What are the officers like? What officer ranks are accepted in the modern Russian army

You yourself will be a good warrior and an honest defender of the Motherland. Army aphorisms, court of honor, rules of life, old truths, the basis and essence of military service, attitude towards superiors and oneself.

The basis and essence of military service

1. Believe in God, be devoted to the Sovereign Emperor, His family and love the Motherland.

The first and main duty of a soldier is loyalty to the Sovereign, the Emperor and the Fatherland. Without this quality, he is not fit for military service. The integrity of the empire and the maintenance of its prestige are based on the strength of the army and navy; their qualities and shortcomings resonate throughout the country; therefore it is not your business to get involved in social questions and political philosophies; your job is to keep doing yours. responsibilities.

2. Place above all the glory of the Army.

3. Be brave. But courage is true and feigned. The arrogance of youth is not courage. A military man must always be prudent and consider his actions calmly and carefully. If you are low and arrogant, everyone will hate you.

4. Obey discipline.

5. Respect your superiors and trust them.

6. Be afraid to violate your duty - this is forever, you will lose your good name.

7. An officer must be faithful and truthful. Without these qualities, it is almost impossible for a military man to remain in the army. Faithful - a person who fulfills his duty, truthful - if he does not change his word. Therefore, never promise unless you are sure that you will keep the promise.

8. Be polite and humble in dealing with all people.

9. The best part of courage is caution.

Attitude towards superiors and oneself

1. Always remember that you are an officer.

2. Be formal with your superiors,

3. Remember that the boss is always and everywhere the boss.

4. Never criticize the actions and deeds of the boss in general; with someone - especially, and God forbid at the lower ranks.

5. Any order of the head of the service, in whatever form it may be expressed (proposal, request, advice) is an order.

6. If you are older in rank, and in terms of the distribution of posts you will be subordinate to the younger, you are obliged to fulfill everything, the orders of the person placed over you, without any dispute.

7. If you come on vacation for three days or less, then, without appearing in person, you must certainly send your vacation ticket to the commandant's office. Arriving for more than three days, it is necessary to appear personally to the commandant.

8. At the end of the vacation period, he is obliged to appear again at the Commandant's Office or inform the Commandant's Office in an open letter: “This date I left for the place of my service” (Signature).

9. "Who wants to be able to order, must be able to obey!" Napoleon said.

10. Take care of your honor, the honor of the regiment and the army.

11. Dress strictly in uniform and always clean.

12. Strictly treat your official duties .. (Disc. Const. § 1).

13. Keep yourself simple, with dignity, without foppishness.

14. Be restrained (correct) and tactful always, with everyone and everywhere.

15. Be courteous and helpful, but not intrusive and flattering. Know how to leave on time so as not to be superfluous ..

16. It is necessary to remember the boundary where complete politeness ends and where servility begins.

17. Make yourself talk less.

18. Be observant and careful in expressions.

19. Do not write hasty letters and reports in the heat of the moment.

20. Be less frank in general, you will regret it. Remember: "My tongue is my enemy."

21. Don't go crazy - you won't prove dashing with this, but you will compromise yourself. Forget "good old time" and the expression "Bad officer who doesn't drink." Now it’s different: “A bad officer who drinks,” and “Such an officer is not kept in the regiment.”

22. Do not rush to get on a short footing with a person whom you did not know enough.

23. Avoid "you", which gives a reason and the right to familiarities of bad taste, an excuse on the rights of friendship to scold you, interfere in your affairs, say vulgarity, rudeness, etc.

24. Often the elder, drunk, offers to go with him. no misters". However, the next day, be diplomatic:

either speak to him in “you”, or wait until he is the first to address you in “you”. In a word, tact is a necessary condition in order not to get into an awkward position or a mess.

25. Avoid stories and scandals. Do not act as an uninvited witness: by supporting one, you will make an enemy in the other - a double-edged sword. Neutrality is a means even of great powers; a means to maintain good relations with all,

26. A person who has made enemies, no matter how smart, kind, honest and truthful he is, dies almost inevitably, since enemies in society are always active, friends are passive; they only sympathize, regret, sigh, but do not fight for the perishing, fearing for their own fate,

27. Avoid cash accounts with comrades. Money always ruins relationships.

28. Do not make debts: do not dig holes for yourself. Live within your means. Drop false selfishness. It is immoral to make debts without being able to pay them; otherwise - do not get into someone else's pocket ...

29. Himself, if you can, help a friend financially, but personally avoid taking it, as this lowers your dignity.

30. Do not revel in someone else's account, not having the means to repay the same, if you do not want your dignity and pride to suffer. Remember the French proverb: "It is better to drink bad wine from your own small glass than good wine from someone else's large."

31. Live alone - calmer. Living together with a friend eventually leads to squabbles, even a break.

32. Do not take personally insulting remarks, witticisms of ridicule said after, which often happens on the streets and in public places. Be above it. Leave - you will not lose, but you will get rid of the scandal.

33. Consider each decisive step. It is impossible to correct a mistake, but it is difficult to make amends. "Measure seven times, cut once."

34. Be attentive before a quarrel than yield after a quarrel.

35. At a critical moment, friends will not help: they are powerless in military service, bound by discipline and obedience to superiors.

36. If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying bad things, if you know.

37. Do not neglect anyone's advice - listen. The right to follow him or not will remain with you.

38. Be able to take good advice from another -. an art no less than giving good advice to oneself.

39. Avoid military conversations with anyone outside of duty, especially during wartime.

40. Be careful in choosing acquaintances: be guided not only by their education, but also by their social position in society. "Tell me who you know and I'll tell you who you are."

41. In the presence of batmen (in general, in the presence of a servant), refrain from speaking on sensitive topics. This habit must be firmly eradicated in oneself and always remembered. Unfortunately, most people forget this. Meanwhile, the servant listens especially sensitively and looks closely at the life of their masters, takes note of everything and often spreads ridiculous rumors to the homes of acquaintances (through the servants).

42. A person using a batman must monitor his health, behavior and must not allow illegal treatment with him; to give orderlies for the service of another person is, of course, prohibited.

43. Responsibility for non-compliance with the uniform of batmen and behavior falls on the officer under whom the batman is a member.

44. Do not use the services of someone else's orderly without prior permission, do not order anything - not tactfully.

45. After graduating from college, continue to study. In the knowledge of the art of war is your strength. There is no time to learn in battles, but you have to apply what you have learned. Do not lose sight of the fact that it is necessary to know all kinds of weapons.

46. ​​An officer in all cases of his life and service submits a written report: on his arrival in the regiment, on his departure on a business trip, vacation and return from such, on taking up or surrendering a position, on illness and recovery, on clashes and cases in the service or outside it, about all sorts of petitions, and so on.

47. Reports are written concisely, to the point and without titles to the boss.

48. The signature of an officer, in whatever rank he may be, must always be legible and without any flourishes.

49. Military officials are guided by the same rules as officers.

old truths

1. Firmness of will and fearlessness are two qualities necessary for a military man.

2. An officer must be distinguished by moral qualities on which the personal behavior of a fighter is based, since charm over the mass is associated with him, which is so necessary for the leader.

3. The strength of an officer is not in impulses, but in unbreakable calm.

4. Honor builds courage and ennobles courage

5. Honor is the shrine of an officer.

6. The officer must respect the human rights of his brother - the lower rank.

7. A boss who does not spare the pride of his subordinates suppresses their noble desire to become famous and thereby lowers their moral strength.

8. All age classes of the population pass through the ranks of the army, the influence of the officer corps extends to the whole people.

9. Woe to the country if, leaving the service, a soldier endures disgust for the soldier ranks.

10. Do not pass off as undeniable truth what you either do not believe at all, or at least doubt. To do so is a crime.

11. It is necessary that not only the formal side of the service flourish, but also the moral one.

13. The army is an oak that protects the homeland from storms.

Rules of life

1. Do not take care of the regimental ladies (in the vulgar sense). Do not create dirt in your regimental family, in which you will have to serve for decades. Such novels always end tragically.

2. Never express opinions about women. Remember, women at all times have been the cause of discord and the greatest misfortunes, not only of individuals, but of entire empires.

3. Take care of the reputation of the woman who trusted you, whoever she may be. A decent person in general, especially an officer, even in the intimate circle of his faithful and experienced friends, never talks about such things - a woman is always most afraid of publicity.

4. There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.

5. Be very, very careful in your intimate life. “The regiment is your supreme judge.”

6. Any unseemly actions of an officer are discussed by the regimental court of honor.

7. One should not talk about service and affairs in society.

8. Keep the entrusted secret or secret, even of an unofficial nature. A secret communicated by you to even one person ceases to be a secret.

9. Do not cross the line of conventions developed by the traditions of the regiment and life.

10. Be guided in life by instinct, a sense of justice and a duty of decency.

11. Be able not only to think and reason, but also to be silent in time and hear everything.

12. In military service, do not show pride in trifles, otherwise you will always suffer because of it.

13. Be always on the alert and do not loosen up.

14. Although servicemen are allowed to engage in literary activities, they are not entitled to sign their articles with the designation of their rank and position (Circus. Head. Piece 1908 No. 61).

15. For printing, military personnel are subject not only to the general criminal procedure, but can be brought to court by the society of officers, and those not subject to this court - to disciplinary responsibility, inclusive until dismissal from service in a disciplinary procedure (Prik. on military. Ved. 1908 No. 310).

16. To catch other people in lies means to harm yourself and them.

17. Try to keep your words soft in the dispute, and the arguments are firm. Try not to annoy the enemy, but to convince him.

18. It is not customary for officers to dance at public masquerades.

19. Entering a public place, be careful, if the audience is there without any top dress and without caps, then you must do the same.

20. If you want to smoke, ask for permission, but rather wait until you are offered either by the mistress of the house or by the elder (depending on where and when).

21. Everyone has his own shortcomings: no one can do without the help of others, and therefore we must help each other with advice and mutual warnings.

22. When speaking, avoid gestures and do not raise your voice.

23. If you have entered a society in which there is a person with whom you are in a quarrel, then, when greeting everyone, it is customary to shake hands with him, of course, if this cannot be avoided without paying the attention of those present or the hosts. Sharing a hand does not give rise to unnecessary talk, and does not oblige you to anything.

24. According to the Highest expressed will, it is necessary for an officer to salute with a salute when meeting on the street chief officers of all types of weapons, regardless of the seniority of their rank and without waiting for a greeting from them first.

25. Chief officers (lieutenant colonels, colonels) and generals are obliged to give the established. honour. Upon entering them, if the officer was sitting, one must stand up and bow, and not barely get up or continue to sit.

26. It is indecent to salute and carelessly accept honor ((also from the lower ranks) with your left hand (except for the wounded), or with a cigarette in your teeth, nod your head, keep your left hand in your pocket when saluting. Walking arm in arm with a lady "the officer is not released from saluting according to the charter.

27. The cap must be worn in accordance with the charter, and the overcoat is always fastened with all buttons.

28. Needless to say, an officer must obey in public places all the rules that exist for the public.

29 In general, the behavior of an officer should pay attention to those around him with his correctness and foresight.

About the court of honor

1. Do not forget that in order to preserve the dignity of military service, officers who are seen in disapproving behavior or actions that are incompatible with the concepts of military honor and valor of an officer's rank or exposing an officer's lack of rules of morality and nobility are subjected to the court of an officer society. This court is also given the right to deal with quarrels that occur between officers.

2. The court of honor is held behind closed doors. No more than 24 hours are allowed for the consideration of the case in the court of honor and the decision of the verdict. On the verdict of the court of honor on the merits of the case, complaints do not rely. A court of honor is a regimental secret, Whoever divulges it is subject to a court of honor.

3. Among the actions dealt with in the regimental court of honor, there may be: a fight between officers, borrowing money from lower ranks, playing cards with lower ranks, on billiards, bringing persons of dubious behavior to the officers' meeting, writing anonymous letters, dishonest playing cards, refusing to pay a gambling debt, ambiguously courting the wife of a comrade in the regiment, appearing in a public place drunk or indecent, etc.

4. Duels are allowed only by order or permission of the regimental court of honor. Dueling in wartime is prohibited.

Remember aphorisms

1. He who fears nothing is more powerful than he who is feared by all.

2. Becoming funny means losing your case.

3. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame.

4. Pull but don't tear.

5. Example is the most eloquent of sermons.

6. Backbiting harms three at once: the one about whom they speak badly; the one who is spoken badly; but most of all to him who speaks evil.

7. A gunshot wound can be healed, but a tongue wound never heals.

8. The strongest delusions are those that do not have. doubt.

9. Courage gives success to an officer, and success gives courage.

10. It's smart to be silent by the way.

11. Means to get bored - say everything you know.

12. Modest is not the one who is indifferent to praise, but the one who is attentive to censures.

13. The last resort should always be the last.

14. Everyone looks, but not everyone sees.

15. Laws should be followed, not reinterpreted.

16. Vanity is a sign of consciousness of one's insignificance.

17. Thinking correctly is more valuable than knowing a lot.

18. For taste - to the young, for advice - to the old.

19. If you say, you won’t turn back; if you write, you won’t erase it; if you cut it off, you won’t put it on.

20. A clear conscience is the best pillow.

21. The beauty of the mind causes surprise, the beauty of the soul - respect.

22. It is necessary to conquer with the mind that which cannot be overcome by force. eighteen

23. Do not be intrusive so that you are not pushed away, and do not move too far away so that you are not forgotten.

24. It's not your job to get involved in social issues.

25. The best part of courage is caution.

26. Did not introduce himself to the commander - wait a little with the theater.

27. Know how to leave on time.

28. Friends are not enemies, they are always passive.

29. Friends are powerless. They are bound by obedience to superiors.

30. Woe to a country where a soldier has an aversion to the soldier's ranks.

31. Expenses for the army - the insurance premium of the state.

32. Do not be humiliated by the publicity of intimacy.

33. And salute next to the lady.

34. Spare the vanity of soldiers. They have it developed no less than the officers.

35. It is important that subordinates respect you, and not be afraid.

36. There is nothing worse than indecision. Better a worse decision than hesitation or inaction.

37. A good example is always better than a rule.

39. Do not forget that the charter is for us, and we are not for the charter.

40. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame, ”

41. Courage gives success to an officer, and success gives courage.

42. Vanity is a sign of consciousness of one's insignificance.


So, if you want to be a boss, do everything as you read, just do everything to the smallest detail, otherwise “a fly in the ointment will spoil a barrel of honey,” and if you serve in everything like that, then everything will be fine with you. You yourself will be a good warrior and an honest defender of the Motherland; your superiors will love you and reward you for everything being in order and in order, and your subordinates will love you for being fair. courteous to them, you love them yourself and replace their father. To know, and the service is in good order, and the authorities are satisfied, and you are calm, and your people are well; most pleasant and from people honor and respect.

The command structure of the armed forces includes a group of very heterogeneous military specialties, differing both in the types of troops and in what kind of work is done. Depending on what specific specialty an officer has, he can either predominantly command soldiers and lower-ranking officers, or independently work with complex military equipment.

You can become an officer by enrolling in one of the many military schools. In addition, you can graduate from a military department at a civilian university, and then go to serve under a contract. Another option is to remain in the army after conscript service and receive an officer's rank after the appropriate advanced training. Discipline and responsibility, a combination of diligence with initiative, self-confidence and determination, and good health are required from an officer.

The problem of employment in its traditional sense for officers in the service is practically non-existent (although it becomes acute if an officer resigns for one reason or another). A serviceman is a person who practically does not belong to himself, he does not look for a job according to his own taste, as “in civilian life”, but serves where he is ordered, and far from always has the opportunity to influence how his professional fate is decided .

In general, the army is a structure in which there is a clear hierarchy, each person knows exactly whose orders he is obliged to carry out and whom he himself has the right to order (and orders, as you know, are not discussed). It rather strictly regulates most aspects of life and activity, there are charters, many different regulatory documents, there is a strictly defined uniform, daily routine, etc. Good officers are obtained from those who are comfortable in such conditions. For those who most of all dream of freedom and creative self-expression, it is better to look for yourself in other areas of activity.

When choosing a military profession, one cannot count on the fact that the service will always take place in peaceful conditions. Fortunately, the likelihood of a new world war is now small, but hostilities now and then occur in various "hot spots". And mostly not those who are drafted or mobilized from the reserve get there, but just those who have chosen military affairs as their main profession: contract soldiers and regular officers. An officer in combat conditions will need tremendous resistance to stress, a combination of determination with reasonable caution, as well as the ability to instantly navigate in difficult and dangerous situations. How much he will show these qualities will depend on the life - and his own, and the fighters.

The level of income of most officers in modern Russia is low, somewhat below the average salary in industry (with the exception of the highest command staff). However, this is largely compensated by the fact that an officer in the service is fully supported by the state, and outside the military unit he enjoys many social benefits.

An officer's career prospects are associated with career growth, the assignment of higher ranks, which, in addition to having a military education of the appropriate level, depends on three components.

  1. Years of service. It is impossible to immediately step from lieutenant to colonel, in each successive rank one should serve a certain period of time (in some cases, for special merits, the rank may be awarded ahead of schedule).
  2. The effectiveness of the previous service, the presence of incentives and awards, the absence of penalties, positive feedback from the higher command.
  3. The opportunity to take a position that implies the presence of a higher rank. It happens that the growth of an officer is hampered by the fact that where he serves, there are simply no vacancies that imply a higher rank (for example, no one will give the company commander the rank of colonel until the position of commander of a larger structural unit is vacated for him).

Officers, especially those serving in adverse conditions (for example, in the Far North), have an accelerated length of service, the opportunity to retire early (by the way, military pensions are significantly higher than civilian ones) and have time to make a successful career in other areas.

Considered one of the most prestigious. She embodied such moral ideals as devotion to the Motherland, courage, courage, honor and responsibility. The military events of recent years testify to the high professionalism of regular officers. They contributed to the fact that among young people, including those who graduated from civilian universities, there was an increased interest in this craft. Young people are increasingly asking themselves how to become an officer in the Russian army.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. The first acquaintance with the profession

The formation of interest in the craft of the military begins at school during the study of the subject "Life Safety". The school curriculum provides hours for educating the younger generation in the spirit of high patriotism.

At the lessons, children get acquainted with the profession of the defender of the Fatherland, with examples from life. Teachers draw the attention of schoolchildren to the significance and importance of the military for the country.

What is an officer corps?

In the army of any state, the presence of persons of an administrative-legal category is provided. These people are organizers, as well as direct executors of tasks for the defense and security of the country. Before you become an army officer and begin to perform your duties, you must obtain the appropriate education and rank. Officers have always been the backbone of the army.

The perseverance, professionalism, dedication and devotion to the Fatherland of regular officers kept the armed forces in constant combat readiness.

The formation of correct moral foundations among officers is carried out in special military educational institutions.

How is the training of officers going on today?

The Russian Federation has a sufficient number of military universities that train future officers. Each institution has the right to present its own requirements to candidates. All the necessary information on how to become a military officer can be obtained from the commissariats. Having chosen the future profession of a military man, a young man can go in two ways to the intended goal.

Way one

This option is considered the most time-consuming, as it can take a long period of time. The learning process is not easy. It takes place in higher specialized military institutions. Before becoming an officer and receiving a rank, a young man must study for several years and successfully graduate from a military university.

This option is chosen by all future career officers. For those who are interested in how to become an officer in the Russian army and wish to undergo special training on the territory of the Russian Federation, there are 55 military universities: institutes, universities and academies that provide their graduates with more than 250 specialties.

Way two

Many future applicants are interested in how to become an officer after a civilian university. Is it possible?

An officer's rank can also be obtained in civilian life. For this you need:

  • choose a university with a military department;
  • successfully complete it;
  • pass the field training (they last 80 days).

Citizens who graduated from a civilian university with a military department before they reach the age of 24, after passing through preliminary selection and special training, receive an officer rank. Work with graduates is carried out by the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.

Which way is better?

Everyone who wants to become an officer is given the opportunity to choose one path or another. Military educational institutions are designed to help everyone who wants to learn how to become an officer of the Russian Federation, and in the future fully connect their lives with the army. In this case, the age of applicants is limited: from 16 to 27 years. Upon admission, there is an informal requirement: it is desirable that the candidate has completed military service. For persons under 18 years of age, the legislation provides for deferrals and academic leave for the period of their service.

When choosing a civilian educational institution, the presence of a military department in it is of particular importance. Successful completion of such a civilian university gives the graduate the opportunity to both become a military officer (get the rank of lieutenant), and go into the reserve and not connect his future with the army. If desired, persons who graduated from civilian universities can be reinstated to serve as officers. To do this, you need to contact the local military registration and enlistment office with a statement about the desire to serve under the contract and undergo a medical examination. For applicants who graduated from civilian universities without a military department, special command courses are provided that allow you to quickly become an officer.

After graduating from a civilian university with a military department

After a civilian university graduate receives Often there is a recruitment of people from the civilian and with a higher education in the state guard. The title can also be awarded to persons with a good track record or proven successful workers. These steps are sometimes taken by management to reward the most conscientious subordinates.

Most graduates of civilian educational institutions, having a lieutenant rank, go into the reserve and are not called up for service. Those who got on the urgent, in the army often receive sergeant positions. This is due to the lack of officer vacancies. Those who have learned how to become an officer, have finally decided on their choice and decided to make a military career, are recommended to start with specialized military educational institutions.

What about people who graduated from civilian universities without a military department?

Often the question of how to become a Russian officer is of interest to young people who have graduated from a civilian university that does not have a military department. In this case, you should apply to a military university. For admission, the applicant must have good physical fitness, knowledge of specific subjects and the necessary socio-psychological qualities. These three points are taken into account by the selection committee. For psychological examination, testing and interviews are provided, the results of which make it possible to draw conclusions about the psychological stability, reliability of applicants, as well as their ability to endure all the hardships of service. To check the general education of applicants, the USE is used.


Often young people who want to learn how to become an officer after a civilian university consult lawyers on this issue. Social networks in which they share their problem reveal it in all its variety of aspects:

  • Is there a chance to get an officer's rank after serving an urgent military service, graduating from a civilian university and becoming a contract soldier? (Answer: upon completion of studies at a civilian university and subsequent military training, by order of the Minister of Defense, a person is awarded an officer rank. If the educational institution had a military department, then the assignment does not depend on whether the applicant is an active military man or he is in the reserve. The rank of foreman and sergeant is assigned by order of the regiment commander.)
  • Is it possible, having a diploma of higher education, to get the rank of an officer in the army? (Answer: until the applicant is appointed to an officer position, even with several higher educations, he will not be able to receive an officer rank. When appointed to such a position, the assignment of a rank is possible even if there is only a general secondary education. But in this case - if there is no higher education - this will be junior lieutenant. If there is a diploma of higher education, the first rank will be lieutenant. A conscript can only receive a sergeant's rank - subject to his appointment to a sergeant's position).
  • What title is awarded after a civilian university? (Answer: after graduating from a university or institute with a military department, a newly minted young specialist becomes a reserve lieutenant. The same rank is awarded upon graduation from a military school.
  • Is it possible to get the rank of lieutenant after graduating from a civilian university without a military department? (Answer: in the absence of training at the military department, the rank of lieutenant is not awarded. You must complete military service or enter a military university (up to 24 years old).
  • Is it possible for a graduate of a civil university ("reserve") to receive the rank of junior lieutenant after passing? (Answer: a citizen in the reserve can receive the first and next military rank no higher than captain of the 1st rank or colonel. In this case, he must be assigned to a military unit. In case of mobilization, he is called up in a position providing for an equal or higher military rank.This person must pass and pass the necessary tests).
  • What specialty of a civilian university should a contract soldier enter in order to get more chances to continue a military career as an officer? (Answer: before reaching the age of 24, you can enter a military university. At an older age, you can enter any civilian university, but only after completing 3 years of service. After graduation, in order to be awarded the rank of officer, it is necessary that the employee was appointed to an officer position.)
  • Where is it better to serve a graduate of a civilian university in order to continue a military career after the army? (Answer: for the continuation of military service, the branch of service in which the former student of the "citizen" will do military service does not play a special role).
  • Is it possible to study as an officer in absentia after signing the contract? (Answer: there is no correspondence military education in the Russian Federation. If you wish to become an officer, you can enter a military university. There, after the first year of study, a contract is signed for the entire period of study, as well as for 5 years of service upon completion).
  • Is it possible to serve under a contract in the army and study in absentia at a civilian university? (Answer: it is possible. The law provides that contract servicemen, except for officers who serve continuously for at least three years, can study at higher and secondary institutions with state accreditation, as well as at preparatory courses at federal universities at the expense of budgetary funds according to the forms of education : full-time, part-time or evening. They have the right to enter these institutions out of competition).
  • Is it right for a military registration and enlistment office to refuse a graduate of a civilian university (received the specialty "manager, personnel manager"), who has not served "urgent", in his desire to sign a contract as an officer, citing the fact that there is no military position for his civilian specialty? (Answer: right. They won’t take a young man as an officer. Indeed, there are no managers in the army. He can be called up as a private or a sailor, and after completing military service (or during the passage), you can sign a contract. Since he has a higher education, he will need pass VVK, tests and pass physical standards).
  • At this time, the man serves as a foreman (contract worker). In the summer he finishes his studies at the university (special "finance and credit"). Can he qualify for a higher rank? (Answer: a military man will be able to get the rank of an officer (in this case, a lieutenant) only if he is appointed to an officer position. This is possible even without a higher education. In the absence of such a position, he will not be able to get the rank).

How to become a police officer?

Police officers can be persons from 18 to 35 years old. The gender of the candidate does not matter. The selection committee evaluates individual qualities and data obtained as a result of a serious medical, psychological and professional examination. The officers of the police of the Russian Federation receive special education at universities and academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Persons who graduated from a civil university subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and have a legal education have more chances to become a police officer. This also applies to those who graduated (it accepts applicants from the ninth grade), the cadet corps or college with a law degree.

Applicants of other universities with diplomas of other specialties can also receive the rank of officer. To do this, the candidate must submit an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then he will be sent to the passage of accelerated courses, after which he is entitled to apply for employment in the police.

What documents need to be provided?

  • Personal passport (Russian and foreign).
  • Diploma of education.
  • Labor book.
  • Application for a job.
  • Completed application form.
  • Written autobiography.

How to get the rank of FSB officer?

The activity of the FSB, which is engaged in the protection of the national interests of the Russian Federation, differs from other law enforcement agencies in its particular complexity and responsibility. In this case, very high requirements are imposed on applicants.

In the service of the state, intellectuals have found their way, for whom the army and the police are not considered the limit. Such people replenish the officers of the FSB. You can become one of its members by completing a training course at the FSB Academy.

Graduation from this higher educational institution gives the graduate the opportunity to both become a state security officer and successfully make a career in any other law enforcement agency of the Russian Federation.

All the requirements for candidates who decide to connect their lives with the army, police and other security agencies are quite high. The very work of an officer implies a lack of free time and often puts the health and sometimes life of an employee at risk. If you want to be not just an officer, but to advance and occupy high ranks, daily duty, urgent calls and other difficulties of service will not be a burden. A good result and success can come with love for your work.

Ilya, based on his service experience, gives advice to soldiers and those who are going to join the army, how they can fight the "jackals" there.

Hello, my name is Ilya.

I serve in the Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment.

The division into three types of officers: a jackal (the worst type), a pofigist (they, respectively, do not care) and an officer (the bone of the army) is “traditional” and is easily understood by everyone who has served in the army. The fact is that, in my opinion, this very ratio of “asshole-dullness-man” is quite consistent with what you encounter in “citizenship”. The peculiarity of the army is that you can’t just get away from an asshole, there are disproportionately more ways for him to spoil you personally, and doing something about it, especially at the beginning of the army path, is quite problematic. I want to give some advice on how to deal with this:

The jackal always believes that he is superior to the soldier in everything, always and under any conditions, be it drill (although some zhirobas-jackals barely climb a step, not to mention the drill), knowledge of the charter (they know excerpts of the Soviet charter, not the actual God knows how many years) or computer equipment (the folders in my monitor were erased, most likely they fell into the mouse, return it quickly!). So my first piece of advice: don't argue with an asshole. Sets a stupid task that you can complete, no matter how wild and pointless it may seem to you? Do it silently. Do not convince, do not prove, do not argue - the jackal will not appreciate. Remember, he knows better than you about everything, because he has been serving in the army for 20 years and is a captain! If you can’t do the task, say: “Yes” and don’t do it. There will be problems, but you would not have avoided them anyway.

The jackal is always looking to get to the bottom of a soldier, so watch yourself. In general, I do not advise launching yourself in the army - no one will appreciate this: neither jackals, nor officers, nor your own colleagues. But the jackals will cause the most problems, while he himself may look like a miserable piece of unshaven shit in pixel form. Believe me, it is doubly unpleasant when a greasy pig reprimands you for a dirty hemming, from which it carries you 300 meters away with a fume.

In my first outfit, I did the following: at night, when no one is watching whether you are hanging out on the bedside table, I took the internal service charter and read it from cover to cover. Then the other three. In total, each 4 times in the first month of service, the so-called KMB. And, believe me, I never regretted it. Not a single jackal was able to "mask" me with a charter, although there were attempts. According to the charter, in general, everyone around owes a soldier, you can safely use this. But, again!, first read-memorize - then use.

There are bound to be a few good, honest officers in your regiment - stick to them. Ask them for advice, ask questions. Such people will help in the service and cover from the jackal

And, for me, the most important thing is to be useful. I'm serious. If you are a useful soldier, the jackals will not touch you. You can blame them as you like, but even they understand with their spinal cord that the soldier from whom you ask for help should not be jerked off. Therefore, show your strengths - and you will be noticed. Just don't misunderstand me: I'm not now calling on you to rat in favor of jackals or to "grease" them in every possible way, otherwise there will be idiots, and I will remain to blame.

In general, here is what I am ready to say on this issue. It turned out that I didn’t really answer anything to the original article, if I didn’t confirm it, but as it turned out, it happened. The army is not a separate life, it is you who live there and, as always, you are responsible for your position, and not anyone around you, be it jackals, grandfathers, or someone else.