Cl hour on 1 Sept. On Knowledge Day, Vladimir Putin held an All-Russian open lesson “Russia, looking to the future

On September 1, a solemn line and several unusual lessons will be held in schools - a lesson in knowledge, a lesson in peace, a lesson in kindness. Children on this day will be able to get used to the school environment after the summer holidays, exchange emotions and impressions with classmates, tell friends how the summer went.

See also: Academic calendar for 2017 2018 academic year

Knowledge Day 2017 for first graders

September 1st is a very exciting day for every first grader. Toddlers are looking forward to the beginning of adulthood, they go to the line in school uniform with bright backpacks and numerous stationery. The rest of the guys will have a hard time, they have already felt the burden of responsibility on their shoulders and now they need to try to improve their results, pull up old subjects and prove themselves in new disciplines.

Each school has its own traditions that relate to the celebration of September 1, but every year teachers congratulate students on the start of the school year. First-graders are rightfully considered the culprits of the celebration, for them this day is unusually exciting. On September 1, kids come with flowers to get acquainted with their classmates, teachers and try not to miss a single word that will be said to them.

Knowledge Day is always congratulations written on a blackboard with chalk, bright balls and real school desks for which every child sits down with delight. First-graders will have to master a large amount of material, this is provided by the program. The key to further success will be a solid foundation that will allow you to achieve any heights after graduation.

By tradition, on the first day of school, a thematic educational class hour on a serious topic should be held. Teachers must agree in advance with the administration on the topic of the first lesson, it is very important to have a conversation with the children. The head of state often touches upon the issue of sports, which plays an important role in the life of the younger generation. Sports victories are a direct road to the highest achievements, so various competitions are often held within the walls of the school. Schools open after the holidays on September 1st and parents should help to create the right schedule that will be appropriate to combine hours of sports, homework, rest, walking and sleep.

How to celebrate Knowledge Day on September 1, 2017

What to give your child for Knowledge Day? It is very important for parents to present their child with a talisman or a souvenir that he will carry with him daily. Adult schoolchildren will be delighted with a gym membership, tickets for a concert of their favorite group, theater or cinema. At the same time, it is important to be interested in the success of the child throughout the school year, to help overcome difficulties. In the family circle, Knowledge Day should definitely be celebrated.

Parents should also understand that a good education for a child is the beginning of a new life stage. Specialized schools with interesting electives, sports sections and circles require material investments, and it is not always possible to simply take and allocate the necessary amount from your budget. Parents should think about this issue, perhaps they will have to give up some of their preferences, and pay maximum attention to the development of their children.

Knowledge Day in Russia

It so happened historically that on September 1 in Russia they celebrated the holiday of the harvest, and during the reign of Peter the Great - the New Year. Somewhat later, an important decision was made - to postpone the New Year to January 1, as noted in Europe. Children went to study at the gymnasium from mid-September and October, and rural schools began to teach literacy from December 1. Today, the first day of autumn is proudly celebrated as the “Knowledge Day”, do not confuse it with Teacher's Day, this is a separate holiday.

Officially in the USSR since 1984, September 1 has been celebrated, until the status of a state holiday was assigned, it was the most ordinary day. It began with a solemn line, and then regular lessons were held. According to the good old tradition, congratulations from representatives of the city and district administration should be heard.

The academic year in Russian schools continues until the end of May, it is divided into quarters and vacations are provided between them, and the procedure for setting final grades in all subjects is carried out.

Knowledge Day in Ukraine

Children go to school on September 1 with flowers to congratulate teachers on the start of the school year. The festive line is held throughout Ukraine, everyone can say parting words to students in the new academic year. The anthem of Ukraine sounds solemnly, and then a senior student carries a bell on his shoulders to a first grader - the first bell sounds for the whole school.

Teachers conduct class hours, which are usually devoted to the topic of Peace. At the request of children and parents, you can arrange a sweet table, pre-order sweets and drinks for the children. Newly arrived university students on Knowledge Day are invited to a dedication concert, and at this time senior students are already nibbling on the granite of science at lectures. September 1 is celebrated in every educational institution, teachers and students congratulate all those present. A long-awaited holiday for those who first crossed the threshold of the school - Knowledge Day. September 1 is an exciting event for every child, which is accompanied by a traditional class hour. This day is celebrated by all schoolchildren, students, teachers and teachers. It is important to choose the right parting words that will become a guide for each student.

Congratulations on Knowledge Day 2017 and the beginning of the new academic year

Knowledge baggage will always come in handy,
The main thing is to strive for something new in life,
Knowledge to always replenish,
To actually apply them all!

We congratulate you on Knowledge Day together,
You learn everything you need
Be joyful and be happy
And always make all your dreams come true!

Let the teachings light shine on you
Illuminating the roads in fate,
Opening the way to happiness for you,
To help you reach your dream faster!

On Knowledge Day, I wish you to study
Life from different sides, to understand it,
And to become smarter over the years,
And to treat everything wiser!

We all need knowledge
With them in life are not terrible
Shadows of stupidity to the mind
Never and no one!

So learn day by day
We expect success from you
Let the light of teaching
Opens the way to dreams!

Starting the school year again
Knowledge Day today celebrating
Feel the interest in the sciences
And put it into practice!

With each newly read page
May the world expand its borders
Knowledge will open let you
All paths are happy in fate!

Acquire knowledge
In any situation,
Study life in detail
So as not to meet longing!

And on Knowledge Day we wish
So that knowledge is always
Helped you a lot
Doing no harm to you!

We celebrate Knowledge Day every year,
May it pass joyfully today
Will open something new for you
Will show the direct path to your dream!

Let there be only success ahead
From life you always expect gifts
I wish you never to be sad
Strive for goals and achieve them!

The scenario of the Knowledge lesson in the first grade is developed in the form of a conversation with elements of competition and games.

Purpose: introduction of students into the world of knowledge, formation of positive motivation for learning activities, involvement of parents in school life.

Tasks: to create an atmosphere of the first school holiday, to introduce into the world of knowledge, to introduce children to each other, teacher, school; develop attention, thinking, cognitive interest of students, creative abilities; lay the foundation for the formation of class traditions; to cultivate a culture of communication, love for school; Encourage parents to participate in the school and classroom life of their children.

Form: holiday with elements of competition, games. The peculiarity of this form of the lesson is the participation of not only children, but also parents.



Scenario of the first lesson in the first class

Date: 01.09.2017

Teacher: Sukharevskaya Zh.A.


Introduction of students into the world of knowledge, formation of positive motivation;

Involving parents in school life.


Create the atmosphere of the first school holiday, introduce into the world of knowledge, introduce children to each other, teacher, school;

To develop attention, thinking, cognitive interest of students, creative abilities;

To cultivate a culture of communication, love for school;

Encourage parents to participate in the school and classroom life of their children.

Equipment and decoration:

video projector, interboard,

poster with pictures of children


presentation with musical accompaniment.

During the classes

Greeting and introduction.


Today you all came to the first class for the first time. It will depend on you yourself who you will become at school: know-it-alls or don't-knows.

(Children answer questions in chorus)

Do you want to know everything in the world?

Do you want to receive knowledge?

Do you want to live honestly with goodness?

Protect the planet like your home?

Then go ahead!

The bell is ringing!

Elegant, ceremonial, so beloved
The girls, combed with bows, are sitting.
And the boys are great, so cute
Such neat people are looking at us now.

Dear Guys! Dear moms and dads! Let me congratulate you on a very significant event in your life - on the first day of school. This is a big event for parents, they are very worried about sending you on a long journey through the land of knowledge. Please accept my congratulations and wishes of good luck, excellent knowledge and marks!

Let's get acquainted. My name is Zhanna Alexandrovna. Smile and listen carefully to me as soon as you hear your name, answer, stand up or wave to us. Attention! magic words"Let's get acquainted!"

Is there Veronica? Tatyana? And Sofia? - Even two!
Is there Anna? - Also two!
Are you Arina? And Renata? - There is also!
Do you have Ulyana, Marianna?
Well, let's see, children, here
Who is Anastasia's name?

Is there a Lada? Got Elena?

And Hope? “Nadia is gone,” everyone said nothing in response.

Are there Artyoms in our class? - Two.
I know that there are also two Ivanovs.

Only in our class there are Garik and Narek.

Leonid and Daniel.

Is there Michael in the class? - There is.

Even there are Armand and Mark,

There is Andrei with Maxim.

Dmitry is also Vladislav.

Who called Nicholas? - Nicholas is not here!

That's it, my friends

Our friendly family!

Children's performance

Teacher: - Everything is new to you today

Everything worries you now!

Dear kids, I know you are ready!

Tell your poems.

Are you already set up?

Often hosted by G. Ulyan's school

Kids in first grade

But today is a special day

We came! Meet US!

We used to play school

But the game is over.

We are envied today

Preschool children from the yard.

Yesterday I was in K. Tatyana's briefcase

Stacked notebooks

And pencils in a pencil case

Inserted in order.

And I got up early today

Washed, combed,

Dressed a new form -

Arrived faster than anyone.

Mom and Dad for some reason G. Elena

They were very worried.

They say they didn't sleep the night

They were afraid for me.

Today we proudly walked

Through the autumn streets.

Just look who is at us -

Immediately fall in love.

And with toys, probably E. Lada

I need to say goodbye.

I'm learning now

I will be doing.

I will have books


I will read - I will know

Everything adults know.

Even if it will be difficult Z. Anastasia

We promise to learn

On "four" and on "five".

We will be diligent

Diligent and diligent.

And then study will begin

Just great!

We thank the girls for the poems.Children clap their hands.

On this festive day, our office is beautifully decorated, and there is an elegant autumn tree on the board, but it has a secret: a task is written on each piece of paper. Let's try to take them off.(The teacher tries to remove the papers, but does NOT remove them.)The leaves are not simple, but magical, so that they fly off, you need to complete tasks. Is everyone ready?

I invite parents to take part in some tasks, during our lesson I will contact you.

1. The first task for the guys. "Guess the Riddles"

First rule: when you know the answer and are ready to answer, raise your hand(showing) do not shout, answer only when I call you.

1) Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,

Write on me manage - ka,

You can also draw

I am called ... (Notebook.)

2) Doesn't look like a human

But he has a heart.

And work all year round

He gives his heart.

He writes when they dictate

He draws and draws

And tonight

He will color your album. (Pencil.)

3) I love directness,

I'm the straightest

Make a straight line

I help everyone. (Ruler.)

4) Your pigtail without fear

She dips herself in paint.

Then a dyed pigtail

In the album leads on the page. (Tassel.)

5) What is the wand in hand

Write quickly on a piece of paper?

Did you write everything you need?

Put her in a pencil case! (Pen.)

6) I know everyone, I teach everyone.

But I am always silent.

To befriend me

Need to learn to read. (Book.)

Well done, guys, guessed all the riddles! See what happened?

I carry a new house in my hand,

The doors of the house are locked.

Here the tenants are paper,

All are terribly important. (Briefcase.)

We packed a bag for school.

2. – The next leaflet invites you to play.

Game "Going to school"To play comfortably, let's stand up. Rules of the game: if you need to take an object whose name you hear, then - clap your hands, if not - shake your head and smile at each other or parents.

Let's see who's the most attentive of you...

If you go to school

Then in a briefcase you take with you:

In a cell notebook?

New slingshot?

Cleaning broom?

Diary for five?

Album and paint?

Carnival masks?

ABC in pictures?

Ripped boots?

Felt pens and a pen?

A bunch of carnations?

Colored pencils?

Are the mattresses inflatable?

Eraser and ruler?

Is there a canary in a cage?

Album to draw?

Chewing gum to chew?

Cover textbooks?

Plates, forks, spoons?

Sofa to lie down?

Cardboard to cut out?

And now ask the parentshow they will help you put together a portfolio. Together we answer “Yes” or “No”.

Do we put a bag of sweets at the bottom? (NO YES)
What about a police pistol? (NO)
Shall we put a vinaigrette in there? (NO)
Or maybe smiles light? (YES)
Shall we put a ripe orange? (YES)
And the grocery store? (NO)
Flower basket for friends? (YES)
What about colorful pretzels? (YES)
Let's put the salad in the bag? (NO)
Putting a smile and success? (YES)
Perky children's sonorous laughter? (YES)

Well done! You have correctly collected the accessories in the briefcase. You can move on to the next task.

3. Next task for parents "Tales from childhood".Once you too were small and loved fairy tales. Which of them do you remember and tell your children? What fairy tales are these lines from?(Demonstration of the video sequence in the presentation)

  1. There is no river, no pond,
    Where to drink water?
    Very tasty water
    In the hole from the hoof.
    (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.”)
  1. And the road is far
    And the basket is not easy,
    Sit on a stump
    I would eat a pie.
    ("Masha and the Bear".)
  1. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,
    And there was that girl no more than a fingernail.
    Who read this book
    Knows a girl - a baby.
  1. Red - the girl is sad,
    She doesn't like spring
    She's hard in the sun
    Tears shed, poor thing!
    ("Snow Maiden".)
  1. He is kinder than everyone in the world,
    He heals sick animals.
    He is famous, famous.
    Good Doctor...
  1. Near the forest on the edge
    Three of them live in a hut.
    There are three chairs and three mugs,
    Three beds, three pillows.
    Guess without a clue
    Who are the heroes of this tale?
    ("Three Bears".)

Thank you parents for your help.(children clap their hands)Well done, thank you. We remove the third sheet.

4. – Tomorrow your real lessons begin. Let's see who knows howneed to behave at school?

If you agree with the statement, then loudly say “Yes”, and if the sentence says something wrong, then say “No”. Parents can help their children learn school rules.(Demonstration of the video sequence in the presentation)

All homework

I will strictly follow. Yes

Late to class

I will run in the morning. No

I won't forget my pen at home

Both notebook and pencil. Yes

And I forgot - I will roar

For the whole class, for the whole floor. No

I promise in class

Don't make noise and don't talk. Yes

If I don't know the answer

I will raise my hand. . No

And during the change

I promise not to make noise Yes

Don't knock down people and walls

Don't push like a bear. Yes

I'll be smart, I'll be brave

I will play football. Yes

So I'll be here and there

Shoot the ball into the windows. . No

I will be smart and funny

Do good deeds Yes

So that my native school

As a native, accepted. Yes.

5. The fourth test “Name the fairy-tale hero”, for example: Geese-… (swans)Parts of the names are written on the cards. Cards are distributed to those children who can read. Children read the names on their own, then call them in turn, the child whose second part of the name must guess his pair. Children go out and become couples.

  • Baba-…..Yaga
  • Fly Tsokotukha
  • Zmey Gorynych
  • Crocodile Gena
  • The Snow Queen
  • The Little Humpbacked Horse.

Well done boys! You did a great job with this one too! You can move on to the next task.

6. This leaflet says "Music Competition."

Guess which cartoon and movie characters sang these songs.

7. Task "Make a schedule of lessons."

- There will be many lessons in the 1st grade, and which ones you yourself will now try to choose.The words are written on the cards: “games”, “writing”, “sleep”, “mathematics”, “drawing”, “music”, “physical education”, “riddles”, “Russian language”, “reading”, “technology”, "change", "change", "change".

8. Last task: "Guess the letter"

- Multi-colored cards with words around the poster are turned upside down. The teacher turns over the cards. The children are trying to read the words. Parents can help.The words "SHK" are written on the cards. O L A ”,“ FIRST CLASS ”,“ TEACHER ”,“ FIRST CLASS ”, you need to name the missing letters. Who is the most attentive? What letters were written? (consonants) What letters are inserted? (vowels) Insert the missing ones. What happened? Reading with parents.

All tasks completed. What are these beautiful autumn leaves hiding?The teacher removes the leaves, photographs of children on apples and leaves are opened.

- Guys, what is this? (children's answers) That's right, this is our class.

Who is under the tree? (teacher and parents)

This is your new family. Who is in this family? YOU are the classmates, the teacher and your parents. What is the name of this family? - CLASS. Where does this family live? - AT SCHOOL. What date will be the birthday of our class? - THE FIRST OF SEPTEMBER.

Teacher :

You are amazing on this day.

For the first time I stepped through the school threshold ...

How many interesting things are waiting for you!

After all, learning brings the joy of discovery.

May your path, first grader, be successful!

To do this, you need to try, of course:

Be friends with the primer, study with interest,

Strive forward, never be lazy!

And school years, calls, changes

With a smile, you will certainly remember later!


Our first lesson is over. I think the parents also want to reach out to you guys.

A parting word from parents to children.

Here comes the desired hour:

You are enrolled in first grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We give you orders. P. Elena Mikhailovna

Wake up early in the morning

Wash well

In order not to yawn at school,

Do not peck at the desk with your nose. P. Elena Anatolievna

Train yourself to be in order

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book

Keep your briefcase clean. R. Marina Sergeevna

Dress neatly

To be pleasant to look at

Don't giggle in class.

Don't move the chair back and forth. P. Elena Mikhailovna

Don't tease, don't be arrogant

Try to help everyone at school.

Do not frown in vain, be bold

And you will find friends. P. Elena Anatolievna

Tell everyone about school

Cherish the honor of the school

To get a five. R. Marina Sergeevna

That's all our advice, E.M.

They are wiser and easier. E.A.

You, my friend, do not forget them, M.S.

Good luck to all! Good luck! Together

We thank our mothers for such kind words.(everyone clap)

Parents give gifts to children. Music sounds.

Teacher: - Our first lesson is over. You need to get up, leave the desk and stand straight next to it. Thanks everyone for the lesson! Tomorrow you come with briefcases, textbooks and notebooks, take a pencil case and a good mood!(Slide "I want to go to school!")I wish you guys that every day starts with only these words, let's read them together: I WANT TO SCHOOL!

On the first of September, in all schools of the country, smartly dressed children gather at a solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year and the Day of Knowledge. According to the established tradition, every year after this school-wide event, a Peace Lesson is held for students - September 1, 2017 will not be an exception. So, the first lesson on September 1 is a class hour, the purpose of which is to teach children the laws of goodness and justice, instill in them a sense of patriotism, pride in their homeland and the desire to live in peace. Choosing the topic of the first lesson on Knowledge Day, teachers proceed from the age of schoolchildren, covering the most relevant events in the world. For example, in elementary school (grades 1, 2, 3, 4) at the Knowledge Lesson, you can reveal the generally accepted meaning of the word "peace" and "war", tell students about the symbols of the state, recall riddles, poems and songs about peace. How to conduct the first Peace Lesson in the middle classes? With students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, it is better to build a lesson in the form of a dialogue, providing an opportunity for everyone to express their opinion on a particular issue, to discuss among themselves. High school students will certainly be touched upon by the topics of global terrorism or the depletion of natural resources - the most global problems of our time. To conduct the Peace Lesson, teachers make presentations in the form of slides, select videos and competitions, and the children can prepare drawings, riddles or interesting reports on a chosen topic.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 - presentation for grade 1, ideas, video

The first time - in the first class ... For many, going to the first class is remembered for a lifetime, because it is in childhood that emotions are experienced extremely vividly and strongly. Crossing the threshold of the school, first graders find themselves in a completely different world - new faces, environment, routine and daily routine. Therefore, the Peace Lesson on September 1 becomes a lesson-acquaintance with classmates, the primary school teacher and the school. What can be the subject of the first lesson on Knowledge Day - 2017? You can choose a variety of classroom topics for grade 1 students - “The history of our school”, “Famous graduates”, “Peace to the children of the whole world”. As a rule, at the Peace Lesson, the teacher reveals to the first graders the essence of the concept of "peace", talks about the importance of friendship between the peoples of the Earth, as well as the inadmissibility of war and violence. Of course, all this needs to be presented to children in a form accessible to their age, so the best solution would be a presentation - in the form of a slide show of thematic photographs, with the addition of poems and proverbs about the world, videos.

Presentation Ideas for Peace Lesson in Grade 1

When choosing a presentation topic for the Peace Lesson in Grade 1, it is important to convey to young listeners that peace is the most important and valuable thing on Earth. For their first lesson, children traditionally prepare drawings and pictures that the teacher can use for presentation. Thanks to modern technology, it is relatively easy to create a vivid presentation on a computer - with video and sound. Such an interesting Peace Lesson on September 1, 2017 will be remembered for a long time by first graders and everyone present at this festive class hour.

Peace lesson in elementary school September 1 - for students in grades 2, 3, 4

The first lesson on September 1, 2017 for elementary school students is traditionally dedicated to two holidays - Knowledge Day and Peace Day. Students in grades 2, 3 and 4 can be told that the world is extremely fragile and the duty of every person is to protect this highest value on Earth. Speaking of peace, it is impossible not to touch upon the topic of war, as well as the reasons that prompt humanity to such cruel bloody conflicts. By tradition, at every Peace Lesson in primary or secondary school, the theme of the Great Patriotic War is touched upon - in 2017 we celebrate its 72nd anniversary. In addition, even students in grades 2, 3 and 4 today heard about the war in Chechnya or the armed conflict in the East of Ukraine. Why do people start wars? Is it possible to resolve the issues that have arisen between the countries peacefully? With the help of presentations and thematic videos, the teacher will be able to answer these and many other important questions.

Conducting a Peace Lesson in 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade - ideas, videos

A classroom hour on the theme “Peace Lesson” for elementary school students is best spent in a playful way, according to the age of the children. So, it would be a great idea to prepare posters with poems and quotes from famous people about the world, thematic videos, presentations with slides and musical accompaniment. For better assimilation of the material in the first lesson on September 1 in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade, you can invite students to make a drawing or craft on a given topic with their own hands. For example, when revealing the theme of symbols of the world, the teacher gives the task - to make a white dove out of paper according to a pre-selected template. Students will then write a message about the world on their paper birds and attach them to a globe or world map. Thus, paper "pigeons" will become the heralds of peace and friendship between all peoples and countries of the Earth.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 - in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, video

For students of grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, Knowledge Day 2017 begins with a Peace Lesson, the purpose of which is to instill in the younger generation love for the Motherland, the ability to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, and the desire for peace. During the class hour, the teacher will tell about the history of the Knowledge Day holiday, officially established in 1984. When choosing materials for the lesson, you can pay attention to interesting historical versions of the origin of Knowledge Day - it is best to make a presentation with a video on this topic. So, high school students will be interested to know that September 21st was declared by the UN General Assembly as the International Day of Peace. On this day, hostilities cease all over the world, and at exactly noon local time, a minute of silence is announced in each country, designed to honor the memory of all those who died.

Ideas for the Lesson of Peace - 2017 in 5, 6 7, 8 grades of high school, poems

Today's realities are such that many children know about the war not only from books of bygone years. Pupils of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grades of secondary school are already fully formed personalities with their own views on various events in the world. Therefore, it is so important to preserve peace on the whole Earth for them, the people of the future. An interesting idea would be to hold a discussion at the Peace Lesson on the topic of modern armed conflicts, their causes and possible consequences for all mankind. What is the world? Schoolchildren express their opinion, and also read the poems learned by the class hour on the topic “Peace Lesson”.

Wherever you look -

Children, children, children!

All mankind is responsible for them!

But at night on all continents

Bombs toss and turn in hiding places.

There are so many of them on the planet -

The ground beneath them began to sag.

Where are they thinking of throwing them?

Wherever you throw -

Children, children, children!

Do not need many worlds -

We need only one.

In the fragrance of flowers

Calm and friendly.

Necessary for people

Friends, expanses, pages of books,

The wrinkles of our mothers

Children's fluffy eyelashes.

In labor, in the seething dream,

Unleashing the youthful forces

In struggle, in love - to the fullest

We will greedily enjoy the world.

So that the shadow of war does not eclipse the sun for us,

And so that for the happiness of all, to end it, -

Unite together people of the world

Even tighter, tighter and tighter.

People of good will are unanimous,

We stand up against the forces of war as a wall, -

And we won't let anyone in the world

Plunge the globe into the abyss of disasters.

Peace in every home, in every country!

The world is life on the planet!

The world is the sun on our Earth!

The world is for adults and children!

Class hour "Lesson of Peace" September 1, 2017 - in high school

In high school, the topic of the first lesson on September 1, 2017 is usually chosen as the most relevant - for example, "My future profession." For students in grades 9-11, the most important choice is ahead, which will affect the rest of their lives. Therefore, on Knowledge Day, you can organize a meeting of high school students with representatives of different professions and specialties who will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of their work. In order for the Peace Lesson to be remembered for a long time by high school students, it is important to organize the lesson correctly - to draw up a script or plan for a class hour. So, in grades 9-11, the efforts of school teachers should be aimed at educating the younger generation of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Peace Lesson in 2017 for students in grades 9-11 - recommendations of the Ministry of Education

Many who studied during the Soviet Union passed the TRP standards (readiness for work and defense), aimed at patriotic education of citizens of different ages. Starting from 2014, the TRP "returns" - thanks to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the first lesson in the new academic year for senior classes (grades 9-11) can be held precisely on the topic of the TRP, because today work in this direction is extremely important for the state and in general as a whole.

According to a long-established tradition, the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 will be held in all Russian schools. On the day of the beginning of the new school year, boys and girls of different ages will sit down at their desks and carefully listen to the material prepared by teachers about how important it is to maintain a peaceful life on the planet and what contribution each person can make to this great cause, from a first grader to a high school student and ending with adults.

It is better to choose the topic of the first lesson on September 1 for students of grade 1 of elementary school as simple and understandable as possible. It is appropriate to introduce the kids to the general meaning of the word "peace", talk about its main symbols and visually show them to the children in the form of bright, colorful posters. In addition to oral speech, you can show children a short video presentation. A visual video will help you concentrate on the topic and make it possible to better remember the information provided.

At the Peace lesson in high school, you can raise questions about the causes of wars on the planet and invite the children to discuss this topic. Let the students express their position and try to guess how best to avoid armed conflicts and what policy the state should pursue in order to prevent armed clashes on its territory.

With students of the 11th grade during the Peace lesson dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, it is worth discussing such modern concepts as "terrorism", "civil war" and "racial conflicts". The teacher must tell his wards that all people on earth have equal rights and it is categorically unacceptable to encourage their infringement. It is necessary to convey to schoolchildren that it is impossible to show aggression towards representatives of another nationality or religion. For clarity, these speeches should be supplemented with videos about the consequences of terrorist acts and the monstrous losses that civil wars lead to.

End the event on an optimistic note. To do this, it makes sense to include a video for children dedicated to friendship between different states, a calm, prosperous life and family values. After all, only such concepts as love, mutual understanding and tolerance will help restore everything that the war destroys and preserve the beautiful, but such a fragile peace on the planet.

How interesting and informative to hold a Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in grade 1 - ideas for a presentation

In order for the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in grade 1 to be successful and remembered by the children for a long time, you need to prepare a script in advance and think through every detail. Do not stretch the event for too long. It will be difficult for kids who crossed the school threshold for the first time to concentrate and sit in one place for a long time. It is better to limit yourself to the standard duration of the lesson, then the boys and girls will not get tired and will listen to the teacher with great attention. To enhance visibility, you can supplement oral speech with a suitable thematic presentation. Seven-year-olds already perfectly perceive visual images and remember video information much better than text.

Examples of presentations for the Peace lesson on Knowledge Day in grade 1

    • "Why do we need peace"- bright and impressive presentation. He talks in detail about the different meanings of the word "peace", describes its main symbols and shows how happily children live in those countries where there are no armed clashes. After watching the first graders think about what they personally could do for the sake of bringing peace to the whole planet and share their impressions of the film with the teacher and classmates. This contributes to the establishment of a warm, friendly atmosphere and encourages further communication.

    • "Children of the Earth" is a musical presentation developed as part of the World Without War art project. The song about peace is performed by a combined ensemble of the most talented children living in different countries. With touching and tender lines, young artists urge adults to become kinder and gentler, stop all wars on earth and save the planet for future generations.

September 1, 2017 in elementary school - the topic for the first lesson of Peace in grades 2, 3, 4

Where did the tradition of holding a Peace lesson on Knowledge Day come from, you can talk with elementary school students on September 1, 2017. After all, not all children from grades 2, 3 and 4 know that on the first day of autumn in the distant 1939, one of the bloodiest modern wars began - the Great Patriotic War. It was in memory of this terrible event that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation recommended that every year a Peace lesson be held in schools and, in an accessible, understandable form, acquaint the younger generation with the darkest pages of the history of their people.

During the event, schoolchildren are told about the most significant battles of World War II and shown slides with destroyed European cities. By this example, children learn to understand how much grief and horror any armed conflict brings with it and how important it is for every person to do everything to never allow such events to happen again.

What is the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 - ideas for holding an event

For students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 can be built in the form of a debate. The teacher will tell his wards about countries where wars are taking place even now, and children, instead of going to school and gaining knowledge, hide in basements, fall asleep to the sound of exploding shells and do not know if tomorrow will come for them. Separately, it is worth noting what a huge number of human casualties a change of regime in a state entails and how irresponsibly large, strong powers sometimes act, for the sake of their own ambitions and strengthening domination, trying at any cost to subdue, and sometimes even wipe out smaller ones from the face of the earth. , weak countries.

It is quite natural that in such a conversation the question will arise of how to avoid armed conflicts and return peace and prosperity to every home on earth. The teacher's answer will be quite simple and elementary. In order for life on the planet to become better, you must first change yourself. By cultivating tolerance for other people's opinions, respect for a different religion or other state system, each person takes a small step towards a more comfortable, calm and enjoyable life not only for his family, but for all people on the planet. This is not an easy and long way, but if you turn off it, at some point a catastrophe will surely happen and people will die again. Therefore, people should cultivate in themselves such qualities as kindness, understanding and love. Only guided by these generally accepted human values, we will be able to preserve our beautiful planet for future generations and will never come with weapons to the threshold of the house of our brothers and sisters.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 in high school - a rough lesson plan

In high school, at the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017, it is worth touching on the versatility of the concept of “peace” and asking boys and girls to describe their feelings from this word. Let the guys tell what, in their opinion, “peace”, “war”, “conflict” are different and what associations they cause.

Additionally, we can discuss such a modern threat as terrorism. This terrible phenomenon imperceptibly penetrates peaceful cities and, at the most unexpected moment, takes the lives of innocent children and adults. The whole horror lies in the fact that because of terrorism people cannot feel confident even in those countries that do not conduct military operations and show tolerance for representatives of other confessions and nationalities.

At the Peace lesson, it is appropriate to talk about the fact that sometimes people themselves provoke the emergence of various conflicts, ranging from domestic to ethnic ones. The teacher must convey to his wards that it is in no case unacceptable to show aggression towards representatives of other nationalities, laugh at a different skin color or speak disrespectfully about the religious characteristics of other faiths.

After all, sometimes one thoughtless word can leave a deep imprint in a person’s heart, which in the future will give rise to resentment and a desire to take revenge. To prevent this from happening, you must definitely restrain your emotions and think very well before speaking.

You need to end the class hour on a high, optimistic note, for example, with the whole class to sing some beautiful song about peace and friendship between peoples. Or watch a video clip about civilian peacekeeping missions, where representatives of different countries bring together medicines and humanitarian aid to states devastated by wars or victims of terrorist attacks. This will be a worthy finale of the Peace lesson and will show schoolchildren that together people can achieve a lot and even defeat the military threat.

September 1, 2017: The topic of the class hour should be dedicated to the TRP. People who studied in Soviet times still remember how this abbreviation stands for. But you can’t say the same about modern schoolchildren. To promote a healthy lifestyle and achievements in sports and personal growth, the TRP has been reintroduced in Russian schools since last year.

Since not everyone knows what the TRP means, it is required to tell schoolchildren about it. And, to do it in the most accessible and beautiful form. So that they really want to be ready for both work and defense. Today, the TRP is planned to be popularized again so strongly that schoolchildren want to receive badges, are purposeful and active not only in physical education classes within school walls, but also outside them. In honor of the holiday, you can cook.

Lesson One: Set Your Mind for Next Year

In the 2017-2018 school year, more than 16 million students across the country will return to school or re-enrol. September 1, 2017: The theme of the class hour in Moscow or another Russian city should be devoted to the readiness of young people for work and defense. For some, this still sounds like an old Soviet slogan. But, as you know, everything new is only well-forgotten old.

Of course, in addition to the one recommended by the Ministry of Education, teachers can choose their own topics for writing scenarios and presentations for the first class hour. These can be themes of war and peace, a healthy lifestyle, respect for elders. If you search on the Internet, even within the framework of our portal, you can find many interesting options for holding solemn first lessons.

Of course, it is especially important that the first lesson on September 1 be remembered by first graders. Many say that this day is, first of all, the holiday of first graders. They came to school for the first time and this, indeed, is not just their first lesson in the new academic year, but the first school lesson in life. This is not forgotten, especially if the teacher and parents have done everything to make the lesson interesting and unusual.

September 1, 2017: the theme of the class hour for the class teacher is recommended to devote to readiness for work and defense. But you can choose different topics and presentations at your discretion. Depending on the region, the interests of the class. The main thing is that the lesson should be unusual, festive and, of course, carry a lot of new interesting information.

So, on September 1, 2017: the topic of the classroom hour 3rd grade or another class can be any. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has given a list of recommended topics, but teachers are not put in a strict framework. At will and in agreement with the school administration, the topic of the first lesson in the new academic year for any class can be any. It is important that it is a carrier of educational and patriotic character. Do you know what to cook?

Accept congratulations!

We want to congratulate schoolchildren, their parents and, of course, teachers on the new 2017-2018 academic year. May this year bring new successes and achievements. Perhaps someone will like the standards and rules of the TRP so much that they will receive a gold, silver or bronze distinctive badge at the end of this year.

Readiness for work and defense

A lot of words have already been said about the TRP, and schoolchildren should understand that such a system for stimulating physical activity is not introduced just for the sake of a red word. Students who receive gold, silver and bronze badges will have special benefits and bonuses in the future when entering various higher educational institutions in the country.