Technical professions. Demanded technical specialties in universities

The peak of popularity and prestige of the profession of an engineer came in the middle of the last century. Then the competition for admission to technical universities in Moscow could easily compete with competitions in medical universities and even VGIK. However, sadly, in the 90s of the twentieth century, the word "engineer" came close in meaning to the words "beggar" and "unemployed". How is it now, after 20 years since those troubled times?

Applicants who want to get a technical education in Moscow, most often choose one of the 5 specialties listed below.

TOP 5 most popular technical specialties:

Speciality university Contest Min. USE
Computers, complexes, systems and networks Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics 98
Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics 91
Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) n/a
Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation n/a
Instrumentation St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television. Moscow Film and Video Institute 91
Engineering technology Russian State University of Oil and Gas THEM. Gubkin 4 people for 1 budget place 220
Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman 192
National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute 163
Moscow State Technological University "Stankin" 160
Moscow State Transport University 91
Highways and airfields Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University 3 people for 1 budget place Admission only by transfer to senior courses
Operation and testing of aviation and space technology Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation 3 people for 1 budget place 93

As you can see, the spread of the minimum number of USE scores required for an applicant in order to be enrolled in technical universities in Moscow is quite large. If you are confident in your knowledge and capabilities, you can try to enter the best technical universities in Moscow, and for applicants with more modest requests, there will be a place in simpler institutes.

Ranking of technical universities in Moscow

Technical colleges at universities

Faculty of secondary vocational education of the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI).

A faculty is a college within an institute. Acquiring new specialties, college students study at the same production bases as students of Moscow technical institutes. Upon graduation, graduates receive job offers from organizations with which MGUPI has established close cooperation.

Moscow College of Space Instrumentation (MTKP) at the Russian State University of Trade and Economics (RGTEU)

An excellent chance to become a specialist in the field of computer technology and aircraft control, learn English and complete additional computer courses.

College of Management, Law and Information Technology at Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)

In this college, in addition to applied computer science, it is possible to master banking, gain knowledge in land and property relations and other specialties.

Mathematical College of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (MK NRNU MEPhI)

You can get a secondary specialized education in the field of computer technology, management, programming and even accounting.

Natalia Kogteva

/ / Professiogram "Machine operator (metalworking)"

They say that the profession of a machine operator is like a nesting doll. Under the name "Machine operator in metalworking" there are actually two professions: "Machine operator of a wide profile" and "CNC machine operator" (with numerical control). Four of the most popular metalworking professions are invested in each of them: turner, miller, driller, grinder. There is only one difference between a machine operator and an operator: a machine operator works on machines with manual control, and an operator works on software. Such a specialist is especially valuable in large metalworking industries where knowledge of machine control is needed.

Where production is automated, he will be in demand as an operator of CNC machines, he can also work as an operator of automatic and semi-automatic machines (unlike CNC machines, they can perform only one operation or one product - a bolt, nut, screw, etc.). P.). Thanks to scientific and technological progress, changes are taking place in the work of a machine operator. They concern both technology, and processed materials, and cutting tools. The control of modern machine tools changes the content of the work of the machine operator, increasing his intellectual functions. A machine operator is a profession that is necessary in all sectors of the economy, therefore, a high level of demand for these specialists is constantly maintained.

Direction of preparation:
Metallurgy, mechanical engineering and material processing

Purpose of the profession:

Production of various parts from metal and other materials for repair
machines and mechanisms using turning, milling, drilling and grinding machines. Execution of parts according to special drawings. Checking the manufacture of parts using optical instruments.

Must know:

Should be able to:
"Read drawings"; calculate the modes of processing parts from various materials using reference materials; make adjustments to machines; perform processing of parts from different materials on different machines; check the dimensions of parts using measuring tools.

Professionally important qualities:

  • physical strength
  • visual acuity and hearing;
  • accurate color differentiation;
  • accurate linear and volumetric eye;
  • precise visual-motor coordination;
  • spatial imagination.

Medical contraindications:

  • limb disorders that limit range of motion;
  • lung disease;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.


The development of science and technology implies an increasingly narrow focus of training young professionals so that they can fully understand, use, and, most importantly, further upgrade the products of modern technologies.

Technical education, whose specialties are becoming more and more diverse, faces the problem of the assimilation of such a volume of knowledge. Therefore, in order not to stretch the learning process for an unnecessarily long time, universities are forced to reduce the number of general development subjects taught and increase the load on narrow-profile disciplines.

It is worth noting that the years when technical specialties in universities were not in great demand among applicants had a negative impact on the overall level of applicants. Often, universities had to lower the passing score at entrance exams, and therefore, new students of technical universities became three-year-olds and simply those who could not enter other educational institutions, having failed the entrance exams. In turn, this could not but affect the general level of training of students and graduates of even the most famous educational institutions.

Education in technical specialties in universities

The urgent need for various specialists in technical professions not only raised the prestige and demand for technical specialties among applicants, but also forced this issue to be stimulated by the state and even various commercial structures. So, a special state program not only supports universities that train much-needed specialists, but even allocates grants for incoming applicants, allowing them to study at the expense of the state.

Commercial structures do not lag behind, which need such valuable personnel in their industries, and therefore are ready to pay for the education of students, so that later these people, who have received a higher technical education and whose specialties are so necessary, will work at these enterprises. Thus, some universities not only reduce the passing scores on entrance exams, but sometimes simply cancel them in order to facilitate admission. As a result, many of the students say that it is much easier to enter these universities than to study there.

Recently, a certain trend has become noticeable, according to the merger of universities or their transformation into multidisciplinary educational institutions. It is difficult to say exactly how this affects the level of education. However, there is no doubt that at least some of these universities compete quite successfully with the best highly specialized educational institutions. At the same time, we should not forget about the problems of technical universities. For example, the aging of teaching staff in technical universities is about 5 years higher than in others.

Thus, the acquisition of higher technical education and specialties by young people is necessary for the university itself, not only in order to provide the labor market with such long-awaited specialists. But also in order to train among them, a younger generation of talented teachers.

The most demanded technical specialties in universities

The training of any personnel should always be justified by the corresponding demand for specialists in this area. What we see now is that the telecommunications sector, programming, nanotechnology, robotics, microbiology, etc. are rapidly developing. Accordingly, the labor market needs competent specialists in these areas - first of all.

A wide list of technical specialties of higher education is due to the fact that young specialists will have to not only use and control new technologies, but also develop them. That is, to conduct scientific activities. And for this, the baggage of acquired knowledge and skills should be quite extensive and deep.

The most demanded technical professions with higher education are: programmers (IT-specialists), technical engineers, nanotechnologists, chemists, environmentalists, etc. Programmers are specialists in the field of information technology, telecommunications and software. Without them, it is simply impossible to imagine any sphere of life. Computerization is tightly integrated into our daily life, which means that the development of this direction has not even reached its peak yet.

Engineers, in the list of technical specialties of higher education, occupy the first place in terms of their number. After all, these are design engineers (create various projects), and design engineers (implementing projects), and process engineers (controlling technical processes), power engineers (many specialties with a narrow profile) and many others.

Nanotechnologists are specialists in a recent but already widespread technology for manipulating and using components smaller than 100 nm. Chemists are now very sought after specialists in the labor market, the field of activity can be very different - from an oil refining specialist to a worker in the medical industry.

Ecologists are specialists in protecting the environment from toxic human waste. Many industries produce emissions of substances that can be quite toxic. It is the job of the environmentalist to investigate their impact, as well as the source, and find a way to reduce harm.

All about technical and technological professions. What are the technical professions and specialties? The material presented in the section will help you get acquainted with what types of application of technical abilities exist and what are the specifics of each of them.

Below is a list of occupations related to engineering and technology, as well as natural sciences and information technology. This material will certainly help you make the right choice.

Name Overall profession rating Average salary*
power engineer 70 0
Electrician 61 0
Chemist 64 0
Mechanical engineering technologies 57 0
Technologist 70 0
Technician 58 0
Telecommunications 66 0
Builder 69 0
Signalman 72 0
radio engineer 45 0
Programmer 78 71 000
Applied Informatics 63 0
Mechanic 60 0
Metallurgist 58 0
mechanical engineering 50 0
Constructor 58 0
Engineer 63 0
Architect 75 0

* - according to the Federal State Statistics Service for 2017.

Do you have a mathematical mindset? Do you value science for accuracy? Do you love and understand physics and chemistry? Or maybe you want to contribute to the cause of technological progress or the creation of new technologies? If you answered yes to these questions, you are advised to pay attention to technical professions. Familiarize yourself with their descriptions and select one of them for further development, and then later you will be able to participate in the development of technical devices and technological processes, equipment and software, work in complex production, as well as in research institutes, construction companies and not only - the choice before you is huge! And even now your love for formulas and experiments, drawing and designing, rare mechanisms and fashionable gadgets can serve as additional evidence that you have chosen the path to the profession correctly.

Whichever profession from the list you prefer, start your path to it now. Set yourself technical challenges, consistently solve them and thus develop your engineering thinking - it is this that distinguishes someone who has a real vocation. And, of course, be prepared for the fact that your career will require you to constantly improve your skills, because the industries in question, by definition, cannot work the old way, and by the time you receive your diploma, the situation in them will change. It's okay: your abilities and the education you have received will allow you to quickly grasp new things and always remain a modern professional.

Even if the specialty of a machine operator (metalworking) was chosen immediately after the ninth grade and the issue of further work was resolved, that's not all. There are a lot of questions left, for example: what are the duties of this profession, what qualities and skills you need to have for work, how and where you can get a job in the future after graduation.

The main duties for which the machine operator is responsible are to work with machines of various types and their further maintenance. Such masters are in demand for employment in factories, automotive enterprises or in building design. The specialty SPO 151902.03 "Machine operator (metalworking)" is quite promising, as well as convenient for employment, since it includes several professions, which significantly increases the chances of finding work in enterprises with various types of equipment.

Where to study

Before you get a job, you need to undergo training and gain the necessary knowledge. If it was firmly decided to choose the specialty of a machine operator, then the college will provide all the necessary skills that will only get better during practice and subsequent work.

Omsk Aviation College

A good option for admission is the Omsk Aviation College, which produces specialists competent in their field of activity. The college teaches maintenance and technical adjustment of equipment, checking parts for quality, as well as their processing. In addition, other knowledge will be obtained that will help you become a high-class professional in the future.

Petrozavodsk Industrial College

Industrial College of the city of Petrozavodsk, which also trains specialists in this profession. The educational institution is the best.

During their studies, students will receive not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge, which will be fixed in practice with training machines. On average, training lasts two years and ten months, after which it is possible to immediately start working.

What is required to work in the specialty

Any professional activity has its limitations, therefore, before choosing the work of a machine operator, you should think about the contraindications and requirements that apply to this profession. Requirements include:

  • precise coordination and accuracy;
  • speed of reaction and a good eye;
  • equilibrium;
  • good technical knowledge;
  • physical training.

In addition to professional qualities, there are a number of health-related restrictions:

  • vision and hearing problems;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • nervous disorders;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system.

It is worth considering well in the specialty, who to work after graduation, since there are a lot of employment options. In addition to working with machines of various types, the machine operator is obliged to monitor the condition of his equipment, determine the causes of minor breakdowns and eliminate them, monitor the quality of parts, and also conduct briefings for those who first come to work with machines.

Further, taking into account all the details and choosing the most appropriate field of activity, it is worth remembering that the specialty of the SPO "Machine Worker" includes metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking. Therefore, college graduates have the opportunity to get jobs in industrial enterprises related to mechanical engineering, as well as in factories where there is appropriate equipment.

Detailed analysis of the profession

The specialty implies qualifying branches. So, while undergoing training, professions are simultaneously mastered - an operator of machine tools with program control and a general machine operator.

The main difference between these two professions is the types of equipment with which the craftsmen work - with automated or manual.

In addition, the labor activity of a machine operator includes milling, turning and software control of machine tools.

In order to be competent in all areas of your specialty, you need to have a good knowledge of the structure of machines and equipment, the rules for their operation and repair, quality standards, as well as the ability to draw up technical documentation for the work being done.