Bauman Moscow State Technical University is the leading university of the country. Pages of history of Moscow Higher Technical School named after Bauman

Bauman Technical University (MSTU) is one of the most prestigious Russian universities. Its history began in 1826, when, by decree of the Empress, an educational institution was created for the orphaned children of Russian subjects. Today, the Bauman Moscow State Technical University is a university whose diploma provides an excellent opportunity to find a well-paid job both in Russia and abroad. The history, divisions and branches of the famous university are the topic of the article.


The history of the university began in the twenties of the XIX century. It was established by decree of Empress Maria Feodorovna, and received special development under Nicholas I. Already in the early thirties, the educational institution began to focus on teaching technical disciplines. The official year of foundation is 1930. Then the famous MSTU named after Bauman was called quite differently - the Moscow Craft Educational Institution. This name remained until 1968.

In 1843, Moscow newspapers vied with each other about the successes of the first MRUZ graduates. The press spoke about the achievements of former students of the Moscow School, who, after completing a full course of practical and theoretical training, worked for several years in the factory sector, and then began to manage factories themselves. There were not so many graduates of this educational institution then, compared to the number of lucky ones who today annually receive diplomas from Bauman Moscow State Technical University. And because the factories were enough for everyone.

Imperial Moscow Technical School

The future Bauman Moscow State Technical University acquired this name in 1868. The status of "imperial" was assigned quite rarely and obligated to a lot. Such a title was not given to the ordinary. IMTU, along with several similar institutions (of which there were very few in the country at that time), was called upon to train engineers for domestic industrial enterprises. The fact is that in the middle of the nineteenth century, mainly foreigners worked in this area. Highly qualified Russian personnel were required, for the preparation of which a unique educational system was created at IMTU. By the end of the century, the educational institution reached the European level. Moreover, it has been ranked among the best polytechnic schools in the world.

Moscow Higher Technical School

The events of 1917 could not but affect the history of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. A year later, Moscow again became the capital, devastation began in the country, the Bolsheviks came to power. All this had a negative impact on the education system. The number of students dropped sharply in all institutions, including the Moscow Higher Technical School - that was the name of the legendary "Baumanka" at that time. By the way, the name was changed again in 1930. For thirteen years, the university was called the Mechanical Engineering Institute. Bauman. It is worth saying a few words about the person after whom the best technical university in the capital is named.

Nikolai Ernestovich Bauman

This man was not a great scientist. He was one of those who were infected by the revolutionary spirit of freedom. Bauman was born in 1873, studied at the Kazan gymnasium, where he became interested in Marxist literature. At the beginning of the century, Bauman was exiled to the Vyatka province. Then, according to revolutionary tradition, he fled to Germany, where he met Lenin. Nikolai Bauman died in 1905, not having lived to see important events in the history of the country and having never visited the walls of the educational institution that bears his name for more than half a century.

After the war

The Nazi army was defeated. The country had to be raised from the ruins, which is impossible in the conditions of a backward industry. New personnel were needed - qualified engineers. It was also worth strengthening the armament, so that no one else would have the idea to set foot on Soviet soil with their enemy's boot. New faculties were opened at MSTU (then MVTU). In addition, work began on space exploration. In 1948, the Faculty of Rocket Engineering was established at the Higher Technical School, the history of which is closely connected with the name of such an outstanding scientist as Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

But the changes affected not only the structure of the university, but also the student body. All-Union proletarianization dictated the conditions that, above all, the best universities in the country had to comply with. Difficult times began in the life of MVTU teachers. After all, they were used to completely different students and did not know how to work with practically illiterate students. The representatives of the proletariat at the workers' faculty constituted an absolute majority. With the students of this faculty, created back in the twenties, teachers have developed complex relationships, as evidenced by numerous essays on the history of Baumanka. Nevertheless, the university survived this difficult period. Every year it strengthened its scientific base and much later, in the mid-nineties, it officially became one of the valuable objects of Russia's cultural heritage.

One can talk endlessly about the history of Moscow Technical University. A book would not be enough to cover this topic. But it is also worth paying attention to the units that are available at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.


  • Fundamental Sciences.
  • Radio electronics and laser technology.
  • Informatics and control system.
  • Special engineering.
  • Robotics and
  • Engineering business and management.
  • Machine-building technologies.
  • Power engineering.
  • Biomedical technology.
  • Linguistics.
  • Social and human sciences.
  • International educational programs.
  • Physical culture and health.

Today, the university employs more than three thousand teachers. Since 2012, the rector of the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman is A.A. Aleksandrov.


The main building of the university is divided into two parts and is located at: st. 2nd Baumanskaya, house 5. building 1. Communication between divisions is carried out on the second, third and fourth floors. MSTU also has an educational and laboratory building, opened not so long ago - in 2004. This event became a kind of symbol of the revival of Russian science. The university also includes the Robotics Research Center and three buildings, one of which is located in the city of Krasnogorsk.

The Moscow State Technical University has two branches: in Kaluga and Dmitrov.

Lyceum at Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman

The buildings of this educational institution are located in the south of Moscow. The goal of the Lyceum at MSTU is in-depth training in mathematics, physics and computer science for students in grades 7-11. It was founded in 1989 and then was known as school number 1180 at the famous technical university. Until 2006, only graduate students studied here.

Education here is free, but in the eighth and tenth grade, lyceum students take transfer exams in physics and mathematics. In the last year of study, students undergo practical training at MSTU. Most of them become students of this university, having successfully passed the entrance exams.

Teaching physics in the lyceum is carried out in the form of practical classes, lectures and laboratory work. The mathematics program includes the standard school course and the foundations of higher mathematics. Of the total number of hours for which two-year training is calculated, one third is devoted to lectures.

Them. N. E. Bauman, today is the largest university where highly qualified engineers are trained. It was at MSTU that a unique system of preparing students for work at large technical enterprises was developed, which has no analogues in the whole world.

The main principle that the university adheres to is aimed at the formation of personnel capable of serving high-tech and advanced scientific industries. We are talking about working with information and telecommunication systems, nanotechnologies, energy-saving materials, aerospace and living systems.

Why is Baumanka so popular?

Bauman University is a member of the famous university diploma valid even abroad. Employers of all countries of the world willingly accept Baumanka graduates, as they have knowledge of the international standard. MSTU is a member of an international association that trains leading industrial managers in Europe.

MSTU graduates are also in demand on the Russian labor market. A few years ago, the university won the competition for the development of innovative education programs, so graduates are aware of all the latest in the technical field. The university has been awarded by the government of the Russian Federation for its huge contribution to Russian education.

Bauman University has two branches: Dmitrovsky and Kaluga. Each of them has representative offices of the MSTU faculty, so you can apply to these institutions too. At the same time, the graduate diploma will also include MSTU, which will increase the chances of looking for work abroad.

The main divisions of MSTU

Bauman University, whose faculties annually accept applications from several tens of thousands of applicants, continues to develop rapidly. Now there are 19 full-time faculties on the territory of the institution, each of which has a large number of departments.

Since MSTU is a technical university, the highest preference is given to the relevant specialties. At the moment, the following technical faculties are open here: engineering business and management, computer science and control systems, engineering technologies, radio electronics and laser technology, robotics and special engineering, fundamental sciences and power engineering.

Bauman University: faculties and specialties of the second order

MSTU also meets those applicants who are not too eager to work in production, offering them secondary specialties. At the moment, the university has the following faculties: biomedical technology, linguistics, social and human sciences, sports and recreation, law, intellectual property and forensic examination.

Also, Bauman University, whose faculties and specialties require great dedication from students, has its own military institute, which is why students in this case have nothing to fear that they can be called up for service in the middle of the academic year. In addition, even if one of the university graduates wants to join the army, he will serve as an officer, not as a private.

Branch faculties of the university

Special attention deserves faculties that immediately train specialists for various industries: aerospace, instrument-making, optoelectronic instrumentation, radio engineering, rocket and space technology. Training is carried out within the framework of a special unit of the university - GUIMC (the head educational, research and methodological center), where persons with disabilities can study.

At the same time, students of these faculties will eventually receive specialties that are taught in the main departments of the university. A similar system operates with GUIMC. Thus, the university provides an opportunity to get an education for everyone, regardless of any restrictions.

MSTU and partners

The university is engaged in innovative developments in the technical field with the support of the largest research centers and educational institutions around the world. The Korean Institute of Science and Technology, the universities of Montreal and Illinois, the Beijing Institute of IT and many other universities of the world cooperate with Bauman University.

Exchange programs have been operating between MSTU and foreign partners for a long time. About two hundred students each year go to universities in Europe and the USA to get additional skills, while foreign students are also frequent guests of Baumanka. Foreigners most often cooperate with the Faculty of Linguistics, it is with the help of its teachers and students that specialists from different countries manage to establish common contact.

Bauman University, whose faculties and specialties are very popular all over the world, continues to expand. The university management believes that it is necessary to develop humanitarian and applied areas, in connection with this, it is planned to open several more auxiliary faculties and departments.

MSTU: passing score

Every year, information on admission to Bauman University (passing score, competition conditions and the number of budget places) changes. The passing score should be called the average indicator obtained as a result of adding up all the exams passed by the applicant and required for admission. This score can also be obtained by adding up all the results of the exam with the result of the internal exam.

In 2013, the passing score at Baumanka was 225 points, this year the situation has not changed. From year to year, the indicators decrease, the general average in subjects should be equal to 75, this is enough for admission. The university is quite sparing towards potential applicants, it is quite possible to enter the Moscow State Technical University.

Some faculties have the right to arrange additional tests, in addition to the exam, which are taken by applicants after school. It is recommended to clarify in advance the presence or absence of such exams in the admission committee of the university, which works from mid-May to the end of August. In April-May, Moscow State Technical University is also held, where each potential student can ask all his questions.

Faculties and their features

Bauman University, whose faculties have already graduated more than 400 thousand specialists, focuses on technical professions. As a rule, the passing score there is much higher than usual. For example, for admission to the specialty "Ground transport and technological means" you must have an average score of 250.

Among technical specialties, the lowest passing score is now observed at the Faculty of Optoelectronic Instrumentation - 173. To enter there, you need to pass the Russian language, mathematics and physics. The cost of education here is also lower than at other faculties - 180 thousand rubles a year. As for applied faculties, it is easier to enter there, the passing scores there are much lower than usual.

What the cost of studying?

Most universities are moving to a commercial basis, and Bauman University is no exception, the cost of education here can range from 180 to 240 thousand rubles per year. Education at the leading faculties of the university is more expensive, at applied ones - cheaper. The exact price, terms and methods of payment can be clarified in the selection committee.

At some faculties, there are also budget places, they are first of all provided to excellent students, target students, people with disabilities, and only then - to ordinary applicants. The number of state-funded places at MSTU is declining every year due to a lack of state funding.

There is an exception to the rule, it concerns the GUIMC, where people with disabilities study, who cannot acquire knowledge with ordinary students. In this center, education is free, the only thing required of the student is to diligently attend classes and cope with the load. The center employs psychologists who help students adapt to their studies.

Conditions for visitors

Not everyone can afford to rent an apartment in Moscow. And here Bauman University comes to the rescue, the dormitory of which can become a temporary home for a student. At the moment, MSTU has ten of its own dormitories, two of them were given to the needs of the faculties of power engineering and special engineering.

One of the dormitories (No. 3) is located on the territory of the village of Ilyinsky in the Moscow region. For teachers, graduate students and family students, a special room has been allocated (No. 13), located along Muranovskaya Street. The provision of a hostel for students is carried out on a competitive basis (according to the number of points scored in the USE). Students of nine faculties cannot count on receiving a hostel, the list of specialties can be clarified in the admission committee.

All students (including those from other cities) have the right to receive free medical care at Polyclinic No. 160, MSTU. You must have your passport, student ID and medical policy with you in order to get a card and visit doctors as needed. All sick leave certificates must be certified in this particular clinic.

How to proceed?

After receiving the certificate, you must immediately contact the admissions office of the university, since the acceptance of documents is carried out from June 20 to July 25. At the university, you will need to fill out an application, present a passport and a copy of it (if not, the admissions committee will do it in your presence).

Next, you need to present the original certificate or a copy of it (if you are applying to several universities or faculties at once), copies of diplomas from olympiads and other competitions (if any). If you have documents that allow you to receive certain benefits upon admission, you must also present them.

If you are applying, you will need to provide a copy of the agreement under which the university will teach you. Also, the admissions committee should have six of your photos sized 3 x 4, you should bring a military ID or other documents that will help you with admission.

And it will require a lot of effort from you, because Bauman University, whose specialties are listed abroad, is becoming more and more popular every year. If possible, it is recommended to apply to several faculties at once, then you will have much more chances to enter MSTU.

How to prepare for admission?

Of course, preparation for must be done in advance, but if everything could not be done according to the standard scheme, you can go the other way. Another advantage that Bauman University offers is courses aimed at preparing future applicants. The main thing is to have time to sign up there on time and consistently attend classes.

These courses are paid, their cost will directly depend on what kind of education you have. If you have just graduated from school and started attending courses, you will have to pay 18,500 rubles for them, otherwise their cost will be 20 thousand rubles. You will be provided with all the necessary reference materials, as well as learn how to solve problems necessary for studying at MSTU.

Some applicants mistakenly believe that by attending additional courses, it will be possible to become familiar in front of the teachers, and after that they themselves will do everything to accept a newly minted student. This is fundamentally wrong, the student admission system is now 90% automated, and nothing depends on personal communication here.

To "Baumanka"

You can prepare in advance for admission, for this there is a school at Bauman University - Lyceum No. 1581, it is advisable to transfer a child there until the 8th grade, then in three years it will be possible to prepare him qualitatively. The lyceum has been operating for almost 80 years, and during this time most of its students graduated from Moscow State Technical University and were able to realize themselves in many areas.

There is another school whose students can prepare for admission to Bauman University - Lyceum No. 1580, which has been functioning for the past 25 years. There, preparations are being made for the Unified State Examination in mathematics, physics and computer science - the three main subjects necessary for studying at Baumanka.

What do they say about "Baumanka"?

The best tool to help you understand what Bauman University is is reviews. They can be read in additional sources, university students admit that studying at MSTU is a rather complicated matter, since you have to thoroughly understand a large amount of new material.

Bauman University, reviews of which are mostly positive, is constantly open to future applicants. You can ask your questions at any time by contacting the admission committee of the university, as well as by contacting the leadership of the faculty you are interested in.

How to get to Baumanka?

To submit documents, you need to know exactly where Bauman University is located, its address is simple - 2nd Baumanskaya Street, 5. Not far from the main building of MSTU there is a metro station, the name of which is consonant with the name of the university.

You can also get to the university by regular public transport. We are talking about tram routes No. 24, 37, 50; trolleybus route No. 24 and bus route No. 78. In addition, fixed-route taxis run constantly near MSTU, the services of which you can also use.

Today MSTU im. N.E. Bauman is the largest higher educational institution in the country, which trains more than 16 thousand students in almost the entire spectrum of modern mechanical engineering and instrumentation at 14 faculties in 56 specialties. More than 250 professors, doctors of sciences and about 1000 candidates of sciences conduct scientific and educational work.

And it all started back in 1826, when, by decree of Empress Miriya Fedorovna, "Workshops of various crafts" were created for orphans of the educational home. For these purposes, one of the best architects of that time, D. Gilardi, burned down in 1812, the palace in the German Quarter was rebuilt anew.

In 1830, Emperor Nicholas I approved the regulation, in which the workshops received the official status of "Craft Educational Institution". Starting from this time, admission to the school is competitive. For almost 60 years, the Moscow Craft Educational Institution, and then the Imperial Moscow Technical School (IMTU) was under the control of Empress Maria Feodorovna's charitable institutions, and then under the direct patronage of the Emperor.

Among the founders of scientific schools of IMTU of that time: A.S. Ershov, D.K. Sovetkin, F.M. Dmitriev, .V. Letnikov, N.E. Zhukovsky, S.A. Chaplygin, A.P. Gavrilenko and others. Now it is difficult to imagine that the current multicolored scientific areas of MSTU had only two sources: mechanical and chemical-technological.

In 1868, the Charter was approved, the first paragraph of which says: "The Imperial Moscow Technical School is a higher specialized educational institution, which has the main goal of educating construction mechanics, mechanical engineers and process engineers." The first departments at the School were: the Department of Higher Mathematics, General Mechanics, General and Applied Physics, Machine Building, Construction Art, Technology of Fibrous Substances, General Chemistry, and Chemical Technology. They were headed by professors F.E. Orlov, A.V. Letnikov, A.S. Vladimirsky and others. At that time, the "Russian method of teaching crafts" was born at IMTU, which combined fundamental university training with basic practical-applied training. This method was awarded the Grand Gold Medal at the World Exhibition in Vienna.

The main work on the creation of this technique was done by D.K. Sovetkin. His method is the scientific analysis of the production process, which teaches the rational use of time and effort (created long before Taylor, who is considered in the West to be the founder of the scientific organization of labor). After a number of exhibitions, the method called "RUSSIAN" began to be used in different countries. For their developments, IMTU scientists have repeatedly received awards at world exhibitions for their outstanding contribution to the development of science and education.

The President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, J. Runkl, having received a collection of models made specially at the request of the Americans for teaching engineers according to the Russian method, wrote in delight to the rector of IMTU V.K. Della-Vossu: "Russia has been recognized as a complete success in solving such an important task of technical education ... After that, no other system will be used in America." This is how the process of mutual enrichment of various systems of technical education developed. This is confirmed by the following: At the dawn of perestroika, when it was decided to change everything radically - institutions were transformed into academies, technical schools into colleges and institutes, etc., A.S. Eliseev, at that time the rector of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, visited the same Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and again he was presented with the curricula of the MSTU departments, according to which specialists were being trained at that time.

Russian method of the 70s of the XIX century. with the development of technology, it was constantly improved, and in 1903 IMTU received universal recognition as the best engineering university in Russia. By this time, it became clear that not manual labor in metalwork and turning workshops, but scientifically established experience in a technically equipped laboratory determines the development of technology. And soon, with the direct financial support of Russian industrialists and merchants, an institute for testing materials, hydraulic, aerodynamic and electrical laboratories, an institute for the technology of fibrous substances were built. At that time, outstanding scientists and inventors worked at MSTU: N.E. Zhukovsky, S.A. Fedorov, N.F. Charnovitsky, N.A. Umov, P.N. Lebedev, I.A. Kablukov, V.I. Vernadsky, A.P. Gavrilenko, V.I. Grinevetsky, P.P. Petrov, I.P. Pavlov, P.P. Lazarev, etc.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the role of IMTU in the technical and scientific life of the country has been constantly increasing. Fundamental scientific schools are formed in the school, caused by the intensive growth of industry and the attraction of outstanding scientists to the school. The "father of Russian aviation" N.E. works in the field of theoretical mechanics and aeromechanics. Zhukovsky with his students - S.A. Chaplygin, B.N. Yuriev, V.P. Vetchinkin. The physical direction is represented by: P.N. Lebedev, P.P. Lazarev, V.S. Shcheglyaev, S.I. Vavilov. In the field of electrical engineering: K.I. Shenfer, K.A. Krug, B.I. Ugrimov. Thanks to the works of A.S. Ershova, P.L. Chebysheva, D.I. Mendeleev (honorary member of the Pedagogical Council of IMTU), N.E. Zhukovsky and others, the IMTU scientific school became one of the first scientific and technical schools in Europe.

After 1917, the school underwent a number of transformations (see genealogical tree). On the basis of MSTU were formed: TsAGI, VIAM, CIAM, NAMI. In 1930, on the basis of the faculties of the Moscow State Technical University, the following were formed: MAI, MPEI, MISI, the Academy of Chemical Protection.

But the difficult years of reforms could not break the "SPIRIT of MSTU". Already by 1945, five faculties were organized at MSTU. At that time, the issues of precision instrumentation began to develop especially rapidly, in connection with which a number of specialized departments in precision mechanics, instrumentation technology, automated information systems, and a number of others were formed. In the future, a large instrument-making faculty grew up on their basis. At the cradle of the new departments stood the pupils of the school, the keepers of its traditions, keenly feeling the new, aimed at the future.

If the question asked to a graduate of the Moscow State Technical University in the west is "What did he finish?", answer the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, then not everyone will be able to remember what to talk about, but if you say "Moscow Rocket University" - then it will immediately become clear to almost anyone. This name was assigned to MSTU in the west not by chance. In 1948, the Faculty of Rocket Engineering was established at MSTU, with which the activities of such great scientists as: S.P. Korolev, Yu.A. Pobedonostsev, V.I. Fedosyev, V.N. Chelomey, V.P. Barmin.

Progress in the field of rocket science is not possible without powerful electronic computing systems. "Father" of Soviet electronics, Academician S.A. Lebedev is a graduate of Moscow State Technical University. The scientific activity of the university enriches the educational process, being its basis. The process and system of education at MVTU allow us to talk about its scientific and pedagogical schools. Their foundations are based on three pillars:

  • Priority of general scientific and general engineering training
  • Cross-cutting training in materials science, technology and design of machines and devices.
  • Deep training in their specialty.
Here's an anecdote to prove it: A Bauman graduate (instrument-making faculty) comes to get a job at a numbered plant. Of course, he does not know what is being done there, and the one who hires him cannot immediately say. The personnel officer asks - "Well, young man, how much time do you need to design a tractor?" - the graduate replies: - "Two weeks more than a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering."

Among the outstanding graduates of MSTU are hundreds of outstanding scientists and designers, astronauts, military leaders and statesmen: N.A. Dollezhal - chief designer of nuclear reactors, S.A. Lebedev - "Father" of Soviet high-speed electronic computers, general aircraft designer: A.N. Tupolev, S.A. Lavochkin, V.M. Petlyakov, P.O. Dry, V.M. Myasishchev, chief designer of rocket and space systems - S.P. Korolev. More than half of the flight engineers of Russian orbital space stations are MSTU graduates.

Among the students of the University are such scientists and designers as: N.E. Zhukovsky, S.I. Vavilov, V.G. Shukhov, B.N. Yuriev, E.A. Chudakov, V.A. Kotelnikov, V.P. Vetchinkin, B.S. Stechkin, V.Ya. Klimov, S.A. Lebedev, V.G. Grabin, V.N. Chelomei, N.A. Pilyugin, V.P. Barmin, A.A. Arkhangelsky, A.A. Mikulin, A.I. Tselikov, G.N. Nikolaev, E.A. Fedosov, B.I. Shavyrin, S.P. Invincible etc.

The presence of scientific schools in the Moscow State Technical University, communication with the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, branch research institutes and industrial enterprises makes it possible to achieve major scientific and technical results and provide a modern level of the educational process. Much of what is being done by the MSTU research teams in the field of education and science is being done for the first time not only in our country, but also in the world.

All pedagogical and scientific activities of MSTU are connected with the future. This is participation in conversion programs, reassessment of priorities in the development of new scientific directions in technology, orientation towards new economic relations in accordance with the requirements of the time. Today's university graduates are engineers, scientists, and production managers of the 21st century.

At the turn of the 21st century, the University participates in the implementation of 27 scientific and technical programs of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in 6 of which MSTU is the parent organization, 13 scientific and technical programs and 21 projects of the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation, 39 grants of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 24 grants of the RFBR. Among these programs and projects, a significant place is occupied by research work in the field of instrumentation. Including: the largest program of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Universities of Russia", "Conversion and high technologies", "Non-destructive testing and diagnostics", "Sensors", "Radio-electronic systems and devices for predicting and controlling emergency situations", "Space systems", " Optical technologies, equipment and materials", "Laser technologies", "Computer engineering, development and integration of networks", etc.

Education at MSTU. N.E. Bauman is conducted at 19 faculties of full-time education. Works, postgraduate and doctoral studies, two specialized lyceums. MSTU im. N.E. Bauman provides training for more than 19 thousand students in almost the entire spectrum of modern mechanical engineering and instrumentation. More than 320 doctors and about 2000 candidates of sciences conduct scientific and educational work. The main structural divisions of Bauman University are scientific and educational complexes , having a faculty and a research institute. There are eight of them (see the column on the right). In addition, vocational training is carried out onbranch faculties, created on the basis of large enterprises, organizations and institutions of the military-industrial complex, located in Moscow and the cities near Moscow: Reutov, Krasnogorsk and Korolev, as well as in the branch of the university in Kaluga. MSTU has accumulated a unique experience in the system of domestic higher education in the training of specialists from among students with hearing disabilities, which has been conducted at the University since 1934.

Bauman University is one of three universities in Russia (the other two are Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg Polytechnic University), where military training of students began in 1926. Today, the Military Institute of the University trains reserve and personnel officers in 21 military specialties for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The specialties of the FVO are based on the basic specialties of the university and deepen the training of highly qualified specialists in the civilian profession. The Institute consists of five military departments (one in the Kaluga branch of the university), a civil defense department and a military training center. Practical training is carried out at the training ground in the Dmitrovsky branch of the university, where the military equipment of the faculty is located.

In the field of international activities MSTU. N.E. Bauman cooperates in programs of bilateral and multilateral exchange of students, graduate students, doctoral students, teachers and researchers, accepts foreign students on a contract basis, participates in joint scientific research, educational and methodological developments, as well as congresses, conferences and seminars. Currently, the university has established links with more than 70 universities in Europe, America and Asia.

All pedagogical and scientific activities of the MSTU team. N.E. Bauman is focused on the future. This is participation in conversion programs, reassessment of priorities in the development of new scientific directions in technology, development of the conceptual foundations of the state system of staffing the national technological base, capable of implementing the replenishment of the intellectual potential of high-tech industries, effectively and fruitfully influencing the processes of stabilization of the domestic economy in the interests of the national security and sustainable development of Russia.

The combination of accurate scientific calculation with engineering intuition, adherence to the traditions of training engineers according to the “Russian method”, a subtle sense of novelty in the chosen areas of work, a socio-economic approach to solving complex technical problems, and the humanization of specialist training allow MSTU. N.E. Bauman to remain at the forefront of world scientific and technological progress.

A characteristic feature of MSTU activities at various historical stages of its development is close cooperation with industry, multifaceted ties with institutions of science, education and culture. TsAGI, Air Force Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky, NAMI, CIAM, a number of faculties of MIHM, MKhTI and MEPhI, the Military Academy of Chemical Defense, MAI, MPEI, Moscow Architectural Institute and a number of other leading educational, scientific and industrial organizations are the honor and glory of Alma Mater, which gave them a start in life. Their teams are striving for new achievements in the field of science, engineering and technology.

A graduate of this university: University graduate in 2013. Faculty of MT Department of MT3 - Technology of mechanical engineering, specialist - training 6 years

I studied before the introduction of the Unified State Examination and bachelors, so I can’t say for sure about the current situation, however:

Advantages of the university
1. Name. Baumanka, Ept. When I told everyone where I study / that I graduated - everyone's mouths opened. Only one guy I know turned out to be cooler - he studied to be a pilot))

2. Base in technical faculties (with rare exceptions, as discussed below). Many teachers give good knowledge. At least qualitative thinking can be formed.

3. PS7 is a fairly profitable specialty. But I was not at PS7)((

There were more cons for me:
1. Too much load. He lived in the region - he went to study for 2.5 hours from door to door. Total 5 hours left on the road. I wanted to learn, so I understood and did everything myself. I was asked so much that I slept 3 hours a day. And so the first 3 courses. At 4, the nerves could not stand it and I sent everything to hell - it turns out this is physiologically conditioned. The result - triples on coursework in the diploma. Damn, even according to the curriculum, count the hours - it turns out that you will not have free time at all per day. And this is in your best young years. Brad dog. It may be easier for Muscovites, but I am not a Muscovite, and I can’t say anything about this.

2. Dibile schedule. There are only 2 main buildings, dofiga faculties, there are apparently few teachers, so the class schedule is wildest. There is no lunch break - hello gastritis (you'll be lucky if the teacher lets you go). Classes can be delivered at any time without regard for convenience. In our second year it was just fine - Monday - until 19.00, Tuesday - by 8.30, Wednesday - until 21.30, Thursday - by 8.30, Friday - until 19.00, Saturday - by 8.30. And estimate that I have 2 hours to go one way. Arrived - sleep 5 hours and go back. And still have to do it! Rave. These people, apparently, believe that students are made of iron and it is not necessary to monitor their health. There has never been such a dull rhythm of life.

3. Outdated material base and lack of normal practice. On MT, sure. You will graduate from this faculty and you will not be able to do anything. Because there are no new machine tools, no CNC, no practice anywhere, because there are no new factories. The result - you will be taught the technologies of the 70th year. Come to work, and they will send you, or arrange an intern for 10 thousand salaries, until you learn something normal. Are your 6 years of brain-fuck then the same brain-fuck with work and not very big salary? I think no.

Summary of studies:
In the last year I became interested in vocals - I turned out to have an operatic voice. And damn, I still can't finish my studies as an academic singer. Because when I got out of Bauman I had chronic gastritis and tonsillitis (permanent incessant sore throat) - thanks to the idiots who make the schedule and prescribe the curriculum for this. While I was treating it / understanding what was going on, it took a lot of time and money for treatment (100 thousand for a sanatorium in Estonia, then another 100 thousand a year for LoRa). For the first two years, he barely sang, barely got to work, barely walked - it was so bad. Thanks Bauman. The physical form became much worse - I was engaged in volleyball before the university - as I began to study there - I immediately noticed how the jump falls. Well, everything ended with chronic diseases, as I wrote above. And I'm only to blame for the fact that I really wanted to study! Well fire. Further - a normal job that can be combined with further study, I could not find. After graduation, you are on your way to the factory for 20 thousand salaries 5 days a week from 8 to 17.00. It is difficult to study, there is no money. Any serious company will require from you English, which is taught there mediocrely, knowledge of 3D programs, CNC, etc. What you do not know, because they do not teach. You will have to somehow study at the factory (if there is one), but time is not rubber. There is no work with a free schedule at all (except for students to draw drawings, which is not serious). In short - you can forget about providing yourself with another second education (for a fee, the fee is now 400 k) - you will have to earn more seriously your specialty after graduating from a university for more than one year. Maybe by the age of 27-30 you will become a specialist. And what's that? That's right - it's bullshit. Not without reason the best student of our group (almost a legend of the flow)) does not work in his specialty and only one person from the group works in his specialty - his dad is the chief designer at the plant.

Bottom line - I regret that I studied at this university. I got a bunch of health problems, I didn’t get a decent specialty. Is that the military department of the army slanted.