Project on the theme of an environmentally friendly school. The best projects of the contest “School for Ecology: think, explore, act! Ecological materials for the subject "World around"


Gechekbaeva S.B. (Megion, MBOU "Secondary School No. 4")

1. Svetlena N.A. (N.A. Nevolina). Plants-dyes in folk life. 2009

2. Sokolov V. A. Natural dyes. M.: Enlightenment, 1997.

3. Journal "Chemistry at school" No. 2, No. 8 - 2002.

4. Kalinnikov Yu.A., Vashurina I.Yu. Natural dyes and auxiliary substances in chemical and textile technologies. A real way to improve the environmental friendliness and efficiency of the production of textile materials. Ros. chem. well. (J. Russian Chemical Society named after D. I. Mendeleev), 2002, v. XLVI, No. 1.

5.http://www. /himerunda/naturkras. html

7. http://*****/ap/ap/drugoe/rastitelnye-krasiteli

8. http://puteshestvvenik. *****/index/0-3

9. http://sibac. info/index. php//35

Objective: learn how and from what paints were made in ancient times, explore the possibilities of using natural dyes as an environmentally friendly material for dyeing fabrics and for obtaining watercolors.

Research methods: theoretical (research, study, analysis), empirical (chemical experiment). Practical work was carried out on dyeing fabric, using dyed fabric (sewing clothes for a doll), making watercolors.

Data obtained: fabrics dyed with dyes derived from coffee, onion skins, carrots, cranberries, oranges. Cotton was used as a fabric for dyeing. From a large piece of dyed fabric, we made clothes for dolls: a skirt, a jacket, a belt and a bow.

For the manufacture of watercolors from the first experiment, the obtained dyes of three colors were used: yellow (carrot), raspberry (cranberry), brown (coffee). But in order for the paint to thicken, binders are needed. We used honey and flour. The resulting watercolor can be stored in a semi-liquid state for a long time. As a result, three colors of watercolors (yellow, brown, crimson) were obtained. Then they mixed brown paint with yellow and got a light brown paint. When mixing crimson paint with yellow, orange paint was obtained. Received watercolors of five colors (yellow, brown, light brown, raspberry, orange). From the eco-friendly watercolors we made, we drew a picture.

Conclusion: Based on the work done, we came to the conclusion that natural dyes, unlike artificial ones, are environmentally friendly, since flower petals, plant fruits, tree bark and other material can be used to obtain them. Natural dyes can be obtained at home, they are easy to use and easy to dye fabric.

Study plan

Problem: The role of paint is difficult to overestimate. Without bright colors, the world and objects would be very dull and dull. No wonder a person tries to imitate nature, creating pure and rich shades. Paints have been known to mankind since primitive times. I wanted to learn as much as possible about the world of dyes and explore the possibilities of using natural dyes as an environmentally friendly material for dyeing fabrics and for making watercolors. Now almost all dyes are produced in chemical plants. Dyes are added to food, dye fabrics, added to cosmetics, household chemicals. Therefore, more and more people are showing an allergic reaction. People are beginning to understand the dangers of using chemicals and are increasingly turning to nature. Return to natural sources - this is the relevance of my work.


1. Study the varieties of natural dyes and their properties.

2. Carry out practical work on the isolation of natural dyes from plants.

3. Make natural paints without using chemical additives.

Hypothesis: dyes for coloring can be obtained from available natural raw materials (roots of flower bark, fruits, leaves of stems of various plants).

Method description:

1. Search and analysis of information on the topic "Natural dyes".

2. Search for material to extract dyes.

3. Isolation of natural dyes from plants and their application.

4. Preparation of watercolors.

The state of the problem under study. Choice of objects and research methods

The very first paints were multi-colored clays: red, white, yellow and blue. A little later, paints began to be made from minerals and plants. A decoction of onion skins, walnut shells, and oak bark gave a brown color. The bark of barberry, alder and euphorbia plants is yellow, and red paint was obtained from some berries. Interesting and unusual recipes of Russian artists were found in old handwritten lists. For durability and plasticity, eggs and milk protein - casein were added to the paint.

Until the nineteenth century, paints were even used, which were very unhealthy. In 1870, an analysis was made of the effect of paints on human health. Paints containing lead and arsenic turned out to be poisonous. It turned out that a very beautiful and bright emerald green paint is deadly, because. it contains vinegar, copper oxide and arsenic. There is even a version that Napoleon died, poisoned by arsenic fumes that came from wallpaper painted in emerald green.

It was very expensive to make really bright and resistant paint. For example, ultramarine (bright blue paint) was obtained from lapis, which could only be brought from Iran and Afghanistan. Purple dye was obtained from the shells of Mediterranean snails. It took about ten thousand shells to get 1 gram of paint! Due to such a high cost, purple was considered the color of luxury, royalty and wealth.

Currently, almost all paints are made in laboratories and factories from chemical elements. Therefore, some paints are poisonous. For example, red vermilion from mercury. For the industrial production of paints, mineral and organic pigments are used, mined from the depths of mother earth, or pigments obtained artificially. Watercolor paints are kneaded on the basis of natural gum arabic (vegetable resins), with the addition of plasticizers: honey, glycerin or sugar. This allows them to be so light and transparent. In addition, an antiseptic, like phenol, will definitely be included in the watercolor, so you still shouldn’t eat it. Watercolor was invented along with paper in China.

Plants have special coloring substances - pigments, of which about 2 thousand are known. In plant cells, the most common green pigments are chlorophylls, yellow-orange carotenoids, red and blue anthocyanins, yellow flavones and flavonols.

Many plant pigments are used as dyes: carrot roots give a yellow dye, table beets - red, colored plant petals also give a certain color.

There is a special group of pigments - anthocyanins (from the Greek "anthos" - flower, "cyanos" - blue), first isolated from blue cornflower flowers.

We studied plant pigments that are used as dyes and started dyeing fabrics.

As an object of study, we chose natural dyes obtained from coffee, carrots, cranberries, and onion peels. The subject of research is the staining process.

Fabric dyeing consists of three stages: extraction, i.e. extracting the dye, fixing (etching) and washing. Each material is dyed differently.

Dyeing methods depend on the type of fibers of the material to be dyed. The dyeing process consists in the absorption of dye by fibers.

To fix the natural dye, mordant fixatives are used. Without etching, the fabric after dyeing acquires in most cases a beige or light brown color. With different fixatives, the same vegetable dye gives a different color. To obtain light tones, alum is used, dark ones - chromium pickling, copper and iron sulfate. Sometimes salt, vinegar, birch ash, sauerkraut brine are used as fixatives.

Experimental part. Preparation of dyeing broths and dyeing of fabric

The purpose of the experiment: to prepare dyeing broths and dye the fabric.

Material used: onion peel, cranberry, carrot, coffee, salt, saucepan, wooden spoon, bowl.

Experience number 1. Coffee.

Pour a tablespoon of ground coffee with two glasses of water and bring to a boil. Then we put the prepared cloth in it, add a tablespoon of salt and cook for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, remove the fabric from the coffee water, rinse well in cold water and dry.

Conclusion: after brewing in coffee, the color of the fabric is brown.

Experience number 2. Onion peel.

Let's do it a little differently with onion skins. Pour it with two glasses of water, bring to a boil and boil the liquid for 15 minutes until we get colored water. Only now we can put a piece of fabric into the water, add a tablespoon of salt. Cook it together with onion peel for 10 minutes. We take out a piece of fabric from the water, rinse and dry.

Conclusion: we got the color of the fabric in a rich sandy shade.

Experience number 3. Cranberry.

Cranberries need to be crushed a little to extract more juice. Fill with water and boil, to fix the color, add a tablespoon of salt. We load the fabric. Leave for a few hours, stirring occasionally.

Conclusion: after boiling, the color of the fabric turned out to be pink.

Experience number 4. Carrots.

Cut the carrots into small cubes, fill with water and boil, add a tablespoon of salt to fix the color. We load the fabric. And leave for several hours, stirring occasionally.

Conclusion: after boiling, the color of the fabric turned out to be pale orange.

Experience number 5. Orange and lemon.

Grate orange with lemon, fill with water and boil, add a tablespoon of salt to fix the color. We load the fabric. And leave for several hours, stirring occasionally.

Conclusion: after boiling, the color of the fabric turned out to be yellow.

Experience number 6. A mixture of cranberries and carrots.

Mix two dyes from cranberries and carrots.

Conclusion: turned out to be a pink dye.

Note: before dyeing, the fabric must be moistened with water, otherwise the color will be uneven. The fabric must be completely immersed. When dyeing, the fabric was constantly “translated”. "Translate" the fabric with a quiet boil should be a glass or wooden stick. Dyeing should be done slowly so that the color is uniform.

From dyed fabrics, we sewed a skirt, a jacket, a belt with a bow for the doll.

Preparing watercolors

Purpose: to prepare watercolor paints using the obtained natural dyes.

Material used: honey, flour, natural dyes (anthocyanin solutions).

In the preparation of watercolors, solutions of anthocyanins can be used. But in order for the paint to thicken, binders are needed. We used honey and flour. Honey gives watercolor softness and helps to keep the paint in a semi-liquid state for a long time. Paints must be evaporated in a water bath.

For the preparation of watercolors from the first experiment, the obtained dyes of three colors were used: yellow (carrot), raspberry (cranberry), brown (coffee). As a result, three colors of watercolors (yellow, brown, crimson) were obtained. Then they mixed brown paint with yellow and got a light brown paint. When mixing crimson paint with yellow, orange paint was obtained.

Conclusion: Received watercolors of five colors (yellow, brown, light brown, raspberry, orange).

From the resulting environmentally friendly watercolor paints, a drawing was drawn.


Natural dyes can be obtained from plant pigments.

Natural dyes can be used to dye fabrics and make watercolors. Natural dyes, unlike artificial ones, are environmentally friendly, since flower petals, plant fruits, tree bark and other material can be used to obtain them.

Natural dyes can be obtained at home, they are easy to use and easy to dye fabric.

Bibliographic link

Karpova M.V. INFORMATION AND RESEARCH PROJECT "NATURAL DYES" // International School Scientific Bulletin. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 110-116;
URL: (date of access: 01/07/2020).

"Use of indicators" - Use of indicators in state reports on the state of the environment in Turkmenistan. The Center maintains statistics on the consumption of ozone-depleting substances. SOE Indicators.

"Ecology of the city" - What diseases could you name caused by environmental pollution? We create teams! You know? Can the city be made safe? What can you suggest to improve the ecology of the city? What is ecology? Can the impact of the environment be changed? Ecologists: suggest actions to preserve biodiversity.

"Man and Nature" - How does the polar day affect health? Air pollution. Soil pollution. Aftermath of the earthquake in Mexico. Irrigation. Water management. Tornado in the north America. Thunderstorm. The influence of the sun. Volcanic eruption in the Hawaiian Islands. How does polar night affect health? Dams and reservoirs. Pollution.

"Chemistry of the environment" - Impact profile of a chemical product. Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Green chemistry and problems of sustainable development. Obtaining Crystal Meth. Catalytic processes (with as much selectivity as possible) are preferred over stoichiometric reactions. ten.

"Clean city" - We summed up. We learned: Hypothesis. How to make our city clean? We've done a study. We have learned to do: "What can we do to make the city cleaner?". The amount of household waste in our school. Conference "Clean city". We held an action: Plan of the project.

"Geographical environment" - Medical geography. Disclosure of the relationship of geography to the problems of human health. The lesson is sociological research. Cardiovascular diseases. Radioactive pollution of the natural environment. Noise pollution of the natural environment. Diseases of the psycho-emotional sphere. The natural state of the natural environment.

There are 13 presentations in total in the topic

Morozova O.I.

The relevance of research. In recent years, the education system has paid close attention to the safety of the educational process, including the safety of the workplace, since their favorable condition has become a prerequisite and one of the criteria for the effectiveness of primary, secondary and higher educational institutions. Most of the time a person spends within the walls of an educational institution. Now it is relevant to study the ecological state of the school ecosystem and human health, since for a further healthy life a person must know and follow a number of rules to avoid exposure to harmful environmental factors. According to experts from the World Health Organization, a person spends more than 80% of his time in a residential building, so the microclimate of the premises has a great influence on well-being, performance, and overall human morbidity.

Object of study- BU "Nizhnevartovsk Social and Humanitarian College".

Subject of study classrooms, corridors, dining room, assembly hall.

Purpose of the study- identify favorable and unfavorable factors in the college ecosystem, eliminate or reduce the impact of negative impacts on the health of students and teachers



Budgetary institution of vocational education

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

Nizhnevartovsk Social and Humanitarian College

Research work on the topic:

"Environmentally friendly school"


2nd year student

Morozova O.I.


Sbitneva E.A. biology teacher

Nigmatullina A.R. Ecology teacher

Nizhnevartovsk, 2017

INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………….3

  1. College as a heterotrophic system. Real and possible.4
  2. Construction and finishing materials in the college. Benefits and harms.8
  3. The microclimate of the college and its characteristics ……………..……….10

2. Methodology and research results …………………………………………………………12

2.1 Determination of the light factor ………………………………………………………………………………………12

2.2 Depth factor …………………………………………...12

2.3. Assessment of the parameters of the microclimate of the office ………………….……13

2.3.1 Measurement of air temperature …………………………………..13

2.3.2 Relative humidity measurement ………………………………………………………………………………13

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………..15

List of used literature ……………………………………16


The relevance of research. In recent years, the education system has paid close attention to the safety of the educational process, including the safety of the workplace, since their favorable condition has become a prerequisite and one of the criteria for the effectiveness of primary, secondary and higher educational institutions. Most of the time a person spends within the walls of an educational institution. Now it is relevant to study the ecological state of the school ecosystem and human health, since for a further healthy life a person must know and follow a number of rules to avoid exposure to harmful environmental factors. According to experts from the World Health Organization, a person spends more than 80% of his time in a residential building, so the microclimate of the premises has a great influence on well-being, performance, and overall human morbidity.

Object of study- BU "Nizhnevartovsk Social and Humanitarian College".

Subject of studyclassrooms, corridors, dining room, assembly hall.

Purpose of the study- identify favorable and unfavorable factors in the college ecosystem, eliminate or reduce the impact of negative impacts on the health of students and teachers.

Research objectives:

  1. Inspect the college classrooms for the presence of building and finishing materials used in its construction and interior decoration, which can adversely affect the human body
  2. Examine the natural light in the office. To analyze the data of measurements of illumination in classrooms, with calculated data for compliance with SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions"
  3. To measure and evaluate the parameters of the microclimate of the office.
  4. Monitor the electromagnetic radiation of the college classrooms

Practical significance -learn how to use the knowledge gained to predict further changes in the human environment and design solutions to environmental problems in college in accordance with SanPiNa "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions."

  1. College as a heterotrophic system. real and possible.

"Eco" means home, our habitat. And the sphere of habitation is, first of all, our apartment and school office. The well-being, attention, development of fatigue and the general state of health of students largely depend on the quality of the environment in the classrooms. Human health depends on many factors:

Biological (hereditary) -20%

Human lifestyle -50 - 55%

Ecological - 20 - 25%

Health organizations - 10%

One of the environmental factors influencing a person is the visual environment. The color scheme, illumination, the location of individual interior items, wall decoration, landscaping - all this creates a favorable and unfavorable environment.

College as a system exists at the expense of energy and resources coming from outside, and its main inhabitants are students and teachers.

Every ecosystem is characterized by the presence of autotrophs. Autotrophs in college are represented by indoor plants. As you know, plants play not only an aesthetic role, but also a hygienic one, namely: they improve mood, moisturize the atmosphere and release useful substances into it - phytoncides that kill microorganisms.All plants significantly improve the indoor climate, and some have strong healing properties.In our college we have that minimum of plants that anyone who cares a little about himself and his family would like to have. Plants in the workplace have a positive effect on the creative process and the ability to concentrate.

Having studied the material on the influence of indoor plants in the college and their healing effect, we summarized the data and compiled several tables.

"The main groups of plants according to their impact on the environment"

plant group



Filter feeders


Absorbs formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene from the air.


Purifies the air of toxins coming from the roads; absorbs formaldehyde, xylene, trichlorethylene, benzene


Absorbs benzene, xylene, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde from the air.


Absorbs formaldehyde from the air.

absorbs about 10 liters of carbon dioxide per day, releasing 2-3 times more oxygen. Pollution neutralizes not only the leaves, but also the earth


effectively purify the air from toxic formaldehydes, and they not only bind toxic substances, but also feed on them, turning them into sugars and amino acids. filter from the air evaporation products of benzene, trichlorethylene, pentachlorophenol


successfully cope with benzene:

Vacuum cleaners


absorbs heavy metal particles.

Aloe tree

Absorbs dust, formaldehyde and phenol from new furniture







Improve the ionic composition of the air, fill the atmosphere with negatively charged ionsoxygen. But it is these ions that supply energy to the human body.





Give off ozone



Phytoncidal properties are very strong

Geranium (pelargonium)

Phytoncidal properties are not very strong, however, in the presence of geranium, the number of colonies of the simplest microorganisms is reduced by approximately 46%.


Significantly reduces the number of protozoa in the air (up to 3.5 times)


some bacteria die faster from antibacterial properties than from garlic phytoncides.



it also has a significant bactericidal effect, in 24 hours this flower almost completely purifies the air of harmful microorganisms

"Special plants and their effect on the human body"

plant name

Impact on the human body

Aloe (agave)


Helps with stress, neurosis

Golden mustache ("homemade ginseng")

Energy donor with high medicinal properties


Protects against electromagnetic radiation. The longer the needles, the stronger the protection.


Helps to cope with despondency, protects against a breakdown.


Gives resistance to anxiety, doubts, worries


Purifies the air. But it has poor bioenergetic properties, so it is better not to place it near or in the workplace, especially close to the head.


Absorbs human energy. At the same time, it perfectly cleans and moisturizes the air.

"Plants whose volatile secretions have a medicinal effect"

plant type

Therapeutic action

monstera attractive

Favorably affects people with disorders of the nervous system, eliminates headaches and heart rhythm disturbances


Favorably affects the body with functional morbidity of the nervous system, insomnia, neurosis of various etiologies, helps to optimize blood circulation

Rosemary officinalis

It has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect, stimulates and normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, increases the body's immunological reactivity. Indicated for diseases of the respiratory system, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma

Laurel noble

It has a positive effect on patients with angina pectoris, other diseases of the cardiovascular system, and is useful for mental fatigue when cerebral blood flow is disturbed.


The smell of lemon leaves gives a feeling of cheerfulness, improves general condition, eliminates heaviness in the chest, reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure

1.2 Building and finishing materials in college. Benefit and harm

Energy in the college, as well as in the city system, comes from outside - in the form of electricity, hot water. As with any system in the college ecosystem, it is important to keep track of resource consumption, especially electricity.

Currently, the safety of the built environment - the place where many people spend most of their lives - is becoming increasingly important. Building and finishing materials used in the college are very hazardous to health. So over the past few decades, many new materials have firmly entered everyday life, from pressed boards to plastic and artificial carpeting.

Materials used in the construction and finishing works in the college:

Material name

The degree of harmful effects on the human body


environmentally friendly material

iron fittings

environmentally friendly material


environmentally friendly material

water-based paint

All water-based paints, without exception, do not emit toxins and do not affect the human body in any way. They do not even have a pungent odor inherent in paints based on alkyd resins and solvents.

Oil paint

Toxic effects of heavy metals and organic solvents.

Plastic panels

Linoleum flooring

PVC and plasticizers can cause poisoning.

Energy-saving, fluorescent lamps

Polymer linoleum has the main danger to human health - these are toxic resins that are used in production. Even in the finished product, they can be released into the atmosphere and are dangerous. PVC - emits, at normal room temperature and, especially in sunlight, volatile unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, esters, hydrogen chloride and an extraneous odor. Also, phenol formaldehyde is often found in the composition of linoleum, which harms the respiratory system, causes nausea, headaches and can cause the development of malignant neoplasms.

Energy-saving light bulbs contain a highly toxic chemical that is very dangerous - mercury. Mercury vapor can cause poisoning due to the fact that it is poisonous. Mercury contains compounds such as mercury cyanide, calomel, sublimate - they can cause severe harm to the human nervous system, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract. The spent energy-saving and fluorescent lamps are disposed of by the college in the company Kommunalnik LLC, Nizhnevartovsk

All premises with a permanent stay of people should, as a rule, have natural lighting. During the assessment of the interior decoration of the classrooms, the following building materials were observed that may adversely affect the health of students and teachers: plastic panels were observed in the classrooms: 313, 306 a, 301; the college's small hall is covered with linoleum. The college gym is painted with oil paint, which has a toxic effect. Almost all college classrooms are painted with water-based paint, which is an environmentally friendly building material.

1.3 The microclimate of the college and its characteristics.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards is especially important in our time. Especially in educational institutions. Visiting the place of study every day and spending most of their time in these buildings, students rarely think about health problems.

Temperature, humidity, air ventilation are components of the microclimate. A favorable microclimate is one of the conditions for comfortable well-being and productive work.

Illumination is the luminous flux incident on a unit area of ​​a given surface. Illumination is a characteristic of the illuminated surface, and not of the emitter. In addition to the characteristics of the emitter, illumination also depends on the geometry and reflective characteristics of objects surrounding a given surface, as well as on the relative position of the emitter and the given surface. Illuminance refers to how much light falls on a particular surface. Illumination is equal to the ratio of the luminous flux that fell on the surface to the area of ​​this surface. The unit of measure for illumination is 1 lux (lx). 1 lux = 1 lm/m2.

First of all, the state of the visual analyzer - the eyes - depends on the illumination of school classrooms. Vision gives us the most information about the world around us (about 90%). In low light, visual fatigue quickly sets in, and overall performance decreases. So, during a three-hour visual work at an illumination of 30-50 lux, the stability of clear vision decreases by 37%, and at an illumination of 200 lux it decreases only by 10-15%, so the illumination of the room should correspond to the physiological characteristics of the visual analyzer. Proper lighting protects our eyes, creates the so-called visual comfort. Insufficient illumination causes excessive eye strain, high brightness also tires and irritates the eye. In classrooms, lateral left-hand lighting should be designed.

The illumination of classrooms and offices is influenced by the reflection coefficient of the surface of walls, ceilings and school furniture. Their color is of great importance. Therefore, the desks are painted in bluish gray or light brown.

Light coefficient - the ratio of the area of ​​the glazed surface of windows to the area of ​​the floor. However, this coefficient does not take into account climatic conditions, architectural features of the building and other factors affecting the intensity of lighting. So, the intensity of natural lighting largely depends on the arrangement and location of windows, their orientation to the cardinal points, the shading of windows by nearby buildings, green spaces.

Air temperature has a great influence on human heat exchange. The influence of high air temperature has a very negative effect on such functions of higher nervous activity as attention, accuracy and coordination of movements, reaction speed, the ability to switch, and disrupt the mental activity of the body.

Particularly harmful to health are rapid and sharp fluctuations (decreases) in air temperature, since the body does not always have time to adapt to them. As a result, they can experience the so-called colds.

Various heating systems are used to maintain optimal microclimate conditions in the premises. The most widely used central low-pressure water heating with a water temperature of the heat carrier for educational institutions is 95 degrees Celsius. The cleanliness of the indoor air is achieved by proper organization of ventilation of classrooms during breaks. Cross-ventilation is recommended prior to the start of classes.

Air humidity should not exceed 40-60%.

Humidity is determined by the content of water vapor in it, it shows the degree of saturation of the air with moisture vapor. There are absolute, maximum and relative humidity. Normal relative humidity in educational institutions is 30-60%.

2. Methodology and research results

2.1 Determining the light factor

To assess natural lighting, a geometric method of lighting normalization was used - the determination of the light coefficient.

Equipment: tape measure or measuring tape.
Working process. In the examined room, using a tape measure or centimeter tape, measure the glazed surface of all windows (without frames and bindings) and calculate its area in m 2 . Take a measurement and determine the floor area in m 2 .

Calculate the light factor according to the formula:

SK \u003d So / Sp,

where CK is the luminous coefficient, So is the area of ​​the glazed surface of the windows, Sp is the floor area.
The value of the light coefficient is expressed as a ratio or fraction, where the numerator is always one, the denominator is the resulting quotient.

Light coefficient in classrooms 1:4-1:6.

2.2 Burial factor

Deepening coefficient (KZ) - the ratio of the distance from the floor to the upper edge of the window to the depth of the room, i.e. to the distance from the light-bearing wall to the opposite wall. When calculating the short circuit, both the numerator and the denominator are also divided by the value of the numerator. The recommended depth ratio for classrooms is 1:2.


Light coefficient

Depth factor

Measurement result

Measurement result

Sanitary and hygienic norm


Biology (102)

1/4 - 1/6

Mathematics room (202)

1/4 - 1/6

Physics room (309)

1/4 - 1/6

Informatics cabinet (404)

1/4 - 1/6

Dining room

1/4 - 1/6


1/4 – 1/6

All classrooms have optimal lighting conditions, which corresponds to the norm.

2.3. Assessment of the parameters of the microclimate of the cabinet

2.3.1 Air temperature measurement

Equipment and materials: dry thermometer.

Measurement of air temperature.

  1. Take thermometer readings at a height of 1.5 m from the floor at three points diagonally: at a distance of 0.2 m from the outer wall, in the center of the room and at a distance of 0.25 m from the inner corner of the cabinet. The thermometer is set for 15 minutes at each point.
  2. Calculate the average room temperature. Determine the vertical temperature difference by measuring at a distance of 0.25 m from the floor and ceiling.

2.3.2 Relative humidity measurement

Equipment: aspiration psychrometer, ball catathermometer, electric stove, chemical beaker with water, stopwatch, dry thermometer.

  1. Moisten the end of the wet bulb thermometer wrapped in cloth with distilled water.
  2. Turn on the fan.
  3. 3-4 minutes after the start of the fan at a height of 1.5 m from the floor, take the readings of dry (t) and wet (t1) thermometers.
  4. Calculate the absolute humidity according to the formula:

K \u003d F - 0.5 (t-t 1) B: 755

where K is absolute humidity, g/m³;

f - maximum humidity at the temperature of the wet bulb (determined according to the table attached to the device);

t - dry bulb temperature

t1 - wet bulb temperature

B - barometric pressure at the time of the study.

  1. Calculate the relative humidity of the air using the formula: R= K: F 100, where R is the relative humidity, %; K – absolute humidity, g/m³; F - maximum humidity at dry bulb temperature (according to the instrument table).

Room microclimate indicators


Temperature, ° С

Relative humidity, %

Measurement result

Measurement result

Sanitary and hygienic norm

Biology (102)

20 – 25

60 – 70

Mathematicians (202)

20 – 25

60 – 70

Physics (309)

20 – 25

60 – 70

Informatics (404)

20 – 25

60 – 70


20 – 25

60 - 70


20 – 25

60 - 70

The data in the table show that the air temperature in the dining room does not meet the requirements of SanPiN 2.4.2. 1178-02 "Hygienic requirements for the conditions of education in educational institutions" and this temperature is below the limit level, and with a long stay in this room without movement, the body can cool down, which will lead to colds.

The air temperature in the rest of the rooms meets the requirements of SanPiN.

The table shows that the air humidity indicators comply with SanPiN 2.4.2. 1178-02 "Hygienic requirements for the conditions of education in educational institutions" in the biology room and in the dining room.

In the rest of the rooms and rooms, the air humidity does not meet the requirements of SanPiN 2.4.2. 1178-02 "Hygienic requirements for the conditions of education in educational institutions", it is below the maximum permissible levels, but the adverse effect of dry air is manifested only in extreme dryness (at a relative humidity of less than 20%), the effect of excessively dry air on physiological processes in the human body is not as dangerous as the influence of moist air.


Often it seems to us that we are faced with environmental pollution only on the street, and therefore we pay little attention to the ecology of our college. But college is not only a shelter from the unfavorable conditions of the outside world, but also a powerful factor influencing a person, which largely determines the state of his health. The quality of the college environment can be affected by:

Outside air;

Products of incomplete combustion of gas;

Substances that occur during the cooking process;

Substances emitted by furniture, books, clothing, etc.;

Household chemicals and hygiene products;


Compliance with sanitary standards of training (number of people);

electromagnetic pollution.

Starting to work on this topic, we did not think that the microclimate in the premises can have such a huge impact on human health. For example, that sufficient lighting has a tonic effect, creates a cheerful mood, improves the course of the main processes of the higher nervous system, and a lack of lighting depresses the nervous system, leads to a deterioration in the body's performance, and worsens vision. Comparing the measurement results with the maximum permissible levels established in the sanitary norms and rules, we came to the conclusion that the audiences we studied in our college correspond to the current norms and rules. Basically, the lighting standards in our classrooms are observed. The temperature in the dining room does not comply with sanitary standards and rules, but these deviations are insignificant and do not lead to serious consequences.

List of used literature

  1. Ashikhmina, Yu. E., School environmental monitoring. - M .: "Agar", 2000.
  2. Velichkovsky, B. T., Kirpichev, V. I., Suravegina, I. T. Human health and the environment: a textbook. - M .: "New school", 1997.
  3. Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises. Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN Ministry of Health of Russia Moscow 1997.
  4. Kitaeva, L. A. Decorative - medicinal plants // Biology at school. - 1997. - No. 3

5. Kosykh A.V. Materials Science. Modern building and finishing materials: Educational and methodological manual. 2000.

6. Novikov Yu.V. Ecology, environment and man: textbook for secondary schools and colleges. M.; FAIR PRESS, 2000

7. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189 Moscow "On approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions ""

Municipal educational institution

"Average secondary school No. 6 "

Environmental project

We are for a clean city

10th grade student

Sheludyakova Anastasia


biology and ecology teacher

Karyachkina T.A.

g.o. Saransk

I. Introduction…………………………………………………………

1. Relevance of the chosen topic
2. Goals and objectives of the study
3. Subject of research. problem question
4. Hypothesis
5. Research methods
6. Stages of work on the project

II. Main part. Theoretical aspect...…………

    Waste classification.

    Waste management: collection, removal, use, neutralization.

    Danger of waste.

4. What does recycling give for nature and man

III. Main part. Practical aspect………………

    Object of study.

    Research methodology: questioning.

    questionnaire questions.

    Answer analysis. Findings.

    What is the use of separate waste?

    Implementation of a separate waste system.

    What is it for in our village?

    Project plan development:

a) Collection of data on waste processing. Conclusion.
b) Making a plan.

IV. Conclusion…………………………………………………….

V. References…………………………………………


    Relevance of the chosen topic.

Relevance of the topic There is no doubt that each of us throws away a huge amount of garbage. So, the average city dweller annually produces about 300 kg or 1.5 m 3 of waste per year. In terms of weight, this is comparable to an average elk, and in terms of volume - with three large refrigerators. Imagine how much waste is generated in an apartment building. How many houses are there in our city? According to official data, 40 million tons of household waste per year (ie waste from the residential sector) is thrown away in Russia. In total, more than 4.5 billion tons of garbage enter landfills annually. Remember that the waste of the city is made up of the waste of each inhabitant. This does not include construction or industrial waste. Moreover, we throw away garbage both in an organized way (in garbage cans, bins, etc.) and in an unorganized way. Poisonous substances that end up in landfills (in used batteries, accumulators, as well as in rotting and decaying food products) penetrate into groundwater, which is often used as a source of drinking water, and are dispersed by winds in the surrounding area, thereby causing damage to the environment. Some products Rotting can ignite spontaneously, so fires regularly occur in landfills, in which soot, phenol, and other toxic substances are released into the atmosphere.

Of all the global environmental problems that mankind has entered the 21st century with: a population explosion, the ozone layer, acid precipitation, the growth of household waste, the depletion of fossil natural resources, the shortage of clean fresh water, etc., today the problem of the growth of household waste is considered relevant.

The experience of the world practice of burying the amount of solid domestic and industrial waste at landfills and landfills: Russia up to 90%, USA - 73%, Germany - 70%, Japan - 30%. The increasing accumulation of municipal solid waste leads to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and groundwater pollution, which are among the most acute environmental problems.

Goals and objectives.

Target: prove the need for separate collection of garbage in the village.


    Compile a questionnaire and conduct a social survey among students of school No. 6

    Analyze the results of the survey.

    Explore the Separate Garbage Program.

    Subject of study. Problem question.

Subject of study: garbage collection in the village of Pushkarskie settlements

Problem question: will separate waste collection affect the ecological situation in the city.


At the beginning of the study, I conducted a survey, as a result of which a hypothesis took shape: if we organize the collection of separate waste in the village, this will have a positive effect on the ecological situation of the city of Saransk.

    Research methods.

1. Search method:

Use of Internet resources
- Finding information about pollution and the implementation of the "Separate Waste" project

2. Monitoring method:
- Questioning
- Analysis of incidence statistics

6. Stages of work on the project.

1. Definition of the field of study.
2. Collecting the necessary information.
3. Conducting a survey and testing.
4. Determining the structure of the research work.
5. Summing up.
6. Registration of work.

II . Main part. Theoretical aspect

    Waste classification.

Garbage separation(separative waste collection, waste sorting, waste separation) and selective waste collection - actions for sorting and collecting waste, depending on its origin. Separation of garbage is done in order to avoid mixing different types of garbage and environmental pollution. This process allows waste to be given a “second life”, in most cases due to its secondary use and recycling. Separating waste helps prevent it from decomposing, rotting and burning in landfills. Consequently, the harmful impact on the environment is reduced (Wikipedia).

Today, garbage is becoming more dangerous and toxic, no microorganisms are able to decompose it. Today, there is an active search for microorganisms that can decompose plastic, it occupies a huge amount of space and simply does not decompose in nature.

Classification of garbage according to the degree of danger is carried out for various materials:

    Water pollutants

    Air pollutants

    Chemical substances

All workings can be classified into the following classes:

    Extremely hazardous waste materials

    Highly hazardous materials

    Moderately Hazardous Waste Materials

    Low-hazard salvage

    Practically harmless substances

    Waste management: collection, removal, use, neutralization.

    In any case, civilized countries have long come to the conclusion that garbage must be properly disposed of and recycled. In Russia, despite the vast expanses, garbage is also becoming a serious problem. A bill is being discussed in the Russian Duma, according to which separate waste collection will be introduced, and the waste will have an owner - the one who should be responsible for them at every stage, from collection to processing. Indeed, at present, many attractive suburban areas are occupied by landfills. Therefore, the authorities of large Russian megacities are already puzzled by this problem, starting to accustom residents to sorting household waste. This is how a proposal is being considered for organizing special sorting rooms in new buildings on each floor, where each resident could separate their garbage. At the same time, the construction of waste processing enterprises is underway, where it is planned to receive and re-send recyclable materials for industrial production: waste paper, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and much more. But, unfortunately, in society there is both a lack of environmental education among people, and a lack of bins for separate waste collection on city streets.

    The strategy of the future should be considered, first of all, the education of the younger generation, respect for the natural environment, the expansion of knowledge, skills and vitality in the management of technological processes, the search for new design solutions for the separate collection of waste and their processing, which will ensure the interests of present and future generations and preserve the nature of the planet Earth. After all

    processing allows you to: 1) save valuable natural resources necessary for the production of any product; 2) save water and energy in the production of goods from recycled materials; 3) reduce waste generated from the extraction of resources and the production of goods; 4) reduce the number of landfills and much more. But the widespread processing of waste is possible only as a result of their separation at the place of their formation, i.e. at home, at work, street, enterprise. This is called separate waste collection (SW).

    Waste management

    In the 20th century, the amount of production and consumption waste grew so rapidly that waste generation became an important problem in large cities and large industries. Along with a large amount of waste, the issue of a lack of natural resources has become acute. selective collection and subsequent use of secondary resources partially helps to reduce the burden on the environment and solve the issue of additional production of raw materials.

    Waste disposal

    Some wastes require disposal before disposal in landfills, landfills or dumps.

    One of the largest industrial wastes is coal-containing waste. Modern scientific developments make it possible to neutralize most of the industrial waste, reduce its volume and ensure maximum safety. Today, the disposal of hazardous waste can be carried out by thermal, physico-chemical, chemical and other methods. So, with the help of redox reactions, substitution reactions, various toxic and dangerous compounds are transferred into an insoluble form.

    Danger of waste.

    The danger of waste is determined by their physical and chemical properties, as well as the conditions of their storage or placement in the environment.

    For waste, it is necessary to draw up a waste passport, determine the hazard class and limits for waste disposal in the environment, limits for accumulation at the enterprise and other documents.

    The concept of "Hazardous Waste" is used in the following cases:

    Waste poses a risk to human health and/or to the normal state of the natural environment.

    Hazard class of harmful substances- a conditional value intended for a simplified classification of potentially hazardous substances. The hazard class is established in accordance with industry regulations. For different objects - for chemicals, for waste, for air pollutants, etc. - different standards and indicators have been established.

    What does recycling give to nature and man

    In the manufacture of products from recycled materials, the consumption of non-renewable resources, such as metals, oil, natural gas, wood, etc., is reduced.

    This helps protect natural areas and the diversity of life on Earth.

    Typically, the production of products from recycled materials requires much less energy than the production from virgin raw materials. As a result of reducing the amount of energy used, air and water pollution is reduced.

    Other types of pollution are also reduced, for example, from water runoff during mining, soil erosion and the ingress of chemical elements during the extraction of raw materials.

    Thanks to recycling, the amount of waste entering the MSW landfills is significantly reduced. This will extend the service life of landfills and reduce the area they occupy, for example, recycling one ton of PET bottles saves about 4 m 3 of the landfill area.

  1. III. Main part. Practical aspect research.

    At the beginning of the study, I conducted a survey among the younger generation, which will later make up the main population of our village, since an important point in the plan is public opinion and readiness for selective waste collection. It was the survey that became the basis for my project.

    For the survey were selected students of MAOU secondary school No. 3 / age 14-17 years /.

    Research methodology.

    a) Questioning

    To study the readiness of a teenager, the students were offered a questionnaire, answering which the students had to tell about their attitude to the separate collection of garbage.

    questionnaire questions.
    1. How often do you buy products in plastic packaging?
    2. Would you agree to hand over paper to a waste paper collection point?
    3. Do you have a positive attitude towards separate waste?
    4. Is it possible to implement "separate waste" in the village?
    5. Do you think it would be worth reopening the return of glass bottles?
    6. Do you keep the streets, parks, forests, etc. clean?
    7. Would you volunteer to clean your house?
    8. Are you ready to sort your family's household waste?
    9. What would motivate you to sort your garbage?

    Survey results. Answer analysis.

    General conclusion: it is obvious that 100% separate collection, that is, the participation of the entire population in it, is impossible. Thus, in practice, an intermediate option can be implemented, providing for the processing of both separately collected and mixed waste. At the same time, the higher the proportion of citizens participating in the sorting of waste at the places of their formation, the lower the costs for waste processing.

    What are the benefits of separate garbage collection?

    Firstly, it is care for the environment. Pollution adversely affects human health, especially in today's world. In Russia, waste is disposed of by incineration, and all harmful emissions enter the atmosphere. But besides this, garbage decomposes for a long time (especially plastic). If a person leaves it in forest areas, this will worsen the fertility of the soil. That is why it is important not only to collect separate garbage, but also to teach order in nature.

    Secondly, recycling. The more production will use secondary raw materials, the more natural resources we will save; reduce the amount of emissions into the atmosphere from garbage incineration; the ecological condition of settlements will improve.

    Saransk, together with the settlements subordinated to its administration, has a health index of 35%, occupying the last 23rd place among the administrative regions of the Republic of Mordovia. In total, out of 19 studied parameters, 63% of indicators in the territory of Saransk are the worst or exceed the average value for the republic.

    In the municipality of Saransk, where 346.4 thousand inhabitants, or 37% of the population of the republic, currently live, a difficult environmental situation has developed. The territory of the city is located in the area of ​​intense aerosol, water, noise and thermal pollution.

    Third, the reduction of diseases. Our health is directly dependent on the state of the environment. Selective waste collection and recycling is the key to a healthy generation.

    Fourth, cost reduction. When delivering garbage, a lot of money is spent on its transportation and incineration. Separate waste collection will reduce costs, because. Many recycling companies pick up their own waste from dumpsters.

    Conclusion: selective waste collection has a positive effect on the environment and human health, reduces costs, which is important for society.

    Implementation of a separate waste collection system.

    How would such a system work? The sociological study was preceded by an environmental campaign that was held at the school from 2014–2016. It was attended by the entire teaching staff and students of the school. During these years we have been conducting research on the issue of waste and recycling. As part of the environmental campaign, the following events were held:

  1. public hearings;

    Brochures, calendars, leaflets were distributed;

    Organized exhibitions of works;

    Conclusion: This method of garbage collection is profitable and convenient. But it is important to interest the people who will support the new order.

    What is it for in our village?

    It would seem that the village is located next to the Botanical Garden, a forest belt, a small industrial production. Why do we need separate garbage?

    Pushkar settlements are a growing settlement. Firstly, the village is located near the airport. Many residents of the village visit the city quite often and, returning, would like to breathe fresh air. Secondly, the population is growing, and with it, the amount of waste is growing. With a population of 1,300 people, approximately the village produces 1,950 kilograms daily. It is unimaginable even to imagine how much garbage is generated from our population (711,750 kg) per year. Thirdly, parents want their children to grow up healthy. Fourthly, in addition to the fact that there are emissions from burning garbage, the number of cars is also increasing. Fifthly, the village is located near the highway, on both sides there are bypass roads, from where exhaust gases also come.

    Conclusion: there is a need for selective garbage collection. Having studied the "pluses" of the program, we see that it will help improve the ecological situation of the village, as the situation in the city will improve.

    "A million for a separate fee."

    I discovered this project while researching the Greenpeace website. Its goal is to collect a million signatures under an appeal to mayors of cities and governors of regions with a demand to make it mandatory to install tanks for separate waste collection in every yard, to enshrine this method of waste management in law and to approve the rules for garbage collection and normal maintenance of sites where waste is collected.

    “Speaking of separate collection, we mean solving a specific problem that concerns each of us, our home, yard, city. After all, separate collection is, first of all, the health of our children, who will not have to inhale the air poisoned by incinerators. This is our clean yard, these are the parks that will surround our city.” ("Greenpeace")

    The project started recently, but is already gaining momentum. We can take part in this and contribute to the protection of the environment.

    Development of a project plan for the village of Pushkarskiye settlements.

    To develop a project plan, I needed to find information about recyclable products. Also, after each, information about the reception points is indicated.

    waste paper- waste from the production, processing and consumption of all types of paper and cardboard, suitable for further use as a fibrous raw material.

    There are 2 waste paper collection points in the republic on the street. Promyshlennaya-1 and CJSC Energia - st. Proletarskaya d. 132, which accept various types of waste paper: paper, cardboard, books (with and without hardcover), printing waste paper, etc. Each company has self-delivery (minimum - from 200 kg.). As the information on the sites indicates, the price depends on the quality of the paper. There are also organizations that post ads on social networks.

    Thus, there are waste paper collection points in our city and not far from our village, and, therefore, the delivery of paper can be implemented.
    Household waste- substances (or mixtures of substances) recognized as unsuitable for further use after domestic use of products end up in a landfill.

    Plastic– organic materials based on synthetic or natural macromolecular compounds (polymers). Plastics based on synthetic polymers have received exceptionally wide use.

    A big flaw in the region is a negligible number of plastic collection points. As shown by the search results on the Internet, there are companies in Saransk MordovVtorResurs LLC, VtorPlastmas LLC, st. Proletarskaya, 130, which accepts plastic for recycling.

    hazardous waste- wastes that contain harmful substances that have hazardous properties (toxicity, explosion hazard, fire hazard, high reactivity) or contain pathogens of infectious diseases, or which may pose an immediate or potential hazard to the natural environment and human health on their own or when coming into contact with other substances (law "On production and consumption waste"). One small battery, decomposing in a landfill, spoils 400 liters of water.

    Recycling points in Mordovia: Mordovian Procurement Company, st. Promyshlennaya1-aya, 41, OOO Mordovia Ecological Plant, Aleksandrovskoe shosse 30, RTO, recycling center, st. building, 1.

    Battery recycling - "RegionYugEco" st. Osipenko 8 . OOO "Leading Recycling Company" st. Soviet, 109

    Glass- substance and material, one of the most ancient and, due to the variety of its properties, universal in human practice. The acceptance of glass containers in Saransk can significantly affect the ecological situation in the city and improve the economic component. Rational recycling of glass containers, its reuse is beneficial for local enterprises. Among them are the SUN InBev beer manufacturer, the Saransky cannery and the Saransky dairy plant.

    Disposal of household appliances- Over time, household items begin to fail, break down, and if it is possible to fix the problem, then for some time they can still be used. And if the breakdown is serious and the device can only be thrown away? Here, everyone should remember that an unauthorized release threatens with a serious fine, but most importantly, poisonous harmful compounds contained in the devices will bring great harm, which, under the influence of weather conditions, will fall into the soil and cause enormous damage to the environment. In Saransk, the recycling of household appliances and items is carried out by the companies Promekotekhnologiya LLC, Rusutilit LLC, GriKontrolUtilization LLC, which have special permits and licenses to carry out these actions. In addition to these enterprises, electronic equipment stores, such as Eldorado and M. Video, provide great assistance in the collection and disposal of equipment from the population.

    Conclusion: Based on the material provided, the "Separate Garbage" project can exist, as there are suitable conditions and the desire of people to take part in promoting the program.

    Project plan.

    Based on the collected material, I developed a project plan for the implementation of selective waste in the village.

    Preparatory stage.

    Communication with the residents of the village. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a social survey, whether they are ready for such changes. It is important to involve young people who will be able to hold campaign teams in schools and on the streets, talking about the benefits of separate waste collection. In addition, it is these young people who make up half of the population of the village. Consequently, they will make habitual selective waste in their families.

    It is necessary to enlist the support of the village administration in sponsoring and assisting in the implementation of this project.

    Contact firms that are ready to accept garbage. See if they can take it out on their own.

    Equipment of sites and purchase of containers for garbage collection.

    Implementation - project results.

    Conclusion: this plan is the basis for the future project.

  1. IV. Conclusion

    Thus, having studied a lot of theoretical material, the results of the survey, we confirmed the hypothesis that if we organize the collection of separate waste in the village, this will have a favorable effect on the whole city. Thanks to it, the ecological situation of both the city and the village will improve. The number of healthy children and adults will increase.

    It is obvious that the entire population will not participate in the project. In practice, an intermediate option can be implemented, providing for the processing of both separately collected and mixed waste.

  2. V. References






MAOU "Bondyug basic comprehensive school"

Bondyuzhskaya school - an environmentally friendly system

The work was done by a 7th grade student.

Starikova Anna

Head teacher of biology

Kosheleva Tatyana Vitalevna

s. Bondyug - 2015


I .Introduction - the relevance of the study, goals and objectives, methods of work………………………………………………………………………………….......


II .The main part is the theoretical, practical part of the study……………………………………………………………………..


III . Conclusion - conclusions on the work done…………………………………………………………………………………

IV .Bibliography……………………………………………………………………. fourteen


The relevance of research

The man of the future is a comprehensively developed personality, living in harmony with the surrounding world and with himself, acting within the framework of ecological necessity. The formation of ecological culture is a person's awareness of his belonging to the world around him, unity with it, the awareness of the need to take responsibility for the implementation of the self-sustaining development of civilization and conscious inclusion in this process.

This research work is devoted to the problem of a healthy home. Environmentally dirty houses are not the fantasies of scientists and specialists, but a real fact that many people suffer from. The ideal home is not only a building for shelter. The home should be a place free from harmful influences that supports physical, mental and social well-being.

    The main habitat of a person is his house. We spend a lot of time at school, so we can say that it is also our home. We study here, we do extracurricular activities. The school is our "fortress", in which conditions for work and rest must be provided.

    Every year the school is renovated and new equipment is purchased.

    GOALS AND OBJECTIVES : Find out if the school is an ecological system. Determine the composition and structure of the ecosystem. Identify favorable and unfavorable factors in the school ecosystem. To get acquainted with the methods of obtaining qualitative and quantitative indicators of the ecological state of the school environment. Learn to use the acquired knowledge to predict further changes in the human environment and design solutions to environmental problems.

    WORKING METHODS : Study. Literature work.

    Theoretical part

    "Eco" means "home", our habitat. And the sphere of habitation is, first of all, our apartment and school office.

    Health begins at home and at school, and our goal is to turn them into an impregnable fortress against all diseases. School, home. What do we know about them and their impact on health?

    The problem of the ecological state of the premises, its so-called health, is quite relevant today, since we spend a lot of time at school, and in order to avoid harm to health, it is necessary to follow a number of rules to avoid exposure to harmful environmental factors.

    Hypothesis : Our school is an ecological system, an environmentally friendly system?

    Practical part

    Research 1. Is school an ecosystem?

    The school has indoor plants - PRODUCERS. There is a person in the school, "uninvited guests" mice (this is our assumption, because we did not find them) - CONSUMERS. The school has bacteria, saprophytic mites, mold fungi - REDUCERS.

    Conclusion: The school is an ecosystem.

    Study 2: Greening the school . I believe that there are a lot of indoor plants in our school: in recreations, classrooms. We do not have a single room that does not have plants, and most of all flowers are in the biology room. We have a total of 211 indoor plants at our school. All indoor plants are in good condition, teachers and students take care of them.

    We are surrounded by smells everywhere. It became interesting to me: “Do the smells of our plants affect our body? How useful are the plants growing in the classrooms of our school? I decided to check whether the smells of plants affect some of the body's functions related to the maintenance of working capacity - functions of a stimulating effect, depressing ones that affect our well-being.

    plant name

    The benefits of plants


    Balsam is mostly used as an ornamental plant, but in folk medicine it is also used for medicinal purposes.


    It contains substances that destroy viruses and bacteria, eliminates insomnia, treats neurosis, and in winter, on cloudy days, protects against stress and depression, relieves fatigue and improves mood.


    Benzene contains linoleum. Dracaena neutralizes it.


    Humidifies the air, but also neutralizes a bunch of chemical "additives": formaldehyde, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene.It destroys fungi and bacteria, has an anti-inflammatory effect..


    Absorbs ammonia, and also improves the energy atmosphere in the house and stimulates the activity of its inhabitants, relieves internal stress and gives self-confidence. We can tell you with confidence that the ficus does not deserve notoriety, it is a good plant.


    Eliminates odors


    They have bactericidal properties, cacti can protect a person from harmful electromagnetic radiation, reducing the ionization of indoor air. That is why it is recommended to place cacti in close proximity to a TV or computer screen, but at the same time the plant should receive enough light: after all, cacti are plants of hot countries.


    Reduces the influence of electromagnetic radiation.

    Fat woman (money tree)

    The rounded leaves of the plant neutralize all negative energy, emotions, careless words associated with a lack of finances. The fat woman will purify the air in the room, relieve stress and fatigue. All this is so important for success and health.

    Saintpaulia (Uzanbar violet)

    Violet contains all substances and elements useful for the human body. The plant has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative and antimicrobial properties. It is also used as a good pain reliever and sedative. In addition, this plant is often used to lower blood pressure. .

    Violet herb is used to treat bronchitis, sore throat and whooping cough. A decoction of violet helps to improve well-being with bronchitis, , pneumonia and suffocation.

    In addition, violet can be used to treat all kinds of skin diseases. A decoction of the plant will help improve overall well-being after an illness.


    Royal begonia actively fights poisonous substances, and is also a symbol of material well-being.

    plant name

    Oppressive action


    During the flowering periodsuch an abundance of odorous essential oils is released that they can cause headaches, vomiting.


    Primrose flowers and leaves can cause hives and eczema on human skinprone to allergic reactions if he touches the plant with his hands. And sometimes even the smell of blooming primrose causes allergies. It is not recommended for such people to breed it at home. After caring for primrose alsohands should be washed with soap.


    Leaves should not be allowed to be eaten by children. Rough leaves can injure delicate mucous membranes


    Has no oppressive action

    Euphorbia (euphobia)

    He is very dangerous. The juice of the plant has the appearance of white milk, a pungent odor and can cause skin irritation, burns and allergies. When the juice gets on the mucous membrane, ulcers form, in the eye - inflammation and temporary blindness. If a milkweed leaf ends up in the stomach of a child or animal, this will lead to severe vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions..


    All parts of the plant are dangerous.

    Conclusion: Indoor plants are useful, but only if you choose the “right” flowers for each individual person (or family), that is, those that do not cause negative reactions.

    At our school, we have the minimum of plants that it is desirable to have for everyone who cares at least a little about themselves and their relatives. Plants destroy poisonous substances. But it would be desirable that classrooms - physics, geography, computer science - be better planted.

    Study 3. Results of the evaluation of the interior decoration of the premises . Materials used in the construction and finishing works at our school.

    Material name

    The degree of harmful effects

    on the human body


    environmentally friendly material

    iron fittings

    environmentally friendly material


    environmentally friendly material

    Oil paint

    Toxic effects of heavy me-

    thalls and organic solvents

    Wood chip and wood

    environmentally friendly material

    spring fiber boards




    Radiation source.


    Environmentally friendly material.

    At high humidity, lime


    Conclusion: Most materialsused in the construction and finishing works at our school are environmentally friendly.

    The influence of colors on the body and the volume of rooms

    I examined the classes about the color scale on the human body



    Health impact

    Influence on the psyche



    Treats depression, strengthens nerves, stimulates, warms, increases spasms of smooth muscles

    Helps to concentrate, increases creative activity, pleases, amuses



    Stimulates, warms, excites. Increases blood pulsation without raising pressure, improves digestion, irritates the nervous system in large quantities, promotes the active work of the kidneys and bladder. Beneficial for strengthening bones and hair

    Pleases, uplifts, invigorates, relieves fatigue, fights depression



    Excites, warms, stimulates metabolism, improves digestion and increases appetite, increases blood pressure, stimulates physical activity

    Pleases, sometimes causes a certain amount of fear

    White - computer science


    Has a neutralizing effect, somewhat soothes

    Reduces irritation, somewhat soothes



    At the same time, it calms and slightly invigorates, stimulates the brain, as well as the production of the hormone melatonin, which relieves depression and rejuvenates the body. Increases endurance. Can be depressing in large numbers

    Soothes, slightly depresses, lowers mood, causes melancholy and gloomy thoughts

    Green - biology, grade 8


    Lowers blood pressure, increases tone, reduces insomnia. Reduces pain and helps mobilize the will. Promotes cell regeneration, strengthens the nervous system, stabilizes cardiac activity.

    Soothes with nervous overwork and reduces irritability.

    Blue - class of Lyudmila Sergeevna

    reduces the width

    Reduces blood pressure, increases focus and helps focus. Calms the pulse and slows down breathing, reduces pain, relaxes muscles and stops inflammation. Suppresses appetite, reduces visual acuity, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Concentrates attention

    Helps to focus, causes a feeling of peace, relieves emotional stress

    Blue - grades 1-4, 5, 6, 7, grades.

    Helps with diseases associated with metabolism, central nervous system, diseases of the throat and respiratory system

    Reduces stress, calms

    Conclusion : After analyzing the state of our school from an environmental point of view, I decided that the color scheme has a beneficial effect on the body of students.

    Study 4. Results of the assessment of artificial lighting in classrooms .

    The test was carried out in 3 classrooms - computer science, Russian language and 1st grade. In all classes, the level of artificial lighting corresponds to the normative values ​​established by clause 7.2.4. SanPiN "Sanitary - epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions."

    Conclusion : There are good lighting conditions in the classrooms. This was confirmed by the doctor for general hygiene - I.V. Belin.

    Study 5. Results of the water quality study .

    Polluted water, entering our body, causes 80% of known diseases and accelerates the aging of the body by 30%. Characteristics of the water of our school: the water is clear; turbidity is not marked; earthy smell.

    In the studied samples of swabs from environmental objects, sanitary-indicative microorganisms (bacteria of the Escherichia coli group) were not found. The check was carried out by the head of the department of the microbiological laboratory L.S. Sazhina, as well as the epidemiologist L.A. Dymochko.

    Conclusion : Water can be consumed, microorganisms are not detected.

    Study 6: Dust Study .

    Any dust is a set of allergens, the main of which is a microscopic mite.

    Determination of the relative dust content of air in school premises.

    To complete the work, I needed: water, a microscope with a ""x40" lens (fortyfold magnification), a pipette, coverslips and slides for the microscope.

    I applied 1 drop of water to four glass slides.

    Slides for 15 minutes were installed at a height of 1 m from the floor:
    glass slide No. 1 in the biology class during recess,
    glass slide No. 2 in the corridor during recess,
    glass slide No. 3 in the biology class during the lesson,
    glass slide #4 in the hallway during the lesson.

    Then she covered the drop with dust particles settled on it with a cover glass, thus preparing a micropreparation. The micropreparation was placed on the microscope stage. We achieved such an increase that the area of ​​the drop was as large as possible in the field of view of the microscope.

    P Counted the number of dust particles in a drop and described their composition:



    Sampling location

    Number of dust particles in the field of view


    dust particles


    The form


    in biology class during recess

    One by one


    oblong, round


    in the hallway during recess

    One by one




    in class during class

    One by one


    oblong, round


    in the hallway during class

    One at a time, in small clusters

    Large, medium size


    Conclusion: Thus, the relative dustiness of school premises during the break is much greater than during the lesson. During the break, there is more dust in the corridors of the school, and during the lesson - in the classroom. This is due to the location of the main number of students.

    Study 7. The results of the assessment of temperature in the school .

    From conversations with teachers and students, I found out that at temperatures

    no one complained about the new regime at school.

    In terms of temperature parameters, classrooms comply with norms of normative documents

    1.SanPiN and N "Hygienic requirements in educational institutions".

    2. GOST 30494-96 Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters. General hygiene doctor T.A.Ananoeva, deputy head A.S. Bulygin.

    Conclusion: The result obtained in terms of temperature corresponds to the norm.

    Study 8: Computer Study .

    Research was carried out at the workplaces of students at the measurement points.

    1. The intensity of the electric field in the low-frequency range corresponds.

    2. The magnetic flux density in the low-frequency range corresponds.

    3. The intensity of the electric field in the low-frequency range corresponds to the temporarily permissible levels of the VDU.

    4. The density of the magnetic flux in the high-frequency range corresponds to the assessment of the magnetic flux, was carried out according to: SanPin 2.2.2. /2.4. 1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work” - conducted by hygienist S.M. Bubnov, deputy head of the ILC A.M. Bulygin.

    Conclusion: Computers comply with GOST.

    Conclusions on the work done

    MAOU « Bondyuzh basic comprehensive school” is an environmentally friendly system. The school complies with all the necessary rules to preserve the health of students, teachers, staff. "Uninvited guests" (consumers) were not found in the school ((the premises are regularly derattized).

    Ventilate rooms as often as possible. Try to maintain a constant temperature in the school, corresponding to the thermal comfort or cool category. Use natural materials for decoration. Comply with the rules for using computers. Plants are living beings with a strong biofield that can affect a person. And the general atmosphere of the school and the well-being of its inhabitants depend on whether we are able to choose the right indoor plants. Regularly carry out wet cleaning. Substances that pollute outerwear are air pollutants, so you need to use a wardrobe. Air pollution in the school depends on the state of the air outside (external sources). It is necessary to continue work on landscaping the school site.

It is very important to pay as much attention to your home as possible, because the most important thing depends on the state of a person’s habitat - this is health.


The school is a typical heterotrophic artificial ecosystem, reminiscent of our village in miniature. Like a village, it exists due to the flow of energy and resources into it. Its main inhabitants are students, teachers and those who ensure its smooth functioning. Among the tasks of the modern school is not only the upbringing and education of the younger generation of Russians, but also care for their health.

The following factors can influence the quality and safety of the school environment:

  • School location;


    Air-thermal parameters of the microclimate of school classrooms

    Parameters of interior decoration of premises;

    Lighting parameters;


    The quality of equipment, furniture and their arrangement.

The topic of research is multifaceted and not fully disclosed by me. However, it aroused my interest and desire not only to continue its study, but to find ways to solve the established environmental problems.

On the territory of the school in the summer, work on landscaping the school grounds will continue, environmental clean-up days will be held to improve the territory.

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