In the following cases, if you Using a stump grinder

You or your spouse has already had a child with a hereditary disease. The specialist will be able to tell you what is the likelihood of having this disease in the following children and what intrauterine tests are recommended in your case.

You are worried that your child will be diagnosed with a specific disease. Many parents are anxious to rule out a certain disease they know about or have run in the family. A geneticist can advise them on the likelihood of this disease and recommend appropriate tests. The presence of many diseases can be determined even before the birth of the child, and in some cases a blood test of the parents is sufficient.

One of the parents has a congenital heart disease or kidney disease. Some of these defects are more likely to be inherited than others; the consultant will inform you about the degree of risk in your situation. Many hereditary diseases of the heart and kidneys are detected by ultrasound examination of the fetus.

You and your spouse are closely related. Since genetic diseases are inherited, the closer the degree of relationship, the higher the likelihood of passing a genetic disease to a child.

It is better to seek genetic counseling before the start of pregnancy, especially in situations where one of the spouses has a hereditary disease in the family. However, if you are already pregnant and are concerned about possible genetic abnormalities, talk to your doctor. He will either dispel your doubts or recommend a good geneticist.

For example: skeleton - skeleton.

In the following cases, you must be able to independently, without signs of longitude and brevity, determine the stress of the second syllable.

rules Examples
Penultimate (second) syllable stressed 1. if it contains diphthong. di- ae-ta
gan-gr ae-na
2. if its vowel comes before two or more consonants, as well as letters x and z. li-ga-me n-t um
se-me- str is
ref-le- x us
ory- z a
3. if it contains a stressed (long) suffix: -al-, -ar-, -at-, -in-, -ur-, -os-. me-di- a-l is
di-gi-t a-t us
fib-r o-s us
The penultimate (second) syllable is unstressed 1. if it vowel costs before next vowel. ar-te-r i-a
su-pe-r i-o r
2. if its vowel is in front of combinations: br, pl, tr. ver-te- br a
qua-dru- pl ex
tri-que- tr us
3. if its vowel comes before digraphs ch, ph, th, rh. sto-ma- ch us
mo-no-li- th us
4. if it contains an unstressed (short) suffix: -ic-, -ol-, -ul-, -cul-. tho-ra-c i-c us
fo-ve- o-l a
lin-g u-l a
tu-ber- cu-l um


1. in adjectives serotinuslate and trigeminustrigeminal, as well as in the noun retina - retina suffix -in- unstressed ( brief).

2. in pharmaceutical terminology, the suffix -ol- shock: Dibazolum- dibazol, Synoestrolum- sinestrol.

3. Suffix -ic- nouns vesica (bladder), Urtica (nettle), Hypericum (St. John's wort)- shock (long).

2.3 Features of stress in words of Greek origin

In words of Greek origin the stress is often placed on the second syllable from the end even when its vowel comes before the next vowel. This is basically:

1. Clinical terms on -ia (hypertonia, stomatoscopia, glossalgia). The exceptions are the terms -logia and -malacia, in which the stress falls on the third syllable.

2. Adjectives on -eus (laryngeus, carpeus).

3. In the suffix -ideus stress falls on the third syllable from the end (styloideus, mastoideus).

If you have any doubts about the placement of stress, refer to the dictionary.

2.4 Security questions

1. What syllable is stressed in polysyllabic words?

2. What syllables are short in Latin? Give examples.

3. What syllables are long? Give examples.

4. Name the suffixes with long and short vowels.

5. What features do words of Greek origin have when placing stress?

2.5 Homework

1. Learn the theoretical material from the study guide.

3. Learn the minimum vocabulary for this lesson.

4. Perform exercises No. 2, 4 - orally, No. 5 - in writing.

5. Learn Latin sayings.

2.6 Lexical minimum

1. bursa, ae f a bag
2. flexura, ae f bend
3. gingiva, ae f gum
4. protuberantia, ae f ledge
5. trachea, ae f trachea
6. tunica, ae f shell
7. angulus, im injection
8. canaliculus, im tubule
9. fundus, im bottom
10. gallus, im rooster
11.musculus, im muscle
12. nasus, i m nose
13. nucleus, i m core
14. oculus, i m eye
15. oesophagus, im esophagus
16. pediculus, im leg
17. radius, im radius
18. sulcus, im furrow
19. uterus, i m uterus
20. ventriculus, im stomach, stomach
Neuter gender
21. brachium, in shoulder
22. cavum, in cavity
23. collum, i n neck, cervix (uterus)
24. cranium, in scull
25. dorsum, i n back, back
26. membrum, i n limb, body member
27. palatum, in sky
28. septum, i n partition
29. tuberculum, i n tubercle
30. peritonaeum, i n peritoneum
31. stratum, i n layer

Latin sayings

Uprooting of stumps on the site is necessary in the following cases: if you have purchased a site with old trees and want to replace them with new ones or do redevelopment; if an old tree has fallen, or the tree is in disrepair; if a stump or a tree interferes with the creation of a landscape composition that the owners have conceived, or is an obstacle when laying out a garden and planning a local area. You can uproot stumps in several ways - with the involvement of special equipment, using chemistry or on your own manually. It should be said that if the stump is away from the rest of the trees and does not interfere with you, it can be left to decay naturally or turned into an object of landscape design. If the stump is in close proximity to healthy trees, it is better to get rid of it, because. bacteria that destroy the stump, fungal spores, woodworms can also move to other trees.

Removal of stumps mechanically

In this case, you can use a gas tool or rent special equipment. This method is quite expensive, because. you will have to involve an organization that has the appropriate equipment.

This is a simple method that any owner can do - the stump is cut with a chainsaw as low as possible - to ground level. If you call sawyers to fell a tree, they can also cut the stump. But this method is suitable if you do not plan to arrange a garden or flower bed in place of a fallen tree.

Cutting down a stump to ground level with a chainsaw is one easy way to get rid of it, but this option can be used on a lawn or garden area where you do not plan any landscaping work and the remains of the stump will not bother you.

Use of heavy equipment

You can hire a tractor, bulldozer or excavator to uproot the stump. You must have an entrance to the site and a place where the equipment can work. This method is suitable if you need to clear the area for construction, when you need to uproot a few stumps. Heavy equipment damages the top layer of soil, and if you want to save your lawn and fruit trees, this method will not work for you.

Heavy equipment will help in preliminary cleaning of the site from roots and stumps before starting construction and planning work.

Using a stump grinder

This method has a lot of advantages: the lawn remains in almost its original form, a small area is needed for the operation of a forest cutter. The stump is milled to a solid depth - up to 30 cm below the soil level. But a stump cutter is expensive, and it makes no sense to buy one to remove only one stump.

In this case, a mini-tractor and a crusher are used to remove the stump. So you can remove a stump located among other trees without fear of damaging their roots.

The market for stump removal services is replete with offers of this kind, so you can always hire specialists to work with forest cutters.

The video demonstrates the removal of the stump in various ways:

Manual uprooting methods

Uprooting of stumps can also be carried out manually using a shovel, hacksaw, cable and winch. Although this method does not require any material costs, you will need to spend a lot of time and energy, especially if you need to uproot a large stump. So here it is better to weigh all the pros and cons.

First you need to examine the stump, find the thickest roots, dig them in and cut them with an ax or use a hacksaw. Then you need to dig a stump to a depth of half a meter and pull it out with a winch. It is so convenient to uproot high stumps - the rest of the trunk acts as a lever when the stump turns out.

Root pre-treatment before stump removal - all large roots are dug in, sawn with a hacksaw or removed with an ax

The stump is ready for uprooting - the roots are separated, the cable is fixed. The small size of the stump allows you to extract it with a cable and a winch

Soil erosion method

This method can be used in areas with sandy or clay soil, the soil is washed out by a hose stream, so a large amount of water supplied under pressure is required. Dig a hole next to the stump so that water flows into it and wash the soil around the stump with a jet from a hose. When the soil is well washed out, the roots will be freed from the soil. The thickest sections of the roots need to be cut, and then the stump can be removed from the ground.

Use of chemicals

Chemical rooting of stumps is often done using saltpeter. The essence of the method is as follows: in the stump you need to drill holes to the maximum possible depth with a diameter of about 1 cm, the more holes, the better.

Saltpeter is poured into the holes and filled with water, then the stump is covered with polyethylene so that the precipitation does not wash out the saltpeter. It is desirable to do this in the fall, so that the stump stays in this state all winter until the onset of spring. This is a sufficient period for the impregnation of wood and roots with saltpeter. With the onset of spring, the stump needs to be set on fire, it will burn well and burn out almost completely. This method is suitable for clay and sandy soils, but it is extremely dangerous if you resort to it on a site with peat soil.

The use of urea

After impregnation of wood with urea, it begins to decompose rapidly. The technique is almost the same as in the case described above - ammonium nitrate is poured into the drilled holes, filled with water and the stump is covered with cellophane film.

Urea is a good fertilizer, so you don't have to remove the remains of the stump. Leave it for a year or more under a layer of earth, and then a plot with fertile soil will appear in its place, where you can arrange a flower garden or vegetable garden.

Material on how to break a beautiful flower garden may also be useful:

Table salt as a remedy for stumps

Using coarse salt is one of the easiest ways to get rid of a stump. Salt is poured into the holes, and the stump is covered with a layer of turf. After a while, only dust will remain from the stump.

What is the best way to choose?

Each of the above methods is effective in its own way:

  • Uprooting trees mechanically is convenient if you need to clear a site for building a house or plan a site.
  • Uprooting on a site where there are already objects will be more convenient using chemicals. This is an inexpensive and easy way.
  • If you plan to break a bed on the site of the stump, it is recommended to uproot the stumps manually or use a grinder: a crusher or a forest cutter.

If desired, you can even make the stump a home for edible mushrooms, but this is a topic for a separate discussion.

1 - Children have prepared paper and pencils for drawing
2 - After a week of surgery, it is necessary to prepare the patient
3 - The nurse prepared/prepared the instruments for the operation
4 - The boy was not physically prepared to become a football player
5 - The conductor raised his hand, which means that the musicians should get ready
6 - Prepare a pen and a notebook, we will write a dictation
7 - The lecturer carefully prepared for the lecture: he read a lot of literature on the topic, seriously thought out the plan
8 - When the elderly man came in, I prepared to get up, but there was an empty seat nearby
9 - The instructor gave the command and the skydiver got ready for his record jump

In 1, 6, - prepare - make something ready for use and have it at hand (NEAR) in case of need; if necessary, be ready to use it QUICKLY (do not hesitate and do not look)
*Children have prepared paper and pencils - i.e. put next to them, were ready at the command of the teacher to quickly take and start writing.
* Prepare a pen and a notebook - put them nearby so as not to look for a long time. Be ready to take it right away.
*The nurse prepared the instruments - put them next to her to quickly give the doctor if he asks.

In 2, 3, 4 prepare - to carry out a set of some measures, actions, activities in order to be ready to use something (usually this takes a longer time).
* It is necessary to prepare the patient - it is necessary to carry out a number of activities to make the patient ready for surgery: measure his pressure, find out if he has chronic diseases, etc.
* The nurse prepared the instruments - that is, boiled them, counted them, put them in order to use
*The boy was not physically prepared - that is, he had not previously played, did not train / did not take any measures to become a football player

At 5, 8 - Get ready - be ready to do something in a short time if asked or needed.
*Musicians must prepare - must be ready, must prepare themselves to immediately start playing at the command of the conductor
*I prepared to get up - I was ready to quickly get up and make way
*The skydiver prepared to jump - the skydiver prepared himself to quickly go and jump.

B 7 - Prepare - make some preparations / measures / actions, carefully study the issue and be prepared yourself.
*The lecturer carefully prepared for the lecture – i.e. prepared for a long time, read, thought ...

FBU "Krasnoyarsk CSM" specialists provide public services for assessing damage from flooding of premises, from fire and determining the cost of repair and restoration work. Such life circumstances are a huge stress for a person, during which he is lost and does not know what to do.

We wish you to prevent such situations, but if they occur, please contact our organization by ext. 179 or ext. 180 . Our specialists will promptly and objectively help you!

We suggest what should be your actions in the following cases:

3. It is necessary to try to negotiate peacefully with the neighbors on compensation for damage, without their going to court.

4. If this option is not possible, please contact our government agency at tel. (3 to assess the damage caused and determine the cost of repair and restoration work.

5. Inspection of the apartment without fail must take place in the presence of the perpetrators of the flood, of which they are notified in advance by telegram.

6. The specialists of our institution within 10-15 days (the terms of work depend on the amount of work and the amount of data that you can provide to the expert) draw up an expert opinion, which determines the amount of damage caused by the flooding of the apartment, and make an estimate for the cost of repair and restoration works on the correction of damages and defects according to the state rates. Estimation of the cost of materials is carried out on the basis of checks or receipts provided by you or on the basis of market prices. For a more correct work of the expert, as well as to strengthen the position in court, it is necessary to provide the expert with an explication of the BTI (an extract from the technical passport of the building). It should indicate the exact dimensions of the premises, which will not allow ambiguous interpretation of the amount of damage caused by the flooding of the apartment.

7. Having received an expert's opinion, you have the right to demand compensation from the perpetrator of the incident for damages voluntarily or through the courts.

8. Before going to court, contact a lawyer with a request to represent your interests in court. You must conclude an agreement with a lawyer and correctly draw up payment documents (a receipt for payment through a bank or a cash receipt stub with a cashier's check). You have the right to include these documents in the claim for damages.

9. Do not start refurbishment before the court decision (in case of re-inspection and counter assessment).

E if you have been injured in a fire :

1. If the culprit of the fire is identified and your property is insured, act. This is the easiest case.

2. In the absence of insurance, you, in accordance with the Civil Code, have the right to your own examination. To conduct it, you must present the following documents to the expert:


Operational Service Act (ZHEK);

Explication, floor plan, BTI passport for the premises;

Fire documents issued by the fire service, which must contain all the information necessary to unambiguously identify the date of the fire, its causes, as well as the list of affected objects;

Copies of property documents for both premises and property (if possible);

(This list is typical, but may be expanded or reduced depending on the situation).

3. In the case when the exact amount of lost property cannot be determined (for example, in the event of a fire in a warehouse with a large range of inventories), information on physical and cost indicators of damage is determined on the basis of an inventory conducted by the inventory commission of the organization, on the territory which the fire occurred.

4. If the culprit of the fire is identified, you notify him of the ongoing damage assessment by telegram. After 3 days from the receipt of the telegram by the guilty party, the expert examines the damage and draws up an expert opinion within 10-15 days.

5. Based on the opinion received, you have the right to file an application with the court for the recovery of the amount indicated in the document from the insurance company or from the guilty party.