The gender of nouns. Generic endings for nouns

For neuter nouns -about The following cases are regular:

  • genitive singular . The ending -a anyway: bucket - no bucket, escape - no escape. Description line:
    SFX I #bucket --> buckets
  • dative, singular . The ending -y anyway: bucket - give a bucket, flight - give flight. Description line:
    SFX I o o o #bucket --> bucket
  • accusative, singular . In any case, the same as the original form: bucket - blame the bucket, flight - blame the flight. Does not require a separate description.
  • instrumental, singular . The ending -ohm anyway: bucket - create with a bucket, flight - create flight. Description line:
    SFX I o o o #bucket --> bucket
  • prepositional case, singular . The ending -e anyway: bucket - about a bucket, flight - about flight. Description line:
    SFX I o e o #bucket --> bucket
  • dative, plural . The ending -am: bucket - give buckets, flight - give flights. Description line:
    SFX I o am o #bucket --> buckets
  • accusative, plural . Due to the organization of this case ( blame who? what?), as well as the neuter gender, the endings coincide with the nominative plural. There are no exceptions, therefore it does not require a separate description
  • instrumental, plural . The ending -ami: bucket - create with buckets, flight - create with flights. Description line:
    SFX I o ami o #bucket --> buckets
  • prepositional, plural . The ending -ah: bucket - about buckets, flight - about flights. Description line:
    SFX I o ah o #bucket --> buckets

9 out of 11 cases are described and referred to mnemonics I. Stayed:

  • nominative, plural . Ending options -a/-and/-s. The ending -a coincides with the genitive case of the singular and does not require a separate description. The ending -and formed only for words with letters k, g, x and hissing before -about, but, alas, not for everyone: bucket - there are buckets, but army - there are troops. In addition, there are other words cloud, cloud, also ending -a. The ending -s forms a single word butter. As a result, I decided to describe this case separately. Description lines:
    SFX i o and [gkhzhshchsch]o #point --> points
    SFX i o s [^gkhzhshchshch]o #mazlo --> mazly
  • genitive plural . Variety of endings.
    • Empty ending with the base unchanged: abbey - no abbeys, walleye - no walleyes. Description line:
      SFX w o 0 [bwgjzlmprstfxsh]o #abbey --> abbeys
      SFX w o 0 [aeiouyeyyuyakms]ko #army --> troops
      Additional description for words on -but:
      SFX w o 0 [^whwwpf]but #wine --> wine
      Additional description for words on -tso:
      SFX w o 0 [aeyouyeyyuzhshschtschin] tso #face --> faces
    • The ending -OK for words on -ko: child - no children, bucket - no buckets. Description line:
      SFX e ko ok
    • The ending -ek for words on -ko: saucer - no saucers, heart - no hearts. Such an ending is given by hissing and c before -ko. Description line:
      SFX e ko ek [zhchshshts] ko ​​# saucer --> saucer
    • The ending -ek for words on -yoko, in this case -th- fluent: nightingale - no nightingales. Description line:
      SFX e yoko ek yoko #nightingaleko --> nightingale
    • The ending -ol for words on -lo: glass - no glasses. Description line:
      SFX e lo ol lo #glass --> glass
    • The ending -ate for words on -lo: number - no numbers. Description line:
      SFX q lo el lo #channel --> channels
      words on -lo giving endings -ol/-el not very much, I did not dare to establish patterns, therefore I spread it generally according to different mnemonics.
    • The ending -eat for words on -mo: letter - no letters. Description line:
      SFX e emo em emo #letter --> letters
    • The ending -is he for words on -no: window - no windows. Description line:
      SFX e but he [gx] but #window --> windows
    • The ending -en for words on -but: log - no logs. Description line:
      SFX e but en [^gkh] but #log --> logs
    • The ending -er for words on -ro: bucket - no buckets. Description line:
      SFX e ro er ro #bucket --> bucket
    • The ending -ets for words on -tso(Besides -ytso and -tso): lake - no lakes. Description line:
      SFX e tso ets [^aeyouyeyyuyay] tso #lake --> lake
    • The ending -ic for the word egg: egg - no eggs. Description line:
      SFX e egg egg egg #egg --> eggs
      words on -eytso no, but if there were, I'm sure that the ending would not be -ic, a -ets and the rule would be:
      SFX e egg egg # -->
    • The ending -ets for words on -tso: ring - no rings. Description line:
      SFX e ring ring ring #ring --> rings
    • The ending -ov for words without a special sign: abdomen - no abdomens, point - no points. Description line:
      SFX k o s o #cloud --> clouds

Total words of the middle gender on -about are described by mnemonics:

  • I. Singular: genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental and prepositional. Plural: dative, accusative, instrumental and prepositional.
  • i. Plural: Nominative. The ending -and/-s for some words.
  • w. Plural: genitive. Various options for empty endings.
  • k -ev.
  • e. Plural: genitive. Different variants of fluency in endings.
  • q. Plural: genitive. The ending -ate for part of the words -lo.

Thus, when included in the dictionary, words on -about At least two mnemonics must be assigned: I anyway, i if the word has an ending -and/-s in the nominative plural, and choose w, q, k or e depending on which ending the word has in the genitive plural. If a word has several endings, all mnemonics must be selected. For example, the word channel has two variants in the genitive plural: no channels and no channels.

Example: notch/Iie, which will give the options: notch - notch - notch - notch - notch - notch - notch - notch (I) - notches (i) - basting (e).

If you need to describe a word that does not have a plural, you need to use the mnemonic H.

Example: summer/H, which will give the options: summer - summer - fly - summer - summer.

Exceptions to the above rules. There are words for -about, which completely fall out of the above rules. These are the words: tree, link, knee, wing, feather, log, pomelo, awl, eye, ear, ship, force, bottom, sky, miracle, tree. These words have different stems for singular and plural: tree - trees, link - links, wing - wings, feather - feathers, log - logs, pomelo - pomelo, awl - awl, strength - strength, bottom - bottom; eye - eyes; ear - ears; ship - ships; sky - heaven; miracle - miracles; tree - wood. All these words are entered twice: once as words existing in the singular, and once as words existing in the plural.
Separately, the word knee. This word has several meanings:

  • Body part (joint) knees - knees - knees - knees - knees. As you can see, the ending arose completely against the rules. -and in the nominative case, there was an ending -her, which is more for words on -about not observed, and a pattern has arisen -yam/-yami/-yah instead of the prescribed -am/-ami/-ah. 'Cause the word knees had to be entered as a word that exists only in the plural.
  • Part (link, articulation) of a mechanism . In this case, the plural will look like this: knees - knees - knees - knees - knees. also introduced the word knees as existing only in the plural.
  • Figure in dancing; bending something (for example, a pipe); generation (family tribe) . Only in this case the word behaves as expected, according to the rules: knees - knees - knees - knees - knees. Word knee for this case is described as an ordinary word in -about.

Neuter gender

The position of the middle gender in modern Russian is peculiar. The means of expression of the neuter gender are relatively poor. The composition of the class of words of the middle gender gradually narrowed and continues to narrow. For example, diminutive, affectionate and derogatory words and forms in -ko (Demidko), -ya (Vanya, tel), in -lo (ate) and other words related

to people and animals, moved into the class of words of the masculine or general

(male-female) gender. The category of the person is not combined with the middle gender. The most abstract idea of ​​the category of non-person (being, deity) is combined with the neuter gender. Nouns of the middle gender can only be applied metaphorically or in the function of a predicate, or as the most general characteristic (monster, monster, monster) to male or female living beings. The unstable, intermediate position of the middle gender also affects the system of declension of nouns. In the singular, neuter words change as masculine forms. The coincidence of the nominative and accusative cases in one form also emphasizes the proximity of the categories of the neuter gender to the group of inanimate masculine nouns. The middle gender acts as an abstract form of impersonal objectivity.

In the plural, the words of the middle gender fluctuate between different types of declension, completely losing their grammatical individuality (ears - ears; deeds - deeds; fields - fields and seas - seas, mirrors - mirrors; windows - windows). With the exception of the form of the nominative-accusative case with the accent on the ending -a, they are mostly closer to the feminine declension.

The peculiar impersonality, abstract or fictitious objectivity of the neuter form is manifested, first of all, in the fact that other parts of speech used in the meaning of a noun belong to the class of words of the neuter gender.

The forms of the middle gender in borrowed nouns also differ in peculiar features. There are no productive suffixes of the middle gender, which would designate an object without any special connotation at all, in modern Russian. The endings -o, -e, as a sign of the neuter gender, are not directly attached to the stem. The group of non-suffix words of the middle gender with the ending -o, -e is replenished only with borrowings from other languages. Meanwhile, these borrowed words in -o, -e (bureau, coat, coffee) from an etymological point of view have only an outward resemblance to the words of the middle gender. After all, in them the final -o, -e usually refer to the base, and are not endings. The neuter gender becomes a storehouse for borrowed words that, in their sound or morphological appearance, do not correspond to the typical forms of Russian nouns.

The extinction of the neuter gender in the category of nouns is in line with the general process of semantic depersonalization and devastation of the neuter forms in the modern Russian language. From the content category, the neuter gender in certain types of words and forms is relegated to the role of a packaging means.

This is expressed:

1) that the impersonal forms of verbs in the past tense coincide with the neuter form;

2) in the fact that the impersonal forms of the category of state (arising from participles of the passive voice and from adjectives and adverbs) coincide with the corresponding forms of the middle gender: “She is stuffy, bored, annoying ... so annoying that she even wants to cry, but why again unknown. “She was ashamed, and bitter, and it hurt her”;

3) in the fact that with impersonal words there can be pronominal particles of the neuter gender this, it (that). “I didn’t ask her about any details, and so it turned out that there was no need to worry”;

4) the fact that one of the most productive categories of adverbs in the Russian language ends in -o, -e, i.e., in morphemes denoting the neuter form in the classes of nouns and adjectives, is not without significance, although, as is known, the category of gender (as well as case and number) is completely alien to the dialect. "May be, a heart mothers sensed that together with a newborn baby appeared into the world dark, inexhaustible grief that hung over the cradle to accompany a new life to the grave.

« Family in which a blind boy was born, It was few».

“At the time when in the village house appeared and became grow new creature, in uncle Maxim's short-cropped hair, silver gray was already breaking through.

Genus- a grammatical category inherent in different parts of speech in the singular and consisting in the distribution of words into three classes, traditionally correlated with gender characteristics or their absence.

There are three kinds of nouns in Russian:

    Male (he) Masculine nouns in the singular nominative case have endings -and I, and zero (dad, uncle, knife, table, hawk).

    Female (she) Feminine nouns in the singular nominative case have the endings - and I, and zero (wife, nanny, night, glory, desert).

    Medium (it) Neutral nouns in the singular nominative case have endings -o, -e (swamp, gold, sun, lake, jam).

There is also a class of words generic, which, depending on the context, can be used in both masculine and feminine forms ( bore, sissy, crybaby, clever, greedy).

Definition of noun gender

To determine the feminine gender of inanimate nouns, the ending looks. For animate nouns, the defining feature is that they belong to female beings ( girl, cat). In order not to confuse feminine and masculine nouns at the end, you need to substitute the pronoun “she, mine” to check. For example, a song (she, mine).

The masculine gender of nouns is also determined by the end of the initial form. In order not to confuse the gender of nouns ending in a soft sign, also substitute the pronoun “he, mine” to check ( stump, day).

Neutral nouns are determined by the endings of the initial form and by substituting the pronouns "it, mine" ( field, window). Please note that the group of inflected nouns ending in -my also belongs to the neuter gender ( tribe, seed etc.). There are almost no animate nouns among neuter gender nouns, their number is very small ( child, being, animal).

Among nouns, there are several special groups, the definition of gender in which is difficult. These include nouns of the general gender, as well as indeclinable and compound words.

Correlate the meanings of common nouns with their belonging to female or male animated objects. For example, slut girl(feminine), smart boy(masculine). Common nouns are those that denote the qualities of people ( glutton, ignoramus, crybaby) or the name of persons by position, profession, occupation ( architect Petrov - architect Petrov).

It must be taken into account that the gender of indeclinable nouns is associated with their animate / inanimate, specific / generic concept. For animate indeclinable nouns, determine gender by gender (monsieur, miss). Nouns that give names to animals, birds, are masculine (pony, kangaroo, cockatoo). The inanimate are usually neuter ( coat, muffler). Exceptions are words whose gender is determined by association with generic names: kohlrabi - cabbage(feminine), Hindi - language(masculine), etc.

In order to determine the gender of indeclinable proper nouns denoting geographical names, it is necessary to choose a generic concept ( lake, city, river, desert etc.). For example, city ​​of Rio de Janeiro(masculine) gobi desert(feminine).

The type of abbreviations is determined by the type of the leading word of the “deciphered” phrase: UN - United Nations, the leading word is “organization” (feminine).

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For the correct use of words, it is necessary to understand what kind they are. Here is coffee, for example, the middle masculine gender? If the average, then you need to say: "My coffee is cold." And if male - "My coffee is cold." How not to pass for an illiterate person, defining the middle gender?

What are neuter words? Examples

The division of parts of speech by gender (feminine, neuter and masculine) is inherent not only in the Russian language. Determines whether the ending of a word belongs to the neuter gender. Neutral nouns are usually inanimate, although there are exceptions:

  • creature,
  • animal,
  • monster,
  • deity,
  • child,
  • monster,
  • person (official).

If the word came from another language, has an ending in a vowel, is inanimate and, according to established tradition, does not decline, it is considered neuter.

Neutral nouns answer the question: whose is it? If you can say about a word: “It is mine,” then this is a neuter noun. There are two types of endings for such words:

  1. -o, -e, -e, -e. These are, for example, such words: pots, lake, muffler, gun, understanding.
  2. -me. For example, stirrup, crown, name.

Words of the middle gender can be not only nouns, but also adjectives, numerals and pronouns.

Coffee - it or he?

It seems that the word "coffee" does not obey the rule: it ends in "e", but it is not neuter, but masculine. exception? Not really. The fact is that the word, along with the drink, came to Russia with Peter the Great. Tea has long been known, and by analogy with this drink, the novelty was called "coffee". Then no one doubted that the word is masculine. His diminutive version of "coffee" is now beyond doubt.

Over time, the word "coffee" became obsolete, replaced by "coffee". The word became indeclinable. And here a paradox arose. According to the rules, this word should have a neuter gender. This is why, intuitively, people began to use "coffee" as a neuter word. There was a process that translated the word "metro" from the masculine to the middle. You probably remember Utyosov's song: "But the subway flashed with oak railings..."

Why don't linguists recognize coffee as neuter? Because this word has a special meaning. Its use in the middle gender contradicts the literary tradition, therefore it is perceived as illiterate. Coffee is on the list of words for which literate Russian speakers are fighting. These are the words contract, calls, blinds, cottage cheese, provision and several others.

And although since 2002 you can say “my coffee” in colloquial speech, only the masculine gender is recognized in writing.


Changing words by case is called declension. Words of the middle gender with an ending can be declined. For neuter nouns, the following rules exist (see table).




A, -z: windows, buildings, points

Hey, ev, ov: windows, fields, trees

U, -yu: window, building, point

Am, -yam: windows, fields, trees

Oh, -e, -e: window, building, tip

A, -z: windows, fields, buildings, trees

Om, em, -em: window, building, tip

Ami, -yami: windows, points

E, -i: about health, about the building, on the cutting edge

Oh, -yah: about windows, about trees

Common Mistakes

A typical mistake was the incorrect definition of the gender of some words. Due to the ending "o", which is pronounced as "a" in the unstressed version, some inflect such words in the feminine form. Example:

  • The buffet sells pies with jammy, manga and dried apricots.
  • We saw the natives living in bungalow.
  • neighbors bought piano.

The correct options would be to use the highlighted words in the form of the middle gender. That is: with jam, with mango, in a bungalow, they bought a piano.

The second common mistake is trying to change indeclinable nouns in cases. Not only children get confused, and incredible words of feminine, masculine, neuter gender appear.

Words that do not change by case. Examples

In addition to inflected, there are also neuter words that are invariable in cases:

  • arpeggio,
  • video,
  • graffiti,
  • dragee,
  • neckline,
  • coupe,
  • Cafe,
  • mango,
  • mini,
  • neutrino,
  • penalty,
  • piano,
  • rendezvous,
  • solo,
  • trio,
  • Taxi,
  • fuete,
  • facsimile.

This list is far from complete. Therefore, if you have any difficulties, it is better to refer to dictionaries.

How to remember words without endings: a game

In order not to make mistakes in declension, there is a simple and fun way to check. Try to put these words in several different cases. If it turns out funny and ridiculous, then this word does not decline in cases.

  • Kangaroo put on pince-nez (wrong, there is no such word, you need to put “pince-nez”).
  • To get to the cafe, I took a taxi (it would be correct: "taxi").
  • We gorged ourselves on creme brulee, blancmange and jelly beans (that's right: "creme brulee, blancmange and jelly beans").
  • Let's meet near the depot and go to watch the film "Dynama" (you need: "near the depot, the movie" Dynamo ").
  • I am dissatisfied with a passe-partout with a photo and a panel (it would be competently like this: “passe-partout with a photo and a panel”).

Play this game with your kids. It is simple, the main thing is not to forget that these words do not decline in cases. Regular games with words develop intelligence and replenish vocabulary. Soon the child will feel how to build a phrase and use words, and will not make mistakes.

In this lesson, you will learn what kind of nouns are, practice in determining the gender of nouns in the singular and in the plural, observe the generic endings of nouns. Why is gender a constant feature of nouns? What nouns cannot have gender? Are there common nouns? These questions will be answered in the lesson.


Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, once divided all things and creatures into three classes - masculine, feminine, and "real" (or "proper"). They deified many objects, endowing them with a feminine or masculine gender.

For example, the word child real kind among the ancient Slavs. Children have never had the right to own personal property. (V. Volina)

Do you know that there are languages ​​thatnouns have no gender. These are English, Finnish, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and others.

There are languages ​​in which nouns have onlytwo kinds. It's French, Spanish, Italian.

There are languages ​​thatthere are many more genders than in our language.

For example, in many languages ​​of the peoples of the Caucasus and Africa there can be up to 40 genera. They are called "classes". (N. Betenkova)

Lesson topic: “The gender of nouns. Generic endings of nouns.

How to recognize the gender of nouns

Read the nouns. Which of them are men and which are women?

Grandfather, mother, sister, father, grandmother, son, brother, granddaughter, uncle, aunt, daughter, great-grandfather, man, woman.

In Russian, nouns are both masculine and feminine. What kind of words did we write in each column?





great grandfather

the male

These are masculine words, since you can substitute the word for them is he.

These are feminine words, since you can substitute the word for them she is.

What word can be substituted for these words?

Wheel, hollow, insect, towel - IT. These are neuter words.

Nouns are masculine, feminine and neuter. The gender of nouns is determined by substituting pronouns.

To nouns male you can substitute words he is mine.

To nouns female you can substitute words She is mine.

To nouns neuter you can substitute words it is mine.

Determine the gender of plural nouns

If it is necessary to determine the gender of a noun used in the plural, the word is first put in the singular, in the initial form. The initial form of a noun answers the questions who? what?

The cranes have flown

And the rooks are already far away.

Didn't have time to look back

Blizzards covered the snow. (Vl. Prikhodko)

Cranes- in plural, initial form - who? crane, he, m.r.

Rooks- in plural, initial form - who? rook, he, m.r.

Blizzards- in plural, beginning. form - what? blizzard, she, f.r.

Snow- in units, early form - what? snow, he, m.r.

Why gender is a constant feature of nouns

If a noun, for example, is feminine, can it be masculine or neuter?

Nouns are already born with masculine, feminine or neuter words. By birth, they do not change. That is why gender is a constant feature of nouns.


sketched the sky

White drifts.

The sun burned on them

Doors and windows.(I. Zagraevskaya)

March- he, m.r.

Sky- it, cf.

snowdrifts- in plural, beginning. form - what? snowdrift, he, m.r.

The sun- it, cf.

doors- in plural, beginning. form - what? door, she, f.r.

windows- in plural, beginning. form - what? window, it, cf.

What nouns cannot have gender?

Eyes, curlers, blinds, mustaches, sleds, skis, skates, holidays.

eyes- what? eye, it, cf.

Curlers, blinds

Mustache- what? moustache, he, m.r.

Sled- cannot be used in the singular.

Skis- what? ski, she, female

Skates- what? horse, he, m.r.

holidays- cannot be used in the singular.

For nouns that do not have a singular form, gender cannot be determined.

For example, trousers, tongs, scissors, day, cream, sawdust, ink, hide and seek, chess, yeast, tongs, twilight.

General nouns

Interesting nouns: orphan, clever, crybaby.

good girl- who can be praised with this word, a boy or a girl?

Compare: He was an orphan. She was an orphan.

These nouns, depending on the specific circumstances, can act as masculine nouns. (He was so smart!), then as feminine nouns(She was so smart!)

These are nouns general kind.

Let's pick up more common nouns: the ringleader, fidget, quiet, why, smarty, sweet tooth.

Generic endings for nouns

What endings can masculine, feminine and neuter nouns have?

dad a

Slav a

uncle I

You I

daughter a

natures a

Dash a

tet I


movements e

fun e

linen yo

Borodin about

lace about

cloth about

Finish the diagram: write the endings.

For nouns male often endings -a, -i, and zero.

For nouns feminine endings -а, -я and zero.

For nouns neuter endings -o, -e, -e.

(Some nouns ending -i, For example, dit I, flame I, time I ).

What is common in the composition of words - masculine, feminine and neuter nouns

Nouns masculine and feminine may have the same endings -a, -i, zero.

Is it possible to determine the gender of nouns only by the end?

We solve the spelling problem at the end of nouns

Jam_, rainbow_, cave_, swamp_, glade_, knee_, wheel_, patronymic_, lake_.

Knowing the gender of a noun, substituting words it, she, you can solve the spelling problem at the end, correctly write the letter of an unstressed vowel.

Jam_ heό, ending -o,

rainbow_ oná, ending -а,

cave_ oná, ending -а,

swamps_ heό, ending -o,

glade_ oná, ending -а,

knee_, wheel_, patronymic_, lake_ onό, ending -о.

Jam about, rainbows a, caves a, swamps about, polyan a, knee about, wheel about, patronymic about, lakes about.

How are borrowed words distributed by gender?

In Russian, the word sun- neuter.

In German the word sun- feminine ("di zonne").

The English just say "san" ( sun), without attributing this noun to any of the existing genders.

French sun- masculine ("le sole").

Spanish for "el sol" sun- male.

How are words distributed by gender that came from other languages, that is borrowed words?

In russian language borrowed words retain the gender they had in the foreign language.

This explains the fact that in modern Russian the words piano, coffee, kangaroo are masculine;

somersault, chassis, dominoes- to the middle gender, and the word shawl- to the feminine.

Nouns borrowed from languages ​​in which there is no gender receive it in Russian: basketball, football(from English) - masculine.

We are looking for nouns, determine their gender

Check yourself. Find nouns, determine their gender.

Who wrote what?

Once upon a time there was no paper. The first manuscripts appeared on clay tablets. In the East, paper was replaced by ivory. Animal skin was often used for writing - parchment. In Ancient Russia, they wrote on birch bark, birch bark.

paper- paper, oil,

manuscripts- manuscript, female,

on the tablets- plate, female,

in the east- east, m.r.,

paper- paper, oil,

bone- female,

for writing- letter, cf.,

skin- leather, female,

animals- animal, cf.,

parchment- m.r.,

in Russia - Rus, female,

on the bark- bark, female,

birch bark- birch bark - zh.r.


I will remember the feminine

And I'll say, "She's mine."

And remember the masculine gender

And again I will say: "He is mine."

The neuter gender is mine!

This is your rule!(E. Semyonova)

In the lesson, you learned that if you need to determine the gender of a noun used in the plural, the word is first put in the singular, in the initial form.

Nouns do not change by gender.

For nouns that do not have a singular form, gender cannot be determined.


  1. M.S. Soloveichik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our language" Russian language: Textbook. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveichik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our language" Russian language: Workbook. Grade 3: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. TV Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T. V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in Russian for grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 classes. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


  1. Match these nouns with nouns that are close in meaning. Specify genus.

    Ring - ...

    Strengthening - ...

    Border - …

    Gulf - ...

    Luck - …

    The curtain - …

    Duty - …

    Silence - ...
    Words for reference: heat, fortress, bay, success, silence, duty, ring, darkness, curtain, boundary.

  2. Read the text. Determine the gender of nouns.


    A large gorilla lives in the Prague Zoo. One morning the monkey suddenly fell ill. She refused food, moaned. The doctor decided that the animal had overeaten. The gorilla was given medicine and left. The monkey recovered instantly. During the inspection, she pulled the key out of the caretaker's pocket. She opened the cage with them and began to walk around the zoo.

  3. Read the text. Find nouns, write them down in 3 columns:

    m. r., w. R. , cf. R.

    Petya is dreaming.

    If soap


    In the morning to my bed

    And I would have washed myself -

    It would be nice!

    If, say,


    Gave me a textbook

    So that he would

    I myself could

    Answer any lesson...

    If I had a pen in addition,

    To solve the problem,

    Write any dictation ... (B. Zakhoder)

  1. Internet portal ().
  2. Internet portal ().
  3. Internet portal ().
  4. Internet portal ().