Bronnikov's training manual exercises. Julia P., g

Date of Birth
Place of Birth

Ukraine, Feodosia




Bronnikov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich- the author of the "Bronnikov Method" (full name: "Harmonization and development of the functions of organs and systems of the human body") - a technique that allows you to develop your superpowers; developed and popularized by Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bronnikov. Superpowers purportedly include seeing through opaque objects without the aid of normal vision, alternate hearing, and supernatural cures for disease.

Method goals

The method of V. M. Bronnikov "Information Human Development" is aimed at acquiring the following abilities:

  • The ability to restore vitality, not to get tired, to withstand stress.
  • Increased reaction rate.
  • The inclusion of bodily functions that did not work before.
  • Self-liberation from pathologies.
  • Expanded memory capabilities.
  • New types of memory - photographic, "biocomputer".
  • The ability to conduct an "energy-informational" examination and correction of the vital activity of one's body and to help others in this.
  • The development of "energy structures" of the body.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Activation of blood circulation and the work of the autonomic nervous system.
  • A “biocomputer” way of seeing, allegedly allowing you to “see” the surrounding space based on a new property of the brain (without the direct participation of the eyes), to see all the “spaces”.
  • The ability to operate in the mind with large streams of information.
  • Objective knowledge of future events.

Some use the method to treat blindness and deafness (while claiming that patients acquire alternative vision and hearing), paralysis, and also in the hope of reducing insulin dependence and slowing the growth of complications in patients with diabetes.

According to the author, the method is based on simple principles, natural patterns and ancient knowledge about man. The basic principle is the activation of the "superconscious function" of the body and its development in harmony with the functions of consciousness and subconsciousness. First, according to the author, it is necessary to develop a certain set of sensations in your body and the ability to control them; then a screen appears in the brain before the eyes, on which any given images are created, as well as sensations, smells, tastes and much more; and in conclusion, a system of special exercises leads to an objective vision of color, shape and spatial orientation without the help of the eyes.

Discussion of the method in the scientific community

In 2002, employees of the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, led by N. P. Bekhtereva, conducted a study to check whether Bronnikov's students were really able to perceive images, provided that their eyes were covered with a mask of opaque material. And to the surprise of the scientific community, some of the authors of the study sensationally interpreted the experimental data as confirmation of the reality of this "direct vision" phenomenon. The results of the experiment were published in the journal "Human Physiology" and later discussed at a scientific seminar at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

This publication caused a wide resonance in the scientific community and even a discussion at a scientific seminar at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, at which scientists who put on a mask indignantly said that they see rays of light from under its edges. Discussions with colleagues prompted S. V. Medvedev, director of the Institute of the Human Brain, and his staff to develop a series of experiments in order to recheck the results of the initial study. As a result, all the main conclusions of the initial experiment were called into question, however, Medvedev refused to completely disavow the data of the initial study and stated that, in all likelihood, Bronnikov's students were able to see images in the infrared optical range. However, this statement did not at all satisfy most of the scientific community.

The chairman of the commission on pseudoscience, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Eduard Kruglyakov, calls Bronnikov's method an outright fraud. In the television program of the NTV company, according to him, during the installation, an exposé of the method was cut out. To this statement, Bekhtereva replied that she had verified this phenomenon.


In 1997, the Ogonyok magazine conducted a journalistic investigation, which showed that the "blindfold vision" technique was an ordinary fraud.

The method is also criticized by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Three functional systems

At the international symposium on the problems of the unconscious, held in Tbilisi in 1979, scientists divided the functional processes in the human body into subconscious, conscious and superconscious.
They correspond to three functional systems: subconsciousness (PS), consciousness (S) and superconsciousness (SS).

About the subconscious, i.e. about our physical body, everyone knows. Knowledge about this part of our body - cells, tissues, organs - fits into the framework of natural anatomy and physiology. The bodies of consciousness and superconsciousness are considered by abstract-logical anatomy. And if the body of the subconscious is in the material space, then the bodies of consciousness and superconsciousness are not manifested for us and are located in the non-material space. No one disputes the existence of this non-material, unmanifested world. Between the material and non-material spaces there is a connecting space, in the East called Bardo.

All functional human systems work as energy-informational structures.

The energy processes occurring at all levels of the subconscious organization (on the cellular, mineral, organismal, intellectual and social) form an energy field that has the shape of an apple. In a practically healthy person, the field radius is at least seven meters.

The central and peripheral nervous systems form an energy field that has the shape of an elongated oval (egg), and its height above the head in a practically healthy person is 60 cm.

If the parameters of the fields are below the norm, then this indicates a poor state of health. Weakened immune system, poor energy metabolism in the body.

The technique, using the tantric path of development (one person helps to activate the energy exchange of another person), allows you to develop energy structures, improve blood circulation, harmonize the work of the brain and the autonomic nervous system, strengthen immunity, which leads to a general improvement of the body.

The left hemisphere of the brain is dominantly connected with energy phenomena and its work is directed to the material space. Energy channels, acupuncture points and the activity of the left hemisphere are associated with the flow of energy into our body. If the flow of energy into the body is disturbed, pathology occurs.

The right hemisphere of the brain is associated with phenomena that carry information and are closely related to the intangible space, i.e. with our superconscious function. Artists, musicians, poets, writers are people. in which the right hemisphere is actively functioning, i.e. they receive information through their super consciousness from a single information field, which is a non-materialized space.

In general, the activity of the brain forms our consciousness, and the degree of development of our consciousness, and therefore the subconscious, and the whole organism as a whole depends on the harmonious work of both its hemispheres.

The inability to influence the balance of energy exchange leads to the emergence of pathology at various levels of the body, a person.

Based on the activation of the energy exchange of the brain and the whole body, it is possible to develop the subconscious, conscious and superconscious functions of the human body.

This will allow the body to be transferred from a passive, underdeveloped, uncontrollable state to an active, consciously controlled state, while creating a powerful healing effect, rejuvenation of organs, and this. eat. All people are able to fix the size and heterogeneity of the biofield.

Having gained sensitivity with the help of hands, you can measure the parameters of the energy field of the subconscious (PS) and the field of consciousness (C), determine the state of the body, feel the three functional systems.

By creating sensations of heaviness, you can learn to feel your subconscious body. By creating sensations of the movement of bioenergy - to feel the work of consciousness, and by creating sensations of lightness - to feel your superconscious function. Based on these sensations, the "inclusion" of the three bodies of the body is diagnosed.


1. A step of theory is a step of practice based on regularities, moreover, you must first know, and then be able, not vice versa.
But any achievement may be untimely: a first-grader can be shown how mammals breed - but is he ready for this?

2. Optimal gradation in achieving knowledge and skills.
But any theoretical and practical experience can be used to the detriment of imprudence.

3. The presence of a powerful, tough and proven safety technology. From thoughts, words, to actions and influences of energy and physical.
But by dividing the course into stages, and insuring oneself and others from the opening, one can offer a system in which a person will approach the first milestones of necessary achievements only at the end of his life.

4. Achieve the required results in the shortest possible time.
But deadlines can give prohibitive loads.

5. Constant verification of the objectivity of the choice of load mode and safety in close cooperation with the most advanced science, the latest instrumental research, accompanying groups of students with the necessary specialists and consultants.
However, the best method with the best technique of suffering from mistakes, if quickly shown, can quickly be forgotten.

6. Optimal number of classes and thorough consolidation of skills.
But even a well-established skill can atrophy in the absence of the opportunity or need for its application and development.

7. Not to be isolated in the loneliness of superpowers, but to form a variety of application of the method in various fields of activity (and, consequently, increase the number of consumers) and create a club system of communication - a new comfortable highly organized environment for trained or willing to gain knowledge of children and adults.
However, are there really so few comfortable, organized and even protected structures that call to replenish their ranks? How long will they last? How much do they need Society, Nature, Cosmos?

8. His plans are carefully inscribed in the most intimate and global tasks of the Cosmos, Nature and Man. And this process is accompanied and protected.
But how many of those who talked about excellent plans and counted on the assistance and protection of powerful forces were crushed and overturned? “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” folk wisdom warns.

9. Go slowly, modestly and carefully, more often holding the process in the role of "yin" - a bride who simply demonstrates, and does not impose herself: whoever likes it, will come to meet.
It is said: "Save yourself - save others." But how can one person transferring knowledge, an idea, or even a small group, realize such a plan in detail?

10. Many must gather.
It is necessary to offer knowledge to everyone, to help everyone to reveal themselves, to find their role, place and purpose in the overall process.

General safety precautions and basic rules for performing exercises of the Bronnikov Method

1. All exercises are performed with open eyes (otherwise specified in the text).
2. All movements are made clockwise.
3. The student must correctly correct his consciousness: be in the position of an observer, concentrate on the sensations of energy, compare them in various exercises and report to the teacher.
4. The control word when performing the exercises is the Student's clear answer "is", which indicates a confident position of consciousness.
5. The student and teacher should not use thought forms, work only with energy.
6. If pain or other seemingly negative manifestations occur, reduce the time for doing exercises, or stop for a while. It must be remembered that there is a process of activation of energy exchange in the body, various parts of the brain are included in the work, the body goes into an active state. In the process of development, negative reactions will disappear.

From the transcript of the educational film "LESSONS OF VYACHESLAV BRONNIKOV. 1st step"


V.M. - The first step consists of 144 exercises. But in this 1st stage of training, we give only the basic, basic, fundamental exercises that allow us to develop in a person the so-called superconscious function or the third signal system. Some qualities of sensation that allow you to give completely new amazing opportunities.
The whole cycle of exercises has the goal of preparing our body for new processes in the brain. This means preparation for the development of various forms of virtual vision, holographic consciousness, telepathic abilities, and so on. But without such a development, the development of our body, the development of such systems, primarily the brain, this is basically impossible. Or with ignorance, in the absence of knowledge, a person leads himself to various forms of pathology. Therefore, we have safety at the heart of ...

The first requirement for the implementation of our exercises. This is basically all exercises performed only with open eyes. Because you perfectly, probably already understood that when a person closes his eyes, the brain is de-energized. Until certain qualities are developed, we demand that the eyes be opened.

Second. All exercises should be performed only as long as you feel a pleasant normal state. Already unpleasant states have gone, overloads must be stopped. Thirdly. Be sure to work in pairs. Being with someone is very important. Just like a person breathes in and out. When a student is being worked on, it can be compared to breathing in. When he is with someone - with an exhalation. That is, you need to be able to work. It is important that they work with you, and you work with someone.

Being engaged in our exercises, you will notice how step by step you will have more and more new sensations. You will begin to feel these vital forces, these processes, this biofield, this bioenergy. Don't worry. All this will come to you the more you practice.


NeoHealth and NeoEnergy online course Level 1

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Online Course Syllabus - Level 1:

Module 1. Immersion in the world of supersenses

Module 1-01 Introduction
Module 1-02 About the workbook. What is a workbook for?
Module 1-03 History of the Bronnikov School
Module 1-04 Theoretical aspects of the 1st stage. Step 1,2,3
Module 1-05 2nd theoretical aspect. "The structure of your biofield"
Module 1-06 How best and fastest is self-development
Module 1-07 3rd paragraph of the theory "Energy Flows"
Module 1-08 Safety
Module 1-09 Testing - Safety
Module 1-10 Hand Friction Exercise
Module 1-11 Exercise "BALL" ("Ball")
Module 1-12 Meaning of the ball exercise
Module 1-13 Beam Exercise
Module 1-14 Exercise "Heavy" and Exercise "Lightness"
Module 1-15 Mark the completed exercises in the workbook
Module 1-16 Questions and Answers for Module 1
Module 1-17 Homework #1
Module 1-18 Additional description of the exercises in Module 1
Module 1-19 Audio file of the entire Module 1
Module 1-20 Module 1 final report

Module 2. Awakening of energy and supersenses

Module 2-01 Testing - before starting Module 2
Module 2-02 Review
Module 2-03 Exercise "Movement of sensations in a small circle"
Module 2-04 Exercise "Dry Tibetan massage". Theory and practice.
Module 2-05 Vertical pumping exercise
Module 2-06 The Secret of Learning Effectiveness
Module 2-07 Exercise: Specifying Field Options
Module 2-08 Questions and Answers for Module 2
Module 2-09 Homework #2
Module 2-10 Additional description of the exercises in Module 2
Module 2-11 Audio file of the entire Module 2
Module 2-12 Module 2 final report

Module 3

Module 3-01 Testing - before starting Module 3
Module 3-02 Review
Module 3-03 Theoretical aspect. What is the "Point of Orientation of Consciousness"?
Module 3-04 Theoretical aspect. "Three Spaces"
Module 3-05 Exercise "Moving sensations in a large circle"
Module 3-06 Dragon Exercise
Module 3-07 Bell Exercise - Lower Bell
Module 3-08 Upper Bell Exercise
Module 3-09 Important comments. What should be the feeling
Module 3-10 Complete the Workbook in the Required Areas
Module 3-11 Questions and Answers for Module 3
Module 3-12 Homework #3
Module 3-13 Additional description of the exercises in Module 3
Module 3-14 Audio file of the entire Module 3
Module 3-15 Module 3 final report

Module 4

Module 4-01 Testing - before starting Module 4
Module 4-02 Reviewing the exercises
Module 4-03 Energy Surge Exercise
Module 4-04 Independently perform the exercise "Splash" 5-10 times
Module 4-05 Eye Pumping Exercise
Module 4-06 Head pump exercise
Module 4-07 Complete the Workbook in the Required Areas
Module 4-08 Questions and Answers for Module 4
Module 4-09 Homework #4
Module 4-10 Additional description of the exercises of Module 4
Module 4-11 Audio file of the entire Module 4
Module 4-12 Module 4 final report

Module 5

Module 5-01 Testing - before starting Module 5
Module 5-02 Reviewing the exercises
Module 5-03 Accordion exercise
Module 5-04 Splash through the crown exercise
Module 5-05 Splash through the whole body. Splash through body parts
Module 5-06 Cocoon Exercise
Module 5-07 Anatomical Atlas Work Exercise
Module 5-08 Complete the Workbook in the Required Areas
Module 5-09 Questions and Answers for Module 5
Module 5-10 Homework #5
Module 5-11 Additional description of the exercises in Module 5
Module 5-12 Audio file of the entire Module 5
Module 5-13 Module 5 Final Report

Module 6

Module 6-01 Testing - before starting Module 6
Module 6-02 Reviewing the exercises
Module 6-03 Theoretical material. "How to eat right"
Module 6-04 Vladimir's experience
Module 6-05 Activating phantom senses. Situation Design Scheme
Module 6-06 Horizontal pumping exercise
Module 6-07 Additions to the exercise "Horizontal pumping"
Module 6-08 Complete the workbook in the correct areas
Module 6-09 Questions and Answers for Module 6
Module 6-10 Homework #6
Module 6-11 Additional description of the exercises in Module 6
Module 6-12. Audio file of the entire Module 6
Module 6-13 Module 6 Final Report

Module 7

Module 7-01 Testing - before starting Module 7
Module 7-02. Repetition of completed exercises
Module 7-03 Theory - Should I mix food and energy during exercise
Module 7-04 Breathing Thought Exercise
Module 7-05 How to relieve a headache: theory and practice
Module 7-06 How to diagnose an employee using the 1st step?
Module 7-07 First aid
Module 7-08 Application of the method in sports
Module 7-09 Improve Your Vision
Module 7-10 Theory - How to GIVE and TAKE things correctly
Module 7-11 Practice - How to Give Things Properly
Module 7-12 Practice - How to take things correctly
Module 7-13 Q&A for Module 7
Module 7-14 Homework #7
Module 7-15 Additional description of the exercises in Module 7
Module 7-16 Audio file of the entire Module 7
Module 7-17 Module 7 final report

Module 8

Module 8-01 Testing - before starting Module 8
Module 8-02. Repetition of completed exercises
Module 8-03. "Work on abstract logical schemes (models)"
Module 8-04. Theory - Turning on the Inner Vision Screen
Module 8-05. Practice - Working with "Turn on the Inner Vision Screen"
Module 8-06. Difficulty doing the exercise?
Module 8-07. What can be an obstacle to the development of vision?
Module 8-08. Complete the workbook in the required areas
Module 8-09. Q&A for Module 8
Module 8-10. Additional description of the exercises in Module 8
Module 8-11. Homework #8
Module 8-12. Scheme of application of exercises of the 1st step in everyday life
Module 8-13. Audio file of the entire Module 8
Course Finals - Your final results
Get a finalist certificate
What's next?

Online learning format

2 Activate your study at ANY TIME (there is no time reference).
You can activate your studies immediately after payment, or in a week, a month, etc.

3 You are assigned a PERSONAL CURATOR who will answer all your questions online.
All our curators are certified specialists of the Method, with more than 10 years of experience and practice.

5 All additional questions ask the curator, the answers will be sent to your email.
See the most interesting questions and answers for each topic of all participants

6 Keep a special diary in which you mark all your intermediate results

Each exercise is shown in great detail in the video.
Pair exercises are shown how to perform alone.

After each module, you will be required to take a test (Safety),
until you pass the test, the system will not give you access to the following modules.

You ask any question to the Instructor Curator and the answers will be sent to your email.
If necessary, the curator can even call you.

A questionnaire will be available to you - with questions and answers from other users.
In the process of training, you keep a special diary, where you note all the changes in your body.

What will you learn and what will you get as a result?

You will master a 20-year-old system for quickly and effectively restoring your health. After training, you will live: without drugs, ailments, chronic fatigue syndrome, apathy, "autumn blues". Get rid of headaches, pressure, migraines, heaviness and spasms. Significantly reduce the dose of hormonal drugs and even eliminate them completely. You will be able to quickly recover from an injury (fracture, sprain, surgery and other injuries).

You will greatly strengthen your immune system, central nervous system, cardiovascular, digestive and genitourinary systems. The result will be noticeable after passing the first module, and if the recommendations are followed, a guaranteed sustainable health effect will be achieved.

Strengthen and expand your biofields. You will feel a positive result immediately in all areas of life. The field measurement is taken at the beginning and at the end of the online training, and you can compare the result yourself.

Learn how to work with abstract logic diagrams to quickly achieve your goals (work with the design space). You will have a lot of free energy, which will be enough to realize your goals and fulfill your desires.

Your general sensitivity will increase several times. Memory, attention and concentration will improve, reaction speed will increase.

The level of intuition will improve significantly. Learn to direct the energy flow into space to your advantage.

Bad habits will automatically "leave" you. It will happen by itself without any extra effort.

Prepare yourself for the Opening of Inner Vision (turning on the PBC)

You will learn to constantly be in an inner state of joy and peace. Your relationships with family, friends and colleagues at work will be strengthened for the better.

You will be like an ambulance - you will be able to help solve health problems for your friends and children. You can diagnose yourself and others as you wish.

You will feel and control your Axis of Spirit, which will give you unlimited opportunities in life force and purpose.

Each Step 1 exercise or any part of it
has its own area of ​​influence on the body.

"Head pumping"
- this is an increase in energy exchange directly to the head.

"Vertical pumping"- work to increase the flow of vertical flows through a person (solar and cosmic energy).

"Horizontal pumping"- active collection of energy by all cells and tissues.

"The Dragon"- self-intensification of vertical flows of solar and cosmic energy (the difference between "Vertical pumping" and "Dragon" is that at the initial stage one person helps another to expand the channels of energy flow).

"Bell" (top and bottom)- work with valves: upper and lower, which help energy enter inside our body.

"Dry Tibetan massage"- activation of the work of the channels of the arms and legs, increased movement of energy along the ring of immortality (along the small cosmic orbit - along the posterior and anterior median meridians) - thereby improving the flow of energy through all internal organs.

Knowing which exercise affects which area, you can use this exercise (partially or completely) in any critical situation, provide quick first aid.

Your benefits

  • CONVENIENTLY: You can study at any time from anywhere in the world. Our online courses have been designed with
    that you will do it yourself at home and we guarantee you that you will succeed!
    The main thing is that you have the Internet (4G is enough) and a computer / tablet / phone

  • FAVORABLE: You can take the course with the whole family, with colleagues, friends.
    Children also learn this material very well.

  • BEFORE RESULT: We support you until the final victory, until you master Step 1
    and don't get the results we claim

  • WITH GUARANTEE: Refund of the amount paid within 30 days from the date of payment
    at any of your requirements, if you decide that this online course was not for you.

Practical results of the course:

Elena M.

Tamara W.

At the end of the course, the state of the cardiovascular system improved (although I did not work with it separately), i.e. gone arrhythmia, bragicardia, etc. pressure returned to normal, unpleasant sensations from the joints disappeared, and working capacity increased.
2. Ease, mobility (activity) appeared, the working day can last from 6 hours to 24 hours. There are new topics for discussion with his wife (to do healing). Perhaps this is our purpose.
3. The initial goals have been achieved, and the final ones will apparently be achieved at the end of the 2nd and 3rd courses.
4. The results of healing are only with children and relatives: the adenoma has decreased or gone (ultrasound has not been done yet), but the adenoma does not interfere with well-being (son, brother), inflammation of the lymph node, toothache (second son), the flu disappeared on the 3rd day (daughter), ceased to torment constant problems with the throat (second daughter) despite the cold.
5. I really liked the online format, since we studied in our free time, it is very comfortable, we were not tied to a place or time. And the curator Olya, well, just a wonderful woman answered and gave explanations to all our questions. Not a single question was left without attention.
6. All expectations were justified, I thank all the organizers of the course, especially Vladimir.
7. We have already purchased the 2nd stage course. We are going to start working soon.

Victor D., Armavir, 62 years old

I heard about the method of Vladimir Bronnikov for a long time and as soon as the opportunity presented itself, I immediately started at the 1st Step. First of all, because of poor eyesight. I completed the course in two months, I liked the online format: it disciplines and at the same time does not distract from current affairs. It was nice to feel the care of the whole team - from Vladimir to the technical support manager, not to mention the curator Olga. All great fellows, thank you very much for the results of my training. Vision has noticeably improved and there is confidence that I can restore it to normal. I feel a surge of strength and replenishment of knowledge regarding my own potential. Strengthened in the desire to continue the comprehension of their capabilities on the 2nd Stage. It is no coincidence that at the end I had a partner, which increases the effectiveness of the exercises at times. From the side of the environment, I also observe changes for the better: aggressive-minded people have disappeared, there is more peace and good prospects in life.

Dina D., Almaty, 62 years old

1) I took the course of Vladimir Bronnikov 1 step. After completing the course, I removed the pain in my knees, fell more than a year ago and my knees hurt a lot, there was even a time that it was very painful to walk. And I began to breathe with a thought through my knee and ... the pain disappeared. And more importantly, my memory has improved. In the summer, I began to study one course and could not master it, re-read and reviewed the video several times. I had to leave this idea. After the course, Bronnikova began to study again. It's a completely different matter, it's amazing how it didn't work out for me then. It's like I'm looking at it all with different eyes.
2) There is more energy. If earlier by the evening there were no forces, now there is more than enough energy.
3) There was a desire to do healing, and now my husband and I are already starting to do this. So far only on relatives, children and grandchildren. But I have already agreed with my friends that we need to start practicing further.
4) My husband and I have become closer to each other, understanding has come. We do the exercises together and discuss the results. There are results. My daughter called from out of town. Haemorrhoids. I worked (it was in the evening). The next day I call, says the pain is gone. Fixed a few more times. I worked with my grandchildren when they had a sore throat and a fever. There were also results, after a day there was an improvement.
5) I really liked the online format, since we studied in our free time, it is very comfortable, since we are not tied to a place or time. Satisfied with everything.
6) Expectations were justified, I thank all the organizers of this course.

Lyudmila P., Armavir, 61 years old

My sensations from the body and from the body are excellent. It seems to me that I began to get sick and catch a cold less. And in November she caught a little cold, but in two days without pills and on tea with ginger she became like a cucumber. this has never happened!!! Plus, I go to fitness and do regular exercises and therefore I feel cheerful, active. I love your online course, especially the way you encourage me to work without letting me take the next step without a task. If this were not the case, a great chance to stop. I plan to continue, of course. It's a pity, my family laughs at me a little, and it upsets me a little ...

Natalia D., Samara, 41 years old

Passed the first stage of training, very interesting and exciting.
The first sensations of energy caused a storm of emotions and surprise! During the course, I noticed that the sensations weakened a little, the ball was not so strong and “elastic”. But when I did the exercises in pairs, I felt the energy several times stronger. After pumping the head, he restored, normalized the pressure. I tried to eliminate the headache by restoring the field structure, I was pleasantly surprised that everything works!
Thank you very much for teaching, now I will master the second step. I hope to learn how to project my future life, embody my ideas and improve my standard of living.

Andrey B., Velikiye Luki, 28 years old

Julia P., Toronto

… if you are still in doubt:

We extended the course for 2 months - July and August.
My friend has had a stunning success! After a bunch of tests, pills, treatments, and an urgent need for surgery (without going into details, at the age of 35, without children, hearing the prospect of being completely infertile is like hearing a posthumous verdict, she was ready for anything!) So - she is already 18 weeks pregnant! That is, almost immediately after we finished the course with her, she became pregnant! Huge thanks on her behalf!

And in our family, the most interesting things began to happen for 2 months. My youngest child, who is 8 years old, is autistic and spoke only a few words by the beginning of the course. Seeing my workouts, he immediately joined the process, and now he absolutely masterfully does all types of pumping for me and my husband, and for all those who, in his opinion, need it. That is, he opened a "vision" of internal processes in people. And he very often makes his diagnosis, which is then confirmed by doctors. For example, through a drawing (otherwise it was difficult for him at that time) he explained to my friend that she had poor eyesight. She never paid any attention to it. But after 2 days she came running to us with this drawing and said that she suddenly realized that she really did not see well, and she had -2 in both eyes.
So our greatest achievement is that now, 4 months later, my son has become completely free to talk. The teachers at his school are simply delighted with the speed with which he develops his speech. And if in September we worked with him on the structure of phrases in 3 words, now we are working on the most difficult sounds to pronounce, since he speaks almost fluently. Here is such a success! It also regularly reminds me that I need to constantly practice and consolidate the acquired skills. And he made me go to level 2. Starting next week for Stage 2!

With the online course, you also receive
bonus gifts for 27,500 rubles!

Bonus: Anatomical atlas of Vladimir Bronnikov 1000 rubles.

Bonus: VIP part of the Vision course, 2,900 rubles.

Bonus: Video course “Healthy family without bad habits”, 2,900 rubles.

Bonus: A collection of additional virtual stories for working on Stage 2, 2,900 rubles

technology,Author of methods for developing the hidden abilities of the brain and healing the body.

  • For more than 8 years, he conducted research at the "Institute of the Human Brain" under the guidance of N.P. Bekhtereva, during which the phenomenon of "Direct Vision of the Brain" was discovered.
  • Since the age of 9 I have been using Direct Vision, I have been conducting non-device diagnostics of the state of health of the human body. Accompanied more than 150 operations under the leadership of Pashkevich V.I.
  • I personally work with well-known businessmen, politicians and large companies.
  • More than 60 documentaries, participant in programs on Channel One, NTV, TV3, Ren-TV, Radio Russia, Mayak.

  • How long will my online training last?

    The course program is designed that you will take 2 modules per week, for a total of 8 modules in 1 month.

    However, you can complete the entire course twice as fast or twice as slow - you choose your own comfortable schedule for completing the online course. We have no reference to time.

    How much time per day should be spent on training

    On average, it will take about 2 hours to review and study each module.

    Any questions write in the comments below!

    Direct vision with the brain - Bronnikov's system - Exercises.


    Starting position: The student lies on his stomach, arms are located along the body, relaxed.

    Execution Method:
    1. The Teacher should activate the center associated with the cellular level (in the navel area) for the Student: by smoothing movements of both palms, contact this center of the Student and with short and smooth strokes raise the energy with the palms upwards “fountain” to the height of the outstretched arms. After that, you should smoothly return to the same center. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times until active sensations of energy density appear in the hands.
    2. Having captured the sensations of energy from the center, with stretching vortex-like movements of the hands, divert the energy flow towards the Student’s legs, moving away from him at a distance of 5-7 meters, make movements similar to “fluffing a feather bed”, thereby activating the energy with vortex-like movements of the hands 3-5 times. Without stopping the movement of the hands, return to the Student.
    3. Next, you should perform energy activation complexes, as described in paragraph 2, in the direction of the left side, head and right side of the Student.
    4. Make contact with the center and direct the energy flow up the spine up to the head, after which the Student must roll over onto his back. Capture the energy flow from the head, direct it with stroking movements to the center in the navel area and reactivate the energy with a “fountain”.
    5. Then, activating the energy of the Student, the Teacher alternately, as it were, “stretches” it in four directions: head, left side, right side, legs. The movements are carried out according to the scheme described in paragraph 2 of this exercise. Further, moving clockwise, with smoothing movements of the hands, the Teacher tries to harmonize and condense the field of the Student. If pain or discomfort occurs, the exercise should be reduced or stopped. As the sensations develop, the load on the Student should be increased.
    The meaning of the exercise: In the body, energy is activated at the cellular level, the respiratory, immune, and hematopoietic systems are strengthened.


    Starting position: Teacher and Student stand facing each other at a distance of 50 cm, their hands are at shoulder level, palms forward, elbows bent.

    Execution Method:
    Rub the palms of the hands, gently swinging them back and forth, contact with energy. Capturing the sensations with your hands. The student moves away at a distance of 5-7 meters. After that, it works as a "receiver" of sensations. The Teacher makes smooth movements with his hands back and forth at chest level and with an exhalation mentally sends an energy flow from his palms to the palms of the Student, with an inhalation he receives the reflected signal. The exercise is performed alternately with the right and left hand, then together with both hands. Then the Teacher and the Student change places.


    Starting position: Having rubbed the palm of the hand to heat, raise it above the object (table, chair seat, etc.) by 50-70 cm.
    Execution Method:
    1. Slowly lower your hand, the palm is tense, attention is focused on the feeling of compression of the energy field between the hand and the object. Having touched the surface with the palm of your hand, slowly raise your hand, feeling how the energy field resists its separation. Having well fixed the sensations that have arisen, turn off your attention from the superconscious function and feel how all the sensations immediately disappeared. In the future, for training, it is necessary to use any everyday situations, creating and breaking energy contact with various objects at different distances.
    2. Create energy contact with the object with the palm of your hand at a distance of 2-3 meters. Mentally send a stream of energy from the palm of your hand to an object and try to feel the reflected energy stream in the form of a push, prickling, etc.
    3. With eyes closed, with the help of a “virtual hand”, feel a touch on the walls of the room, determine the distance to them. By imagining the rays of energy coming out of the body, reflected from surrounding objects, to develop a sense of space.