Modern forms of extracurricular activities. Modern forms of events at school: obvious advantages

What is an extracurricular activity? How is it different from a regular curriculum session? What are the topics of extracurricular activities and how are their developments and scenarios compiled? All these questions will be answered in this article.

What is an extracurricular activity?

The answer to this question is already contained in the definition itself. This is not a lesson, not a compulsory school lesson. Initially, it was assumed that the event itself should be held outside the classroom walls. That is, the concept of "extracurricular activities" included excursions, trips, visits to theaters, museums, school holidays and olympiads held at different levels.

Today it is no longer so important the fact where exactly the event takes place - in the native class or in the neighboring school. An extracurricular activity is an activity that is not included in the school curriculum. This is not a lesson - that's its main feature.

What is the main difference between an extracurricular activity and a lesson?

Attending classes, completing assignments in the classroom and at home, giving answers to the teacher's questions and getting grades for it - all this is the responsibility of each student. Extra-curricular activities are attended only by those who are interested. To take part or to remain a simple observer during the "out of class" - this is also every child and teenager decides for himself.

Often such extra-curricular activities are held at the school, which are designed for the entire team. That's what they call it - schoolwide. However, you can not enter a visit to them in obligatory. The task of educators and teachers is to build a scenario for an extra-curricular event in such a way that the students themselves become interested, and they would not need to be forcibly gathered in the assembly hall, set up at the door on duty to catch those who want to go home.

What do classroom activities and extracurricular activities have in common?

Although the very development of an extracurricular activity by a teacher is based on the same methods as the planning of the main educational activity. For example, it is obligatory when drawing up his script to set such goals as teaching and educational. Students should at each such lesson, as well as at the lesson, learn something new, acquire a useful practical skill that will be useful to them in life. Such classes stimulate the desire to learn school subjects more deeply, help to reveal the creative potential of the growing personality, get to know each other better, contribute to the emergence and strengthening of friendship between children, teach them to live and work in a team.

When should extracurricular activities take place?

And again, the answer to the question lies on the surface. Classes are called extra-curricular because the lessons that take place in the classroom should already be over. The time of extracurricular activities should not coincide with school hours. Unfortunately, the teaching staff of the current school very often violates this important rule. Often, olympiads or reading competitions at the district level take place just at the time when children should sit at their desks in their own class. Not only do they disrupt students from classes, such events tear a large number of teachers away from educational activities: a child needs an escort, judges are required on the jury.

Types of extracurricular activities

There are a lot of options for classes outside of program lessons. These can be both events in academic subjects (electives, quizzes, circle classes, olympiads, meetings of scientific societies, conferences, competitions, and so on), and educational events (excursions to museums and interesting places, visits to theaters, classes in creative circles). directions, preparing concerts, staging performances, holding fairs of handicrafts and other collective creative activities). Even a simple walk in the school yard can turn into a full-fledged extracurricular activity if the teacher teaches the children something, if they get some new knowledge, they become at least a little kinder, more tolerant, more interested.

How to emphasize the differences between lessons and extracurricular activities?

Unfortunately, many students do not see the difference between lessons and electives, olympiads and tests, conferences and, again, ordinary lessons. And teachers who do not know how to approach their work creatively are to blame for this.

But it is very important to make sure that the development of an extracurricular activity is fundamentally different from the lesson. Even if an extra-curricular activity has a lot in common with the topic of the lesson, it should not become an ordinary extra activity. It should be a different world, not a boring dull lesson, but a small holiday.

If it is not possible to hold an extracurricular event outside the walls of your own class, then you can, for example, change the appearance of the room:

  • rearrange the tables in a circle or in pairs so that the children sit four people opposite each other,
  • decorate the walls with posters, large flowers, wall newspapers;
  • develop original paraphernalia used only in these classes - ties, breast emblems, caps.

"Mom, dad, I'm a math family"

If desired, even an ordinary extra-curricular activity in mathematics can be turned into an exciting team competition. Here, just as it happens in Merry Starts, family teams are organized that go through stage after stage and score points.

The scenario of the extra-curricular activity "Mom, dad, I am a mathematical family" may include a creative element - the presentation of teams. This will be the participants' homework. Let the preparation of costumes, emblems or other paraphernalia, which would make it possible to distinguish members of one team from another, will also lie on the shoulders of the players themselves.

You can include elements from KVN in an extracurricular activity in mathematics:

  • warm-up, where team members in one minute select answers to the questions of the presenter;
  • captain competition;
  • "serve-hang up", when teams take turns asking opponents questions and tasks prepared in advance.

However, this event should still be based on the idea of ​​showing students the importance of mathematical skills in real life, teaching them how to use them in practice.

If teams are playing with elementary school students, they should be given tasks to calculate the cost of goods, calculate the cost of paying for electricity, calculate the required number of seeds for planting in a box or in a garden.

Older children can prepare tasks more difficult. For example, calculate the weight of a hippopotamus if it is known that it is lighter than half an elephant by two monkeys and two watermelons. And an elephant is heavier than a hippo by 110 monkeys and 50 watermelons. Present the answer in monkeys and watermelons.

An unconventional approach to a subject that seems boring and uninteresting to half of the class can radically change the attitude towards it. And even after the first such event, not all students will fall in love with mathematics. But the fact that they will have a desire to learn more about it is an indisputable fact.

In the methodological literature, three forms of extracurricular work are distinguished, based on the number of participants in it: individual, group and mass. G. V. Rogova, F. M. Rabinovich and T. E. Sakharova believe that group and mass forms of extracurricular work are mainly used, because the individual, as it were, is part of them.

Mass extracurricular activities organically fit into the school plan of extracurricular activities; it can be done episodically or intermittently. This form of extracurricular work includes the following types of events: evenings, matinees, competitions, quizzes, olympiads, KVN, foreign language day, press conferences. Classes, parallel classes, link (stages) of education, even the whole school take part in them.

Evenings and matinees are the main types of mass extracurricular activities. They may differ in content (we will talk about this in more detail in the second chapter). These types of extracurricular activities help to develop a whole range of skills and knowledge of a foreign language: mastering new material contributes to the development of new areas of knowledge in a foreign language and the development of the material covered. They involve individual cognitive, creative skills, knowledge in the field of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary.

Various competitions are an important means of increasing the level of mastery of a foreign language. In the practice of schools, competitions for the following types of work with the language have become widespread:

1) Competition for the best expressive reading of a literary poem, text or passage;

2) Competition for the best story without training on the topics included in the program;

3) Competition for the best description of drawings, frames from a video or filmstrip, for sounding a video excerpt;

4) Competition for the best interpretation (competition of simultaneous interpreters);

5) Competition for the best written translation;

6) Competition for the best interlocutor.

Competitions can be held on a school, district, city, regional scale, as well as on a national scale. As a rule, they are held in several stages (rounds), if it is not a school competition: school stage, district stage, city, regional and country stage.

Quizzes, olympiads, KVN, the game “What? Where? When? ”, Which are actually options for the competition. These types of work do not allow students to stop at the achieved level, stimulating their curiosity and desire to improve their language skills.

The quiz can be carried out at any stage of learning a foreign language. Its subject can be regional or linguistic regional knowledge. Quiz material can be presented in various forms: puzzles, riddles, questions, etc. Quizzes are associated with the identification of a wide variety of knowledge, revealing interdisciplinary connections.

The practice of conducting KVN testifies to its effectiveness in stimulating interest in a foreign language. KVN is held upon completion of the study of a topic or a number of topics according to a program that provides for various competitions.

Day (or week) of a foreign language at the school is held annually at the same time. Almost all students of the school participate in this event, acting according to a specially developed program. At the end of the day or week of a foreign language, a reporting evening-concert is held.

The group form includes clubs and circles. The main feature of this form is the constant participation of a group of students (10-15 people), as well as the regularity of classes. When creating circles, the interests of students are taken into account, and, of course, the possibilities, inclinations and tastes of the teacher.

Basically, circles and clubs do not differ from each other in terms of the principles of functioning. Their main difference is that the club form, as it were, combines circle, mass and individual forms of work into a harmonious structure, being its coordinating and organizing center. The most common circles are: a circle of film lovers, a circle of colloquial speech, drama, a choir circle, poetry lovers and some others. As a rule, the activities of circles and clubs are reflected in the reporting concerts or evenings.

The individual form of work provides an opportunity for the development of individual abilities and inclinations of students. This form of extracurricular work gives students the opportunity to show creative initiative and activity. As a rule, students participating in an individual form of extracurricular activity participate in all other forms of extracurricular work. There are the following types of extracurricular work: memorizing passages of prose and poetry, learning songs, taking notes, working on a role, designing materials for an exhibition, making albums, visual aids, preparing for reports, performances in evening programs.

Thus, extracurricular work is called educational and educational activities that are carried out outside the classroom. Extracurricular activities play an important role in teaching a foreign language. It has a certain specificity inherent in the subject. Extracurricular work performs approximately the same range of tasks as classroom work. It motivates the cognitive activity of students, forms their taste, worldview, broadens their horizons.

Extracurricular work effectively helps to reveal the cognitive aspect of learning a foreign language, because develops the abilities used in intercultural communication.

There are three forms of extracurricular work: mass, group and individual. The mass form is divided into the following types: evenings, matinees, competitions, quizzes, olympiads, KVN, foreign language day, press conferences. The group form includes the activities of circles or clubs. Individual extracurricular work involves learning by heart, compiling notes, manuals, albums, working on a role, etc.

An open extracurricular event is a form of demonstration of advanced pedagogical developments, a way to put them into practice and improve the skills of teachers. The most important condition for conducting open lessons is publicity, through which the above goals are achieved.

The peculiarities of extracurricular activities are their unusualness, so to speak, the unconventional choice of types and forms of conduct, which helps to awaken children's interest in the learning process, motivating them to independently learn a particular subject.

Classification of extracurricular activities

The main types of extra-curricular activities can be considered educational, leisure and sports and recreation.

Educational and educational extracurricular activities are aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, deepening their knowledge, expanding their horizons, and forming the civic position of students.

Leisure activities make it possible to specify the interests of students aimed at acquiring certain skills and abilities, diversify school life with entertaining moments.

Sports and recreational activities ensure the physical development of schoolchildren, contribute to the improvement and maintenance of their health.

In our proposed classification of types of extracurricular activities, the emphasis is on the purpose of the event. It is this aspect that determines the choice of the form of holding.

Forms of extracurricular activities

Each type of extracurricular activities has its own ways of implementation. Of course, the list is not static and limited: the objects in it can vary, intersect, unite.

Educational and educational extracurricular activities can have the following forms of performance: conversation, discussion, meeting with interesting people, quiz, theater, training, conference, olympiad, review, competition, excursion.

Leisure extracurricular activities have more applied goals - teaching skills, abilities, which is implemented in the following didactic models: workshop (cutting and sewing, culinary, fine arts, photography, modeling), plein air, master class, theater studio. In addition, leisure activities are held for entertainment purposes, which contributes to the unification of children's recreational leisure activities - a competition, a game, theatrical performances.

Sports and recreation open extra-curricular activities are held in the form of sports games, trips.

The age characteristics of students in choosing the content and forms of extracurricular activities are of decisive importance. Let's explore this aspect of the problem.

elementary School

Of particular importance is the holding of open extra-curricular activities in elementary school. Primary school children are most sensitive to learning new things, they require a visual demonstration of the knowledge offered, in addition, younger students have a very high level.

Based on this, when planning extra-curricular activities for students in grades 1-4, preference should be given to conducting classes with elements of physical activity, games, competitive tasks, and excursions. An open extracurricular activity of grade 2 should take into account the little practical experience of children in this age category, form basic knowledge, skills and abilities.

Old school

Children of senior school age are capable of a longer static perception of the material, of reproducing more text, they are stress-resistant, which plays a decisive role in choosing the form of extracurricular activities. In such cases, it is worth giving preference to theatrical performances, KVN, brain ring, hiking trips, career-guided excursions.

Teaching and educational extracurricular activities

Given that the primary task of the school is education, let us dwell in more detail on the consideration of educational open events.

Open extra-curricular activities of an educational nature contribute to an in-depth study of the material in certain subjects, systematization of the acquired knowledge using non-traditional forms of information presentation.

Extracurricular activity in mathematics

The main purpose of extracurricular activities in mathematics is the practical application of the knowledge acquired in the classroom. Such events are most effective in the form of games, trips, competitions, excursions, theatrical performances, subject weeks. There are different types of extracurricular activities.

The cognitive functions of the game are very wide. The main advantage of the game over other forms of extracurricular activities is its accessibility. Solving mathematical charades, puzzles, crossword puzzles is a very exciting process that allows you to systematize the knowledge gained, develops logical thinking, ingenuity.

Traveling to the country of mathematics gives children the opportunity to come close to mathematical terms, realizing their reality and necessity in life.


Competitive forms of conducting open extracurricular activities in mathematics solve not only purely substantive problems, but also form a team, demonstrating real relationships in the class.

Conducting excursions aimed at studying mathematics allows children to project book knowledge onto the world around them.

Theatrical productions, the script of which is based on such a subject as mathematics, clearly demonstrate the pattern of cause-and-effect relationships, form concepts about geometric shapes, sizes, etc.

Subject weeks in mathematics are a set of open extra-curricular activities held in the following forms: an open lesson - an extra-curricular event, a game, a competition, a quiz.

An extracurricular activity in mathematics activates students, contributes to the formation of logical thinking. It is most effective to conduct classes that form interdisciplinary connections: an open extracurricular event in mathematics in the form of a theatrical performance, which will increase the level of humanitarian and mathematical knowledge; excursion to nature, to consolidate the skills acquired in the lessons of natural history and mathematics.

The practical significance of extracurricular activities on technology

Such a formulation of the question is especially relevant for the new subject "Technology", the main purpose of introducing which into the curriculum was the practical application of the knowledge gained at school.

Considering that the school curriculum allocates a critically small number of study hours to the study of the subject "Technology", extra-curricular activities play an important role in mastering this discipline.

The target orientation of this subject on the convergence of theory and practice allows us to talk about the features of extracurricular activities in technology.

The development of students' work skills is an essential component in the school. Labor brings up such personality traits as independence, responsibility for decisions made, which contributes to the formation of a full-fledged citizen.

An open extra-curricular event on technology will demonstrate independent practical skills of students acquired in the classroom, motivate their work activities. In addition, technology lessons make it possible to identify children's propensity for a particular type of activity, which, in turn, will help them decide on their choice of profession in the future.

An extracurricular event on technology is held in various forms: a workshop, a master class, a quiz, a game, a competition.


Any open lesson (extracurricular activity) allows you to consolidate the knowledge of schoolchildren in a particular subject. In addition, this form of training is of great interest to the children. The teacher should plan the extracurricular activity in advance. In the preparation process, you can use the help of students.

The concept of the types of extracurricular activities. Classrooms, as already noted, are usually held with a constant composition of students, according to a predetermined schedule and are mandatory. But, along with compulsory training sessions, outside the school day in schools and other educational institutions, various forms of educational work are used, which are voluntary for students and are designed to satisfy their various cognitive and creative needs. These forms of voluntary training are called extracurricular or extracurricular. The concept of extra-curricular activities indicates that the full composition of the class is not required for these classes, that students of different classes can participate in them at their own request, that they are held outside the schedule of compulsory classes. In this sense, the forms of extracurricular educational work include: subject circles, scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, etc.

Creative activity. The leading forms of creative activity are circles, creative associations, studios, electives, practical classes in creative workshops, sports sections. Accompanying forms of creative activity include reading, spectator, and listener conferences, defense of independent reports, mass literary, musical, and theatrical celebrations, and exhibitions of children's works. Local history, folklore expeditions and excursions, school club associations, competitions, competitions, olympiads are used as auxiliary forms. The main system-forming component of activity in these educational forms is children's creativity directed and developed by the teacher.

Among the leading forms that contribute to the development of individual interests and abilities of children are extracurricular activities. They differ from compulsory lessons in their novelty, greater depth of content, and the creation of a psychological attitude in students exclusively for creative, productive assimilation.

Organizational structure circles, creative associations, studios is very diverse, although it is possible to single out fundamental structural elements common to all these forms. These include the division of all work into theoretical, critical-analytical and creative-practical activities. Classes can be conducted both as complex and devoted to only one type of activity. At a theoretical lesson, the material is presented by the teacher or by the children themselves as a result of their preliminary independent preparation. Students get acquainted with literature, reference books, physical material, receive consultations in libraries, in production, and from specialists. As a result, the theoretical lesson enriches students with new facts, conclusions, and generalizations. This is facilitated by the free communication of circle members, accompanied by incidental questions, short discussions, and the expression of individual opinions.

The critical-analytical structural element becomes dominant in classes devoted to the analysis of works of art, historical documents, facts, research papers, as well as a critical assessment of the creative and practical activities of the students themselves. For example, at the elective course of modern poetry, a special lesson is held on the critical analysis of poems. Students write independent reviews on the work of the poet, and in class they are subjected to critical and analytical discussion. At elective courses in cinema and theater, a critical and analytical analysis of a newly perceived work of art is the main goal and means of forming a culture of perception, cultivating a genuine artistic taste.

The most important element of the optional form is creative and practical classes. They serve as a means of developing creative potential, labor and professional skills and abilities. In the structure of these classes, which include elements of theory and analysis, the main place is given to the creative activity of children: problem solving, discussions, practical work, drawing, writing, reviews, improvisation.

Subject circles and learned societies. The content of the study circles includes: a more in-depth study of individual issues of the curriculum that arouse the interest of students; acquaintance with the life and creative activity of outstanding scientists, writers and other figures of science and culture, with the latest achievements of science and technology; holding evenings dedicated to individual scientists or scientific discoveries; organization of technical modeling and experimental work in biology, organization of meetings with researchers, etc.

Recently, the creation of scientific societies of schoolchildren has become widespread, which unite and coordinate the work of circles, hold mass events dedicated to science and technology, organize competitions and olympiads in various fields of knowledge. Unfortunately, in many schools a long tradition has been lost, when each teacher considered it an honor and duty to conduct circle and other extracurricular work in his subject. Many teachers don't do this anymore.

Subject circles, sections, studios allow you to combine the solution of educational and creatively developing tasks, uniting students in the classroom, both filling in the gaps, deepening their positions, and creatively improving, developing special abilities. Of particular importance are circles, studios, sections for children who are improving in the field of art and physical education. In the curriculum, these subjects are given a very modest place: approximately 5% of the study time. Meanwhile, in their significance, for the comprehensive development of the personality, they deserve a long systematic development by children during all the years of education. Therefore, optional-circle work on art and physical education becomes a mandatory continuation of lesson classes. The structure of forms for the development of art and physical education by children is focused mainly on practical work. The main part of the time is devoted to gymnastic exercises, drawing, singing, mastery of oral and written speech, improvement of technical techniques in sports games. The leading forms of extra-curricular creative activity contribute to solving the problems of in-depth, differentiated, specialized education for schoolchildren.

Accompanying forms of teaching creativity are a variety of reader, spectator, listener conferences, exhibitions, mass holidays, excursions. Conferences on a book, a writer's work, a film, a theatrical or television production, a radio performance put the actual work of art in the center of students' attention, activate their independence in assessment, judgments, and opinions. In the process of preparation, students carefully get acquainted with a work of art and think over performances. In the introductory speech, the teacher outlines the range of the main problems that are discussed in the reports and speeches. Summing up, the teacher focuses on the most important conclusions and generalizations.

Exhibitions dedicated to the results of children's creativity in the field of labor, fine arts, local history and hiking trips. Preparatory work, in which all schoolchildren are involved, is of great educational and upbringing importance. The children themselves act as guides at such exhibitions: they give explanations, answer questions, organize an exchange of experience in creative activities on the spot.

Mass holidays as a form of educational work are organized in the form of days, weeks, months of increased attention to music, fine arts, cinema, theater or the work of an outstanding writer, poet. Among them are weeks of children's books, theater, music, poetry days of Pushkin, Lermontov, Mayakovsky, Yesenin. During such holidays, children learn about new works of art, meet writers, artists, composers, get acquainted with their creative plans.

Tours - a form of organization of learning that allows you to make observations, as well as the study of various objects, phenomena and processes in natural conditions.

Excursion in didactic terms can be used at any stage: both for the purpose of introducing the topic, and as a way of obtaining new information, and for consolidating and deepening existing knowledge. On the tour, all teaching methods are used.

Excursions can be conducted with students of all grades in almost all subjects. In the lower grades, they are of great importance for explanatory reading and, above all, in the study of natural history and acquaintance with the outside world. In the middle and senior grades, when studying the sciences of nature and such subjects as geography and history, they contribute to broadening their horizons and raising the level of morality of students.

In elementary school, this form is the most effective, since elementary school students learn knowledge best when they are directly shown things and phenomena. Excursions in any age group arouse the interest and positive attitude of the participants. In the educational and developmental plan, they contribute to the accumulation of scientific, life facts by schoolchildren, enrich the content of the educational process with visual images, teach the ability to notice, see a separate fact, detail, detail, their place in the general system of interacting phenomena, develop observation, empirical thinking, memory. Excursions bring up curiosity, attentiveness, visual culture, moral and aesthetic attitude to reality.

Olympiads, competitions, associations of children of interest. To stimulate the educational and cognitive activity of students and develop their creative competitiveness in the study of mathematics, physics, chemistry, the Russian language and literature, a foreign language, as well as in technical modeling, olympiads, competitions are held in schools, districts, regions and republics, exhibitions of children's technical creativity. These forms of extracurricular activities are planned in advance, the best students are selected to participate in them, which gives a great impetus to the development of their abilities and inclinations in various fields of knowledge. At the same time, they make it possible to judge the creative nature of teachers' work, their ability to search for and develop talents.

For example, in the 825th school in Moscow, thematic months-complexes of cognitive creative activities were held on any anniversary (Daniel Defoe, Lomonosov). "Robinsonade-86" 4-7 cells. The class goes on a correspondence expedition to a sparsely populated region of the Earth with the task of "living" there for a month and telling the school about it. To prepare and conduct the expedition, the participants study material about the area, collect documents, copies of household items, nature, and keep a diary. On the "return" of the expedition hold a press conference.

Thematic evening for the anniversary of Lomonosov - these are excursions for elementary grades; "What? Where? When?" - for middle classes. High school students conducted an expedition "Moscow-Arkhangelsk-Kholmogory-Moscow", which resulted in exhibitions, reports, and a scientific and educational conference. Within the framework of the month and separately, a didactic theater is held: the creation and staging of a play, the content of which is the knowledge of students in any field of science.

Contests children's drawings, labor crafts, technical structures, olympiads in mathematics, physics, chemistry - an effective form of talent development, revealing the creative abilities of children and their talents. Summing up the results of such competitions, the announcement of the names of the winners takes place publicly in a solemn atmosphere.

Great material for the educational process is provided by special educational expeditions. They are devoted to the collection of folklore, song material, historical information about the revolutionary, military events in the region, region, as well as reconnaissance of the environmental situation, the development of productive forces.

Meeting with traffic police officers. A meeting with representatives of the traffic police can be carried out, at work sites this is the work of a traffic controller, inspection of vehicles, paperwork, passing exams and issuing documents.

Extracurricular forms of organization of education enable schoolchildren through freely chosen spiritual, creative, physical culture, sports, entertainment activities to deeply and diversify to know life, to develop their creative powers. With their help, children acquire rich additional information, life skills, consolidate them with exercises and creative application in practice, develop the ability and desire for creativity, business character traits.

There are a number of scientifically based requirements for extracurricular forms of education:

They should be deeply scientifically meaningful, ideologically and morally saturated, contributing to spiritual enrichment, creativity and physical development of the child's personality;

In their use, a combination of commitment, initiative and voluntariness is necessary, in which fascination is the starting point and a condition for the gradual inclusion of children in activities as a necessity;

The introduction of games, romance, regardless of the age of schoolchildren, literally in all creative, physical culture and sports and entertainment and educational activities, ensuring a healthy spirit of friendly competition, comparison and mutual assistance;

Implementation of the development of creative abilities and talents, assistance in the formation of the creative personality of the child and individuality;

Providing moral education that protects children from overestimating their capabilities, developing painful pride, selfishness, neglect of the team and norms of behavior, envy as a result of immoderate praise, their success in sports, in technical, dramatic, choreographic, literary, musical creativity.

Grounds for the allocation of forms of extracurricular work.

The general education school has accumulated extensive experience in extracurricular work in biology, which is reflected in special methodological publications, as well as in chapters of general and particular methods of teaching biology. In some of them, along with the disclosure of the content and organization of extracurricular work, its forms and types are considered.

The circle of young naturalists is generally recognized as the main form of extracurricular work. Differences are observed in the selection of other forms. Along with the circle, the forms of extracurricular work include, for example, extracurricular reading. The most acceptable selection of forms was proposed by N. M. Verzilin. In the book "General Methods of Teaching Biology" (M., Education, 1974), the author classifies individual, group and mass classes as forms of extracurricular work. At the same time, the circle of young naturalists in the proposed system is presented as a type of group form of extracurricular activities.

When identifying forms of extracurricular work, one should proceed both from the number of students participating in extracurricular work, and from the principle of systematic or episodic conduct of it. Taking into account the above, it would be more correct to single out 4 forms of extracurricular work in biology:

  • 1. Individual lessons;
  • 2. Group episodic classes;
  • 3. circle classes;
  • 4. mass naturalistic events.

It is hardly expedient to single out extra-curricular reading or extra-curricular observations, the production of visual aids and other work carried out by students on the basis of their voluntariness, as independent forms, since it is used both in individual and in episodic group, circle and mass forms of classes.

Characteristics of the forms of extracurricular work in biology.

An individual form of extracurricular work takes place in all schools. Trying to satisfy the needs of individual schoolchildren who are interested in biology, the teacher invites them to read one or another popular science book, make observations in nature, make a visual aid, and select material for the stand. Sometimes, while satisfying the curiosity of individual students, the teacher does not set any goal for himself, does not direct this extracurricular work in a certain direction, and does not even consider that he is conducting it. This pattern is often observed among teachers who do not have sufficient work experience.

Experienced teachers clarify the biological interests of schoolchildren, constantly keep them in their field of vision, set themselves the task of developing their interests in biology, select appropriate individual lessons for this, gradually complicating and expanding their content. Some students create their own home wildlife corners. The teacher gives instructions to such students for setting up experiments at home. Individual extracurricular activities are essentially a voluntary variety of home and extracurricular activities.

The most common types of individual extracurricular work include experiments and observations on plants and animals in nature, in an educational experimental site, in a corner of wildlife, making artificial nests and observing their settlement, self-observation, making visual aids, preparing reports, abstracts, and much more. other.

Group episodic classes are usually organized by the teacher in connection with the preparation and holding of school mass events, for example, school biological Olympiad, Biology Week, Health Week, Bird Day holiday. To carry out such work, the teacher selects a group of students who are interested in biology, instructs them to select certain material, publish a thematic wall newspaper, prepare and conduct reports, art numbers for the holiday. Usually, after the completion of any mass event, the work of the episodic group stops. To conduct another mass event, the teacher attracts students from the previous episodic group or creates a new one.

Occasional group extracurricular work is also organized in connection with the desire of the teacher to study the wildlife of his region more deeply, for example, to make an inventory of tree and shrub vegetation, to find out the species composition of birds inhabiting places near water bodies; to study the daily activity of animals of various species, the "biological clock" of plants. The need to organize such episodic group work usually arises when there is no circle of young naturalists at school.

The circle of young naturalists is the main form of extracurricular work. Unlike the episodic naturalistic group, circle classes unite schoolchildren who systematically perform them throughout the year and even several years. The composition of the circle is usually stable and may include both students of the same class or parallel classes, as well as students who differ in years of study. Often, students are united in a circle not by age and not by the level of preparedness, but by inclinations, dedication to the youth business.

The naturalistic circle is characterized by such types of work as experiments and observations (in a natural setting, in an educational and experimental area, in the corners of wildlife); excursions in nature and in agricultural production; participation in nature protection; publication of handwritten journals; production of visual aids. The circle of young naturalists is the organizer of all extra-curricular mass biological events.

In the practice of schools there are various naturalistic circles. Some of them include a variety of biological subjects of classes, others are rather narrow in terms of the content of the work. So, along with circles of young botanists or experienced crop growers, there are often circles of indoor floriculture or even circles of cactus growers.

When determining the content of the work of the circle, it is most expedient to proceed from the fact that every student who is interested in biology must have versatile knowledge about wildlife. Therefore, narrow specialization at the very beginning of circle work is premature. The practice of many teachers shows that circle work at school is more successful if the circle members, who first become familiar with various possible problems, then consciously choose a direction for themselves in the course of classes that is more in line with their interests.

Mass naturalistic events are organized on the initiative of a biology teacher and are held with the active participation of a circle of young naturalists, school student activists, school administration, and subject teachers. Plans for holding mass events are approved by the pedagogical councils of the school.

A large number of students are involved in mass work - parallel classes, the whole school. It is characterized by a socially useful orientation. Usually, the school conducts such types of mass work as biological Olympiads; thematic evenings dedicated to Health Day, Birds Day, Garden Week, Forest Week; campaigns for planting trees and shrubs, collecting seeds and other food for winter feeding of birds; making and hanging bird nests.

All of the above forms and types of extracurricular work in biology are interconnected and complement each other. In the emergence and development of the relationship between them, a certain pedagogical pattern is observed. Interest in working with living organisms usually arises in schoolchildren when performing individual tasks. Having successfully completed certain tasks of the teacher, they usually ask for additional extracurricular work. If there are several such students in the class, the teacher unites them into temporary naturalistic groups, and later into circles of young naturalists, working in which they take an active part in the preparation and conduct of mass naturalistic events.

The use in the lessons of the results of individual, episodic group and circle work (for example, demonstrations of manufactured manuals, reports on observations made, reports prepared on the basis of extracurricular reading) contribute to the involvement of students in extracurricular work who have not previously shown due interest in it. Often, some schoolchildren who at first took a passive part in mass extracurricular work on landscaping the school territory, making bird houses, as listeners, later become either young naturalists or are actively involved in individual or group episodic work carried out on the instructions of the teacher.

In schools where extracurricular work in biology is well established, all its existing forms take place. Conducting public events is necessarily associated with both individual and group episodic and circle work of students.

Interconnected and complement each other and types of extracurricular activities. So, in the process of conducting observations and experiments on plants and animals or self-observations, schoolchildren have various questions, the answers to which they find in popular science and scientific literature, and then after working with it (extracurricular reading), they again turn to experiments and observations for clarification, visible reinforcement of knowledge obtained from books.

A study of the experience of schools shows that extracurricular work in biology is carried out in all its forms. Almost every school has a naturalistic circle, various public events are held, individual and group episodic classes are organized. However, extracurricular work often comes down to organizing exhibitions of students' summer work, holding olympiads, Biology Week, and Bird Day. The rest of the time, houseplants are usually cared for, bulletins are issued based on the use of materials from popular science periodicals, and “Entertaining Biology Hours” are held. Meanwhile, the specificity of extracurricular work in biology, a science that studies living things, is associated with such types of work that include independent research of schoolchildren, put them in the position of pioneers, and arouse real interest in the knowledge of nature.