Thesis for the word strong man. The strong man

Bespalova T.V.

Material on the topic "Strong man"
15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word STRONG (man)? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What kind of person can be considered strong”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

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Text 24

Strong 1) One who is distinguished by great physical strength. 2) One who is distinguished by good health. 3) transfer. Someone with a strong will. 4) transfer. One who has great influence. 5) transfer. Having a quick, effective effect on smth., smth. (about methods, means of treating diseases). Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
Strong 1. Possessing great physical strength, powerful. S. man. C. blow. Strong car. Strong army. 2. Very solid, convincing. Strong arguments. Strong speech. 3. Possessing a firm will, persistent. C. character. Strong nature. 4. Significant (in size, degree). C. wind. Strong pain. Strong impression. Strong grief. 5. Knowledgeable, talented. S. specialist. S. student.* Powerful of this world (book ironic) - about influential people who use power. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
Strong Healthy, strong, powerful, powerful, powerful, domineering, weighty, sovereign, imperious, authoritative, influential, omnipotent, omnipotent, omnipotent, hefty, seasoned, hefty, dense; deep, extreme. Synonym dictionary
A strong person is, first of all, an independent person who can solve the issues that arise in his life.

A strong-willed person is a person who knows exactly what he wants and knows what the meaning of his life is, and also, without exchanging for trifles, goes to a clearly set goal, achieving a dream, while helping the people who surround him, charging their own optimism.

This is a person who is able to win over himself and over circumstances.

A person who gets used to swearing ceases to distinguish between the colors of good and evil. Everything around him is evaluated on a two-point scale: the worst is (substitute any mat), and the best is class!!!

Speaking with curses, you can not think at all, because parrots can perfectly use them. The preference for swearing is a tendency to turn off the mind. Therefore, more often than others, groups of people with a relatively low mind scold, such as: the lower social strata, children, intoxicated and ordinary alcoholics, prison inmates, insane.
The habit of swearing is directly related to the lack of shame, in other words, to the weakness of moral immunity.

Flaunting rudeness in language, as well as flaunting rudeness in manners, slovenliness in clothes, is the most common phenomenon, and it basically indicates a person’s psychological insecurity, his weakness, and not strength at all. The speaker seeks to suppress a sense of fear, fear, sometimes just fear with a rude joke, harsh expression, irony, cynicism. With rude nicknames for teachers, it is the weak-willed students who want to show that they are not afraid of them. It happens semi-consciously. I'm not talking about the fact that this is a sign of bad manners, lack of intelligence, and sometimes cruelty. At the heart of any slang, cynical expressions and swearing is weakness. D. Likhachev

Habits and characteristics of a strong person

1. Strong people always go forward, and never give up, despite the obstacles that they meet on the way, they are not afraid and are not afraid of difficulties.

2. Strong people always learn from what others think is a failure, they are not afraid to realize their mistakes.

3. Strong people are constantly building their own path to success and do not wait for success to come to them. This is very important, because nothing just happens. For success, for your own happiness, you need to work, overcome yourself in order to achieve success and become happy.

4. The most important trait of a strong person is the absence of fear. Of course, they, like other people, are afraid, but they find the strength to overcome this fear.

5. Strong people never complain.

6. Strong people don't shift their blame onto some other person. Blaming another person for your troubles is much easier than admitting your mistakes.

7. Strong people find a way to maximize their potential.

8. Strong people are productive, busy and punctual, they don't pretend to work, they actually work.

9. Mentally strong people gather like-minded people around them - they need a close-knit, friendly, strong team.

10. A strong person knows what he wants from life, he sees this life and looks at it not from the outside, as other people do.

11. Strong people do not imitate, but look for new ways, new facets for their creativity, work, personal life.

12. There is such a wonderful phrase - "do not put off until tomorrow, what can be done today." A strong-willed person does not put off any of his affairs, work, problems, he does not wait for the weather from the sea, he needs to go forward.

13. "It's never too late to learn" - this is how a strong person thinks. Such people are constantly learning and gaining experience, it is not a burden for them, but a joy. For them, every life experience is a lesson.

Who can be called a strong person?

It is difficult to accurately describe all the qualities of a strong personality, but the main distinguishing features can still be distinguished.

  • High levels of self-confidence and self-belief.

  • The ability to control your emotions.

  • A very important point is that a strong person has a high degree of independence: he is independent of the opinions of others, various prejudices and public opinion.

  • A strong individual always knows what he wants from life and perseveres to achieve his goals.

  • A strong person looks at the world from the position of reason and knows how to analyze events sensibly.
Of course, this is not an exhaustive description of a person who can safely be labeled a "strong personality."

Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263) - the son of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. From 1236 he was the prince of Novgorod and led the Russian troops in the Battle of the Neva (1240) and the Battle of the Ice (1242). For the victory over the Swedes on the Neva, he received the nickname "Nevsky". Alexander Nevsky showed himself as a talented commander, a prudent and far-sighted politician. After the Mongol invasion, he refused the offer of the Pope of Rome on a joint fight against the Mongols, realizing that while Russia was too weak. By his policy, he contributed to the reduction of the devastating raids of the Tatars. Alexander Yaroslavich did a lot to strengthen the grand duke's power and order in the country. He died in Gorodets, returning from the Golden Horde. He was canonized by the church as a saint.

In besieged Leningrad, people not only survived on meager rations, but also worked, went into battle. Their spirit was strong!

Alexey Maresyev- classic example strong-willed person! He not only survived without food, crawling out of the battlefield with wounded legs, but also returned to duty, returned to the sky, shot down many more enemy aircraft in his fighter.

Vivid examples strong-willed people our time - Valentin Dikul and Sergey Bubnovsky. Having received severe spinal injuries, they not only did not break spiritually. They themselves survived, restored their health and teach this to others.

The phrase "person with disabilities" appeared not so long ago. Today it is used by everyone who speaks and writes about the disabled, and no one is embarrassed that this phrase is fundamentally wrong and even offensive. History knows a huge number of outstanding disabled people, who would not be called people with disabilities by a sane person. Let's name some of them with an indication of their physical shortcomings:

  • the ancient Greek poet Homer (blindness);

  • US President Franklin Roosevelt (polio);

  • German composer Ludwig Beethoven (acquired deafness);

  • American musician Stevie Wonder (congenital blindness);

  • American musician Ray Charles (the most famous blind musician of our time);

  • American film actress Marlene Matlin (the first and only deaf film actress to win an Oscar);

  • Russian artist Grigory Zhuravlev (congenital atrophy of arms and legs);

  • American writer Helen Keller (deaf-blind);

  • Soviet pilot-hero Alexei Maresyev (leg amputation).

In this case, on the contrary, we are talking about the limitless possibilities of physically limited people. We see that various functional disorders do not interfere at all, and sometimes they are the strongest incentive to live, create, develop and achieve the unthinkable.

Fortitude is the main thing that allows a person to go to the intended goal, overcoming any difficulties on his life path. In my opinion, it is the disabled, like no one else, who clearly prove this to us. When you look at these people, you involuntarily think: could we, being in their place, find the strength in ourselves to remain ourselves, live and enjoy life, like them? I think that we have something to learn from them, namely, how to be strong, strong in spirit.

Nick Vuychich is a world famous preacher and orator. His performances are always very popular, he charges people with his positive energy and positivity. But ... He is different from ordinary speakers - he has no arms or legs since birth!

Despite this, he did not give up. It helps millions of people to begin to enjoy life. Nick Vuychich shows willpower every second of his life, enjoys every moment of his life. He does not blame anyone for being "like that", because he is sure that everything in the world is done with a purpose.

The Paralympic Games are attended by people whose willpower can only be envied. I bow to these people who, due to certain circumstances, were injured, became disabled, but did not break, they were able to rise and find themselves and their path in life.

Maria Iovleva. When Masha was born, her mother immediately hurried to abandon her. "The child was born with deformities, I refuse him," the statement said. The doctors did not even think that Maria would be able to survive, and the mother was advised to forget about her daughter. Like, there will be more children. However, Masha survived! And at the age of 20, she won two gold and one silver medal at the Paralympic Games in Vancouver.

The path to these awards for Mary was incredibly long. From the very birth, Iovleva could not speak and did not hear. She had a developmental delay. But at the age of seven she was transferred to a boarding school, where she was lucky to meet a teacher who replaced her mother. Tatyana Lindt worked with the girl every day, who immediately seemed to her smiling and pleasant. Soon, ski coach Alexander Porshnev drew attention to Masha, who began to introduce Iovleva to sports. Every day he personally drove her to training, carried her through the snowdrifts, taught her to sit on a special seat called a bob for cross-country skiing.

Roman Petushkov became the six-time champion of the Paralympic Games in Sochi. The athlete won three gold medals in cross-country skiing (at distances of 15 km, sprint 1 km and open relay) and in biathlon (at distances of 12.5 km, 15 km and 7.5 km). None of the Russians have been able to do anything like this before.

Elena Remizova from Tyumen became a three-time champion of the Paralympic Games in Sochi. All three golds in the group of athletes with visual impairments, the Siberian won together with her leader Natalya Yakimova, speaking in skiing competitions.

Power Quotes

The greatest happiness for which I daily ask the sky: let only reasonable and virtuous people surpass me in strength and knowledge. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Every dignity, every strength is calm - precisely because they are confident in themselves. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

In order to justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince yourself, unable to achieve the goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed. François de La Rochefoucauld

It is simply amazing what purposefulness, courage and willpower awaken from the confidence that we are doing our duty. Walter Scott

Greatness lies not in being strong, but in using your strength correctly. Henry Ward Beecher

If something is beyond your power, then do not decide yet that it is generally impossible for a person. But if something is possible for a person and is characteristic of him, then consider that it is also available to you. Marcus Aurelius

Justice without strength is only weakness, strength without justice is tyrannical. It is necessary, therefore, to reconcile justice with force, and in order to achieve this, that what is just is strong, and what is strong is just. Blaise Pascal


A man was looking for an answer to a question that had tormented him for a long time: “What is power?” He learned that there was a wise man in his land. He came to a husband praised by glory and sees: instead of a thin hermit's hut, there is a solid house, children are rustling in the yard ...

The man was surprised: in his view, those who have comprehended the truth live in a completely different way. He turned to the owner with a request to help him find the answer.

And the wise man answered:

You can find strength on your own. Look for your own path or follow the path of your ancestors.
One man strove for perfection, trained hard day after day. And he knew the strength of the body.

Not bowing to difficulties, he only went forward. Defeated himself. And he knew the power of the spirit.

Comprehending the thoughts of the great, he gained his opinion. And he knew the power of knowledge.

He fell in love, bowed before the earthly goddess of his heart. And he knew the power of feeling.

Having found a home, a family, taking his child in his arms, he knew the power of life.

Meeting the unknown with peace, he did not regret the past life and he knew the power of death.

A strong person is one who does not give up in difficult times, knows how to forgive and admit his mistakes. Strength may be physical, but it is much more important to be strong in spirit.

Let us turn to the text of V. Astafiev. The author also tells how lungwort grew in his garden. Weeding the garden, he "cursed" the plant several times, and the next year he found only one flower. He realized his mistake and apologized to the plant. This is a manifestation of a strong character.

In life, we also meet strong people. A simple example is the Paralympians. These are people with disabilities, but despite this they do not lose heart and confidently follow their dreams.

They are truly strong and worthy of respect.

Thus, a strong person is not one who can easily lift weights, but one who is able to admit his mistakes and strive for the best.

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Updated: 2017-04-01

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Useful material on the topic

  • 15.3 Reasoning What kind of person can be called strong? according to the text of Voronkova L.F. Grinka and Fedya gathered in the meadow for sorrel

1.What is strength?

2. Who is he a strong man?

3. How to be a strong person?

4. Strong people are among us.

Strength ... This word carries a huge meaning. Perhaps, having heard this word, many people have thoughts about physical strength, people with muscles and muscles appear. But what else is strength? Strength is spiritual, strong-willed, that is, the inner strength in a person, which is his core in life.

A person who has inner strength is called strong. What does he represent? How is it different from being weak? A strong person always has his own opinion on any issue, but recognizes the opinions of others and does not impose his own; he has certain goals in life that he achieves, even if circumstances do not allow, even if everyone has lost hope and faith in him, and he continues to believe in himself.

A strong person always remains a person, he always chooses justice, kindness, the right ways to solve problems. He never succumbs to difficult life circumstances, he is always on the way to eliminate them. He does not lose heart, even if there are gray clouds in the sky, and in life there are continuous troubles.

What makes a person strong? The answer is very simple - life. It is life that molds, creates, undermines us. In life, not everything is so simple. It is important not to lose yourself. There are difficult moments, we face betrayal, we lose our jobs, relatives, friends, face to face with injustice, with evil. It is at such times that it is very important to gather all the will into a fist and say to yourself “I will not give up, I will go through this difficult path”, be sure to believe in yourself.

There are such strong people who cause admiration. When you see them, your thoughts are turned upside down. I want to give an example from life. Twice a week, my friends and I go to the sports ground and always there we encounter a young man who pulls himself up on the horizontal bar many times. It would seem that this is nothing special, but he is missing both legs. This is the power in man. He did not succumb to circumstances, he will simply defeat himself, he simply continues to live and enjoy life.

I also want to tell you about my aunt, who since childhood dreamed of becoming a doctor. But for three years in a row, she could not enter the medical university. But despite this, she did not accept this, she stubbornly continued to study relevant subjects, read and searched for new information in the field of medicine. During this time I have been working multiple jobs. Already in the fourth year, no one believed in her strength, but she was very stubborn and entered. Now she is a doctor of medical sciences and we are all proud of her. Her inner strength helped her in this. Gotta be strong! Life does not love the weak, but all paths are open to the strong. You must always believe in yourself.

I believe that a strong person is a person who has a strong will and, therefore, high spiritual power. To be strong and live meaningfully and wisely, you must always adhere to the following basic rules. To confirm my thoughts, I propose to turn to the text of Maxim Gorky.

In an excerpt from this work, the grandmother appeared before us as the strongest and most courageous person. When a fire started in the house, the heroine began to command, and then, running out into the yard and assessing the situation, she again ran into the burning house and took out a bucket bottle of vitriol oil so that it all would not explode. (Suggestions 2-4, 15-20). When they began to take the horse out of the barn, she, frightened by the fire, began to rear up and throw up her grandfather, after which she completely fell off the reins from her grandfather’s hands and rushed towards her grandmother. Grandmother, in turn, was not afraid and became a cross in front of the horse, which, seeing the grandmother, neighed plaintively and reached out to its mistress. (Suggestions 29-35).

From this passage, we can conclude that the heroine of this story is really strong in spirit, because, it would seem, the poor old woman should have panicked and quickly run away from home, but our grandmother did not allow fear to overcome herself, but on the contrary, steadfastly held on in such circumstances.

As a second argument confirming my thoughts, I want to cite as an example the work of Mikhail Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man". In this work, Andrei Sokolov is a real example of a strong man. This man, having lived only a few years of a good and war-free life, was called up for war. His whole family saw off with sadness and regret, especially his beloved and understanding wife, who even at that moment at the station "felt with her woman's heart" that she and her husband would no longer meet in this world.

Andrei Sokolov did not take all this to heart and went to fight, but, returning from the war, a difficult time for him, he learns from his neighbor that a bomb hit his house, his wife and daughters died, and his son, fortunately, survived . The man also learned that his son was a commander and already had several awards. A ray of hope and pride for his son lit up in the heart of Andrei Sokolov, he wanted to see him as soon as possible, but, on the day of the meeting, the news reaches the man that his son was shot dead. For the hero, this news was a shock, but he coped and, since he had nowhere to go, he went to his childless friend and his wife. From all that has been said, we can conclude that Andrei Sokolov was indeed a strong man, because not everyone, having lost all the members of his beloved and newly created family, will be able to live with this further. It seems to me that many, not seeing the meaning of their lives without their beloved wife and children, would have committed suicide, and our hero was able to overcome all this and began to live on.

Thus, a strong person is a person who, despite all the difficulties and trials in his life, will be able to overcome all this and live on.

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Updated: 2017-04-24

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    What is strength?

    A) If you try to consider strength as an abstract concept, then you can oppose the concept of weakness and consider them in pair / opposition. Weakness is the inability to do something. However, the simple possibility of doing something by force cannot yet be called, because, for example, even a weak and physically weak person theoretically (and practically) can recover and become a professional athlete, but at the moment he can die from being touched ... You can't call this physically strong! Therefore, power (any) is not in the possibility, but in reality! Those. power is the actuality (that is, what is happening now) of the performance of some activity.

    B) No activity can be evaluated without comparison with something: states before and after applications of force speak to the level of force. The more qualitative and quantitative changes as a result of activity, the greater the power.

    Only here there are unclear places - the more ... changes ... quot ;:

    1 - More than what?

    • More than your own results last time?
    • More than real results compared to another subject?

    2 - More changes in World Championships?

    • In the acting subject itself?
    • In the object of application of force?

    C) It is necessary to clearly state: if we say that force is applied in the present, and can only be evaluated in the future (according to the result), then force is inextricably linked with time! Out of time, force cannot be evaluated and applied!

    D) We also note that physical strength is usually understood as the ability to resist some opposing force!

    Conclusion: power is an activity performed in the present tense contrary to / despite / against any opposition, and leading to results in the future.

    Strength criteria are:

    • number of results;
    • the quality of the results;
    • the speed of obtaining the result;
    • superiority in comparison with their own results in the past;
    • superiority compared with the results of another in the present;
    • the degree of opposition;

    Of course, you need to think about your question more consistently, thoroughly and in detail ... This is just a cursory and extremely superficial glance. In reasoning, gross errors can be made.

    Hence: a strong person can be called one whose activity (of any kind) to a greater extent corresponds to the above criteria of strength.

    If I understood correctly, then you are primarily interested in spiritual strength? Because, without this strength, physical strength will no longer be so strong. Because POWER is an alloy of mental and physical strength. This is a person who can always protect his loved ones. And in general, this is a person who is a support for his family. This is about the family. As for the fact that if we talk about a strong person in general, then his words should always correspond to his deeds. No digressions and omissions, and even more sharp rolls in the other direction. ; Maybe or not, I don’t want, I can’t; - not these words of a strong person. Integrity and purposefulness - these are the characteristics of a strong person.