Spelling of the endings of nouns of the second declension. b) Exercise "Collect in a basket"

During the classes.

1. Org. moment.

How do you understand it?

U. You know that our knowledge is wealth that we put in a chest, and when necessary, we take it out and use it. Today you will need this knowledge. in this lesson we will repeat “Spelling unstressed case endings of nouns 1-3 declensions in the singular”. Let's start by checking your homework.

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": We repeat the spelling of unstressed endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension"

Topic: We repeat the spelling of unstressed endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension


    generalize students' knowledge of spelling unstressed endings of names

nouns of three declensions;

    improve the ability to correctly write the endings of nouns 1, 2, 3 declensions;

    develop attention, memory, logical thinking, speech of students.

    educate interest in the Russian language, respect for nature.

During the classes.

1. Org. moment.

Guys, I would like to start our lesson with a proverb:

"Knowledge is collected drop by drop."

How do you understand it?

U. You know that our knowledge is wealth that we put in a chest, and when necessary, we take it out and use it. Today you will need this knowledge. in this lesson we will repeat “Spelling unstressed case endings of nouns 1-3 declensions in the singular”. Let's start by checking your homework.

Who and what difficulties experienced when doing homework? What helped you?

2. Checking homework.

1 group - account. page 64 exercise 5

Group 2 - notebook UPBO page 46 exercise 109

Open notebooks, write down the number, class work.- with commenting.

II. A minute of calligraphy

On the desk . ANIMIROV. . ALPHABET

We need to guess the keyword.

    Name the letter that comes before the letter in the alphabet R;

    Unstressed vowel in the words: land, forest;

    Name the letter that comes after the letter in the alphabet P;

    Unstressed vowel in the words: river, bakes;

    13th letter of the alphabet;

    6th letter of the alphabet;

    Pair consonant letter h;

    Unstressed vowel in words: window, water;

    Name the letter that is in the alphabet between the letters th, l.

We have collected the word: copse. - Levitan's painting "March".

What is a woodland? ( A small forest separated by clearings from other forest areas).

    What words are hidden in the word copse? ( Forest, forest).

    Write the words in a notebook, pay attention to the lower and upper connection of letters.

    What unites all these words? ( Nouns e).

    Prove it. ( They answer the question "What?").

    Parsing words by composition. 1 student at the blackboard.

What do you remember when doing these tasks?

III. Consolidation and improvement of acquired ZUN.

2. Vocabulary work.

Say why we repeat vocabulary words every day.

And now we listen carefully to the task, write down the words, highlight the ending and indicate the case. How many cases are there in Russian? Name them. How do we define case? And if the questions are the same, then what helps you? So what do we remember?

(village, near the road, to a birch, aspen ... weather ..., about the wind.)

What did you notice?

- 3. Work on the picture. And now let's look at our reproduction again.

What else do you see in this picture?

(snow, trees, horse, house, road...)

Determine the declension of these words.

So what is declination?

What declension are nouns?

What nouns are related to 1? 2? 3 declension? How do you define declination? What if the word is plural? Are there indeclinable nouns? Which? And now let's repeat the algorithm for determining the declensions of nouns. ALGORITHM. SLIDE


4. Work in pairs. slide

And now using our algorithm? Determine the declension of nouns by explaining to each other how you act.

Now let's see what you got. Everyone has a sun and a cloud on the table.

If your couple coped without difficulty, then take the sun, but if there were difficulties, at least for someone, then a cloud. Let's see what you got?

What can be the conclusion?


differentiated task.

Now let's move on to the last task.

On the tables you have cards by levels. Read the assignments. What's not clear.

1 th level.

Exercise: Write off the text, add the missing endings of nouns. Determine the declension and case of nouns in units. h..

To the outskirts ... villages ... along the path ... a crested lark runs. With the first snow ... it appears on the village streets ... . The lark spends the whole day in search of food... on the outskirts... of villages... In the cold... the lark does not get cold.

2 th level.

Exercise: Make up and write sentences from each line. Determine the declension and cases of nouns in units. h., add endings.

    the path, from the villages ..., narrow, children, led to groves ..., spruce;

    hung, high, cones, on a branch ..., ate ...;

    a squirrel, from a branch ..., jumped, onto a branch ...;

    not far, from, stopped, children, clearing ...;

    rotten, in a clearing ..., stump, stood.

3 th level.

Exercise: According to the reference words, compose a mini-essay “Forest”. In nouns h. to determine the declension and case:

in the forest, trees, beautiful, birds, quiet, branch, snow, animals, creaks

What did you get? Check from each group.

IX. Generalization on the topic.

We are finishing our lesson. And I would like you to answer with what knowledge you finish it. If you understand everything well, then raise the sun, if you need to learn something, then a cloud.

And at the end of the lesson, I would like you to answer

Today at the lesson - I learned, discovered for myself ...

- learned, could..

- I can praise myself and my classmates for ...

X. Homework.

Spelling of case endings of nouns

The spelling of the endings of nouns depends on what type of declension they belong to. Mistakes in choosing endings -e or - and usually occur not in all case forms, but only in the forms of three cases: genitive, dative and prepositional.

Nouns I declination(country, land, alley) in the genitive forms have an ending -s(s), and in the forms of the dative and prepositional -e:

Genus. n. (whom? what?) countries of the earth alley

Date n. (to whom? why?) country-land alley

Suggestion n. (about whom? about what?) (about) country (about) land (about) alley

Nouns II declension in the form of the prepositional case have an ending -e: (in) a house, (on) a horse, (on) a window, (o) heat, (in) hoarfrost. There are usually no mistakes here.

Nouns III declension(steppe, night, silence) in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases have an ending -and:

Genus. n. (whom? what?) steppes of the night of silence

Date n. (to whom? why?) steppes of the night of silence

Suggestion n. (about whom? about what?) (o) steppes (o) nights (in) silence

Recommendation. To check the spelling of an unstressed ending in a noun, it is enough to recall the keyword with a stressed ending in the same form (according to the morphological principle of Russian spelling). For the I declension, this can be a word Earth, for II - window, for III - steppe.

Inflected nouns

Word way, as well as ten nouns in -me (banner, flame, tribe, stirrup, etc.) are inconsistent and in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases have the ending -and:

Genus. n. (whom? what?) the path of the banner of the flame

Date n. (to whom? what?) the path of the banner of the flame

Suggestion n. (about whom? about what?) (in) the way (on) the banner (in) the tribe

Case forms of nouns in -i, -i, -i

1. Nouns with a non-monosyllabic masculine and neuter stem in -th and -s in the feminine prepositional -and I in the dative and prepositional cases of the singular have an unstressed ending -and(but not -e as a general rule), for example:
genius - about genius, sodium - about sodium, radium - about radium, Vasily - about Vasily, Yuri - about Yuri;
department - in the department, return - upon return, assistance - with assistance;
army - to the army, about the army, line - along the line, on the line, station - to the station, at the station; Bulgaria - in Bulgaria, in Bulgaria; Mary - to Mary, about Mary

Note. If there are options for -s and -e, -and I and -ya These case forms have different endings. Nouns on –ya and -e are inclined according to the general rule and have the ending in the dative and prepositional cases -e:
about skill - about skill, in flowering - in flowering, about verbosity - about verbosity, about Natalia - about Natalya, to Mary - to Marya.

2. Few nouns in -y, -yy with a monosyllabic stem in the indicated cases in an unstressed position, as a general rule, the ending -e: serpent - about the snake, cue - about cue, cue (the legendary founder of Kyiv) - about cue, whose (plant) - about cie, "Viy" - in "Bue", Pius - about Pius, under Pope Pius; Biya (river) - along the Biya, on the Biya; Oia, Leah, Via (female names) - to Ie, about Leah, about Bie; Gia (male name) - to Gia, about Gia. (§ 40 of the 1956 Code of Practice)

3. Few nouns have - ie, -and I having an accent on the ending, the indicated case forms end in - and on either - e, for example: judge - to judge, about judge, lithium - in lithium-, litany - in litany, being - about being, life - about life, in life, but: point - on the point, on the point, Aliya, Zulfiya (personal names) - about Aliya, to Zulfiya.

Vowels in some unstressed case endings

Nouns with suffix -search-, if they are masculine or neuter, they end in them. pad. units hours on -e , For example: house, camel, rod, swamp. If they are feminine, then they end in them. pad. units hours on -a , For example: cows, hands, dirt.

Masculine nouns with suffixes -yshk-, -yushk-, ishk-, yshk- , denoting animate objects, as well as all feminine nouns with the same suffixes, end in it. pad. units hours on -a , For example: grandfather, father, boy, old man, little man, nightingale, nanny, hand.

Masculine nouns denoting inanimate objects, as well as all neuter nouns, have in them. pad. units hours after these suffixes ending -about , For example: bread, dvorishko, feather, coat.

At the end of them. pad. units h. animate masculine nouns after suffixes -to- and -l- spelled a , For example: reveler, sang, tall, ate; colloquial proper names like Gavrila, Kirila, Mikhaila(used along with Gabriel, Cyril, Michael).

The exception is Old Russian and Ukrainian names and surnames in -ko , For example: Michalko, Shevchenko, as well as ancient and regional proper names in -lo , For example: Yarilo, Mikhailo Lomonosov.

In the genus pad. plural hours from nouns ending in singular hours for non-strike -ya and -e , is written -th , but from nouns ending in -ya and -e under stress, spelled -her , For example: naughty - naughty, gorge - gorges, but: bench - bench, gun - gun.

Declension of proper names

In surnames on -in (-yn) and on -ov(s) is written in creativity. pad. units h. th (according to the declension of adjectives), for example: Pavel Lisitsyn - Pavel Lisitsyn, Ivan Turgenev - Ivan Turgenev.

Note. In foreign surnames -in and -ov is written in creativity. pad. units h. -om (according to the declension of nouns), for example: Green - Green, Darwin - Darwin, Bülow - Bülow.

In the names of settlements on -in (-yn), -ov (-ev), -ino (-yno), -ovo (-evo) is written in creativity. pad. units h. -ohm , For example:

the city of Pskov - the city of Pskov
the city of Lviv - the city of Lviv
the city of Saratov - the city of Saratov
the city of Kanev - the city of Kanev
the city of Kalinin - the city of Kalinin
the city of Kirov - the city of Kirov
the village of Maryino - the village of Maryino
the village of Lisitsyno - the village of Lisitsyn
the village of Kryukovo - the village of Kryukov

Noun endings of the second declension singular




basis on solid acc.

basis for soft acc.
And who? what?

Cossack, letter

horse, sea
R. whom? what?
-and I

Cossack, letters

horse, sea
D. to whom? what?
-u, -u

Cossack, letter

horse, sea

In whom? what?

-a (-i), -o (-e).

Cossack, letter

horse, sea

T. by whom? how?

-om, -em, -em

Cossack, letter

horse, sea

P. about whom? about what?


about the Cossack, about the letter

about the horse, about the sea
from 1
  1. Nouns of the II declension (except for words in -y and -y) in the prepositional case are written with the ending -e: about the city (city), about hoarfrost (hoarfrost), about the shed (barn), about the beehive (beehive), about hockey (hockey ), about the field (field).
In accordance with the rule, neuter nouns in -ye in the prepositional case end in -e: about the gorge (gorge), about the necklace (necklace), in the mouth (mouth), about the wrist (wrist), about happiness (happiness), on the coast (coast), on the seashore (seaside), in the underground (underground), etc. Exception: in oblivion.
  1. Nouns in -i (genius) and -i (sentence) in the prepositional case end in -i: about genius (genius), about cue (cue), about vii (vii), about potassium (potassium), about herbarium (herbarium) , about comments (comment), about solarium (solarium); about a disaster (calamity), about a proposal (proposal), about a consequence (consequence), about a constellation (constellation), etc. Exception: on the tip.
It is necessary to distinguish between parallel forms of cooking (process) and jam (product), salting and pickling, smoking and smoking, etc. In the prepositional case, these forms are written with different endings: words in -ie - with the ending -i (about cooking, about salting, about smoking), and words in -e - with the ending -e (about jam, about pickles, about smoking).
  1. Words of the middle gender in -mya (burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown), as well as the noun child in the dative and prepositional cases, have the ending -i: to the banner, about the banner; to the stirrup, about the stirrup; to the child, oh child.
  2. Russian surnames on -ov (-ev), -ev, -in, -yn in the instrumental case of the singular have the ending -y, foreign surnames on -ov and -in have the ending -om (since -in and -ov in them are not suffixes). For example: Nekrasov. Solovyov, Pleshcheev, Nikitin, Ptitsyn; but: Darwin, Chaplin, Lamartine, Negrin, etc.
  3. The names of settlements starting with -ov, -ev, -in, -yn, -ovo, -evo, -ino, -уно have the ending -om in the instrumental case. For example: under the city of Kalinin, behind Lvov, above Bykovo, near Borodino, behind Golitsyn, near Tsaritsyn, etc.
Russian surnames on -ovo, -yh, -ih (Khitrovo, Kruchenykh, Dolgikh) and surnames of foreign origin on -e, -i, -o, -u (Heine, Paganini, Didro, Nehru) do not decline. Surnames of non-Russian origin ending in a hard consonant (for example, Aliger) are also not declined when referring to females.
Noun endings in the second declension plural



basis on solid acc. basis for soft acc.
And who? what? -i, -s, -a, -i Cossacks, letters horses, sea
R. whom? what? -ov, -ey, P Cossacks, letters horses, seas
D. to whom? what? -am, -yam Cossacks, letters horses, seas
In whom? what? -ov, -ey, -a, -ya Cossacks, letters horses, sea
T. by whom? how? -ami, -ami Cossacks
horses, seas
IL about whom? about what? -ah, -ah about Cossacks, about letters about horses, about the seas

Nouns in -i (invitation, edition, etc.) and -e (necklace, gorge) in the genitive case end in -i: invitations (invitation), travels (journey), conquests (conquest), disappointments (disappointment), competitions ( competition); drugs (drug), nomadic (nomadic), tombstones (tombstone), expanses (expansion), foothills (foothills), suburbs (suburbs), etc.
Exceptions: dresses, upper reaches, mouths, lower reaches, guns, journeymen. From the noun drink, the form of drink is used.
1. There were the most contradictory rumors about Anatoly (II skl., singular, p.p.) Ivanovich (II skl., singular, p.p.) (II skl., pl., im. .p.) (N. Gogol).
  1. “Here I am your sling! (II skl., sing. h., t. p.) ”- shouted a courier galloping towards him with a mustache in arshin (N. Gogol). 3. A few moments passed in silence (II sk., singular, pp) (I. Turgenev).
  1. And his life will sink into oblivion (II skl., singular, pp), without a trace, like an empty sound (M. Lermontov). 5. White fishing gulls rushed screaming over the Don (cl. II, geographic name, t. p.) (M. Sholokhov).
  1. In anguish of heartfelt remorse (II cl., pl., r.p.), clutching a pistol with his hand, Evgeny (A. Pushkin) looks at Lensky. 7. “In the battle near Tarutino! (II skl., geographical name, te. p.) ”- the soldier shouted hoarsely (K. Paustovsky). 8. Leaving for one minute, he stopped in front of Strashnov (II sk., Russian surname, t.p.) (K. Fedin).

UMC: "Primary School XXI century"

Equipment: textbook "Russian language". Grade 3 (Ivanov S.V., Evdokimova A.O.), workbook, presentation.

Lesson topic : "We repeat the spelling of unstressed endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declension"

Lesson type: consolidation lesson

Lesson Objectives:

1. Improve spelling skills of unstressed case endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declensions in the singular.

2. Develop spelling vigilance.

3. Learn to explore practical situations by making assumptions and understand the need to test them in practice; apply knowledge in non-traditional circumstances; independently and in a group to perform various tasks.

4. To cultivate the communicative qualities of students.



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Slides captions:

"Every day of life adds a particle of wisdom"

1 cl. 2 fold. 3 fold. R.p. -s, -i -a, -i -i D.p. -e -y, -yu -i P.p. -e -e -i

bought Varenk (e, and) Bought (to whom?) Varenk (e, and) - (d.p., 1st declension) bought Varenk e


Artist In the arena of the Circus On a bicycle 1 fold, P.p. 2nd class, R.p. 2 fold, p.p.

1 declension - clap your hands 2 declension - crouch 3 declension - jump in place


P - dream about a dog

T - drive

C - find in boxes

Ch - words from the song

2. Find the word expressed by them. 1st declension, D.p.

D - wheat

F - hare

E - chicken

M - earth

3. Find the word expressed by them. 3rd declension, R.p

Oh - daughters

L - brother

X - finger

B - old man

P - mother (1 cl., I.p.)

C - fence (2 fold, D.p)

G - coast (3 folds, etc.)

South - to the sea (2 fold., D.p.)

5. Find an error in the statement.

U - the 2nd declension includes the words: daughter, night.

W - the 3rd declension includes the words: rye,

F - words: coat, piano. These words do not decline.

Result : _____________________

FULL NAME.:____________________________________

1. Find the misspelled phrase.

R - find in boxes

T - drive

C - dream about dogs

Ch - words from the song

2. Find the word expressed by them. 2nd declension, P.p.

D - legs

F - night

E - oven

M - about the sky

3. Find the word expressed by them. 1st declension, etc.

O - earth

L - nail

X - rose

B - cat

4. Kolya, performing the exercise, made a mistake. Find her.

P - fox (1 cl., I.p.)

Yu - stone (2 folds, R.p.)

C - window (2 fold., T.p.)

G - horse (2 cl., T.p.)

5. Find an error in the statement.

T - the 1st declension includes the words: earth, water.

F - the words belong to the 2nd declension: window, boy.

Ш - the words belong to the 3rd declension: night, rye,

U - words: coat, piano. These words are bowed.

Result: ________________


During the classes

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities


Good afternoon! My name is Veronika Vasilievna and I will conduct a Russian lesson. I would like to start our lesson with a proverb:

"Every day of life adds a particle of wisdom."

− How do you understand it?

Children. We will learn something new. You know that our knowledge is wealth that we put in a chest, and when necessary, we take it out and use it. Today in the lesson we need this chest.

Actualization of knowledge and formulation of the topic of the lesson.

Children! Today we will go with you to the circus. Together with the circus performers, we will repeat and fix the unstressed endings of nouns of all 3 declensions.

What is called a noun?

How does a noun change?

What does it mean to decline a noun?

What nouns belong to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension?

How to check the unstressed ending of nouns?

- T Now let's repeat the algorithm for determining unstressed case endings of nouns. Anyone willing to answer?

Methods for checking unstressed case endings of nouns.

  1. According to key words:

1 declension - spring, earth

2nd declension - dream, wheel

3rd declension - rye

2. According to the table of endings:

1 cl.

2 fold.

3 fold.


Y, -i

And I


U, u


And who are we going to meet? Find out if you guess the cipher.


Do the exercises. Determine the case in the first sentence of nouns and declension.

in the arena

Artist - circus

By bike

In order for him to appear in the arena, you need to complete the following task. Make up a phrase so that the word "artist" is in different cases, using dictionary words.

For example: grateful to the artist (D.p.), told about the artist (P.p.) ...

Nounis a part of speech that designates an object and answers questions who? what?

By numbers and cases.

Change them by questions or by cases

Determine declination.
If 3 (feminine in b), then only I.
If 2 (masculine with zero ending, middle O, E), then E.
And if 1. (Male and feminine on A, Z), then we determine the case: Genitive -Only And, Dative, prepositional -E.

1 cl. P.p.

2 fold. R.p

2 fold. P.p.

Work on the topic of the lesson

Open the workbooks on page 22, exercise 2.

Read. Insert endings.

Well, in front of you is Winnie the Pooh. As you can see he comes down the stairs e (1 fold, D.p.) after your friend ohm (2sk, T.p) Christopher ohm (2cl, T.p) Robin ohm (2skl, T.p), head down, counting the steps with your own back of the head ohm (2sk, T.p): boom-boom-boom. Another way a (2 fold. R.p.) go down the stairs s (1skl, R.p.) he does not know yet.


I will name the noun. If it

refers to the 1st declension, you clap your hands, to the 2nd - squat, to the 3rd

- jump in place.

Lilac (3), shore (2), youth (3), old man (2), help (3), student (2), book (1), old age (3), steppe (3), aster (1), dahlia(2), carrot(3), beetroot(1), climb(2), bike(2), joy(3), autumn(3), summer(2), spring(1), snowflake(1), blizzard(3).

Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

Perform exercise 4.

Independent work


- Raise your hand those who got the word. Read it. (I CAN)

Evaluation of work

0 errors - "5",

1 mistake - "4",

2 errors - "3",

more than 2 errors - "2".


What topic are we talking about today?

Was it difficult for you to work in class?

What do you remember?

TOPIC: « Spelling of the endings of nouns of the 2nd declension. Fixing"

PURPOSE: to consolidate the ability to decline nouns of 2 declensions, determine the declension and case of nouns, repeat the spelling of noun endings after hissing and c.


Communication of the objectives of the lesson. Calligraphy.

Guess what letter we will write today.

Came after the evening

Light up the stars in the sky. (Night)

Jumping spring-

green back-

From grass to blade of grass

From the branch to the path. (Grasshopper)

Bent over the river

Their deal is this:

The river will exchange it

Perch on a worm. (Fishing rod)

Give a description of the sound [h "]. (Consonant, soft, deaf, unpaired).

2. Write down, continuing the pattern:

Chd Thu Chzh (Chsh Chz Chs Chg Chk Chv Chf)

3. Commented letter.

The smarter the head, the easier it is for the shoulders.

How do you understand the meaning of the proverb? Underline the spellings. Determine the case of nouns.


II. Vocabulary and spelling work. Decipher the words: dazan (back), voprana (to the right),

ovelan (left)

What do these words have in common? (Adverbs referring to the direction of movement.)

Write down these words in the dictionary, put stress, underline the unstressed vowel.

Make a sentence with these words. Highlight the base.

III. Consolidation of the studied material. Group work.

1 card for a group of students with high abilities:

1. On what basis were the words chosen?

Find nouns among them. Determine the declination. Highlight the common part.

novelty, new, update, novelty, brand new.

Creative work: 2. Complete the phrases with suitable nouns of the 2nd declension, determine their case.

Flew off (with)……………………

Written without ………………..

Touched to………………

Went to ………………….

3. From these nouns and adjectives, make phrases by changing the endings of adjectives.

fresh summer

hot newspaper

cool water

sultry wind





4. For this word, select an expression that is close in meaning.

Oil is the blue express

black gold

people in white coats

blue screen

1. Form from these adjectives one-root nouns of the middle gender:

cloudy-___________, celestial-___________, solar-__________, mirror-_________, marshy-________, window-____________, field-____________

Sample: cloudy - cloud

Creative work:

2. From these words, make phrases using the necessary prepositions: from, from, from, to, to

Reached (shore) ___________________

Lying (table) _____________________

Fell (nest) ____________________

Flew down (oak) _____________________

Received (brother) __________________

3. Complete the sentences with a suitable phrase.

Determine the declension of nouns and their case.

The water in the lake froze ... _______________

Words for reference: like two small lights, like a majestic swan, like a fiery wheel, like a motionless dark mirror.

4. Connect the words to make phrases.

detuned radio

Russian jam

foreign taxi

strawberry piano

yellow name

III group

1. Write words in, underline the extra word.

shore - ____________

sparrow - __________

sun - ___________

team - _______

window - _____________

mole - _____________

wheel - ___________

Creative work:

2. Come up with as many nouns as possible 2 declensions suitable for the adjective hot


3. Mark the phrases with nouns of the 2nd declension in the prepositional case:

a) went to a friend

b) visited a friend

c) talking about a friend

d) arguing with a friend

4. Fix bugs:

Through thick and thin

I have to go.

Is it possible by the tram

Station stop?

IV. Fizminutka.

I will say words, and if you hear the word 1 declension, you will jump, if 2 declensions, then wave your arms, and if 3 declensions, then squat.

Words: shooting, potatoes, blizzard, pasture, sadness, berry, glass, role, melancholy, seal.

v. Looking glass game.

Before you mirror words. We must find neuter nouns among them. In the country Through the Looking-Glass, nouns have the same features as ours.

Kwamon, zestlo, krinla, squirrel

Which of these words do you think are neuter nouns? (star, protein - end in o)

Then "kwamon" in your opinion, what kind? (masculine, null ending)

And "krinla"? (feminine, ending -a)

VI. Work with the textbook. Repetition of the past. Exercise 401 is being performed, p.66. First, the rule is repeated about writing the letter o and e after hissing and c in stressed and unstressed endings of nouns.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did you find particularly interesting?

Give your assessment of your work in the lesson in the form of a smiling or, on the contrary, sad face in the margins.