Learn to read quickly. Speed ​​reading and intelligence development

Historians note that any business that Theodore Roosevelt undertook, he did with great pleasure. And with the same pleasure he read. Roosevelt was known as a real bookworm, because he literally swallowed books with incredible speed. His manner of reading is fully consistent with the expression "read voraciously." The President had time to read a whole book during breakfast. In the evening, if Roosevelt was not distracted by business meetings, he could read a couple more volumes. Newspapers and magazines enjoyed the same love. In total, the president counted several tens of thousands of books that he mastered in his entire life. Among this list were hundreds of books in other languages.

Do not think that Theodore Roosevelt had superpowers. The only ability that allowed him to read so much was the development of speed reading. The president could look through 2-3 pages in a minute. Moreover, he memorized what he read, described important points and details, and gave quotes.

Naturally, the speed reading technique was not in vain for his career; it significantly helped Roosevelt increase his own influence. Communication with other people was easy for him, because the president could support any topic. With scientists, he could calmly discuss complex scientific theories, the intelligentsia listened to his stories about the plots of the works of Oscar Wilde, and with cowboys, he enthusiastically discussed the features of the nature of the desert. In addition to reading, Theodore Roosevelt published his works, of which there are about two thousand. Moreover, he allocated funds for the publication himself.

We offer you several ways to help develop speed reading and learn to read fast. If you want to read books like Theodore Roosevelt, then you can immediately start the exercises.

  1. When children learn to read, they say each word aloud. Over the years, this habit disappears, but many continue to mentally pronounce sentences. Naturally, the rate of speech decreases - reading does not exceed the speed of ordinary speech. The mental pronunciation of words has its own name - subvocalization. Some people may even move their lips while reading. It is quite difficult to get rid of this habit. To begin with, try to disconnect from pronunciation of words, increase the pace of reading. If that doesn't work, you can say "A-E-I-O-U" while you read. Or count in your mind. This technique allows you to learn to read with your eyes, not your mouth. Then you can significantly increase the speed of reading.
  2. Many people in the process of reading go back, read the words several times. See if you have such a feature. You may not realize it, but you constantly go back 2-3 words in a sentence. In people who have this habit, in the process of reading, their eyes are actively running around. This means that they re-read the same line over and over again. A pencil or finger will help get rid of this. Just follow the lines. Another caveat - you need to drive faster than you read. This will help to avoid re-reading, returning to previous words and sentences.
  3. The technique of speed reading is to read several words at once, and not to move from one to another. Peripheral vision is responsible for this. Your brain is able to read several words at once, you should not limit it in this. To train peripheral vision, you need to perform a special exercise. Draw two vertical parallel lines in the middle of the page. The distance between the lines should be about 7-8 cm. Look strictly into the area between the lines. Your eyes should not move beyond these limits. But peripheral vision can capture text behind the lines. If you have this skill, then the pace of reading will increase significantly. Newspapers can help you train your speed reading. The layout of newspapers includes columns, the width of which is about 5 cm. With the help of a newspaper, you can easily learn to perceive text in blocks. You need to try to read not every word, but the whole line. If you can master this skill, you will be reading newspaper news in seconds.
  4. Use web apps. Today, there are quite a few free apps that help train your eyes and learn how to speed read. They allow you to get rid of the habit of returning to what you read, train the brain to perceive several words in their entirety. A good app is Spreeder. The user needs to select the text to read and upload it to the application. The program will show one word from this passage. The speed of the appearance of words and their number can be set independently. Spreeder will easily help you get rid of subvocalization and the habit of rereading words.
  5. The human brain is able to take in information even if you read backwards. This feature is used for reading "diagonally". This speed reading technique allows you to increase the pace, but keep all the information in your head. The first line of the text should be read as usual, and the second should be viewed diagonally to the beginning of the third. And so the whole text. In this case, you can not pronounce the words, subvocalization is excluded here. Please note that with such reading, information will be remembered as well as with simple reading. This amazing feature of the brain makes it easier to deal with multi-page volumes.
  6. In every article, book or text, there are points that require increased attention, and there are things that can simply be skimmed over. Roosevelt knew this too. For example, he wrote to his son Kermit that Dickens' novels were a mixture of second-rate minutiae with really worthwhile thoughts. Roosevelt paid less attention to what he did not consider important, but carefully read into truly serious thoughts and descriptions. This technique can be used not only when reading Dickens. Chancery and service words can be skipped, the essence of the text will be clear even without them. This reading technique will reduce the time to familiarize yourself with the document, but the meaning will not be lost.

Keyword targeting

Before you start reading, you should look at the table of contents. Then you will immediately know what each chapter is about. This will help you better navigate the text you read. The brain will be aware of which keywords to pay attention to, so reading will go faster.

Every day we are confronted with multi-letter publications, documents and books that need to be read quickly and understand their essence. But there are real masterpieces of the world of literature, where not only the meaning, but also the construction of sentences, vocabulary and means of artistic expression are a work of art. Such books should be read thoughtfully, savoring every word. After all, it is from such literature that you can get real pleasure.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Unsure which speed reading technique is right for you? Let me take a couple of minutes of your free time. The explanation is at the end of the article.


Use free literature to learn speed reading. Make an appropriate search in search engines and download several books about speed reading. Read them carefully. Draw your own conclusions. According to the most interesting method in your opinion, you can practice.

When questions arise, discuss them on the forums.

If you have done everything that is written above, but did not get the effect, then read the special offer at the end of the article.

Visual angle training for speed reading

Focus your eyes on the center. With peripheral vision, mark the same blocks. The goal is not to find the same blocks as quickly as possible, but to focus on the center of the screen with peripheral vision to find the information you need.

Let's look at the principles on which speed reading is based:

  1. For fast reading, you need to have a wide angle of view in order to cover as much text as possible in one fixation of your gaze and, of course, quickly process the perceived text information. Note: You can check the angle of view using the exercise "", as well as using.
  2. Rapid reading is hindered by recurrent eye movements. A slow reader reads the same phrase several times, and this significantly reduces the speed of reading.
  3. A fast reader should read completely silently without speaking the text. According to the theorists of speed reading, pronunciation of the text is a serious drawback.
  4. A fast reader (speed reader) should practice word processing algorithms, such as integral and differential reading algorithms.

Sergey Mikhailov's book about speed reading

Book " The effect of speed reading without reading"

In the book you will find answers to questions asked by subscribers and buyers of the speed reading course. Did you know that speed reading techniques are misinterpreted and misused?

In this book, I will tell you how to gain knowledge without reading, but only by “twisting the settings” of the perception of reality in your mind.

Tips for teaching the technique of speed reading:

Your gaze should cover the entire text, not small areas. It should be extensive, covering as much information as possible;

Learn to see the whole text without making constant eye movements, i.e. eyes should not move along the entire horizontal line of text;

If in the text you involuntarily drew attention to a word, stop (perhaps your subconscious gives a signal, and you should read the right place more carefully). In the future, remembering this word, you will remember all the text around it;

Follow the technique selective reading- for a maximum of twenty seconds, you should read only a couple of lines on the page. From the words you read, formulate phrases that reveal the whole essence of the text on the page. This will save a lot of reading time;

Do not fix your eyes on turns of speech that do not carry any useful information. For example, "thus", "due to this", "as a conclusion ...". They are needed in order to connect key thoughts in the text, but when reading quickly, you should not pay attention to them;

Don't go back to what you've already read. This can be confusing. Try to memorize the maximum from the page, giving each of them the same amount of time.

If you do not have the opportunity or special desire to master this technique on your own, you can enroll in special courses. Working with a professional will help you avoid the mistakes you might make when learning on your own.

How to learn shorthand? - more to study, read, process information

First, when speed reading, you should not read words, but paragraphs, and full pages of text. This is possible if you learn to read not line by line, but vertically, along the text.

All children read slowly. Reading speed depends on the child's vocabulary and how much time he devotes to learning. If your child reads too slowly, gets low marks in reading, and teachers ask you to study with your child, then it's time to learn speed reading at home. Of course, you can use the services of private teachers who will take care of your child for a “very modest amount”, but is it worth paying if there is an opportunity to study on your own? This has another plus: you will be able to spend more time with your son or daughter.

What is shorthand?

If the child began to lag behind in school in many subjects and he does not have enough time allotted for the lesson to familiarize himself with the information provided in the textbook, it will be just fine to teach him speed reading. Of course, he will not become a genius who can read all the sheets completely in the time when classmates read only the first page. Speed ​​reading implies the selection of only the main thing and the complete rejection of unnecessary information, that is, that verbal garbage that does not affect the essence of what is being presented.

At what age can a child be taught to read?

There is no definite threshold here. The opinions of experts are divided, and someone believes that it is necessary to teach a child to speed read before the age of ten, while someone argues with this opinion, arguing that it is impossible to learn such a technique before the age of fourteen.

Speed ​​reading at home for children should start from the age when the child can correctly comprehend the text, that is, not only can read, but also understands the essence. This age is different for everyone and largely depends on kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers and parents. So, to understand that your baby is ready to learn speed reading, you should focus on four basics:

  1. The ability not only to distinguish letters, but also to build syllables and words from them.
  2. Correct reading comprehension. That is, if a child reads about a turtle, but says that it is about a horse, then he is not ready, because he does not understand the meaning.
  3. The ability to choose only the main thing from the whole text.
  4. Can retell what has been read.

And in order for speed reading at home (we will describe exercises to master this skill) to bring a greater effect, it is worth starting from the activity of the child. If he is not diligent, then it is worth waiting a bit until the hyperactivity passes.

Mistakes made during training

How to learn speed reading at home without desire? There is only one answer, it is completely impossible, therefore, before starting the course, it is worth starting from the desire of the child. If he absolutely does not want to read (refers to preschool age), then you should not force him, as the desire to learn will completely disappear. So, if the child is determined to learn, then you can start.

The first thing every parent should remember is that the initial skills should not be spent a lot of time, and the initial exercises should not last more than fifteen minutes. After that, it is worth giving the child a rest for about an hour and continue on. Why? Just a small amount of material is absorbed quickly, and from a large amount, the child can remember absolutely nothing.

Teach your child not letters, but sounds, that is, say not "EM", but "M". Otherwise, the child will read instead of "mother" - "emaema".

Learn to immediately read in syllables, and not in letters, so the process will go faster. Stop all attempts by the baby to move his lips when reading to himself. Teachers assure that with such stirring, the child will comprehend the same word for too long.

Speed ​​reading at home for children: exercises for the brain

Of course, you can choose the technique yourself, but you can also use the proven method that experts use. The main thing is to choose one training method, and not change it daily. So, we begin to learn speed reading at home, let's start an effective course with brain training.

Find a couple

To develop the speed of thinking, you can start this exercise from a very early age, the main thing is that the baby already knows the letters and knows how to work with syllables. You can buy, or you can draw cards on which syllables will be written on your own. Spread them on the table in a disorderly position and invite the child to make words that he can find. For example: "vo-yes", "pa-pa", "ba-ba". With each exercise, complicate the task by adding one syllable to the words.

The cards should have syllables of those words that the child has already seen, the main thing here is attention, memory.

Reading per minute

Take a book you haven't read yet and have your child read a few lines. Note the time yourself and mark with a pencil the place where he stopped after a minute. Then again ask to read the same passage, and the number of words this time will be more. Repeat the exercise every day.


Speed ​​reading at home will become much more productive if you train your visual memory hard. Write the wrong sentence on a piece of paper and the corrected version on another. For example: "A frog was sitting on a green meadow" and "A frog was sitting on a green meadow." Ask the child to quickly read the first option, and then just as quickly - the second. You will be surprised, but the baby will read the second option as correctly as the first. This is visual memory.

You can do the same not with sentences, but with words, removing all vowels or several letters from the second option.

If the first time did not work out, ask them to find the mistakes made in the sentence or word, and continue training every day.

visual perception

Spend dictations with your child, but not those that we used to write at school, but visual ones. Take a book with large letters and a clean sheet. Close all sentences from the child except the first one, and give him a minute to study it. Then close the entire text, and let him write on the sheet what he read. Do the same with the following sentences.

Not with a whip, but with a stick

If your child cannot learn speed reading at home, the exercises are not given as they should, then in no case scold him. Try again and again, and be sure to praise for each success. The trainee should have only a good mood, a positive attitude and positive emotions. If you scold him, then he will be pinched internally, and, most likely, you will not have to wait for success, and the result will get worse.

Why does a child need speed reading?

Speed ​​reading helps to quickly assimilate the material covered, eliminate all errors in reading. For example, if a child often "stammers", confuses letters and syllables, "swallows endings", then this technique will help get rid of these moments.

By increasing the speed of reading, the child will do more at school, learn to separate the main from the unnecessary in the material covered.

Speed ​​reading is great for developing memory. This is very important when learning, because every day children are given a huge amount of information, and a developed memory will help to better assimilate information, which means that their grades will improve!

In addition to reading and the exercises provided above, the child should also practice speed speech. Prepare tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings for him. Speed ​​reading at home will be more productive if the baby can speak quickly.

When reading, put the book on your lap, and while reading, run your finger along the line, the child should sit next to you and try to catch up with your movement. Move your finger a little faster each time.

Speed ​​reading for children at home: reviews

Many parents who have been self-taught with their child have noticed after completing the course that they are doing better in school. Also, children who have completed such a course have become much more attentive.

There are those who write that the teacher could not teach speed reading, because the child was uncomfortable in the classroom. With parents, children feel more relaxed.

There are parents who claim that they did not have the patience to educate their baby on their own, and they decided that they did not really need it.

On this basis, a parallel question follows: is such reading effective? Is it possible to read quickly and at the same time assimilate the material as much as possible, keeping it in memory for many years?

In this article, "Crazy Ravlik" will tell you what opportunities open up before us when we read quickly and correctly!

What is shorthand?

Studies show that the average reading speed in Russian is 201 words per minute, with an average assimilation rate of 52. Speed ​​reading refers to the ability to read 3-4 times faster than average speed.

Speed ​​reading is a set of techniques and methods that allow you to increase the speed of the material being read with maximum memorability by 3-4 times. Thanks to speed reading, concentration of attention increases, memory and understanding of the perceived information develop.

Speed ​​reading from the point of view of science

In recent years, speed reading has become increasingly popular. From the point of view of science, there are different opinions: scientists discuss and pay much attention to the study of this issue.

Some scientists admit that the results of numerous studies regarding speed reading courses are slightly exaggerated. Cognitive psychology research conducted in the United States under the direction of Keith Rayner- a respected scientist in the field of visual perception and reading - sow doubts: "It is unlikely that readers will be able to triple their reading speed and still maintain their usual level of absorption."

However, there are people with phenomenal reading speed, which the whole world has heard about. Winner of six World Speed ​​Reading Championship awards, Anna Jones read the latest Harry Potter book in a London bookstore in less than 50 minutes.

In one of his scientific works, linguist, doctor of psychological and philological sciences Alexey Alekseevich Leontiev, indicates that the main task of fast reading is not so much speed as the optimality and effectiveness of the strategy of semantic perception of the text.

Elizabeth Schotte- a psychologist at the University of California (San Diego) puts it this way:

Speed ​​reading is a very attractive skill, and every year there are more and more people who want to help other people develop it. Many claims about speed reading are not true given what we know about the mechanism of reading. Over the years and even centuries of research into this process, a lot has become known. Scientists need to tell the general public about this

In its turn, Anna Jones in an interview with The Guardian he says: “My reading speed is 800-1500 words per minute, but I can’t say that it’s easy. With twenty years of speed reading experience, I regularly train at the level of a professional athlete. If we compare these figures with the average figure - from 200 to 400 words per minute - the argument is more than sufficient.

What does an adult gain by speed reading?

The human brain assimilates sound and visual information quite quickly, while the assimilation of textual information depends on the speed of reading. If you read badly at school and are convinced that this is for life, speed reading techniques can debunk such myths. Developing this skill takes a lot of effort. Before moving on to tips and exercises, we will focus on the positive aspects of speed reading.

  1. development of memory and thinking (at any age);
  2. improvement of the educational process;
  3. saving time in everyday life;
  4. the ability to move forward and develop;
  5. good concentration and reaction;
  6. productivity in various types of work.

The benefits of speed reading for children

The process of teaching children with the help of speed reading turns into an exciting game in pursuit of treasures, that is, knowledge. The child forever forgets how it is to “memorize” homework, and in fear to wait for his answer. Methods and techniques of speed reading from an early age teach the child to learn correctly. With the help of speed reading algorithms, children absorb information in one gulp with great interest. This opens up new horizons for our children:

  • the child looks at the world positively;
  • happy to sit down to do homework;
  • remembers the main information much faster;
  • effectively reads difficult-to-understand texts;
  • every day strives for development and improvement;
  • increases self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • develops sports interest in own results;
  • acquires erudition and creativity;
  • unconventionally looks at life situations;
  • perceives facts through critical thinking.

How fast do you read: reading speed test

Checking your own reading speed is quite simple. To do this, you need an unfamiliar text and a stopwatch. Set a timer for 1 minute. Start reading aloud. As soon as the time runs out, we do “Stop” and count the number of words read. It is important that the material is appropriate for the age category. If you are testing a child's reading speed, pick up a simple literary text: a fairy tale or a description of nature. Each text is followed by questions for verification.

The word reading rate for elementary school children is 60 to 100 words per minute; for an adult - 160-225 words.

If we talk about adults, we can take any text: from scientific literature to periodicals. With children, the situation is different: almost every age (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... grade) has its own standard of reading technique and a certain level of vocabulary.

We offer a test text for children in grades 4-5:

Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina

Wonderful hours

That was a long time ago. By a high mountain, on the edge of a poor village, lived a widow. Her name was Martha.

Martha didn't like people. Even the children irritated her with screaming and running around. Martha loved only her goat Snow White and her merry goat.

One evening Marta was sitting on the porch knitting a stocking. Suddenly she heard voices:

- The loss of cattle has begun, Elsa! Heard?

- How not to hear! Scary for our goats, Louise!

It was the peasant women talking. They were returning with empty jugs from the city. Martha looked after them, and her heart sank with a premonition of trouble.

Suddenly the latch at the gate rang. Martha turned around and saw a neat old man. The old man smiled kindly and said:

Hello, Frau Martha. What a glorious house you have - neither give nor take - sugar on a green plate. Only it’s too quiet here - even if the bird sang, even if the clock was ticking ...

When Marta heard about the clock, she remembered that she had a wonderful old clock. They just stopped a long time ago.

- Aren't you a watchmaker? Martha asked.

- A real watchmaker! - bowed the old man.

Martha invited the old man into the house. She took a watch out of the chest and showed it to the master.

The next day the clock was ticking merrily on the white wall of Martin's room. The watchmaker did not take money for the repair, and Martha thanked him with delicious coffee. From that day on, the gray-haired guest often appeared in the old widow's house.

In the meantime, the cattle disease was on the rise, and everyone in the village was very worried about their goats.

One evening, Aunt Martha went into the woods to get firewood. She quickly picked up a large bundle and turned onto a familiar path - home. But the path suddenly disappeared. To the right, Martha saw a tree felled by a thunderstorm; to the left, a large round stone. Neither stone nor tree was here before. Suddenly, there was a slight wisp of smoke, and Marta went in the direction from which the smoke was coming. Soon she saw a fire, near which a watchmaker was sitting, stirring mushroom stew.

- Good evening, Frau Martha! the watchmaker said. - Have dinner with me

“Thank you,” Martha said, “I can’t—I’m in a hurry to get home before dark.

Then the watchmaker invited her to his hut. Aunt Martha, bent over strongly, opened a low door and found herself in a small, softly lit room. In one corner she saw a heap of dry leaves, in the other - a hearth with extinct ashes. In the middle stood a large stump, and around - smaller stumps. An enormous clock hung on a gray stone wall. Houses flaunted on the dial instead of numbers. Marta was surprised to recognize her native village in these houses. Here is her hut. The black hand of the clock is pointing straight at her.


  1. What is the text about?
  2. What are the names of the main characters?
  3. Where does the story take place?
  4. Briefly summarize what you have read.

Games and exercises to increase reading speed

Scientists have been studying the problem of reading speed for years. During this time, many programs, methods and techniques have been developed. The training center "Shaleniy Ravlik" has a set of games and exercises that develop reading speed, increase concentration and improve memorability by several times. These are addictive puzzles for your brain!

The productivity of training largely depends on the game moment. We have selected the most entertaining games and tasks for your development!

There are several ways to prepare the brain for the perception of information. Of course, many factors affect the effectiveness of reading: the environment, the degree of external noise, the lighting of the room, the level of interest in literature, physical condition, and so on. Each person has their own individual idea of ​​a comfortable reading environment. We've put together some helpful tips on how to improve your reading speed on your own.

1. Do physical exercises.

Easier nowhere. To reboot and bring the body into tone, do a few squats. You just need to get up from your chair, activate blood circulation, sit down at the table, straighten your shoulders and start working. This will focus your attention and strain your mind.

2. Conduct a visual warm-up before reading.

You have an image in front of you. Look carefully at the photo. Close your eyes. What do you remember? Describe the image. Open your eyes and compare the inner picture with the outer picture.

This formula should be applied in reading: do not waste your attention on the whole book, choose meaningful details - read, pondered, re-read, used.

3. Learn to keep the rhythm.

Difficult exercise at first, but with regular training, the results are amazing! Read with a metronome. Set yourself a slow pace and concentrate: on each beat of the metronome, you should focus on the beginning, middle and end of the line. Keep the rhythm. It is important to set up the metronome so that the material is perceived easily.

A good helper in terms of rhythm are tongue twisters. You need to pronounce the tongue twister out loud, while moving your eyes along the line. Such exercises have a positive effect on the development of reading speed!

Example of tongue twisters:

  1. Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in the hallway.
  2. Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.
  3. The flute whistler whistles with a flute.
  4. On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney.
  5. And the tree has needles.

4. Choose the text according to your teeth.

A lot depends on vocabulary. If the glossary of a book has a large percentage of words that you do not understand, their number will not translate into quality. Review the text before reading.

5. Stop saying words.

Mental recitation is a childish habit. You need to strive to read faster than your mouth can move. Say the vowels "A-E-I-O" out loud or count to 4 as you read. The exercise will teach you to read with your eyes, not your mouth, and will invigorate your brain well.

6. Use your peripheral vision.

Our brain can comprehend several words at the same time. Do not get hung up on each letter, you are able to read phrases at once, and not one word at a time.

To develop peripheral vision, draw two parallel lines on the page of a book with a pencil at a distance of 8 cm from each other. When reading the text, try not to move your eyes beyond the aisles of the lines. Don't break boundaries.

7. Don't go back to what you read.

Often, without realizing it, we return to the words we have already read or get our eyes on the previous line. In order not to scatter attention, follow the text with your finger or a bookmark. Concentrate so as not to return to the words you read.

About the speed reading course from "Shaleny Ravlik"

Training Center "Shaleniy Ravlik" conducts classes on the development of memory and thinking! This course is designed for those who want to expand their abilities and learn how to read effectively. Speed ​​reading for adults is an express training and consists of only 3 lessons of 2 hours. Especially for those who like to save time and get fast results! Well speed reading for kids last seven days, with daily classes for an hour and a half.

On the speed reading course from "Shaleny Ravlik" you:

  • learn to read quickly and absorb the material read;
  • in 3 lessons you will work out 4 ways of fast reading;
  • easily master the technique without lengthy training;
  • improve concentration;
  • make sure learning can be fun;
  • learn a lot of new and exciting things.

Who conducts speed reading training?

Nothing brings more productivity than intense training with a professional! Our speed reading teacher is a teacher of the highest category, a professional coach with sixteen years of experience - Elena Kalachikova. On the express course from "Shaleny Ravlik" in just three lessons you will learn the technique of speed reading. Elena Kalachikova- an experienced memory coach and will easily dispel the myths about poor memorability! The teacher has practical knowledge of child psychology and methodological features of the school curriculum.

Classes with Elena Kalachikova develop positive thinking, creativity and often take place in a playful way. If you want to improve your reading speed or sign up your child for training, follow the link!

Sign up for a speed reading training

Eidetics and its necessity for accelerating results in speed reading

Before signing up for a speed reading course, the Shaleniy Ravlik Training Center offers you training on these game techniques that are suitable for both children and adults. With the help of eidetics, you will learn to perceive information through an image and remember important facts for a long time. Training improves concentration, develops photographic memory, promotes the development of non-standard thinking and creativity, guarantees the memorization of educational, work and everyday information.

Sign up for eidetics training

Instead of memorizing homework, poems and mathematical formulas, children have the opportunity to learn new material faster and better. The child does not notice how time flies, perceiving information in a playful way through associations.

Learn more about eidetic and sign up for the course!


Training Center

"Crazy Ravlik"

I want to train!

Have you taken a speed reading course yet? Read textbooks, but to no avail? Expanded the angle of view, but read at the same speed? You need to develop the skill of speed reading.

Interesting books are read, ingenious -
(Author unknown)

The main essence of the speed reading method is to suppress internal pronunciation and try to cover the entire text in a shorter period of time.

Recently, many accessible and simple methods for developing speed reading skills have appeared. Some techniques literally take the word "read in less time", turning the process of reading into the process of turning over the book.

A reader who develops the skill of speed reading should keep in mind that some places of the text can be read quickly (skip), and some places of the text can be read in depth. The art of a speed reader lies precisely in switching from one reading mode to another.

The speed reader has a good imagination (the reader, as it were, foresees the future content of the text), and the connection between the consciousness and the subconscious is also well established. Thanks to this connection, an experienced reader moves dynamically and in time from one type of reading to another.

How to develop speed reading skills at home

Let's assume that you have already read several books on the topic of speed reading. You have mastered the basic principles of speed reading (worked with Schulte tables, tried to suppress pronunciation while reading, mastered speed reading algorithms), but did not reach the required speed of information processing.

Perhaps you forgot the most important thing behind technical methods - what cannot be achieved by technical methods, namely, you read without a special practical purpose or you read at a reduced energy potential. The fact is that before reading it is necessary not only to tune in to reading, but also to realize the purpose of reading.

Visual angle training for speed reading

Focus your eyes on the center. With peripheral vision, mark the same blocks. The goal is not to find the same blocks as quickly as possible, but to focus on the center of the screen with peripheral vision to find the information you need.

Properly set goals and fast reading:

    I know how to write a procedure in a programming system. I need to remember the syntax.

The more correctly the goal of reading is set, the more likely it is that you will either quickly reject the text, or find the right bit of information in it. Best of all, speed reading is suitable for reading texts where the desired information is concentrated in one or two paragraphs.

Wrong goals:

    This book has a beautiful title, and probably the content of it is just as beautiful.

These goals do not specify the degree of practical use of the text. Therefore, by developing the speed of reading, you may not achieve the desired result, and this will happen for the reason that you simply do not realize the goal.

The person who develops speed reading skill should be understood:

Each text requires a certain reading speed, as well as its own information processing strategy in accordance with previous experience.

Within one text, an experienced reader should change the reading speed from the highest - viewing speed, to in-depth and attentive reading.

Postulates of dynamic reading:

  • Formulate questions to the author of the text. Write to the author of the letter, take notes, mark thoughts in the margins of the book.
  • Think about what you read. Write down the main ideas of the text in a notebook, and then return to what you wrote in order to think over what you read again. Remember that for strong memorization, the information received should be repeated after a certain amount of time.
  • If there is no application of the acquired knowledge It means you've wasted your time reading.
  • Feel tired? - Get distracted. Change types of work. The best rest is switching to another activity. You can also relax by reading two books alternately, for example, alternately reading one book or another.
  • Visualize Goals before reading a particular text. Decide what you plan to do with the information received.
  • Think about what method of reading the text you will use to study the text: remember by heart, read carefully, look through, find some fact, or maybe get a general idea of ​​what you read.
  • Reread the important points of the text several times until they are fully understood.
  • Ignore irrelevant information
  • Flexibly change the reading speed. Important text should be read slowly, and insignificant text should be skimmed through.
  • Read at the peak of interest. It is impossible to read uninteresting or incomprehensible texts.
  • Connect the acquired knowledge with previous knowledge. Use the scheme: Read - thought - decided what to do in the future. Thought out - decided how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Computer experiments on the expansion (measurement) of the angle of view

Reading is one
of the basic tools of life,
good life.

  • Online training to expand the angle of view - rotating numbers
  • Exercise to expand the angle of view for training "Quick Reading"

Computer experiments on text perception

  • Speed ​​Reading Training - Find the word in the text

Reading and rhythm

Other computer trainings for mastering the skill of speed reading:

  • Reading backwards (reverse)

Expanding the angle of view

Diagonal Reading Practice