Lesson. Structure, types, requirements for the lesson

The current stage of development of our state makes not only new requirements for the growth of the economy, the military industry, agriculture, reforms and Russian education do not bypass.

If we recall the Soviet school, the main task of teachers was to put into the heads of schoolchildren a certain amount of knowledge that could be useful to them in adulthood. At present, the lesson in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard should become developing, and the teacher's activity should be aimed at teaching children to learn and gain knowledge on their own. To develop such qualities and character traits in schoolchildren that will help them become successful people in life.

The teacher is now entrusted with a lot of work on the formation of the modern personality of the student. In the article we will try to figure out what requirements for the lesson are presented in the conditions of new educational standards.

Lesson - a form of learning

In a modern school, the main thing is the lesson. A certain amount of time is allotted for each, which is regulated by the school charter. The teacher during the classes should manage the various activities of students, control, direct in the right direction, create favorable conditions for mastering new knowledge.

To achieve this goal, the type of GEF lesson can be different, as well as the methods and means used in it. A modern lesson must meet certain requirements. Let's consider them in more detail.

What should be the structure of the lesson

Preparing daily for classes, the teacher must rely on the requirements that determine the form of their conduct. They must have a specific structure that complies with the following provisions:

  1. Before drawing up a detailed lesson plan, the teacher must carefully and correctly determine all the didactic tasks, educational, and also set the goals that he wants to achieve with his students.
  2. It is important to decide on the type of classes, since their structure will depend on this. The individual stages of the lesson should be interconnected, one follows from the other.
  3. It is necessary to link the information that will be presented in the lesson with the one that the children have already received earlier or will only master in the future.
  4. For greater efficiency in the assimilation of new material, it is necessary to carefully select the methods and means of teaching, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the children.
  5. To control learning, you need to think about how knowledge will be tested. It is very important to reach as many students as possible.
  6. Without the right stage of consolidating the knowledge gained in the lesson, you can forget about their strength.
  7. Homework should be thought out taking into account the capabilities and abilities of the students.

Only a carefully prepared lesson in advance can become a real storehouse of information and useful knowledge for modern schoolchildren.

Requirements for the preparation, organization and content of the lesson

When preparing for a lesson, a modern teacher should not lose sight of the following points:

  • The health of every student in the classroom is above all.
  • Each lesson should be part of a system of lessons on a given topic.
  • For more effective assimilation of the material, a handout should be present at the lesson. A dry explanation will not give any result. This is especially true if a biology lesson is conducted according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

  • Studying one topic, it is desirable to use different types of classes.
  • At the lesson, the teacher should be a kind of guide to the world of knowledge, and not just a speaker. It is necessary to create conditions so that students can independently acquire knowledge.
  • Educational moments should be present in the educational process, but not in the form of edification, but in a veiled form: on the example of situations, cases from life, by providing certain information. Especially if this is an elementary school, lessons on the Federal State Educational Standard in this case require special preparation and selection of information.
  • In the classroom, the teacher should form the children's ability to work in a team, to defend their point of view, to admit defeat with dignity. Perseverance in achieving your goals is very useful in adulthood.
  • To cultivate love for our land, the nature of our homeland, a natural science lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard is perfect: the world around us, for example, in elementary school, and biology in high school.

Only a teacher who truly loves his students with all his heart and fully devotes himself to work can prepare and conduct unforgettable classes, where time for the children will fly by completely unnoticed, and valuable and necessary information will be deposited in their heads.

Classification of lessons according to GEF

In the modern educational process, according to the new standards of education, several types of classes can be distinguished:

  1. A lesson in mastering new knowledge.
  2. A lesson in which they try to find a complex application of the acquired knowledge and skills.
  3. A lesson in repetition and generalization.
  4. Systematization of knowledge and skills.
  5. Control session.
  6. Lesson of analysis and adjustment of the assimilation process.
  7. Combined activity.

If you ask any teacher, then all these types of lessons are perfectly familiar to him. But in the educational process, combined classes are most often held, regardless of whether it is a Russian language lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard or some other.

Each type of lesson has its own specific structure, which means a set of different stages that are interconnected. Let's consider some of them.

Gaining new knowledge

The GEF structure usually has similar stages, but depending on the type of occupation, there are some peculiarities. If most of the time is devoted to the assimilation of new material, then the following stages are distinguished:

  1. It is a must for every lesson. The teacher checks the readiness of the class for the lesson.
  2. At the second stage, setting goals, main tasks and motivating students to work actively in the lesson is carried out.
  3. Updating existing knowledge.
  4. The primary assimilation of new knowledge, when the teacher checks how children fully and accurately understand what he is trying to explain to them.
  5. An intermediate check of how clear the material is to the students.
  6. The first stage of fixing the material.
  7. Homework assignment and detailed instruction on its implementation, for example, what needs to be memorized, what is to be studied in the introductory plan, what tasks need to be completed in writing, and so on. Here, attention is drawn to the individual task, taking into account the abilities of the students.
  8. Summing up the lesson or reflection.

These stages are proposed to be followed when the lesson is conducted in accordance with the new standards of education.

Combined Lesson Structure

This type of GEF lesson has the following steps:

  1. Organizational moment, which should not take more than 1-2 minutes.
  2. Setting goals and objectives, as well as motivating children to work actively.
  3. Updating knowledge, that is, checking homework.
  4. The primary assimilation of new material, this stage can also be called an explanation, the main role here belongs to the teacher, especially if it is a mathematics lesson, for example, in primary grades.
  5. Checking understanding of new material.
  6. Consolidation. At this stage, tasks of varying complexity are solved, experiments and experiments are performed, if the material requires it.
  7. The control of the acquired knowledge is carried out in order to determine how well the students understood the material.
  8. Homework.
  9. Reflection or summing up. At this stage, the assimilation of the material is not so much clarified as the mood of the children in the lesson, the material is available or not available, interesting or not, their feelings from the lesson in general.

Types of lessons

Regardless of what type the classes are, they can be held in various forms. In a modern school, when students are now savvy in terms of using all gadgets, as well as for the most effective assimilation of the material, it is very important to present information in various forms. Depending on this, not only the type of lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard is distinguished, but also its type:

  • Lesson-conversation.
  • A problematic lesson, it is especially useful and effective to arrange them in high school. When the guys are no longer afraid to express their opinion.
  • Lesson-excursion. For example, an English lesson in GEF can easily be done in the form of a tour of another country.
  • The lecture is practiced in the upper grades, when the teacher reads certain information, and then there is a consolidation, development of skills and abilities.
  • Film lesson. Given the degree of development of modern technology and the use of ICT in schools, we can say that with the Internet, you can watch a video on a topic or a demonstration of experience right in the lesson, listen to interesting information.
  • A fairy tale lesson is most often practiced in primary grades, for example, a reading lesson is perfect for this.

  • The conference lesson is also more suitable for high school students, but, given the class contingent, it can also be held at the middle level.
  • Role-playing game.
  • A math lesson can be done in the form of a game “What? Where? When?".
  • In the lessons of the natural cycle, laboratory work is practiced. When the guys do something with their own hands, do experiments, the information is much better remembered.
  • In order to test knowledge, you can hold a test lesson, a seminar, a round table, a quiz.

Each teacher in his arsenal has many different forms of classes, which he periodically uses in his practice. Of course, it should be noted that not every lesson can be conducted using the entire palette of lesson forms. Most often, teachers save them to give an open lesson. Still, we must remember that study is not entertainment, but serious work.

Criteria for the effectiveness of a modern lesson

Modern society makes great demands on education, since the further life of graduates, their ability to adapt to life in our difficult time, to find their place under the sun will depend on the knowledge gained at school.

The type of GEF lesson is not important, but there are some signs showing how effective the lesson will be:

  1. Learning in the classroom should be built through the discovery of new knowledge by students, that is, the teacher does not provide ready-made information, but organizes joint work in such a way that the students themselves find the correct answers and come to the truth. independent work, are deposited much stronger in the head.
  2. Self-determination of the student to perform a particular educational task.
  3. The presence of discussions in the lesson, the solution of controversial issues, dialogue. The process must be alive.
  4. The student should be able to independently design their future activities in the classroom.
  5. Democracy.
  6. Openness, that is, the teacher must always argue his marks.
  7. A professional teacher will always be able to model difficulties and organize the search for ways to solve them.
  8. It is important for schoolchildren to create a situation of success, especially for those who are poorly motivated.
  9. The main activity in the lesson should be independent work on finding answers to the questions posed.
  10. The issue of compliance with hygienic working conditions should not be omitted.
  11. The lesson will be effective only when all the necessary conditions are created for the successful formation of communication skills between students and for enhancing their attention.
  12. A differentiated approach to the weaker and stronger children is important.

When an open lesson is held, teachers always pay attention to how the teacher organizes work with different categories of students during the lesson.

The difference between a GEF lesson and traditional classes

Conducting classes in accordance with the new educational standards is fundamentally different from the usual traditional ideas about the process. Here are some distinguishing features:

  1. The teacher in the traditional school set the goals of the lesson himself, and modern standards require that this stage of work be carried out together with the children in order to fully comprehend the tasks that need to be solved.
  2. Motivation is important for mastering the material, so usually the teacher motivates himself at the expense of external incentives, and the modern school requires reliance on the internal motives of schoolchildren.
  3. In order to achieve the goals and learning objectives in the traditional lesson, the teacher himself chooses the appropriate teaching aids, and in the modern one, the most effective means are jointly selected.
  4. The teacher fully organizes and regulates all actions in a traditional lesson, and educational standards welcome when there is variability for students in accordance with their capabilities.
  5. In a modern lesson, it is important for students to achieve a personally significant result, in the foreground are internal positive changes, and in a traditional lesson, the teacher himself leads the class to the result that he had planned.
  6. The traditional lesson did not involve self-assessment, the teacher himself always assessed the results of the work of his students. The standards focus on the ability to evaluate their work in the lesson by the students themselves.

Experienced teachers over many years of work have already developed some methods that help them in their professional activities, and here are their recommendations for young professionals to make the lesson as effective as possible:

  1. When planning a lesson, it is necessary to carefully consider the objectives that should be kept in mind during the lessons. Each stage should begin with goals and end with a summary.
  2. It is possible to achieve the maximum density of classes only through differentiation and an individual approach to learning.
  3. It is necessary to pay great attention to the development of general educational skills and abilities.
  4. Conducting a reading lesson in elementary school, the Federal State Educational Standard recommends performing in-depth work with texts, relying on the maximum possible number of channels for obtaining information. If a child does not understand the text, does not read well, then in high school it will be difficult for him.
  5. It is necessary to teach children to put questions to the text.
  6. A modern teacher should not be the sole speaker in the lesson, it is necessary to involve children as consultants, assistants, experts as often as possible.
  7. It is necessary to practice creative tasks, which should be given in advance.
  8. Effectively use various forms of work in the classroom: individual, pair, group.
  9. When preparing for a lesson, it is necessary to think over differentiated homework assignments, taking into account the capabilities of students.
  10. Children love it when the teacher does not act as a full-fledged master of the situation, but together with them goes to the goal, rejoices in their victories and is upset by their defeats. A real teacher should become a member of the team, not its commander.
  11. Throughout the classes, the teacher must ensure the preservation of the health of students, for this dynamic pauses are held, it is allowed to stand or walk around the classroom for some types of work.

In order to conduct a modern lesson that will not only give students the necessary knowledge, but also teach them the ability to find a way out of difficult situations, defend their opinions, and not give in to difficulties, you need to love your students with all your heart and devote yourself entirely to your work.

The school is now faced with the difficult task of shaping a modern personality. And more important is to instill in the children the ability to learn, find the necessary information, adequately perceive various situations in life, set goals and work hard towards them. Of course, without the participation of parents, this is impossible, but this is a topic for a completely different conversation.

"Modern lesson" - Traditional lesson. An external result is traced, mainly the level of mastering knowledge. Self-control (determining the compliance of educational actions with the requirements of the educational task). Internal acceptance by students of the goals of the upcoming activity is ensured. Do not convict of inability, but help find ways to solve the problem.

"Modern technologies in the classroom" - Competentia. What is "competence". Competence approach. Chemistry and life safety teacher Fedorov R.A. Teaching aid. - M .: APK and PRO, 2003.). Problems, concepts, tools. Accumulation of grades. ICT - competence. Benefits of ICT technologies. Saving study time. It is one of the key competencies of a modern person.

"Teaching Council Modern Lesson" - Preface "But the lesson remains!" Traditional lesson. response indicates the features of the permissive style of the teacher's activity. Dominance 3 options. The predominance of the second option. Pros and cons (the game "Attack-defend") Analysis of the lessons. The main methods of influence are orders, instructions. speaks of authoritarian tendencies in the activities of the teacher.

"Modern lesson of technology" - Manufacturability of education. 2000-2001 graduation from elementary school. Trends in the development of the modern lesson. Activity. To form a system of educational and cognitive motives. 37th place. 16. Formation of the students' need for knowledge and learning skills (OSL). Variety of lesson types.

"How to prepare a modern lesson" - Lesson summary. Three groups of teaching methods: Methods of organization and implementation of UD. Lesson structure. How to prepare a modern lesson. Hygienic conditions of the lesson. Organizing time. Self-control card. Methods of control and self-control UD. 3. Analytical stage. 1. Motivational stage.

"Requirements for the modern lesson" - 3. Stimulating the mental activity of students, encouraging statements, assumptions, hypotheses and conjectures. Requirements for the content of the lesson and the learning process. Methodological requirements for the lesson. Disadvantages of the modern lesson. 1. Knowledge cannot be given ready-made. Typical shortcomings of the modern lesson.

In total there are 19 presentations in the topic

A modern school should educate and educate generations of children in accordance with the requirements that society places on young people. Children should receive knowledge that will be useful to them in their further studies, profession and in life.

The unit of the learning process is the lesson, which has existed as a way of presenting educational material for many centuries in a row. But, over time and with changes in the social structure of the state, the structure of the form of education, its orientation, also changes.

Creative research and pedagogical skills of the teacher largely determine the result. The lessons of a certain era generally show similarities, despite the fact that they are taught by different teachers. This is due to the general requirements of time and society for the upbringing of the younger generation. All classes are connected by the main elements that allow you to achieve your goals and solve the current tasks of the educational process.

A lesson is a time-limited holistic educational process. It intertwines and interacts with all elements of the process of comprehension and assimilation of knowledge: the goals of education, methods for achieving them, the content of the curriculum and the organization of educational practice. One lesson is not able to solve all the goals and objectives of the educational process, it is only a link in a complex learning chain. This is a component of a string of topics, sections in the course, as well as the creative brainchild of a particular teacher, who should make a single lesson a logically complete unit, connected by a common goal with other parts in the education chain.

If an inspector comes to the lesson, he will evaluate how the requirements for the structure and content of the modern lesson are being fulfilled. Namely, the following aspects:

- Formulation of the purpose of the lesson.

— How effectively the lesson is organized and structured.

— Correspondence of the topic of the lesson and its content with the requirements of the program in this subject.

- What method does the teacher use to present the material. Here the age and readiness of students matters.

- The behavior of students during the lesson and their participation in the work process.

- Evaluation of independent work of schoolchildren at home.

When evaluating the activities of a teacher, the extent to which the teacher has fulfilled the requirements of the educational minimum is taken into account; how the material meets the individual requirements and abilities of students; professional level of the teacher.

At will, but in accordance with the curriculum, the teacher chooses possible ways of conducting the lesson. This can be a focus on one child in the case of an individual lesson, a systematic, activity-based or innovative and creative approach, when innovative ways of presenting material to schoolchildren are used.

The lesson can be organized on the basis of a lecture, explaining new topics. Then verbal and visual methods, various didactic materials and so on are used. Conducting a seminar, the teacher actively involves children in the work, using heuristic, research methods. In the classroom for visual study of the theory, in addition to research and analysis of actions, problem-search methods of mastering the material are used.

For a more visual presentation of the material, the teacher clearly demonstrates the topic to the children using manuals (diagrams, tables, posters, equipment for practical work, electronic computers), as well as practical experiments, if the subject suggests such. This makes the lesson interesting for children and the material is better absorbed by them.

Control over the fulfillment of the assigned tasks is carried out through oral surveys, control and independent written work, tests.

The modern lesson differs from the generally accepted concept in the way of organization, the method of presenting the material, the goals and objectives, the degree of involvement of students in the educational process. Children participate in the lesson at all its stages.

Lesson structure.

The current stage of social development is characterized by a number of features that impose new requirements on school education. If earlier the traditional task was to give the student a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for his socialization and effective participation in social production, now the task of education is aimed at developing the personality, at forming in students such qualities and skills, which in the future should allow him to independently study something, master new activities and, as a result, be successful in life.

And only a creative teacher, who has a clearly expressed individual style of work, high professional mobility, masters the art of professional communication, pedagogical technologies, is able to think freely and take responsibility for solving the tasks assigned to him, is able to improve the quality of school education, raise the general level of culture of the growing generations.

The main form of organization of education at school is the lesson. In modern pedagogical literature there are various definitions of the concept of "lesson". But the most complete and correct definition, in my opinion, is given by Slastenin: “A lesson is such an organizational form of education in which the teacher, for a precisely set time, directs the cognitive and other activities of a permanent group of students (class), taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using means and methods of work that create favorable conditions for all students to master the basics of the subject being studied directly during the lesson, as well as for the education and development of cognitive abilities and spiritual strength of schoolchildren.

The organization of a modern lesson is a situation of parting with a strict lesson, characterized by order, proven regulation, discipline, diligence of students who obey the teacher, and a meeting with a free lesson, the characteristics of which are born at the behest of culture, the efforts of a teacher who builds a free lesson.

A number of general requirements are put forward for the modern lesson.

Requirements for the structure of the lesson.

1. Correctly determine the didactic and educational tasks, the objectives of the lesson, its significance in the system of lessons on the topic.

2. Determine the type of lesson, think over and justify its structure (all parts of the lesson must be interconnected).

3. Link this lesson with the previous and next ones.

4. Select and apply the optimal combination of methods for studying new material.

5. Provide systematic and varied control of students' knowledge.

6. Think over a system for consolidating and repeating what has been learned.

7. Find the best place for homework.

Requirements for the preparation and organization of the lesson.

1. Ensure the health of schoolchildren in the classroom.

2. Start preparing for each specific lesson by planning a system of lessons on the topic.

3. Timely prepare demonstration and didactic material for each lesson.

4. Provide a variety of types of lessons in the system of lessons on the topic.

5. Create an opportunity for students to receive part of the knowledge in the lesson on their own under the guidance of a teacher.

Requirements for the content and process of teaching.

1. The lesson should be educational.

2. The requirements arising from the basic didactic principles must be met.

3. The lesson should bring up love for nature.

4. The process of searching for truth must be strictly justified, the conclusions of students and teachers must be evidence-based, laboratory and practical work must include elements of creative search.

5. In the process of learning, it is necessary to cultivate accuracy, patience, perseverance in achieving the goal, the ability to behave in a team.

Requirements for teaching technique.

1. The lesson should be emotional, arouse interest in learning, educate the need for knowledge.

2. The pace and rhythm of the lesson should be optimal, the actions of the teacher and students should be completed.

3. Full contact is required in the interaction between the teacher and students in the lesson.

4. Create an atmosphere of goodwill and active creative work.

5. To change, if possible, the types of activities of students, to optimally combine a variety of teaching methods.

6. Manage the learning process in the lesson so that students are actively working most of the lesson.

stands out a number of indicators of the effectiveness of a modern lesson:

The logic of studying the educational material corresponds to the logic of presenting the material in the textbook;

The possibilities of a differentiated approach to the weakest and most prepared students are used;

The norms of pedagogical ethics are observed;

The pace of the lesson is optimal for this group of children;

During the lesson, an optimal change of activities for this class was provided;

The hygienic conditions of educational work are observed;

Conditions have been created for the formation of business communication skills and for enhancing the attention of children;

The didactic task of the lesson is solved.

Comparison of the actions of the teacher in the classroom.

Activity Components

teacher in a traditional school

Teacher in a modern school

The goal is set by himself.

Joint work with children to comprehend and accept the goals of the upcoming activities and setting learning objectives.

Motivates himself, often due to external incentives.

Reliance on internal motives.

3. Funds

He chooses himself.

Together with students, the choice of means adequate to the goal.

4. Actions

Organizes and regulates activities.

Variation of actions; choice of action in accordance with the capabilities of the student.

5. Result

Brings the whole class to the result that he has outlined.

The achievement by students of a personally significant result, the focus of the teacher is internal positive changes in the student's personality.

Evaluates himself.

Providing an opportunity to make a self-assessment of the result obtained.

The structure of the modern lesson.

1. Organization of the start of the lesson(organizational moment) - the same as in a traditional school; the main thing is to set the children in a benevolent way.

2. Knowledge update(checking homework, repeating previously covered material) - build questions and assignments so that children can determine the goals, objectives, and topic of the upcoming lesson.

3. Preparation for the main stage of the lesson- definition of the topic of the lesson, goals, objectives, motivation.

4. Assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action- ensuring the perception, comprehension and primary memorization of knowledge and methods of action, connections and relationships in the object of study; active actions of students with the volume of study; maximum use of independence in obtaining knowledge and mastering methods of action.

5. Initial check of understanding- establishing the correctness of the assimilation of new material, identifying gaps and misconceptions, their correction; elimination of common mistakes.

6. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action- ensuring the assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action at the level of application in a changed situation; independent performance of tasks requiring the application of knowledge in a familiar and changed situation.

7. Generalization and systematization of knowledge- formation of an integral system of leading knowledge on the topic, course; highlighting worldview ideas; active and productive activity of students to include the part in the whole, classify and systematize, identify intra-subject and inter-course connections.

8. Control and self-test of knowledge- identifying the quality and level of mastery of knowledge and methods of action, ensuring their correction; obtaining reliable information about the achievement by all students of the planned learning outcomes.

9. Summing up the lesson- to give an analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the goal and outline the prospects for further work; the adequacy of the student's self-assessment to the teacher's assessment; getting students information about the actual results of learning.

10. Reflection- mobilization of students to reflect on their behavior - motivation, methods of activity, communication; mastering the principles of self-regulation and cooperation; openness of students in understanding their actions and self-assessment; forecasting ways of self-regulation and cooperation.

11. Homework Information- ensuring an understanding of the purpose, content and methods of doing homework; verification of relevant records; implementation of the necessary and sufficient conditions for the successful completion of homework by all students in accordance with their current level of development.

At all times, the main way to convey knowledge to children has been and remains a lesson. In order to understand what type of lesson you need to conduct at one time or another, you should decide on its purpose. The classification of lessons, depending on the goal pursued, will distinguish 6 types of them. The application of each of them in practice is the key to successful work. The main types of lessons are presented below.

Lessons by type

Pedagogical practice includes many different approaches to conducting lessons. According to the traditional classification, the types of lessons are divided into several types, depending on their didactic purpose:

  • Getting new knowledge.
  • Consolidation.
  • Generalization and systematization.
  • Repetition.
  • Control and correction.
  • Generalized lesson.

Types of GEF lessons are classified somewhat differently. It is believed that this standard shifts the focus in the educational process to the needs, needs and interests of students. According to this, the types of GEF lessons are divided as follows:

  • Lesson on the assimilation of new knowledge (lesson excursion, lecture, conference, conversation, travel, serve as an example of this type of educational activity).
  • A lesson on their complex application (disputes, lectures, revelations and other, often non-standard lessons are used).
  • Reflection lesson (as an example, you can present such options as a workshop, dialogue, business game)
  • A lesson using developmental control (conducted in the format of an oral survey, written work, testing, creative report).

A feature of conducting lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard is following the “learning situation”. This term means that now the teacher should not immediately present ready-made knowledge to students. Its task is to create a situation in which students can find the subject of study themselves.

Type 1: learning new things

This lesson is very important, as the student is presented with new and completely unfamiliar knowledge for him. It is on how he learns this at first that his further understanding of the topic and the use of knowledge in practice depend. The study of new material is carried out in the format of a traditional lesson, lecture, research work, scientific or labor workshop, a lesson-excursion is also used.

Before starting to get acquainted with new information, the teacher should check the correctness of the students' homework. Then any classical lesson includes the moment of preparing students for assimilation. When the teacher sees that his wards are already ready to fully receive new knowledge, he begins to slowly present them. After the bulk of the information is expressed, it is necessary to check how well the children remember it. For this, a primary test of the assimilation of new knowledge by students is carried out. Further, the classic lesson provides for the primary consolidation of the information flow outlined by the teacher. To do this, tasks suitable for students of a given age and level are solved. After the basic information is accurately deposited in the minds of schoolchildren, the stage of control and independent verification of the assimilation of new knowledge begins. At the end of the lesson, the teacher is obliged to sum up the work done, express the main conclusions and give the students recommendations. In order for the studied material not to be forgotten, students are given homework, which they do on their own. This allows you to more accurately understand how well the children learned the information, as well as to identify those who found the topic to be too difficult. It should be remembered that at the next lesson, homework must be checked. The objectives of this type of lesson are to convey new knowledge to students, to consolidate them initially and to test the ability of students to apply the information received on their own in practice.

Type 2: consolidation of the material covered

Despite the fact that all new knowledge is fixed in the process of obtaining it, this is not enough to assimilate it to the maximum. The main types of lessons necessarily include the stage of consolidating the material covered. It is implemented through workshops, laboratory work, consultations and interviews. A guided tour is also practiced. It allows students to see with their own eyes the subject of study. The objectives of the lesson are the development of practical skills and the application of newly acquired knowledge. Such types of lessons at school provide for updating basic knowledge and making adjustments to them. After the students understand what will be discussed, they outline the area of ​​​​use of the acquired knowledge. This stage allows you to understand in which area or at what point in time it will be right to apply this or that knowledge, as well as what it allows you to measure or determine.

After the overall picture has formed, the teacher suggests moving on to a trial application of the studied material. There is a high probability that testing knowledge in practice will not be clear to everyone. In order to still work out the methodology for using them, students need to complete a sample exercise with similar conditions. Its implementation will allow in the future to apply the accumulated information accurately. In order for the knowledge to be as universal as possible and applicable not only in one exemplary area, the teacher ends the lesson by letting the students solve the problem with new conditions. Like all types of lessons, consolidating the material covered allows you to get high-quality skills and learn how to use the information.

Type 3: complex application of acquired knowledge

All types of lessons have a clear algorithm for conducting. So, in order to learn how to comprehensively apply knowledge in practical activities, it is necessary to go through the following steps:

  • To update the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in previous lessons and that can help in the creative application of information.
  • Summarize and systematize the studied materials and methods of activity.
  • Learn the process of performing an exemplary task on the application of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Complete the task of applying the generalized studied materials in an unfamiliar situation.
  • To control independently or with the help of a teacher knowledge, skills and abilities.

The implementation of each of the presented stages will allow you to most effectively accept and assimilate the acquired skills, knowledge and abilities. Types of lessons are usually expressed in a variety of forms of the educational process. Stages for all are equally relevant. For the complex application of the studied materials, a lesson is held - laboratory work, a seminar, a workshop. The teacher, conducting a lesson in any of the presented formats, sets a goal. Traditionally, this is the achievement of independence in the practical application of complex knowledge in a variety of situations. Learning the material and applying it in a complex is a very important point in the learning process. Not all types of lessons practice this teaching format.

Type 4: repetition

It has long been known that repetition is the mother of learning. That is why the types of lessons necessarily include an element of repetition of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of other classes. Otherwise, it is called a lesson on the systematization and generalization of the materials covered. A lesson-seminar, a conference or a round table session are typical forms of repetition of knowledge, skills and abilities. Thanks to this stage, a huge amount of materials accumulated in memory turn into one strictly ordered system. Thus, we can safely say that the main goal of conducting a lesson on the generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities is the generalization of private information blocks into a common structured system.

In order for the goal to become achievable, it is necessary to go a certain way to translate the information stored in the student's memory into a clear database. To begin with, the teacher conducts a preparatory conversation with his wards. He discusses the topics and problems that he gave to the students in advance, he also finds out if they were able to answer the questions asked earlier, and what literature was most convenient for him to use. Having received all the necessary answers, the teacher provides students with the material necessary to complete the assignments. Usually these are tables, reference books, diagrams, visual aids. The main task of students at this stage is to reduce private indicators into one generalized one. Next comes the generalization of single data into a common system. At this stage, lessons of independent work are practiced. Then the teacher summarizes the results of the lesson, listens to the results of the students' independent work and gives them an example of generalizing single indicators according to the sources used by his wards. So he gives each of the children to try to find the right approach on their own, and if this does not happen, then he provides assistance.

Type 5: knowledge control

Without control, not a single work is done, what can we say about knowledge. Types of lessons of a controlling nature help to maintain and constantly improve the level of knowledge of this or that information. Usually, to accomplish this task, teachers use colloquia, tests, control cuts or reviews of knowledge. The main goal of the lesson on the control of acquired knowledge of skills and abilities is to determine the level of their possession.

If the teacher sets himself such a goal, then the process of educational and cognitive activity will be based on the performance of tasks of varying complexity. The mechanics of this technique is very simple. First, students receive tasks with a similar, not very high level of difficulty. Those who do not cope with it automatically occupy the lowest level and drop out of the control process. This sifting continues until there is one person left who solved the task that turned out to be unbearable for others, or a group of students who overcame the whole path and coped with the most difficult task. In total, there are three approved levels of understanding and assimilation of knowledge:

  • Conscious perception and fixation of knowledge in memory. In other words, the student understood everything, learned it and can reproduce it.
  • Willingness to put into practice the acquired knowledge only according to the proposed model in similar conditions. This means that the student was able to understand, remember, reproduce and apply according to the model.
  • Willingness to apply knowledge creatively and outside the box. This level is the highest and implies that the student has masterfully mastered the knowledge that was offered to him at the second level, and can apply it to both identical and completely unfamiliar conditions.

Type 6: combined lesson

This type of lesson is of great importance in the learning process. Like all types of lessons, it allows you to understand, assimilate and learn to apply new knowledge. Its peculiarity is that in the lesson, students solve several different didactic tasks at once. That is, a combined lesson consists of a stage of repeating previously studied material, it also checks homework, and completely new knowledge is studied and consolidated.

Lessons of this type are especially widespread in elementary school. The reason for this kind of popularity was the behavioral characteristics of primary school students. They, as a rule, are overly emotionally excitable and have unstable attention. In addition, the use of combined lessons in elementary school is consistent with the curriculum and the order of presenting information in modern textbooks. If we consider the lesson on the example of one particular textbook, then it can be noted that the material in it is presented by lesson. In turn, each individual lesson has several main lines, according to which work should be carried out to obtain and develop knowledge. Usually they are:

  • A learning process based on working with previously learned data. This is done to repeat them and as a result of a stronger fixation.
  • A learning process based on the study of a new topic with its subsequent consolidation.
  • The process of learning, which is based on working with material that will help to more accurately understand and learn new knowledge.

Non-standard approaches to conducting lessons

Sometimes, when communicating with a highly qualified teacher, you can hear such a term as a non-standard lesson. Since many people were trained only according to the classical teaching scheme, this statement can raise a lot of questions. The first thing that is interesting to know is what kind of lessons can be called non-standard. The types of lessons of this type are not just a lesson of practical work, these are classes in the format of a "court session", "scientific forum", debate, constructive dialogue, a creative press conference, a bright concert or an exciting master class.

The second question to which an uninformed person would like to receive an answer is: what are the above and other similar non-standard lessons, the reason for which was the search for new types and forms of knowledge presentation? From the point of view of the nature of the signs, it can be noted that each non-standard lesson can be confidently attributed to one of the classical types. As an example, I would like to consider a lesson-court. In fact, in the lesson, a court session is played out, the characters of which are the students of the class. Each of them is given predetermined roles, after which the guys are immersed in a specific situation. For example, they consider the "case" of the World Wide Web. The judge in this case is the teacher. This format of his participation in the process allows you to direct the lesson in the right direction. Pupils, according to their roles, try to justify or condemn within the framework of the meeting. As a result, the court sums up the main results and makes its verdict.

In this particular situation, it can be as follows: the Internet has become an indispensable attribute of a person's daily life. Its use does not always lead to positive results, so you just need to learn how to reasonably apply the great achievement of our time so as not to become an Internet addict. In fact, this lesson is a vivid example of a didactic role-playing game and meets all of its mandatory characteristics.

Integrated lessons

Calling the lesson integrated, you can immediately understand in what format it will be held and what its essence will be. The essence of an integrated lesson is to combine the knowledge and efforts of teachers from different areas to prepare and conduct a lesson that can convey integrated knowledge about a particular object to students.

Lessons of this type are classified depending on the meaning or on the didactic purpose. The list of lessons classified according to the didactic purpose includes classes in which new materials are studied, lessons in which previously acquired knowledge is generalized and brought together into a single system, and combined lessons.

Integrated lessons are characterized by significant pedagogical opportunities. Classes of this kind allow students to gain deep and multifaceted knowledge about a particular object of study. Due to the fact that, within the framework of an integrated lesson, students receive information from various fields of science, they have the opportunity to rethink events and phenomena that seemed previously understandable.

The use of integrated lessons in practice leads to an expansion of the possibilities for the synthesis of knowledge and the formation of students' skills in using and transferring knowledge belonging to one area to another. Such conditions help to stimulate the analytical abilities of schoolchildren, develop the need for a systematic approach to the object of study, and help them learn to analyze and compare various complex processes and phenomena of reality.

Work towards the integration of the learning process contributes to the formation of a holistic and more accurate perception of reality. All this can be called a serious prerequisite for the formation of a new worldview in science.

How to make the lesson better and more effective

Techniques for improving the learning process are being introduced by various scientific fields. The most prominent of these are the following ways of improvement:

  • The student must be as interested as possible, using interesting material or an unusual form of learning. To do this, the lesson should be conducted in the format of a poetic candle, a visualized journey, an unusual exhibition, using the example of the show "Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful" or the brain ring beloved by many.
  • Bringing more in-depth knowledge to the student must be implemented with the help of interdisciplinary connections. Here you can use lessons in the form of a panorama, binary or integrated lesson.
  • As part of the lesson, it is necessary to work on the development of the creative potential of schoolchildren, as well as try to fill their need for communication and help form the right ideals. In this case, lessons on the development of literature and rhetoric are relevant, which differ not only in different semantic load, but also in the form of conduct (press conference, creative workshop, circle meeting).
  • Students should be helped to implement their ideas in the field of problem-search, experimental and scientific-experimental work. This includes lessons in the natural cycle and technical classes that allow students to find solutions to problems, defend carefully prepared essays and interesting projects.
  • In the process of improving the forms of classes aimed at controlling knowledge, it was proposed to conduct lessons in the form of tests, exams or consultations.
  • The teacher should try not only to teach his wards, but also try to awaken their imagination, as well as develop the ability to emotionally perceive the curriculum. To achieve such a complex goal, teachers resort to lessons in the format of games and fairy tales.

By introducing non-standard lessons into the workflow, the teacher arouses a keen interest in learning among students. Thanks to the interest that has appeared, schoolchildren receive a serious incentive to acquire new knowledge, they are motivated and begin to perceive the school not as a place for cramming, but as a source of knowledge.