We write an interesting story about ourselves in English.

Psychologists advise various exercises to develop self-confidence, and one of them is a well-thought-out and original story about yourself. Which you need to memorize to the point of insanity, so that at any moment you can quickly and interestingly tell the world about yourself, your beloved.

Obviously, our English teachers were all psychologists in a past life, because any of you already have teeth twitching just from the name of the topic “Talk about yourself”. Starting from grade 5, everyone conscientiously writes in a notebook: “My name is Masha. I am from Russia. I am 11. I’ve got a mother, a father, a sister and a dog.” I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t remember anything from such a speech.

Therefore, let's make a sincere story about ourselves, which will not be like everyone else. And to make it easier, let's look at how others have already done it, and draw inspiration from their stories about themselves. After you assemble your unforgettable speech from the constructor.

Where to begin

But not with "I am Vasya". After all, are you a person or where? Let's add some intrigue.

Let me introduce myself. Let me introduce myself.

What about me? Well… What would you like to tell about yourself? Well ... (and then his signature characteristic)

It is difficult to describe myself. I think I am… It's hard to describe yourself. I think that I ... (and again the catchphrase).

To tell many good words about yourself is not very modest, but I am… In fact, it’s not too modest to say a lot of good words about yourself, but still I (and continue to praise yourself).

The most difficult thing is to tell something objective about myself, but I will try. The most difficult thing is to tell something objective about yourself, but I will try.

It is hard to speak about myself as only people around me can see me objectively.- It is not easy to talk about myself, because only people from the outside can see me objectively.

If you will push a speech in an informal environment, then you can refine yourself in any way:

Once upon a time a nice blonde was born in Moscow. And that was me, of course. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, a pretty blonde was born in Moscow. And that, of course, was the former.

Is there anybody going to listen to my story? Is anyone going to listen to my story (line from a Beatles song)

It's time to throw off the mask and tell something important about myself. It's time to take off the mask and tell something important about yourself.


My name is Mariya Sokolova.

Parents decided to call me Ann, and I think they were right. My parents decided to name me Anya. I don't think they made a mistake.

Yesterday I was Vasya, but today you can call me as you want. Yesterday was Vasya, and today you can call whatever you want (well, this is for special situations, of course)

Iam 18.

Next spring I will be 19. I will be 19 next spring.

Iwonttellyoumyagebecause.Idontrememberit. I won't tell you my age because I don't remember.

Brief description of yourself, beloved

Let me tell you a little about my family- Let me tell you about my family.

Family takes an important part of my life- Family plays an important role in my life.

I've got a husband and a daughter- I have a husband and a daughter.

Ihavemanyrelatives: … - I have many relatives: …

Theyaremynear/ distantrelatives- They are my close/distant relatives

Have you talked? It's time to indicate who is godfather, brother and matchmaker. List who is in your family.

mother- mother
father- father
daughter- daughter
son- son
sister- sister
brother- brother
grandfather- Grandpa
grandmother- grandmother
aunt- aunt
uncle- uncle
niece- niece
nephew- nephew
grandson- grandson
granddaughter- granddaughter
cousin- cousin, cousin, cousin, cousin
wife- wife
husband- husband

About yourself beloved

People who have a fear of open space (including on a personal page on the network) can take the path of least resistance and borrow template phrases, as in those proposed. Do not be surprised if friends call such a story a different name - "Many Letters."

Try to briefly talk about your main interests and activities, and not lay out a list of all Madonna's songs from the new album. For example, car ride in the countryside, surfing, hiking in the forests or mountains, rock climbing... Those. talk about any non-work related activities. Volunteer, amateur, creative, etc.

Connect sentences with each other with feeling, sense, arrangement:

As for my interests... - As for my interests, then ...
I am fond of… - I'm interested in...
I am interested in... - I'm interested ...
I like… - I like...

I adore… - I really love...
I spend much time to…- I spend a lot of time...

paintball- paintball
shopping- shopping for things and more
museums-visiting visiting museums
nightlife- night life
Buddhism- Buddhism
art- art
learning foreign languages learning foreign languages
knitting- knitting
dancing- dancing
travelling- trips

What else can you tell about yourself?

Share your musical preferences (favorite music): under whose songs you go to work, whose voice wakes you up and the phone rings. As they say, with whom you behave, from that songs in social networks you will type.

Tell us about your favorite films (Favorite movies): what films do you like, what genres should you invite an interested stranger to the cinema, and which ones are better not to try.

Discuss your favorite TV shows (Favorite TV shows): have you forgotten about the existence of such a dinosaur as a TV, are you aware of whether they show something worthwhile there or the TV is good only as a decoration for the New Year's table.

Remember the proverb "tell me your favorite book and I'll tell you who you are" and name your favorite books (Favorite books): how much of a reader you are and what a reader is. Or your favorite primer books, second and blue

List the games you are interested in (favorite games): Have you joined the progressive humanity playing "Dixit", "Elios" and other entertaining and educational toys, or the words "Counter strike" are still something like a way of life for you.

Add raisins and mention your favorite quotes (Favorite quotes): eloquence is a gift, so you should not rush to extremes from “I have nothing to say” to “when they took me from the hospital ...”. Perhaps someone's witty and capacious statement will characterize you in the best possible way. Only God forbid you from "Everything that does not kill me makes me stronger" and "I am impossible to forget and easy to lose." They "shine" every second lover of philosophy in the social network.

...Pgive birth according to the mind or how to finish the story about yourself

The Little Prince, no matter how sweet darling he was, could confuse his interlocutors by ending the story about himself in the same way as he did with the narcissistic king on one of the asteroids: "I do not like to pass death sentences. And in general, I have to go." And he was. Think in advance with what words to sum up your self-presentation, it will be remembered much more clearly than the first introductory phrases:

"Thank you for your attention, good bye."- Thank you for your attention, goodbye.

You can talk about your aspirations and plans in a couple of phrases:

I want to become a well-educated person. - I want to be a well educated person.

I hope to be a good daughter for my parents. - I hope to be a good daughter for my parents.

I plan to develop myself and become the best athlete. - I plan to develop myself and become a better athlete .

In any case, the story should end on a positive or at least neutral note. Of course, it all depends on the case, but we did not consider the options for contacting the guardianship and guardianship service or the "Wait for me" program.

You can probably always look at fire, water, how others work and ... talk about yourself. The finest hour of the last letter of the alphabet has come! So… Let me introduce myself!

Good day, dear readers! I welcome you to the second audio lesson with a text addition to the course " That's what they say in America", which is intended for beginners. This audio course will help you understand simple words and phrases that are used daily in various situations. In today's audio lesson, you will learn how to introduce and introduce people to each other by calling their professional activities and names in English. Presentation and introduction in English

You will learn expressions that can be used to explain in English what you do or what your acquaintances and friends are interested in. You will also learn some words broken into grammatical categories and popular phrases related to the topic of today's conversational English audio lesson. After the text table, you will find homework that will need to be done before the next class.

And right now, read the situational dialogue: Our acquaintance radio reporter M. Lerner was invited to a reception. Martin is introduced to some of the persons present at the reception, he also introduces himself with pleasure and introduces some of the guests to each other:

Debbie: I'm Debbie Johnson. This is Mrs. Melanie Montgomery. She's an engineer. - I'm Debbie Johnson. This is Mrs. Melanie Montgomery. She is an engineer
Martin:Hello. I'm Martin Learner. I'm a reporter. - Hey! I am Martin Lerner. I am a reporter.
Melanie: good afternoon. I'm happy to meet you. - Good afternoon. I'm glad to meet you.
Jim: Pardon? - Sorry?
Debbie: This is Miss Genaux. This is Miss Geno.
Jim: We've met. - We've already met.

Now listen to the audio recording of the lesson. Follow the lesson according to Anna Filippova's instructions to learn how to introduce yourself and introduce yourself in English: /wp-content/uploads/2014/09/russian_english_002.mp3

Use the audio lesson to learn how to pronounce certain words and sounds in English, as well as to practice your own pronunciation.

greeting in english

Now study the table with pronouns, verbs, nouns and other phrases on the topic "Introduce and introduce." With the help of these words and phrases in English, you can introduce and introduce people to each other, talk about their hobbies or professions. Therefore, this table must be memorized and memorized all the vocabulary.

Introduce and introduce (Greetings)
Good afternoon! Good afternoon!
This is ... (M. Lerner, D. Johnson) This is… (M. Learner, D. Johnson)
Nice to meet you I'm happy to meet you
meet, meet meet (met)
financier accountant
doctor doctor
the reporter reporter
engineer engineer
musician musician
Her: She is an engineer she: She's an engineer
Him: He is a journalist he: He's a reporter
us: We are journalists we: We are reporters
Other words and expressions (Other)
and/a: This is Martin and this is Jim and: This is Martin and this is Jim
See also: He is also a journalist too: He is a reporter too
Sorry? (What did you say?) Pardon? (What did you say?)
Have we met We've (we have) met

Some words and expressions are polysemantic, that is, they can be translated by similar words or phrases. Copy the table and repeat it when you have free time.

Be sure to complete Homework (Homework):

  1. Read aloud the dialogue you studied at the beginning of the lesson many times. Learn it. Play a similar situation with friends: introduce yourself to each other, tell about the professions and favorite activities of your friends.
  2. Write in your workbook and learn the English translation of the following expressions:
  • This is Martin Lerner.
  • Nice to meet you
  • He is a journalist
  • How are you doing?
  • Thank you, I'm fine

Regular practice is the key to your success in conversational English for beginners.

How to meet and greet an interlocutor is considered in the first English lessons and rarely returns to this topic again. By default, it is believed that everyone from school knows how to introduce themselves, get to know each other and start a conversation when they meet. It is believed that the words Hi, Hello, Let me introduce myself, Nice to meet you should be enough.

But experience shows the opposite: that we do not always remember and know what to say and how to react to certain standard phrases. Let's remember (and study).

How to introduce yourself in English

Any acquaintance begins with an introduction. Everyone knows the phrase Let me introduce myself (Let me introduce myself). You can use it and after (not before!) give your name: My name is ... or I am ...

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the names are not translated into English. However, you choose how you present yourself depending on the situation. For example, in an official context, it is more logical to give your real name, since it is indicated in your international passport. Our blog has - one of the most popular. I recommend to take a look. And if you are the owner of a rare name, it will help you.

In response to someone's submission, you can respond by saying:

Nice to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
It's a pleasure to meet you.

Here it is worth talking in more detail about the expression How do you do? Many understand and use it as an equivalent to the phrase How are you? (How are you? How are you?). Used incorrectly.

How do you do? - this is the same as Hello (Hello) and is often also used in the meaning of Pleased to meet you (Nice to meet you), only very formal and even outdated.

How do you do? they say when they meet a person, they see him for the first time. In response to How do you do? you don’t need to start telling how you are doing, but answer in the same way, only not with an interrogative intonation, but with an affirmative one.

How do you do? (question) - How do you do. (statement)

Friends, acquaintances do not need to say How do you do. And when meeting, it is better to confine yourself to the phrases Nice to meet you or Pleased to meet you.

So, you've met. Then a small talk begins, you may need to tell about yourself or about your work and company, if the interlocutor is your new business contact. In the material, I described in great detail and step by step how to present basic information about myself, what phrases to use and how to compose a story.

And in the article you will receive detailed instructions and blanks that will help you talk about your activities, work, company.

So now we will not dwell on these topics, but consider how to introduce someone:

I would like to introduce you to John Smith. John is my colleague. - I'd like to introduce you to John Smith. John is my colleague.
Mary, this is Kate, my childhood friend. - Mary, this is Kate, my childhood friend.

More formal variants include the verb introduce (introduce someone):

Mrs White, let me introduce you to Mrs. black. Mr Black is our marketing director. - Mrs. White, let me introduce you to Mr. Black. Mr. Black is our director of marketing.

Mr Smith, may I introduce you to Mrs Jones who will be your assistant. - Mr. Smith, let me introduce you to Mrs. Jones, who will be your assistant.

Mr Wood, allow me to introduce you to Mr Willson. Mr Willson is the writer I told you about. - Mr Wood. Let me introduce you to Mr Wilson. Mr Wilson is the writer I told you about.

When you introduce yourself, there is no need to improvise, especially if your English is still far from being fluent. Just remember the standard expressions and use them. Do not forget to pay attention to how your interlocutor reacts and what he answers.

Greetings for all occasions

Let's move on to the second part of our lesson, in which we will figure out how to greet strangers and people we already know. I'm sure you already know a lot of this, but remembering is never superfluous:

Hello!- analogue of "Hello!". Can be used in any situation, including when meeting.
Hi!- analogue of "Hi!" Informal greeting. Appropriate when meeting in an informal situation.
Hey!- "Hey!". It is better to greet acquaintances like this, and leave "Hi" for strangers.
good morning!- Good morning! We talk until noon. Formal greeting. You can just say Morning! - also works.
Good afternoon!- Good afternoon! We talk after noon. Formal greeting.
good evening!- Good evening! Greeting after 5-6 o'clock yesterday. Formal greeting.
good day!- Good (good) day! This phrase is not used very often. It can be both a farewell and a greeting, but more often they say “Good day to you!” or "Have a nice day!"
good night!- wish good or good night. It's more of a farewell than a hello.

I talked about how to say goodbye in English and what phrases to use for this in the article. Take a look - there are many useful phrases that will be useful to you.

"How are you doing?" and "What's new?"

After greeting, you should show courtesy and ask how your interlocutor is doing. For this, the phrase How are you? She is the most neutral.

If there is no need to be especially polite and formal, then you can ask “How are you?” "How are you doing?" So:

How's it going?
How are you doing?

Do not confuse these two questions with What are you doing? Although used, do not start telling what you are doing right now, at the moment of speech, but tell how you are doing.

A few more more colloquial options that will help you find out from a friend how he is doing and how life is (translations can be completely different):

How's everything? - How are you doing?
How are things? - How are you?
How's life? - What's up?
How's your day? - How's your day?
How's your day going? - How's your day?

What to answer? Often the answer is simply Good (although from a grammatical point of view, this is not entirely correct). More options:

I am fine
I am doing fine
I am okay
I am not bad

And then they add Thank you. Not before (as we say in Russian), but after. And address the question to the interlocutor:

A few more questions that you can ask to inquire about the life of a friend or acquaintance. They are all quite informal, they can be translated in different ways:

What's new? - What's new?
What's up? - What's there?
What's going on? - What's there?

Please note that the answers Good and Fine, thank you do not apply to these questions. If you have nothing new and everything is the same, say Nothing, or Not much. If your life is full of news and interesting things, just tell your interlocutor about it. And don't forget to ask him how he's doing.

If you have not seen someone for a long time, you can respond to the meeting with the phrases:

Long time no see! - Long time no see!
It's been a while! - Long time no see! (literally: "It's been a long time")
(I) Haven't seen you for ages! - I haven't seen you for a hundred years!
And then again, "How are you?" etc.

Of course, in order for the necessary phrases to arise in your head spontaneously and you don’t have to remember and doubt them every time, you need to not only read the article and make notes in your notebook, but also constantly practice.

You can create a language environment from the comfort of your home: movies, series and podcasts in English are a great source of colloquial phrases. Pay attention to how the characters greet each other, how they react and respond to greetings, note the degree of formality / informality of the situation.

But an introduction, a greeting, and “How are you?” - this is just the tip of the iceberg, then the most interesting begins - communication in English. And here without regular practice - in any way. Our students are trained by those who improve their language level and those who are just starting. they will create a program for everyone, taking into account the goals and wishes, help replenish vocabulary with new vocabulary and phrases, understand their mistakes and develop speaking and communication skills.

To get started, you just need to take a free introductory lesson. find out how Skype lessons are going, determine your level, get comprehensive recommendations and start learning!

See you soon, good luck with your English!

Whether we are meeting someone, getting a job, or just trying to introduce ourselves, we have to competently describe ourselves in English. The only difference is what information should be reported in certain situations. For example, in an informal setting, you can tell many details about yourself ( about myself), his family and hobbies. And when applying for a job, the story should be extremely concise and short, not replete with unnecessary details. Let's talk about each type of story in detail, as what you say about yourself can change depending on the situation.

How to write a story about yourself in English

If you meet a person in English or you are given a task at school/university to talk about yourself in English, then you are expected to hear a certain answer.

As an introduction, mention that talking about yourself is not easy, because you can only be objectively assessed from the outside ( ). Further, the phrase “ Let me introduce myself”, which turns your interlocutor into an attentive listener. Let's see a rough outline of the story about yourself:

  1. Name and surname ( name and name).
  2. Age and place of birth age and place of birth).
  3. About my family ( about my family).
  4. What do I do and why do I like it what I do and why I like it).
  5. Future plans ( plans for the future).
  6. About my character and appearance ( about my character and appearance).
  7. Interests and hobbies ( interests and hobbies).

Useful phrases for a story about yourself, we have collected in a convenient table:

Phrase Translation
It is hard to speak about myself as only people around me can see me objectively. It's hard to talk about myself because only the people around me can see me objectively.
Let me introduce myself. Let me introduce myself.
My name is... / I am... My name is...
I was born on the (date) of (month), (year). And she was born on such and such a date, such and such a month in such and such a year.
I am from... (city/village). I'm from a city/village...
I have a large/small family with ... brothers/sisters. I have a big/small family, I have... brothers/sisters.
I am an only child in my family. I am the only child in the family.
my father (mother/brother/sister/grandmother) is a doctor/pilot. My dad (mom/brother/sister/grandmother) works as a doctor/pilot.
I am a pupil/student of... from, school#... or university. I am a pupil/student of... class of school no... or university.
My favorite subjects are... My favorite items...
Now I am getting a proper training in such subjects as... Right now I'm working hard on things like...
I like these subjects because I am interested in... I like these subjects because I am fond of...
In the future I would like to become... In the future, I want to be...
When I was a child I dreamed to be... When I was a child, I dreamed of being...
When I look at myself in the mirror I see (describe appearance)... When I look at myself in the mirror, I see (describe appearance)...
My friends and family members say I am(describe character)... My friends and family members think that I (describe character)...
I appreciate/like when people are (describe the positive traits of a character)... I appreciate in people / I like in people when they (describe positive character traits) ...
I hate it when people are (describe negative traits of a character)... I hate it when people (describe negative character traits)...
As for my interests, I am fond of... As for my interests, I am fond of...
I am interested in... I'm interested...
I adore... I really love...
I devote much time to... I devote a lot of time...
Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your attention.
It is nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

You can download all the words and phrases from this tablet at the link:

  • You can find the necessary information about the family in the article on our website.
  • We also collected a lot of words and phrases about appearance in the article "".
  • If you want to talk in detail about your character, then you will definitely need the words from our article.

Let's give an example of the text so that you can write about yourself according to the model. The text is under the spoiler. All names and characters are fictitious, coincidences with real people are random! :-)

How to introduce yourself in a job interview

The job interview itself is a very stressful event, and if it is in English, then the level of stress that the candidate experiences is doubled! But interview questions tend to be pretty generic. Question " tell me about yourself” is the question that you will definitely meet in an interview, and for which you can and should prepare.

When the interviewer asks this question, he expects you to focus on your professional qualities in your answer. He does not wait for stories about your appearance, pets and family members. He is interested in education educational background), work experience and track record ( track record), special professional achievements ( professional achievements). Here's what an answer plan looks like:

  1. Name ( name).
  2. Place of Birth ( place of birth).
  3. School you graduated from educational establishment).
  4. Degree and special achievements during studies ( degree and distinctions).
  5. Work experience, place of work, position ( track record and career).
  6. Career ( professional development).
  7. Plans and goals in work ( ambitions and goals in profession).

Since I am an English teacher, I will give an example regarding the teaching profession under the spoiler.

  • By the way, all the phrases about their work were taken from the article "".

If you have to pass an interview in English, then the materials of the article "" will definitely come in handy.

We have offered you only a kind of "framework" of this topic, on which, if desired, you can "put on" any additional information relating to your life. If you memorize the template of a story about yourself in English and master the necessary vocabulary, you will always be able to introduce yourself to others in a fun and interesting way.

You have the basis of a story about yourself in English. Depending on who and where you need to tell about yourself, you correct it: remove some sections, change their places. The main thing is to sound interesting, competently and confidently! Leave your examples of stories about yourself in the comments, and we will check them!

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Imagine, imagine, owls. (to represent) (book). 1. what and (obsolete). someone something. Deliver to any place (official) Submit witnesses for questioning. Submit a list of all residents of the house. 2. what. Show, present (obsolete and official). "On the… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

INTRODUCE- REPRESENT, vlyu, vish; contrived; sovereign 1. see represent. 2. whom (what) to whom. Deliver, submit, report. P. required documents. P. evidence. 3. whom (what) to whom. Get to know someone. P. guest to those gathered. 4. whom (what) to what. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

introduce- vlyu, vish; St. 1. what. Give, hand over for review, information or official consideration, conclusion. P. where l. help. P. to whom l. report. P. project for approval. P. papers for signature. // Report, bring as evidence, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

introduce- vlyu, vish; St. see also imagine, you can imagine, imagine, representation 1) a) what to Give, hand over for review, information or official consideration ... Dictionary of many expressions

accredit- accrediter, pol. akredytowaæ. 1. Authorize a diplomatic person to represent the government of another state. Sl. 18. But at the same time, the King of Sweden .. that His Majesty's campaign could know, then commanded in Moscow from onago ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

recommend- blowing, blowing; recommended; van, a, o; St. whom. 1. (not also recommended). To formally introduce someone to whom l.; recommend for dating, treatment, etc. O. to your friend's guests. O. to the assembled toastmaster. 2. Respond about whom l., ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

recommend- do / yu, do / eat; recommended/bathroom; van, a, o; St. see also recommend, recommend someone 1) (n.s., also, recommend / t) Officially introduce someone l. to whom l.; recommend for… Dictionary of many expressions

who- whom, to whom, whom, by whom, about whom, places. 1. interrogative. Denotes the question: what kind of person?, what kind of creature? [Anna Andreevna:] Who is this coming? Small in stature ... in a tailcoat ... Who is this? Gogol, Inspector. And who sent you? And my sister Sonya sent me ... Small Academic Dictionary

Speech impact- Nouns IRO / NIYA, shu / tka, colloquial. horseshoes / r, open horseshoes / rka, open podko / lka, colloquial chuckles /, colloquial. hairpin. A statement that is uttered with the aim of joking, causing laughter, presenting someone or something in a funny way. ... ... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

introduce- vb., nsv., use. very often Morphology: I represent, you represent, he/she/it represents, we represent, you represent, they represent, represent, represent, represented, represented, represented, represented, ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

show- I say, you say; shown; zan, a, o; St. 1. whom what to whom. To give to see, to present for looking at, looking at. P. book to a friend. P. ID at the entrance. P. video film. P. city, museum, cathedral to whom l. (to acquaint, giving explanations). P … encyclopedic Dictionary


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