Selection selection is the science of breeding new ones. Selection is the science of breeding new and improving existing ones. The science of breeding

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"Methods of breeding animals and plants" - Breeding methods: selection, hybridization, mutagenesis. Completed by: Kormina Irina, 10th grade student. MOU Bazhenov secondary school. Pathogenic microorganisms cause diseases in plants, animals and humans. Plant and animal breeding methods. selection of microorganisms. _______ _______________.

"Biology Plant Breeding" - Selection. distant hybridization. Mass selection Mass selection is applicable to cross-pollinated plants (rye). Biology grade 11. Pure line A. Plant breeding. Polyploidy. Self-pollination in cross-pollinated plants. Conducting cross-pollination between different homozygous lines. diploid rye.

"Animal breeding" - Increasing the productivity of breeds per unit area per unit of time. The basic principles of animal breeding are no different from the principles of plant breeding. Reducing the share of losses from pests and diseases. A classic example of the manifestation of heterosis is the mule - a hybrid of a mare and a donkey. Animal selection. The breed was influenced by horses of steppe origin and oriental, mostly Arabian.

"Selection of microorganisms" - Topic: Related. 11. Turkeys 16. Bees 17. Features of microorganisms. The science that studies microorganisms is microbiology. Use of microorganisms. Who is the ancestor of various breeds of pigs? Myecodrome. Removal of sulfur-containing compounds from coal. Unrelated. Read the text and point out the mistakes.

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1. What is selection?

2. Breeding in crop production

3. Selection in animal husbandry

4. Selection of microorganisms


1. What is selection?

Breeding is the science of methods for creating varieties and hybrids of agricultural plants, animal breeds, strains of microorganisms. Also, selection is called the branch of agricultural production, which is engaged in breeding varieties and hybrids of various crops, animal breeds. Selection develops methods of influencing plants and animals in order to change their hereditary qualities in the direction necessary for humans. Selection is one of the forms of evolution of the plant and animal world, which obeys the same laws as the evolution of species in nature, but natural selection is partially replaced by artificial selection.

The theoretical basis of selection is genetics and the patterns of heredity and variability of organisms developed by it. The evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin, the laws of Gregory Mendel, the doctrine of pure lines and mutations allowed breeders to develop methods for controlling the heredity of plant and animal organisms. An important role in breeding practice is played by hybridological analysis.

The selection process is divided into three branches: selection in crop production, selection in animal husbandry and selection of microorganisms.

2. Breeding in crop production

Primitive plant breeding arose simultaneously with agriculture. Having begun to cultivate plants, man began to select, preserve and propagate the best of them. Many cultivated plants were cultivated approximately 10 thousand years before our era. Breeders of antiquity created excellent varieties of fruit plants, grapes, many varieties of wheat, melons and gourds. But a significant influence on the development of plant breeding was exerted by the work of Western European breeders-practitioners of the 18th century, for example, the English scientists Gallet, Shiref, and the German scientist Rimpau. They created several varieties of wheat, developed ways to breed new varieties. In 1774, the Vilmorin breeding firm was founded near Paris, whose breeders were the first to evaluate selected plants according to their offspring. They managed to develop varieties of sugar beets that contained almost 3 times more sugar than the original ones. This work proved the enormous influence of selection on changing the nature of plants in the direction necessary for man. With the development of capitalism in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, industrial seed companies and large selection and seed-growing enterprises appeared in Europe and North America; industrial plant breeding is emerging, the development of which was greatly influenced by the achievements of botany, microscopic technology, and many others. others

And in Russia I.V. Michurin began work on the selection of fruit crops. Having successfully applied a number of new original methods, he created many varieties of fruit and berry crops. Of great importance for the theory and practice of plant breeding were his works on the hybridization of geographically distant forms. At the same time, in the USA, L. Burbank, through careful crosses and perfect selection, created a number of new varieties of various agricultural crops. Some of them belonged to forms not previously found in nature (seedless plum, non-thorny blackberry varieties).

In plant breeding, the development of the scientific foundations of selection and hybridization, methods for creating initial material - polyploidy, experimental mutagenesis, haploidy, cell selection, chromosomal and genetic engineering, hybridization of protoplasts, culture of germ and somatic cells and plant tissues; the study of the genetic and physiological-biochemical foundations of immunity, the inheritance of the most important quantitative and qualitative traits (protein and its amino acid composition, fats, starch, sugars). In modern plant breeding, natural and hybrid populations, self-pollinated lines, artificial mutants, and polyploid forms are used as starting material. Most varieties of agricultural plants have been created by selection and intraspecific hybridization. Mutant and polyploid varieties of grain, industrial and fodder crops have been obtained. The success of hybridization is largely determined by the correct selection of parental pairs for crossing, especially according to the ecological and geographical principle. If it is necessary to combine the traits of several parental forms in the hybrid offspring, stepwise hybridization is used. This method is widely used throughout the world. To enhance the desired properties of one of the parents in the hybrid offspring, backcrosses are used. To combine in one variety the characteristics and properties of different plant species or genera, distant hybridization is used.

3. Selection in animal husbandry

In the early stages of the development of animal husbandry, breeds were created as a result of unconscious selection, under the influence of natural and economic conditions. With the accumulation of zootechnical information, certain methods were developed for creating breeds according to a predetermined program of selection and selection; to consolidate the qualities, they began to use inbreeding (crossing of animals that are related by blood). This is how many breeds of world importance were bred (Shorthorn, Dutch breeds of red horn cattle, etc.).

In animal breeding, modern genetic methods are widely used, primarily population genetics, as well as immunogenetics. Methods have been developed for studying variability, heritability and genetic correlation of traits, assessing the genotype of animals and selecting plus-variants, which ensured a higher scientific and methodological level of breeding work.

As well as in plants, in domestic animals the phenomenon of heterosis is observed. Heterosis is widely used in animal husbandry and poultry farming, since the first generation of hybrids, which exhibit the phenomenon of hybrid strength, are directly used for economic purposes.

Particular attention is also paid to the selection of animals to improve the quality of products - increasing the protein content of milk in dairy cattle, increasing the yield of meat and reducing the fat content in the carcass of meat breeds of the Kyrgyz Republic. horn. cattle and pigs, obtaining wool of the required length and fineness from sheep, etc.

4. Selection of microorganisms

Microorganisms play an essential role in human life. On their basis, substances are created that are used in various branches of medicine and industry (the production of certain organic acids, alcohol, bread baking, winemaking are based on the activity of microorganisms).

Antibiotics are of paramount importance for human health. These are special substances - the waste products of some microbes and fungi that kill pathogenic microbes and viruses.

Selection methods are widely used to obtain the most productive forms of microorganisms. By selection, races of microorganisms are distinguished that most actively synthesize one or another product used by humans (antibiotic, vitamin, etc.). Microorganisms are characterized by hereditary variability (mutation). And therefore, the method of experimental production of mutations by the action of X-ray and ultraviolet rays and some chemical compounds is widely used. In this way, it is possible to increase the hereditary variability of microorganisms by tens and hundreds of times.

The selection process is distinguished by continuity, its methods are constantly being improved. This is due to the increasing production requirements for plant varieties, animal breeds and the effectiveness of microorganisms.


selection strain variety hybrid

1. Biological encyclopedic dictionary, M., 1989;

2. Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary, M., 1989;

3. Serebrovsky A.S., Breeding of plants and animals, M., 1969;

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Breeding as a scientific discipline.

Breeding is the science of developing new and improving existing varieties of plants and animal breeds. Word selection Translated from the Latin "selectio" means selection or choice. The selection of the best forms from wild or cultivated plants is the most ancient method of selection. Therefore, initially the concept of "breeding" fully corresponded to the content of the work on breeding new varieties by selecting the best forms with the development of propagation methods and agricultural cultivation techniques. Modern breeding uses selection using new methods of artificial creation of starting material (hybridization, polyploidy, mutagenesis) and various methods of growing selected plants based on studying the patterns of growth and development. However, selection remains the basis of breeding work, with the selection of initial forms, the selection of a variety begins, the selection ends with the testing of new forms and the release of a new variety.

The main breeding methods are: selection, hybridization, polyploidy and mutagenesis, introduction.

N.I. Vavilov called selection the science of the evolution of plants and animals in the interests of man. He wrote that selection as a science includes the following theoretical sections:

– the doctrine of the main directions of selection work (selection for immunity, selection for yield and technical qualities of products, etc.);

- the doctrine of the source material;

- the doctrine of hereditary variability;

- the doctrine of the role of the environment in the identification of varietal characteristics and properties;

- the theory of hybridization;

– the theory of the selection process;

– private breeding of individual crops (wheat, potato, pine breeding).

Plant breeding is continuously associated with seed production, with the production of high-quality varietal seeds that ensure the inheritance of economically valuable traits during seed reproduction. Unlike agriculture, agrochemistry, plant growing, which study methods of influencing the growing conditions of plants, breeding develops ways to influence the plants themselves in order to reveal their potential productivity or change their nature in the right direction. Therefore, the basis of selection and seed production is the doctrine of hereditary variability.

Periods in the history of breeding development.

Plant breeding originated with agriculture and is one of the earliest achievements of man. Selective breeding began when man began to domesticate plants and animals, grow them in a controlled environment, and select those forms that provided a reliable source of life.

There are three periods in the history of breeding:

– pre-Darwinian the period of practical selection (primitive selection, folk selection, industrial selection);

post-Darwinian the period of scientific selection, in the second half of the 19th century;

modern genetic the period of development of selection, which began in 1900, when genetics took shape as an independent science.

Primitive selection among the ancient peoples developed very slowly, its successes were often random. For 9 thousand years of the development of agriculture, man was not armed with the ideas of selection. He used the selection of only the best plants, made an assessment of each of them mainly on a certain basis (suitability for food or for other purposes). So the inhabitants of the Andes did not like to eat bitter potato tubers. Therefore, they sorted them, leaving the bitter ones for livestock feed, and the sweeter ones for food and sowing.

Removing carrot plants with branched roots from sowing, as unsuitable for human consumption, a person also did not set the task of improving the variety. But the removed plants did not produce seeds, and a valuable trait - the integrity of the root - accumulated in varieties over generations.

With the development of agriculture, primitive selection with unconscious selection was replaced by folk selection. This stage is characterized by the improvement of artificial selection techniques. Artificial selection began to take on a massive character. The stage of folk selection covers a centuries-old period and has many examples of great breeding achievements. Thus, unusual local varieties of spring and winter wheat were created in Russia. These varieties were subsequently widely used for breeding new varieties (as starting material) both in Russia and abroad. Folk selection has created winter-hardy local varieties of clovers, the best varieties of fiber flax, which were bred by Pskov and Smolensk peasants. A variety of varieties of rice and other crops are created by folk selection in India.

The development of capitalism in c. 18 and n. 19th centuries in Western Europe gave new incentives for the organization of varietal seed production as a profitable article of the capitalist economy. As a result, interest in breeding new varieties of agricultural plants has increased. In this regard, breeding work was consciously started for the first time and the first collection nurseries were organized. There was an industrial selection. In 1727, the famous seed company "Vilmorin" was founded near Paris, which did a lot for the development of selection. The company's founder, Louis Vilmorin, created a sugar beet culture that did not exist before by selecting colorless roots from table beets. The firm continues to operate today.

During the 19th century, thousands of large and small seed companies appeared in Germany, Austria, and the USA. New breeds and varieties not only significantly increased the productivity of domestic agriculture, but were also in great demand on the international market. Seeds were exported to many countries and brought profit to breeders.

But selection as a science did not yet exist. Techniques and methods developed by individual breeders were usually not described, but considered as personal secrets and passed from parents to children or from one company partner to another. At this time, selection had the character of a craft or art.

The Darwin period stands out in connection with the development by Charles Darwin (1809–1882) of the doctrine of the evolution of the organic world. Darwin created the theory of selection - the doctrine of artificial selection. Variability, heredity, and selection were named by him as prerequisites for selection. Darwin's book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) revolutionized biology: Darwin created a materialistic theory of evolution that explained the emergence of species in nature and artificial forms in agricultural practice. In 1868, in The Variation of Animals and Plants in the Domestic State, Darwin summed up practical selection. In the work "The action of cross-pollination and self-pollination in the plant kingdom," he proved the superiority of cross-pollination over self-pollination in plants. The doctrine of the evolution of living beings was called Darwinism. Selection has become a science.

Breeding is the science of breeding new varieties of plants and animal breeds and improving existing ones. Its name comes from the Latin word selectio - selection and correctly reflects the main feature of selection; various forms of selection are the main basis of the activity of all breeders.
The selection of selection as an independent science was preceded by practical selection, which for a long time was carried out in a purely empirical way, and at first even completely unconsciously.
Plant breeding is one of the earliest human achievements. Selective breeding began when man began to domesticate plants, growing them under controlled conditions and selecting those forms that provided a reliable source of food. This primitive plant breeding, like animal breeding, became more and more productive, groups of people gradually settled around these food sources. With the development of villages and cities, the labor force increased and people could already find time for the pursuit of arts and religions. Consequently, the domestication of plants and animals is one of the most important phases in the transition of man from a nomadic, largely individualistic way of life, to the complexly organized society that exists today. Almost all modern food crops are the direct result of human activity during the era of primitive agriculture.
At this early stage, selection was slow and successive. It remained an art, not a science, until the beginning of the twentieth century. the Mendelian laws of heredity were not discovered and used in plant breeding. However, despite this, selection will always be to some extent an art. As an art, breeding is based on the knowledge of the plant itself, its morphological features and reactions to environmental conditions.
As a science, plant breeding is based on the principles of genetics. Genetics explained heredity, and its laws made it possible to foresee the results of selection in advance. At first, the attention of geneticists was focused on genes that affect qualitative traits: color, morphological features, disease resistance. Later, geneticists began to study quantitative traits: yield, plant height, early maturity, and others.
The selection of plants and animals is a form of evolution which, in many respects, follows the same principles as the evolution of species in nature, but with one important difference: natural selection has been replaced here, at least in part, by conscious selection by man.
The main breeding methods are selection and hybridization, along with new methods based on the achievements of genetics: the method of breeding self-pollinated lines and the subsequent production of linear hybrids, the method of experimental polyploidy, the method of experimental mutagenesis. The expediency of applying certain breeding methods to certain living organisms largely depends on the methods of their reproduction. These are self-pollinating, cross-pollinating, vegetatively propagated plants, animals and microorganisms.

Anchor points:

    Selection, according to N.I. Vavilov, is an evolution directed by the will of man.

    The first attempts to domesticate animals date back to ancient times.

    The purpose and objectives of selection are to obtain living organisms with the qualities necessary for a person.

Check yourself:

    What is called a breed, variety?

    What are the main selection methods?

    What is the purpose of crossbreeding in breeding?

    What is heterosis?

    What is the purpose of mutagens in breeding?

    Name the mutagenic factors

The patterns of functioning and development of science, the structure and dynamics of scientific knowledge and scientific activity, the interaction of science with other social institutions and spheres of the material and spiritual life of society are studied by a special discipline - science of science.

The first attempts to formulate a program of science as a special branch of knowledge were made in 1926 by the Soviet scientist I. Borichevsky, as well as by the Polish scientists M. and S. Ossovsky (1936). The works of academician S.G. Strumilin and the work of the English scientist J.D. Bernal had a great influence on the formation of science of science. Science of science began to take shape as an independent field of knowledge in the early 1960s. Here it is necessary to name the book of the Ukrainian scientist G.N. Dobrov "The Science of Science". It is possible to name several formed schools of science of science.

In 1966, a Soviet-Polish symposium was held on the problems of a comprehensive study of the development of science, at which a lively discussion unfolded about the essence and name of this new direction. Of the many possible options: science about science, scientology, science of science, science of science, it was the latter that was adopted.

The term "science about science" was not generally accepted by Western researchers of science. Now we can say that the Western analogue of science of science is the direction called "social studies of science" (Social Studies of Science). Apparently, under the influence of this circumstance, in our country, in recent years, the term "science" is being perceived by many as somewhat archaic.

Defining science of science as a special field of knowledge that studies the process of scientific activity in an integral system of its subject-substantive and social characteristics, as well as its influence on the development of productive forces and social life in general, we single out a specific subject of science of science, which forms both its own conceptual apparatus and research methods, and their own point of view on science as a socially organized cognitive activity aimed at meeting social needs. Thus, science of science stands out from a number of other disciplines, which, from their own point of view, in relation to their subject, study certain aspects of science. But this still does not give a sufficiently complete definition of science of science as a special branch of research, a sufficiently complete and clear description of its subject.

In 1936, the Polish scientists Maria and Stanisław Ossowski were one of the first, considering the problems of the emerging scientific direction, to call it “the science of science”, highlighting five groups of problems:

The first group included problems that can be called "philosophy of science" - questions of the concept of science, classification of sciences, the concept of "science", etc.

The second group includes the problems of the “psychology of science”, to which the authors include issues related to the development of certain branches of science and the psychological development of a scientist.

To the third group - the problems of "sociology of science": the relationship between science and culture.

To the fourth - problems of a practical and organizational nature.

Questions of the history of science, the concept of individual scientific disciplines, scientists attributed to the fifth group of problems.

J. Bernal proposed a comprehensive definition formulated by D. Price to designate science of science: “under the science of science, we mean history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics, political science, operational research, etc., related to science, technology, medicine etc.". This definition essentially covers the range of problems pointed out by M. and S. Ossowski.

Various aspects of science as a special form of social activity are studied, for example, by sociology, psychology, economics, and other disciplines. But each of them studies a certain aspect of scientific activity and the development of science, and, moreover, from a certain point of view. Such studies, as well as studies of philosophical problems of the development of scientific knowledge, problems of logic and methodology of scientific knowledge, the place and role of science in the socio-historical process, the interaction of science and culture, etc., enrich the understanding of science, the factors of its development. However, each of these sciences, naturally, does not set itself the task of covering the development of science as a whole by virtue of its subject of research. The summation of their results cannot give this either, for it is well known that even the most detailed analysis of the individual aspects of any process, like their sum, never gives an idea of ​​the process as such in all its complexity. The history of science, which covers the process of its development more broadly and comprehensively than other sciences, and plays an important role in comprehending its laws, just because it deals mainly with the past and is called upon, first of all, to reveal specific processes at a given time and under given conditions. Of course, it is extremely important to thoroughly clarify the specific factors influencing the development of science: how, to what extent and under what specific conditions they manifest themselves. However, knowledge about individual factors does not yet decide matters, since their impact on science is not independent of each other, but is closely intertwined, interconnected and, moreover, different in different conditions.

To understand the processes characteristic of the development of science, they must be considered holistically, in their organic interconnection. So science of science is not just the science of scientific activity, but the science of the interaction of elements that in their totality determine the development of science as a special complex system, revealing the role and influence of these elements on the behavior of the entire system as a certain integrity. The formation of science of science, which considers science in its entirety, is both the most important methodological condition and a prerequisite for a fruitful study of certain aspects of the development of science.

Science of Science is a branch of knowledge that studies the patterns of functioning and development of science as a specific social institution and a special form of activity, its structure and dynamics, interaction with other social institutions and spheres of the material and spiritual life of society.

Science of science comprehensively reflects those general and essential processes and phenomena that are characteristic of various aspects of science, their relationship, as well as to determine the relationship between science, on the one hand, and technology, production and society, on the other.

Science of science, like any other field of knowledge, performs functions that are associated with the receipt and accumulation of materials, facts, their systematization and theoretical generalization, forecasting and development of practical recommendations.

That is, science of science is an integral methodological and sociological system of knowledge about science. At the same time, the complexity of this science is expressed in the use of various methods and achievements of the whole variety of sciences to develop specific problems that cannot be solved by any of these sciences separately.

Summing up what has been said about the essence of science of science, we can take as a basis the definition given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia: Science of science is a branch of science, a discipline that studies patterns of functioning and development of science, the structure and dynamics of scientific activity, the interaction of science with other social institutions and spheres of the material and spiritual life of society.