Kamchatka deposit. Mineral resources

The Kamchatka Territory is one of the richest territories in the world in terms of natural resources. Kamchatka is also the richest mineral resource province in Russia. The resource potential of the subsoil of the peninsula is estimated at 65 billion dollars.

The objects of the most close attention at the first stages of the development of mineral resources of the region include deposits of precious metals and nickel. To date, 63 gold deposits (11 primary and 52 placer) have been identified and accounted for in the Kamchatka Territory. As of the beginning of 2012, the balance reserves of gold in the Kamchatka Territory amounted to 206,680.9 kg.
In 2006, commercial gold mining began at the Aginskoye deposit, in 2011 the first gold was mined at the Asachinskoye deposit. In total, 3,033.44 kg of gold was mined in 2011. In subsequent years, gold production will increase.
In the region, the balance of reserves takes into account 5 deposits of platinoids (4 placers and 1 primary (copper-nickel deposit Shanuch). .5% of balance reserves.
Deposits of ore and placer gold, platinum, silver, ferrous metals, nickel, copper, tin, lead, zinc, and mercury have been explored here.
The activities of the mining complex of the Kamchatka Territory are largely determined by the enterprises that are part of the Renova group of companies, managed by ZAO Koryakgeoldobycha and OAO Zoloto Kamchatki. ZAO Koryakgeoldobycha is one of the top three leaders in terms of platinum production in Russia. Over the past ten years, the company has mined at least 2.5 tons of platinum annually.

ZAO Koryakgeoldobycha holds the following licenses:

Alluvial gold deposit of the Lynverwayam stream;

Levtyrinyvayam deposit (platinum);

Amethyst deposit (gold, silver).
OAO Zoloto Kamchatki owns 100% of the shares of the largest gold mining companies in the region - CJSC Kamgold, CJSC KGD-Ametistovoe, CJSC Bystrinskaya Mining Company and CJSC Kamchatskoye Zoloto.

The license fund of the group of companies is distributed as follows:
CJSC "Kamgold"

Aginskoye deposit (gold, silver), production in 2008 amounted to 1400 kg;

Kopylinskaya area (gold, silver);

Oganchinsk ore field (gold, silver);
CJSC "Kamchatskoe Zoloto"

Ore field Zolotoe (gold, silver);

Baranyevskoye deposit (gold, silver);

Bystrinskaya Mining Company LLC is in charge of a license for geological exploration and development of the Kumroch ore field (gold, silver).

The second largest company developing gold deposits in the region is CJSC "Alarming Glow" - a subsidiary of the British Trans-Siberian Gold (TSG). Alarming Glow owns licenses for the development of the Asachinskoye and Rodnikovoe gold and silver deposits. In 2008, with some delay, the construction of the Asachinskoye field production complex was carried out. Commercial production at the Rodnikovoye field should start by 2013.

Industrial extraction of native gold began in the Kamchatka Territory in 2006 at the Aginsky deposit in the Bystrinsky district (the design capacity of the mine is 3 tons of metal per year). The volume of ore extraction for 9 months of 2006 amounted to 81,733 tons, for 9 months of 2007 - 114,869 tons, which was 140.5% compared to the same period of the previous year. The design level of production is not less than 3000 kg of gold. Currently, 630 people work at the Aginsky GOK, 80% of them are residents of the Kamchatka Territory.

In the Kamchatka Territory placer gold is mined in the amount of 100-150 kg per year. In 2007, mining and exploration work at alluvial deposits of the region was carried out by two enterprises:

CJSC "Artel Prospectors" Kamchatka" developed the placers of the Lesnoy and Grivna streams and the river Pravaya Gorelaya. 28 kg of gold was mined at the Lesnoy stream deposit, losses during production amounted to 2 kg, the increase in reserves was -10 kg. 38 kg of gold was mined from the placer of the Hryvna stream , losses during production amounted to 5 kg, the increase in reserves - 11 kg Balance reserves of the placer of the Pravaya Gorelaya river were fully mined back in 2006, in the reporting year, the operational increase in reserves amounted to 46 kg of gold (mined 42 kg, losses - 4 kg) .

CJSC "Koryakgeoldobycha" in 2007, when mining the placer Olkhovaya-1, 2 kg of gold was mined, the increase in reserves amounted to 1 kg. At the initiative of the subsoil user, the right to use subsoil was terminated, the license was canceled, the remaining reserves were transferred to the unallocated fund.

In accordance with the projects of subsoil user companies, 6 more enterprises will join the currently operating two mining enterprises - platinum (Galmoenan) and gold (Aginsky GOK) by 2015.

At the Asachinskoye deposit in the Yelizovsky district, CJSC "Alarming glow" is already building a mining and processing enterprise with an annual capacity of 3 tons of gold. The annual output of the Baraniev GOK is 3.2 tons of gold. A GOK is planned at the Ametistovoye deposit with an annual capacity of 2.5 tons. The first stage of the Ozernovsky GOK with an annual capacity of 3 tons. At the Rodnikovoye deposit, the capacity of the GOK is also 3 tons. The planned commissioning of the GOK at the Mutnovskoye deposit is scheduled for 2015 with an annual capacity of 2.5 tons.
The British Trans-Siberian Gold (TSG) protected the reserves of the Rodnikovoe deposit in Kamchatka in the amount of 30.888 tons (993.1 thousand ounces) of gold and 258.3 tons (8.3 million ounces) of silver in the C1 + C2 categories in the GKZ, the company message.
The total volume of ore is 5.8 million tons with an average gold grade of 5.3 g/t, silver - 44.6 million tons with a cut-off grade of 2 g/t.
The GKZ also approved a preliminary feasibility study (FS) for Rodnikovo

The water resource potential of the region makes it possible to meet the needs of the region's population in high-quality drinking water, mainly through the use of underground fresh water.

Mineral resources

The region has rich natural resources. Minerals: a variety of coals (from brown to coking), ores of gold, silver, mercury, polymetals, native sulfur, ornamental and semi-precious stones and various building materials. The region is promising for oil. Thermal and mineral springs - geysers, boiling lakes, mud volcanoes.

Water resources

surface waters. The largest rivers of the region are Kamchatka, Avacha, Bolshaya.

The water reserve in the snow in Kamchatka reaches 1000 mm or more. Gradually unloading, these waters feed not only surface, but also slower underground flows. The result is a high natural regulation of rivers. The module of the total water flow in the south of Kamchatka reaches 50-65 l/sec per km2, and the total flow from the territory of Kamchatka is about 220 km3 per year.

This flow is regulated in more than 15,000 rivers and streams, about 30,000 lakes, as well as in numerous swamps that occupy about 13% of the entire area of ​​the Kamchatka Peninsula (34,000 km2).

The main pollutant of water bodies is the housing and communal services of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, from the treatment facilities of which more than 30% of the total volume of polluted wastewater in the region comes.

The groundwater. On the territory of the region, underground waters of the seven most common aquifers and complexes are used for various purposes. For fresh water intakes, waters are used, mainly from unprotected or poorly protected aquifers and complex loose deposits of the Quaternary age of various genesis. Deposits of thermal waters and parahydrotherms, cold mineral and thermomineral waters are mainly associated with aquifers of volcanogenic, terigenic-volcanogenic and metamorphosed varieties of bedrocks from Pliocene-Upper Miocene to Upper Cretaceous age. All deposits of the injection type are protected.

In the sectoral context, the largest share in the total number of water users is made up of housing and communal services enterprises - 93 (29%), then, in descending order, follow: food, including fish processing, industry - 37 enterprises (13%); energy - 29 enterprises (9%); trade and public catering - 21 objects (7%).

The water resource potential of the region makes it possible to meet the needs of the region's population in high-quality drinking water, mainly through the use of underground fresh water. Recommended for water supply of the population and enterprises of the region, fresh groundwater of approved reserves is generally clean. The presence of ammonium, nitrites and nitrates in them is mainly due to the specifics of the region and can be eliminated by modern water treatment systems.

forest resources

The total area of ​​forest fund lands, total, thousand hectares - 45247.7, forest cover, % - 56.4, total stock of standing timber, million m3 - 1227.1.

The main forest-forming species in Kamchatka are: stone birch, Kamchatka larch, Ayan spruce. The forests of the region are not distinguished by high timber productivity (with the exception of larch forests), but they all perform invaluable ecological functions: water protection, water regulation, soil protection, erosion control, wind protection, as well as socio-economic ones. In total, 5578.6 thousand hectares are occupied under the main forest-forming species, incl. under coniferous species 695.4 thousand hectares (7.8% of the forested area), of which pine - 16.5 thousand hectares, spruce - 29.7 thousand hectares, aspen 22.2 thousand hectares. The forest area of ​​the first group is 23% of the total area of ​​the forest fund.

The area of ​​forests where their exploitation is possible decreased by 782.5 thousand hectares, due to the exclusion of forests of the first group from the allowable cutting area, the creation of specially protected natural areas, water protection, sanitary protection zones, with the transfer of forests of groups II-III to forests I groups.

Land resources

The region has the necessary land resources, has extensive reindeer pastures.

Distribution of the land fund by land (thousand hectares): agricultural land, total - 477.2; land under surface water - 831.8; swamps - 2827.1; land under forests and trees and shrubs - 27066.3; other lands - 15225.1; of all lands - lands under reindeer pastures - 20157.2.

The distribution of soils is affected by both the climatic features of the peninsula and its orographic structure. Ash falls from erupting volcanoes also play a significant role in the process of soil formation, due to which the soils on the peninsula are acidic.

The stock of humus in the undisturbed soil cover (layer 1 m) is 137.8 tons/ha.

The total area of ​​disturbed lands is 2.7 thousand hectares, the area of ​​waste lands is 0.95 thousand hectares. 66 enterprises carry out works related to soil cover disturbance.

Erosion-hazardous agricultural lands were identified on a total area of ​​46.3 thousand hectares (including 45.0 thousand hectares - arable land).

Land pollution with oil products was detected on an area of ​​0.2 ha; soil pollution with biogenic substances as a result of wastewater discharge - on an area of ​​0.1 ha; pollution of land with sulfates, chlorides, hydrogen sulfide, an increase in the content of arsenic (twice) as a result of the spill of thermal waters on the relief from wells - on an area of ​​0.3 hectares. Part of the land is contaminated with heavy metals (cadmium, copper, lead, zinc).

Russian Civilization

1. Introduction

Kamchatka is a wonderful land that was discovered by Russian Cossacks more than 300 years ago. Until 1990, not a single foreigner could set foot on Kamchatka, and even Russians needed a special pass. But those who wanted to see the magical world of Kamchatka with their own eyes made their way there, despite all the obstacles. From now on, Kamchatka is open to everyone: tourists, scientists, and businessmen.

I was born on this land, and therefore, what Kamchatka breathes and how it lives, I know firsthand. I know a lot myself, I heard a lot from my parents. I decided to choose the natural resource potential of Kamchatka as the topic of my essay. To do this, I found and studied information on this topic. Considered the role of the economy and industry of the Kamchatka region in our country. I also decided to find out how she can develop and what problems prevent her from doing so. How rich is the Kamchatka land, what natural resources does it possess. Having studied all this, I compiled this essay

2. Business card

Date of formation. The Kamchatka region was formed on October 20, 1932 as part of the Khabarovsk Territory, since January 23, 1956 it was separated into an independent region of the RSFSR, and is part of the Far Eastern economic region.

General information. At the beginning of 2005, the economically active population of the region amounted to 200.8 thousand people (in 1990 it was about 472 thousand), in the Koryak National Okrug - 28.5 thousand people, of which 178.0 thousand people were employed in the economy . Indigenous peoples (main: Koryaks, Itelmens, Chukchis, Evens and Aleuts) make up approximately 3% of the population. Russian 83%.

The number of officially registered unemployed in the employment service was 9.1 thousand people, or 4.4% of the economically active population.

Economy. Among the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District in terms of the production of gross regional product (GRP) per capita, according to the latest published statistics, Kamchatka Oblast ranks fifth, and seventeenth in the Russian Federation. In the sum of regional products of Russia, the share of the Kamchatka region is insignificant and amounts to 0.3%.

In 2001 and 2002 in the region there was a decrease in the physical volume of the gross regional product by 4.1% and 3.6%, respectively, in 2003 there was an increase of 5.8%.

The leading sectors that provide the bulk of the GRP are: industry, construction, trade and public catering, transport and communications, and agriculture. In 2003, these industries accounted for more than two-thirds (68%) of gross value added. Industrial enterprises of the region produced a third of the regional gross product, construction accounted for 10.6%, trade - 10%. Transport and communications produced 7.7% of gross value added, agriculture accounted for 6.4%.

Industry. The basic branch of industry and the economy as a whole is the fishery complex. Products of the fishing industry in the structure of industrial production is about 60%. The electric power industry (in the conditions of the local energy system - the infrastructure sector) forms 22.7% of the volume of industrial production, non-ferrous metallurgy - 8.0%, mechanical engineering and metalworking - 5.0% (infrastructure sector of the fishing industry), food and flavoring - 4.9%. Other industries, together, form about 4% of industrial production.

In the volume of industrial production of the Russian Federation, the share of the region is extremely insignificant and has been 0.3% over the past years, in the Far Eastern Federal District - about 7%.

At the same time, the Kamchatka region forms 13.6% of fish food production in the Russian Federation and 17.4% of fish and seafood production in the Russian Federation.

In the Far Eastern Federal District, Kamchatka Oblast ranks first in the production of consumer goods per capita, second in the fishing industry, and third in the gas and printing industries.

During the implementation of a comprehensive program for the transfer of electricity and heat supply to the region to non-traditional renewable energy sources and local fuels, the production of electricity using local and non-traditional sources increased to 174.2 million kWh, or 10.8% of the total production for the year.

Investments. The basis of the region's economy, the fishing industry, continues to be an object of sufficiently high investment attractiveness for investors, including foreign ones, who have the opportunity, desire and ability to finance fairly large medium-term investment projects. Basically, and first of all, these are projects for the introduction of advanced technologies for deep and complex processing of fish and seafood, which ensures the growth of added value while maintaining production volumes. Particular attention should be paid to improving the quality and expanding the range of products, improving storage and transportation methods. The share of investments in the fishing industry is 10-11 percent of the total investment in the Kamchatka region, the share of foreign investment varies from 60 to 70 percent over the years.

The main volume of investments (up to 50 percent), including budget ones, is directed to priority sectors - electric power industry, transport, including the main pipeline (construction of a gas pipeline from the Sobolevsky district to the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky).

In the last two years, mining has been dynamically developing - gold (Aginskoye deposit), copper and nickel (Shanuch deposit). In 2004, the volume of investments in this sector increased by 50% compared to 2003 and amounted to about 12% of the total volume of investments.

Financial indicators. In 2004, the profit of the enterprises of the Kamchatka region significantly exceeded the losses, and the balanced financial result amounted to 4.3 billion rubles. 4.2 billion rubles of profit was received in industry, including 3.3 billion rubles in the electric power industry and 228 million rubles in the fishing industry. Profit in agriculture amounted to 390 million rubles, in communications - 274 million rubles.

Standard of living. The average per capita real disposable cash income of the population of the region has been steadily growing over the past four years. The ratio of average per capita income and the subsistence minimum for 2004 as a whole amounted to 193.4%, which is higher than the same indicator for 2003 by 4.96 percentage points. At the same time, the current level of well-being, employment, as well as the degree of stratification in terms of income cannot satisfy the population of the Kamchatka region, regional government bodies and local self-government.

Administrative-territorial division

Administrative center: city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (founded in 1741)

Area of ​​the region: 472.3 thousand square meters km.

On the territory of the region there are two constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the Kamchatka region and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug (since June 2007 they have merged). The region includes 4 cities (2 - regional subordination), 7 districts.

The distance from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Moscow is 11,876 km.

3. Features of the geographical location

In the west, the peninsula is washed by the waters of the cold Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in the east by the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The northern point of the region is located almost at the Arctic Circle (65ºN), the southern point - Cape Lopatka rises above the First Kuril Strait (51ºN). Kamchatka is mainly a mountainous country. Two main ranges stretch along the peninsula for many hundreds of kilometers: Sredinny, the longest, and Vostochny, between which is located the Central Kamchatka lowland with the main river of the peninsula - Kamchatka. The peninsula belongs to the zone of active volcanic activity, on its territory there are about 300 large and medium volcanoes, 29 of them are active volcanoes. Here is the highest volcano in Eurasia, one of the highest active volcanoes in the world - Klyuchevskaya Sopka (4750m). The activity of volcanoes is associated with the formation of many minerals, as well as hydrothermal activity: the appearance of hot springs, the formation of fumaroles, geysers and other manifestations. The coast and the south of the peninsula are characterized by a maritime climate, while the central and northern parts are continental. Winter on the peninsula differs in its different parts: snowy and mild on the coast, frosty in the central and remote parts of the coast, severe and windy in the north. Snow falls at the end of September in the north, and at the end of October - in the south. Summers are relatively cool on the coast, and quite hot in the central part.

In the southern part of the peninsula there are no severe frosts in winter and hot days in summer. Summers are cool with a lot of foggy and rainy days. As one moves northward and deep into the peninsula, the climate becomes more continental; All these climatic factors significantly shorten the duration of the summer period, which is normal for these latitudes, and lengthen the winter. Another feature of the climate of Kamchatka, located in the zone of intense cyclonic activity, is strong winds. Cyclones bring heavy rainfall. Their greatest number falls on the southern and southeastern regions of the peninsula, where up to 2200 mm falls annually. These figures claim to call Kamchatka the wettest region of Russia. With distance from the coast, the amount of precipitation decreases sharply: on the northeastern coast - up to 500-600 mm, on the Central Kamchatka Lowland - 400 mm, and in the extreme northwest - 300 mm. The average January temperature in Central Kamchatka is 22°, and it rises towards the east coast. On the coast and slopes of coastal volcanoes, thaws are not uncommon in winter, with positive temperatures even in January and February. The highest temperatures are in August, however, the absolute highest rates were recorded in July, in the central region of the peninsula (+ 37°). The number of warm days with temperatures above +20°C in Kamchatka is small. On the coast for the whole summer they are observed from 1 to 6, in the mainland up to 20-30, in the valley of the Kamchatka River - even more, up to 50.

Features of the nature of the Kamchatka Territory

Remark 1

Kamchatka Krai appeared on the map of the country relatively recently. In 2007, the Koryak Autonomous Okrug and the Kamchatka Region were merged, as a result, a new administrative unit appeared - the Kamchatka Territory.

The main territory of the region is occupied by the Kamchatka Peninsula. It has a land border with Chukotka and the Magadan region, a sea border with the Sakhalin region.

The territory of the region is 2/3 occupied by mountains, two ridges stretch along the peninsula - Sredinny and Vostochny. They are separated by the Central Kamchatka depression.

The peninsula belongs to the Pacific Ring of Fire, which means a lot of seismic and geothermal activity. The Kamchatka Territory is a country of boiling geysers, fast-moving rivers, volcanoes, thundering waterfalls.

Remark 2

Volcanoes influence many natural features, for example, they provide the soil with minerals, which makes it possible to increase its fertility, the origin of hot springs is associated with volcanism. The water of thermal springs has a temperature of 39 to 70 degrees.

Mountain relief creates certain conditions for flora and fauna.

Sea terraces, raised up hundreds of meters, speak of modern mountain-building movements. These are areas of the former seabed that have come out from under the water. Especially a lot of them on the west and east coasts.

On the territory of Kamchatka, traces of powerful glaciers that covered its surface in the geological past are clearly visible.

Low-lying areas have a peculiar hilly relief with small lakes - this is a consequence of the activity of the glacier.

Earthquakes and volcanoes play an important role in the formation of relief. The result of volcanic activity are collapses, landslides, deep cracks, tsunamis.

The Kamchatka coast is strongly affected by sea currents and waves.

The relief of the terrain and the extent from north to south influence the climate. For most of the year, there is an area of ​​low atmospheric pressure above the edge.

A feature of the climate are strong winds, storms and hurricanes.

The second feature is the large amount of precipitation. Both features are caused by cyclones.

In almost all seasons, but especially in winter, the weather often changes - this is another feature of the territory.

In the central regions of the region, winter can be 10 degrees warmer or colder than usual. Temperature fluctuations can occur during the day and reach several degrees.

The next feature of the climate is a long winter with an abundance of snow cover, negative average annual temperatures and a short cloudy summer.

There are several major climatic regions:

  • the western region of the peninsula;
  • eastern region; valley of the Kamchatka river;
  • northern region;
  • regions of the Middle and Eastern Ranges.

Compared to other areas of the region, the east coast is warmer. The reason is that cyclones bring warmer air here from the Pacific Ocean.

The winter period here lasts 4-5 months with an air temperature of -7 ... -9 degrees.

The summer period lasts up to 4 months. The average summer air temperature is +10…+11 degrees.

In the north of the coast, precipitation is 400 mm, to the southeast the amount of precipitation increases to 1200 mm, but there are more storm and hurricane winds here.

Natural resources of the Kamchatka Territory

The Kamchatka Territory has a diverse mineral resource base. Mineral resources of the territory are not only of local and interregional significance, but also of federal significance, and all of them can be developed.

The potential of hydrocarbons is estimated at 1.4 billion tons, including recoverable - 150 million tons of oil and about 800 billion cubic meters. m of gas. Hydrocarbon promising areas are identified within the shelf zones of the region's coast.

The explored and preliminary estimated coal of the Kamchatka Territory is 275 million tons, and its predicted reserves are more than 6 billion tons. Local needs are met by 3 small deposits of hard and brown coal, and two more are being prepared for development.

54 peat deposits have been identified on the territory, the largest are Bolshaya Tundra, Mysovoye, Opalinskaya Tundra, Khetikskaya Tundra-1. Large peat deposits account for 65.4% of all its explored reserves.

Industrial gold mining began in the region in 2006 at the Aginsky deposit, and in 2008 the volume of gold mining amounted to 1330 kg. Placer gold is mined in the amount of 60-100 kg per year.

Forecast resources of silver are more than 6.7 thousand tons.

The Middle Range has nickel and cobalt reserves. The predicted resources of which are determined respectively at 3.5 million tons and 44 thousand tons. The content of nickel in ores is high and reaches 7%, for example, in the Shanuch deposit.

Almost all types of building materials lie in the bowels of the region - sand and gravel mixture, building sand, volcanic tuff, slag, pumice, brick clay, etc.

Groundwater is widespread. By chemical composition and temperature, they are divided into cold, mineral, thermal, fresh. They are used both for household and drinking needs, and for heat and power and balneological purposes.

Thermal waters are annually extracted in the amount of 13 million cubic meters. m.

The Kamchatka Territory, which is environmentally friendly, has unique recreational resources for the development of tourism.

Remark 3

Most of the deposits of the region have been studied only at the stage of prospecting and evaluating predictive resources, with the exception of aquatic biological resources, which are being intensively developed.

The uniqueness of the Kamchatka Territory

The Kamchatka Territory occupies an important geopolitical and geostrategic position in the northern zone of the Asia-Pacific region.

Airways and sea routes pass through its territory, connecting the American continent with the North Asian one.

The nature of Kamchatka is unique in every respect. There is a great opportunity for year-round ski tourism and the construction of ski resorts. Five ski bases in Kamchatka have slopes that meet the requirements of international standards.

The region is a "natural open-air museum", as evidenced by the existing 3 state nature reserves, a nature reserve of federal significance, 4 parks of regional significance, 22 nature reserves, 175 natural monuments.

In addition, 27% of the territory has a protected category.

Geographical position and availability of open access to the ocean allow Kamchatka to occupy intercontinental significance as a reference link in the transport system of the Northern sea and air traffic Europe-America, Europe-South-East Asia, South-East Asia-America.

The role and importance of Kamchatka increases several times with the opening of the year-round operation of the Northern Sea Route. Nature provides every opportunity for this - on the east coast there is Avacha Bay, which, in terms of beauty and convenience for navigation, is a world-class harbor.

She disputes the right to be called the best in the world from San Francisco and Rio de Janeiro.

Gizhiginskaya Bay, located in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, is a unique region of the planet - here the tidal wave reaches a height of 13-14 m, and this is a potential source of electricity production on a large scale.

The east coast, indented with bays and fiords, is specially designed for ships to be sheltered from bad weather, and Avacha Bay can accommodate all the ships of the world.

Kamchatka is located in the area of ​​the Pacific volcanic ring, so volcanic eruptions and earthquakes often occur here. There are 30 active volcanoes on the peninsula out of 300 available.

Volcanic eruptions are the most valuable source of information for studying the regularities of the planet's geological and geographical processes, so Kamchatka is a unique testing ground for studying these phenomena.

Thus, volcanism and volcanoes are a unique resource for both large-scale scientific research and the practical use of products of volcanic activity.

In 1923, a map of the minerals of Kamchatka was compiled, on which the following minerals and the number of manifestations were identified: used: mineral springs; examined: copper (Commanders), coal, graphite, mineral springs; known from unverified data: iron, silver-lead-zinc, mercury, molybdenum, copper, coal, oil, sulfur, mineral springs. In addition, there was information about kaolin, gypsum, amber, precious and ornamental stones. Of course, this was only information about minerals, often even unverified. Neither the exact location, nor the quality, nor their parameters have been studied.
The region has the richest reserves of mineral resources: gas, coal, native sulfur, thermal waters, native and alluvial gold and silver, nickel, copper, platinum, tin, lead, zinc.
When conducting a sheet-by-sheet geological survey in 1962 in the territory to the west of the city of Yelizovo, the weight content of gold in concentrates was found - up to 22 g per cubic meter. The favorable geographic and economic position of the placer, a good transport network, proximity to the city - all this made it possible to quickly begin the development of the deposit. Already in 1964, the first 36 kg of gold were obtained at the mine, and the weight of individual nuggets reached more than 200 g. Then placers of the Goltsovok, Kameshkova, Kapitanskaya rivers, the Iudumich stream and others were discovered. In the north, in the Penzhinsky district.
More than 400 gold-ore occurrences and mineralization points are known, for example, the Ametistovoe, Baranievskoe, Zolotoe, Kungurtsevskoe and Kumroch deposits, but most of those on the peninsula remain unestimated. In the future, there is the possibility of creating large gold mining enterprises that will play a significant role in Russia's gold mining. So far, for all the years of operation of the deposits, about 11 tons of gold have been mined, with an estimated total reserve of more than 200 tons.
The predicted gold reserves on the peninsula are estimated at 800 tons, while the potential of Kamchatka has not yet been fully explored. So far, most of these deposits remain untouched.
As geological exploration shows, the gold deposits of Kamchatka are classified as large - they contain from 30 to 70 tons of metal. The ratio of conversion of predicted resources into confirmed ones is almost one to one, and the gold content per ton of ore is a record. For example, at the Aginsky field, it reaches 38 grams. For comparison: the average gold content per ton of ore at Sukhoi Log in Siberia is 2.7 grams. The resource base of the Gold of Kamchatka is 380 tons of gold. The main objects of work are the Baranyevskoye and Kymroch deposits, as well as a group of deposits in the area of ​​the Aginsky GOK.
Platinum was sought in Kamchatka as early as the 1950s. However, to no avail. When interest in searching for her completely faded, it turned out that there really was a prospect. In 1990, loose sediments were found during the schlich sampling of the Levtyrinyvayam River. The content of platinum reached 1.22 g per cubic meter. During 1991-1992, exploration work revealed a productive formation up to two meters thick with a platinum content of up to 8 g per cubic meter. In 1994, 662 kg /21.3 thousand ounces/ of platinum were mined simultaneously with exploration. In total, about 20 tons / 643 thousand ounces / of the precious metal were mined from two placers during these years.
In accordance with the projects of subsoil user companies, by 2018 the production of ore gold on the peninsula will reach 18 tons, platinum - 3 tons per year and will be maintained at this level until 2025, as well as in subsequent years.
The region has large predictable and significant explored reserves of ore and valuable non-metallic minerals. The balance reserves of the main minerals are estimated at 15 billion dollars. The annual absolute rent in the mining industry of Kamchatka can be from 30 to 50 million dollars. The same potential absolute rent is estimated at the huge reserves of ecologically clean fresh and various mineral underground waters of the peninsula.
There is a deposit of mercury ores (Strait of Okhotsk), coal and non-metallic minerals are mined in Korfa - perlite, zeolites, gravel, ASG, clay, etc.
The area is rich in various building materials. There are 64 deposits of volcanic slag and pumice on the balance sheet. A comprehensive geological and economic assessment of mineral resources shows that the potential of the peninsula, excluding water and fuel and energy resources, sulfur, local minerals in world prices, is estimated at more than $20 billion.
The total forecast resources of non-ferrous metals for five sites in the Kamchatka Territory are: 1295 thousand tons of nickel, cobalt - 31.6 thousand tons, copper - 3053 thousand tons. And if we talk about the hydrocarbon potential of the land of Kamchatka, then it is estimated at 1.4 billion tons in oil equivalent.
Onshore gas reserves in Kamchatka are relatively small: at the end of the 1980s, four gas condensate fields were discovered here with total explored C1 category reserves of about 16 billion cubic meters. m - Kshukskoe, Nizhne-Kvakchikskoe, Sredne-Kunzhinskoe and Severo-Kolpakovskoe.
The Western Kamchatka shelf has significant gas resources. By 2020, the total offshore gas reserves may amount to about 10 trillion cubic meters. cubic meters
Kamchatka today is one of the few large regions in the country, and throughout the world, where the primary natural structure of landscapes and ecosystems has been preserved to a high degree. At the same time, the development of mineral resources in the region (primarily gold) is gaining momentum. As before, without attempting a comprehensive study of the problem, the stakes are being placed on the large-scale development of hydrocarbons and minerals in Kamchatka and the Kamchatka shelf in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea.