Fragmentation. “The real progress of mankind depends not so much on the inventive mind, but on consciousness.” – Albert Einstein

The symbol is favorable and portends the end of a streak of bad luck. The sun of success for you rises again.

Soon you will get what you have been striving for for so long, the time for good luck is coming.

Perhaps you have a long or long journey ahead of you.

In industrial, scientific and love affairs you will shine, unprecedented success awaits you in all areas.

In the near future, an unexpected chance to become a leader may appear. You will be able to take a dominant position. We just need to continue to make focused and persistent efforts. Success comes to the consistent and persistent.

Your desires are fulfilled and will be fulfilled completely and completely. Save money, you may need it.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation to the interpretation of hexagram 59. Fragmentation

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Huan - Fragmentation.

The hieroglyph depicts the sign of expansion and water in combination. It symbolizes a change in form through fragmentation or expansion.

Break obstacles; dispel suspicions, illusions, fears. Overcome internal resistance, clarify things. to divide, to untie; to mobilize and change something frozen. Scattered clouds. Melting ice, rising fog, flood.

Semantic connections of hexagram 59. Huan

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time to get rid of illusions, eliminate obstacles and misunderstandings. Time to dispel the darkness of ignorance with the light of understanding. The image of a king who builds a majestic temple to connect with higher powers and spiritually unite people.

Time favors bold undertakings and new projects. Consider your purpose and enter the river of life with a fully conscious purpose. Spread understanding and clarity around. To clear the way, the kings of antiquity made sacrifices to higher powers. Get ready for new and great achievements. Overcome resistance, disperse the fog and determine the path.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the fifty-ninth hexagram.

[Completion. The king approaches the owners of the temple.

Favorable ford across the great river. Favorable fortitude]

I. At the beginning of the six.

Salvation is needed. The horse is strong! Happiness!

II. Nine second.

When shattered, run to your throne.

- Repentance will disappear.

III. Six third.

Shatter your body.

- There will be no remorse.

IV. Six fourth.

- Break up your herd.

- Primal happiness.

Shatter your hill. This is not what the barbarians think.

V. Nine fifth.

When crushed, sweat will come out from loud screams. When fragmented, like a king, live.

- There will be no bullshit!

VI. Top nine.

When crushed, your blood will be gone.

Get out, come out, and there will be no blasphemy.


Just as streams of rain are broken into droplets by the wind, so is the power of your intentions dissipated. The wind is not strong and the rain is not weak. You are too out of touch with reality. And the reality is this: you have where to apply your strength and you feel that you are capable of more.

But for some reason you direct your energy outward, away from yourself, looking for another thing, other people. Because not everything is going smoothly in your life during the period of fragmentation, because you are distracted from the essentials.


Are you chasing two hares?

"Rejuvenated" hexagram

Don't scatter your attention. Not all wheels can spin on their own yet.

bottom line.

Your cause needs help, not a new case.

Second line.

If you understand that you have less strength, why do you continue to go somewhere? Houses and walls help.

Third line.

There is a possibility of irreparable damage to you ... and time to change your mind.

Fourth line.

The further development of events depends only on you. The "flock" must have a strong shepherd.

Fifth line.

Here it is important to keep the event around a well-known center. If you are this center, you will have a hard time - "sweat will come from loud screams." If you are on the periphery, do not argue with the center. It will be the same with the opposite sign.

Top line.

The Fracture overhaul has left you completely exhausted. Now we have to leave almost everything.

Andrey Khramov, Andrey Tsumanov. I-Ching - the alphabet of fate

It is impossible to imagine Chinese culture and history without such a famous work as The Book of Changes. The I Ching, or Zhou Yi, is a philosophical theory that is the practice of divination. According to history, the first Fu Xi studied the movement of the planets, the Sun, the Moon and their interaction with man. It was he who laid the foundation for the creation of trigrams and hexagrams (gua). He called them a method of communicating a person with the invisible spiritual world. In this article, we will consider Hexagram 59 and find out what it means.

Structure of the Book of Changes

In order to fully understand each of the hexagrams, you need to know how their interpretation and the lines that form them correlate. So, in the "I Ching" there are 64 gua, made up of linear signs - yang (-) and yin (--). Six lines in each of the hexagrams have their own special position, on which, in fact, their interpretation depends. For example, Hexagram 59 looks like this: broken, straight, two broken and two straight lines (read from bottom to top). At the same time, some of the lines can be movable and interchangeable, but this does not depend on one or another gua, but on the coins that fall out. In order to get the correct answer to your question using the Book of Changes, it is very important to adhere to the correct divination technique. Since in our time it is quite simplified, it will not be difficult to learn it.

Divination technique

Despite the fact that many people associate the "I Ching" with coins, dry yarrow stems (50 pieces) were still a necessary attribute for this technique. But since for this fortune-telling method it is necessary to carry out as many as 18 operations, and the plant itself is quite difficult to find, Jing Fang (a specialist in I Ching) created another method. For it, you need to have only 3 bronze coins, a case and red silk. The last two attributes are needed in order to store coins there.

So, in order to get an answer to your question, you need to free your mind from unnecessary thoughts. Imagine that you are seeking advice from the universe itself. Then, mentally formulating the question, throw the coins on the table. So you need to do six times.

We compose a hexagram

For each throw, the result must be written down on paper, and this must be done from the bottom up.

The values ​​of the drop-down results (yao) are as follows:

  • 2 tails and 1 head - a solid line, denoted by the number 7 and called "tea".
  • 2 eagles and 1 tails - a dashed line, indicated by the number 8 "tribute".
  • 3 tails is "zhong" a solid line with the number 9.
  • 3 eagles - "jiao" intermittent, number 6.

If this answer to the question is rather ambiguous, then you can consider the hidden hexagram by rearranging some of the yaos. So, you need to select the second, third and fourth line - this will be the first lower trigram, and then the third, fourth and fifth - the second upper one.

So, as you can see in the figure, when determining the hidden gua from Hexagram 59, we get a completely different one - 27. Its meaning explains the meaning of the main one more deeply. Let's learn about this in more detail.

The meaning of Hexagram 59 from different authors

Of course, the interpretation should take into account the fact that there are various designations for this gua. The thing is that Chinese characters themselves are quite difficult to translate. For this reason, different authors interpret the same hexagram a little differently. So, in Chinese, it is called "Huan". L. V. Nagaytseva interprets Hexagram 59 as “Fragmentation”. In this meaning, gua personifies happiness, luck, success. In this interpretation, it is important to note that a certain strong personality influences the fate of a person. Another author - Sklyarova - interprets Hexagram 59 as "Scattering". But in this sense, a person overcomes a strong person or certain events that initially seem stronger than a fortuneteller.

Interpretation of Hexagram 59

So, gua "Huan" means "Spill". In this sense, one should understand the increase in energy potential. Gua predicts a good completion of the planned affairs. If you look at the illustration for Hexagram 59, the meaning of which we are considering, you can see a beautiful landscape: waves, mountains, trees. All this accurately reflects the picture of the spill. The river overflows its banks, which means that the energy of the fortuneteller literally splashes over the edge. He is full of energy and enthusiasm and all his problems can be solved without much effort.

Characteristics of individual lines

There is one more rather important nuance in Zhou Yi philosophy. Lines 6 and 9 are considered mobile and in certain positions have their own interpretation.

So, the initial six means that the fortuneteller needs to enlist the support of acquaintances and friends. He should not refuse the offered help. In addition, you should listen to their thoughts and ideas, perhaps they will help solve the problems that have arisen.

The second nine symbolizes the flow of unexpected events. They will overwhelm the fortuneteller so much that he can forget about his deeds and intentions. In this case, the "I Ching" says that you need to gather strength and calm down.

The third six speaks of possible difficulties that will most likely benefit the fortuneteller. Do not be disappointed in small failures, because great happiness awaits him ahead.

The fourth six is ​​interpreted as troubles that will affect not only the questioner, but also many other people. Despite this, there will be no losses and regrets. Everything will end well.

The fifth nine says that someone else is in trouble, and perhaps you can help him. This situation will be resolved safely and will not affect the fortuneteller.

The top nine carries the most dangerous meaning. So, big trouble awaits a person. He can only defeat them if he puts all his effort into it.

One hexagram and three interpretations

In order to get the most detailed answer, you need to know some of the principles of divination according to the "Book of Changes". So, we have already considered one of them earlier. It is based on the "interlacing of the middle figure" and symbolizes the middle of the path. The third hexagram, which we will learn to compose, will symbolize the completion of the situation. For this, it is necessary to replace the moving lines. Of course, considering the "Book of Changes" and the 59th hexagram, it is difficult to say which of them will be mobile. For example, let's imagine that in fortune-telling the third line falls out - these are three eagles (six intermittent) and the sixth - three tails (solid nine).

Then, in order to compose the third hexagram, it is necessary to change the nine to the six and vice versa. This is how one more gua is formed - 48. Now, based on the received three hexagrams, the answer to the question asked can be given more voluminous.

Interpretation of the received hexagrams

As we have already found out, from one gua you can get as many as three. The above examples turned out to be: 27, 48 and Hexagram 59 considered in this article. The meaning of each of them will be the answer to the question posed. For example, a person asks what awaits him at a new job. In response, he gets the following coins:

  1. Two heads and one tail (8).
  2. Two tails and one heads (7).
  3. Three eagles (6).
  4. Two heads and one tail (8).
  5. Two tails and one heads (7).
  6. Three tails (9)

Since the lines are written from the bottom up, we get Hexagram 59. The “Book of Changes” gives the following interpretation to it: success in any endeavors. And this means that at the initial stage, good luck and good results await a person at work. He has enough strength and energy to implement projects and a wide variety of ideas. Let's delve into the consideration of the situation with the help of other hexagrams. Methods for their preparation have already been described above. So, weaving the middle figure gua, we get Hexagram 27 - “Feeding”. It symbolizes an increase in income. A person will be rewarded for his work. He can even turn to management for a pay rise, he will not be refused.

The last gua, which will show the overall result of the question asked, is formed using moving lines. In this example, these are the third and sixth. As a result, we get Hexagram 48 - "The Well". Its meaning is not as favorable as the previous two. So, this gua portends waste and loss. Perhaps a person will not be able to stay in this place of work because of his frivolity. In other words, we can say that the Book of Changes warns a person that trouble awaits him if he does not change his behavior.

So, analyzing all three Hexagrams, we can draw the following conclusion: despite the fact that a person will have enough energy and strength for a new job, his shortcomings can interfere with him. It can be not only wastefulness, but also, for example, greed. The fortuneteller will try to earn too much money, but because of this he will lose everything. It should be understood that the "I Ching" is just a predictive philosophy, and each person has the right to change his life as he sees fit.

Spill. fragmentation

Spill. Wang (ruler) arrived at the ancestral temple. It is favorable to ford a large river. Auspicious divination.


1. Initial six.

Use the strength of the horse to support. Happiness.

2. Nine second.

The spill is rising up the steps, remorse will be gone.

3. Six third.

You will fall into the flood of the river. There will be no remorse.

4. Six fourth.

The crowd was engulfed by the current. Primal happiness. A hill in a stream is not what you usually think of.

5. Nine fifth.

The huge water flow scared people, they scream loudly. Seat bath - in the stream. There will be no errors.

6. Top nine.

Blood flows from the wound, get out of the water, and you will not make mistakes.


1. Initial six.

You have the ability to avoid trouble. Use the service of friends, enterprising subordinates, they are able to give good ideas. Everything will be resolved successfully.

2. Nine second.

Now you are excited and full of impressions from what is happening. It is necessary to calm down, cool down, gather your thoughts and think about the need for new affairs and relationships for you.

3. Six third.

You are absorbed in the flow of meetings, fuss, affairs, excited. It is impossible to stop, not to participate in what is happening. But you will not experience disappointments, great emotional or physical losses.

4. Six fourth.

What is happening will affect not only you, but also large masses of people. Someone will be unprepared for such events, everything is new, unusual and difficult to perceive by narrow-minded minds. At first, one might assume that the situation poses a threat and losses, but this is not so. Everything "originally" is meant to improve and stabilize.

5. Nine fifth.

There is chaos and panic. In this general anxiety, fear, depression, a leader is needed who is able to restore calm and order, inspire the environment, and direct them to "clearing the rubble." Danger can also threaten the "great Wang" himself, then concentration and discipline are required from him, there will be no erroneous actions on his part.

6. Top nine.

You are lucky, no matter what losses you suffer, no matter what worries confuse your soul, you manage to get out of troubles, you manage to bypass the most important trouble.


The symbolic image of the hexagram: the wind stirring the surface of the water, and the river overflowing its banks - a picture of the flood. Your present situation is like a flood. What does this mean? When you are filled with enthusiasm, spirituality (hexagram No. 58), your influence begins to spread to the world around you, people. Like water that fills all the unevenness of the soil, dissolves everything that can dissolve, cleanses the accumulated dirt, you are ready to overcome the last obstacles on the path to success, dispel the last illusions, misunderstandings, alienation. Your impact can literally blur the hardest problem.

It's time to "ford the great river": start new business, declare yourself. As always, a patron and instructions from the soothsayers, spiritual strength and will are needed.

You were overcome with anxiety and impatience. To what extent they can grow, what sea disturbances you can create, how many people you will affect, depends on you. The lines of the hexagram warn of the serious dimensions of future events. You yourself may suffer if you cause a flood instead of a spill. A natural disaster will be a disaster for you too. You are promised salvation, but you should think about those who will follow you or find themselves in the field of influence of your ideas against their will. The noble goal of well-being for all with which you go to people will not justify you. It is useful to explain it intelligibly to the unfortunate people for whom you are trying to avoid panic and rejection of good changes. I recall a vivid example from history: the stormy, almost violent renewal of Russia by Peter the Great. His activities were like a tsunami that turned boyar Russia upside down. How it happened is not worth telling, you know.

In personal life, the last barriers of alienation and misunderstanding can be broken, similar to what is happening in the business sphere. Do not forget about tact, do not put pressure on your partner, have restraint. If you are guessing, it means that the end has not yet been set, there is not yet sufficient confidence in victory, you doubt your loved one. Your influence ("spill") should be soft, pleasing, and conducive to trust. You will melt the cold in any heart.

After a long cold winter, spring comes, nature begins to come to life. Its splendor awakens the languishing hopes within us and energizes us. Connections of trigrams in a hexagram create the following picture in the mind of a person: a warm Wind blows over the surface of frozen Water, melting the ice and bringing spring. This hexagram means melting, scattering, melting, breaking and crushing.

According to divination, this means that a long period of difficulties, obstacles to creativity and inability to realize desires and plans has ended, a strong Wind has dissolved the barriers like clouds, and a new creative cycle has begun, a cycle of development, advancement and fulfillment.

On a spiritual level, it is important to forgive the people who have hurt you because this is a clear example of fragmentation. Hatred, jealousy, envy and vindictiveness hinder further growth. Stopping and destroying this obstacle, you will gain freedom. Forgiveness is the most effective way to do this.

Another way to remove barriers and liberation is communication. You need to communicate with the people around you as much as possible.

You can count on success, but do not lose focus or relax too much. People whose work is directly related to travel, especially abroad, as well as those who study and specialize abroad, will be particularly successful.


Work out your plan and actions in detail. Then it will be done.


If you often change partners, then this period is just for you. On the other hand, striving for a long-term relationship will cause many problems, but if you stick to your principles, then success will be yours.


At first, there will be difficulties and misunderstanding in the relationship, but then harmony and harmony will follow. However, if the failed marriage has been going on for a while, then a divorce will bring you freedom.

Pregnancy, childbirth

If the birth takes place in the spring or summer, then a boy will be born; autumn or winter - a girl. There won't be any problems.

Health status

Diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. The chances of the patient's recovery are quite high, although there is likely to be a short period when the patient's condition is at risk.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Entrust your business to a more experienced and reliable person, but do not immediately rush in search of him. It is impossible to stubbornly insist on your rights, this will bring losses.


Favorable time to travel. There is a possibility that you will stay longer than planned.

Exam, test


Work, business, specialization

A very auspicious moment.


Cloudy and rainy at first, then clear.

lucky color

Purple, red.

lucky numbers

3, 2, 7

Changing Traits


Danger must be avoided at all costs. This may mean that you should step back from the situation. Consider your next steps. This attitude is wise enough and has nothing to do with cowardice.

Fifth (dominant)

In order to create harmonious relationships in the current situation, fate requires from you ideas full of inspiration and altruism. You can help many. By acting openly and disinterestedly, you will contribute to the elimination of the crisis in your environment.


Now is your opportunity to let go of a long-standing relationship based on false values ​​and bring harmony to this messy situation. Serve others unconditionally. You will only benefit from it. Good luck and success.


You yourself have created a wall between yourself and the environment. The wall is made up of your negative attitude towards others. It must be eliminated immediately, because the impending higher goal requires you to neglect personal interests in the name of the public good.


Within you must be the starting point of all your actions. In order to gain self-confidence and success, you need to be sincere with yourself. Only then can you improve your relationships with others and avoid suffering.


You are on the edge of an abyss. Although the situation is not yet very serious, it is necessary to act immediately, otherwise it will be too late. In a spiritual sense, your doubts about the True Path create danger, leading you astray.

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