The child is moving. Why does the baby wave its arms and legs strongly

Keywords: tics in children, simple and complex motor tics,
vocalisms, tic hyperkinesis, transient (transient) or
chronic tic disorder, obsessive movements,
neurotic disorder with obsessive movements, Tourette's disease

What are tics, why and when do they appear?
Tiki are common! How do they look?
What is so “terrible” about ticks?
How, when and why to treat tics
Daily routine, diet and lifestyle
Recipes for the prevention and control of tics

Many parents suddenly notice that the child suddenly began to blink his eyes, make faces, sniffle and twitch his shoulder ... A day or two, then passed, a month later it appeared again, for a long time ... And this happens very often, look around. At first glance, there are no apparent reasons for such manifestations. What is it? A new teaser game, the birth of a bad habit, or the beginning of a disease? How to react to it? Toddlers are hot, emotional people, they have very vivid emotions, lively facial expressions and gestures. Maybe this is normal? It would be nice to figure it out...

Tics are fast and involuntary, patterned, repetitive, non-rhythmic, short contractions of individual muscles or groups of muscles, they appear against the will of the child. The movements are excessive and violent, so sometimes they are also called tic hyperkinesis. Outwardly, it always looks about the same, the manifestations are usually monotonous, most often tics occur in the muscles of the face, neck ... It is easy to notice them. If these are tics of the facial muscles, the child suddenly wrinkles his forehead, frowns his eyebrows, closes his eyes, moves his nose, purses his lips. Tics in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle are manifested by episodes of turns and twitches of the head, as if long hair is getting into the baby’s eyes, or a hat is in the way; and movements of the shoulders and neck, as if uncomfortable from a tight collar or uncomfortable clothing. By the way, it is precisely such problems with clothing that can serve as one of the triggers for the development of tics. The tics are most pronounced in the state of general motor immobility of the child, when he is bored, and they also occur when the child is mentally concentrated, for example, when watching TV, reading a book or doing homework. On the contrary, if the child is strongly passionate about something, recklessly engaged in an energetic game, moves a lot, tics can weaken and even disappear.

How do parents react to this? As paradoxical as it sounds, at best, they don't pay much attention to it, considering it to be the usual childish grimaces, pampering, or a new game. At worst, they suggest the development of a bad habit, which can be easily dealt with with the help of strict external control.
An excited mother begins to pay the attention of the child and others to his grimaces and sniffing, constantly pulling him up and making comments to him. At first, everything seems to be correct, it turns out well. For some time, it happens that it helps: with some effort, the child can turn on volitional control and temporarily refrain from obsessive movements. Then the parents are completely and completely convinced that this is just a bad habit, and there is no problem. But this is the most common mistake!

An anxious (purple) mother tries to constantly control the behavior of the child, and, in the end, a smart baby, understanding the discontent and chagrin of adults, begins to be burdened by his involuntary movements, and tries to refrain from them, not to sniff and twitch his shoulders. But it only gets worse and worse ... Mom and others around, sincerely wishing only good, regularly make remarks to the baby: “Stop blinking like that! Please don't sniff! Stop shaking your head! Sit still!" The poor obedient child sincerely tries to follow these instructions, by an effort of will he manages to suppress the tics for a short time, while the emotional tension only grows, he is even more worried and anxious, the number and volume of obsessive involuntary movements from this only increases, new tics appear, their formula is constantly changing - a vicious circle is formed. In the future, any emotional stress and excitement can lead to an increase in tics, they become chronic, and practically cannot be controlled by will. That's all, the trap is closed, the child is "caught"!

Attention! If a child suddenly starts blinking his eyes, grimacing, sniffing, or twitching his shoulder, don't scold him for it! You can’t make comments to him about this, and in general, draw the child’s attention to his involuntary movements. You need to consult with a neurologist.

Why and who gets tics, how often do they occur

Most parents believe that tics arose for no reason, out of the blue. Usually, this is not the case. Parents may not be aware of some of the child's unpleasant problems that have arisen at school or in the yard, and this is the cause of serious internal tensions and anxieties. Almost every child is extremely sensitive to intra-family conflicts, they are hard to experience; even those that, according to the parents, are unknown to them, and do not affect them at all. Any "small" events in a child's life, from the point of view of adults, absolutely not worthy of attention, can serve as a trigger for the development of children's tics.
For example, a dozen kids were enthusiastically playing in the sandbox, a very, very small dog running past suddenly barked loudly at them several times. Six babies did not even turn their heads, two shuddered, one girl began to cry, and one boy began to blink his eyes after a walk. In one in ten, is it common or rare, and why, in this particular boy?

Many scientists note the significant participation of hereditary factors in the origin of supposedly “causeless” tics, while genes in a “sleeping” form can be in both mom and dad; but manifest itself in a special combination, in the form of ticks, even after several generations. Some of these genes have already been "caught". It is possible that the same boy from the sandbox, his dad had tics; or obsessive-compulsive disorder in his maternal grandmother. It is important to know that the tics themselves are not inherited, the combination of certain genes can only determine the predisposition to develop tics. With this predisposition, tics in children "get younger": they develop relatively earlier than in their parents.

Indeed, many tics appear after severe stress, but not only negative (fear, grief, anxiety), but also strong positive emotions can provoke tics. Some tics develop during or after an infection or head injury, or with the use of certain medications. Undoubtedly, the endless "friendship" with the TV, computer and other gaming electronics, passion for buns, chocolates and soda almost necessarily contribute to the development of tics. It is trite, but it is impossible not to mention the “special” atmosphere and ecology of the city, intense information loads, a sedentary lifestyle and a tense situation in the family and school. You can talk for a long time about the possible circumstances that trigger tics, but, unfortunately, in life it often happens that the true causes of tics remain unknown. Sometimes tics behave "like a cat walking by itself", appear suddenly, also suddenly disappear and reappear. Observation of a neurologist in this case is mandatory. The rapid and complete success of therapy at the moment, alas, does not always guarantee the irrevocable disappearance of tics, forever.
Only one thing can be said for sure, in most cases even minimal and quickly transient tics are an alarm signal, a flashing red light on the dashboard of the brain, this is a telegram of the child's nervous system, in which there are only three words "something is wrong inside".

The statistics on tics are impressive, tics are deservedly considered one of the most common neurological disorders in children, and recently the number of children with tics has been steadily increasing, and the age of onset of tics has been steadily decreasing. Much more often tics began to occur in infancy, tics "get younger" right before our eyes! According to recent studies, transient or chronic tic disorders occur in every fourth or fifth child! According to statistics, tics in boys occur three times more often, and they are noticeably more severe than in girls.

The typical age of onset of tics is 4-7 years old, usually coinciding with the start of kindergarten or school attendance. For impressionable and vulnerable children, infusion into a team and a change in habitual stereotypes cause great emotional stress. Not every kid can do it successfully on his own. Fortunately, in about eight out of ten children, tics usually disappear without a trace by the age of 10-12.
Tics come in many varieties and range from fast-paced, obsessive blinking, which some parents may not even notice, to chronic widespread motor and vocal tics with mental disorders (such as Tourette's disease).

Gilles de la Tourette disease is the most severe form of the disease and is difficult to treat.

Tics in this form are multiple, massive, accompanied by sudden screeches or involuntary shouting out of individual words. There is a violation of behavior, there may be a decrease in intelligence.

The complexity of treatment, and even a certain mystery of some types of tics, is partly due to the multifactorial nature and the enormous content of the pathological processes that occur in this case. Tics are classified as "borderline conditions" - this problem is at the junction of several specialties: neurology, psychiatry, psychology and pediatrics.

What are tics

What colors are the sky, what is the shape of the waves on the sea, and what are the leaves in the forest? What is a rash on the skin, and what is a cough? The forms and variants of tics in children are so diverse and numerous that at the beginning of the disease, even an experienced doctor cannot immediately understand the situation and accurately predict the further development of events.
Tics are simple and complex, local, widespread and generalized, motor and vocal. Local tics are observed in one muscle group (nose movements, blinking). Common - in several muscle groups, a combination of simple tics (folding the lips with a tube, blinking, twitching the head). Simple motor (motor) tics - frequent blinking, squinting, looking away and up, moving the nose and lips, turning and twitching the head, shoulders, hands, shuddering with the whole body and other involuntary movements.Complex motor tics - jumping and jumping, squatting, tilting and turning the entire body, spontaneous gesticulation, obsessive touching of objects, etc.
Sound (vocal) tics are simple - continuous causeless coughing, grunting, mooing, squealing, grunting, sniffing. Sound (vocal) tics are complex - repeated repetition of the same sounds, words, phrases, sometimes even involuntary shouting out curses (coprolalia).
The combination of complex, widespread motor and vocal tics is called generalized tics.

What is so “terrible” about ticks? How, when and why to treat and can tics be cured

In more than half of the cases, tics are short-term and do not reappear; in about eight out of ten children, tics usually disappear without a trace by the age of 10-12. Maybe this is not a problem at all, and you don’t need to see a doctor, especially if you don’t need to be treated? I repeat, at the beginning of the appearance of ticks, even an experienced specialist cannot always immediately understand the essence of the problem and accurately predict the further development of events. On the one hand, simple tics are a rather harmless and not dangerous phenomenon, as usual, quickly disappearing without treatment, of course. On the other hand, often in this seeming harmlessness and brevity lies real deceit - often, simple tics begin to intensify, imperceptibly transforming into common ones, vocal tics join. As a result, a child with chronic generalized tics is brought to the doctors, which, sometimes, is not easy to treat.

The frequent inadequate reaction of adults and children surrounding the child should not be overlooked. For some anxious and irritable parents, children's tics, like a red rag for a bull, cause discontent, resentment, and even internal aggression. With their rash behavior and wrong actions, they only aggravate the course of tics. In kindergarten and at school, peers completely frivolously, not wanting evil, or purposefully and harshly, begin to tease such children. Sometimes, even teachers, by chance, straightforwardly deluded, energetically participate in these nonsense.The child begins to pay active attention to his tics, thinks about his dissimilarity to other children, analyzes his behavior, worries and worries. Thus, against the background of tics, a deep neurotic disorder develops for the second time, and this is sometimes a greater evil and danger than the tics themselves. Like any chronic disease, prolonged tics do not give the child life, harass and exhaust the soul, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances appear, anxiety and anxiety increase. Tension builds up in the family, other members of the family are gradually drawn into the orbit of ticks. Quite rare, but not unique, under the guise of simple motor tics villainously hiding dangerous epileptic seizures. And now it's alreadyserious neurological problem.

The question arises: is it time to run to the doctor, and which doctor is better?

Or maybe it's better to wait a bit, suddenly it will pass by itself? You need to trust maternal intuition (but only after a visit to a neurologist!). Tics after severe stress, against the background and after an illness or head injury, continue for a long time and obviously reduce the quality of life of the child and family, tics are complex and vocal, common and generalized - all this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Usually, they start with a visit to a neurologist or psychiatrist. As usual, a detailed parental story and a simple neurological examination (possibly an additional instrumental examination) are enough for the doctor to make sure that there are no organic causes for the appearance of tics.

Further, the neurologist recommends changing the lifestyle and sleep patterns: it is enough to temporarily destroy the "friendship" with the TV, computer and other gaming electronics. It is advisable to limit or remove foods containing caffeine (strong tea, cocoa, coffee, cola, chocolate), sweets and other high-calorie foods from the usual food list. Without a doubt, sports, intense physical activity, even simple long walks in the fresh air, will bring great benefits and help you quickly cope with the problem.

Quite often, tics serve as a kind of valves for the release of the child's motor energy. Imagine, a child had a happy childhood, and in the summer he rushed around the street all day long, his muscles enjoyed life. And then the happiness ended, he went to the first grade, and he involuntarily, in nervous tension and for a long time, has to pore motionlessly at the lessons. Of course, “it’s not just about blinking and twitching…” Give the kids some physical freedom: let them continue running around the street as before! On the contrary, it is desirable to strictly dose strong intellectual and psycho-emotional loads. In some cases, even positive emotions, especially strong and violent ones, significantly increase tic manifestations.
Then, as a rule, a child psychologist comes to the rescue, who works with the child and his family. In the treatment of simple tics, the main task is to identify and eliminate the obvious causes of tics (problems at school and family, misunderstanding on the part of parents, deep childhood fears and anxieties, etc.). Simple methods of individual behavioral psychotherapy and psychorelaxation are usually used, the methods of “arbitrary tic exhaustion” have proven to be quite useful.

Periodically, such methods of treatment are perceived by parents with hostility, it is easier to give"miracle pill" from tics than to explain to dad that you can’t yell at the baby. The child's mother has to exert maximum patience and perseverance, and work hard before she manages to destroy the internal causes of tics.
Many mothers completely misunderstand the goals and objectives of a pediatric neurologist, and are poorly versed in the methods of his work. At the appointment of a neurologist, you often meet such energetic, all-knowing parents. “Surely, in the medical reference book and on the Internet it is written that pills are needed, and the neurologist is trying to excommunicate our brilliant child from music and the computer.”

For example, I had a consultation with a boy with his mother and grandmother with complaints of involuntary blinking and sniffing. According to my mother, the tics appeared suddenly, out of the blue, there were no stresses. And the child is very anxious, pinched, his eyes are sad, he jerks his head, constantly grunts and sniffs. Mom says: “Everything is fine in the family and in the kindergarten, there are only calm positive adults around the child, there are no visible chagrins.” However, during the consultation, she pulled the child about twenty times, continuously reprimanding him: “Stop blinking like that! Please don't sniff! Stop shaking your head! Sit still! She was constantly dissatisfied with her son: “I didn’t say hello right away, I didn’t say it right, I didn’t sit down right, I didn’t look in the right direction.” At the same time, she managed to simultaneously quarrel with her grandmother about the methods of education and talk about the complete misunderstanding on the part of her husband. A little more, and I would have “blinked and snorted” from chagrin right at the consultation. Yes, if I had, at least a little, to live with such a mother, I would immediately end up in a neurosis clinic. And the kid, it turns out, well done - he has “only” tics.
An attempt to clarify the situation did not lead to anything, the prospect of regime and psychological correction of tics did not seduce my mother. She became even more agitated and offended. After reading me a long “scientifically reasoned” notation about what a neurologist should do at an outpatient appointment, and without waiting for the prescription of a miraculous medicine, my mother and grandmother continued to actively search for a “convenient” specialist. ... This family has such blind confidence in the only possible method of treatment tics with the help of pills will be the main obstacle to a cure ... A sad story ...

In fact, drug therapy, especially serious psychotropic drugs, is required quite rarely, more often in the case of severe tics, but even then, regimen measures and psychological and pedagogical correction cannot be dispensed with. The effectiveness of drugs will be much higher and more stable if you simultaneously solve psychological problems and lead a healthy lifestyle. The side-effects of true anti-ticosis therapy are quite serious, and in no case should they be even close to commensurate with the possible benefit. It is quite possible to destroy almost any tics and vocalisms, but to do it without side complications is not an easy task.

Simple effective recipes for the prevention and control of children's tics

Less pedagogical violence - more love and understanding
Psychologically comfortable and calm environment in the family, kindergarten and school.
Looking for someone to blame, blaming yourself and others for the development of tics is a stupid and harmful occupation.
Questions, discussions, comments, especially pestering the child and swearing, about tics are strictly prohibited
Psychological and pedagogical activities, solving possible conflicts with peers and teachers at school or kindergarten, it is advisable to carry out under the guidance of an experienced child psychologist (otherwise you can break such firewood ...)
Reasonable participation in any kind of sports, intense physical activity, long walks in the fresh air
Restriction or temporary exclusion of communication with a TV, computer and other gaming electronics
The most important thing is a timely visit to a specialist!


It is incredibly important for the baby to communicate with the mother and other adults. It is incredibly important to hear her voice, communicate with mom through cooing, smiling and laughing, causing mom's responses.

But no less important is another thing - movement. The baby must be able to move. Dot. After all, literally everything will “grow” from this skill later on – both the speed of knowing the world, and the level of communication with the world and the desire to know the world. That's why pediatricians and neurologists spend so much time asking questions about your baby's different movements. Therefore, they act according to the traditional approved scheme: prescribe medications to improve the blood circulation of the brain (suddenly, this is the problem) so that in the future the child would not have problems with mental development. In order to navigate the stages of development of your child and understand when to sound the alarm and when not, check out the international system for the appearance of movements and the development of motor skills in a healthy child.

1 month: the child makes chaotic movements with his hands, his fingers are clenched into fists. Raises the chin in a prone position or in the arms of the mother.

2 months: the baby begins to squeeze and unclench his fingers, by the end of the month he is able to hold the object put into his hand for two to three seconds. Raises chest.

3 months: Starts reaching for objects but misses (any hits are random). If an item is put into the hand, it can hold it for 10 seconds. Begins to pull the object put into the mouth into the mouth.

4 months: the palms are already open, the baby pulls the handles to the object, meaningfully takes it out, but the movements of the fingers are not differentiated, that is, he cannot yet grasp the object accurately. Sits comfortably in pillows, if parents think it is acceptable.

5 months: discovers the difference between the thumb and others, contrasts it. Grabs objects aimingly, with fingers, most often with fingers, and not with the whole fist. Holds "caught" items for as long as they are interesting to him. Still sitting with cushions or other support.

6 months: the baby can already swing objects clenched in a fist (or will start doing this a month later - depending on the features of the structure and development of the muscles). May still sit in cushions or hold for 5 to 10 seconds without support.

7 months: Sits very confidently without pillows. Confidently swings objects tightly clenched into fists, knocks, throws, picks up, bites, shifts from hand to hand, exchanges objects with adults he trusts. Finger movements are almost completely differentiated.

8 months: sits quietly without assistance. By the end of the month, he takes objects with two fingers (small), takes large objects with the whole palm. Waving goodbye, showing eyes, nose, ears, etc. If you try to take the toy away, it will squeeze it tightly and give voice signals.

9 months: Stands with support, crawls on his stomach. More and more confident with objects.

10 months: the beginnings of functional actions with objects appear, begins to imitate the actions of adults. Crawls, leaning on hands and knees, walks with the support of two hands.

11 months: the child begins to correctly use objects that he sees in the hands of other people, but does not encounter them in his everyday life. Worth it without support.

Christina Vyazovskaya

01/27/2014 Development of movements and actions in infants
Perhaps some tired mothers would like their children to be born already, if not completely independent, then at least able to sit and not requiring them, mothers, to be carried on their arms to receive the necessary amount of information about the world.

08/20/2012 Muscle tone in a baby up to a year old: at a doctor's appointment
What is muscle tone in a baby up to a year old? What is the doctor trying to identify during the examination of the baby? How to treat the problem of muscle tone to young parents?

03/20/2012 Features of vision in infants
What does a newborn baby see in the first days of life and how will his vision develop during the first year of life? This question often takes by surprise not only young parents: for many years, doctors have not been able to come to a consensus on this matter.
In the article we will try to reflect the points of view of doctors and researchers that are common today.

Each mother listens to every breath and looks closely at every, even the slightest movement of her newborn baby. But why is the baby constantly pulling arms and legs? How to deal with it? The movements of newborns will be discussed in our article.

Why does a baby constantly pull legs and arms?

Although it sometimes seems to us that the first weeks after birth, the baby mostly sleeps and does not move much, but this is not so. Trying to adapt to new circumstances and to know his body, the baby moves his arms and legs.

How to understand when everything is within the normal range, and when to see a doctor?

In the table, we have collected the most common reasons why the baby jerks his arms and legs violently.

Increased limb tone After a long stay in the fetal position, the baby needs some time for the flexor muscles to relax, and the extensor muscles to come to a normal physiological state. Therefore, after birth, the baby will constantly move arms and legs. Movements, as a rule, are bilateral in nature, that is, with two arms or two legs at the same time. Everything should be back to normal by 2 months. . If there are deviations, then they speak of a reduced or. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment.
The work of the digestive system New food and the increased burden on the stomach, intestines and other organs associated with it leads to discomfort, which is still difficult for the baby to cope with, this leads to chaotic movements of the arms and legs, which are often accompanied by crying. The baby tries to press the legs closer to the tummy and thereby help digestion, but he can’t fix it, so he pulls them and cries.
In the process of digesting food, babies often experience colic, gas, and pain in the tummy. Because of this, newborns tighten or, conversely, stretch their legs, pull their arms and cry. Such conditions, as a rule, disappear by 3-4 months, in some children by 6 months. .
Pathology of the central nervous system This is what all mothers fear. Such terrible diagnoses as: encephalopathy, epilepsy, cerebral palsy. In these cases, the movements of the baby are very different from the norm and are accompanied by other symptoms. Chaotic eye movements/gaze at one point, protrusion of the tongue, convulsive sucking movements. Such movements are called convulsions, and this is the reason for immediate medical attention. .

How to help the baby if he pulls his arms and legs a lot?

In order to properly help the baby, you need to establish the exact cause. You should consult with a pediatrician, surgeon and neurologist.

Each of the specialists will examine the baby and give their recommendations:

  • Pediatrician will conduct a general examination and give recommendations on improving the functioning of the digestive system, and will also refer you to other specialists.
  • Surgeon will check motor activity and tummy.
  • Neurologist will give his opinion on the nervous system of the baby.

What methods will help the baby, and in what cases it is necessary to apply this method of treatment, we will consider the table below
An excellent remedy for colic in the tummy, and to relieve muscle tone. If the crumbs do not have any serious health problems, then a young mother can do massage at home herself. In the case of muscle tone, massage is good to do in the morning and evening after water procedures. . Moreover, in the morning it is more intense, alternating stroking and patting with light exercises, gently bending and unbending the arms and legs, massaging the fingers. In the evening, it can be a light relaxing massage in the form of stroking the back, arms and legs, as well as the tummy. With colic, doctors and experienced mothers advise gently stroking the baby's tummy clockwise for several minutes.
Gymnastics With increased muscle tone, you may be prescribed a consultation with a physiotherapist . The specialist will tell you what movements, how and in what sequence should be done so as not to injure the baby.
Baby swimming The procedure itself is very useful, both for babies with problems in motor activity, and for absolutely healthy children. During water procedures, the heartbeat quickens, the blood is saturated with oxygen. . Many doctors, answering the question of when to start swimming with a baby, say: as soon as the umbilical wound heals. Just as in the case of gymnastics, swimming in the morning can be more intense, teach the baby to relax the muscles in warm water, turn on cool water at the end, thereby hardening the baby, and in the evening, a simple splash in warm water with the addition of chamomile decoction, mint, lemon balm or lavender. Pleasant smells will soothe the baby and set him up for a sound sleep .
Medications Only after consultation with doctors. If the above methods can be applied, albeit with caution, to all children, then no medications should ever be prescribed on their own . Many neurologists with tone prescribe very serious drugs, such as Cerebrolysin, Cavinton, Actovegin, etc. For colic, Sab Simplex, Plantex, Dill water, Espumizan are most often prescribed.
Physiotherapy With muscle tone in a newborn, a neurologist can prescribe paraffin and electrophoresis on legs or arms as physiotherapy .

Of course, no mother wants to think about the bad, but, unfortunately, the statistics are inexorable.

Today, more than 50% of children are born with certain problems of the nervous system. Therefore, if the behavior of the baby is alarming, you should consult a neurologist.

Make an electroencephalogram, neurosonogram. Perhaps, with unsatisfactory results of examinations, the doctor will prescribe magnetic resonance imaging. Or, on the contrary, the results of the examinations will not reveal pathologies, then the doctor will prescribe nootropic drugs designed to stimulate the nervous system, or sedatives to relieve tension.

Regardless of the results of the analyzes and forecasts of doctors, mom should remain calm. The child's body is very plastic, most problems are solvable, modern achievements, both in medicine and in pharmaceuticals, make it possible to compensate, and often completely cure, many diseases associated with the nervous system.

The nervous system of the baby is not yet developed and is not fully formed, and it is basically capable of two kinds of movements. We have already described one of them - these are movements based on unconditioned reflexes.

The second type is spontaneous, chaotic movements of the legs and arms. Full-term babies in the postpartum two weeks of life, and premature babies even longer, pull their fingers on their hands, unintentionally reject their toes, in particular the big one, grimace, stick out their tongue from time to time.

Such movements are called athetoid, they are combined with increased activity of the subcortical regions of the brain. Most often, these spontaneous movements are bilateral in nature.

In addition to such movements, newborns may experience tremor (trembling) of the legs, arms, head, and chin. This happens with strong crying, screaming, overexcitation, cooling. Such a tremor is physiological in nature and, without the accompaniment of a cry, lasts for a day or two. In the case when the baby screams for longer.

Bunch of arms and legs, the baby warms himself. You should not rush to immediately cover it warmer, since the baby's body completely relaxes already at a temperature of 32-34 ° C, so many degrees under the covers. At first glance, it seems that it is better for the baby to be warm and calm, but do not forget about the benefits of movement, even if it is involuntary.

Sometimes the child's behavior can be unusual. For example, he can lie motionless for a long time and at first glance calmly. However, with any sound, even a quiet one, with the most gentle touch on the body, the baby shudders violently and screams piercingly.

This is followed by trembling and rapid twitching of the arms and legs. Or the child's legs unbend, and the bent arms are convulsively pressed against the body. Sometimes the baby lies motionless with a fixed gaze, not blinking, and during this often sticks out his tongue.

The opposite behavior of an infant is also common. His body is relaxed, arms and legs are straightened. It does not have the embryonic position characteristic of newborns. The baby does not respond to loud and sudden sounds and sometimes even to pain. When pulling it by the handles, the head is not held, the head leans back.

When holding the crumbs canopy face down, clasping the chest with palms, its head and limbs hang down (while in a healthy newborn the legs are extended and the arms are bent, the head is placed on the same line with the body). Normally, his eyes are closed. He sucks sluggishly, freezes and often burps.

The first type of behavior is characteristic of children with a syndrome of increased excitability, and the second - with a reduced one. This may be due to the fact that it is more difficult for a baby to adapt to extrauterine life conditions, compared to ordinary children. However, this behavior often contains a certain disease in its basis. Therefore, when the described lines of behavior are manifested in an infant, it is better to hurry for a consultation with a pediatrician.

Sometimes a baby's hand tremors are so strong that from the side it seems that the baby threatens with a fist. This symptom is characteristic of bilirubin encephalopathy. Prolonged trembling of the extremities, along with increased muscle tone and twitching of the tongue, has been interpreted as one of the primary symptoms of cerebral palsy in children.

More often in infants, a convulsive syndrome is found that accompanies many diseases. Seizures are of a different nature, and it is often not easy to distinguish them from the typical movements of a newborn. Therefore, such convulsions are called “elusive”.

The baby can make eye movements vertically and horizontally, he has twitching of the eyeballs, repeated repetition of squinting and blinking. The baby makes sucking movements, smacks his lips, rakes his hands or makes circular rotational movements (“bicycle”) with his feet.

The breathing of such an infant may suddenly stop or become more frequent. The baby blushes and turns pale.

Sometimes convulsions have the appearance of a sudden extension-flexion of all limbs, accompanied by movements of "elusive" convulsions. To a greater extent, this is characteristic of premature newborns. In full-term babies, they can report bleeding in the "ventricles" of the brain.

The contractions of some muscle groups may randomly migrate throughout the baby's body. This type of seizure is usually characteristic of premature babies. Localization in any place of strong muscle contractions can lead to loss of consciousness of the baby.

Similar symptoms- a strong sign for urgent medical attention. All described pathological conditions need urgent treatment. After all, prolonged convulsions in themselves negatively affect the infant's nervous system, significantly disrupting its structure and functions.

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The earlier a problem in the development of motor skills in a baby is identified, the more chances he has for a healthy life. In order not to miss precious time, parents need to know what symptoms of trouble to pay attention to.

Most children acquire motor skills in a predictable sequence and at a certain age. First, they learn to hold and raise their heads, then to roll over and sit down. Next - get up, walk, crawl, jump on two and on one leg. A healthy child has the right to break this sequence, be ahead of the expected time frame or be late. The reason may be an individual feature, heredity (like mom or dad at one time), the erroneous desire of parents to teach the crumbs. But there are 10 symptoms, the appearance of which can signal a serious violation of motor development and even a disease. Be sure to tell your pediatrician about them!

1. Regression or loss of already acquired skills

The muscle strength and motor dexterity of the baby should only improve every day. If the observed regression of skills cannot be associated with a recent illness (at least with a banal “cold”), this is a very serious reason for alarm and immediate seeking the help of professionals.

What is considered a regression

A sudden categorical refusal on their own and, a demand to return a long-forgotten one, the return of a kalyak-malyak to an album with is a sign of dissatisfaction, anxiety that has settled in the soul of a child. Often with this behavior, the little one demonstrates the need for attention and adults, or resists too persistent attempts to make him the leader of geeks. Don't worry: this is not a regression. But if a child who is already trying to run suddenly cannot stand up or take a few steps without falling, this is not normal. This breakdown of motor skills can be a sign of a serious neurological or psychiatric disorder: epilepsy, encephalitis, brain tumors, a myriad of metabolic breakdowns that manifest as progressive storage diseases. The first urgent step will be a comprehensive special medical examination.

2. Baby's leg(s) or arm(s) feel too stiff

What parents may notice:

  • the baby constantly, even in a dream, keeps the fists tightly clenched;
  • the child cannot open his fingers to release the toy;
  • it is difficult for the baby to change the position of the body - as if someone is holding him;
  • individual muscles on the arm or leg are constantly hard;
  • lying on the tummy, the baby bends with an effort and raises his head, as if trying to reach his heels with the top of his head, while he does not even need to rely on his hands (they can be extended along the body);
  • the hair on the back of the head (or closer to the temple on one side) is rolled out, the skin here is shiny from constant friction against the pillow;
  • the legs are crossed like scissors (the higher the crossover level to the ass, the worse the prognosis).

All of the above is a sign of high tone (hypertonicity) of a certain muscle group.. Neither by an effort of will, nor in a dream, the child can relax them. The main thing to exclude is the spastic form. In this disease, the brain sends abnormal signals to the muscles, causing them to contract. Prolonged hypertonicity leads to the rapid development of contractures, depriving the ability to perform precise actions, or even move at all. Children with severe cerebral palsy need constant care, a walker or a wheelchair. But in half the disease proceeds in a mild form, well treatable. Often, neurological symptoms are combined with impaired intelligence, articulation of speech, hearing or vision. Then the prognosis directly depends on how early rehabilitation measures are started.

Do not think that cerebral palsy is a rare diagnosis. The prevalence of all its forms in different countries ranges from 2 to 7 per 1000 live births, especially often in those born prematurely. Even if cerebral palsy is not confirmed during the examination of the baby, doctors will determine another cause of muscle hypertonicity and help the baby recover as soon as possible.

3. Baby's muscles are too soft

The reason is low tone, muscle weakness.

What parents may notice:

  • when an adult moves a child's arm or leg, he does not feel any resistance;
  • when the child is taken under the armpits and lifted, his shoulders go up, and the head and neck "sag" between the palms of an adult;
  • in the hands of the parent, the baby taken under the armpits is not grouped, but hangs “like a rag”, visually lengthening in growth;
  • when pulling on stacks of sliders or socks, the baby does not rest his foot on the palm of an adult, but immediately passively bends it;
  • in the position on the back, the hips are spread apart, literally “blurring” over the diaper, without trying to bring them together;
  • the impression that the child can be tied in a knot (gutta-perchiability).

Low muscle tone prevents the baby from holding his head, sitting down and walking in time. In the future, such children will not be able to pedal a bicycle, go skating or skiing, or actively participate in outdoor games of their peers. They often have violations of the balance of the body and coordination of movements. Muscular hypotension limits their physical abilities, affects the choice of profession.

Low tone is a symptom of rickets, Down's disease, muscular dystrophy, metabolic disorders. Often the reason remains unexplained. There is even a term benign congenital hypotension”, when there are no serious violations of motor development, the problem resolves itself over time. Unless such children become great athletes or climbers.

Regardless of the cause of low muscle tone, the doctor's top tip is to get your little one moving. He needs a properly selected set of exercises to build strength and endurance, master new motor skills.

4. The child is not yet walking

If the peers of your little one are already confidently stomping, and he is still crawling, this does not mean at all that the baby is late in development. Does not walk until 1.5 years old - unusual, but normal. True, it is important, together with the pediatrician, to establish the cause. The most frequent of them:

  1. I would have gone, but I was frightened, hitting painfully. Plus, by nature, he is timid and indecisive.
  2. Stays in jumpers or walkers for a long time. These simulators do not develop the muscle groups necessary for walking, do not allow you to quickly learn how to control your body and maintain a stable balance in an upright position.
  3. Muscular hypotension (see above).
  4. Muscle hypertonicity (even higher).
  5. The kid is exploring the world from a backpack or car seat. Why should he try to reach or reach the object of interest? - They will inform, only "rudders" with a pointing gesture in the right direction.
  6. Prolonged stay in braces or casts due to a broken leg or hip.
  7. Mental retardation.

5. Baby walks on tiptoe

Most babies occasionally walk on their toes when they are still learning to step over while holding on to furniture. Some children continue to stand on tiptoe while walking occasionally, just for fun. This is especially liked by little ones who imagine themselves to be flying princesses. For toddlers up to 2 years old, this is acceptable. If the child is older, parents should be sure that this is just a habit, not a pathology.

Medical help is needed if the baby:

  • walks on tiptoe most of the time;
  • has rigidity (hypertonicity) of the occipital muscles;
  • often stumbles, falls “out of the blue”;
  • walks waddling like a duck (a sign of hip dysplasia);
  • awkward, with poorly developed fine motor skills (for example, cannot fasten a button or get a cord into a hole);
  • gets tired quickly, does not keep the weight of his body on his feet (muscle weakness);
  • loses the skill of normal walking on a full foot, if he already had it.

What else makes children walk on tiptoe

Short Achilles tendon makes it difficult to stand on a full foot and limits the range of motion at ankle level. Tendon stretching will be required with the help of thermal physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, baths, massage. It may be necessary to select and wear a special plastic orthosis for a long time. In the most severe cases, surgical correction is done.

With spastic cerebral palsy The Achilles tendon is so dense and rigid that the heel is pulled up, the foot is extended, the fingers are straightened, as if continuing the lower leg.

Walking and jumping on tiptoe are characteristic of early childhood. It is important to make sure that the baby has no problems with behavior, with the development of speech and communication skills. It is better if this is done by a child psychologist and defectologist.

6. The baby "prefers" one hand or part of the body

Infants equally actively use both hands. In the second year of life, one can notice how one gradually begins to predominate (usually the right one). This is normal: a person almost always has a dominant arm, leg, eye, and not necessarily on one side. But if the parents notice that the baby gives a clear preference for one limb and practically does not use the other, it is necessary to tell the doctor about this. You can confirm the suspicion during the game, observing whether the baby can kick the ball alternately with both legs or deftly grab the offered toy with its handles.

The most likely reason for a child's apparent preference for one arm or leg, combined with unwillingness or inability to use the other, is hemiplegic variant of cerebral palsy. In a mild form, it may not manifest itself in the first year of life, until the dominance of one half of the body becomes noticeable in the crumbs. Looking back, adults will surely remember that the baby's muscles seemed too soft to the touch and supple with passive movements. Or the baby often coughed while eating, learned to chew and swallow thick food for a long time, slept with one eyelid ajar, unusually “twisted his mouth” when crying. The reason is a slight decrease in muscle tone of half of the body and face due to impaired innervation. In the future, the child will certainly need speech therapy help to develop flaccid speech muscles. And of course - a reflexologist, a pediatric neurologist, active physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises.

7. Clumsy child

It is not unusual for children in their first two years of life to often fall or bump into anything that comes their way, collecting bruises and bumps. Still motorally awkward kids learn to control their bodies, coordinate movements. Especially goes to choleric people - tireless "adventurers". Parents have to be on the lookout to keep them safe from accidents. But a child's failures can be a signal of a serious problem.

When to ask for help

1. The child constantly stumbles on walls, furniture, regularly “sprays”, trying to sit on a chair or take a toy from the table. This may signal vision problems: myopia, limited visual fields, difficulty in perceiving the exact distance to the object.

2. The combination of motor awkwardness with muscle weakness or stiffness can be in different forms cerebral palsy.

3. A gradual deterioration in coordination of movements against the background of previously noted successes is a sign degenerative or progressive neuromuscular disease. For example, muscular dystrophy, juvenile arthritis, tumors of the brain or spinal cord, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, cerebellar ataxia.

4. If the main cause of clumsiness is attention deficit disorder and.

5. If a child, against the background of full health, suddenly becomes unstable gait, movements have lost accuracy - concussion must be ruled out. To do this, parents first need to analyze:

  • whether there have been falls from a great height or strong blows to the head (on the head) over the past 6-8 hours;
  • check for new bruises or bumps;
  • did the baby complain of nausea, did he vomit;
  • whether there are unusual features in the behavior - drowsiness, whims, lethargy, excessive excitement.

Even if adults honestly answer “no” to all questions, it is better to show the little one to the doctor. And don't delay it!

8. The baby is in constant motion.

Surely any adult at least once admired the restlessness of his little one. Tireless energizers are ready to perform feats and discoveries around the clock. Being in constant motion is the need of children, they get tired of the need to “sit quietly”.

What is not the norm and requires the attention of parents:

1. Involuntary movements that the child cannot control by willpower. It can be:

  • tics (blinking or winking, coughing, sniffling, vocal);
  • convulsions;
  • tremor (small or large-scale trembling of the chin, hand, stack, leg bent at the knee);
  • hyperkinesis - violent movements of a certain muscle group (for example, a sudden throw of a hand forward, as if the baby is trying to grab something).

2. Excessive, inexplicable fussiness, often combined with talkativeness.

Tremor of the chin is a common occurrence in the neonatal period. A neonatologist who observes a baby in a maternity hospital will definitely clarify the cause. Often this is a sign of the immaturity of the nervous system. Then the baby needs only time and careful care.

Tics that reinforce habitual movements (such as coughing or sniffing when you have a cold) are manageable and go away with time. Preschool children and younger schoolchildren can react in this way to a difficult psychological situation in the family and at school. Such violent movements, like stuttering, arise as a result of strong or stress. This requires a psychologist.

All hyperkinesias, long-lasting tremors, inexplicable tics and, moreover, convulsions are a sign of an organic lesion of the nervous system, a brain tumor, or a severe metabolic disorder. With a medical examination, it is better not to delay.

According to the American Association of Pediatricians, a child under 4 has the right to be very active. But as he grows up, he should show the ability to control his actions, to manage them. That is, listen carefully to the interlocutor, patiently wait in line, perform some action with concentration, without squirming with the whole body. No one requires the impossible from a baby: just for a few minutes. If parents get the impression that their 4-year-old child can only be soothed by a tight tie, this may signal attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Without the help of a medical psychologist and a special education system (behavioral therapy), it is very difficult for such children to ensure life safety and help them learn the basic school curriculum.

9. It is too difficult for a child to grasp and manipulate objects.

We are talking about fine motor skills, about the assimilation and consolidation of precise finger movements as they grow older. Any action with a brush requires the coordinated participation of many muscle groups, the vestibular apparatus, the ability to see an object and correlate the distance to it. And of course - the control of the brain. Therefore, a one-year-old baby constantly “spreading” with a spoon with porridge causes tenderness in parents, and a two-year-old one causes reasonable alarm.

When there is cause for concern

There is only one rule: parents fail to instill a certain movement in a child for several (at least three) months. At the same time, not at the whim of adults, but by age, it is time for the baby to understand, learn this skill and understand its essence.

For example, a one and a half year old baby cannot brush his teeth, but will pull the brush head into his mouth (and not into his eye) and demand that toothpaste be applied to it. Having played enough, then he can also clean the floor, but first the baby must perform an action for the intended purpose of the object (that is, he remembers, understands). Or a one-year-old toddler will clearly (not miss) take cookies from a plate with his fingers and, holding it tightly in his fist, will gnaw with pleasure. The treat will be thrown not because of muscle weakness, but because it is full or distracted.

Developed fine motor skills are the key to good learning and a successful future. Gross delay is often combined with intellectual insufficiency. There is no need to hope that the problem with grasping, holding and manipulating objects will “resolve” by itself. This may be the first warning sign of a neurological or intellectual problem in a child. In addition, it has long been proven that the speech and motor centers in the brain are very close and strongly influence each other. That is, it is possible with a high probability to predict that a baby with weak and inept fingers will need a speech therapist.

Sometimes, to help the baby, competent, regular and persistent exercises are enough to encourage the progress of fine motor skills. And the vision problem needs to be corrected - the sooner the better.

10. Baby drools, chokes, or has difficulty swallowing food

What is considered normal:

  • profuse salivation in an infant during the period;
  • choking at the initial stage;
  • pushing out the tongue with a new taste or texture of food;
  • coughing or refusal to eat during SARS: pharyngitis, severe shortness of breath;
  • increased gag reflex when pressing on the root of the tongue in excitable children.

When to take your child to the doctor:

  • profuse salivation against the background of a cold due to the inability to swallow (this may be acute tonsillitis, paratonsillar abscess, diphtheria, epicondylitis, croup);
  • sudden refusal to eat and drink, combined with high fever ();
  • coughing fits in a dream and in a prone position ();
  • constant choking during and after eating for no apparent reason. This is a symptom of many neurological diseases, an organic lesion of the central or peripheral nervous system.

Depending on the identified cause of the problem, the child will be treated by a pediatrician, neurologist, surgeon, reflexologist, defectologist, physiotherapist. In acute illness, emergency care may be needed to save life. In other cases, long-term therapy for the disorder will be required.