Why did France capitulate in World War II. French capitulation at the start of World War II

On the eve of World War II, the French army was considered one of the most powerful in the world. But in a direct clash with Germany in May 1940, the French were enough for a few weeks of resistance.

Useless superiority

By the beginning of World War II, France had the 3rd largest army in the world in terms of the number of tanks and aircraft, second only to the USSR and Germany, as well as the 4th navy after Britain, the USA and Japan. The total number of French troops numbered more than 2 million people.
The superiority of the French army in manpower and equipment over the forces of the Wehrmacht on the Western Front was undeniable. For example, the French Air Force included about 3,300 aircraft, of which half were the latest combat vehicles. The Luftwaffe could only count on 1,186 aircraft.
With the arrival of reinforcements from the British Isles - an expeditionary force in the amount of 9 divisions, as well as air units, including 1,500 combat vehicles - the advantage over the German troops became more than obvious. However, in a matter of months, there was no trace of the former superiority of the allied forces - the well-trained and tactically superior army of the Wehrmacht eventually forced France to capitulate.

The line that didn't defend

The French command assumed that the German army would act as it had during the First World War - that is, it would launch an attack on France from the northeast from Belgium. The entire load in this case was to fall on the defensive redoubts of the Maginot Line, which France began to build in 1929 and improved until 1940.

For the construction of the Maginot Line, which stretches for 400 km, the French spent a fabulous amount - about 3 billion francs (or 1 billion dollars). Massive fortifications included multi-level underground forts with living quarters, ventilation systems and elevators, electrical and telephone stations, hospitals and narrow gauge railways. Gun casemates from air bombs were supposed to be protected by a concrete wall 4 meters thick.

The personnel of the French troops on the Maginot Line reached 300 thousand people.
According to military historians, the Maginot Line, in principle, coped with its task. There were no breakthroughs of German troops on its most fortified sections. But the German army group "B", having bypassed the line of fortifications from the north, threw the main forces into its new sections, which were built on swampy terrain, and where the construction of underground structures was difficult. There, the French could not hold back the onslaught of the German troops.

Surrender in 10 minutes

On June 17, 1940, the first meeting of the collaborationist government of France, headed by Marshal Henri Petain, took place. It lasted only 10 minutes. During this time, the ministers unanimously voted for the decision to turn to the German command and ask him to end the war on French territory.

For these purposes, the services of an intermediary were used. The new Minister of Foreign Affairs, P. Baudouin, through the Spanish Ambassador Lekeric, transmitted a note in which the French government asked Spain to turn to the German leadership with a request to stop hostilities in France, and also to find out the terms of the armistice. At the same time, a proposal for a truce was sent to Italy through the papal nuncio. On the same day, Petain turned on the radio to the people and the army, urging them to "stop the fight."

Last stronghold

At the signing of the armistice (act of surrender) between Germany and France, Hitler was wary of the vast colonies of the latter, many of which were ready to continue resistance. This explains some of the relaxations in the treaty, in particular, the preservation of part of the French navy to maintain "order" in their colonies.

England was also vitally interested in the fate of the French colonies, since the threat of their capture by German forces was highly valued. Churchill hatched plans for a French government in exile that would grant virtual control of Britain's French overseas possessions.
General Charles de Gaulle, who created a government in opposition to the Vichy regime, directed all his efforts to seizing the colonies.

However, the North African administration turned down an offer to join the Free French. A completely different mood reigned in the colonies of Equatorial Africa - already in August 1940, Chad, Gabon and Cameroon joined de Gaulle, which created the conditions for the general to form the state apparatus.

Fury of Mussolini

Realizing that the defeat of France from Germany was inevitable, Mussolini on June 10, 1940 declared war on her. The Italian Army Group "West" of Prince Umberto of Savoy, with forces of over 300 thousand people, with the support of 3 thousand guns, launched an offensive in the Alps. However, the opposing army of General Aldry successfully repelled these attacks.

By June 20, the offensive of the Italian divisions became more fierce, but they managed to advance only slightly in the Menton area. Mussolini was furious - his plans to seize a large piece of its territory by the time of France's surrender had failed. The Italian dictator has already begun to prepare an airborne assault, but has not received approval for this operation from the German command.
On June 22, an armistice was signed between France and Germany, and two days later a similar agreement was signed between France and Italy. So, with a "victorious embarrassment" Italy entered the Second World War.


During the active phase of the war, which lasted from May 10 to June 21, 1940, the French army lost about 300 thousand people killed and wounded. Half a million were taken prisoner. The tank corps and the French Air Force were partially destroyed, the other part went to the German armed forces. At the same time, Britain will liquidate the French fleet in order to avoid it falling into the hands of the Wehrmacht.

Despite the fact that the capture of France took place in a short time, its armed forces gave a worthy rebuff to the German and Italian troops. For a month and a half of the war, the Wehrmacht lost more than 45 thousand people killed and missing, about 11 thousand were wounded.
The French sacrifices of German aggression could not have been in vain if the French government had made a number of concessions put forward by Britain in exchange for the entry of the royal armed forces into the war. But France chose to capitulate.

Paris - a place of convergence

According to the armistice agreement, Germany occupied only the western coast of France and the northern regions of the country, where Paris was located. The capital was a kind of place of "French-German" rapprochement. Here, German soldiers and Parisians coexisted peacefully: they went to the cinema together, visited museums, or simply sat in a cafe. After the occupation, theaters also revived - their box office receipts tripled compared to pre-war years.

Paris very quickly became the cultural center of occupied Europe. France lived as before, as if there were no months of desperate resistance and unfulfilled hopes. German propaganda managed to convince many French people that capitulation is not a disgrace to the country, but a road to the “bright future” of a renewed Europe.

Capitulation of France and the Vichy regime

In May 1940, Germany launched a swift offensive on the Western Front. The Germans delivered the first blow to French territory through neutral countries - Belgium and Holland. Then the main forces of the Nazi army attacked in the Sedan area, where the fortifications of the Maginot Line ended. The front was broken through, the Germans went to the rear of the Anglo-French troops and surrounded them near Dunkirk. The Anglo-French fleet with great difficulty managed to evacuate the British Expeditionary Force without heavy weapons. The main body of the French army, having lost the support of the British, hastily retreated. On June 10, Italy declared war on France, and German troops were already near Paris. The Reynaud government left the capital and moved south, first to Tours and then to Bordeaux. On June 16, Reynaud's cabinet resigned. The new government was formed by 84-year-old Marshal Philippe Petain, a supporter of ending the war and concluding a truce with Germany. He immediately turned to the Germans with a request to stop hostilities and communicate peace terms.

The Franco-German armistice was signed on June 22, 1940 in Compiègne, the Franco-Italian - on June 25 in Rome.

Under the terms of the armistice, the French army and navy were disarmed and demobilized. France had to pay huge occupation payments of 400 million francs (from November 1942 - 500 million francs) daily. Two thirds of the country, including Paris, were occupied by Germany. The southern part of France (the so-called free zone) and the colonies were not occupied and were controlled by the Petain government. It settled in the small resort town of Vichy.

Formally, the Petain government retained the entire navy of the country. Great Britain, which continued the war, fearing that the French fleet might be captured by Germany, decided to disable it. On July 3, 1940, the British fleet attacked a French squadron stationed in the harbor of Mers-el-Kebir (Algeria). Most of the ships were sunk or damaged. At the same time, the British seized French ships that ended up in British ports and blocked the French squadron in the port of Alexandria (Egypt).

On the territory of France, both in the occupied and in the non-occupied zones, all political parties and major trade union associations were dissolved. Gatherings, demonstrations and strikes were strictly prohibited.

In July 1940, in the unoccupied zone, Marshal Petain published "constitutional acts" that effectively abolished the constitution of the Third Republic. The posts of President of the Republic and Chairman of the Council of Ministers were abolished. Parliamentary sessions were suspended. All the fullness of the executive and legislative power was transferred to Petain, who was declared the "head of state." The second person in the Vichy government was Pierre Laval.

The Catholic Church gained great influence in the country. Religious congregations were given back the right to teach in private schools, abolished by the 1905 law on the separation of church and state. Public funding for private schools was also restored. Vichy propaganda quickly created for Marshal Petain the halo of the "savior of France", who saved the French from continuing the war and returned peace and tranquility to the country.

Almost the entire French economy was placed at the service of Germany. By the beginning of 1944, 80% of French enterprises were fulfilling German military orders, which were paid for by occupation payments. Germany exported up to three-quarters of French raw materials and from 50 to 100% of the finished products of the main branches of French industry. Since 1942, the export of French workers for forced labor to Germany has become widespread. The occupiers deported to Germany about 1 million French.

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This year, France celebrated the tragic anniversary - the 75th anniversary of the shameful surrender to Nazi Germany.

As a result of the offensive that began on May 10, 1940, the Germans defeated the French army in just a month. On June 14, German troops entered Paris without a fight, which was declared an open city by the French government in order to avoid its destruction. On June 22, 1940, France capitulated on humiliating terms: 60% of its territory was occupied, part of the land was annexed by Germany and Italy, the rest of the territory was controlled by a puppet government. The French were supposed to support the occupying German troops, the army and navy were disarmed, the captured French were supposed to be in the camps (of the one and a half million French prisoners of war, about a million remained in the camps until 1945).

I dedicate this photo selection to this tragic event for France.

1. Residents of Paris look at the German army entering the city. 06/14/1940

2. German soldiers on the armor of an abandoned French light tank Hotchkiss H35.

3. A captured wounded French officer from a hospital captured by German troops in Juvisy-sur-Orge.

4. Captured wounded French soldiers from a hospital captured by German troops in Juvisy-sur-Orge.

5. A column of French prisoners of war on the march along a country road.

6. A group of French prisoners of war follows the streets of the city to the gathering place. In the photo: on the left - French sailors, on the right - Senegalese arrows of the French colonial troops.

7. Captured French soldiers, among them several Negroes from the French colonial units.

8. German soldiers next to the French light tank Renault R35, abandoned on the road near Lana.

9. German soldiers and an officer pose for a downed British fighter "Spitfire» (Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I) on the beach near Dunkirk.

10. Two French light tanks Renault R35, abandoned on the street of the village.

11. A column of French prisoners of war passes through the village.

12. Captured French soldiers pass along the line of German soldiers. The picture shows soldiers of various units defending the Maginot Line.

13. Captured soldiers of various units of the French colonial troops.

14. Captured French soldiers at the assembly point in Saint-Florentin.

15. Captured French soldiers guarded by a German sentry.

16. A column of French North African prisoners of war, next to the gathering place.

17. French artillery equipment abandoned on the side of the road near Brunamelle.

18. Helmets and equipment thrown by French soldiers during the surrender on the streets of the city.

19. A column of French prisoners of war on the road in the Moi-de-Aisne area.

20. A group of captured French soldiers in Amiens.

21. French soldiers surrender to German troops with their hands up.

22. German mountain rangers near the captured 155 mm French cannon Canon de 155 mm L Mle 1877 de Bange, with a barrel made in 1916 (sometimes called Canon de 155 mm L Mle 1877/1916), captured near the Marne.

23. French prisoners of war on vacation in the Dieppe area. Judging by the characteristic elements of the uniform in the picture, servicemen from the cavalry unit.

24. German soldiers on the Place de la Concorde in Paris.

25. A group of captured Moroccan soldiers of the French colonial troops in Amiens.

26. Line of captured Senegalese shooters of the French colonial troops in Amiens.

27. French prisoners of war at the assembly point. Among the prisoners are members of the French North African colonial troops, presumably Senegalese.

28. Wounded French soldiers at the infirmary in the town of Rocroix.

29. French prisoners of war drink water during a halt.

30. Vehicles abandoned by the allies on the beach near Dunkirk.

31. The commander of the 7th Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht, Major General Erwin Rommel, with staff officers cross the river in a boat.

32. A column of French prisoners of war is walking along the roadside, under the escort of German soldiers. Presumably the neighborhood of Rocroix.

33. A group of French prisoners of war on the march along the road. In the background is a flying German Yu-52 transport aircraft.

34. German gunners ferry a 37-mm PaK 35/36 anti-tank gun by boat across the Meuse.

35. German military band passes through the streets of occupied Paris.

36. French prisoners of war follow the road to the gathering place. In the center of the picture are three prisoners of war from the Zouave regiment.

37. French prisoner of war in the field.

38. French Navy dive bomber Loire-Nieuport LN-411, which made an emergency landing.

39. German soldier at the broken French fighter Bloch MB.152.

40. A group of French prisoners of war in the ranks.

41. German soldiers pose next to the broken French 25-mm anti-tank gun Hotchkiss (Canon de 25 mm antichar Modele 1934 Hotchkiss).

42. Black prisoners of the French colonial units in the construction.

43. Two German soldiers change position during the battle in the ruined French town.

44. A German soldier inspects a captured saber captured in France.

45. Captured French pilots are talking with German soldiers at the tent.

46. ​​German soldiers next to the captured French 25-mm anti-tank gun of the 1934 model of the Hotchkiss system (Canon de 25-mm antichar Modele 1934 Hotchkiss).

47. A captured French infantryman (possibly an officer) shows something on the map to German officers. To the right and left in helmets are captured French tankers.

48. A column of French prisoners at the Palace of Versailles in Paris.

49. Abandoned French light tanks AMR-35.

50. An unknown prisoner of war soldier of one of the French North African (Moroccan) spagi regiments on the march as part of a column of prisoners.

51. A column of French prisoners of war in Rocroix, moving towards the gathering place. On the road there is a sign showing the direction to Fume.

52. The line of prisoners of war from the French North African regiments spagi in a joint camp in Etamps during distribution to work.

53. An unknown POW soldier from the French 9th Algerian Regiment of the 2nd Spahi Brigade. The remnants of the regiment surrendered on June 18, 1940 near the city of Besançon.

54. A column of French prisoners passes by a German convoy in the Avranches area.

55. German soldiers and French prisoners from the colonial units in the camp at the Proto barracks in Cherbourg.

56. A German soldier distributes cigarettes to prisoners of the French colonial units.

57. A column of the 6th German Panzer Division in a field in France. In the foreground is a light tank LT vz.35 of Czech production (German designation - Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t)), in the background - German tanks Pz.Kpfw. IV early modifications.

58. Black French prisoners of the colonial units are washing clothes in the Frontstalag 155 camp in the village of Lonvik, 5 km from the city of Dijon.

59. Black French prisoners in the Frontstalag 155 camp in the village of Lonvik, 5 km from the city of Dijon.

60. Two German soldiers walk down the street of the French village of Saint-Simon past the dead cows.

61. Five French prisoners (four - blacks) are at the railroad.

62. Killed French soldier on the edge of the field in Normandy.

63. A group of French prisoners of war is on the road.

64. Representatives of France are sent to the "wagon of Marshal Foch" to negotiate an armistice with representatives of Germany. On this very spot, in this very carriage, on November 11, 1918, the Compiègne truce, humiliating for Germany, was signed, which fixed the shameful defeat of Germany in the First World War. The signing of the new Compiègne truce at the same place, according to Hitler's plan, was to symbolize the historical revenge of Germany. In order to roll out the car to the clearing, the Germans destroyed the wall of the museum where it was stored and laid rails to the historical site.

65. A group of Wehrmacht soldiers are hiding from fire in the French town of Sedan.

66. German soldiers smoke next to the horses. From the photo album of a private wagoner of the Wehrmacht infantry division.

67. German soldiers settled down to rest next to their bicycles. From the photo album of a private wagoner of the Wehrmacht infantry division.

68. Artillery guns captured by German troops during the French company. In the foreground are French 155-mm cannons of the 1917 model by Schneider. These guns in the Wehrmacht received the designation 15.5 cm gun K.416 (f). In the background - French heavy 220-mm cannons of the 1917 model by Schneider, barrels and carriages, which were transported separately. These guns in the Wehrmacht received the designation 22-cm gun K.232(f).

69. A German soldier demonstrates trophies - captured weapons and ammunition of the French troops. Photo from the photo album of a wagon soldier of a Wehrmacht infantry division.

70. A team with donkeys as part of a German convoy. From the photo album of a private wagoner of the Wehrmacht infantry division.

71. German sappers are restoring the destroyed bridge. Photo from the personal album of a Wehrmacht sapper battalion soldier.

72. Two German officers and a non-commissioned officer look at the map.

73. German soldiers at the entrance to the military cemetery in honor of those killed in the First World War near Verdun in the French town of Douaumont.

74. Wehrmacht soldiers "wash" the awards received for the campaign in France. Photo from the personal album of the Oberfeldwebel of the Wehrmacht.

75. French officer talking to a German officer during the surrender of the garrison of Nantes.

76. German nurses at the monument to French Marshal Ferdinand Foch in the Compiègne Forest. Very close to this place, the capitulation of France in the war with Germany was signed (and in 1918, the capitulation of Germany in the First World War).

77. The French bomber Amio 143 (Amiot 143) captured by German troops on the field in the commune of Sombernon in Burgundy. Aircraft from the 2nd air group of the 38th bomber squadron. The 38th bomber squadron was stationed near the city of Auxerre (Auxerre) in Burgundy. The plane returning from the mission made an emergency landing on the field due to adverse meteorological conditions and was captured by German troops. Motorcycles of one of the units of the German troops are standing next to the plane.

78. Two French prisoners are standing at the wall of the house.

79. A column of French prisoners on a village street.

80. Five non-commissioned officers of the 173rd artillery regiment of the Wehrmacht on vacation during the French company.

81. The French battleship "Bretagne" ("Bretagne", entered service in 1915) was sunk in Mers-El-Kebir during the operation "Catapult" by the English fleet. Operation Catapult was intended to capture and destroy French ships in British and colonial ports to prevent ships from falling under German control after the surrender of France. The battleship "Brittany" was covered by the third volley with a tripod mast hitting the base, after which a strong fire began. The commander tried to throw the ship aground, but the battleship was hit by another salvo from the English battleship Hood. Two minutes later, the old battleship began to capsize and suddenly exploded, taking the lives of 977 crew members. The picture was probably taken from the French Commandant Test hydro-air transport, which miraculously avoided hits during the entire battle, and subsequently took on board the surviving crew members of the dead battleship.

82. A column of French prisoners of the colonial units on the march on the railway bridge.

83. A soldier of the 73rd Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht poses with a French prisoner.

84. Soldiers of the 73rd Infantry Regiment of the Wehrmacht are interrogating a French prisoner of war.

85. Soldiers of the 73rd Infantry Regiment of the Wehrmacht are interrogating a French prisoner of war.

86. The body of a British artilleryman with a 40-mm 2-pound anti-tank gun QF 2 pounder.

87. French prisoners stand near a tree.

88. Soldiers of the Royal Regiment of Scottish Highlanders "Black Watch" buy dishes from a French woman. October 16, 1939

89. A column of French prisoners passes by a German convoy in the Avranches area.

90. German soldiers with horses on Stanislav Square in the French city of Nancy at the monument to the Polish king Stanislav Leshchinsky.

91. German cars on Place Stanislaus in the French city of Nancy. In the center of the square is a monument to the Polish king Stanislav Leshchinsky.

93. German 150-mm self-propelled howitzer "Bizon" (15 cm sIG 33 Sfl. auf Pz.KpfW.I Ausf B ohne Aufbau; Sturmpanzer I) against the background of the explosion of its shell on the second floor of a corner building during the fighting in France.

94. English soldiers taken prisoner by the Germans in Dunkirk, on the city square.

95. Oil storage fire at Dunkirk. The aircraft on the right, Lockheed Hudson, belongs to the British Royal Air Force.

96. German soldier killed in action during the French campaign of the Wehrmacht. On the parapet of the trench there is a German cap and parts of a belt.

97. A column of captured French soldiers. Among them are many Africans from the French colonial parts.

98. A French woman welcomes Canadian soldiers who landed in France 4 days before the surrender of French troops.

99. French soldiers during the "strange war" are photographed on the streets of the town. December 18, 1939

100. German women, children and cordon soldiers in a Nazi salute at a mass event in Germany dedicated to the victory of German troops in France.

101. The death of the English military transport Lancastria (RMS Lancastria) on June 17, 1940. In the water and on the sides of the tilted ship, you can see a lot of people trying to escape. On June 17, 1940, the English military transport Lancastria (before the war, a passenger liner cruising the Mediterranean) with a displacement of 16,243 tons was sunk by German Ju-88 bombers off the coast of France. The transport evacuated English military units to the UK from France. There were also a large number of civilians on board, including women and children. The ship was sunk in a twenty-minute attack shortly after leaving the French port of Saint-Nazaire. As a result, about four thousand passengers died - drowned, killed by bomb explosions, shelling, suffocated in oil-polluted water. 2477 people were saved.

102. Bombing by British aircraft of the French airfield in the city of Abbeville, captured by the Germans. The picture shows falling British 500-pound (227 kg) bombs.

103. The crew of the French tank Char B1 No. 350 "Fleurie" in front of their car.

104. German dive bombers "Junkers" Ju-87 (Junkers Ju 87 B-2) from the squadron "Immelman" (StG2 "Immelmann") in the skies of France.

105. Killed black French soldier.

106. During Operation Dynamo (evacuation of Anglo-French troops from Dunkirk to England), the destroyer Burrasque (French Bourrasque) hit a mine in the Ostend region (Belgium) on May 29, 1940 and sank the next day.

107. Soldiers of the SS division "Totenkopf" in battle in France.

108. Motorcyclist of the SS division "Totenkopf" in France.

109. Soldiers of the SS division "Totenkopf" regulate traffic on the streets of the French city, accelerating the advance of the lagging troops.

German parade on the Champs Elysees.

Hitler arrived in France and got acquainted with the detailed terms of surrender. The signing of the armistice began at noon on June 21, 1940, in the same clearing in the Campienne forest and in the same carriage in which, on November 11, 1918, the French Marshal Foch dictated the terms of the armistice to the representatives of Germany. Now the events were quite the opposite. On this summer day at three fifteen minutes Adolf Hitler arrived in his car, accompanied by Göring, Brauchitsch, Keitel, Raeder, Ribbentrop and Hess. Adolf was beside himself with delight and, together with everyone, he entered the historical carriage.

The signing of the peace treaty in that famous wagon in the Campienne Forest.

The French delegation was led by French General Charles Hunziger. The French did not know where the negotiations would take place and, having learned about the place, could not imagine themselves for a long time. After the terms of the armistice were read out, Adolf Hitler got up and left the car with his retinue. Further negotiations took place without them and, at the suggestion of Germany, hostilities ceased in France and in its colonies. The occupied zone consisted of two-thirds of the whole of France, but the southeastern part of the country remained under the control of Marshal Pétain. All weapons and military materials were transferred to Germany. All German migrants must be handed over to the Nazis. The French fleet must be gradually interned. The French armed forces were obliged not to use force against Germany.
June 22, 1940 in the evening at 18.50 Keitel and Hünzegel signed an armistice agreement.

At the end of June 1940, Adolf Hitler invited three German architects to occupied France, including Albert Speer. Hitler took them on an architectural tour of Paris. In Adolf, artistic inclinations never died in the joy of victory over France, he took on the role of a guide and spoke for a long time about the beauties of Paris, this excursion lasted three hours and ended at the airport. Flying away, Hitler told the architects that he was happy to see Paris. But later, Hitler, after the crushing of the Wehrmacht on all fronts, was already thinking about the complete destruction of all buildings in Paris.

On the eve of World War II, the French army was considered one of the most powerful in the world. But in a direct clash with Germany in May 1940, the French were enough for a few weeks of resistance.

Useless superiority

By the beginning of World War II, France had the 3rd largest army in the world in terms of the number of tanks and aircraft, second only to the USSR and Germany, as well as the 4th navy after Britain, the USA and Japan. The total number of French troops numbered more than 2 million people.
The superiority of the French army in manpower and equipment over the forces of the Wehrmacht on the Western Front was undeniable. For example, the French Air Force included about 3,300 aircraft, of which half were the latest combat vehicles. The Luftwaffe could only count on 1,186 aircraft.
With the arrival of reinforcements from the British Isles - an expeditionary force in the amount of 9 divisions, as well as air units, including 1,500 combat vehicles - the advantage over the German troops became more than obvious. However, in a matter of months, there was no trace of the former superiority of the allied forces - the well-trained and tactically superior army of the Wehrmacht eventually forced France to capitulate.

The line that didn't defend

The French command assumed that the German army would act as it had during the First World War - that is, it would launch an attack on France from the northeast from Belgium. The entire load in this case was to fall on the defensive redoubts of the Maginot Line, which France began to build in 1929 and improved until 1940.

For the construction of the Maginot Line, which stretches for 400 km, the French spent a fabulous amount - about 3 billion francs (or 1 billion dollars). Massive fortifications included multi-level underground forts with living quarters, ventilation systems and elevators, electrical and telephone stations, hospitals and narrow gauge railways. Gun casemates from air bombs were supposed to be protected by a concrete wall 4 meters thick.

The personnel of the French troops on the Maginot Line reached 300 thousand people.
According to military historians, the Maginot Line, in principle, coped with its task. There were no breakthroughs of German troops on its most fortified sections. But the German army group "B", having bypassed the line of fortifications from the north, threw the main forces into its new sections, which were built on swampy terrain, and where the construction of underground structures was difficult. There, the French could not hold back the onslaught of the German troops.

Surrender in 10 minutes

On June 17, 1940, the first meeting of the collaborationist government of France, headed by Marshal Henri Petain, took place. It lasted only 10 minutes. During this time, the ministers unanimously voted for the decision to turn to the German command and ask him to end the war on French territory.

For these purposes, the services of an intermediary were used. The new Minister of Foreign Affairs, P. Baudouin, through the Spanish Ambassador Lekeric, transmitted a note in which the French government asked Spain to turn to the German leadership with a request to stop hostilities in France, and also to find out the terms of the armistice. At the same time, a proposal for a truce was sent to Italy through the papal nuncio. On the same day, Petain turned on the radio to the people and the army, urging them to "stop the fight."

Last stronghold

At the signing of the armistice (act of surrender) between Germany and France, Hitler was wary of the vast colonies of the latter, many of which were ready to continue resistance. This explains some of the relaxations in the treaty, in particular, the preservation of part of the French navy to maintain "order" in their colonies.

England was also vitally interested in the fate of the French colonies, since the threat of their capture by German forces was highly valued. Churchill hatched plans for a French government in exile that would grant virtual control of Britain's French overseas possessions.
General Charles de Gaulle, who created a government in opposition to the Vichy regime, directed all his efforts to seizing the colonies.

However, the North African administration turned down an offer to join the Free French. A completely different mood reigned in the colonies of Equatorial Africa - already in August 1940, Chad, Gabon and Cameroon joined de Gaulle, which created the conditions for the general to form the state apparatus.

Fury of Mussolini

Realizing that the defeat of France from Germany was inevitable, Mussolini on June 10, 1940 declared war on her. The Italian Army Group "West" of Prince Umberto of Savoy, with forces of over 300 thousand people, with the support of 3 thousand guns, launched an offensive in the Alps. However, the opposing army of General Aldry successfully repelled these attacks.

By June 20, the offensive of the Italian divisions became more fierce, but they managed to advance only slightly in the Menton area. Mussolini was furious - his plans to seize a large piece of its territory by the time of France's surrender had failed. The Italian dictator has already begun to prepare an airborne assault, but has not received approval for this operation from the German command.
On June 22, an armistice was signed between France and Germany, and two days later a similar agreement was signed between France and Italy. So, with a "victorious embarrassment" Italy entered the Second World War.


During the active phase of the war, which lasted from May 10 to June 21, 1940, the French army lost about 300 thousand people killed and wounded. Half a million were taken prisoner. The tank corps and the French Air Force were partially destroyed, the other part went to the German armed forces. At the same time, Britain will liquidate the French fleet in order to avoid it falling into the hands of the Wehrmacht.

Despite the fact that the capture of France took place in a short time, its armed forces gave a worthy rebuff to the German and Italian troops. For a month and a half of the war, the Wehrmacht lost more than 45 thousand people killed and missing, about 11 thousand were wounded.
The French sacrifices of German aggression could not have been in vain if the French government had made a number of concessions put forward by Britain in exchange for the entry of the royal armed forces into the war. But France chose to capitulate.

Paris - a place of convergence

According to the armistice agreement, Germany occupied only the western coast of France and the northern regions of the country, where Paris was located. The capital was a kind of place of "French-German" rapprochement. Here, German soldiers and Parisians coexisted peacefully: they went to the cinema together, visited museums, or simply sat in a cafe. After the occupation, theaters also revived - their box office receipts tripled compared to pre-war years.

Paris very quickly became the cultural center of occupied Europe. France lived as before, as if there were no months of desperate resistance and unfulfilled hopes. German propaganda managed to convince many French people that capitulation is not a disgrace to the country, but a road to the “bright future” of a renewed Europe.