Training of instructors in water tourism. Training of tourist personnel

Based on the materials of the book by I.V. Bormotova

Instructor of planned and commercial tourism

Instructors are the main core and driving force in tourism. They hold the functional feature of any tourist enterprise, the emotional background, the high intellectual and educational level of training and preparation of tourists on a hike. Poorly cooked lunch, uncleaned tourist room, bad music at the dance party, no hot water in the shower, rude administrator - all this happens, but if a good instructor, then all these little things are not noticed.

And vice versa, if a reasonable complaint of tourists about poor service was received by the administration of the camp site, it means that a trainee instructor or a novice was appointed to lead a group of tourists. A good instructor will smooth out all the shortcomings of the administration and the staff of the camp site. Therefore, the tourism instructor at the camp site, shelter and route is the most respected and responsible person.

An instructor for tourists, like a father. He, and only he, is entrusted with a group of people. It must be carried out along the mountain route safe and sound, to prevent illness and injury. He is the only one who works with a group of tourists around the clock and throughout the entire period of rest in the mountains. The instructor is entrusted with teaching tourists camping life, movement and the basics of survival on a journey. The instructor owns several professions at once. He is a guide, a sports and cultural organizer, a cook, a doctor, a rescuer, a skilled storyteller and local historian, a connoisseur of history and folklore, a good psychologist and teacher.

Under an old Circassian pear tree, resting in the shade of its crown, sits a gray-haired man. He still remembers the first tourist groups that followed the route from Adygea to Krasnaya Polyana. Under him, the profession of a guide-conductor, or, as it is more often called, a tourism instructor, appeared and formed.

Here on the site appeared a tanned strong physique guy. Everything about him attracted attention. Clean-shaven, with a short hairstyle, a hunting knife on a wide belt. The neatly stowed backpack is fitted to the figure. There is nothing superfluous. Nothing rattles or wobbles. Immediately he was surrounded by a flock of girls. They ask about the preparation of the campaign, the activities of the camp site, about what awaits them in the mountains. Nodding in the direction of the guy, the camp site veteran said:

"This is a real instructor!" Once again examining the professional, I could not resist and asked: "How to distinguish just an instructor from a real instructor?"

And that's what the old man told me. Another hostel instructor will work for two or three seasons, but never become an instructor. Another will spend two or three laps and it is immediately clear that this is a bright person, not indifferent, responsible, interesting to everyone, his soul hurts for people and for the task assigned. You can feel the strength and confidence in him. You can go to the end of the world with this. Days spent with him are remembered for a lifetime.

Squinting his eyes slyly, and smiling through his gray mustache, he added that there are professional requirements for a real instructor at the camp site, which he must meet.

A real instructor must be cowardly, lazy, gluttonous, foul-mouthed, a drunkard and a womanizer, a liar, a talker, and a laugher.

With this statement, he completely baffled me. Here are collected the negative traits of a person, how can one go to the mountains with such an instructor? After waiting for a pause and raising his index finger, he slowly began to explain his comic characterization of a "real instructor" of tourism. Why should the instructor be "cowardly"? This is not a matter of cowardice, but of extreme caution and foresight. He is trusted with the lives of people who have never been in the mountains before. They don’t know how to do anything in the field life yet. He should be afraid and worry about the life and health of every tourist. At the slightest danger, warn the tourist group about it, take precautionary and protective measures. The first to go through a difficult section along the edge of the abyss, through a mountain river, along a steep slope of a glacier. Support comrades, insure, give a helping hand.

The caution of the instructor may seem like cowardice, but it is always justified. He is obliged to assess the difficulty and danger of a natural obstacle and if it is very dangerous, then not risk retreating. The mountains have stood and will stand. Anyone will survive. It is easier and safer to wait out a snowstorm, a hurricane, a raging river, to give them the opportunity to calm down than to conquer. Reasonable, sober and measured caution of the instructor, jokingly called "cowardice!" - this is an important character trait for the mountains and a requirement for the profession of a guide. And vice versa, reckless dashing, ostentation, boasting, bravado, maybe and excessive self-confidence are not always good helpers in managing a tourist group.

Why should an instructor be "lazy"?
In a good sense of the word, he must be a skilled organizer. Do not grab everything yourself: carry firewood, kindle a fire, put up tents. He is the leader. He must consistently think through all the commands. Monitor the accuracy of their execution. The whole group should work for him.

If the need arises, the instructor is obliged to show in practice his knowledge of tourism science. Tell and show how best to perform this or that technique of tourist equipment. As tourists say: "You should not push a stone at the instructor, because he knows how to do it better than you."

Why does an instructor have to be "gluttonous"? It's not about gluttony, but about the proper, satisfying organization of camp meals for tourists. Yes, and a good appetite instructor - a sign of good health. In the old days, a worker was hired by the way he eats. Eating well means being a good worker. The instructor must ensure that the tourist group of the ball is always fed. Develop a menu-layout for meals on a hike in such a way that tourists eat tasty and satisfying meals. Personally check the quality of the food prepared during the campaign, take a sample, eliminate the "bumb" canned food. There is only from the common boiler. Monitor hygiene and cleanliness of dishes. There is only freshly prepared food. Tourists say: "As you stomp, so you stomp." A swaggering, squeamish and capricious instructor in food is no longer an instructor, but a headache for the whole group.

Why does the instructor have to "swear"? Not to swear in the sense of being rude to tourists, but to have a firm commanding voice, good diction and clear intelligible speech. His commands, requirements, instructions should be simple, understandable and reach all categories of tourists. Exactly the same as that of an army foreman of a company or a ship's midshipman. But in no case should they be offensive and humiliating, and even more obscene. Comic "strong" expressions are allowed, such as "damn burnt", "flies eat you", "pebbles in your sneakers" etc.

"Instructor-drunkard" in the tourism system - the case is simply unacceptable. But in a good sense of the word, a real instructor is a person who knows how to organize a fun feast. It should be the soul of any travel company. Maintain a festive mood in a group of tourists. To be an excellent toastmaster, to know interesting and witty toasts, the basics, scripts and culture of table celebrations. Know the customs of the peoples when celebrating national holidays, where you have to raise a glass of good wine. Be attentive and sensitive to guests and never be drunk. Do not force others to drink. Observe etiquette and decency. Control the situation and yourself, know the limit and measure of alcohol intake. Takes care of those who are a little "overdone".

Drinking not for the sake of drinking, but for the sake of communication, the celebration of the event, paying attention to the guests. The instructor must also take care of the quality of the wines and food. Any feast should be with good and high-quality food, and most importantly - for pleasure.

What does "instructor-womanizer" mean? This does not mean that he should look after every woman. But on a hiking trip, showing increased attention and care for a woman is simply his duty. Do not allow women's backpacks to be overloaded. Secure on difficult terrain. Help with putting on and taking off the backpack. To give women the opportunity to first change into dry clothes after crossing in the rain, to take care of their health. Instruct them to do only what they know how to do better than others .. Provide first aid, cook food, repair clothes.

Women in a tourist group always oblige men to monitor their appearance, their speech and behavior. Especially in this, the instructor should set the tone, setting an example for all men and not skimping on women's praise and compliments. An untidy, unshaven, unshaven instructor, and even with the well-established aroma of clothes smoked by the fire, is unlikely to arouse respect among women as a leader.

Why does the instructor have to be a liar?
Traveling on a hike, you have to answer hundreds of questions asked every minute by inquisitive tourists. Even with high erudition, competence and intelligence of the instructor, not all questions can be answered immediately. But, as a rule, the instructor always finds a way out by coming up with an answer or a comic legend. The instructor must be tolerant and attentive to the questions of tourists, not to allow rudeness, harshness, irritability in the answers. It’s better to come up with something funny than to answer tourists for the whole trip: "don't know", "no information", "no name".

"Instructor Chatterbox". How to understand it The instructor should not be a gloomy silent and "beech". He must be sociable and always in the spotlight. There are very interesting people in the tourist group: teachers, doctors, geologists, politicians, football fans, avid hunters. The instructor must support any topic of conversation, supplement it with some kind of bright episode, involve other group members in the discussion of the topic. Have a lot of interesting stories in your arsenal. Constantly supply the tourist group with travel information, legends, true stories and tourist camping tales. With lively communication, time passes quickly and interestingly. Tourists, communicating with each other and the instructor, mutually enrich themselves, learn the world, acquire useful information.

What does "instructor-gull" mean? And this means that the instructor must be a cheerful, interesting, enthusiastic storyteller, a walking encyclopedia of anecdotes, humorous stories, funny stories. Know a lot of fun games, practical jokes, jokes, tourist songs. Learn how to play them on the guitar. Here is a far from complete list of comic and serious requirements for the profession of a tourism instructor. In the tourism system, it is customary to consider the profession of an instructor the most important profession. If the instructor in the tourist group is not traveling, then the rest of the tourists is spoiled. And there is nothing to be done here. Tourists get bored, and they begin to make various claims to the management of the camp site. And the water in the shower is not the right temperature, the bed linen is the wrong color, the food in the dining room is not the same, and so on.

If the instructor is good, then the everyday inconveniences and shortcomings of other camp workers are simply not noticed. The tourist group lives in that interesting, adventurous world that the hostel instructor has created for them. Therefore, camp sites have always treated tourism instructors with care, their education, training and preservation of traditions.

Tourism instructor is a responsible, complex and highly intelligent profession that requires special attention and high status at the camp site. Many young people working at camp sites as instructors gained good experience and training in organizational work and later became leaders of the largest enterprises, headed city administrations, and advanced in the army and law enforcement agencies.

Nationality, religion, family. These are categories without which the existence of each of us is impossible. But a high characteristic is also supported by professional signs. Having chosen the field of activity, you find yourself in a community with certain norms, principles, and a way of life. Specialties are technical (related to machines) and humanitarian (related to society).

Humanitarian specialties are in demand everywhere, especially in the tourism business. For example - a tour guide, or a guide, or a tourism instructor. There is no exact date for the appearance of this type of activity. Since ancient times, people have sought to find the best places. The crowned persons in the retinue kept specially trained subjects who accompanied, were present at high-society receptions. Today he is a specialist who talks about sights to visitors, guests, foreigners, conducts excursions to significant parts of the city, and also accompanies groups on tours and cruises in Russia and abroad.

Depending on the level of services provided, erudition and skills, the guide receives from $300 to $1500. He can earn up to 25% commission on purchases that guests make in souvenir shops.

Guides have an etiquette of behavior. It is impossible to discuss with tourists the religion and politics of the country of visit, the nuances of the hotel, personal problems, disrespect the nationality of the tourist, single out one of the group and pay more attention to him. You can not use incorrect language, talk on the phone, wear sunglasses during the shift.

The guide moves and communicates a lot, encounters other people's, sometimes negative, emotions, solves the problems of tourists, and eliminates organizational problems that arise. Those who protect their peace, let them not choose this specialty. This is a job for active people who love adventure, travel and new acquaintances. A guide or tourism instructor works on weekends without fatigue or bad mood. He is always fit, in good shape, with a smile on his face. He must speak different languages, be sociable, have competent speech, know a lot of interesting, useful information, be able to express it. Listeners sometimes ask the most unexpected questions that need quick answers. This professional is a real speaker, able to hold attention for several hours, able to lead people. A good guide has a sense of humor, he will make a performance out of an excursion. A specialist with such a profession will always have earnings. But it's more of a calling than a job.

It's nice to remember the cities that opened up to us. They shone with the glare of the sun in the wonderful windows of luxurious buildings, beckoned with delicious aromas of coffee, fresh pastries to cozy restaurants, rustled leaves in parks, telling all the stories, starting from the foundation. And all because one guide, who met us on the way, did a very cool job. He was just a real pro.

Presser of scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals Reception of scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals Control of explosion safety of scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals Inspector of scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals Radiation and dosimetric control of scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals Training in radiation safety and radiation control Training and advanced training of managers and specialists in the field of transport security Training and advanced training of managers and specialists of organizations involved in assessing the vulnerability of transport infrastructure facilities Rights to a boat (courses for navigators) in Cherepovets Rights to a snowmobile, ATV, ATV in Cherepovets fire safety Advanced training courses on fire safety Fire-technical minimum Targeted briefing of special officials and other employees for the purposes of AML/CFT Environmental safety courses Training course and advanced training in civil defense and emergency situations (civil defense and emergency situations) Industrial safety courses Preparing for the USE/GIA Elective courses on in-depth study of mathematics for schoolchildren in grades 7-8 aged 13-15 Training in the profession "Fitness instructor" Advanced training of engineering and technical workers of the sea and river fleet Advanced training of crew members of inland navigation vessels Training in thermal power plants and heating networks Training of housing and communal services workers Mine surveying: professional retraining and advanced training remotely Advanced training of builders for entry into SROs (self-regulatory organizations) Vocational training of builders Courses of industrial mountaineering Training and advanced training of teachers and instructors of driving schools Courses of advanced training and professional retraining in road safety assistance to victims of a traffic accident Training of a technical expert Correspondence training courses for labor protection managers Tourism and hotel management Tourism Instructor-guide (tourism instructor) Camp counselor Tour guide (guide) State and municipal administration Management in education Personnel management Organization management Marketing Time -management Time management in the organization Recovery of lost wages Dismissal and challenging the dismissal of employees for committing guilty acts Teacher of additional education Professional retraining and advanced training in art therapy for children Advanced training courses and professional retraining of educators and teachers of preschool institutions Advanced training courses and retraining on inclusive education Refresher courses and retraining of school specialists Psychology. Professional retraining Breastfeeding consultant Emotional trauma of the child and psychological work with it Career guidance in educational institutions Effective speed reading for children 4-7 years old. Instructor for the development of memory and speed reading Effective speed reading for children 7-12 years old. Instructor for the development of memory and speed reading Effective speed reading for children 12-18 years old. Memory and speed reading instructor Effective speed reading for adults. Instructor for the development of memory and speed reading Training in the profession “Thermist” Training in the profession “Steelmaker of electric furnaces” Training in the profession “Slinger” Professional retraining and advanced training of disinfectors and exterminators Advanced training and vocational training for workers in the field of elevators Working specialties Anti-corruption Attracting an employer to criminal liability for delayed wages Bringing to justice for disciplinary violations and contesting guilt in committing them Organizing downsizing and combating downsizing Training center administrator Chess coach courses Course "How to increase sales in a children's center" Metrology and standardization advanced training and professional retraining courses remotely


"All-Russian school of tourism instructors - 2015"

The school is held by the Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia from January to November 2015.

Anyone over the age of 18 can be a student of the School.

"School" prepares the following categories of public tourism personnel:

1. Instructor of youth tourism

2. Instructor - conductor of sports tourism 1-2 categories

3. Sports tourism instructor

4. Youth tourism organizer - team leader at tourism events

5. Instructor-organizer of youth tourism - head of the tourist club, section.

6. Senior instructor-organizer of youth tourism - head of a public organization of tourism orientation

7. Referee of sports tourism competitions

8. Team leader (coach) of sports tourism competitions at a distance

Within the framework of the "School" the following events are planned:

· Submit a preliminary application for participation in the "School" no later than 14 calendar days before the start of the "School" event in which the student plans to take part.


Head of the "School" - Gogoladze Valery Nikolaevich.

Email: [email protected] Official website of the "School":

All additional information on the "School" will be posted on the website. On the forum of the site you can ask questions and receive official answers

All-Russian School of Tourism Instructors - 2015

Contacts :

Gogoladze Valery Nikolaevich

Tel. +7 938 4369443

Official website of the "School":

All information about the "School". On the site's forum, you can ask questions and receive official answers.

at 18:00 at the Center for Children and Youth Tourism.


about the All-Russian School of Tourism Instructors - 2015


Development of the tourist movement in Russia, strengthening its social significance. Creation of legal and economic conditions for the development of youth tourism in Russia.

career guidance and training for youth tourism. Creation for youth in opportunities to travel and healthy lifestyle.

Conducting mass All-Russian youth tourism events with the exchange of experience between the regions of Russia.


"All-Russian School of Tourism Instructors - 2015" (hereinafter referred to as the "School") is held from January to November 2015. The venue is according to information about individual events of the "School".


The school is organized by the Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia, the Interregional Public Organization for the Promotion of Tourism Development "Our Tourism" and the Tourist and Sports Federation of Sochi.

The direct conduct of the All-Russian School of Tourism Instructors is entrusted to the head, head teacher and instructors of the "School".


Students of the "School" can be young people who wish to develop youth tourism in Russia, agree to comply with the conditions of this provision, instructions on safety measures in the "School" (text in additional information) and submit the necessary walking documents.

Students must be at least 18 years of age by the time they start studying at the School. Students of the School must have equipment for overnight stays in the field and participation in training sessions.


"School" prepares the following categories of tourist personnel:

Required experience for admission to the "School"

The course of study at the "School"


Training of personnel in sports tourism in the direction of A - instructor

Instructor of youth tourism

Certificate of completion of the initial level of tourist training.

Pass the basic level of training. Take part in one of the activities of the "School". Participation in a sports route of the 1st category of complexity

Instructor - conductor of sports tourism 1-2 categories

Certificate of completion of the initial level of tourist training. Participation in a sports route of the 1st category of complexity

Pass the basic level of training. Take part in one of the activities of the "School". Management of a sports route of the 1st category of complexity

Sports tourism instructor

Certificate of completion of the basic level of tourist training. Participation in a sports route of the 2nd category of complexity + 1R

Pass a specialized level of training with an instructor block. Internship at one of the events of the "School". Management of a sports route of the 2nd category of complexity

Training of personnel in sports tourism in the direction of B - management

tourist and sports federations and their structures

Youth tourism organizer - team leader at tourism events

Not required

Recruit your team of at least 6 people and take part with it in one of the "School" events and two events of the municipality.

Instructor-organizer of youth tourism - head of the tourist club, section.

Certificate Instructor of youth tourism or Instructor - conductor of sports tourism 1-2 categories

Create a department, conduct a training course for students and successfully work as an instructor for the regional department of the "School". Take part in one of the activities of the "School"

Regional branch instructor

Senior instructor-organizer of youth tourism - head of a public organization of tourism orientation

Certificate Instructor of sports tourism

Create several departments, organize their work and successfully work as the head of the regional representative office of the "School". Take part in one of the activities of the "School"

Heads of regional offices

Personnel training in sports tourism - competition distances

Referee of sports tourism competitions

Not required

Take a theoretical course. Take part in the judging of one event "School" and two events of the municipality.

Team leader (coach) of sports tourism competitions at a distance

Not required

Take a theoretical course. Recruit your team of at least 6 people and take part with it in one of the "School" events and two events at the level of the municipality.

Curricula of the courses will be posted on the official website of the School.

Within the framework of the "School" the following events are planned:

1. Open All-Russian competition in search and rescue (adventure racing) "PSR - 2015" (Championship of Russia) - March 23-28 - Sochi;

2. International competitions in sports tourism at the combined distance "PSR - 2015-m" (search and rescue operations and adventure race) - May 18-23 - Antalya (Turkey);

3. Open All-Russian competition in search and rescue (adventure racing) "PSR - 2015p" (Championship of Russia) - July 6-17 - Sochi;

4. Training camp "All-Russian school of tourism instructors - 2015" - August 6-23 - by appointment;

5. 4th All-Russian Festival of sports tourism (All-Russian mass competitions in sports tourism at distances) - October 6-11 - Sochi;

6. Open All-Russian search and rescue competitions (adventure races) "SOCHI-SPELEO - 2015" - November 3-8 - Sochi;

Information on these, as well as additional events, will be posted on the official website of the School.

Options for studying at the "School":

Option 1. Self-study of students and passing exams externally at any of the events of the "School".

Option 2. Training students in the regional branch of the "School" and passing exams externally at any of the events of the "School" (if there is a regional branch).

The school opens regional branches and representative offices of the "School".

The regional branch of the "School" is headed by the instructor-organizer of the regional branch, who must have the title of "Instructor of youth tourism" or an instructor in the type of sports tourism. The work of the regional branch of the "School" is considered completed if at least 8 students have successfully completed their studies at the "School"

The regional representative office of the "School" is headed by a senior instructor-organizer (head of the regional representative office of the "School"), who must have the title of instructor for the type of sports tourism. The work of the regional representation of the "School" is considered completed if at least 3 departments have successfully completed their studies at the "School"


To open a branch or representative office of the "School" in the region, you must:

· Submit a preliminary application for work in the "School" as an instructor in the following form: Name School, Locality, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name of the instructor, his cell phone and e-mail, Department (or Representative office) Example: School - Bryansk - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich - 8-910-5554422 -Viktor@ mail. en - Branch.

Pass an interview with the head of the "School" on Skype (Skype): val4445

· The instructor of the department (representation) submits preliminary applications for all his students independently.

To enroll in the "School" each student must:

· Submit a preliminary application for participation in the work of the "School" in the following form: Name - School, name of the course program and events for which the student asks to be enrolled, Locality, Surname, First Name, Patronymic of the student, his cell phone and e-mail. Example: School - "Organizer of youth tourism" - RPS-2015 - Bryansk - Ivanov Viktor Petrovich - 8-915-5553331 -Viktor[email protected] mail. en

Preliminary applications must be sent to Email: [email protected], do not forget to indicate the Subject of the letter: School - 2015. Applications are accepted no later than 14 calendar days before the start of the "Schools" event in which the student plans to take part.

At the first event for the listener, held within the framework of the "School", it is necessary to submit to the selection committee:

· Application (form - in additional information).

· A doctor's certificate of admission to sports tourism, which must be certified by the round seal of the medical institution and the doctor's signature. Example wording: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich - 20 years old, due to health reasons, he is allowed to engage in sports tourism.

Two photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm.

Students may be expelled from the "School" in the following cases:

· Failure to meet the requirements for passing tests and practical work.

Violation of safety rules and norms of conduct during training sessions and at the events of the "School".

· Lack of documents on participation in a sports tourist route.

Upon successful completion of the "School" (courses), students will be issued the following documents:

· Certificate or diploma of completion of the "School" (depending on the course).

· Information about the passed sports tourist route.

Through the mountains to the sea with a light backpack. Route 30 passes through the famous Fisht - this is one of the most grandiose and significant natural monuments in Russia, the highest mountains closest to Moscow. Tourists travel lightly through all the landscape and climatic zones of the country from the foothills to the subtropics, spending the night in shelters.