Features of work in interactive classes. Active and interactive methods in the lessons

Modern pedagogical science considers the content of education in a new way. In pedagogical practice, information technologies still prevail, while the objective needs of society make the problem of the widespread introduction of developing and student-centered technologies relevant. The modernization of Russian education is aimed not only at changing the content of the subjects studied, but also at changing approaches to teaching methods, expanding the arsenal of methodological techniques, intensifying the activity of students during the lesson, bringing the topics studied closer to real life through consideration of situations and finding ways to solve the most pressing social problems. .



Interactive forms of organization of the educational process.

Tell me and I will forget;

Show me and I will remember;

Let me do it and I'll understand.

Chinese parable.

Modern pedagogical science considers the content of education in a new way. In pedagogical practice, information technologies still prevail, while the objective needs of society make the problem of the widespread introduction of developing and student-centered technologies relevant. The modernization of Russian education is aimed not only at changing the content of the subjects studied, but also at changing approaches to teaching methods, expanding the arsenal of methodological techniques, intensifying the activity of students during the lesson, bringing the topics studied closer to real life through consideration of situations and finding ways to solve the most pressing social problems. . Studies conducted by scientists in schools show that the prevalence of reproductive approaches creates an indifferent attitude towards learning in half of the students, and a negative attitude in a third. That is why in civic education it is important that the student is not a passive object of influence, but can independently find the necessary information, exchange opinions on a certain topic with his peers, participate in discussions, find arguments, and perform various roles.

The need to develop a common culture of students is dictated by life itself, in particular, by the social order that modern society imposes on the general education of children. This order is to form a socially active initiative creative personality, developing the natural inclinations, inclinations and individuality of each student. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the most optimal forms of education, methods and techniques used in the classroom to expand the horizons of schoolchildren and their general culture based on an individual and differentiated approach to students.

The main result of education should be not only a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but a set of modern competencies.

Many methodological innovations today are associated with the use of interactive teaching methods. Word"interactive" derived from the word“interact” (eng.), where “inter” is mutual, “act” - act. “Interactivity” means the ability to interact or be in a dialogue mode.

The success of the learning process depends largely on the relationship

teachers with children

children with each other

Each child with a teacher

student with team

The essence of interactive learning- the achievement of results in learning and it is achieved only in continuous interaction, mutual enrichment, cooperation, mutual development, dialogue, communication, reflection between the teacher and the student.

What is interactive learning?

This is learning (spontaneous or special), based on the direct interaction of students with the learning environment (learning subject-developing environment). Mikhail Klarin

This is training based on the interaction of all subjects of the educational process with intellectual autonomy.

J. Jacques

This is a special form of organizing cognitive activity, in which the traditional typology of methods is implemented, the leading role is given to developing - partially search, search and research activities of students

In a broad senseinteractive learningis a dialogue of any subjects using the means and methods available to them.

The main value of interactive learning is to ensure the achievement of a number of important educational goals:

Stimulation of motivation and interest in the field of the studied subjects.

Increasing the level of activity and independence of students.

Development of skills for analyzing the criticality of thinking, interaction, communication.

Self-development and development, thanks to the activation of mental activity and interaction with the teacher and other participants in the educational process.

In interactive learning, the needs of the student are taken into account, his personal experience is involved, targeted adjustment of knowledge is carried out, the optimal result is achieved through cooperation, co-creation, independence and freedom of choice, the student analyzes his own activities. The scheme of the relationship between the participants in the educational process is fundamentally changing; in contact with the teacher and peers, the student feels more comfortable.

Skillful organization of student interaction on the basis of educational material can become a powerful factor in improving the effectiveness of educational activities in general.

activity and initiative. First of all, is activity important for interactive learning? This question may seem strange. After all, the more active, the better ... But let's think about it: there are many tricks and tricks with which the leader can maintain the high activity of the participants, but they will still remain ... passive spectators and listeners (for example, when learning in chorus).

There are physical, social and cognitive activity of students.

During physical activity, students perform the following actions:
* change jobs, change jobs;
* they say:
* write;
* listen;
* draw

* design

* draw and cut, etc.
During social activity, students:
* ask questions;
* answer questions;
* exchange opinions, etc.
During cognitive activity, students:
* make additions or amendments to the material presented by the teacher;
* proceed from professional personal experience;
*find a solution to a problem on their own

In full-fledged learning, students interact both with the physical environment (objects, various manuals, cards, etc.), and with the social environment (with each other and with the teacher), and with the content being studied. All three types of activity are diverse, interdependent and must be used in every lesson without fail.

What is the role of the teacher in the learning process?

In traditional teaching teacher stands in positionexpert lecturer,where he presents new educational material, demonstrates slides, answers questions, etc.

With interactive learningteacher takes a positionconsultant facilitator. The word "facilitation" comes from the Latin root meaning "help". So they note the special position occupied by the teacher, who refuses the role of an expert in favor of the role of an assistant. It appeals to the personal experience of students, encourages them to independently solve problems, collect new data, etc. In this case, the teacher leaves the role of "knowledge carrier" for some time, entrusting it to students. Its task is to support the process of developing new experiences, to equip students with the tools for successful work. Learning outcomes are sustainable when the student knows how to create them on their own.

Which of the positions is optimal? What role should the teacher play in the classroom, interacting with the children? There is no single answer to these questions. Depending on the type of lesson, the form of its organization, the topic, the tasks set, the teacher can be both an expert and a facilitator. The table presents a comparative analysis of these positions.

Comparison of expert and facilitator positions

7. Slastenin V.A., Podymov L.S. Pedagogy: innovative activity, M., 1997

8. Nikishina I. V. Interactive forms of methodical education. 2007

9. Astvatsaturov G. O. Technology of the modern lesson and creativity of the school teacher. 2002

Pedagogical sciences/5. Modern teaching methods

Adilbekova A.K.

North-Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaev, Republic of Kazakhstan

Interactive teaching methods and their classification

In order to better understand the essence of interactive methods, let's look at diagrams that will help us to see the differences between passive, active and interactive methods.

Fig.1 - Passive method

Passive Method(Fig. 1) is a form of interaction between students and the teacher, in which the teacher is the main character and manager of the lesson, and students act as passive listeners, subject to the teacher's directives. Communication between the teacher and students in passive lessons is carried out through surveys, self-study, tests, tests, etc.

Rice. 2 - Active method

active method(Fig. 2) is a form of student-teacher interaction in which the teacher and students interact with each other during the lesson. Students here are not passive listeners, but active participants in the lesson. If in a passive lesson the teacher was the main actor and manager of the lesson, then here the teacher and students are on an equal footing. If passive methods implied an authoritarian style of interaction, then active methods more suggest a democratic style. Many between active and interactive methods put an equal sign, however, despite the generality, they have differences. Interactive methods can be seen as the most modern form of active methods.

Rice. 3 - Interactive method

interactive method (Fig. 3). Interactive (“Inter” is mutual, “act” is to act) - means to interact, is in the mode of conversation, dialogue with someone. In other words, unlike active methods, interactive ones are focused on a wider interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of student activity in the learning process. The place of the teacher in interactive lessons is reduced to the direction of students' activities to achieve the goals of the lesson. The teacher also develops a lesson plan (usually, these are interactive exercises and tasks during which the student studies the material).

Therefore, the main components of interactive lessons are interactive exercises and tasks that are performed by students. An important difference between interactive exercises and tasks from the usual ones is that by doing them, students not only and not so much reinforce the already studied material, but learn new ones.

Interactive learning methods: Interactive games; couples and groups; "Brainstorm"; "General discussion"; projects; seminars; "General hubbub"; word associations; everyone teaches everyone; "Mosaic" ("Openwork saw").

Game classification:

- By field of activity: intellectual, social, psychological, physical, labor;

- By gaming environment: computer, technical, desktop, television;

- According to the game method : subject, plot, role-playing, business, imitation, dramatization;

- By the nature of the pedagogical process : teaching, cognitive, reproductive, creative, generalizing, diagnostic, training, controlling, developing.

Role-playing game. An entertainment game, a type of dramatic action, the participants of which act within the roles they have chosen, guided by the nature of their role and the internal logic of the action environment, together create or follow an already created plot. The success of the participants in the game is determined in accordance with the accepted rules. Players are free to improvise within the chosen rules, determining the direction and outcome of the game.

Its purpose is to visually present, see, revive the circumstances or events familiar to the students.

business game- imitation of a real process in the game with the help of a model. Its features are:

The difference in the interests of the participants in the game;

The presence of a common game goal;

Implementation of the decision chain;

Using a flexible time scale.

Couples and groups.This is one of the most popular methods, as it gives all students (including shy ones) the opportunity to participate in the work, practice skills of cooperation, interpersonal communication (in particular, the ability to actively listen, develop a common opinion, resolve disagreements), which often sometimes impossible in a large group.

Working in pairs and groups gives students more opportunities to participate and interact.Groups can be formed arbitrarily, at the request of students, but most often when planning group work in a lesson, the teacher divides the class into groups in advance, taking into account the level of learning skills, student success and the nature of interpersonal relationships.

When organizing group work, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

You need to make sure that students have the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the group task. With a lack of knowledge, students will not make efforts to complete the task;

You should try to make your instructions as clear as possible;

Record instructions on the board and/or cards;

Give the group enough time to complete the task.

"Brainstorm". This is an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which the participants in the discussion are asked to express the largest number of solutions, including the most fantastic ones. Then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice. This technique can be used to solve a specific problem or find an answer to a question.

General (training) discussion. An educational discussion is a purposeful, collective discussion of a specific problem, accompanied by an exchange of ideas, judgments, and opinions in a group.

Types of discussions:

- Thematic:the questions discussed are related to the topic of the lesson;

- Biographical: focused on the individual past experience of the participant;

- Interactive: the structure and content of relations that develop "here" and "now" are discussed.

Project activity. Independent study of various topics, conducted by students for a certain time.This technique can be used to change the value orientations of students, improve the climate in the team, individualize and differentiate learning.It is better to use it when children can already perform independent search, that is, at an older age.

"General bullshit".A technique used to change the pace of the lesson, a kind of physical education minute, the possibility of communication in pairs or groups.

Painting.The technique is used to develop:


Collaboration skills;


Method "everyone teaches everyone" can be used when learning new material or when generalizing basic concepts and ideas. The essence of this method is that students teach each other in pairs of shifts. Teaching each other is one of the most effective ways to assimilate information on a subject and put into practice important skills and abilities to explain difficult material, ask questions, listen, communicate, etc. Students will also be able, with the help of their comrades, to review the big picture of concepts and facts that must be studied during the lesson, the lesson, which, in turn, will raise questions and increase interest. Thus, this method initiates interest, encourages asking additional questions, enables students to take an active part in the learning process and share their knowledge with classmates.

Classification of interactive teaching methods

According to Yu.S. Arutyunov- based on the presence of specified models of activity and the presence of roles.

Table 1. Classification of interactive teaching methods





Problem learning

Case Study

business game

Practical lesson

Simulation exercises

Game design


Action according to instructions

role playing


Problem lecture


According to O.S. Anisimov- based on the result provided:

- traditional - lectures, seminars, practical classes, trainings (provide the function of broadcasting);

- new (imitation) - (ensure the strengthening of the role of thinking and the development of motivation of trainees);

- the latest - innovative games, organizational-activity games, organizational-thinking games (ensure the formation of an intellectual culture and a culture of self-development).

According to S.S. Kashlev- at the core - the leading function in pedagogical interaction:

- methods of creating a favorable atmosphere, organizing communication;

- methods of organizing the exchange of activities;

- methods of organizing mental activity;

- methods of organizing meaning creation;

- methods of organizing reflexive activity;

- integrative methods (interactive games).

According to D.V. Chernilevsky and N.V. Borisova - at the core: the presence of a model and the presence of roles:

Simulation - simulation or simulation-game modeling, i.e. reproduction under learning conditions with one or another measure of the adequacy of the processes occurring in a real system (game and non-game forms and methods);

Non-imitation - building models of the phenomenon under study (discussions, brainstorming, etc.).

So, interactive forms and teaching methods show new opportunities related, first of all, to equipping interpersonal interaction through external dialogue in the process of mastering educational material. Between students in a group, certain interpersonal and mutual relations arise;


1 Abylkasymova A.E., Ushurov E.A., Omarova R.S. The development of the system of general secondary education in the modern world. Textbook. - Almaty.: SIC " Gylym", 2003. - 112 p.

2 www.letopisi.ru/

3 Arutyunov Yu.S. On the classification of active teaching methods // V Interdepartmental School-Seminar on Intensive Teaching Methods. - Riga, 1983. - P.11-15.

4 Korneeva L.I. Modern Interactive Teaching Methods: Foreign Experience// University Management.-2004.-№4.- P. 78-83.

5 Internet encyclopedia. Interactive teaching methods. www.wikipedia.ru/

6 Innovative teaching methods in higher education: a teaching aid / Gusakov V.P., Pustovalova N.I., Khrushchev V.A., Kartashova E.B., Isakova E.K. – Petropavlovsk: NKGU im. M. Kozybaeva, 2007. - 92p.

In the specialized literature there are different interpretations of the terms "teaching method" and "teaching method". In fact, it is a way of interaction between a teacher and students, through which knowledge, skills and abilities are transferred.

The difference is that reception is a short-term method that involves working with one, specific ZUN. And the method is a long process, consisting of several stages and including many techniques.

Thus, the method of learning is only an integral part of this or that method.

Classification of teaching methods

Methods are classified according to different criteria:

  • by the nature of educational activities: reproductive, problematic, research, search, explanatory and illustrative, heuristic, etc.;
  • according to the degree of activity of the teacher and students: active and passive;
  • according to the source of educational material: verbal, practical;
  • according to the method of organizing educational and cognitive activities: methods for the formation of ZUN in practice, methods for obtaining new knowledge, methods for testing and evaluating.

Active learning methods: definition, classification, features
What are active learning methods?

Active teaching methods are built according to the "teacher = student" interaction scheme. From the name it is clear that these are methods that involve the equal participation of the teacher and students in the educational process. That is, children act as equal participants and creators of the lesson.

The idea of ​​active teaching methods in pedagogy is not new. The founders of the method are considered to be such renowned teachers as J. Comenius, I. Pestalozzi, A. Diesterweg, G. Hegel, J. Rousseau, D. Dewey. Although the idea that successful learning is built primarily on self-knowledge, is still found among ancient philosophers.

Signs of active learning methods

  • activation of thinking, and the student is forced to be active;
  • long time of activity - the student does not work sporadically, but throughout the entire educational process;
  • independence in the development and search for solutions to the tasks;
  • motivation for learning.

Classification of active learning methods

The most general classification divides active methods into two large groups: individual and group. More detailed includes such groups:

  • Debating.
  • Gaming.
  • Training.
  • Rating.

Methods and techniques of active learning

In the learning process, the teacher can choose either one active method or use a combination of several. But success depends on the consistency and correlation of the chosen methods and the tasks set.

Consider the most common methods of active learning:

  • Presentations- the most simple and affordable method for use in the classroom. This is a slide show prepared by the students themselves on the topic.
  • Case technologies have been used in pedagogy since the last century. It is based on the analysis of simulated or real situations and the search for a solution. Moreover, there are two approaches to creating cases. The American school proposes the search for a single correct solution to the problem. The European school, on the contrary, welcomes the versatility of solutions and their justification.
  • Problem lecture- unlike the traditional one, the transfer of knowledge during a problematic lecture does not take place in a passive form. That is, the teacher does not present ready-made statements, but only raises questions and identifies the problem. The rules are made by the students themselves. This method is rather complicated and requires students to have some experience in logical reasoning.
  • Didactic games- unlike business games, didactic games are strictly regulated and do not involve the development of a logical chain to solve the problem. Game methods can also be attributed to interactive teaching methods. It all depends on the choice of game. So, popular travel games, performances, quizzes, KVN are techniques from the arsenal of interactive methods, as they involve the interaction of students with each other.
  • Basket method- based on imitation of the situation. For example, the student should act as a guide and lead a tour of the historical museum. At the same time, its task is to collect and convey information about each exhibit.

Interactive teaching methods: definition, classification, features

What are Interactive Teaching Methods?

Interactive methods are based on interaction schemes "teacher = student" and "student = student". That is, now not only the teacher involves children in the learning process, but the students themselves, interacting with each other, influence the motivation of each student. The teacher only plays the role of an assistant. Its task is to create conditions for the initiative of children.

Tasks of interactive teaching methods

  • To teach independent search, analysis of information and development of the correct solution to the situation.
  • Teach teamwork: respect the opinions of others, show tolerance for a different point of view.
  • Learn to form your own opinion based on certain facts.

Methods and techniques of interactive learning

  • Brainstorm- a flow of questions and answers, or suggestions and ideas on a given topic, in which the analysis of the correctness / incorrectness is carried out after the assault. Read more about.
  • , comparison charts, puzzles- search for keywords and problems on a specific mini-topic.
  • Interactive lesson using audio and video materials, ICT. For example, online tests, work with electronic textbooks, training programs, training sites.
  • Round table (discussion, debate)- a group type of method that involves a collective discussion by students of a problem, proposals, ideas, opinions and a joint search for a solution.
  • business games(including role-playing, imitation, hole) is a fairly popular method that can be used even in elementary school. During the game, students play the roles of participants in a particular situation, trying on different professions.
  • Aquarium- one of the varieties of a business game, reminiscent of a reality show. In this case, the given situation is beaten by 2-3 participants. The rest observe from the outside and analyze not only the actions of the participants, but also the options and ideas proposed by them.
  • Project method- independent development by students of a project on the topic and its defense.
  • barcamp, or anti-conference. The method was suggested by webmaster Tim O'Reilly. Its essence is that everyone becomes not only a participant, but also an organizer of the conference. All participants come up with new ideas, presentations, proposals on a given topic. Next comes the search for the most interesting ideas and their general discussion.

Interactive teaching methods in the classroom also include master classes, building a scale of opinions,

School education includes a variety of teaching methods, the purpose of which is to maximize the assimilation of knowledge by students. However, teachers and methodologists are still concerned with the question of how to effectively teach the younger generation. That is why the introduction of various innovations is positively perceived in order to successfully implement this process.

Extractive learning mode

Communication between the student and the teacher at school has always been divided into passive and active. And only recently, interactive learning technology has emerged.
What is each of these methods?

With the passive model, the student masters the material only from the words of the teacher, as well as the material given in the textbooks. In such a lesson, the main character is the teacher. Students are just passive listeners. Communication between students and the teacher with this method is carried out through control or tests, as well as surveys. This model in education is traditional and continues to be used by teachers. An example of such training are lessons conducted in the form of lectures. At the same time, students do not perform any creative tasks.

active method

At the present stage of school development, the passive mode of learning becomes irrelevant. Active methods are beginning to be used more widely. They are a form of interaction between a teacher and students, in which both sides of the educational process communicate with each other. Students are by no means passive listeners. They become active participants in the lesson, having equal rights with the teacher. This stimulates the cognitive activity of children and their independence. At the same time, the role of creative tasks increases in the process of obtaining knowledge. In addition, if the authoritarian style dominates with the passive method, then with the active method it turns into a democratic one.

However, this model also has some disadvantages. When using it, students are subjects of learning only for themselves. Children communicate with the teacher, but do not conduct a dialogue with each other. Thus, the active learning method has a one-sided focus. It is relevant when using technologies of self-learning, self-development, self-education and conducting independent activities. At the same time, the active mode does not teach children to share knowledge. It does not allow him to gain experience of interaction in a group.

Innovative methodology

There are also modern interactive learning technologies. With this technique, the entire lesson takes place in the mode of dialogue or conversation with someone. Active and interactive learning technologies have much in common. Some even put an equal sign between them.

However, the interactive methodology focuses on the broad interaction of schoolchildren not only with the teacher, but also among themselves. What is the place of the teacher in such a lesson? He directs the activity of students to fulfill the tasks assigned to the class. Thus, interactive learning technology is nothing but a modern form of the active method.

Innovation concept

The very word "interactive" came into Russian from English. Its literal translation means "mutual" (inter) and "act" (act). The concept of "interactive" expresses the ability to be in a state of dialogue, conversation or interact with someone (for example, with a person), as well as with something (computer). Thus, the innovative form of education is a dialogue in which interaction is carried out.

Organization of interactive mode

An innovative form of knowledge presentation is designed to create the most comfortable conditions for students. Interactive learning technologies at school involve such an organization of the lesson when various life situations are simulated and role-playing games are used. In this case, the general decision of the question posed is made on the basis of an analysis of the proposed situations and circumstances.

Information flows penetrate the minds of students and activate brain activity. Of course, interactive learning technology requires a complete change in the existing one. In addition, such a mode is impossible without the experience and professionalism of the teacher himself.

In the structure of a modern lesson, the technology of interactive teaching methods, which is a specific technique, should be applied to the maximum. When using them, the acquisition of knowledge will be more interesting and rich.

So what is interactive learning technology in a preschool educational institution? These are such techniques when the student constantly reacts to the objective and subjective relations of the training system, periodically entering into its composition as an active element.

The value of innovative forms of education

For the educational process, the legislation of the Russian Federation has fixed the principle of humanization. In this regard, a review of the content of the entire learning process will be required.

The main goal of the school process is the holistic development of the child's personality in the implementation of independent mental and cognitive activity. And this is fully facilitated by modern interactive technologies. When applying them, the student independently follows the path to knowledge and assimilates them to a greater extent.

Target Orientations

The technology of interactive teaching methods is designed to:

Activate the individual mental processes of students;
- awaken the student;
- provide an understanding of the information that served as the subject of the exchange;
- to carry out the individualization of pedagogical interaction;
- bring the child to a position where he will become the subject of learning;
- to provide two-way communication in the process of information exchange between schoolchildren.

Pedagogical technologies of interactive learning set the teacher the task of facilitating and supporting the process of obtaining knowledge. At the same time, it is important:

Reveal a variety of points of view;
- refer to the personal experience of the participants in the dialogue;
- keep students active;
- combine practice with theory;
- contribute to the mutual enrichment of the experience of the participants;
- facilitate the perception and assimilation of the task;
- Encourage children's creativity.

Main positions

Technologies for organizing interactive learning are the most advanced today. Their essence is reduced to the transfer of information not in a passive, but in an active mode, using the method of creating problem situations. is not the transfer of ready-made knowledge to schoolchildren or their direction to independently overcome difficulties. Interactive learning technology differs from other existing methods in a reasonable combination of the child's own initiative with the pedagogical management of the lesson. All this contributes to the achievement of the main goal of education - the creation of a comprehensive and harmoniously developed personality.

Positive aspects of the method

The use of interactive learning technologies allows you to:

To increase the effectiveness of the exchange of information of a managerial, educational and educational nature;
- students to exercise self-control, applying the acquired knowledge in practice.

In addition, interactive learning technology contributes to the speedy mental development of the child. In addition, the exchange of information between students and the teacher increases the child's confidence in the correctness of his conclusions.

Organization Features

The use of interactive learning technologies occurs with the direct interaction of students with the learning environment. It acts as a reality in which children acquire experience, which is the central activator of educational cognition.

In ordinary passive or active learning, the teacher is assigned the role of a kind of filter. He is forced to pass through himself all the educational information. Unlike these traditional methods, interactive learning provides for the role of the teacher as an assistant to the student, activating the flow of information.

Interactive learning models, compared to traditional ones, change the interaction between the student and the teacher. The teacher yields his activity to the children, creating conditions for the manifestation of their initiative. Schoolchildren are full participants in such lessons. At the same time, their experience is just as important as the experience of a teacher who does not provide ready-made knowledge, but encourages his students to search.

The role of the teacher

The technology for the development of interactive learning assumes that the teacher performs several tasks in the lesson. One of them is to act as an expert informant. To do this, it is necessary to prepare and present textual material, demonstrate a video sequence, answer questions from the lesson participants, track the results of the learning process, etc.

Also, in interactive learning, the teacher is assigned the role of an organizer-facilitator. It consists in establishing the interaction of schoolchildren with the physical and social environment. To do this, the teacher divides the children into subgroups, coordinates the execution of the tasks given to them, encourages them to independently search for answers, etc.

The role of the teacher in interactive learning also involves the performance of the functions of a consultant. The teacher not only refers to the already accumulated experience of the students, but also helps them in finding solutions to the tasks.

Types of interactive technologies

For the effective presentation of knowledge in the lessons according to the innovative method, the teacher uses:
- work in small groups, dividing students into pairs, triplets, etc.;
- carousel technique;
- heuristic conversations;
- lectures, the presentation of which is problematic;
- brainstorming technique;
- business games;
- conferences;
- seminars in the form of debates or discussions;
- multimedia tools;

Technologies of full cooperation;
- method of projects, etc.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

A game

This is one of the most effective means of interactive learning, awakening a keen interest in the subject. Children love to play. And this need must be used to solve educational and educational problems.

Business games for schoolchildren should be carefully prepared and thought out by the teacher. Otherwise, they will be inaccessible to children and tiresome for them.

Business games in the classroom contribute to:

Increasing interest in learning, as well as in the problems played out and modeled in the classroom;
- the possibility of an adequate analysis of a particular situation;
- assimilation of large information volumes;
- development of analytical, innovative, economic and psychological thinking.

Business games are classified according to:

Game environment (desktop, computer, television, technical);
- areas of activity (social, intellectual, physical, psychological, labor);
- methods (role-playing, plot, subject, simulation);
- the nature of the pedagogical process (cognitive, educational, diagnostic, generalizing, developing, training).

Interactive technologies for teaching a foreign language often use role-playing games. They can be dramatic or entertaining. At the same time, the participants in such a game are assigned one or another role that children play either according to a pre-created plot, or guided by the internal logic of the environment. This allows:
- develop thinking by means of the studied foreign language;
- increase motivation for the subject;
- to ensure the personal growth of the student;
- improve the ability to communicate positively and actively with each other.

Work in pairs or groups

This method is also popular when conducting a lesson on the interactive method. Working in pairs or groups allows all students (even the most shy) to practice interpersonal relationships and collaboration skills. In particular, this finds expression in the ability to listen and calmly resolve all disagreements that arise.

Groups or pairs can be formed by the students themselves, but more often the teacher does it. At the same time, the teacher takes into account the level of students and the nature of their relationship, and also sets the most clear tasks for them, writing them down on cards or on the board. It also gives the group enough time to complete the task.


This interactive technology was borrowed from psychological trainings. Children usually love this type of work very much. To implement this technique, students form two rings: external and internal. The first of these is the students who, every 30 seconds, gradually move in a circle. The inner circle is made up of motionless sitting children, carrying on a dialogue with those who are opposite them. For thirty seconds, a discussion of a particular issue takes place, when each of the students tries to convince the interlocutor that he is right. The “Carousel” technique when learning a foreign language allows you to work out the topics “In the theater”, “Acquaintance”, “Conversation on the street”, etc. The guys talk with great enthusiasm, and the whole lesson is not only dynamic, but also very effective.


In the process of conducting an interactive lesson, this method allows you to quickly solve the problem posed to the class, taking into account the maximum use of the creative activity of schoolchildren. The teacher invites the participants in the discussion to put forward a large number of solutions, among which there may be the most fantastic ones. After that, the most successful ideas are selected from all the ideas, which will allow answering the question posed.

As you can see, there are a wide variety of interactive learning methods. And the use of each of them makes it possible not only to develop the student's communication skills and abilities, but also to give an active impetus to the socialization of the individual, to develop and also to eliminate as much as possible the psychological tension that arises between the teacher and the children.

The introduction of interactive forms of education is one of the most important areas for improving the training of students in a modern professional educational institution. The main methodological innovations today are associated with the use of interactive teaching methods.

The concept of "interactive" comes from the English "interact" ("inter" - "mutual", "act" - "act"). Interactive learning is a special form of organizing cognitive activity. It implies very specific and predictable goals. One of these goals is to create comfortable learning conditions in which the student or listener feels his success, his intellectual viability, which makes the learning process itself productive.

Interactive learning is a way of learning based on interactive forms of interaction between participants in the educational process; learning immersed in communication, during which students develop the skills of joint activity. This is a method in which “everyone teaches everyone and everyone teaches everyone” (according to V.S. Dyachenko)

Keeping the ultimate goal and the main content of the educational process, interactive learning changes the usual broadcasting forms to dialogue based on mutual understanding and interaction.

In pedagogy, there are several models of learning:

® passive - the learner acts as an "object" of learning (listens and looks);

® active - the student acts as the "subject" of learning (independent work, creative tasks);

® interactive - interaction. The use of an interactive learning model involves the simulation of life situations, the use of role-playing games, and joint problem solving. The dominance of any participant in the educational process or any idea is excluded. From the object of influence, the student becomes the subject of interaction, he himself actively participates in the learning process, following his own individual route.

The purpose of the work is to study the features of the use of interactive methods in modern institutions of secondary vocational education.

Work tasks:

1. Consider the state of interactive methods at the present stage of development of education.

2. To study the scope of interactive methods in the modern educational process.

3. Reveal the features of modern interactive methods.

The object of research is interactive methods.

The subject of the study is the features of the use of interactive methods in modern open source software.

Research methods - analysis of literature on the topic of pedagogy, psychology and issues of innovative methods of education.

Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of pedagogical support for interactive interaction

1.1. Classification of interactive methods of interactive interaction in the classroom with college students

The educational process, based on the use of interactive teaching methods, is organized taking into account the involvement in the process of cognition of all students of the group, without exception. Joint activity means that everyone makes his own special individual contribution, in the course of work there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, ways of activity. Individual, pair and group work is organized, project work, role-playing games are used, work is carried out with documents and various sources of information. Interactive methods are based on the principles of interaction, activity of students, reliance on group experience, mandatory feedback. An environment of educational communication is being created, which is characterized by openness, interaction of participants, equality of their arguments, accumulation of joint knowledge, the possibility of mutual evaluation and control.

The facilitator (teacher, trainer), together with new knowledge, leads the training participants to an independent search. The activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of students, his task is to create conditions for their initiative. The teacher refuses the role of a kind of filter that passes educational information through himself, and performs the function of an assistant in work, one of the sources of information. Therefore, interactive learning is intended to be initially used in intensive training of sufficiently adult learners. Interactive methods can be used when the curator organizes the following work with students:

® organization of thematic classes,

® organization of temporary creative teams when working on a training project,

® formation of a student's portfolio,

® organization of discussions and discussions of controversial issues that have arisen in the team,

® to create educational resources.

To solve educational and educational tasks, the curator can use the following interactive forms:

1. Interactive tour.

2. Use of case technologies.

3. Videoconferencing.

4. Round table.

5. Brainstorm.

6. Debate.

7. Focus group.

8. Business and role-playing games.

9. Case-study (analysis of specific, practical situations).

10. Educational group discussions.

The acquisition of key competencies depends on the activity of the student himself. Therefore, one of the most important tasks is the introduction of active methods into the educational process, which together make it possible to organize interactive learning. From the object of influence, the student becomes the subject of interaction, he himself actively participates in the learning process, following his own individual route. Joint activity means that everyone makes a special contribution to it, in the course of work there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity.

Interactive learning is a special form of organizing the cognitive activity of college students. It implies quite specific and predictable goals: the development of students' intellectual abilities, independent thinking, critical mind; achievement of speed and strength of assimilation of educational material, deep penetration into the essence of the phenomena being studied; development of creative potential - the ability to "see" the problem, originality, flexibility, dialectics, creative imagination, ease of generating ideas, the ability to independently search; the effectiveness of the application of professional knowledge, skills and abilities in real production practice.

1.2. Comparison of traditional and interactive approaches

Traditional education aims to convey to students and assimilate as much knowledge as possible. The teacher broadcasts information already meaningful and differentiated by himself, determines the skills that, from his point of view, need to be developed in students. The task of students is to reproduce the knowledge created by others as fully and accurately as possible. The knowledge gained in the process of such training is encyclopedic in nature, represents a certain amount of information on various academic subjects, which exists in the mind of the student in the form of thematic blocks that do not always have semantic connections.

Many teachers face the problem of inability to link the content of their subject with the knowledge of students in other academic disciplines. And then there is a doubt about how deeply the students' awareness of the educational material, its appropriation and use in situations that go beyond the scope of an average vocational educational institution. It is rather difficult to dispel this doubt, primarily because the process of reproducing educational material also acts as feedback from the student to the teacher. Confirmation of the above is the words of Sh. A. Amonashvili: “Earlier, in that distant past, when I was an imperative teacher, I did not live with my students with one creative burning, and the difficulties they faced remained unknown to me. For them, I was only a controller, and they for me - correctly or incorrectly solved problems.