Nature is not a soulless face. Tyutchev's light poems: what is the secret? Perhaps you will be interested

Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
It has a soul, it has freedom,
It has love, it has a language...

You see a leaf and color on a tree:
Or did the gardener glue them on?
Or the fruit ripens in the womb
The play of external, alien forces? ..

They don't see or hear
They live in this world, as in the dark,
For them, the suns, to know, do not breathe,
And there is no life in the sea waves.

The rays did not descend into their souls,
Spring did not bloom in their chest,
With them, the forests did not speak
And there was no night in the stars!

And with unearthly tongues,
Thrilling rivers and forests
At night I did not consult with them
In a friendly conversation, a thunderstorm!

Not their fault: understand, if you can,
The body is the life of a deaf-mute!
Soul it, ah! won't alarm
And the voice of the mother herself! ..

Analysis of the poem "Not what you think, nature" by Tyutchev

The poem "Not what you think, nature ..." (1836) is considered one of the central ones in all of Tyutchev's work. It was unusual for the poet to make any statements or accusations. He generally refrained from expressing his opinion, preferring to describe the beauty of nature. In this work, the poet deviates from his rule. He defends the object of his admiration - nature. Tyutchev believes that his contemporaries forgot about the significance of the world around them, seduced by the teachings of crude materialists. The poet's accusation was bold enough, directed against the strict ministers of the church, who consider nature to be only an "attachment" to the highest creation - man. Unfortunately, the author's arguments remained unknown, since the second and fourth stanzas were cut out by the censors and could not be restored later.

Tyutchev firmly declares the independent and independent essence of nature, which occupies an equal position with man (“it has a soul, ... freedom, ... love”). All natural phenomena and objects arose not as a result of someone's will or desire, but through their own craving for life.

A person must realize that everything around has not only physical, but also spiritual properties. Tyutchev considers people who do not understand this to be blind and deaf. Considering nature as their workshop, they themselves become like soulless automatons. For them, all the richness of the surrounding world, its beauty and uniqueness is closed. They are incapable of expressing high feelings. Enclosed with an impenetrable wall from the natural world, such people never feel inspired. Their inner world is poor and limited.

At the end of the poem, Tyutchev throws the most terrible accusation towards his opponents. Disrespect for nature makes such people so insensitive that even the "voice of the mother" will not be able to stir their souls. This statement clearly shows the author's own position. Tyutchev has repeatedly stated that he considers nature to be the mother of man. In his works, he often used this image.

The work “Not what you think, nature ...” proves that Tyutchev could not only peacefully sing the beauty of the landscape, but also, if necessary, stand up to defend it with his chest. To some extent, the poet can be considered one of the forerunners of the modern environmental movement.

One of the most remarkable phenomena of Russian poetry is F.I. Tyutchev's poems about the captivating Russian nature. For none of the Russian poets, except perhaps his younger contemporary A. Fet, nature was such a constant source of impressions and thoughts as for Tyutchev. The poet was the finest master of poetic landscapes. But in his poems, glorifying pictures and natural phenomena, there is no thoughtless admiration. Nature causes the poet to reflect on the mysteries of the universe, on the eternal questions of human existence. She rarely appears as just a background, in Tyutchev's poems she is inspired, thinks, feels, says:

Not what you think, nature: Not a cast, not a soulless face It has a soul, it has freedom, It has love, it has a language ...

The poem “Not what you think, nature” is written in the form of an appeal. It has no title, which gives it a deeper meaning. The poet opposes those who underestimate nature, speaks of human deafness, the hardening of the soul due to the distance of man from the eternal:

They do not see and do not hear, They live in this world, as if in the dark ...

The lines of the poem belong to a poet of a special warehouse: philosophical. This means that he had not only the gift of a landscape painter, but also his own philosophy of nature. Everything in nature seems to Tyutchev alive, full of deep meaning, everything speaks to him "in a language understandable to the heart." The poem begins with the word "not" in order to more fully protect the reader from a misunderstanding of nature. “Soul”, the life of nature, the poet sought to understand and capture in all its manifestations. The poem contains those images from which nature was formed for Tyutchev himself.

It is written in iambic tetrameter, and the cross rhyming method is in harmony with the alternation of feminine and masculine rhymes. The assonance to “and”, “a” and “o” gives the poem an elevated tone, the abundance of sonorous consonants (alliteration) makes it more melodic and musical. It sounds more solemn due to the use of obsolete words (“face”, “womb”, “tree”) and stress (“pasted”). A special semantic load is created with the help of anaphora:

You see a leaf and a flower on a tree: Or did the gardener glue them? Or does the fruit ripen in the womb By the play of external, alien forces? ..

The author uses such expressive artistic means as personification (“The suns do not breathe”, “a friendly thunderstorm did not confer in conversation”), metaphors (“spring did not bloom”, “the night was mute”), comparisons (“they live in this world, as in the dark"). All this gives color and expressiveness to speech, contributes to the most complete disclosure of the artistic image. In the poem, there are complex sentences typical of Tyutchev's poetry, often exclamation marks are placed at the end of them, which gives the artistic speech the necessary author's intonation.

In the poem “Not what you think, nature” there are accents that replace lines that were once removed by censorship and subsequently lost. And yet the poem has not lost its meaning, the main idea - the relationship between man and nature. Through the entire work, the author draws the idea that "deaf" people do not know how to feel, and therefore, they do not know how to live. And if for them nature is faceless, then for Tyutchev it is “the voice of the mother herself”. With her images, he expresses his innermost thoughts, feelings, doubts.

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Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Not what you think, nature ..."

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Not what you think, nature:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

It has a soul, it has freedom,

It has love, it has a language...





You see a leaf and color on a tree:

Or did the gardener glue them on?

Or the fruit ripens in the womb

The play of external, alien forces? ..





They don't see or hear

They live in this world, as in the dark,

For them, the suns, to know, do not breathe,

And there is no life in the sea waves.

The rays did not descend into their souls,

Spring did not bloom in their chest,

With them, the forests did not speak,

And there was no night in the stars!

And with unearthly tongues,

Thrilling rivers and forests

At night I did not consult with them

In a friendly conversation, a thunderstorm!

Not their fault: understand, if you can,

The body is the life of a deaf-mute!

(1836) Stanzas 2 and 4 were banned by the censors. Pushkin insisted that they be replaced by dots, since the absence of these stanzas violated the compositional integrity of the station. In 1851, while preparing the texts of Tyutchev's articles for publication, N. V. Sushkov asked the author to recall the missing stanzas, but the poet could not restore them in his memory or did not want to print them. In a number of publications, the article was printed entirely according to the list of Tyutchev's poems, made according to the article by N. A. Nekrasov "Russian Minor Poets" (S. 1850, No. 1), where Nekrasov's amendment was in Art. 31: “Alas, the souls in it will not disturb” vm. "His soul, ah, will not disturb." This amendment was not noticed by Tyutchev when he looked through the ST list. Meanwhile, it came into conflict with the tone and meaning of the article, which is an invective and has a pejorative ending for opponents. "Alas" vm. "ah" muffled her angry intonation in the final phrase, the highest point of which, as is typical of the melody of Tyutchev's exclamation, is in the center of the phrase. St-tion is a program for all Tyutchev's natural-philosophical lyrics. It is based on the romantic idea of ​​the spirituality of matter, living for its own internal reasons, which is typical of Schelling's philosophy of identity. In a broad sense, the article is directed against the traditional church ideas about nature and mechanistic views on it, which dominated the era of rationalism in the 17th - 18th centuries. The unacceptability of pantheistic views from the orthodox-church positions explains the reason for the qualification. bills. At the same time, individual expressions (“cast”, “face”, “external, alien forces”, etc.) indicate that the polemical addressee of the article is the objectively idealistic teaching of Hegel with its fundamental separation of nature from spirit. This separation took on an even sharper expression among the Young Hegelians of the right, theistic wing. Apparently, the article was written in 1833 - 1834. during the controversy between Schelling and the followers of Hegel. It began in connection with the publication of the book Philosophical Fragments by the French philosopher V. Cousin (Paris, 1833), the preface to which was written by Schelling. This preface was his first literary performance after twenty years of silence. X. Rote suggested that Tyutchev's reading of G. Heine's books "The Romantic School" (1833) and "On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany" (1834), which also contain critical attacks against the late Hegelian interpretation of nature. See Rothe H. "Nicht was ihr meint, ist die Natur": Tjutcev und das "Junge Deutschland" // "Studien zu Literatur und Aufkldrung in Osteuropa". Giessen, 1978, pp. 319-335.

The writer Tyutchev was born in 1803. This was the nineteenth century, a golden time for the dawn of poetry. Tyutchev was a rather interesting and quirky personality. Once, for example, an acquaintance of his wrote that the writer himself does not take good care of his appearance and devotes very little time to this. His hair was always tousled, as if he hadn't had enough sleep or been blown away by the wind. However, he shaved constantly, he did not like the beard. He dressed rather badly, you could even call him a slob, but he did not pay attention to this. Judging by her walk, she seemed to be lazy, he was small in stature, but his face was pretty.

Despite all his external qualities, Tyutchev was a very intelligent person, he had a wild imagination. He was represented in circles as an entertaining interlocutor with whom it is pleasant to communicate, you can talk on any topic. The writer was very witty, with a twist, anyone could find a common language with him.

Many noted that he was a versatile and unusual person, his acquaintance called Tyutchev a gift from God. There are quite a lot of interesting facts in the biography of this writer, you won’t know all of them until the end. The writer has quite a lot of relationships with the opposite sex, had several wives, and according to the writer, he loved each one and very much.

Tyutchev's life

When the writer was twenty-two years old, he married the widow Eleanor. Then the writer was four years younger than this girl and she even had four children. His wife was the patroness for the writer, she performed this duty amazingly, and later bore him three children. However, these passions soon passed, and already in 1833 the writer liked Ernestine Dernberg.

However, she was married, she did not really love her husband. When Tyutchev met her, then they were at the ball, Ernestina's husband felt bad and left that day. Then he approached Tyutchev and said that he was entrusting his wife to him, a few days later the baron died.

The relationship of the writer with this person had an existence, but very few details are known. The fact is that Ernestine destroyed all correspondence with the writer, as well as with his acquaintances, so little has survived to this day. However, what has been preserved claims that their love was immeasurable, which shocked Tyutchev and at the same time tormented him.

Their relationship was secretive for some time, but after in 1836 their romance received great publicity, then his first wife tried to commit suicide by stabbing herself in the chest. A year later, he met with Eleanor and realized that it was time to accept the choice and say goodbye to the woman he loved. A year later, Eleanor died, then they say Tyutchev sat in experiences in just one night.

However, time passed, and the writer calmed down and moved away from indignation, then he again became interested in Ernestina. The writer went to Switzerland, where he went to meet his beloved, after a year they got married. After the wedding, the writer disappeared and was on vacation for a long time with his wife. He was fired from the Ministry for this and deprived of privileges.

After wandering around Europe in 1844, the writer decides to return to St. Petersburg, where he is again reinstated in his position and lives with his two children and wife. The writer recalled that his life was already getting better, but soon he became interested in another girl. Little is known about her, she is mentioned in correspondence as Denisyeva.

The writer's love grew into a secular scandal, but all the dirt rushed to Denisyev. After Tyutchev, they loved each other for four years, after which she died. Three children remained after Denisyeva's death. All this time with Denisyeva, Tyutchev did not break off relations with his family. According to the writer, he was madly in love with both women, who, in turn, also adored the writer.

The first book of the writer's poems was published in 1854, it was rather late, perhaps because of his love affairs. Already in the sixties, the writer had a difficult time, many of his relatives died. Denisyeva died of consumption, it was his last love, after which he displayed it in poetry.

All this time, Tyutchev could not imagine his life without Ernestine, he considered her a saint. He loved her so much, he also wrote many poems about it. The poet died nine years after the death of Denisyev, then many famous writers expressed their grief to Tyutchev. The whole life of a writer is like a written novel, where there is everything, love, loyalty, feelings. Tyutchev expressed all this in his poems, they are understandable and interesting.

The writer did not leave behind a great creative heritage, but at the same time he became a great poet. He wrote several brilliant poems that will never be forgotten by posterity. Among them there is also “Not that you think nature” which we will consider in this article.

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem

Poems written by F.I. Tyutchev about Russian nature, are rightfully considered a qualitative manifestation of Russian poetry. This great poet is one of the few who considered nature as a constant source from which to draw impressions and thoughts. In this, only Fet can be compared with Tyutchev. But it was Tyutchev who managed to very subtly use the poetic form to convey landscapes.

At the same time, while reading the works written by him, it is inappropriate to talk about soulless observation of nature. Nature for the author is an occasion for reflections on the mysteries of the universe, the age-old questions of being. Only in rare cases did Tyutchev describe nature solely as a background, in most cases it is spiritualized, thinking.

"Not what you think, nature" was written using a form of address. The absence of a title in this work gives its meaning even greater depth. The poet tries to oppose those people who underestimate the importance of nature in our life, he tries to emphasize the hardening of human souls as a result of their estrangement from nature.

Looking at the lines written by the author, one can conclude that they were written by a poet with a philosophical mindset. Therefore, he not only had a good gift as a landscape painter, but also his own philosophy about nature. Tyutchev represented any element of nature as spiritualized, as filled with deep meaning. At the very beginning of the poem, “not” is used to more fully protect the reader from a misinterpretation of nature. Tyutchev had a desire to understand the life of nature, after which he tried to capture all its manifestations.

While writing the poem, iambic tetrameter was used, and one cannot but note the harmonization of the cross rhyming method with the alternation of male and female rhymes. But the presence of assonance to "o", "a" and "and" makes the tone of the poem more sublime. Melodiousness and musicality are given to it through the use of a large number of sonorous consonants. The solemnity of the poem is added by the use of a large number of obsolete words.

Anaphora was used by the author to create a special semantic load. Tyutchev did not refuse to use such expressive artistic means as personifications, metaphors and comparisons. The presence of all these means makes speech more colorful and expressive, and the artistic image is revealed to an ever greater extent. The poem is characterized by the use of complex sentences, which is not new for the author's poetry, while quite often their ending is indicated by exclamation marks, thanks to which the author receives the desired intonation.

Also, this poem is supplemented with ottochi. At one time, censorship banned the publication of these lines, after which they were lost. But this did not affect the meaning of the work, as well as its main idea - the relationship between nature and man. The author's thought about the "deafness" of people who do not know how to feel and live is heard throughout the entire poem. And if for most people nature is faceless, then Tyutchev himself calls it "the voice of the mother herself." He uses her images to express innermost thoughts, feelings, doubts, important issues.

The writer's work is filled with deep philosophical meaning, it had a good influence on the establishment of Russian poetry, the image of the Russian spirit. All the works of the writer are true, beautiful and original. He wrote a collection, which consisted of as many as three hundred poems, a third of them in a foreign language.

Tyutchev began to write quite early, no one took his first works seriously. Later, however, his monologues about nature were considered beautiful. The writer himself said that it is necessary to feel nature itself, to love it, to find meaning in it. He spoke of her as something alive, the poet does not single out the highest manifestations of the human spirit from all other natural phenomena.

Not what you think nature ...

Essay on literature

11A class students

MBOU secondary school No. 1

Yartsevo, Smolensk region

Fedotova Karina

Man and nature have always existed together. But since the growth of technological progress, man has forgotten his place in nature. Today he lives in a world of iron and concrete, surrounded by cars and all sorts of electronic devices. Why did we fence ourselves off from the natural world with plastic, steel, concrete, not realizing that this artificial isolation oppresses us, negatively affects our health and psyche. Nature is our home. But man purposefully destroys it day by day. Just a hundred years ago, there were more trees in our cities, clean water flowed in the rivers, and the air was clean and transparent. Today, there are less and less untouched corners on our planet every year, and we are not aware that we are gradually getting used to the absence of wildlife around. And if we still have something to remember, then perhaps our children will accept such a reinforced concrete world as the norm. Who will teach today's generation to love and protect nature? First of all, Russian classical literature.

The famous poet of the 19th century F. Tyutchev wrote:

Not what you think nature

Not a cast, not a soulless face, -

It has a soul, it has freedom,

It has love, it has a language…..

The poet opposes those who underestimate nature, speaks of human deafness, the hardening of the soul due to the distance of man from nature. Through the entire work, the author draws the idea that “deaf” people do not know how to feel, and, therefore, do not know how to live.

And if for them it is faceless, then for Tyutchev nature is the “voice” of the mother herself. In these four lines, that true attitude to Nature is concentrated, which should be inherent in every person. Therefore, this poem has not lost its relevance today.

Not only poets, but also writers raised their voices in defense of nature. B. Vasiliev is one of them. With heartache, he writes about the relationship between man and nature in the novel “Don't Shoot the White Swans”. The attitude to nature, as it were, divides the heroes of the work into two camps: those who understand and love nature, and others - cruel, ruthless. The protagonist Yegor Polushkin is closely connected with nature, at the sight of how her wealth is destroyed, he suffers with all his heart. He cannot understand what drives people when they burn an anthill. He does not understand how a man, the king of nature, can calmly watch how thousands of small creatures writhed from the fire. Egor himself is in love with the forest, with the river, with nature in general. He is also trying to awaken a craving for good and beautiful in people: he brings a pair of swans to the now dead Black Lake in order to revive the destroyed beauty. Natural delicacy, Egor's moral purity do not find a response in the environment. Egor's open, gentle nature is the source of all his failures. He dies at his post, as befits the “eldest son” of nature, defending the cause of his life, about which he simply and sincerely speaks at a meeting in the capital: “And nature, she endures everything for the time being. She dies silently, for a long time. And no man is the king of her nature. Not a king, it is harmful to be called a king. He is her son, the eldest son! So be more reasonable, do not drive “mother!” into the coffin. B. Vasiliev's novel makes us think about our attitude to nature. The author wants to convey the idea that it is impossible for a person to break away from nature, to be in hostile relations with her.

Love for one's native nature is one of the most important signs of love for one's country. The unsurpassed master of the Russian landscape K.G. Paustovsky. It is impossible not to agree with him. It is impossible to love the Motherland without living one soul with the life of a beloved birch. It is worth enjoying the natural beauty of our Earth more often while we have the opportunity. Disunity with nature, opposition to it invariably leads a person to spiritual death, moral poverty, but interaction with what surrounds us is the path to peace, to harmony, to harmony with nature and ourselves. I want to finish my essay with lines from a poem by E. Yevtushenko:

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Loving even a small bylinochka,

Take care of all the animals inside nature,

Kill only the beasts within you