The content of the multilevel system of higher education. Level system of higher professional education (HPE) in Russia Lecturer: T.A.Voronova, Ph.D.

"Statut", Private Law Research Center under the President of the Russian Federation, 2010, 433 pages.
This book is a collection of materials created at different times and combined into this collection with one goal - to reveal the essence and designate the results of the codification process in Russian civil law. The author identifies and considers three codifications: the creation of the Civil Code of the RSFSR of 1922, the adoption of the Fundamentals of Civil Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics of 1961, and then the Civil Code of the RSFSR of 1964 and the creation of the current Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the modern Civil Code of the Russian Federation, four parts of which were put into effect within 12 years (1994 - 2006). In addition, the work touches upon the issues of unification of civil legislation within the economic space of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Three codifications of domestic civil law (instead of preface, introduction and afterword)
First codification
Second codification
Third codification

I. Soviet codifications of civil law
General issues of codification
Development of the codification of civil legislation
V. I. Lenin and the formation of civil legislation
Legislation on legal capacity and property rights of citizens
Legislation on the expropriation of exploitative property
First Soviet Civil Code
Correlation between all-union and republican civil legislation
Forms of codification of all-union civil legislation
Civil Code of the RSFSR 1964
On the Civil Code of the RSFSR
Basic Provisions on Obligations in the New Civil Codes of the Union Republics
Fundamentals of civil legislation of the USSR and the republics
Legal regulation of economic activity
Fundamentals of civil law and entrepreneurial activity
Fundamentals of civil legislation of the USSR and the republics (commentary on articles 1 - 4 of chapter 1 "Basic provisions"
Relations regulated by civil law
Civil legislation of the USSR and the republics
Grounds for the emergence of civil rights and obligations
Objects of civil rights

II. Civil Code of the Russian Federation
General issues of codification
Legislative support of the market economy
General issues
Civil law support of the market economy
Legal entities

The concept of the Civil Code of Russia
Report dated May 17, 1994
Closing remarks, May 18, 1994
General concept of the draft Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Civil law in the Soviet planned economy and in the market economy of Russia
Russian Revolutions and the Continuity of Civil Law
The problem of creating a unified civil legislation in a single economic space
What did the new Civil Code of Russia "inherit" from the previous codes?
Constitution and Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Civil legislation as a subject of the Federation in the past and present of our Fatherland
Creation of the Russian Civil Code: 15 years of cooperation, mutual understanding and friendship with lawyers from the Netherlands
Russian Civil Code and its impact on economic transactions
The main characteristics of the Civil Code of Russia
The main trends in the application of the Civil Code of Russia by the courts
Russian Civil Code: providing a stable environment for economic transactions
Should the Civil Code be amended? (small illustration for big questions)
What happened to the ill-fated article 855?
The Russian Civil Code is in force: what's next? (problems and prospects for the development of Russian civil legislation)
Code Civil of France and the codification of Russian civil law (relations in the past, problems of influence and improvement)
The modern history of the codification of civil law began in France and in Russia at the same time
Could the French Code Civil become the civil code of the Russian Empire?
The French Code Civil operated in the Russian Empire for 100 years (1815 - 1914)
Are there any norms from Code Civil of France in the Russian civil codes?
Problems of improvement and modernization of civil codes
Parts one and two of the Civil Code
New Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Third Civil Code of Russia against the backdrop of the fifth Russian Constitution
"Acting Persons" of the Civil Code
Property in the Civil Code
Freedom and observance of the contract
Introductory Commentary to the Civil Code
What is the Civil Code for?
Civil Code in the system of Russian law
How to use the Civil Code
About the concept of the first part of the Civil Code
Issues arising from the general characteristics of the first part of the Civil Code
General rules on obligations in the Civil Code
Civil responsibility of the state for acts of power
Liabilities due to unjust enrichment
On Part Three of the Civil Code
Inheritance by law: reality and perspective
What is preferable?
ratio legis
Necessary heirs
Right of representation
Shares of heirs
The concept of the development of Russian legislation in the field of private international law
A new stage in the development of private international law in Russia
Codification of civil law and development of domestic private international law
On Part Four of the Civil Code
Exclusive rights and the concept of part four of the Civil Code
"American History"

III. Unification of civil legislation and the model of the Civil Code of the CIS member states
On the Model of the Civil Codes of the Member States of the Commonwealth (abstracts)
Creating a model of the Civil Code is the most important step towards convergence of the legislation of the CIS countries
On the unification of private law in the Commonwealth of Independent States
Model acts and codes in the system of legal support for integration
Speech at the opening of the International Conference "Results and Prospects for the Codification of Civil Legislation in the CIS Member States" (February 24, 1997, St. Petersburg)
New Civil Codes of the CIS Member States: Stability and Transitional Nature of Regulation
Some Assessments of Legislation Assistance and the State of International Cooperation
On the unification of civil legislation in the common economic space (Soviet and post-Soviet experience)

After the Great October Socialist Revolution until the early 1990s. in the education of the former USSR, a mono-level system of education operated, which aimed to train specialists to solve a narrow range of specific professional tasks ("the German system").

This system had significant advantages: state typification and unification of curricula in all colleges and universities; the possibility of obtaining narrow, but deep knowledge and skills in a particular specialty; a simplified procedure for the transfer of students from one educational institution to another in the same specialty; the possibility of using a single educational and methodological support for the training of specialists (textbooks, teaching aids, posters, diagrams, educational films, etc.).

Together with However, the mono-level system had a number of disadvantages: lack of flexibility and adaptation in education, depending on the personality of the student and the level of his abilities; inability to transfer to a non-core university; the complexity of taking into account the needs of the market (customers) and the specific capabilities of educational institutions; discrepancy between the content of the programs and the requirements for specialists of the Western European education system, which complicated the nostrification of graduate diplomas or made it impossible.

The system of multilevel education can be represented as a structure that provides for the following levels (stages) of education (Fig. 2.3).

I level - incomplete higher education with a duration of study of at least two years. The contingent of students is formed mainly from school graduates. No qualification is given.

II level - higher professional education. The contingent of students is formed from graduates of the I level of education, as well as from graduates of secondary schools and colleges. Full term of study - at least 4 years; qualification (academic degree) - bachelor. A diploma of higher education is issued.

Level III - implemented under the main professional educational programs of two types:

the first type (magistracy) - on the basis of a bachelor's program in the relevant direction, a specialized training program is mastered, including mandatory research and (or) scientific and pedagogical activities. The standard term of study is at least 2 years. The graduate is awarded the qualification (academic degree) "Master" and the corresponding diploma is issued;

second type (specialty)- the program includes disciplines of all cycles (blocks) of the SES VPO, as well as theoretical and practical training in the specialty and specialization. The normative period of study after graduation from the bachelor's degree is at least one year. The graduate is awarded the qualification of a specialist, certified by a diploma of higher education.

Educational programs for the training of specialists can be mastered regardless of the bachelor's degree. In this case, the normative terms of training are established by the SES VPO in a particular specialty, but not less than 5 years.

The development of educational programs at the university is ensured by the appropriate organization of the educational process. At present, the block-modular structure of curricula has become widespread in universities: at the first level (1st and 2nd courses), the content of education mainly corresponds to the disciplines of the social-humanitarian and natural-mathematical cycles of the SES VPO, which makes it possible to lay the foundation for education; general professional disciplines at level I make up 10-15% of the professional educational program. This approach preserves a single educational space, its openness, and a certain security of the student: he, if necessary, can move from university to university, from one professional program to another, without any special losses.

The unification of the disciplines of the first level of education has allowed many universities to partially solve economic problems: in the schedule of classes for students of related areas and specialties, you can put combined streaming lectures, which reduces training costs while maintaining quality. With the introduction of state educational standards, universities received sufficient academic freedom, which gives them the right, within the scope of hours allotted for courses of the student's choice and for the regional (university) component, to improve the quality of specialist training by introducing appropriate copyright courses, expanding the scope of the content of the federal component.

Most customers for specialists (market organizations), along with professional requirements for an employee, put forward knowledge of a foreign language and the ability to work on a computer in user mode as mandatory. SES VPO allow the university to provide appropriate training due to the flexibility and variability of the educational and professional program and the personality-oriented concept of education.

The ability to build a curriculum for undergraduate specialties also makes the educational system more open and mobile. Thus, the requirements of the SES VPO are focused on:

· openness, flexibility, mobility of the education system;

· a culturally appropriate approach to the selection of content, which ensures the development and self-determination of the individual;

Fundamentalization of knowledge in conjunction with a practical focus on professional activities;

· integrity and continuity of educational programs of different levels, their openness and variability, continuity;

· personality-oriented nature of education, taking into account the abilities and capabilities of each subject of the educational process;

· wide introduction and use of new information and innovative educational technologies.

The opportunity to choose or change the educational trajectory in the process of obtaining higher education, without interrupting it, develops a sense of responsibility, self-determination, accelerates the socialization of the future specialist and provides students with emotional comfort. Expanding the range of professional activities after graduation increases the social security of the graduate.

End of work -

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Two-level system of education and competence-based approach

Two-level education system and competence approach

Kharin Alexander Alexandrovich

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Innovation Management

[email protected]

Kharina Olga Sergeevna

Candidate of Economics, Lecturer at the Department of Applied Informatics

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State University of Innovative

technologies and entrepreneurship"

[email protected]

Annotation: The change of the political system in Russia in the last decade of the last century has led to significant changes in the management of the economy and the need for deep integration into the world economic space, which is characterized by a highly competitive environment in all sectors of the national economy, including education.

abstract: Change of a political system in Russia The last decade of the last century led to considerable changes in management of the economy and the need for deep integration into the world economic space which is characterized by the high-competitive environment in all branches of a national economy, including in the educational sphere.

Keywords: Innovations, two-level system of education, competencies, approach.

keywords: Innovations, two-level education system, competencies, approach.


For the development of Russian higher education, the state has chosen a strategy to expand the access of citizens of the Russian Federation to higher professional education, improve its quality and attractiveness, expand the mobility of students and teachers through the introduction of a system of higher education levels and the use of a system of study loans similar to the European one (ECTS), issuing universities of the pan-European Diploma Supplement.

This approach is enshrined in law in Article 2, clause 1, clause 3 Federal Law No. 125 , Whereby one of the principles of state policy in the field of education is and integration of the Russian system of higher and postgraduate professional education into the world system, which should take place while maintaining and developing the achievements and traditions of Russian higher education. Russia's accession to the Bologna process gives a new impetus to the modernization of higher professional education, opens up additional opportunities for the participation of Russian universities in projects funded by the European Commission, and for students and teachers of higher educational institutions in academic exchanges with universities in European countries.

The process of harmonization of higher education systems in European countries began in the mid-1970s with the adoption in the EU of the Resolution on the program of cooperation in the field of education, and in 1999 the ministers of education of 29 European states signed the so-called Bologna Declaration, which laid the foundation for the movement to build a unified educational environment in Europe and is called the Bologna process, the main goal of which is reflected in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Purpose of the Bologna process


Russia joined the Bologna Process in 2003, becoming the 34th participating country in a unique example of voluntary convergence of educational systems of different countries, which became possible thanks to the “soft” integration methods adopted in the European Union. It should be noted that this process involves the modernization of their higher education systems by countries in accordance with certain development directions, including the introduction of a two-tier education system based on the use of a credit system (academic credits), and the introduction of doctoral studies into the general higher education system (as a third level) . Thus, a three-level system of higher education is being formed, which differs depending on the region and is represented by two dominant models, shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Dominant models of the higher education system in Europe

According to Federal Law No. 125, the autonomy of higher education institutions has been expanded, which allows the introduction of a system of loans similar to ECTS - the European transfer system andaccumulation of units of labor intensity of the educational program. In 2004, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation developed and sent to all Russian universities« Methodology for calculating credits for Russian universities». This method takes into account the peculiarities of the Russian education system and recommends universities a certain procedure for calculating credits, compatible with ECTS. Since 2005, Russia has been presenting National Reports on the implementation of the Bologna Process at official meetings of European Ministers of Education.

In 2005, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science "On the implementation of the provisions of the Bologna Declaration in the system of higher professional education of the Russian Federation for 2005-2010" was issued and the "List of head universities and organizations in the Russian Federation for the implementation of the main goals of developing the system of higher professional education in accordance with Bologna Declaration" and "List of universities coordinating the implementation of the main goals of the development of the system of higher professional education in the federal districts of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Bologna Declaration". To ensure the high quality of education, Russia has begun to develop comparable criteria and methodologies for assessing the quality of education. Currently, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia is making efforts to harmonize the requirements of the universities of the European Union and higher educational institutions in Russia.

According to the Federal Law of October 24, 2007 No. 232-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation (Regarding the Establishment of Levels of Higher Professional Education)”, from December 31, 2010, the enrollment of students in most areas of the specialty was terminated, and the admission of applicants to educational institutions of higher professional education for training in educational programs of higher professional education is carried out at one of the relevant levels: bachelor or master. Thus, in 2011, a massive transition of Russian universities to a system of two-level education began.

It is assumed that the creation of a single educational space will allow national educational systems to borrow the best practices, so these systems should be of the same type, consist of uniform educational cycles (bachelor's degree - master's degree), the same forms of fixing the qualifications received, mutual recognition of the qualifications received, etc. In fact, a bachelor's degree is a completed basic higher education in a particular field, which has a general practice-oriented character. Master's degree is a stage of higher professional education following the bachelor's degree, which allows to deepen specialization in a certain professional area. In the magistracy, any area of ​​​​professional activity is studied in depth, and not necessarily directly related to the qualification obtained in the bachelor's degree. The training ends with the defense of a master's thesis. Thus, graduates who wish to improve their professional knowledge in any narrow scientific direction can continue their studies in the magistracy. In addition, master's training necessarily includes research work or practice and allows you to train highly qualified specialists who are prone to analytical activities.

A positive aspect of the introduction of a two-level education system is that after completing a bachelor's degree, a graduate can go to work with a diploma of higher education. In the course of his work, a university graduate will be able to decide what further education he wants to receive, what practical skills and knowledge he has, and whether he wants to receive a specialized education in the future.

The negative aspects include the limitation of the number of places in the master's program. Preliminary forecasts allow us to conclude that no more than 20 percent of bachelors will study in the master's program. In addition, the introduction of a two-level system of education will also require a restructuring of the graduating departments of many large universities, and will also affect teaching and support staff and almost the entire teaching staff, because. in connection with the introduction of federal educational standards of higher professional education, there is a need to reorganize the composition of the departments due to changes in the teaching load of teachers. Another ambiguous point is that the transition to a two-level model of education will require the management of universities to develop or purchase new software, methodological and information support for basic educational programs, as well as restructuring the educational process of the entire university. This is especially true for higher educational institutions that introduce bachelor's and master's programs for the first time.

The introduction of a two-tier education system is one of the initial stages of the integration of the Russian education system into the European one. Further progress requires the development of joint international educational programs with European universities. At the same time, the state of affairs in Russian education, from the point of view of the analysis of Bologna process shows that only a small number of Russian universities have joint educational programs with universities in foreign countries, and the practice of issuing joint diplomas has not yet become sufficiently widespread in Russian universities.

Despite the need to move to a two-tier system of education, some Russian universities will retain the traditional form of education. Basically, these are medical higher educational institutions and some technical ones, in the areas of training of which 4 years are not enough to master professional skills.

During the final collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on March 19, 2011, the head of the department Andrey Fursenko noted that today it is impossible to predict the need of the Russian economy for certain specialists with a horizon of five to seven years, therefore higher professional education in the form of a bachelor's degree, as a base, is more preferable than the training of narrow specialists. "Level training is more in line with the rapidly changing economy of the future and at the same time makes Russian education more attractive to foreigners," the minister said.

In connection with the transition to a system of two-level education, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation initiated the procedure for creating the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) of the new 3rd generation, focused on the implementation of the competency-based approach, which are a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs (BEP) of the primary general , basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education by educational institutions with state accreditation. GEF should provide:

  1. the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;
  2. continuity of the PEP of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education.

Federal Law No. 309-FZ of December 1, 2007 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Part of Changing the Concept and Structure of the State Educational Standard” approved the structure of the Federal State Educational Standard. They should include 3 types of requirements:

  1. to the structure of the BEP, including the requirements for the ratio of the parts of the BEP and their volume, as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the BEP and the part formed by the participants in the educational process;
  2. to the conditions for the implementation of the BEP, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions;
  3. to the results of the development of OOP.

A feature of the new generation standards is the introduction of a competency-based approach as a method of modeling learning outcomes and their presentation in the form of higher education quality standards. In this case, learning outcomes are understood as sets of competencies, including the knowledge, skills and abilities of the student, which are determined both for each module of the program and for the program as a whole. The creation of a comparable system of degrees (single educational space) requires a change in teaching methods, assessment procedures and criteria, and ways to ensure the quality of education. The development of the content of qualifications, as well as documentation that provides the educational process (work programs of disciplines, curricula, etc.) in terms of competencies and learning outcomes, to a certain extent, solves the problem of developing a pan-European consensus in determining degrees in terms of what graduates should be able to do according to completion of training. The advantage of the competency-based approach is that it allows for flexibility and autonomy in the structure and content of the curriculum.

The competence model (hereinafter referred to as the model) of a specialist focused on the sphere of professional activity is less strictly tied to a specific object and subject of work, which ensures the mobility of graduates in changing external conditions. The model is a description of what set of competencies a university graduate should have, what functions he should be prepared to perform, and what should be the degree of his readiness to perform specific duties.

The essence of the model is that the competencies of a bachelor in the specialty consist of invariant to the field of activity and special competencies. Social and personal, general scientific, general professional, economic, organizational and managerial competencies are invariant to the field of activity, and special competencies are developed in relation to the field of activity for specific areas of training.


The application of the competency-based approach creates certain difficulties for teachers who need to clearly indicate which competencies or groups of competencies are provided by the courses they have developed and develop new control and measuring materials that will help to understand whether students have mastered the required competency or not.

The process of transition to a two-level education system is a progressive movement towards the creation of a unified system of higher professional education with developed countries. Our country has just begun to implement this process, within which it is necessary to take into account the shortcomings and best practices identified in the implementation of the principles of the Bologna Process in other countries, as well as the positive experience of the Soviet education system. This approach will make it possible to build the most effective education system in the Russian Federation, which will be the basis for the development of the modern economy.


  1. Federal Law No. 125-FZ "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" of August 22, 1996 (as amended on November 16, 2011) // ATP Consultant Plus. //
  2. Information on the issue "On the implementation of the provisions of the Bologna Declaration in the system of higher professional education of the Russian Federation" (to the meeting of the collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on December 16, 2004). Website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
  3. Larionova M.V. Formation of a common educational space in the context of the development of integration processes in the European Union. Diss.d.polit.sci., M., 2006.
  4. Nikolaev D., Suslova D. Russia in the Bologna Process // Questions of Education. No. 1, 2010
  5. Russia and the Bologna process.
  6. Fursenko: Universities in 2011 will massively switch to a two-tier system. 03/19/2011 RIA Novosti.