Translator from English to Russian accurate translation. Widgets and Yandex elements

Greetings, dear readers of the blog! I sincerely want to admit that I envy people who speak a foreign language with white envy. And to those who speak several languages, I am ready to take off my hat. Personally, I am not at all friendly with a foreign language, like many ordinary Internet users. And this is how we should be if we need to find information of interest on the Internet in a foreign language. And it doesn't matter for what purpose it is needed. Someone just for fun or a hobby, but someone needs it for work.

In such a situation, of course, you can use free online translators who can come to our aid. In the Internet, translation of texts from foreign languages, perhaps, is the most popular and demanded topic. Therefore, developers of online translators and programs for translating texts are trying in every possible way to please network users.

Of course, not a single program and service in which you can do online text translation, will never be able to replace a "live" professional translator. But professional translation of a text costs money, and not the small amount you have to pay the translator for the job. I myself sometimes have to turn to professional translators on the Advego content exchange in order to order text translation letters (sometimes you have to correspond with foreigners).

But, if the quality of the translation is not a particularly important part, I use some online translator for free. There are a huge number of such free services on the Internet, just choose the most convenient online translator for yourself. The so-called machine translation of foreign language text may well help to understand the meaning of the content. And, if you need to translate a document, you can use a free online translator.

In this note, I want to introduce the Yandex machine translation service.

Yandex - text translation

Simple, I would say "Spartan", without any features, very young online Yandex translator can make quite high-quality and understandable translation from twelve languages. It is enough to paste the copied text into the translation window, using for convenience keyboard shortcuts, and a variant of the translated text will immediately appear in the next window.

Auto Yandex translator, using a machine translation algorithm, allows the user to understand the main meaning of the translated text. And in order to bring the translated text into a normal state, you can simply copy it into some free text editor and correct. Then checked spelling online, for example, in the same Yandex service, and the text will become quite understandable and readable.

In general, many users are satisfied with the translation of texts in Yandex into Russian, since it is aimed specifically at the Russian-speaking audience and has powerful Russian dictionaries in its arsenal. And if in other online translators in text translations you can find profanity, incorrect endings, unreadable sentences or complete nonsense, then in the translated texts from Yandex this is unlikely.

In addition, in the online translator you can listen to the pronunciation of words or short phrases. To do this, just click on the speaker icon in the right window of the translator.

Of course, voice translation in Yandex, more precisely, the number of spoken words compared, for example, with Google translator, rather modest, only one word or a very short phrase is pronounced. But, at the same time, each user has the opportunity to choose text translators that suit him. For example, I personally most of all voice translation like in bing online translator, where the entire translated text is pronounced in a pleasant female voice. But I want to write about these online translators in my next notes. Since it is quite difficult to talk about the most popular (in my opinion) online text translators in one note.

Yandex - website translator online

In a fairly simple way in Yandex, you can also translate site, for example, do translation from English to Russian and vice versa. To do this, you need to insert the URL (address) of the site page to be translated into the translation window, select the desired language and click the translate button.

The Yandex search engine is the most popular in Runet, and many users use it to search for information. Therefore, in the search results, the system can automatically suggest online translation of sites if they are in a foreign language.

Or, for example, you need to find information on the "bourgeois" Internet through a Yandex search for a phrase in a foreign language.

After executing the request, as a result of the search, the inscription “translation” will appear on the right side of the found pages of sites.

Now just click on the "translation" link, and Website Translator Yandex will automatically be able to translate the page from a foreign language. In this case, in the browser window that opens, it will be possible to divide the window into two parts, both vertically and horizontally, by clicking on the button in the upper right part. As a result, you can see the original page of the site being translated and the translation itself in one window.