide material for comedy. To which Gogol replied: “Comedy lies everywhere… Living among it, we don’t see it… but if the artist transfers it to art, to the stage, then we are above ourselves […]
    • Landowner Appearance Manor Characteristics Attitude to Chichikov's request Manilov The man is not yet old, his eyes are as sweet as sugar. But this sugar was too much. In the first minute of a conversation with him you will say what a nice person, after a minute you will not say anything, and in the third minute you will think: "The devil knows what it is!" The master's house stands on a hill, open to all winds. The economy is in complete decline. The housekeeper steals, something is always missing in the house. The kitchen is preparing stupidly. Servants - […]
    • By the beginning of the fourth act of the comedy The Inspector General, the mayor and all the officials were finally convinced that the auditor sent to them was a significant state person. By the power of fear and reverence for him, the “wick”, “dummy”, Khlestakov became the one whom they saw in him. Now you need to protect, protect your department from revisions and protect yourself. Officials are convinced that the inspector needs to be given a bribe, “slipped off” as it is done in a “well-ordered society”, i.e. “between four eyes, so that ears do not hear”, […]
    • The silent scene in N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" is preceded by the denouement of the plot, Khlestakov's letter is read, and the officials' self-deception becomes clear. At this moment, that which bound the characters throughout the entire stage action, fear, leaves, and the unity of people disintegrates before our eyes. The terrible shock that the news of the arrival of the real auditor produced on everyone again unites people with horror, but this is no longer the unity of living people, but the unity of lifeless fossils. Their dumbness and frozen postures show […]
    • A feature of Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector" is that it has a "mirage intrigue", that is, officials are fighting against a ghost created by their bad conscience and fear of retribution. Anyone who is mistaken for an auditor does not even make any deliberate attempts to deceive, to fool the officials who have fallen into error. The development of the action reaches its climax in act III. The comic fight continues. The mayor deliberately goes towards his goal: to force Khlestakov to “let slip”, “tell more” in order to […]
  • Plan
    A.P. Chekhov named N.V. Gogol "king of the steppe".
    Main part
    Nature in the story is a way of revealing the character of the hero.
    The reader is fascinated by the nature of the steppe.
    Nature in the story is a reflection of the experiences, feelings of the characters.
    The death of the main characters of the story takes place against the backdrop of nature.
    A.P. Chekhov named N.V. Gogol "king of the steppe". In the story "Taras Bulba" we meet many sketches of nature. In detail, with all possible breadth N.V. Gogol describes Zaporozhye, steppe expanses. The nature of the writer is not just a background, but a way of revealing the character of the hero. Cossacks feel nature, understand it. Therefore, she helps them in difficult moments of life, hides them from enemies.
    The path of Taras Bulba and his sons: Ostap and Andriy - to the Zaporozhian Sich passes along the steppe. N.V. Gogol creates an excellent description. The reader not only sees the picture of nature that opens before the Cossacks: both “immeasurable waves of wild plants” and “millions of different colors”, but also hears partridges darting, “the cry of a cloud of wild geese moving to the side”, flapping wings of a seagull. Together with the characters, the reader is fascinated by the nature of the steppe. Therefore, the exclamation of the writer: “Damn you, steppes, how good you are!” can be attributed to the heroes of the story, and to the author's admiration for nature, and to the empathy of the reader.
    Nature in the story, as it were, is a reflection of the experiences, feelings of the characters. Under the cover of night, Andriy commits a betrayal of his comrades, father, brother and delivers bread to the city besieged by the Cossacks, where his beloved Pole lives. Taras Bulba grieves in the meadows and steppes, not knowing anything about whether his faithful son Ostap is alive or not. The execution of Ostap also takes place on the square, on the street, against the backdrop of magnificent nature. The Dniester River hides Taras when he robs to avenge the death of Ostap, his beloved son. Taras Bulba himself was burned at the stake on a "tree trunk". The death of the protagonist is symbolic. As if he had dissolved in the Zaporozhye steppes, gone into nature itself.

    Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol has established himself as a great artist who expressed beauty in words. Nature appears before the reader like a living organism, successfully fitting into the plot narrative. The work "Taras Bulba" tells about the brave warriors, the difficult choice and the personal drama of three Cossacks. The steppe in the story "Taras Bulba" becomes not just a background against which the main events unfold, but represents something more.

    To begin with, it should be said that Gogol's creative consciousness was formed under the influence of the romantic tradition. Having adopted from sentimentalists ways of reflecting spiritual experiences with the help of a landscape, romantic writers significantly expanded the use of this technique. The element in romanticism was understood as something powerful and great, something that must necessarily evoke a response in the human soul. There were landscape-moods that reflected the fluidity of life and the changeability of emotions, a landscape-ruins that awakens fantasy, a landscape-element, which shows the crushing nature of forces, and a landscape-mirage that takes you to the sphere of the surreal, mysteriously sublime. In the text of the work "Taras Bulba" the steppe is rather represented by the first subspecies: landscape-mood, but with some reservations (we must not forget that in the work of N. Gogol, as in the works of other writers of that time, the change of the romantic paradigm to the realistic one is reflected).

    The description of the steppe appears for the first time already in the second chapter, when two young men and an old Cossack set off for the Sich. Each of the characters is overcome by their own thoughts. Taras thought about his past, about his bygone youth, about whom he would meet in the Sich, whether his comrades were still alive. In the same chapter, the reader learns about the two sons of Taras. Ostap was kind and straightforward, he was considered the best friend. Farewell to his mother and her tears touched the young man to the core, somewhat embarrassing him. Andriy, on the other hand, “had feelings somewhat more alive.” On the way to the Sich, he thought about the beautiful Polish woman whom he once met in Kyiv. Seeing the beauty of the steppe, the heroes forget about all those thoughts that haunted them.

    For clarity, it is worth placing here an excerpt from Taras Bulba about the steppe:

    “The further the steppe became more beautiful… Nothing in nature could be better. The entire surface of the earth seemed to be a green-gold ocean, over which millions of different colors splashed. Through the thin, tall stalks of grass, blue, blue and purple hairs showed through; white porridge was full of umbrella-shaped caps on the surface; God knows where the ear of wheat poured into the thicket from where... Damn you, steppes, how good you are!

    How subtly and sensually every detail of the landscape is written. One gets the impression that it is not the Sich that should accept the new Cossacks, but the steppe itself: "the steppe has long accepted them into its green embrace ...". This phrase is not used for the sake of the beauty of the syllable. The image of the steppe turns out to be a symbolic embodiment of freedom, strength, power, faith in purity. The homeland in the story is associated, first of all, with the beauties of nature and the steppe. Free steppes are identical to the freedom-loving character of the Cossacks. Everything in the steppe breathes freedom and spaciousness. The author says that travelers stopped only for lunch and sleep, and the rest of the time they rode against the wind. It is no coincidence that in the text of the story there is no description of any buildings on the territory of Ukraine, there are only kurens, which are easy to remove and put up again. In other words, there are no fetters that could limit or kill nature. In this vein, it is necessary to say about the military campaigns of the Cossacks: it is known that they burned cities to the ground, compared villages to the ground. This fact can also be understood as a kind of struggle against the limitation of precisely nature, the proclamation of freedom and the absence of conventions. At the same time, the Cossacks do not appear to the reader as some kind of masters of the elements, on the contrary, they organically fit into nature, live by it and in it.

    In the story "Taras Bulba" descriptions of the steppe are rich in bright colors. The text turns out to be extremely visualized, that is, the described picture immediately appears in the reader's imagination. Pictures change each other, accents move to an amazing soundtrack:

    “Across the sky, from the dark blue, as if with a gigantic brush, broad stripes of pink gold were smeared; from time to time light and transparent clouds shone white in tufts, and the freshest, seductive, like the waves of the sea, the breeze barely swayed over the tops of the grass and barely touched the cheeks. All the music that sounded during the day subsided and was replaced by another. The motley gophers crawled out of their holes, stood on their hind legs and announced the steppe with a whistle. The crackling of the grasshoppers became more audible. Sometimes the cry of a swan was heard from some secluded lake and, like silver, echoed in the air.

    Only a person who truly loved her, who understood her wealth could paint the steppe so lyrically.

    Landscape sketches also appear in the episode of the siege of Dubno: Andriy walks around the field, looking at the endless expanses, but feels stuffiness in his heart. The July heat is combined with the inner state of the hero, a feeling of impotence and fatigue. A similar technique is used in the first chapter of the work. The travelers had just left their home, and other Cossacks took away the mother of Ostap and Andriy, who did not want to come to terms with their departure. This scene confused Taras Bulba himself, but, nevertheless, the internal state of the characters is again described by means of the natural world: "the day was gray ... the birds chirped somehow in discord." It is the last word that sets the general mood: Ostap and Andriy still do not feel that unity with their father and the steppe, as if the heroes have not yet gained integrity. Here the subjective perception of nature by the character is combined with the author's objective word about the inner state of the character.

    Thanks to detailed descriptions and melodic artistic language, Gogol creates a living image of the steppe, permeated with freedom, beauty and strength.

    Artwork test

    Municipal educational institution "Mukhtolovskaya secondary general education

    School number 2"

    Synopsis of the Russian language lesson

    in the 7th grade

    « Come on, how good you are!”

    R.r. Analysis of an excerpt from the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

    Teacher: Kutaisova Nadezhda Ivanovna

    Lesson plan.

      Organizing moment (1 min.)

      Reporting lesson objectives. (1 min.)

      Introductory speech of the teacher. (1 min.)

      Student messages. (6 min.)

      Reading an excerpt from their story "Taras Bulba" by N.V. Gogol (3 min.)

      Conversation on questions (with an individual task). (23 min.)

      Vocabulary work. (3 min.)

      Final word from the teacher. (1 min.)

      Homework. (1 min.)



    Equipment: portrait of N.V. Gogol, reproduction of "Cossacks in the steppe" by the artist E. Kibrik, explanatory dictionaries edited by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova;

    epigraphs “Gogol does not write, but draws; his images breathe the living colors of reality. You see and hear them." V. G. Belinsky.

    “Gogol mixed Ukrainian salt and even pepper with Russian rye bread.” A.V. Chicherin.

    Preliminary work: two students are preparing messages from the encyclopedic dictionary of the young philologist “Gogol N.V. The language of his works.

    Students prepare an excerpt from N.V. Gogol's story "Description of the Steppe" for expressive reading.

    Three students are preparing messages: a description of the steppe during the day, in the evening, at night.

    Type of lesson: speech development lesson.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    Hello guys. Sit down. Missing in class...

    II. Reporting lesson objectives.

    Guys, today in the lesson we will work with an excerpt from N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba". This work is well known to you. For analysis, we need an excerpt from Chapter II, which describes the steppe. We will observe the use of figurative and expressive means of language in the story; correctly determine the meaning of the epithet, metaphor, comparison, personification; get acquainted with the language of Gogol in other works; we will try to see the beauty and unusualness of Gogol's language in the story "Taras Bulba".

    III. Introduction by the teacher.

    Today in the lesson we will once again turn to the work of N.V. Gogol, one of the great Russian writers. Over the course of a series of lessons, we got acquainted with his works, analyzed them, tried to recognize the features of this master of the word. How did the writer make us readers see the beauty of the May night, feel the charm of the night before Christmas, laugh heartily at the Devil and Solokha, cry during the execution of Ostap and Taras? Of course, guys, he does this with the help of a peculiar, bright, figurative rich language. Let's listen to the students' messages, which are called "The Language of the Works of N.V. Gogol."

    IV. Students' messages.

    1. About the first prose book by N.V. Gogol - “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” - A.S. Pushkin wrote: “Here is real fun, sincere, laid-back, without affectation, without stiffness. And what poetry! What sensitivity!..” It is easy to see that this review referred not only to the content of the new work, but also to its language. However, one is inextricably linked to the other. The book, from the pages of which the world of Ukrainian folk life arose in full breadth, with its heroic legends and modern worries, the cunning tricks of the lads and the intrigues of evil spirits, this book shone with bright fresh colors, amazed by the originality and expressiveness of the language.

    It combines various, sometimes opposing styles: on the one hand, the style of speech is poetic, heartfelt, reaching pathetic heights; on the other hand, everyday vernacular, sometimes even swear words and vulgarisms: “A slander's Satan! So that you choke on a rotten melon! To die still small, dog son!

    Ukrainian vocabulary, phraseology, the very structure of Ukrainian speech influenced the language of his early works, performing certain artistic functions. Ukrainisms increased the poetry of love explanations, strengthened the everyday character of genre scenes, and finally, sharpened the comedy of other satirical descriptions. Gogol, in the words of the modern researcher A.V. Chicherin, “mixed Ukrainian salt and even pepper to Russian rye bread.”

    Over the course of two decades of N.V. Gogol's creative activity, his language naturally developed, but the skillful combination of opposing styles remained the driving force behind his innovation.

    In the subsequent works of Gogol - in the stories "Mirgorod", "Petersburg Tales", "The Government Inspector", etc. - the role of the "ordinary dialect" has increased even more. And this is understandable: from the “living description of a singing and dancing tribe”, as A.S. Pushkin defined the content of “Evenings ...”, Gogol turned to the everyday and unsightly existence of the townsfolk - to petty insults and deadly quarrels, the omnipotence of rank and money, to envy and to trickery, to an empty pastime, in a word, to “all the terrible, amazing mire of trifles” that “entangled our lives”. And a clerical style, mixed with colloquial everyday language, elements of various jargons (shargon, hunting and military) poured into Gogol's works in a wide stream.

    2. At the same time, Gogol is waging a merciless struggle with the parlor, prim language: “The ladies of the city N ... were distinguished ... by extraordinary caution and decency in words and expressions. They never said: “I blew my nose, I sweated, I spat,” but they said: I relieved my nose, I managed with a handkerchief ... The cutesy-allegorical word is rejected for the sake of a direct and sharp word. However, the poetic, agitated, sometimes pretentious Gogol style is preserved, which, as before, either interrupted or framed the style of the “ordinary dialect”, sharply contrasting with it and conveying by this contrast itself the irreconcilable contradiction of what is and what should be, dreams and reality, the artist’s painful longing for the ideal .

    Gogol's style had a powerful influence on literature and speech communication, about which V.V. Stasov accurately and fully said: “From Gogol, a completely new language has settled in Russia; we infinitely liked him for his simplicity, strength, accuracy. Amazing briskness and closeness to nature. All Gogol's turns, expressions quickly came into general use. Even Gogol's favorite exclamations: "Damn it," "To hell with it," "The devil knows you," and many others, suddenly took on a turn that had never happened before. All the youth went to speak in Gogol's language. The strength of Gogol's word lay not only in its fearless, yet unprecedented immersion in everyday prose, but also in the fact that it, this word, with all its brightness retained the stamp of spirituality and striving for the ideal.

    Teacher. Let us conclude: in Gogol's works, various, sometimes opposite styles of presentation are bizarrely combined: on the one hand, poetic speech, sometimes reaching extraordinary heights, on the other, everyday vernacular. The language of the writer's works was influenced by Ukrainian vocabulary and phraseology, the very warehouse of Ukrainian speech. Let's read the words of A.V. Chicherin, they very accurately characterize the style of N.V. Gogol. Over the course of two decades of creative activity, the language of the writer's works naturally developed, but the skillful use of the above speech elements remained the driving force of his work. In each work of the writer there is a landscape. Let us recall what descriptions of nature we met in the story "Taras Bulba". (Description of the steppe, picture of the Dnieper, July night ...).

    Let's read expressively the description of the steppe at the end of the 2nd chapter of the story and think about why the author introduces this description into the story.

    V. Reading an excerpt from the story "Taras Bulba"

    (Description of the steppe).

    The steppe, the farther, the more beautiful it became. Then the whole south, all the space that makes up today's Novorossia, right up to the Black Sea, was a green, virgin desert. Never had a plow passed over immeasurable waves of wild plants. Only the horses, hiding in them, as in a forest, trampled them. Nothing in nature could be better than them. The entire surface of the earth seemed to be a green-gold ocean, over which millions of different colors splashed. Through the thin, tall stalks of grass, blue, blue and purple hairs showed through; yellow gorse jumped up with its pyramidal top; white porridge was full of umbrella-shaped caps on the surface; brought in God knows where the ear of wheat poured into the thick. Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks. The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. The hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass. The cry of a cloud of wild geese moving to the side resounded in God knows what distant lake. A gull rose from the grass with measured waves and luxuriously bathed in the blue waves of the air. There she disappeared in the sky and only flickers like one black dot. There she turned her wings and flashed before the sun. Damn you, steppes, how good you are!..

    In the evening the whole steppe completely changed. All its motley space was embraced by the last bright reflection of the sun and gradually darkened, so that it was clear how the shadow ran across it, and it became dark green; the vapors rose thicker, every flower, every herb emitted ambergris, and the whole steppe was smoky with incense. Across the sky, from a dark blue, as if with a gigantic brush, broad stripes of pink gold were smeared; from time to time light transparent clouds shone white in tufts, and the freshest, seductive, like the waves of the sea, the breeze barely swayed over the tops of the grass. And touched his cheeks a little. All the music that filled the day subsided and was replaced by another. Motley ravines crawled out of their holes, stood on their hind legs and announced the steppe with a whistle. The crackling of the grasshoppers became more audible. Sometimes the cry of a swan was heard from some secluded lake and, like silver, echoed in the air. Travelers, stopping among the fields, chose an overnight stay, laid out and placed on it a cauldron in which they cooked Kulish for themselves; the steam escaped and indirectly smoked in the air. After supper, the Cossacks went to bed, sending their tangled horses over the grass. They spread out on scrolls. The night stars looked directly at them. They heard with their ears the whole countless world of insects that filled the grass, all their crackling, whistling, croaking; all this resounded resoundingly in the middle of the night, cleared itself in the fresh night air and lulled the slumbering ear. If one of them got up and stood up for a while, then he imagined the steppe dotted with brilliant sparks of luminous worms. Sometimes the night sky in different places was illuminated by a distant glow from dry reeds burned over the meadows and rivers, and the dark string of swans flying to the north was suddenly illuminated by a silver-pink light, and then it seemed that red handkerchiefs were flying across the dark sky.

    VI . Questions session.

    1. With what words does the description of the steppe landscape begin? What did the author mean by this? (“The steppe, the farther, the more beautiful”; “Nothing in nature could be better than them,” the author wanted to convey his admiration for the steppe, his love and devotion to Ukrainian nature).

    2. Why did the author introduce this description into the story? (To show the charm of Ukrainian nature, how it affects the mood of the heroes, the sadness of the Cossacks disappeared when they met the steppe, compare the steppe with the images of the Cossacks, they are as free, different and unpredictable as nature, the Cossacks are close to nature).

    2. How Gogol describes the steppe ? (The steppe is always different, it is filled with sounds, colors that are constantly changing, but never repeated, there is a lot of beauty in nature, at first glance imperceptible, but important).

    3. What does Gogol pay attention to when talking about her? (He draws attention to smells, colors, sounds - he concretizes all this, describes in detail).

    4. How does it help to see the richness of its colors, to feel the aroma of its flowers, its beauty? (With the help of figurative and expressive means: epithets, comparisons, metaphors, personifications).

    5. Drawing the steppe, Gogol seeks to show the richness of colors; What part of speech words help him to do this? (adjectives).

    6. Read a "piece" of text without adjectives. What changed? (The text has lost its beauty, imagery, some accuracy).

    7. What are bright, colorful, figurative definitions called? (Epithets).

    Find them in the text . (Colorful space, blue-dark sky, gigantic brush, pink gold, light and transparent clouds, fresh seductive breeze, colorful ravines, silver-pink color, endless, free, beautiful steppe, a secluded lake).

    8. What does Gogol emphasize, speaking of the steppe, with the words “green-gold ocean”? (This emphasizes the spatial power, beauty, and soothing tone of the steppe.)

    9. What is a metaphor? (The figurative meaning of the word, when one phenomenon or object is likened to another).

    10. What does the author convey with the metaphor “millions of different colors splashed”? (The surprise caused by the appearance of such an abundance and variety of colors: blue, blue, purple, white, yellow, creates a visual impression, emphasizing the spatial power of the steppe and its beautiful, soothing general tone.) Find more metaphors in the text. (The steppe, dotted with brilliant sparks of luminous worms, clouds turned white in tufts).

    11. What is personification? (Type of metaphor, transferring the properties of an animate object to an inanimate one). Find personifications in the text. (The shadow ran across, the breeze slightly touched the cheeks, the night stars looked, the world of insects lulled the ear).

    12.What are comparisons? (Comparison of two objects or phenomena with the goal explain one with the help of the other; detailed comparisons are widespread in fiction, materializing in entire fragments of the text). Find comparisons in the text . (Across the sky, from a dark blue, as if with a gigantic brush, wide bands of rose gold were smeared; the cry of a swan, like silver, echoed in the air; a string of swans flying north was suddenly illuminated by a silver-pink light, and then it seemed that the red handkerchiefs flew across the dark sky; a breeze, like sea waves).

    13. What is the feeling of the steppe among the Cossacks? (Feelings of love, admiration, they felt their native element, freedom; they are as free and unpredictable as the steppe, their "hearts fluttered like birds").

    12. Gogol proceeds from describing plants to describing birds. What has changed in speech? (There were fewer adjectives, verbs appeared, because the writer does not so much draw birds as figuratively conveys their movements and sounds: partridges darted under the thin roots of grasses; the hawks stood motionless; a seagull bathed luxuriously in the blue waves of the air; the air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles and cries of geese).

    13. Let's compare the description of the steppe during the day, in the evening, at night. (Checking individual assignments.)

    Steppe during the day

    Steppe in the evening

    Steppe at night

    1. Ground surface

    green-gold ocean

      Lighting -

    the steppe has completely changed;

    embraced by the last reflection of the sun, darkened, became dark green ...

    1. Stars. They looked straight ahead.

    2. Flowers splashed through thin, tall grass stems, blue, blue and purple hairs,

    yellow gorse popped up ... (visual impressions)

    2. Smells - each flower emitted its own aroma, the steppe smoked with incense.

    2. Sounds: whistling, chirping of insects, croaking. It was all lulling.

    3. Birds: bird whistles, partridges darted, hawks stood ... (auditory impressions)

    3. Sounds: other than during the day: the whistling of gophers, the crackling of grasshoppers.

    3. The night sky: it was sometimes illuminated by a distant glow from dry reeds burned out over meadows and rivers, and a dark string of swans was illuminated ...

    4. The steppe seemed to be dotted with brilliant sparks of luminous worms.

    VII. Dictionary work.

    How do you understand the words "smoked incense" (Smokes - emit smoke, misty haze; incense - aroma, pleasant smell).

    Let's read the footnotes of the textbook: hairs, gorse, ambergris, gigantic, ravines, kulish.

    Conclusion: Visual and auditory impressions merge in this short description. Describing the steppe, the author seeks to convey to us its beauty, to “infect” with a feeling of love for nature. We see the accuracy, concreteness of the image of natural phenomena, we pay attention to the variety of colors, the music of the steppe, the change of time of day. Gogol's landscape does not come off people, the picture of the steppe is always given taking into account the location of the heroes: whether they ride horses during the day and the steppe unfolds in front of them, or at night, when they lie and admire the night sky. Depicting the steppe at different times of the day, the author notices the features of nature and conveys them to the reader using a variety of visual and expressive means. You and I feel that the steppe is alive, it does not change its usual rhythm; one picture is replaced by another. The author seems to send us along with the Cossacks on this journey and makes us feel the beauty, variability and charm of nature.

    VIII. Final word from the teacher.

    Very often, when reading this or that work, you guys skip entire paragraphs describing nature, do not delve into their content and therefore do not know how to understand and feel the beauty of nature and its artistic embodiment in a literary work. But this is very important for understanding the main idea of ​​the work. Remember guys that “every great writer is great in their own way. Climbing uphill, you need to be able to get to the heights of each of them.

    I X. Homework.

    Write an essay-miniature "Smells, sounds and colors of the steppe in the story" Taras Bulba ". Try with your work to show all the beauty and charm of the image of the landscape by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, use not only this passage, but also others that you will meet in the story.


      Gogol N.V. Taras Bulba, M .: "Children's Literature", 1990.

      Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1990.

      Russian language at school No. 5, 1994.

      Skorkina N.M. Teaching essays in the Russian language and literature. - Volgograd, 2002.

      Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Philologist / Comp. M.V. Panov, M.: "Pedagogy", 1984.

    Self-analysis of the Russian language lesson in the 7th grade.

    "Steppes, how good you are!"

    R.r. Analysis of an excerpt from the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba".

    Target: improving the skills of text analysis on the example of an excerpt from the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba".

    Tasks: to develop and consolidate the skills of using the figurative and expressive means of the language in the speech of students, to correctly determine the meaning of the epithet, metaphor, personification, etc.; make observations on the language of N.V. Gogol (on the example of an excerpt from the story "Taras Bulba"); get acquainted with the language of Gogol in other works; to show the beauty and unusualness of Gogol's language in the story "Taras Bulba".

    The analysis of a literary text at school is of great importance for the education and training of students. With the help of the text, a number of important tasks are implemented, for example, to eliminate the gap between the study of theory and the formation of coherent speech, to develop a linguistic flair, which is necessary not only to create statements, but also to correctly understand what is written, to make interdisciplinary connections, etc. Analysis landscape provides favorable material for observing the use of figurative and expressive means of language.

    To analyze a literary text, I take an excerpt from a work that has recently been studied. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". The lesson begins with students' reports about the language of Gogol's works, on the basis of which it is concluded that different types of presentation are intricately combined in the writer's works: poetic speech is adjacent to everyday vernacular. The children get acquainted not only with the language of Gogol's works, but also with the Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Philologist. An expressive reading of an excerpt from the story "Taras Bulba" shows the beauty and charm of the description of nature in the work. The guys listen, think and answer questions about why the author introduced this description into the story, what Gogol pays attention to when talking about it; how it helps to see the richness of colors, to feel the aroma of flowers, its beauty, etc. Answering questions, students note that the beauty of the image of the landscape is conveyed using figurative and expressive means of the language: epithets, metaphors, comparisons, personifications. The guys find, analyze them, express their point of view, use comparisons, draw parallels between the image of the landscape and the freedom of the Cossacks, note that the author does not accidentally show the heroes of the work in the steppe. Students compare the description of the steppe during the day, in the evening, at night, determine the idea of ​​the passage, the author's attitude to the events depicted. During the lesson, there is constant work on speech terms, students turn to the explanatory dictionary.

    This lesson helps to develop in students a sense of language, love for the word, the ability to carefully, thoughtfully treat the word. The lesson helps to realize the connection between the Russian language and literature.

    Students in the lesson are active, interested, which is facilitated by a friendly, cheerful, success-oriented atmosphere. Students easily express their point of view, proving it. The lesson rationally uses various teaching methods and techniques (verbal, visual, problem-search). The age and individual characteristics of students are taken into account. At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives grades, commenting on the work of each student, pointing out shortcomings, so that in the future the guys take into account and correct all the comments.

    Homework is creative in nature - writing a miniature essay, which involves revisiting Gogol's text. Lesson time is used rationally.

    Considering all of the above, I believe that the goal of the lesson has been achieved.