Walk through Petrogradka interesting places. Petrogradsky district, its history and modern life

Walks along the Petrograd side

Wherever I am rocked by a wave or an ambulance train,

I would like to see, even in a dream, the Petrograd side.

How do I want to return to the shores of my youth,

Where, as in a mirror, bridges look into the blue Neva ...

Recently I talked about my favorite street - Kamennoostrovsky prospect.
And now I want to invite you for a walk in one of the districts of St. Petrograd side, Petrogradsky district (where Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt is located).

The area is located on eight islands ( Hare, Kronverksky, Petrogradsky, Aptekarsky, Petrovsky, Stone, Elagin, Krestovsky).
Between themselves, all the islands of the Petrograd region are connected by fifteen bridges.
Petrogradsky and Aptekarsky the islands are Petrograd side or Petrogradka. And the last three Islands(or Kirov Islands), - a recreation area.

We start our walk.

The Petrograd side is the oldest part of the city on the Neva.

We all remember these lines:

From here we will threaten the Swede,

Here the city will be founded

To spite an arrogant neighbor.

Nature here is destined for us

Cut a window to Europe...

Yes, it was here that Peter the Great began to "cut a window to Europe", began to rebuild a new city. Petersburg began with the Peter and Paul Fortress, and we will start our walk from here.
View of the fortress. Behind the canal - Kronverk

The fortress was founded May 16 (27), 1703 on the island of Enisaari (Hare).
In 1703 Rabbit Island was connected with the Petrograd side Ioannovsky bridge, the first in the city.
May 29, 1703, in Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, in the fortress began to build a temple - Peter and Paul Cathedral. This day became the name day of the fortress, which has since been called " st peter burh". Her name spread to the whole city.
Cathedral (this photo is mine)

The existing building of the cathedral in the style of Peter's baroque was built according to the project of arch. Trezzini. The cathedral houses the tomb of Russian emperors.
Cathedral height 122.5 m., this is the tallest building in St. Petersburg.
Cathedral and its spire with an angel - city ​​symbols.


Angel of the Petrograd Side

Infected by the Baltic winds

He's in love with bridges and gray stone

Washed away by the tides of the moon.

Walking along the cobbled pavement of the fortress, as if you find yourself in the 18th century ...
From the Naryshkin bastion of the fortress, a midday shot of a signal gun is fired daily.
Now the fortress is part of Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, tours, exhibitions are held here. On the beach of the fortress, city holidays, festivals of ice and sand figures are held, and in summer there are a lot of old bastions sunbathing near the walls.

On a separate Kronverksky island Kronverk was located - the external fortification of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The first photo is a horseshoe-shaped, red building surrounded by a canal in the form of a crown. (“Kronverk” in German means “fortification in the form of a crown”).
Now Kronverk - Artillery (Military History) Museum. Over 200 tanks, cannons, self-propelled guns and missile systems are presented in the museum courtyard ... - and children climb them for their own pleasure (it used to be like that, I don’t know how it is now).

Another photo tour of the fortress and Alexander Park - here

Fountains on the Neva

On the Neva, near the fortress, there are fountains right on the water. There are 700 jets, up to 60 meters high.

Trinity bridge- one of the most beautiful of the bridges across the Neva. Opened in 1903 for the 200th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

More about the bridge and the bunny at the Peter and Paul Fortress here:

Walks along Kamennoostrovsky part 1


The plan of this part of the city will show where our walk takes place.

Trinity Square

To the right of the Trinity Bridge, on Troitskaya Square, on the site of the destroyed Trinity Cathedral, in 2003 a small Trinity Chapel.


Petrovskaya embankment- the first embankment of St. Petersburg. It is here in May 1703 year was built house of Peter the Great- the very first building in the city Back in 1721, for safety, the house was dressed in a case-gallery.

Near the house of Peter I was the first port of St. Petersburg, which was subsequently transferred to the spit of Vasilevsky Island, and then to Gutuevsky Island.

Not far from Peter's house, on the site of the first St. Petersburg pier, the descent to the Neva is decorated with mythological Chinese lions Shih Tza(lion frogs).

Lions were brought to St. Petersburg from the city of Girin in Manchuria in 1907.

At the intersection of Petrovskaya and Petrogradskaya embankments, we see a beautiful building in the style of Peter the Great Baroque - this Nakhimov School. And the ship nearby is legendary " Aurora". Now on the "Aurora" there is a training base of the school and a museum.

The building was erected by the autumn of 1910 architect. Dmitriev, in developing the project for the interiors and decor of the building, Dmitriev attracted artists from the World of Art, headed by A. N. Benois.

During the walk, we will see not only well-known sights, but also little-known ones.

Here, not far from the Aurora, on Petrogradskaya Embankment stands this unusual monument to one of the industrialists of St. Petersburg. Guess who?

This is a monument Alfred Nobel. The place was not chosen by chance, opposite is the Russian Diesel plant, which belonged to the Nobel family.
This expressive monument depicting an explosion was erected on the initiative of the Nobel Foundation (Sweden) and the International Foundation for the History of Science in 1989.

Now let's take a look at the nearby X-ray street.
Our attention is drawn to the Art Nouveau mansion - Chaev's house(building 9).
Architect Apyshkov created in 1907 one of the best works of St. Petersburg Art Nouveau.

The building now houses a dental clinic.
She talked about Chaev's mansion here:

Another interesting house on this street, number 4 - house of G.F. Eilers.
Eilers is the largest gardener and flower dealer, his shop "opposite the Kazan Cathedral" was sung by the Silver Age poet Agnivtsev.
In this house, sculptures of kids attract attention - putti at the arch.

The building was built in the style of "northern modern" by the son of the owner K.G. Eilers. The well-known architect F.I. Lidval.
Back to Trinity Square.
Near Alexander Park and Troitskaya Square we see Kshesinskaya's mansion.
Designed in 1904, the arch . von Gauguin the mansion was considered one of the most respectable of its time.

Before the February Revolution, there was a popular salon in the house of the prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Matilda Kshesinskaya. Balls and receptions were held here, attended by representatives of the imperial family and the artistic elite of St. Petersburg.
In July 1917, Lenin spoke from the balcony of the mansion. Here was the Museum of the Revolution, and now it is Museum of Political History
Near the Kshesinskaya Palace are located Cathedral Mosque.
It was built in 1913 at the expense of the Emir of Bukhara.
Motifs of Central Asian architecture are used in the architecture of the mosque.

The dome of the mosque resembles the dome of the famous mausoleum Gur-Emir in Samarkand(15th century), and the shape and beautiful patterns of the entrance portal were borrowed from the mausoleum Shakhi Zinda.

My God, how I love, how I love to return home ...
Like a prayer to read the numbers of Leningrad cars,
And meet with the native Petrograd at the old mosque,
Flying through the white nights of an intoxicated soul...

Alexander Park
Alexander Park is located near the Peter and Paul Fortress, surrounding the crown work of the Peter and Paul Fortress from the north.
Aleksandrovsky Park is bounded from the north by Kronverksky Prospekt, which goes around the park in an arc.

Let's take a walk in the park.

In 1903, a granite grotto with a viewing platform at the top and a cafe below.

The building of the Orthopedic Institute was founded in 1902 on the initiative of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1902-1906 - arch. Meltzer R. F.
The facade is decorated with one of the early majolica on the buildings of St. Petersburg - the image of the Virgin and Child, made according to the sketch of K. S. Petrov-Vodkin in 1904.

"The Virgin and Child"- the first work of K. Petrov-Vodkin. Arch. Roman Meltzer found a talented guy on the Volga who painted signs, and brought him to St. Petersburg.
Now the Orthopedic Institute is in a different place, and here is the Academy of Justice.
Mini city

We will see the Mini-City architectural complex in the southern part of Aleksandrovsky Park, behind the Gorkovskaya metro station. It was opened in May 2011.
The complex includes small copies of the main St. Petersburg sights on a scale of 1:33. These are the ensembles of Palace and Senate Squares, the Peter and Paul Fortress, Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals, Mikhailovsky Castle, etc.
Photos and collage are mine.

There are many more interesting places and entertainments in Alexander Park. There are museums, exhibitions, and theaters here…

people's house
In December 1900 was opened in Alexander Park people's house Emperor Nicholas II.
It was a complex with a central vestibule under a glass dome and the Theater Hall on the left and the Iron Concert Hall on the right, designed by arch. Lutsedarsky. In 1910, the Opera Hall was added to the right wing.
Now located here Theater "Baltic House", Planetarium and Music Hall.
The theater is a building with columns, the Music Hall is with a dome, and the Planetarium is in the middle, with a small dome.

If you walk through the park from the metro station "Gorkovskaya" along Kronverksky pr., the first thing we see is the theater "Baltic House" until 1991 - the theater of the Lenin Komsomol.
The theater building was built on the site of the left wing (theater hall) of the former People's House, which burned down in 1932. This is the Theater Festival, where international stage festivals and forums are held annually.

The right wing (Opera Hall) now occupies "Music Hall" and formerly cinema Giant", the largest in the city. Back in the 70s, there was a Stereokino cinema next to the Giant.
music hall

By the way, a new cinema complex "Velikan" is being built next to the Baltic House theater, which will combine 6 cinema halls, a restaurant and offices.

In the middle part of the former People's House - Planetarium, opened in 1959.
In the Star Hall The planetarium is breathtaking from the contemplation of the starry sky above your head.

In the room " Space trip» you can take part in interactive programs, become members of the spacecraft crew. There is also a small astronomical observatory in the Planetarium.
And in the exposition Laboratories of Entertaining Experiments- experiments in optics, electricity, time measurement, the famous Foucault pendulum.
The laboratory was created on the principles Houses of entertaining science organized back in 1935 in Leningrad ME AND. Perelman, the author of a well-known series of popular science books ("Entertaining Physics", "Entertaining Astronomy", etc.).
More details: http://www.planetary-spb.ru/
(There is a similar museum of science (“LabyrinthUm”) in another place on the Petrograd side, but more on that later, in part 2).
Available at the Planetarium hall of dinosaurs. Also operate wax exhibitions. One exhibition - historical figures, the other - movie heroes (Shrek, Avatar, Jack Sparrow ...).
Children's Museum-Theater Skazkin House» is located near the Music Hall and the Zoo. The scenery and characters of Russian and foreign fairy tales are recreated here.
The modern interactive format allows children to immerse themselves in a fabulous atmosphere, become participants in events and communicate with their favorite characters.

And here is our Zoo
Now the construction of a new Zoo has begun, but for now it is here - in the center of the city.

A story about a walk through the Zoo here:

We walked along the arc of Alexander Park, and came to the Neva and Dobrolyubov Avenue.
A year ago, here, not far from the Birzhevoy Bridge, stood the buildings of the Institute Giprokhim with a "chemical" panel.

But the buildings were demolished and the Embankment of Europe complex is being erected on this site ...
We will walk along Dobrolyubov Ave. from Birzhevoy to Tuchkov Bridge.

Prince Vladimir Cathedral. 1789 arch. Rinaldi.

Fountain in front of the cathedral Palace of Sports "Jubilee""

Petrovsky Stadium located at Tuchkov bridge, on the Petrovsky Island.
Here are the matches Zenith, during these hours traffic stops ...


Neva fountains at night

I was born on the Petrograd side,
I need meetings with her like bread,
Here everything is close to me, everything is clear to me:
Bends of Peter and Paul beloved,
Neva flow, labyrinth of yards...

I could wander here until sunset ...
The great city of Petrov began
On these very shores once...

And Wikipedia
Instead of help
Petrogradsky district

The number of residents of the district as of October 14, 2010 was 130 417 people, including the able-bodied population 63%, retirement age 24%, children and adolescents - 13%.
In terms of population - the smallest of the urban areas, but not in importance.
After all, we remember that our city began here, in addition, many important objects for the city are located here.

There are 51 cultural institutions in the district, including: Museum of the history of the city (Peter and Paul Fortress), Lenfilm film studio, TV studio, Planetarium, Theatre Baltic House, St. Petersburg Music Hall, Leningrad zoo. Botanical Garden, D.K. them. Leningrad City Council, Leningrad Youth Palace, Museum of Artillery, Museum of Political History.
The two largest city parks are TsPKiO and Primorsky Victory Park.

The largest medical centers are located in the region world importance: 1st Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov, Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, Research Institute of Children's Infections, Institute of the Human Brain RAS, Research Institute of Influenza RAMS.
There are also higher education institutions in the area.: St. Petersburg GUITMO, LETI, Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy, Military Space Academy. Mozhaisky, Nakhimov School, Cadet Corps. Peter the Great.

Located in the Petrogradsky district 5 Orthodox churches and the only Muslim mosque.
There are many in the area sports facilities, including 7 stadiums: Petrovsky, Yubileiny, SKA and others; 8 swimming pools, 2 sports palaces, 14 indoor tennis courts, 2 yacht clubs, 6 rowing clubs, 2 equestrian centres.

Maly Prospekt of the Petrogradskaya Side is located not far from Bolshoy Prospekt and follows the same direction. It started like this. In the 1720s, a road was laid to the settlements of the Yamburgsky, Koporsky and St. Petersburg garrison regiments. They called it Petrovsky Street, then the Middle Garrison Road. Each regiment settled in the area allotted to it in its own way, and therefore the nature of the building of the street is heterogeneous, and its trajectory has breaks.
The avenue starts from the Zhdanovka River. Petrovsky Stadium is already on the other side.

On the left hand, the first is a small house built in 1826.

The tall building opposite it was erected in 1913. In the 1920s, its tenant was F. K. Sologub, a poet, prose writer and playwright, who arranged literary "Evenings on Zhdanovka" in his apartment. In 1925 - 1928, the writer A. N. Tolstoy, who returned from emigration, lived here. "Azlita", "Going through the torments", "Hyperboloid of engineer Garin" were created in this house.

The building next door (1916). By the way, the pies in the Pirogovy Dvorik are not bad. You can take it with you...

Let's take a look at the yard. The usual option for St. Petersburg, when the first gateway is followed by the second ...

Who said that the sky is not visible in the well-yards? It's there, just keep your head up high...

Front garden at house number 12 (1903).

A small mansion dates back to 1873, when it was built for the Turkish citizen Ahmet Tantawi. For some time there was a brothel in the 1st apartment. One of the next owners, A.N. Kopets, slightly redrawn the building. Her surname appeared on the facade (it is still preserved, it is located above the door). From 1917 to 1924, a circle of intellectuals gathered here, seeking to talk about the fate of Russia (a popular topic even today). The meetings were held under the motto "Christ and Freedom". For lovers of conversations, everything ended quickly enough, and it was with lack of freedom. Various duration...

New building. There are few of them.

A huge picture on a blank wall of the house. There are a lot of them in St. Petersburg. Imagine how many finished canvases! Artists, get ready!
- Tell me please, this picture appeared a long time ago?
- No, three years ago. Now the nearby playground is being remodeled in the style of that era...

Classical Gymnasium No. 610. The building was built in 1939.

Let's look at the crossroads.

Corner with Malaya Grebetskaya Street (house built in 1897). The Grebetskaya Sloboda, numbering several Grebetsky streets (only one remained), served as the place of residence for the rowers of the galley fleet.

The building of the former Mariinsky obstetric institution. It was built in 1889 on the site of a two-story wooden one.

Profitable house built in 1910. In one of the front doors, old stained-glass windows have been preserved.

The house of the merchant I. I. Chvanov, the owner of several trading and drinking establishments. (1900). There was a tavern in it, which was called "Small Chvanov", in contrast to the "Big Chvanov", a restaurant on Bolshoy Prospekt. During World War II, half of the building was destroyed. They did not restore it. The house became shorter along Maly Prospekt.

It was continued by a modern building located in front of the first turn.

Let's look back. At the end of the street, the contours of the stadium can be discerned.

The Z-shaped bend on Maly Prospekt appeared due to the fact that it was necessary to bypass the structures that existed on this site. This is a small area, perpendicular to the rest of the street. All buildings from the beginning of the 20th century.

New building on the opposite side of the street.

The next turn is worth a closer look. The five-story house was erected in 1908 by the Association for the Arrangement of Housing of a Commercial School.

The facade is richly decorated. There is a girl on the ball.

Buildings opposite (1912).

Crossroads. Bolshaya Zelenina Street went to the left.

Small Avenue makes another bend. Small this time. This is connected, again, with the border between the territories given over to regimental settlements. Seven-storey house, 1914, built for the staff captain I. I. Braduchan.

Former Primorsky collective farm market. Built in 1955. Prior to that, the territory was occupied by Deryabkin market (so called by the name of the main tenant). Also, a significant share of the market premises was occupied by A.P. Leifert, the owner of booths located on the Field of Mars.

Insertion of a new building.

Crossing with Gatchinskaya street. Profitable house of A. Ya. Vasilyeva (1903).

And another one built in 1913.

A significant part of the intersected streets are quiet corners, because transit traffic rarely enters them.

Open street courtyard. (There is no house with its front part on Maly Prospekt. The reasons for its absence may be different).

Another new building.

Profitable house of I. F. Alyushinsky in 1908. On one side it faces Lenin Street.

Another new building. I think it fits well...

Walks along the Petrograd side

Wherever I am rocked by a wave or an ambulance train,

I would like to see, even in a dream, the Petrograd side.

How do I want to return to the shores of my youth,

Where, as in a mirror, bridges look into the blue Neva ...

Recently I talked about my favorite street - Kamennoostrovsky prospect.
And now I want to invite you for a walk in one of the districts of St. Petrograd side, Petrogradsky district (where Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt is located).

The area is located on eight islands ( Hare, Kronverksky, Petrogradsky, Aptekarsky, Petrovsky, Stone, Elagin, Krestovsky).
Between themselves, all the islands of the Petrograd region are connected by fifteen bridges.
Petrogradsky and Aptekarsky the islands are Petrograd side or Petrogradka. And the last three Islands(or Kirov Islands), - a recreation area.

We start our walk.

The Petrograd side is the oldest part of the city on the Neva.

We all remember these lines:

From here we will threaten the Swede,

Here the city will be founded

To spite an arrogant neighbor.

Nature here is destined for us

Cut a window to Europe...

Yes, it was here that Peter the Great began to "cut a window to Europe", began to rebuild a new city. Petersburg began with the Peter and Paul Fortress, and we will start our walk from here.
View of the fortress. Behind the canal - Kronverk

The fortress was founded May 16 (27), 1703 on the island of Enisaari (Hare).
In 1703 Rabbit Island was connected with the Petrograd side Ioannovsky bridge, the first in the city.
May 29, 1703, in Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, in the fortress began to build a temple - Peter and Paul Cathedral. This day became the name day of the fortress, which has since been called " st peter burh". Her name spread to the whole city.
Cathedral (this photo is mine)

The existing building of the cathedral in the style of Peter's baroque was built according to the project of arch. Trezzini. The cathedral houses the tomb of Russian emperors.
Cathedral height 122.5 m., this is the tallest building in St. Petersburg.
Cathedral and its spire with an angel - city ​​symbols.


Angel of the Petrograd Side

Infected by the Baltic winds

He's in love with bridges and gray stone

Washed away by the tides of the moon.

Walking along the cobbled pavement of the fortress, as if you find yourself in the 18th century ...
From the Naryshkin bastion of the fortress, a midday shot of a signal gun is fired daily.
Now the fortress is part of Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, tours, exhibitions are held here. On the beach of the fortress, city holidays, festivals of ice and sand figures are held, and in summer there are a lot of old bastions sunbathing near the walls.

On a separate Kronverksky island Kronverk was located - the external fortification of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The first photo is a horseshoe-shaped, red building surrounded by a canal in the form of a crown. (“Kronverk” in German means “fortification in the form of a crown”).
Now Kronverk - Artillery (Military History) Museum. Over 200 tanks, cannons, self-propelled guns and missile systems are presented in the museum courtyard ... - and children climb them for their own pleasure (it used to be like that, I don’t know how it is now).

Another photo tour of the fortress and Alexander Park - here

Fountains on the Neva

On the Neva, near the fortress, there are fountains right on the water. There are 700 jets, up to 60 meters high.

Trinity bridge- one of the most beautiful of the bridges across the Neva. Opened in 1903 for the 200th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

More about the bridge and the bunny at the Peter and Paul Fortress here:

Walks along Kamennoostrovsky part 1


The plan of this part of the city will show where our walk takes place.

Trinity Square

To the right of the Trinity Bridge, on Troitskaya Square, on the site of the destroyed Trinity Cathedral, in 2003 a small Trinity Chapel.


Petrovskaya embankment- the first embankment of St. Petersburg. It is here in May 1703 year was built house of Peter the Great- the very first building in the city Back in 1721, for safety, the house was dressed in a case-gallery.

Near the house of Peter I was the first port of St. Petersburg, which was subsequently transferred to the spit of Vasilevsky Island, and then to Gutuevsky Island.

Not far from Peter's house, on the site of the first St. Petersburg pier, the descent to the Neva is decorated with mythological Chinese lions Shih Tza(lion frogs).

Lions were brought to St. Petersburg from the city of Girin in Manchuria in 1907.

At the intersection of Petrovskaya and Petrogradskaya embankments, we see a beautiful building in the style of Peter the Great Baroque - this Nakhimov School. And the ship nearby is legendary " Aurora". Now on the "Aurora" there is a training base of the school and a museum.

The building was erected by the autumn of 1910 architect. Dmitriev, in developing the project for the interiors and decor of the building, Dmitriev attracted artists from the World of Art, headed by A. N. Benois.

During the walk, we will see not only well-known sights, but also little-known ones.

Here, not far from the Aurora, on Petrogradskaya Embankment stands this unusual monument to one of the industrialists of St. Petersburg. Guess who?

This is a monument Alfred Nobel. The place was not chosen by chance, opposite is the Russian Diesel plant, which belonged to the Nobel family.
This expressive monument depicting an explosion was erected on the initiative of the Nobel Foundation (Sweden) and the International Foundation for the History of Science in 1989.

Now let's take a look at the nearby X-ray street.
Our attention is drawn to the Art Nouveau mansion - Chaev's house(building 9).
Architect Apyshkov created in 1907 one of the best works of St. Petersburg Art Nouveau.

The building now houses a dental clinic.
She talked about Chaev's mansion here:

Another interesting house on this street, number 4 - house of G.F. Eilers.
Eilers is the largest gardener and flower dealer, his shop "opposite the Kazan Cathedral" was sung by the Silver Age poet Agnivtsev.
In this house, sculptures of kids attract attention - putti at the arch.

The building was built in the style of "northern modern" by the son of the owner K.G. Eilers. The well-known architect F.I. Lidval.
Back to Trinity Square.
Near Alexander Park and Troitskaya Square we see Kshesinskaya's mansion.
Designed in 1904, the arch . von Gauguin the mansion was considered one of the most respectable of its time.

Before the February Revolution, there was a popular salon in the house of the prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Matilda Kshesinskaya. Balls and receptions were held here, attended by representatives of the imperial family and the artistic elite of St. Petersburg.
In July 1917, Lenin spoke from the balcony of the mansion. Here was the Museum of the Revolution, and now it is Museum of Political History
Near the Kshesinskaya Palace are located Cathedral Mosque.
It was built in 1913 at the expense of the Emir of Bukhara.
Motifs of Central Asian architecture are used in the architecture of the mosque.

The dome of the mosque resembles the dome of the famous mausoleum Gur-Emir in Samarkand(15th century), and the shape and beautiful patterns of the entrance portal were borrowed from the mausoleum Shakhi Zinda.

My God, how I love, how I love to return home ...
Like a prayer to read the numbers of Leningrad cars,
And meet with the native Petrograd at the old mosque,
Flying through the white nights of an intoxicated soul...

Alexander Park
Alexander Park is located near the Peter and Paul Fortress, surrounding the crown work of the Peter and Paul Fortress from the north.
Aleksandrovsky Park is bounded from the north by Kronverksky Prospekt, which goes around the park in an arc.

Let's take a walk in the park.

In 1903, a granite grotto with a viewing platform at the top and a cafe below.

The building of the Orthopedic Institute was founded in 1902 on the initiative of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1902-1906 - arch. Meltzer R. F.
The facade is decorated with one of the early majolica on the buildings of St. Petersburg - the image of the Virgin and Child, made according to the sketch of K. S. Petrov-Vodkin in 1904.

"The Virgin and Child"- the first work of K. Petrov-Vodkin. Arch. Roman Meltzer found a talented guy on the Volga who painted signs, and brought him to St. Petersburg.
Now the Orthopedic Institute is in a different place, and here is the Academy of Justice.
Mini city

We will see the Mini-City architectural complex in the southern part of Aleksandrovsky Park, behind the Gorkovskaya metro station. It was opened in May 2011.
The complex includes small copies of the main St. Petersburg sights on a scale of 1:33. These are the ensembles of Palace and Senate Squares, the Peter and Paul Fortress, Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals, Mikhailovsky Castle, etc.
Photos and collage are mine.

There are many more interesting places and entertainments in Alexander Park. There are museums, exhibitions, and theaters here…

people's house
In December 1900 was opened in Alexander Park people's house Emperor Nicholas II.
It was a complex with a central vestibule under a glass dome and the Theater Hall on the left and the Iron Concert Hall on the right, designed by arch. Lutsedarsky. In 1910, the Opera Hall was added to the right wing.
Now located here Theater "Baltic House", Planetarium and Music Hall.
The theater is a building with columns, the Music Hall is with a dome, and the Planetarium is in the middle, with a small dome.

If you walk through the park from the metro station "Gorkovskaya" along Kronverksky pr., the first thing we see is the theater "Baltic House" until 1991 - the theater of the Lenin Komsomol.
The theater building was built on the site of the left wing (theater hall) of the former People's House, which burned down in 1932. This is the Theater Festival, where international stage festivals and forums are held annually.

The right wing (Opera Hall) now occupies "Music Hall" and formerly cinema Giant", the largest in the city. Back in the 70s, there was a Stereokino cinema next to the Giant.
music hall

By the way, a new cinema complex "Velikan" is being built next to the Baltic House theater, which will combine 6 cinema halls, a restaurant and offices.

In the middle part of the former People's House - Planetarium, opened in 1959.
In the Star Hall The planetarium is breathtaking from the contemplation of the starry sky above your head.

In the room " Space trip» you can take part in interactive programs, become members of the spacecraft crew. There is also a small astronomical observatory in the Planetarium.
And in the exposition Laboratories of Entertaining Experiments- experiments in optics, electricity, time measurement, the famous Foucault pendulum.
The laboratory was created on the principles Houses of entertaining science organized back in 1935 in Leningrad ME AND. Perelman, the author of a well-known series of popular science books ("Entertaining Physics", "Entertaining Astronomy", etc.).
More details: http://www.planetary-spb.ru/
(There is a similar museum of science (“LabyrinthUm”) in another place on the Petrograd side, but more on that later, in part 2).
Available at the Planetarium hall of dinosaurs. Also operate wax exhibitions. One exhibition - historical figures, the other - movie heroes (Shrek, Avatar, Jack Sparrow ...).
Children's Museum-Theater Skazkin House» is located near the Music Hall and the Zoo. The scenery and characters of Russian and foreign fairy tales are recreated here.
The modern interactive format allows children to immerse themselves in a fabulous atmosphere, become participants in events and communicate with their favorite characters.

And here is our Zoo
Now the construction of a new Zoo has begun, but for now it is here - in the center of the city.

A story about a walk through the Zoo here:

We walked along the arc of Alexander Park, and came to the Neva and Dobrolyubov Avenue.
A year ago, here, not far from the Birzhevoy Bridge, stood the buildings of the Institute Giprokhim with a "chemical" panel.

But the buildings were demolished and the Embankment of Europe complex is being erected on this site ...
We will walk along Dobrolyubov Ave. from Birzhevoy to Tuchkov Bridge.

Prince Vladimir Cathedral. 1789 arch. Rinaldi.

Fountain in front of the cathedral Palace of Sports "Jubilee""

Petrovsky Stadium located at Tuchkov bridge, on the Petrovsky Island.
Here are the matches Zenith, during these hours traffic stops ...


Neva fountains at night

I was born on the Petrograd side,
I need meetings with her like bread,
Here everything is close to me, everything is clear to me:
Bends of Peter and Paul beloved,
Neva flow, labyrinth of yards...

I could wander here until sunset ...
The great city of Petrov began
On these very shores once...

And Wikipedia
Instead of help
Petrogradsky district

The number of residents of the district as of October 14, 2010 was 130 417 people, including the able-bodied population 63%, retirement age 24%, children and adolescents - 13%.
In terms of population - the smallest of the urban areas, but not in importance.
After all, we remember that our city began here, in addition, many important objects for the city are located here.

There are 51 cultural institutions in the district, including: Museum of the history of the city (Peter and Paul Fortress), Lenfilm film studio, TV studio, Planetarium, Theatre Baltic House, St. Petersburg Music Hall, Leningrad zoo. Botanical Garden, D.K. them. Leningrad City Council, Leningrad Youth Palace, Museum of Artillery, Museum of Political History.
The two largest city parks are TsPKiO and Primorsky Victory Park.

The largest medical centers are located in the region world importance: 1st Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov, Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, Research Institute of Children's Infections, Institute of the Human Brain RAS, Research Institute of Influenza RAMS.
There are also higher education institutions in the area.: St. Petersburg GUITMO, LETI, Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy, Military Space Academy. Mozhaisky, Nakhimov School, Cadet Corps. Peter the Great.

Located in the Petrogradsky district 5 Orthodox churches and the only Muslim mosque.
There are many in the area sports facilities, including 7 stadiums: Petrovsky, Yubileiny, SKA and others; 8 swimming pools, 2 sports palaces, 14 indoor tennis courts, 2 yacht clubs, 6 rowing clubs, 2 equestrian centres.

Located on seven islands, which are connected to the rest of the city by six bridges and five metro stations, Petrogradsky District is one of the most densely built-up and prestigious areas today. From here, from Hare Island and the Peter and Paul Fortress, the history of the great city began. The Petrogradsky district or Petrogradka, as the area is called by the locals, is an interesting and harmonious architectural mix of styles and trends, which invariably attracts the attention of artists, sculptors and other artists.

Here is the largest Muslim mosque in Europe, the St. Petersburg TV tower, the huge Botanical Garden and many other famous places in the Northern capital. Here, on Aptekarsky Island, the terrorists tried to blow up the great politician and thinker Stolypin, here the pilot Chkalov flew under the Trinity Bridge. Here, on the Petrovsky embankment, the cruiser "Aurora" stood up for eternal fun. Buildings and metro stations are not only sights, but also the "characters" of many films. Below we will tell you in more detail about how the Petrogradsky District lives today and how it can be interesting.

The history of the Petrogradsky district began in 1703, with the laying of the first stone in the foundation of the Peter and Paul Fortress - one of the symbols of St. Petersburg. Already in 1712, Peter I made Petrogradka the center of the new capital, diplomatic missions of European countries and administrative institutions were opened here. Peter himself also lives here, in his famous house, which is currently one of the main attractions of the area.

For a long time, the island region was cut off from the "mainland" by the lack of bridges and ferries, it was green and clean here. Aristocrats, high-ranking officials and bankers were happy to build their residences on Petrogradka.

With the advent of bridges, the area began to develop intensively, and already at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, dense building of residential areas began here, which continued into the 20th century and is being carried out now. Real estate on Petrogradka is represented by the “old pre-revolutionary fund”, many Stalinist houses, as well as new buildings, mainly of the “comfort” class.

Petrogradka was very seriously "touched" by the revolution of 1917. The Bolsheviks, who did not particularly stand on ceremony with architectural monuments, destroyed and plundered many elegant mansions and interesting buildings that were the decorations of the district. So the stone greenhouses of Eliseev perished, the mansion of Matilda Kshesinskaya and the Prince Vladimir Cathedral were devastated. The area also suffered during the Great Patriotic War: many architectural monuments were destroyed by direct hits of bombs and landmines. Subsequently, some of them were completely restored.

The area of ​​the district is small, only 2.4 thousand hectares. About 160 thousand people live here, of which the adult able-bodied population is 63%, pensioners - 23%, the rest - children and adolescents. The Petrogradsky district is rather “old”, the birth rate, compared to other regions of St. Petersburg, is low, but this does not affect development: “fresh blood” is constantly pouring into Petrogradka from those who do not live here, but work, study and or rent a house.

The area, as already mentioned above, is located on seven islands: Petrogradsky (former Berezovy or City Island), Petrovsky, Krestovskiy, Aptekarsky, Zayachiy, Kamenny and Elagin Islands. There are 15 bridges in total on Petrogradka, but there are only 6 “external”, those that connect the district with other regions of St. Petersburg. These are the Tuchkov Bridge and the Builders Bridge (Birzhevoi Bridge), leading to Vasilyevsky Island, 3rd Yelagin Bridge and Ushakovsky the bridge through which you can get to the Primorsky district, the Kantemirovsky, Grenadersky and Sampsonievsky bridges connecting the Petrogradsky district with the Vyborg side, as well as the Trinity bridge, through which you can drive to the center.

The main thoroughfares are Bolshoy and Maly avenues (in order to avoid confusion, Bolshoi and Maly avenues located on Vasilevsky Island are called in this way: Bolshoy pr. VO and Maly avenue VO, respectively, the names of the same avenues in the Petrogradsky district are attached abbreviation PS - "Petrograd side"), Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, Dobrolyubov Prospekt, Chkalovsky Prospekt and Kronverkskaya Embankment.

Despite the fairly developed transport links, the traffic on the Petrograd side is very dense, motorists should be prepared for traffic jams and lack of parking. Or use the metro: there are 5 stations in the Petrogradsky district - Petrogradskaya, Gorkovskaya, Krestovsky Ostrov, Sportivnaya and Chkalovskaya. Another station, Novokrestovskaya, is under design and construction. Also in 2014, it is planned to open a second entrance at the Sportivnaya metro station (behind the Tuchkov bridge, on Vasilevsky Island). This is due to the need to close the extremely overloaded Vasileostrovskaya for repairs.

Also, public transport is represented by trams (they are gradually being removed or replaced with more modern ones, although officials predict the closure of the Third Tram Park, which serves the Petrogradsky District), buses, trolleybuses and fixed-route taxis.

Housing in Petrogradka is expensive and scarce, especially in the economy class. Investors initially rely on elite real estate: reconstructed architectural monuments on Bolshoi and Kamennoostrovsky prospects, low-rise business-class houses on Krestovsky Island, houses overlooking the water on the district's embankments. The cost per square meter here ranges from 8 to 16 thousand dollars. There are, of course, more economical proposals: 2-3 thousand dollars, but these are either multi-room apartments on Aptekarsky Island, or dilapidated communal apartments that are difficult to resettle - the misfortune of all the central districts of St. Petersburg.

In principle, the Petrogradsky district is prestigious, and in terms of investment. Many commercial and urban development projects are currently underway here, for example, the restoration of buildings of historical and cultural value, the development of sparsely populated areas in the Chkalovskaya metro area, the transfer of industrial zones to other areas of St. Petersburg or outside the city, the construction of new business centers and entertainment complexes.

Ecology of the area

Compared to other central districts, Petrogradka, from an environmental point of view, is quite prosperous. The radiation background is 12 mc/roentgen per hour - this is within the normal range. Only in the area of ​​the Dynamo stadium are air pollution exceeding the norm: phenol and nitric acid.

A serious level of noise in places of accumulation of automobile traffic - on the main highways of the Petrograd side. Here, high dust pollution of the air is noted, and the content of exhaust gases in it exceeds the norm. There are few industrial zones in the region, the production in them is not very “dirty”, and does not cause significant harm to the environment.

Otherwise, the Petrogradsky district is a surprisingly green area. With a central location and dense buildings, the total area of ​​green spaces in the district is more than 34%. Here are located the Botanical and Vyazemsky gardens, Alexander Park, a variety of indoor and outdoor well-maintained squares.

District population

The contingent living in Petrogradka is very different: these are the owners of very expensive elite real estate, and the intelligentsia, and the inhabitants of old communal apartments who dream of resettlement. In some neighborhoods, mostly adjacent to metro stations, there is some concentration of immigrants.

In principle, the housing market in the Petrogradsky district has a lot of offers for renting real estate, so visitors often settle in Petrogradka, as well as those Petersburgers who are registered and live in a remote area of ​​the city, but work or study here. These are students, young families who do not yet have their own housing and wish to “separate themselves” from their parents. Real estate in the area is in great demand, but not everyone can afford it, hence the extensive rental market.

Quite a lot of pensioners, for the most part, are just the inhabitants of non-settled communal apartments. The district administration and investors are doing everything possible to solve this problem, but it is not always possible: even if there are people who want to buy and restore a large apartment in the old fund on Petrogradka, not all residents of the communal apartment want such resettlement. Living on the Petrograd side is a kind of status, even if you only have a room with old communications and a dozen more neighbors. It is not so easy for older people to adapt to a new environment, Petrogradka is a familiar and well-maintained area, and they do not want to leave for new buildings, even in a separate apartment.

Housing and communal services on the Petrograd side of the road. What explains this is unknown, but even the inhabitant of a room in a communal apartment pays at least 2-3 thousand rubles for utilities every month.

Municipal division

The Petrogradsky District is officially divided into six municipal districts: Vvedensky, Posadsky, Petrovsky, Kronverksky and Chkalovsky municipalities and Aptekarsky Island.

Vvedensky municipal district(until 2009 - municipal district No. 58), according to the 2010 census, has about 20 thousand people. This is the area of ​​the Sportivnaya metro station. The boundaries of the district run along Kronverksky Prospekt to the Neva and further along the Neva to Malaya Neva, then to the Zhdanovka River and along Zhdanovka to Bolshoy Prospekt PS, then to Vvedenskaya Street, along it - to Bolshaya Pushkarskaya, from it along the axis to Voskova Street and further to Markin Street and along it closes again on Kronverksky Prospekt.

It is quite windy here in the cold season - the proximity of water affects. Transport links are very convenient, residents of the district can equally use not only the Sportivnaya metro station, but also Chkalovskaya, Gorkovskaya, and Petrogradskaya. If there are no traffic jams, and you need a "green line" of the metro - in 20 minutes you can cross the Tuchkov bridge and get to the Vasileostrovskaya metro station. The district is quite picturesque, here is the Petrovsky stadium, the Yubileiny recreation center, many entertainment and sports facilities. Living here is expensive: the cost per square meter of housing ranges from 3 to 7 thousand dollars, depending on the status of the house and the “views” from the window.

Posadsky municipal district(until 2009 - municipal district No. 60), according to the 2010 census, about 22 thousand people live here. The nearest metro station for the residents of the district is Gorkovskaya. The district is bounded by the Neva to Troitsky Bridge, then along Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt to X-ray Street, along X-ray Street to Bolshaya Nevka, then again to the Neva and along the Neva closes again at the Troitsky Bridge.

This is an area of ​​old buildings, located at some distance from the main highways of the Petrograd side, however, as mentioned above, transport links here are intensive and reasonably organized, so getting to the right metro station is not a problem. There are a lot of various institutions and industrial zones here, the district makes a somewhat uncomfortable impression, which is probably why real estate prices are a little lower here - you can find offers for 2.5 thousand dollars per square meter.

Petrovsky Municipal District(until 2009 - municipal district No. 62). According to the 2010 census, the population of the district is approximately 22,000 people. This is a microdistrict located around the Chkalovskaya metro station. The borders of the district are the Malaya Neva at Tuchkov Post to the Zhdanovka River, then along Zhdanovka to Bolshoy Prospekt PS, Bolshoy Prospekt - to Lenin Street, along Lenin Street to Chkalovsky Prospekt and along the Prospect to Krasnogo Kursant Street, then - Officersky Lane, the Zhdanovka River, Novoladozhskaya street, Pionerskaya street and along Pionerskaya to Malaya Nevka and Malaya Neva.

The area of ​​military schools, commercial and industrial enterprises, as well as Stalinist buildings and a small number of houses of the old fund. Transport is worse, some neighborhoods can only be reached on foot. Sometimes it blows from the Neva. But housing is expensive, probably due to its shortage - there are not so many residential buildings here, mostly old foundation or brick houses of the second half of the last century. But there are also separate "oases" of modern elite new buildings. The cost of a square meter of housing in the district ranges from 3 to 5 thousand dollars.

Kronverk municipality(until 2009 - municipal district No. 59) has, according to the 2010 census, 21 thousand people. The nearest metro station here is Gorkovskaya. The boundaries of the district run along the Neva to Troitsky Bridge, then along the Malaya Neva to Kronverksky Prospekt, then to Markina, Voskov and Bolshaya Pushkarskaya streets, along Bolshaya Pushkarskaya Street to Vvedenskaya Street, along it - to Bolshoy Prospekt PS, along Bolshoy - to Kamennoostrovsky and along Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt closes at the Neva in the area of ​​the Trinity Bridge.

The most, so to speak, "central" district of Petrogradka is the center of architectural monuments, restored and reconstructed residential complexes, boutiques, restaurants and other entertainment and entertainment venues. Housing is expensive and there are practically no offers. These are mainly multi-room apartments or rooms in communal apartments (as in many central districts of St. Petersburg, poverty is hidden behind a magnificent facade). The cost of a square meter can be as much as 2 thousand dollars, or all 10.

Chkalovsk municipality(until 2009 - municipal district No. 63). Here, according to data for 2010, about 27 thousand people live. The nearest metro station for the residents of the district is Krestovsky Island. This is the largest municipal district of the Petrogradsky District, it includes Krestovsky and Kamenny Islands, as well as Yelagin Island and the western part of Petrogradsky Island. The boundaries of the district are Bolshaya Nevka from Ushakovsky Bridge to Malaya Nevka, then along Malaya Nevka to Kamennoostrovsky Bridge, then along Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt to the Karpovka River and along it to Chkalovsky Prospekt, along the avenue to Krasny Kursant Street and Officersky Lane. Then along the Zhdanovka River to Novoladozhskaya and Pionerskaya streets, along Pionerskaya to Malaya Nevka and from there to Neva Guba, along it to Bolshaya Nevka, and the borders again close at the Ushakovsky bridge.

A large and diverse district, both in terms of population, and in terms of transport links, and in terms of architectural solutions. There are very developed quarters, for example, in the area of ​​the Karpovka embankment and Kamennoostrovsky prospect. There is a secluded, green and very expensive Krestovsky Island, where you can find real estate for 13-15 thousand dollars per square meter.

Aptekarsky Island(until 2009 - municipal district No. 61). According to the 2010 census, the population of the district is 21,000 people. This is the area of ​​the metro station Petrogradskaya. The boundaries of the district run along Rentgena Street and Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt to Tolstoy Square, then along Bolshoy Prospekt PS to Lenina Street and along it to Chkalovsky Prospekt, along Chkalovsky - to the Karpovka River, along its embankments - to Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, and then along Malaya Nevka to Bolshaya Nevka, and along Bolshaya Nevka again to Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt and X-ray Street.

Also the area of ​​the old Peter's building, with rare interspersed with "Stalin's Empire". There are many architectural monuments and various public transport stops. Living is comfortable, but for shopping you will have to go to other microdistricts of Petrogradka or even to Vasileostrovsky or Primorsky district. Traffic jams, exhaust fumes, charming public gardens and stuccoed facades of buildings. The cost of housing - from 5 to 10 thousand dollars per square meter, depending on the offer.

District infrastructure

The Petrogradsky district is an area with a developed infrastructure, it is convenient to live, work and relax here. There are about 60 kindergartens and preschool educational institutions, 24 secondary schools, as well as a large number of higher educational institutions. For some reason, it so happened historically that universities and research institutes of a medical orientation are located in Petrogradka, therefore today the area is also in demand among those residents and guests of the city who wish to receive high-quality medical services.

Among the medical institutions and universities of the Petrograd region, one can single out the Institute of Influenza, the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. Vreden, Medical University, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Pasteur and many clinics and hospitals of various specializations.

In addition to medical, there are also technical universities: Electrotechnical University (LETI), Military Engineering Academy. Mozhaisky, Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics, LITMO and others.

There are quite a lot of sports and recreation complexes of different status in the area, where people from all over St. Petersburg come to keep themselves in good physical shape, socialize and relax. Near the Birzhevy Bridge (Builders Bridge) there is the Flying Dutchman entertainment and sports center, there is also Planet Fitness (Petrogradskaya Embankment), Sporlife (Aptekarsky Island), and the Metrostroy sports complex is located on Levashovsky Prospekt. We can also mention the Yubileiny Palace of Sports known to every Petersburger and the new sports ground next to the Petrovsky stadium.

The elite residential complexes on Elagin and Krestovsky Islands have tennis courts, some squares and parks have jogging and cycling paths, temporary skating rinks and various dance clubs, karting centers and gyms. There are also two yacht clubs and several equestrian centers, including an animal therapy center.

It is more difficult with food stores - there are many of them in Petrogradka, but all of them are small and with a small and expensive assortment. There is a Paterson hypermarket near the Sportivnaya metro station, SuperBabilon (Small Avenue) and Super-Siva (Bolshaya Zelenina Street). The remaining shopping centers are located in other areas of the city, where, in principle, in the absence of traffic jams, you can get there relatively quickly. So, having crossed the Tuchkov bridge, you can get to the "Lenta" on Vasilyevsky Island, there is the same "Lenta" in the opposite direction - on Savushkina Street. There is also another "Super-Siva" and a hypermarket "Okay".

On the main thoroughfares of the Petrograd side, there are many clothing stores: from popular European casual brands to boutiques of famous brands. There is also a great variety of cafes and restaurants.

In 2008, the district administration, together with OAO Gazprom, replaced heat communications in almost the entire territory of Petrogradka. Yards are improved, road repair work is regularly carried out. Recently, several city-wide facilities have been put into operation, such as the Litsedei Theater and the Children's Health Center, and the construction of a stadium on Krestovsky Island (Gazprom Arena) is nearing completion.

Businesses and work in the area

From an economic point of view, the Petrogradsky district is one of the most prosperous. They invest well here, and the existing industry is developing quite rapidly. There is not much large-scale industry here, since at the end of the 90s of the last century, many large production facilities were withdrawn from the area outside the city (for example, Lenpoligrafmash).

Among the enterprises located on the territory of the district, one can single out the Almaz shipbuilding company, the St. textile factories.

In addition to large enterprises, about 15,000 small commercial and industrial establishments operate in the Petrogradsky District. Basically, these are car services, various organizations providing services to the population, repair and construction shops, educational institutions and trade.

Petrogradka offers work for many residents of St. Petersburg - many commercial organizations, business centers and factories regularly open thousands of job vacancies.


Petrogradsky district, unfortunately, still holds one of the leading positions in terms of criminal tension in the city. Even at the beginning of the last century, when the active development of the Petrograd Side began, crime intensified here, and although, in accordance with historical realities, it changed color, law enforcement agencies still cannot get rid of it.

A high level of burglaries has been recorded here, street crime, robberies, robberies and prostitution are active. Offenders are well aware that the area is prestigious, there are many wealthy people and tourists, and they take advantage of this. Of the total number of crimes recorded in the region, more than half are committed by visitors. In response to this, youth gangs of nationalists appear, which, as a rule, "revenge" the innocent and weak: for example, in 2004, a Vietnamese, a student of one of St. - incised wounds.

Recently, the so-called “black realtor case” was also brought to court - in the period from 2005 to 2009, a stable gang formed from employees of the institution operated in Zhilkomservis No. 2 in the Petrogradsky district. The criminals gained confidence in pensioners, people who abuse drugs and alcohol, and through fraudulent actions sought the transfer of real estate belonging to these persons to the property of the attackers. The case had a public outcry, because "black realtors", a common occurrence for St. Petersburg in the 90s, have recently practically not appeared on the criminal arena of the Northern capital.

Attractions and leisure in Petrogradsky

Like any central district of St. Petersburg, Petrogradka is an attraction in itself. Many art connoisseurs say that the architectural ensemble of Bolshoi and Kamennoostrovsky prospects can rightly be considered one of the most beautiful in Europe. A bizarre combination of baroque, classicism, neo-roman style and "Stalinist Empire" creates an amazing atmosphere of rigor and luxury at the same time.

Of course, the must-see in the Petrogradsky district are the Peter and Paul Fortress and the cruiser-museum Aurora, moored at the Petrovskaya embankment.

You can also visit the Museum of Artillery, the Toy Museum, the house of Peter I, the Kamennoostrovsky courtyard and the Yelagin Palace, which amaze with architectural elegance and interior decoration, the interesting Museum of Freud's Dreams or the Ioannovsky Monastery, built in the old Byzantine style.

There are many places on the Petrograd side where citizens can have a good time. On Elagin Island there is the Central Park of Culture and Leisure known to every Petersburger - the Central Park of Culture and Leisure, a favorite place for family holidays and youth festivities. Nearby, on Krestovsky, there is "Divo-Ostrov" - a large modern amusement park.

In the warm season, various festivals and performances are regularly held on the beach near the Peter and Paul Fortress. Of course, the category of entertainment for a fair number of residents of the city includes attending football matches at the Petrovsky stadium. The Planetarium is open for children and adults in Alexander Park, and the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) Zoo is located near the Gorkovskaya metro station. Fans of Russian rock music are sure to make a kind of pilgrimage to the boiler room, where the soloist of the Kino group Viktor Tsoi once worked, and now the Kamchatka Museum-Club is located.

There are many cafes and restaurants in the area, several cinemas, a casino, a Music Hall, theaters "Litsedei", "Baltic House" and others, concerts of Russian and world stars are regularly held in the Yubileiny Sports Palace. And in small museums-apartments of famous people or in numerous art galleries, interesting installations and exhibitions are often organized.

The walls of this boiler room heard the songs of Viktor Tsoi and Alexander Bashlachev. Now it is a club-museum of Russian rock and a concert venue at the same time. Poetry evenings give way to tribute gatherings, and parties alternate with visitor excursions.

st. Blokhin, d.15

Barmaleeva street

The name of an ordinary street from Petrogradskaya Sloboda impressed Korney Chukovsky. He named the evil hero from his fairy tale about Dr. Aibolit in her honor. On the street there are houses built by architects: Shene and Ignatovich, Grimm and Bezpalov, academicians Schaub and Benois.

st. Barmaleeva

Lenina Street

Architects: Erlich and Kurdyumov, Lishnevsky and Kryzhanovsky, Ginger and Vilken are the authors of the most beautiful tenement houses in the Art Nouveau and eclectic style, which are the decoration of the street. In the buildings they built lived: Lenin and Stalin, Anna Akhmatova and Alexander Volodin, artist Tatyana Glebova and Vadim Shefner. This street is notable for graffiti, which is located on the walls of several firewalls and occupies an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters.

st. Lenin

Monument to women - fighters of MPVO

On the wall of house No. 16 on Kronverkskaya Street there is a monument to “Women of the blockade - fighters of the local air defense”. It is located at a height of 14 meters. The seeming simplicity in the solution of the monument and the compositional generalization of the structures, according to the authors, is a reminder to the living about the daily bustle and eternal immortality of those who gave their lives for their Motherland.

st. Kronverkskaya, 16

Graffiti on the wall - "Skaters" (Vvedenskaya street)

Flying skaters are hovering in the urban space, they are covered by a wave of graffiti. See drawings from the "founding father" of world street art - American Leonard McGurr on the firewalls of the Petrograd side. The result is a world-class art object.

st. Vvedenskaya, 9

Square them. Andrey Petrov

Would you like to see a violin woman? Can you imagine an apple violin? In this square, you can not only see them, but also touch them. Since 2006, it has been named after the composer Andrey Petrov. The maestro gave everything to people: he planted trees in this park and wrote touching music.

Kamenoostrovsky prospect, 26-28

Lenfilm studio"

The Soviet dream factory is now going through hard times. But, as the oldest film studio in Russia, it continues to attract the interest of visitors. Do not forget - the best films of the Union were created here. The magical power of cinematography attracts fans.

Kamennoostrovsky prospekt, 10

Toy Museum 0+

The age of some exhibits of this museum exceeds four centuries. This is the first private museum in the city. Particularly interesting are the old exhibits - some of them were purchased at antique auctions, and toys from the latest collections, made using computer technology.

embankment of the river Karpovka, 32

Kshesinskaya's mansion

The ballet prima and the favorite of the most august persons in a nightmare could not dream that her chic mansion, which all the nobility of St. Petersburg aspired to get into, would be given under the exposition of the Museum of Political History of Russia. The building is surrounded by rumors and speculation. Some insist on the existence of an underground passage that connects it with the Winter Palace.
Petersburg in miniature

Do you want to feel like Gulliver? Welcome to Alexander Park. All the most outstanding buildings of the city will appear before you in a reduced form 1:33. Everything is copied down to the smallest detail - even the curlicues on the windows of the cathedrals. If you get tired, you can sit at one table at the monument to the great architects, whose efforts the city was built.

Alexander Park