New Year's story for adults and children. Good books about the new year for adults

Christmas is coming soon. Many people prefer to create a Christmas mood through watching Christmas movies, but we offer you a great alternative - 20 wonderful works with a Christmas atmosphere. Read with pleasure!

1. Charles Dickens - "A Christmas Carol in Prose"

There is no more famous work dedicated to Christmas in world literature than Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Its huge popularity contributed to the fact that Christmas became the main holiday of Victorian England, a time of good fun and charity.
The story of old miser Ebenezer Scrooge and his transformation after a mystical visit from Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of Christmas was written fairly quickly, in just six weeks. At the same time, Dickens was working on the chapters of Martin Chezelwit. While working on the Song, Dickens pursued ambitious plans, but he could not even imagine what a huge impact this short story would have on all world art, on the worldview of people all over the world, to such an extent that Dickens himself would become associated with Christmas, and the name his hero Ebenezir Scrooge will become both a symbol of Christmas and a synonym for stinginess.

2. O. Henry - "Gifts of the Magi"

Gifts of the Magi - a story by O. Henry (William Sidney Porter) about two newlyweds living in a cramped little room and experiencing financial problems. Despite this, they try to please each other by giving gifts. And for this they must sacrifice what is dear to them. Gifts are not the main thing, of course, but the main thing is the attention, care and love that our heroes felt. They understand true happiness.

3. Sharon Owens - Mulberry Street Tea Room

The fates of the heroes of this incredible Christmas story are bizarrely intertwined and converge in an amazing place full of mysteries and wonders - in a tea shop on Mulberry Street, where delicious desserts are served and where one day, out of the blue, you can receive a message from Nicolas Cage.
A touching and very funny book, in which romance and dreams go hand in hand, will help you pass the long winter evenings, and the exquisite cherry cheesecake, its recipe you will be surprised to find at the end of the book, will be a pleasant addition to the festive tea party.

4. Esther Emden - “House with magic windows”

1. The protagonist of "The Adventures of a Little Actor" (1958) - kind and cheerful toy Petrushka - the only friend of the girl Sasha. But sitting in one place is not in his nature, he must act, he needs a theater, performances, an audience: after all, Petrushka is a born actor ...
2. "House with Magic Windows" (1959) - a fascinating New Year's fairy tale. A lot can happen in this story. On one quiet New Year's Eve, the door to the room suddenly opens, and together with a cloud of frosty steam, Grandmother-doll will enter and call you to the House with magic windows ...
3. In the story "The School Year of Marina Petrova" (1956), we meet a cheerful, sometimes careless and stubborn, but talented Marina, a student of a music school. There is no fairy tale in this story. But how captivating is this world of music, the world of true art!

5. Fannie Flagg - "Christmas and the Red Cardinal"

Frightened by a medical diagnosis, Oswald T. Campbell flees from cold and damp Chicago south to the hospitable Lost Creek, where he is going to celebrate his last Christmas. He does not expect anything good from the outback, but the reality turns out to be completely different from what he imagined it to be. Life in the Lost Creek, although measured, is very unusual and even strange. And the inhabitants of the town are also very unusual. The postman delivers the mail by boat. The only shop is run by a little red bird named Jack. The ladies of the town secretly do good by uniting in an esoteric society called the Big Peas. And Oswald himself suddenly turns out to be the main figure of local social life. With the approach of Christmas, amazing events begin to occur that will change the lives of not only Oswald, but also all the inhabitants of the Lost Creek.

Fannie Flagg's novel is a strange, addictive, warm Christmas tale full of the most ordinary magic that many people can do if they really want to. A book for everyone who yearned for a kind word and a beautiful story.

6. Tove Jansson - "Magic Winter"

We continue our journey to a fairy-tale land inhabited by charming Moomin creatures. We will find out why the winter turned out to be magical and how to behave in this case. Amazing creatures inhabit the Moomin Valley. Of course, these are not people, but in Fillyjonk, who believed in disasters and in Hemul, who loved silence, you can recognize yourself.

7. Eustein Gorder - "Christmas Mystery"

The book by the famous Norwegian writer Justin Gorder is built like a Christmas calendar. Every day, starting from December 1, the reader, together with the boy Joachim, gets acquainted with the biblical story, and also travels through time and space on that wonderful day when the baby Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem ...

8. John Grisham - "Christmas with the Losers"

The usual American Crank family celebrated Christmas every year, but this whole pre-Christmas fuss begins to get boring over time, and now, when the daughter of Luther and Nora Crank leaves to study, Luther gets the only chance to fly to the Caribbean for the whole Christmas vacation and save $ 600. The couple decide that this Christmas there are no garlands, snowmen, festive dinners, and even no ... Christmas tree and pack their bags with a clear conscience. Soon one of the Krenkov neighbors finds out about this, and the next morning the whole town. The townspeople begin to organize rallies and protests, Nora was already ready to make concessions and install a Christmas tree and a snowman in the yard so that the inhabitants of the town would calm down, but her husband's word is law. However, circumstances change, and the daughter and her fiancé should unexpectedly come to mom and dad on the Christmas weekend. The Cranks have to rush to the store for almost sold out groceries and decorate the house before Blair arrives home...

9. Rosamund Pilcher - "On Christmas Eve"

Five not too happy people, by the will of circumstances, find themselves in the same house in the north of Scotland. Rosamund Pilcher talks about her characters with a warm, kind smile, and the reader begins to believe that the approaching Christmas will surely bring wonderful changes to their lives. The new novel by the famous English writer is distinguished by lyricism, gentle humor and unexpected plot twists.

10. Richard Paul Evans - "Christmas Box"

The young Evans family, who have settled in the old mansion of the wealthy widow Maryann Parkin, discover a lot of amazing things in their new place. Ancient copies of the Bible, paintings in expensive frames, a box with mysterious letters to an unknown addressee. It takes place around Christmas. Richard, Keri and their four-year-old daughter Jenna, together with the hostess of the house, are preparing to celebrate the holiday, when suddenly a terrible thing happens - Marianne dies. But before her death, she reveals to the Evans a great secret, before which even the bitterness of loss fades ...

11. John R. R. Tolkien - "Letters from Santa Claus"

“Grandfather's Christmas Letters” is a fairy tale that Tolkien told his children for over twenty years (the first letter was written to his eldest son in 1920 and the last letter to his daughter in 1943). Letters came at Christmas, and the children answered them. Christmas Grandfather described his home, friends and helpers, events, funny and sometimes disturbing, that happened at the North Pole.

12. Donna Vanleer - "Christmas Shoes"

“Christmas Shoes” is a wonderful, inspirational book that you can read with pleasure both on a holiday and on a weekday. This is a story about two completely different people whose fates crossed only once on Christmas Eve. One of them is looking for a way to return to the family, which he did not pay attention to for a long time, while the family of the other is trying to come to terms with the loss of his mother and wife.

13. Susan Wojciechowski - "Mr. Toomey's Christmas Miracle"

This is a real Christmas story. About love, about friendship, about finding oneself and, of course, about hope. Woodcarver Jonathan Toomey, having lost his wife and son a few years ago, cannot find joy in life. Having plunged into grief, all that remains for him is to frown and, avoiding contact with people, go about his business - carve figures from wood. But one day, a widow and her little son knocked on his door to ask Tumi to make them Christmas figurines. Taking the order, the master had no idea what would happen.

14. Cleveland Emory - "Christmas Cat"

American historian and journalist Cleveland Emory is also known as the founder of the Animal Welfare Fund. His witty and kind book is a tribute to love and admiration for our smaller brothers, who, according to the author, can teach a lot to a person.

15. Ernst Hoffmann - "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"

In this book, with the twelfth stroke of the clock, toys come to life, and the brave Nutcracker rushes to battle with the insidious Mouse King. He will definitely win, because a good heart and devoted love always work wonders.

16. Hans Christian Andersen - "Girl with matches"

A little girl sells matches on a cold winter evening. But is it possible to keep warm by burning them one by one?

17. Capote Truman - "Memories of a Christmas"

A strange couple lives in a big old house in a remote town.
A sixty-year-old woman and a seven-year-old boy during the year, denying themselves everything, collect money to bake several dozen pies for Christmas and send them by mail ...

18. Laura Lockington - "Christmas Cake"

Poppy, the antique trinket shop clerk, is sweet, smart, ironic, but not very happy. On the eve of Christmas, she feels especially lonely, because she will have to spend the holiday in the company of an obnoxious monkey, which Poppy undertook to patronize. So it would have happened if not for an invitation to an old castle. A few hours on the train - and Poppy from boring London finds herself in a magical land, where one strange event after another happens to her.

19. O. Henry - "Christmas tree with a surprise"

Who said that the recognized master of the short story O. Henry wrote only for adults? Talk to your children and you will immediately understand that they understand modern life no worse, but better than you. What is it about here? But re-read the unusually entertaining and witty stories with your children, and it will become clear to you that all these characters of O. Henry: modest saleswomen and stockbrokers, crooks and bandits, millionaires who believe in the omnipotence of the dollar, and very poor people - have long been moved in with us. Well, such eternal values ​​\u200b\u200blike love and friendship are eternal for that, in order to excite the blood just as it was 100 years ago ...

20. N. V. Gogol - “The Night Before Christmas”

A fantastic story about the life of the Ukrainian people, in which the description of the realistic features of their manners and customs is combined with a wonderful fiction. The plot outline of the story is the romantic love of a lad for a beautiful girl.

The bigger, the better! The attentive reader has supplemented our list with a wonderful book - "The Polar Express" by Chris Van Allsburg.

21. Chris Van Allsburg - The Polar Express

On Christmas Eve, a magic train arrives at the house where the hero of this fairy tale lives. He takes the boy to the North Pole. This is where Santa Claus is going to give his first Christmas present.

There are a lot of lists of books on the winter-New Year-Christmas theme for children on the Internet. But all of them are designed for reading up to 10 years that way. And what's next? What should teenagers aged 12-14 read? I have been studying lists on this topic for the second year already and somehow I find little of everything. I understand that teenagers are not easy people :))) They have all sorts of quirks of their own there, they already have their own opinion there, sometimes you can’t force them to read anything at all, let alone on a given topic. But can you try something? Well, all of a sudden :))) Suddenly they want a New Year's mood or something like that.

In general, I tried to summarize my knowledge on the topic raised above. What books did I find that could be offered to a grown-up child from 11-12 years old and in which there would be an atmosphere of winter, expectations of the New Year and Christmas. It is clear that the Nutcrackers and Snow Queens have already been read by this age. What else do you have? We do not forget that we have a teenager (and I also have a boy, he is not interested in girlish loves yet, he would like action, adventure, riddles).

First of all, I would suggest Pratchett. He has an interesting book on the subject of Christmas right here.

Briefly about the content, I took it from the reviews in Ozone:
"Children stopped believing in Santa Piggy, and he disappeared. His role was played by (a) ... (who would you think? No, not the Magic Bunny). Death. Do not believe it, the most adequate entity throughout the book."

Yes Yes. In the magical Discworld invented by Pratchett, there is also a winter holiday - Horror. And now he is under threat. And Death is taken to save him (Pratchett has such a character, who doesn’t know. Very adequate and wise). Death is helped by his granddaughter (well, yes, Death has a granddaughter, but what's wrong? That's the whole Pratchett).
In general, a sea of ​​​​positive, an unusual plot, unusual characters and, as always, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife wisdom, your teenager is guaranteed. Unless of course you are not embarrassed by such characters (I absolutely do not). And who is embarrassed, but there is no time to read it yourself, and at the same time I want to know about what is there and how it is in the book - you can watch the screen version of this work, it is. And then decide whether to give it to your child or not. Personally, I never found anything terrible in Pratchett's books for adolescence, but I read a little of them. Moreover - Pratchett in this case, from MY point of view, is simply a very excellent alternative to the 11 Nutcrackers and Snow Queens that have already bothered for years. Children by this time already often want something more adult.

Another Pratchett cycle. About Tiffany Bohlen. No, no, it's not about the New Year and not about Christmas at all. But there is winter here. Oh, what a wonderful winter world is here. He's not here all the time, but when Tiffany hits him, he's cold. In general, it seems to me that it is good to start reading this cycle in the winter. Very atmospheric. Whether there is winter in the second book - I don’t know, I haven’t read it yet, I have only read the first of the cycle so far (unlike my son). But I am sure that your child will not stop at the first book, but will swallow the entire cycle of five books. By the way, this cycle is originally designed specifically for teenagers. And in the third book, the annotation itself is already winter, so you have to take everything :))) I can’t help but give the annotation of the third book (I just wanted to read it myself):

"BUT it is a dark morris, a mysterious dance that is danced in the late autumn forest at night to welcome the onset of winter. Only creepy foggy creatures come to see him ... yes, witches. But one day, twelve-year-old Tiffany Bohlen didn't want to just stand and watch. It seemed to her that there was an empty space in the dance, just for her, and Tiffany started dancing. So she attracted the attention of Zimovey, a powerful ancient spirit. He is the one who encases the rivers in ice, brings down snowfalls on the ground and brings with him a fierce cold. Previously, he didn’t care about people, but now Zimovey fell in love with a girl who dared to dance with him. For her sake, he decided to become a man himself. And I'm ready to present Tiffany with a royal gift: eternal winter..."

In general, it seems to me that a good cycle for winter teenage reading. It has 5 books in total.

Probably, many children had already read the Christmas Carol in prose, and the Night Before Christmas, and the Unchangeable Ruble by the age of 12. But in principle, it seems to me that a teenager will reread these books with pleasure again (if he has not read them). At least my child loves all three of these stories very much.

Both I myself and Svyatoslav, in principle, love the stories of O. Henry. And these two - the Gifts of the Magi and the Christmas tree with a surprise - also with a Christmas theme. Most it is for older children.

With "The Givers" it turns out almost the same story as with the Pratchett cycle about Tiffany Bohlen. There is no direct reference to Christmas, but the book begins in the winter and clearly on the days before Christmas. And all the way in the first part of the winter. There will be an unusual winter forest, and ice monsters. In general, it is so, very atmospheric, just winter. Right now, the very beginning already creates such a magical pre-Christmas atmosphere. The remaining parts will already be about another time, but here again, the child is unlikely to refuse to continue. But it will be very good to start reading the cycle to a teenager on New Year's Eve.

Well, everything is clear about the Miraculous Doctor. And here I also looked after Dickens' Holly for my child. I myself am not familiar with the work, my son did not read it either. According to the abstract, very on topic:
Christmas Eve. In a small snow-covered hotel "Holly" a lone traveler waits out bad weather. He keeps a secret and prefers to spend all his days alone with his memories. Only the touching story of the bellhop waving terrifying stories from the past. However, an unexpected meeting with an old friend prevents the hero from making a fatal mistake.
In general, I will take "Holly" and read it.

Collections of stories. I watched and studied many. I settled on these three.

We already have a Christmas tree. Read. It is good because there are many stories suitable for 12-14 years old. That year they read Stanyukovich and something else, I don’t remember. I'll get it this year, maybe some more are revered.
And here are two other collections so far I’m only thinking of taking - not taking. I tend to take scary stories, there seems to be an interesting selection. Yes, and in another good, there is a lot of Christmas from the classics - Chekhov, Dostoevsky. In general, it should be good just for 12-14 years old.

I can't say that I'm a big fan of The True Story of Santa Claus. On the other hand, I can't say that I don't like it. And she has been at home for many years already :))) Probably, it's time to get her already. I don’t know, but it seems to me that at the age of 13 it’s the very thing to read it. Still, it is not for children, there are already reflections on destinies, quite early I personally would not read it with a child. But it's perfect for a teenager.

Here's another found today - House of green glass. This is something new. Judging by the annotation, it is quite suitable for winter-New Year reading:

The protagonist is twelve-year-old Milo Pine, the adopted son of the owners of an inn in Nagspik, a city of smugglers. The Green Glass House is housed in a huge run-down estate that looks like it was hastily sculpted from mismatched houses from a dozen different cities.
At the very beginning of the Christmas holidays, the hotel is usually empty, so Milo hopes to have a good rest. But the silence of the first frosty night is broken by the persistent ringing of a bell. And one after another, five guests are settled in the hotel. The appearance of each of them is shrouded in some kind of mystery, which is intertwined with the history of the Green Glass House. Mylo is puzzled by his chance find - a fragment of a navigation map. And acquaintance with Maddy, the youngest daughter of the cook, spurs the young man to start a detective game, the purpose of which is to find out why all these people have come and where this strange map leads. He still does not know what a difficult task he will face, and what he will learn about the mysterious guests, about the house and about himself.

Mom sends Anyuta to the store for groceries for the New Year's table. On the way, the girl enters a clothing store and tries on a fabulously beautiful dress. With the help of the magic of the Snow Maiden, Anya passes through the mirror and finds herself in a real fairy tale, where her double, Princess Rosalie, asks for help...

There was only one day left until the new year. There was no mood. Anyuta looked at herself in the mirror and turned away. And why is she not like the rest of her classmates? Every single girl in their class was slim with trendy haircuts, could afford nice clothes, and was liked by the boys. And only she, against their background, seemed to herself shapeless, awkward and ugly. And the worst part was that everyone else felt the same way. Carping, joking, ridicule rained down on the fifteen-year-old girl in abundance. It was terribly embarrassing and bitter. Artyom, the only boy from all over the school who she liked and treated her more or less like a human, met with a girl from their class - Irka Grebeshkova. Looking at how he escorts her home every day and carefully carries a fashionable girl's bag, Anyuta wanted to cry. And it had to happen that her mother and parents of Artyom and Irka became friends with families and often gathered at joint feasts. Sitting at the table, Irka went out of her way to show Anyuta how carefully Artyom treats her.
The only person who could support Anyuta in all her misfortunes was her mother, but ... The girl's mother was a young thirty-seven-year-old woman of a rather attractive appearance. She divorced her husband, and not so long ago a new gentleman appeared in her life. Peter. He was a tall man, economic, non-drinker, behind whom one could feel like behind a stone wall. Unfortunately, this stone wall has grown between mother and daughter. Anyuta offendedly declared that her mother did not pay attention to her at all. It seemed to Svetlana that her daughter was just a transitional age with his characteristic egoism. Relations deteriorated more and more, and the wall became thicker every day.
- Anya, I'm missing something for the New Year's table, - Svetlana entered the room and handed the money to her daughter, - here, please go to the store and buy mayonnaise, cinnamon and cream.
Anyuta, without saying a word, went to get dressed. It’s always like this, Anya this, Anya that, but as for Anya, then there is no time, then money. Walking along the snow-covered street, the girl reflected on her difficult fate. But all she needs is just to become like everyone else, not to stand out from the crowd.
Snow fell softly from the sky. Snowflakes danced in the air, and, circling, fell on the girl's eyelashes. Shops sparkled with colorful garlands. Anya's attention was suddenly attracted by a beautiful New Year's board, exhibited in one of the windows. It was black, embroidered with lurex thread, with gold sleeves and gold bows along the hem. Oh, if only she had such a dress! Anna smiled dreamily. Yielding to temptation, she pulled the shop door open and entered. The bell rang, and the girl found herself in a warm room, smelling of pine needles and tangerines. Here, in the corner, stood a Christmas tree, richly decorated with beads and toys, around it a garland shimmered with blue lights. How great it is here!
Anyuta went up to the dress and looked at him again. Mom would never buy her that. She sighed heavily.
- Do you want to try it on? It's just your size, - someone's melodious voice came from behind.
Turning around, Anya saw the Snow Maiden. Of course, the Snow Maiden was not real, apparently, the store owner decided to show off his originality and dressed up all the staff in New Year's clothes.
"No thanks," the girl shook her head. - I just went to look.
- This dress will suit you very much, - the Snow Maiden insisted, - and your style. Try on.
"I don't think you should," she refused again.
- Why not? They don’t take money for trying on, - the girl said, removing the dress from the mannequin. Lifting it up, she stated: The size is exactly yours.
“It’s quite narrow,” Anya objected.
“And here there is lacing at the back,” the Snow Maiden smiled slyly and pulled her by the hand to the fitting room. "Come in, get undressed, I'll help you."
“Well, okay,” Anyuta thought, “since she insists so, why not try it on? At least see how it sits on it. Before she had time to pull on her dress, the curtain moved aside, and the Snow Maiden began deftly lacing it up. Adjusting her belt, she pointed to the mirror.
- Well, I told you! Your style and size! And if you let your hair down ... - with a deft movement, the Snow Maiden pulled off the elastic band intercepting the hair, and they scattered over her shoulders. - Look!
Anya looked at herself in the mirror. She looked really pretty. The black color made her visually thinner, the gold sparkled richly on the sleeves and hem, her loose hair made her completely pretty. She smiled at her reflection. Ah, if Artyom had seen her in this dress... Before she had time to think about it, the Snow Maiden appeared in the mirror from behind. Hugging the girl by the shoulders, she lightly pushed her ... right into the mirror. Surprised, Anyuta put her hands forward in order to maintain support, but the mirror, instead of keeping her from falling with its hardness, suddenly melted, turning into liquid silver, and the girl, passing through it, flew somewhere down. It was dark all around. She rushed down the stairs, remembering Alice, who had fallen down the rabbit hole, out of place. Falling on something soft, she lost consciousness.

Wake up, wake up, - someone was pulling at her sleeve, forcing her to open her eyes. Anya slowly sat up and looked around. Sitting next to her was a girl who resembled her like two peas in a pod. The girl was wearing the same dress that Anyuta tried on in the store, her hair was also loose, a small crown shimmered like precious stones on her head, which left no doubt about who she sees in front of her. And yet Anna asked:
- Who are you? Where I am?
- Everything worked out! Happened! The princess clapped her hands happily. – My name is Rosalie, I am the princess of this kingdom. My evil stepmother Grisella wants to get rid of me in order to take over the throne. I asked the Snow Maiden to send someone to help me, and she chose you.
Anya listened and batted her eyelashes in surprise. Princess, kingdom, evil stepmother. Turning her head from side to side, she saw that she was in some strange room where there was no furniture at all, but there was a large oval framed mirror in which you could see yourself from head to toe. It is impossible to believe that she found herself ...
- Am I in a fairy tale? she finally asked.
- Well, of course! I'm so glad it's you. You are brave, smart, strong, resourceful and beautiful.
- I? Anyuta looked at Rosalie incredulously. Although the princess looked exactly the same as her, there were still some differences. Her eyes were lined like a doll's, and her eyelashes were longer than Anya's, her hair was curled into curls, and in general she looked just fine.
- Yes! I even envy you a little and want to become like you.
- Do you want to be like me? - the girl was completely taken aback.
- Uh-huh, - Rosalie nodded, - I hope that you will teach me to be the same fearless, brave, smart, kind ...
- But what makes you think that I have all these qualities? Anyuta interrupted the princess.
“I know,” Rosalie smiled slyly. - After all, I asked the Snow Maiden to send me just such an assistant, and she chose you.
- But how can I help you?
- Grisella came up with some kind of test for me, if I do not pass it, then I will lose the throne. She's tried several times to get rid of me. If you help me, she can't handle the two of us. Just look how similar we are! Like sisters.
- You are much more beautiful than me, - the girl objected, - you have big eyes, long eyelashes, shiny hair ...
"Stop," Rosalie laughed. - It's all called one magic word - cosmetics.
“I thought princesses didn’t need her.
- Very necessary. Come on, we need to get back to my room before anyone sees that I'm not alone now.
- Where are we? In your palace?
“Yes, and this is the room that my stepmother doesn’t allow anyone to enter because her magic mirror is hidden here.” But I have this, - the princess pulled out a piece of some fabric from her pocket.
- What is it?
- Invisible hat. I begged her as a gift from Santa Claus last year.
Anyuta would never have thought that an invisibility hat could look like the most ordinary hat.
- Look, - Rosalie put it on her head and disappeared into the air, - great, right?
- Blimey!
“Now let’s get out of here,” the princess said, reappearing.
Hand in hand, they left the room and closed the door tightly behind them. In the dark corridor, several torches were burning almost under the very ceiling. The girls stepped carefully so that their steps would not echo. Suddenly they heard a strange sound of clanking iron.
- What is it? Ann asked softly.
"It's Crack," Rosalie replied.
- Crack?
- Yes. When my father died, Crack appeared, and now he accompanies Grizella everywhere, kowtows to her, praises, and she showers him with expensive gifts for this. They want to rule my kingdom together.
The footsteps were silent. The girls continued on their way.
- How far can we go?
- Not anymore, now you need to go up to the outermost tower.
Counting the steps, they climbed a spiral staircase and found themselves at the door to some closet.
- Is it your room? Anyuta was surprised. “I thought princesses lived in luxurious apartments.
The room was small. There was only a bed, a wardrobe, and a tiny dressing table with a mirror.
“I lived in luxurious apartments,” Rosalie sighed, “until Grisella evicted me from there. Now she has a rich bedroom, and I live here. But that's even better.
- Why?
- She rarely comes here, so she will not see that you are helping me.
- I would not hope for that, - Anya said carefully, - we are still different with you. As soon as she sees me, she will immediately guess everything.
- And here it does not guess. Get in!
Having seated Anyuta on her bed, Rosalie combed her hair and curled it into curls, tinted her eyes and eyelashes, from a large box standing on the dressing table, the princess took out another sparkling crown and placed it on the girl’s head.
- Look, - she led her to the mirror. Anya gasped. Yes, now their own mother will not distinguish them from Rosalie. The same dresses, the same hair, the same make-up eyes, and both with crowns on their heads.
- Awesome!
There was a knock at the door. Both girls winced.
- Rosalie, dear, with whom are you there? - they heard someone's nasty voice.
- This is Crack, - the princess whispered, throwing an invisibility cap on Anyuta, - hide for now.
"No one," Rosalie answered, opening the door. - I'm talking to myself.
A tall, thin man with an unpleasant face and a thin mustache entered the room. He moved as if he were clowning or showing some incomprehensible pantomime.
- Truth? he asked, sniffing something, as if some foreign smell could point him to an uninvited guest. "And there's no one here?" He suddenly opened the wardrobe and took a quick look at all the dresses of the princess. Anyuta, pressed against the wall, was afraid even to breathe. - Actually, no one. Okay dear. Grisella is waiting for you on the big balcony, she wants to tell you something.
- I'll come right away, Crack, - answered Rosalie, - just powder my nose.
“Oh, those things of yours,” he grimaced and walked away, clicking his heels.
When the door closed behind him, Anyuta breathed a sigh of relief.
It's a good thing he didn't see me! she whispered.
- Yes, where to him, - Rosalie grinned. “He’s always sniffing around, looking around, and he never finds anything.
- Will you go to your stepmother?
- No, you will go instead of me.
- I? But I don't even know what she looks like! ' Anna exclaimed in shock.
- You can't confuse her with anyone. She is very beautiful and very evil. Don't be afraid, I'll be there and tell you," she said, putting on her invisibility cap. - Let's go to.
- Okay, but I can't vouch for the result.
- You will succeed, you are brave and you can fight back.
- Show me the way.
Rosalie whispered in Anyuta's ear where to turn, and from the side it even gave the impression that she knew where she was going.
On the balcony, at the railing, a young beautiful woman in a red dress with a high collar was waiting for her, a precious necklace shimmered in different colors around the neck of a stranger, and on her head was a high crown.
- Call her "Your Majesty," whispered Anna in Rosalie's ear, "and bow."
- Your Majesty, - the girl approached Grisella and bowed in an awkward bow. The princess did not teach her to curtsy.
“I see that you are still bad with bows,” the stern beauty said arrogantly. So Rosalie isn't good at that either.
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Anyuta agreed meekly.
"All right," Grisella smiled condescendingly. “I decided to forget all our differences with you,” she began, “I always wished you only the best, you know that. And although you were a completely unbearable child, impudent, ill-mannered, rude, I endured everything for the sake of your father. I spent so much effort and patience on your upbringing, Rosalie! Grisella raised her hands and shook them in the air. - Of course, I did not manage to achieve perfection in my educational work, but the piece of clay that I got was difficult to model.
Anyuta silently listened to this passionately pathetic monologue. “What a kind-hearted woman,” she thought ironically, “in every word she praises herself and insults Rosalie.”
- I spent the best years of my life on your upbringing! And never asked for thanks for it! And you constantly resisted me, did not want to learn good manners, which is why I had to come up with a special test for you. You probably think that I did this out of some mischief, but, in fact, it's for your own good! You must be worthy of the throne you claim.
Anna gritted her teeth. She wanted more and more to answer Grisella that Rosalie this throne belongs by birthright. Just think, she hasn’t been here even a day, but she has already begun to think in terms of a fairy tale!
- My dear Rosalie, - Grisella said after a short pause, - let's forget everything that was and try to become friends. What do you say?
- I agree, Your Majesty, - said Anyuta, surprised.
- Truth? Grisella rejoiced. - Then, as a sign of our reconciliation, I want to give you this apple, - as if by magic, a large red apple appeared in Grisella's hands.
What a twist! Anyuta simply could not believe her eyes. Grizella decided to poison her, like the evil stepmother poisoned Snow White? Does she think she doesn't know this story?
- Take it! she hurried her.
Reaching out her hand, she took the apple and looked at the evil queen. She certainly won't eat it!
“Look, what a wonderful ripe apple,” Grisella continued meanwhile. - Let's you take a bite from the red side, and I - from the green, this will mean that all grievances between us are forgotten.
Yes, stop. Anyuta recalled that in one version of the fairy tale about Snow White it was said that the apple was poisoned only on the red side.
- You are a queen, and I am only a princess, - Anyuta said, biting off the apple from the green side, - therefore, I leave the red side to you as a token of my respect, - and she handed the apple to Grisella. She glared at the girl angrily, and then slowly took the apple.
Damn girl! Grisella had already come up with several options for how to explain her death to everyone. And now she was driven into her own trap. She had spent so much eloquence explaining why Rosalie needed to eat the poisoned apple that now it was too late to refuse to taste it herself.
“Of course, dear,” Grisella gritted through her teeth, coming up to the railing and leaning over. - What is that noise?
“I can’t hear anything,” Anyuta shrugged her shoulders.
- Oh, how awkward I am! the queen exclaimed, deliberately dropping an apple from the balcony. It's a pity that it fell, but it's just an apple. Are you not mad at me?
“Of course not, Your Majesty,” the girl replied.
- Well, that's nice, - Grisella smiled with her lips. - Tomorrow there will be a ball in the palace, all the nearest kings and princes, as well as all our courtiers and just noble people are invited to it. I will send you a dress.
- Thanks.
- Go to your room, child, I'm tired.
As soon as Anyuta was out of sight, Grisella, in a rage, tore the crown from her head and threw it on the floor.
- I hate it! I hate!
- Darling, what happened? - Crack appeared on the balcony, as if he had been waiting all this time around the corner.
She didn't take a bite of the apple!
- But why?
Because she bit him!
“You just said she didn’t take a bite,” Crack looked at Grizella in confusion.
- Do not make me angry! She leaned towards him menacingly. - She bit off the apple on the other side, not poisoned! And she left me poisoned!
- And you ate it? Crack stared at her in horror.
- Lord, why are you so ... stupid, - almost shouted Grisella but restrained herself. I dropped an apple from the balcony.
- Phew, - Crack exhaled with relief and looked at the queen in admiration. - How smart you are.
- Smart! Some girl just got me wrapped around her finger!
Well, it just happened by chance. Darling, why do you absolutely want to kill her yourself? Leave it to your aunt Brangold, she is an experienced witch.
- I just want to make sure! If she returns safe and sound from Brangold, then we will lose the throne!
“If that happens and she comes back, you can always say that Rosalie didn’t pass the test. You have an amazing gift of persuasion, everyone will support you and agree with you that the girl cannot be trusted to run the state.
- OK let's see. I prefer to be certain.

As soon as Anya entered the closet of the outer tower, Rosalie took off her invisibility cap.
- Ah, Anyuta! - she exclaimed. I just admire your ingenuity! I wouldn't even have guessed that the apple was poisoned. Grisella is so treacherous, but she knows how to pretend to be a poor sheep.
"Don't you know the story of Snow White?" – the girl was surprised. “After all, her stepmother also tried to poison her with an apple.
- No, we do not know what happens in other fairy tales.
"How did Grisella know about this then?"
- She has a magic mirror through which you got here. She can see whatever she wants.
By the way, how can I get back? After all, tomorrow is the new year.
- It's New Year in your world tomorrow, - Rosalie smiled, - but in our fairy tale it will come only in a week. On New Year's Eve I will be sixteen years old, and Grisella will have to give me the throne. Don't worry, you will definitely come back.
- And my birthday is the twenty-second of December. I thought you and I were born on the same day. How then to explain our similarity?
- It's just that every good person must have a double who lives in a fairy tale, and once every hundred years a New Year's miracle happens - we meet. I was lucky that for this century no one has yet met his double from the world of people, so I persuaded the Snow Maiden to give me such a New Year's gift.
- Understandably. I didn’t even think that your stepmother would turn out to be so insidious, - Anyuta returned to the conversation about the poisoned apple. “And how would she then explain your death?”
She's not capable of that yet. She probably had everything prepared and invented. Tomorrow there will be a ball at the palace, and I suspect that she will try to kill me again.
- In front of everyone?
- Oh, if you knew her the way I do, you wouldn't be surprised.
The next day, after dinner, there was a knock on Rosalie's closet.
- Yes, who is there? the princess shouted, and Anyuta, meanwhile, quickly put on her invisibility cap.
- It's me, Rosalie, - they heard Crack's obsequious voice. - Open it for me. I brought you a gift from your stepmother Grisella, - he handed the princess a large box, - this dress, it was made especially for today's ball. See how the queen takes care of you.
- Yes, Crack, thank you.
“And this is a gift from me,” he handed her a smaller box, “at this ball you should be the most beautiful,” he grinned his nasty smile.
- Of course, Crack, thank you for your concern.
“Don’t be late, dear, Artius will be at this ball too,” he squinted slyly and looked at the princess.
When the door closed behind him, Anyuta threw off her invisibility cap.
Who is Artius? she asked.
“Artius,” Rosalie said, her cheeks turning a soft blush, “this is the son of the neighboring king.” I really like him.
- And the boy I like is called Artyom, - Anyuta sighed, - but I have no chance.
- Why? Rosalie exclaimed.
- He is so handsome, - Anyuta smiled, remembering Artyom with his clean, clear eyes, - and I ...
- You are beautiful too! Even more! You and I are doubles, I am a princess, and princesses cannot be ugly.
- Let's look at the dress, - Anyuta translated the conversation to another topic.
Opening the box, the girls gasped in surprise - the dress was very beautiful. Anya held out her hand to him, but Rosalie caught it.
- Wait, what if the dress is also poisoned?
"I don't think so, your stepmother isn't really that smart." With the help of her magic mirror, she looks into other fairy tales, but she herself cannot think of anything. I have never heard of such a fairy tale, where the princess was given a poisoned dress.
“There’s definitely some trickery going on here. But how can you guess what it is?
“I don’t know,” Anyuta thought. “Let’s look at Crack’s gift.”
- Let's.
Opening the box, the girls saw stunningly beautiful crystal shoes.
- I know! I know! Anya clapped her hands happily. - It's a Cinderella story. With the chime of the clock, the dress will turn into tatters, but why should she?
“She wants to embarrass me in front of everyone,” Rosalie replied. “You heard what Crack said, Artius will be at the ball. Can you imagine what a shame it would be if I found myself in front of everyone in tattered dirty rags!
“Then you and I will have a lot of work today,” Anyuta smiled enigmatically.
- Did you think of something?
"Yes," Anya quickly whispered her plan into Rosalie's ear.
"I can imagine Grisella's face," laughed the princess.
- Can you get everything?
"I can," Rosalie said confidently.

Standing aside, with a cap of invisibility on her head, Anyuta watched the luxurious ball. Who was not there: ladies in sparkling dresses, barons, counts with high wigs on their heads, kings of neighboring powers and princes in lace frills and even hussars in red uniforms.
Grisella sat on the throne. Next to her bustled, as always Crack. Anya winced. How vile, vicious and envious they are both!
Rosalie appeared among the crowd, and the guests began to greet her joyfully. The princess smiled and politely answered everyone. Anyuta looked at Grizella - her face was contorted with anger. Whether it will be when she realizes that her plan with the dress failed.
Turning away from Grisella, Anya searched for the princess with her eyes. She danced with a young man who looked so much like Artyom that the girl's mouth opened in surprise. It's good that she has an invisibility hat on, and no one sees her. Prince Artius looked at Rosalie with admiration. But if he admires her, then there are certainly qualities in Anyuta herself that Artyom could admire. From this thought, her heart beat faster and suddenly she wanted to find herself at home, where they all gathered at the New Year's table. And if there were no malicious Irka Grebeshkova...
In fun and dancing, time flew by unnoticed. Anyuta also danced, although no one saw her. She would never have thought that dancing could be so great. She looked at the dressed-up ladies and gentlemen and copied their movements. The girl had never danced, but she was surprised to find that even the most complex waltz movements succeeded.
Grisella kept looking at her watch and grinning wickedly. The arrows were approaching twelve. The main thing is that Rosalia should be somewhere close to Artius at that moment, then her shame will be complete. The princess is called! All torn and dirty. How wonderful that Grisella has a magic mirror, and with its help she can look into other fairy tales!
Antyuta also looked at her watch. It's about to strike twelve. Grisella suddenly rose from her throne and addressed everyone present:
“Gentlemen, let’s welcome the heiress of this kingdom, Princess Rosalie!”
There was applause. The guests parted, forming a small circle around the princess. “Grisella drew attention to Rosalie on purpose,” Anyuta suddenly thought and heard the chime of the clock. The most benevolent smile blossomed on the face of the evil stepmother. Now her magic will work, and everyone will see that Rosalie is not such a princess worthy of the throne.
The guests continued to applaud and cheer for Rosalie, the clock struck its twelve strokes, and the princess was still the center of attention in her magnificent dress.
The smile slowly faded from Grisella's face. Did her sorcery not work? But this simply cannot be!
- Music! - shouted the evil queen and sat down on her throne again.
- What happened? Crack asked her quietly.
“I don’t know,” she said irritably, “the dress should have turned into tatters, but this did not happen. Damn girl! How she annoys me! And you asked me why I wanted to kill her myself. Who better than you to know that I have already tried several times, but she seems to be charmed! And no more than yesterday I failed to get her to eat a poisoned apple.
“Nothing,” Crack consoled the queen, “your aunt Brangold will certainly cope with the girl.
- All hope is now only on her.
Anyuta laughed softly on the sidelines. She and Rosalie spent the day sewing an exact copy of the dress sent by Grisella. The Evil Queen thought that Rosalie came to the ball in an enchanted dress, and did not even know that they had changed it.
- Gentlemen, - Grisella addressed everyone again at the end of the ball, - you know that Rosalie is the heiress of our kingdom. And according to the rules, she must pass the test in order to prove to everyone that she is a worthy contender. Tomorrow she will go through the forest to my aunt Brangold for one magical thing. I ask you all to stay with us at the palace so that when Rosalie returns, to welcome her as the new queen.
There was joyful applause and words of congratulations for Rosalie. So that's what Grisella came up with, send her to her witch aunt. Rosalie from childhood remembered the terrible stories that were told about Brangold and her huge teeth.
Wishing her a successful test, Rosalie went up to her room. Anyuta was already waiting for her there.
- Did you hear? the princess asked the girl.
- Yes. Who is this Brangold?
- Grisella's aunt, a very scary witch. She lives in the very wilderness of the forest, and after meeting with her, no one, except for Grisella herself, has ever returned.
- How does she want to tell you!
- Still would. Sleeps and sees how to take my throne.
- By the way, look here, - Anyuta pulled out the dress that Grisella had sent from the box.
- What terrible rags! Rosalie exclaimed. “I couldn’t bear such a disgrace! Thank you for warning me.
“Tomorrow we have to go to the evil queen’s aunt?”
- Yes, there is no other way. I need to bring Grisella some magical thing.
- The morning is wiser than the evening, - Anyuta noticed, - I propose to go to bed, and in the morning we will go on the road.
Rosalie nodded her head in agreement. If Anya is with her, she will definitely help, and even Brangold herself cannot defeat them!

In the morning, smiling slyly, Grisella handed the princess a small wicker basket.
- Here are the medicines for my aunt, - she said, - you will give her from me. She will ask you some riddles, if you answer them, she will give you one magical thing that you will have to bring to the palace and show everyone. Then I will give you the throne.
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Rosalie replied with dignity, “see you soon.”
- And one more thing, - added Grisella, - if you do not return before tomorrow evening, then the task will be considered not completed.
“Of course.” With a clumsy curtsy, Rosalie walked briskly straight into the woods.
She walked in splendid isolation until she was completely out of sight. Satisfied, Grisella returned to the palace. When no one else's eyes could see the princess, Anyuta appeared next to her.
- How good that now I see you, - exclaimed Rosalie delightedly, - otherwise it’s quite dreary in this forest.
- You know that I'm always there for you, - Anya reassured her.
“Yes,” said the princess, and fell silent.
- What happened?
- Grisella did everything so that I would not come back. Her aunt lives in the very depths of the forest. Even if we run all the way back and forth, we will not be able to return on time through these snowdrifts.
We should at least try!
Rosalie didn't answer. Grisella had given her no chance beforehand. In frustration and thoughtfulness, she stepped over large snowdrifts, when suddenly the sound of bells rang out.
- What is it? Anya asked.
"I don't know," Rosalie replied, turning around.
From behind the trees appeared a silver sleigh harnessed by a trio of white-maned horses hung with ringing bells. In the sleigh sat a young girl in a white fur coat.
- It's the Snow Maiden! Rosalie exclaimed happily.
- Hello, girls! - the Snow Maiden greeted, pulling the reins. The white horses stopped and beat with their hooves. “I have come to help you get to Brangold's house.
- That's lovely! - the princess and Anya exclaimed in one voice.
- I see, you have already managed to get upset that you will never cope with this task, - said the Snow Maiden, turning to Rosalie.
“It’s impossible to get there on foot,” she replied.
- How could I leave you in trouble? Get into my sleigh, I will instantly drive you almost to the very place.
The girls quickly climbed into the silver sleigh and drowned in the soft seats. The Snow Maiden waved her reins, the bells rang, and the frisky troika rushed forward, almost not touching the ground. The wind whistled, a whirlwind of snowflakes soared up almost to the sky. Not much time passed, and the sleigh stopped in a small clearing.
- I can’t go any further, - said the Snow Maiden, - Brangold’s possessions begin here. Go straight all the time without turning anywhere, and soon you will see her house.
“Thank you, Snow Maiden,” Rosalie thanked her.
- See you, girls! The girl waved goodbye to them. Breaking off the spot, the trio of snow-white horses took off, leaving behind a whirlwind of sparkling snowflakes.
- You see, how wonderful! Anyuta said. - And you were afraid that we would not get there in time.
Hand in hand, the girls walked down the snowy road. The farther they went, the more impenetrable the forest became. Huge branches of trees, under the weight of snow, hung down to the very ground, tall overgrown bushes now and then clung to their fur coats. Finally, it brightened a little ahead, and the girls found themselves in a small clearing, where there was a hut on chicken legs.
- Blimey! Annette exclaimed. - This is the hut of Baba Yaga!
- Who is this, Baba Yaga?
- Oh, you! You live in a fairy tale, but you don’t know fairy tales. Baba Yaga is a bone leg, such an old, very old woman who practices witchcraft.
- So this is Brangilda. But in this strange house there are no windows or doors.
“Watch and learn,” Anya said proudly. - Hut, hut, stand back to the forest, front to me!
The hut swayed, creaked, and began to turn towards the girls. Huge chicken legs stomped on the ground so that everything shook around.
"I'll be there," Anyuta whispered, putting on her invisibility cap.
When the hut stopped, its skewed door swung open with a creak, and Brangolda appeared on the threshold. She looked, in fact, scary - a crooked nose, matted gray hair and huge protruding teeth. At the sight of the old witch, Rosalie's insides turned cold.
- Who's walking around here? shouted Brangold in a rough voice. - My peace disturbs!
- Hello, grandma! The princess replied politely. “Your niece Grisella sent me, I brought you medicines,” and Rosalie handed the evil old woman a basket covered with a scarf.
- Grisella! Well, come on, come on, let's see what the niece sent, - mumbled the sorceress. Opening the basket, she pulled out a whole cube of small vipers. “Ah, you are my little ones! Ah, you are my pretty ones! The nephew pleased, pleased. Well, come in, you will be a guest, ”she invited Rosalie.
Shuddering with disgust, the girl climbed the steps to the hut. Someone squeezed her hand reassuringly. Anyuta.
- Well, tell me, what do you want in return? Rosalie asked Brangold.
- G-grisella said that you will give me some magical thing. I have to bring it to the palace.
- Look, what a cunning! Give! I won't just give it to you! If you guess my riddles - you will get a thing, but if you don’t guess it - I will eat you!
- Ouch!
- Here you go! Listen to my first riddle: There is a curl in the garden, a white shirt, a golden heart, what is it?
"I need to think," Rosalie managed. Well, the riddle, how to solve this?
“Think about it, just not for long, otherwise I really want to eat,” Brangolda laughed, baring her terrible teeth.
"It's a daisy," Anyuta whispered softly into Rosalie's ear.
- I know! It's a chamomile! repeated the princess.
- Oh, you ... - laughter died in the throat of the old witch. - Okay. Listen to my second riddle: Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears. Well, tell me, what is it?
Rosalie had never heard of such a grandfather. How to guess? And Brangold is just waiting to devour it.
“It’s a bow,” Anyuta whispered into the princess’s ear again.
- I know! It's an onion!
- Oh, that's how! Brangold moved towards her. - Then here's the third riddle for you: Who has neither arms nor legs, but walks!
Rosalie was confused. Well, how can you walk if there are no arms or legs?
- Don't you know? Brangold rubbed her bony hands happily.
- Clock! This is a clock! Rosalie screamed with her last strength.
- Wow! the old witch got angry. “And how do you know all this?” - from anger, she hit the floor with her bone leg. She'll eat this girl anyway! She looked pretty appetizing. - Okay, you guessed my riddles. Here is a basket with a magical thing, - she pointed to the table with her hand. - Now I'll collect pies for you on the road, and here you are, play on the goose for now.
The old woman thrust her harp into Rosalie's hands and limped out of the hut. The princess played the harp.
"We need to get out of here," she heard Anyuta's voice. - She went to sharpen her teeth to eat you!
- How can I escape from here?
- I will play the harp so that she thinks that you are still here and did not set off in pursuit. And you run!
- And how are you?
“She won’t see me anyway, I’m wearing an invisibility cap.” Run to the place where Brangold's domain ends and wait for me there. Take the basket!
Grabbing the basket, Rosalie jumped out of the hut and ran as fast as she could. Anyuta at this time continued to play the gusel instead of the princess. Brangolda heard the music and slowly sharpened her huge teeth. Having finished, she hobbled into the hut and saw that on the bench lay the psaltery, which play by themselves.
- She ran away! she screamed. “Ah, you damned harp!” What are you playing yourself? - out of anger, the old sorceress grabbed them and threw them against the wall. - I'll catch up anyway! You will not leave!
The old woman jumped out of the hut and ran in the footsteps of Rosalie. Anyuta followed. For such an ancient old woman, Brangolda moved quite quickly, as if she did not have any bone legs.
- You won't leave me! she suddenly shouted, and Anyuta saw Rosalie. Apparently, the princess fell while running away, and was now limping. Delighted, Brangolda ran even faster. Until the end of her possessions, there were very few left.
Rosalie with the last of her strength moved forward, but the witch inevitably overtook her. What to do? The old woman reached out her hands to grab the princess. Anyuta was feverishly thinking about how to help Rosalie, when suddenly a saving idea came to her mind! Running ahead, she tripped Brangold, and the old witch at full speed fell right into a huge snowdrift.
Taking Rosalie by the arm, Anyuta dragged her to the clearing. While running, the cap of invisibility fell off her, and now the old woman could see that the princess was not alone. Anyuta, on the run, picked up her fallen hat, while Brangolda, shaking herself, got out of the snow. At that moment, the girls crossed the border of the old witch's domain, and now she was not afraid of them.
- You won't leave anyway! the sorceress shouted in a thunderous voice and muttered some kind of spell. Immediately, an ominous wolf howl was heard from all sides, and wolves appeared in the clearing. Groaning menacingly, they surrounded the girls.
- Yeah! Gotcha! Brangold rubbed her hands happily. The wolves came closer and closer. The circle narrowed.
Anna, what should we do? Rosalie almost cried.
"I don't know," the girl replied. It was her first time and she didn't really know what to do.
The animals roared menacingly, the girls closed their eyes in fear... And suddenly there was a familiar ringing of bells. A silver sleigh pulled into the clearing pulled by a trio of white-maned horses.
- Went! Go here! - the Snow Maiden shouted at the wolves, clapping her hands. With their tails between their legs, the animals ran between the trees. - Get in my sleigh! - the Snow Maiden shouted to the girls. Rosalie and Anyuta quickly jumped onto the soft seats, and the snow-white horses briskly galloped forward.
Brangold could only scold after the disappearing prey.

The Snow Maiden took the girls to the very edge of the forest. After listening to the words of gratitude and, smiling reassuringly, she whipped the reins, and the white horses flew straight into the sky, leaving behind, as usual, a whole whirlwind of dancing snowflakes.
It's only morning and we're already back! Rosalie exclaimed happily.
- Yes, now we can not rush. I wonder what kind of magical item is in the basket? Anyuta suddenly asked. “Let’s see if the old woman Brangold has deceived us?”
"Come on," Rosalie agreed.
Opening the basket, the girls saw a small stick with golden threads wound around it.
- What is it? Anyuta was surprised.
"It's a spindle," Rosalie replied, and held out her hand to pull it out of the basket.
- Stop! Anna grabbed the princess's hand.
- What?
- If this is a magic spindle, then as soon as you touch it, you will prick yourself and fall asleep for a whole hundred years, like Sleeping Beauty!
Anna, you are so smart! the princess was delighted. - What would I do without you? After all, you have guessed all the riddles of Brangold and you know so many fairy tales!
- Her riddles, in fact, were quite easy, we passed them at school, - the girl boasted. - I love to read fairy tales.
- What to do now? When I return to the palace, I will need to hand the spindle over to Grisella, she must very much hope that I will inject myself with it, and she will get rid of me for a whole hundred years.
- After all, we are like you, like sisters, - Anyuta smiled, - I will go instead of you.
- What if you also prick yourself and fall asleep for a hundred years?
- Only a princess can get pricked with a spindle, but I'm not a princess, I'm an ordinary girl. Grisella will be surprised!
“Yes, she will eat her crown in anger,” Rosalie laughed.

As soon as Anyuta appeared on the horizon, the royal heralds began to announce to everyone that Princess Rosalie was returning. Grisella was very surprised. Did she manage to return alive from her aunt Brangold? Together with everyone else, she went out to greet the princess.
Entering the throne room, Anyuta went up to the throne and handed her a basket with a spindle.
“Here, Your Majesty, is the magical item I was supposed to bring,” she said, bowing awkwardly to the evil queen.
- What is there? Get it and show everyone.
Anyuta opened the basket and took out a golden spindle. Grisella smiled happily. Now Rosalie will prick and fall asleep for a whole hundred years, and all this time she will rule the kingdom with Crack. But the girl quite calmly held the spindle in her hands.
- This spindle is not real! Grisella suddenly squealed.
“But your aunt Brangold gave it to me,” Anyuta objected to her.
- Sassy Girl! I'm telling you, it's not real!
- See for yourself, Your Majesty, it is all gold and gold threads are wound on it.
Enraged, Grisella rose from her throne and snatched the magic spindle from Anyuta's hands.
- Ai! she cried. - I pricked them! Blood! What is it with me? - Grisella's legs buckled, and Crack ran up to her.
- The doctors! The doctors! he said.
The doctor, who came running to his cries, ordered the queen to be transferred to one of the rooms. After examining her, she issued a verdict that she was sleeping.
How long will she sleep for? Crack asked, biting his fingers.
“At least a hundred years,” the palace doctor said importantly.
- A hundred years! But why?
- She pricked herself with a magic spindle. Most likely, such a spell was cast on him.
“But then why didn’t Rosalie prick with it?”
“Our princess held it carefully, so she didn’t prick herself,” the doctor said in an instructive tone, “and Her Majesty the queen grabbed this magical object too sharply.
- What to do now? whined Crack.
- Nothing. Leave her alone and let her sleep.
- But a hundred years!
“There is nothing more I can do to help Her Majesty,” said the doctor, putting all his instruments into a white suitcase. “Take care of the coronation.
- What coronation? - asked the frustrated Crack.
- The coronation of Princess Rosalie, of course! She passed the test and now must take the throne.
- Oh yes! Yes! Crack exclaimed sadly. - I will definitely do it.

Against Crack's wishes, Rosalie refused his help. Her coronation was magnificent and festive. All the kings, queens and princes of neighboring states congratulated her and wished her kingdom prosperity. Anyuta was also present at the celebration. Of course, no one saw her, but she had fun from the bottom of her heart, imitating the dancers.
After the holiday, the girls were left alone. Rosalie once again thanked Anyuta for her help.
- Probably, it's time for me to go home, - Anya said, - my mother must have searched me.
“I will miss you,” the princess smiled sadly.
There was a ringing of bells, and the Snow Maiden appeared in front of them.
“I see you already said goodbye,” she smiled. “Then let’s go to the magic mirror.” Anyuta really should go home.
The three of them entered Grisella's secret room and stopped at the magic mirror. The Snow Maiden touched the mirror with her hand, and it began to ripple. The girls hugged for the last time. Anyuta closed her eyes and passed through the molten mirror. This time she did not fly anywhere and did not fall, but only heard the cheerful ringing of bells.
When the girl opened her eyes, she saw that she was standing in front of the very store, in the window of which a black and gold dress was displayed. Glancing at him for the last time, Anya ran to the store for mayonnaise, cinnamon and cream.

Waking up in the morning, she stretched sweetly. What a wonderful adventure she has had. To visit a real fairy tale, help a real princess and win the battle against the cunning and insidious enemies of Rosalie. Anyuta was truly proud of herself for the first time. If Artyom only knew where she was and what happened to her, he would be surprised!
Anna, are you awake yet? The mother entered the girl's room.
- Yes, just now.
Can you help decorate the Christmas tree? Parents of Ira and Artyom will come to visit us today together with their children.
At the name of Irka, Anyuta grimaced. Again, she will go out of her way, showing everyone how beautiful she is.
- Of course, I will help, - Anna sighed.
Entering the hall, she saw that the Christmas tree was already standing in the middle of the room, it only needed to be decorated. And under the Christmas tree lay a large red box tied with a bright bow. I wonder what it is there?
“It looks like Santa Claus brought you a present in advance,” Mom smiled.
Carefully untying the bow, the girl curiously opened the box. Inside lay the very dress that she tried on in the store, and from which her magical adventure began.
- Mommy! Anna exclaimed in admiration. “But how did you guess?
- And this is not me, - Svetlana smiled slyly, - this is Santa Claus!

Before the arrival of the guests, Anyuta put on her new dress, tinted her eyelashes, loosened her hair and twisted it with a curling iron. Going to the mirror, she saw Princess Rosalie in front of her. No, of course, it was Anya, but how she still looks like a princess!
There was a knock on the front door.
Anya, open up! Mom shouted. - The guests have come!
Running out into the corridor, Anyuta pulled the heavy door towards her. So it is, Irka looked at Anya with an expression of superiority, hanging on Artyom's arm.
- With coming! Anyuta said. - Come on.
“Thank you,” Artyom replied, giving the girl an approving look.
- And you, too, - Irka added in a hoarse whistling voice, limping as she entered the corridor.
- Oh, what's wrong with your voice? Anya asked sympathetically.
- She overate ice cream, - her mother answered instead of Irka, - you look great today, Anyuta.
- Thanks. What about the leg?
- I turned it up, - Irka croaked. Look, how curious, tell her everything, what and why.
The guests sat down at the table. Irka sat down, as always, next to Artyom, and Anyuta sat opposite them both. Artyom now and then raised his eyes and admired Anya. She has changed so much, she looks completely different, so unusual.
The clock began to strike twelve, and Anyuta made her most cherished wish to herself. After the congratulations, the adults suddenly started talking about dancing.
“Now young people don’t even know how to dance,” said Irkin’s dad, “whether it was before! Quadrille, mazurka, waltz!
- Our Artyom went to a dance club for several years, - Artyom's mother immediately boasted.
- So this is when it was! Irkin's dad waved his hand. “Probably already forgot everything!”
- But I didn't forget!
- And then let him show!
- And would show! But he doesn't have a partner. None of the girls know how to waltz.
- I can! Anyuta suddenly uttered, and she herself marveled at her own courage.
- You? Ira burst out laughing with her hoarse laugh. - That's exhausting! Anka can dance the waltz! Did you go to dances? she hissed.
Artyom looked at the girl with disapproval. It would be better if she was silent with such and such a voice.
- So let him dance with Anka, since they both know how, - Irkin's father immediately put in, - or weakly? Weak! That's what I thought!
“Nothing is weak,” Artyom said suddenly, rising from his seat. - Anya, do you really know how to dance the waltz? he turned to Anyuta. She nodded her head. “Then let’s show them how to dance.”
Anyuta also got up and went to the center of the room.
“Now, I’ll turn on the waltz for you,” Svetlana fussed with music. The woman even became a little uncomfortable. After all, if her daughter does not cope with the dance, then the ridicule will not subside for a long time.
When the music started, Artyom took Anyuta by the arm and led her into the dance. Remembering how she waltzed at balls in Rosalie's palace, the girl whirled easily and naturally in a waltz. The adults fell silent, admiring the beautiful couple. And only Irka Grebeshkova looked angrily at the dancers. Today, her self-confidence has been greatly shaken. First, Anyuta suddenly began to look completely different; secondly, it turned out that she knew how to dance, and not just anything, but such a complex dance as a waltz; and thirdly, not only all the parents looked at her in admiration, but also Artyom.
When the dance ended, thunderous applause broke out. Artyom's mother even had tears of emotion in her eyes. Svetlana looked at her daughter as if she were some kind of miracle. And Irka just turned green all over with envy.
When the guests left, Anyuta went to the mirror in her room. Looking at her reflection, she smiled. For the first time in a long time, the girl was absolutely happy. From today, from the first day of the new year, everything in her life will be new.
"So be it!" - she heard someone's voice, coming from afar to the sound of bells, and the reflection in the mirror winked slyly at her.


On New Year's Eve, everyone wants a little magic. Although we understand that miracles do not happen and this is only written in books. "Heavenly Angel" is not a fantasy story about dreams come true or something like that, on the contrary, it is realistic to the extreme. An exemplary mother is unhappy in marriage - her husband is a tyrant, and communication with her parents is lost, she has to endure domestic violence, but she has no strength to leave.

In parallel, in the book there are two life stories told on Christmas Eve. In the end, they will happily unite, and we will rejoice, because this happens in life, which means that everyone has hope. Especially before Christmas.

Sad and joyful, like Christmas itself, a story about people who have been looking for each other all their lives, wandering in the dark and finally found each other on Christmas evening. But first they had to go through trials, and pain, and separation, and misunderstanding. And only then they realized that the main thing is to love each other. Just to love.

Rachel's memory retained only one single bright memory of her childhood: at night, after a magical snowfall, she and her father create angels on the sparkling snow. Rachel falls into the snow, waving her arms, her father picks her up, and the angel remains in the snow. Years pass. Rachel is a grown woman, beautiful, rich, she has a husband to envy everyone, a luxurious house and a daughter who looks so much like her in childhood. But there is no happiness. Only longing for the unrealizable. And the memory of the wonderful snow angels. So, maybe it's worth finding these angels? And then that sharp happiness will return even for a moment? And Christmas Eve is the best time to immerse yourself in a fairy tale again and try to find your...

Books about New Year and Christmas create a special atmosphere of comfort, unforgettable sensations of magic and fun, a fairy tale come to life, which is different and unique from year to year, and you don’t want it to end in one night.

On the eve of the holiday, I especially want to read something good, kind and bright on the New Year theme. Fortunately, books about the new year for adults now appear on the shelves with enviable regularity. Some of the authors make up real instructions on how to celebrate the holiday, what dishes to put on the table and what traditions to follow so that the year becomes successful. Others are betting on sentimental and romantic stories about people who find themselves in a New Year's fairy tale, find each other "under the tree" and become a real winter miracle for a casual passerby.

Do you want to believe in miracles and happy accidents again, or, perhaps, at least not for a long time, transport yourself into a winter fairy tale? Then our selection of books is just for you!

5 books about the New Year for adults

John R.R. Tolkien's "Letters from Santa Claus"

A wonderful book by an equally remarkable writer. A book for everyone. It tells about the incredible adventures of Christmas Grandfather at the North Pole: about how one man created a fairy tale long ago, which is alive to this day. A kind of Christmas tip book for adults on how to write your unforgettable story and become a part of it.

Cleveland Emory "Christmas Cat"

A small but entertaining book about a stray cat named Polar Bear, who lives on the streets of New York and, of course, about Christmas. She makes the reader believe that miracles, albeit small, still happen on the eve of the holiday. And this story is about how important a random stranger can become, even if he has four paws, a mustache and a tail.

Donna Vanlier "Christmas Shoes"

Waiting for Christmas is always full of good hopes and good mood, even despite a slight touch of sadness. A touching book, where the main characters on the eve of the holiday overcome their fear of parting with loved ones, will not leave anyone indifferent. Their stories will touch every string of your soul and leave their barely perceptible, bright and warm trace in it.

Anna Berbenitskaya "Santa Claus Corporation"

Even if what is happening in life does not portend anything supernatural, this does not mean at all that a miracle will not happen on New Year's Eve that will completely capture and carry you into the cycle of incredible events.

And this time was no exception for a young girl. The unexpected adventures of the newly-made Snow Maiden, secrets, the mission to save Santa Claus and the New Year, all this and much more will be told by the story of the main character Vlada.

Andrey Zhvalevsky, Evgeny Pasternak "The True Story of Santa Claus"

New Year is the most long-awaited and magical time. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree and gifts, fireworks and an explosion of emotions - all this is the New Year's miracle.

The main characters from year to year gave and continue to give unforgettable sensations and fulfill wishes. Both adults and children are always waiting for them, because close people can turn out to be real wizards. The main thing is to believe in a miracle.

No matter how old we are, five or twenty-five, we want when the New Year evoked feelings of naive joy. Books about the New Year for adults give us this opportunity - to plunge into exciting events, recharge ourselves with energy and the spirit of Christmas, and they also allow us to learn some life lessons and remember about family values. Read, experience and smile - bring in a drop of the New Year's miracle, which is so sometimes lacking in real life.