Pedagogical College of the city. Information about the educational organization

Pedagogical College No. 1 named after Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky is one of the oldest pedagogical educational institutions in Moscow. It has a long and glorious history, which originated at the beginning of the last century.

The technical school gave a wide range of knowledge and the ability to apply them in practice. Already after the first year of study, a group of students was sent to villages and villages to help open libraries and organize circles for the elimination of illiteracy. Among them was the future writer Boris Laskin.

In 1945, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decided: “Assign the name of Ushinsky K.D. the first pedagogical school in Moscow; For almost 65 years, our educational institution has been honorably and proudly named after Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky.

Directions of study

Specialties of secondary vocational education:

¦ Teaching in elementary grades (full-time, part-time)
¦ Pedagogy of additional education in the field of social and pedagogical activity (full-time education)
¦ Preschool education (full-time education; for (workers of preschool educational institutions part-time, part-time education)

Terms of study:
Based on class 9(full-time department) - 3 years 10 months.
Based on class 11(full-time department) - 2 years 10 months.
Based on class 11(part-time department, part-time department) - 2 years 10 months.

Acceptance conditions:

Entry exams:

On the basis of 9 cells:
¦ Teaching in elementary grades

. Mathematics - in GIA format or GIA results

¦ Pedagogy of additional education
in the field of socio-pedagogical activity
. Russian language - in GIA format or GIA results
. Literature - testing or GIA results
¦ Pre-school education (full-time education)
. Russian language - in GIA format or GIA results
. Biology - testing or GIA results

On the basis of 11 cells:

¦ Teaching in elementary grades (correspondence form of education)
. Russian language - testing. Mathematics - oral

¦ Pre-school education(part-time, part-time education for those working in preschool educational institutions)

¦ Russian language - testing

Biology - testing

Full-time and part-time - FREE OF CHARGE, in absentia - for a fee

On the basis of 9 cells:

¦ in the specialty "Teaching in elementary grades"– Russian language (preparation for the GIA), mathematics (preparation for the GIA)
¦ in the specialty "Pedagogy of additional education in the field of social and pedagogical activity" - Russian language (preparation for the GIA), literature (preparation for testing)
¦ in the specialty "Preschool education" - Russian language (preparation for the GIA), biology (preparation for testing)

At the end of the training sessions, final work is carried out.

Duration of training in preparatory courses: b months (from October to March), 4 months. (from February to May), 3 weeks. (June)

Cooperation with universities:

College graduates enter related specialties in pedagogical universities for a shortened period of study and without the results of the Unified State Examination (MPGU, MGPPU, MGPU, MGPI)

Additional services:
On the basis of the college there is a system of additional professional education (training courses).

Choosing a profession for today's student is a very complicated process. A huge number of specialties, a wide choice of educational institutions - well, how can you decide? In order to facilitate this task, we have tried to collect all the advantages of our College, which distinguish it from other educational institutions.

What are our advantages:

  1. MOKIT is a structural subdivision of . This gives us financial stability, continuous development and strengthening of the educational, informational and material and technical base, improvement of the educational process using the latest teaching technologies and advanced pedagogical skills. Graduates of the College enjoy the right to preferential admission to the Institute. A unified educational space, students of the College are invited to master classes at the Institute, which contributes to the creation of a creative student atmosphere.
  2. One of the competitive advantages of our College is the practice-oriented focus of education. Entrepreneurial workshops, master classes, trainings, business games are held for students, business training programs are being implemented aimed at developing personal qualities necessary for successful career development. Cooperation with the College's social partners - well-known Russian employers - allows the College to train specialists with a wide range of sought-after professional competencies and focused on working in specific organizations and companies.
  3. The College has an excellent educational and material base - 12 classrooms, 3 computer classes, 4 laboratories, a sports complex, a library with a literature fund of more than 100 thousand copies, an assembly hall, a student canteen, a medical office. And all this on one platform.
  4. The College regularly operates circles of technical skill, creating conditions for self-realization of students in the field of physical culture and sports. College teams take part in city tournaments and sports days.

In its activities, the College aims to train competitive, highly qualified specialists in demand by society, who not only have deep theoretical knowledge, but are also able to successfully compete in the labor market, thanks to a wide range of professional and personal competencies. MOKIT graduates are distinguished by confidence in the future, the correct understanding of their goals, ambition, focus on results, entrepreneurial spirit, and the desire to move up the career ladder.

Sverdlovsk Regional Pedagogical College
Year of foundation
Director Simonova Tatyana Sergeevna
Location 620077 Yekaterinburg

st. Yumasheva, 20


Sverdlovsk Regional Pedagogical College

Sverdlovsk Regional Pedagogical College (SOPK) named after M. Gorky, founded in 1922.


In August 1922 in Yekaterinburg at the address: st. Mechanical, 6, the Yekaterinburg Pedagogical College was opened for 120 people with a teaching staff of 22 people. The Pedagogical College had 2 departments: school and preschool. The first director is Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kiselev.

In 1924, the pedagogical college was renamed into the Ural Regional United Polytechnic: Sverdlovsk Russian and Tatar-Bashkir. At the same time, the address also changes: st. K. Liebknecht, 9.

Since 1926, only the Sverdlovsk Russian Technical School has existed. In the Sverdlovsk Russian Pedagogical College, in addition to pre-school and school, new departments are opening: out-of-school (polytechnic, pioneer, labor), political enlightenment department. Then, a Tatar branch was opened for the territories of the Urals in order to train national personnel.

By the beginning of the 1930s, library and physical education departments worked in the pedagogical college, and the total number of students was up to 800 people; the Pedagogical College conducts short-term teacher training courses based on 7-year and secondary education. A correspondence department is opened with the number of students up to 1000 people.

In the 1930s, the Pedagogical College was the center of methodological work in the city of Sverdlovsk and the region. The directors during these years were: N.P. Redko, I.F. Martynenko, K.N. Vatutin.

From the 1935-36 academic year, the Pedagogical College became exclusively a school one. Changes and its address: st. Tolmacheva, 8, and in 1936 he was named after A.M. Gorky.

In 1937, in January, the technical school was renamed the Pedagogical College (named after A.M. Gorky). In the same year, an evening preschool teacher training school was opened (director - L.K. Okuneva), and in 1944 a daytime preschool PU was organized (the first director was S.I. Svirskaya), which became a department of the pedagogical school in 1956. The number of students during this period reaches 1000 people.

During the war years, teachers and students of the Pedagogical School worked in three shifts in schools and on the outskirts of the city; the Pedagogical Society V.S. Makarenko. The building of the Pedagogical School was taken over by a military hospital (1944), and the staff of the Pedagogical School with students moved to the building on the street. Malysheva (now there is an art school). The director of the school during the war years was K.N. Likhanov.

The peculiarity of this period is the admission of students on the basis of 10 classes; the term of study is 2 years. In the 1950s and 1960s, the school was one of the base sites of the APS of the USSR. In 1967, the teacher training college received another building on the street. Yumashev, 20, where he is currently located. At the same time, two groups were opened in the specialty "Physical Education", which later grew into an independent department; the first release of specialists was in 1970 and amounted to 56 people. In 1987, an educational and sports complex with two sports halls was put into operation. Between 1967 and 1973 The directors of the PU were Z.V. Kolesova, I.F. Malafeeva, from 1973 to 1995. - F.V. Proskuryakov, from 1995 to 1997. - A.V. Tomiltsev.

In 1991, a new development program for 1991-94 was developed and submitted for approval. on the transition to the status of a pedagogical college; since the same period, active scientific and experimental work has been carried out to train kindergarten teachers who speak a foreign language and receive the right to teach children a foreign language from the age of four. New curricula and curricula are being developed. But the main goal remains - the training of specialists for preschool and primary general education.

Since April 1993, the Pedagogical College has been reorganized into the Yekaterinburg Regional Pedagogical School No. 1. Since June 1995, the Yekaterinburg Pedagogical School received the status of a college and was renamed the Sverdlovsk Regional Pedagogical College. This year, for the first time in the Sverdlovsk region, admission to the college was carried out in the specialties "Mathematics", "Russian Language and Literature", "Foreign Language", "History". The actual acquisition of the status of an advanced educational institution (college) has occurred since 1997, when the college, along with other areas of activity, carries out research and scientific and methodological activities of students and teachers of the college. There is a change of priorities in the implementation of areas (specialties) of training specialists, which consists in the opening of new specialties - "Geography" (since 1999), "Home Education" (since 1998), the development of non-traditional specialties for the system of secondary pedagogical education (for example, "" ). In 2000, the last graduation of specialists in the specialty "Preschool education" was carried out.

College education is carried out both full-time and part-time. The content and structure of training allows college graduates to continue their studies at universities. During this period, college enrollment stabilizes at 225. Since 1997, students have been studying at the college in the targeted areas of the municipal education authorities of the region, with full reimbursement of tuition costs (on a contractual basis) by individuals or legal entities. College graduates, and today there are about 30 thousand of them, work in educational institutions of various types and types.

Since 1998, admission to the college has been carried out only on the basis of secondary (complete) general education, which makes it possible to implement educational programs of an increased level of training of specialists in secondary pedagogical education. Training is being carried out according to additional training programs, namely “Teaching natural science to the main general education school”, “Organization of work on somatic rehabilitation of students”, “Organization of tourism and local history work”, “Teaching the native (Tatar) language and literature in primary grades” and other. For all these years, the staff of the pedagogical technical school, college, college has changed and improved.

College students are active participants in the social life of the city of Yekaterinburg and the region. Such creative groups as the Ensemble of Folk Instruments, the Folk Song Ensemble, the chamber choir, the dance group are known to many generations of students and teachers. The cinema club, art workshops, literary lounge, sports sections unite and unite a large "family". The holiday of students of the 1st year - "Dedication to students", the holiday of the 2nd year - "Equator", "Blossoming May" - traditions passed down from generation to generation.

College students have repeatedly become champions and winners of the city and region, the Ural zone in basketball, volleyball, table tennis, minifootball.

Between 1997 and 2006 M.V. Zanin was the director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Pedagogical College.

In its modern form, the college is a multistructural educational institution. The college actively cooperates with educational institutions of the city of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region.


general educational

Department of Mathematics and Informatics

Department of Philology

Department of Natural Sciences


Department of Social Pedagogy and Management

Department of History

Department of Childhood Education

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


Full-time education



Russian language and literature

Foreign language (English and German)


Physical Culture

social pedagogy

State and municipal administration

extramural studies

social pedagogy

Teaching in elementary grades

Adaptive physical culture


State and municipal administration

Since childhood, I dreamed of creating computer games, and after the 11th grade I decided where to go. Together with a friend, they entered here for programming in computer systems. We also graduated from college together, and have been working for a prestigious company for a year now. Still very fond memories of college

All students say in which prestigious institution they study, referring to its name. I beg you, tell anyone, no one has ever heard of any RANEPA.
Inside, everything is well equipped, comfortable. The toilets are dirty, there is almost never any paper, soap too. Dryers on some floors barely work. A huge minus is that sometimes there are no trash cans in women's cubicles ... well, you yourself understand why they are needed, women's belongings in this case are lying around somewhere behind the push - no wonder. It happens that they post some offers to work as a pawnbroker on the doors, well, this is also not surprising.
Teachers love to lie and scare. If you do, do not trust anyone, doubt everything and check everything. Think with your head, don't be naive.
The director at the meeting said that they would exclude all truants who have more than 120 hours per semester (60 pairs, approximately 15 days). I can already be mistaken in the numbers, maybe I'm wrong, but something like this. This is one example of their lies and intimidation. For each absenteeism, it was necessary to write an explanatory note and personally explain the reason for absenteeism, sign it with three people. "Went to the hospital" - will not work. Help needed. As a result, a person who went to college 40 times in 3 years of study received a diploma! And the person who lost the card from the entrance is excluded, although the session is closed and went daily. Fair enough, right?
Adults are treated like children. Not on a couple? The curator calls the parents.
The locker rooms are full of rubbish. At the beginning of the year, you will have to stand for 25 minutes. It's good that they thought of making it so that everyone took their own thing.
There is no place to sit in the dining room. (by the way, it's better to take food with you, because you can go broke there) In the corridors it's worse than in the subway, the flea market is terrible. They wanted to remove the set after the 11th grade, maybe it will resolve a little. I don't think they did it for nothing. It might be good for the college, but for the people? Everyone is trying to make learning more mobile and convenient, this solution will not work.
Everyone is accepted for paid training. I remember the set was 25 people, in the end there were 31 in the group. So don't worry.
Physical education full tin. If there is no preparation or you just hate this business, do something not to go there.
Whoever got to Anna Petrovna, do not worry, you will hand over everything. Not in a month, so in six months. How many nerves did this teacher spend on me ... "God knows for 5, for me for 4, for you for 3." For 3, you need to learn 8 topics by heart, ideally. Do you want a red diploma? Learn everything at once, especially its subject, do not delay, do not think that it will carry over, do not think that you will write it off. It was easier to write off the exam, probably.
About knowledge. 4/10. Some teachers just wanted to chat and sit on the phone. Eh, I would like to know accounting. I tried to figure it out myself, but with this discipline as with mathematics. We need explanations. A good teacher was fired because she swore, she was a good woman, albeit with her cockroaches, she taught the subject as it should have been. It would be better to fire teachers in accounting)))
Some teachers simply dictated 10 sheets and nothing was clear, but as supervisors for term papers and theses, they were ideal and caring.
About course and diploma. Get ready to bathe with the design and reprint everything 40 times. For some reason, each teacher has his own vision of design. By the way, no one allows you to print anywhere. It is better to chip in with the whole group on the printer, THIS WILL BE MAXIMUM USEFUL.
About the atmosphere. There are a lot of non-Russians who like to sort things out, a lot of cattle. Who smokes - can no longer smoke. Just get out of the college grounds, breathe a little and that's it - you've already been stoned for the whole day.
In general, the college is not bad. If this is your choice, do it.

Why more than 15 positive ratings for 2015? Because they are fake. In college, IT students study things relevant 10 years ago. Then graduates get a job for 20-25 thousand or not in their specialty. A teacher with a specialized higher education in programming - no. Programmers are taught at best by mathematicians.